Introverts like cats
Why Cats Are the Perfect Pet for Introverts — All About Introverts
Have you ever wondered why it seems like all the people you know who love cats seem to be introverts? Although introverts tend to love pets of all kinds, they also have a tendency to prefer cats over dogs.
In fact, significant research has been done on the personalities of pet owners and what traits are more common in cat lovers (when compared to their dog-loving counterparts).
In the article below, we’ll walk through those studies and explain the connection between introversion and cat ownership. After that, we’ll provide seven reasons why we think cats are the perfect pets for introverts.
The Science Connecting Cats and IntrovertsOne study, led by Dr. Stanley Coren of the University of British Columbia, studied the correlation between pet ownership and personality type. The study looked at over 6000 pet owners who had only dogs, only cats, or both dogs and cats.
The study found that people who only owned cats had significantly different personality traits when compared to their dog-owning counterparts. People who owned both dogs and cats had more in common with people who only owned dogs than with people who only owned cats.
They discovered that cat owners were about one-third more likely to be the only person in their household compared to dog owners. Cat owners were also two times as likely to live in a flat or an apartment. Unmarried women were the most likely to own only cats, compared to married people with children who were more likely to own a dog.
Most relevant to this article, though, was the fact that people who only owned cats were more likely to be introverted than people who had only dogs or both dogs and cats.
A second study, led by Dr. Sam Gosling of the University of Texas in Austin, studied the connection between personality traits and their self-identification as “cat people” or “dog people.” The 4500 participants were also able to identify as “neither” or “both” to balance out the study.
His study found that “dog people” are usually about 15% more extroverted (on average) than “cat people. ” This solidifies the evidence that there is a correlation between loving cats and being an introvert.
Although studies concluded that there’s a connection between cats and introverts, there’s a lot of speculation about why cats and introverts go together so well. The following are seven reasons why we think cats are the perfect pets for introverts.
1. They’re usually quieter.A study about how introverts and extroverts process stimulation found that introverts are more sensitive to stimulation.
Their need for quiet isn’t just a preference, but a chemical necessity. In most cases, cats are quieter pets that provide less stimulation. This allows introverts to continue experiencing their homes as safe-havens.
In most cases, cats are quieter than dogs. While dog’s bark, a cat’s meow is significantly softer. Although there are hundreds of articles about how to make your dog bark less, the noise caused by cats is significantly less.
However, some cats can be loud. When they’re running around in the middle of the night, they can be more disruptive than dogs. Despite this, they are still less noisy than dogs in most cases.
2. They don’t need to go outside.While cats can go outside, it’s usually safer for them to stay indoors. That means that by extension, their owners can stay indoors as well.
An introvert’s home life is often a good fit for cats, since both enjoy lounging at home and restoring their energy.
Since they use a litter box instead of needing trips outside to do their business, there’s less of a need to go outdoors. Best of all, cat owners don’t need to pick up fresh poop to care for their cat’s needs. Some cats can even be taught to use the human toilet!
3. They make good companions for people who work from home.If you do most of your work from home, you probably spend a significant amount of time at your desk.
Even though they can invade your space, they are often content to sit nearby and get occasional pets. Petting a cat can increase dopamine levels and help reduce stress, making them the best companion to help you manage the daily stressors brought on by work.
4. Cats don’t overwhelm you when you arrive home.Most dogs run to the door to greet their owners, often jumping on them and demanding attention. If they’ve been home alone, they need immediate attention so they can go out to do their business.
Cats, on the other hand, are significantly different. It may be hours before you see your cat after you arrive home.
While some people are turned off by how standoffish they are, introverts appreciate that they aren’t being overwhelmed after spending so much energy in the outside world.
Since cats respect personal space (at least when you’re standing), introverts can get in the door and settle down before worrying about tending to their pet’s needs.
In many ways, dogs are like extroverts. They thrive on attention and often feel frustrated without it. Some dog breeds even require a significant time commitment, between going on walks and tending to their hygiene needs.
Since cats groom themselves and don’t need to go on walks, introverts don’t have to spend as much time on their care.
Many cats will wander off and entertain themselves for hours on end. Even though they can get into mischief, they usually demand a lot less attention. This gives introverts the feeling of being alone in the house, even if their feline friend is present.
6. They’re cuddly.Cats are great for cuddling, especially since they never get too big to cuddle comfortably.
Whether they curl up on your lap while you’re reading a book or climb into bed to snooze through the midnight hours, their cuddles are the best.
Their warm bodies also provide heat, which is an added comfort during winter months or when you’re fighting off a cold. Although they can definitely startle you when they suddenly jump onto your lap, they’re rarely big enough to do any real damage.
Although many introverts are homebodies, others love to get out and travel. Whether they’re traveling for work or pleasure, introverts like to be able to spend time away without worrying about everything that’s waiting for them at home.
Dogs require a lot of care if you’re out of town. They need to be boarded or have someone regularly come by the house to take them for walks and make sure they’re doing okay. In most cases, dogs need constant care, making them incompatible with people who want to travel.
Cats can be left for enough food and water for a day or two without needing any additional attention.
For longer trips, you can even have someone stop by once every two days to make sure your cat has plenty of supplies and a clean litter box, making them significantly lower maintenance than dogs.
4 Ways Introverts and Cats Are Exactly the Same
Both introverts and cats can take a long time to form a bond with others, making us appear aloof to strangers.
On a recent visit home, I met someone. She was soft, affectionate, and always down for a good cuddle. She was an outdoor cat, a green-eyed beauty. We clicked almost immediately, and whenever I returned, she hopped out of the brush or dashed out from under the porch to greet me. She’d look up at me with her gorgeous eyes as if to say, “Pet me. I love you.”
I love cats, but due to my nomadic lifestyle, I haven’t been able to have one of my own in recent years. Nevertheless, spending time with my new friend, I couldn’t help but draw some comparisons between myself, an introvert, and the felines who live among us. Of course, not all introverts — or cats! — are exactly alike, but really, the similarities are striking.
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1. We’re choosy yet obsessively loyal creatures.
Both introverts and cats can take a long time to form a bond with others, making us appear aloof to strangers. Once someone has made us feel seen — someone who passes the “you’re actually kind of OK” test — this rare person automatically levels up to VIP in our world.
This makes us want to cuddle up on their figurative (or literal) lap and engage in hours of deep, meaningful conversation about anything and everything from our private inner thoughts to the world’s great mysteries. Acquaintances and small talk be damned. We found a person who makes us purr, rather than our usual slinking off for a nap or disappearing into a daydream.
In the full bloom of a new connection, whether platonic or intimate, we introverts feel warm, fuzzy, and in a rare turn of events, understood. We want to share the parts of ourselves we rarely reveal, and in turn, learn as much as we can about the other person’s inner world, too.
This special connection doesn’t happen often, so when it does, it’s a big deal. We’ll protect this relationship fiercely. Both introverts (and cats) may not have many friendships or relationships, so when we do choose you, we’re usually loyal as hell.
2. We communicate nonverbally.
It’s no secret that many introverts feel they communicate better in writing than in conversation. If you’re like me, you easily get flustered when you’re trying to explain the multitude of thoughts churning in your mind. Nothing ever comes out quite as eloquently as it sounded in your head. This struggle can be embarrassing, and it has to do with our introverted tendency to favor long-term memory over active memory.
This challenge becomes even more apparent when we like someone and want them in our lives. We might become awkward trying to express our feelings out loud, using words. I mean, it’s not easy for anyone to put themselves out there with an “I love you,” “I have a crush on you,” or just a, “Want to hang out?” For private and reserved introverts, these scenarios can be even more anxiety-provoking and tongue-tying.
That’s why, when we like you, we might not say it straight out. Instead, watch for nonverbal communication. If we’re making a conscious effort to spend time with you, know that we value you quite a bit.
Because, if I’m being honest, we introverts are totally fine on our own for the most part. So when we leave our introvert bubble and open ourselves up to you, it means we trust you and enjoy your company in a big way. Just like a cat jumping onto your lap, rubbing their head on your leg, or circling around your feet, we’re trying to tell you that we think you’re good people.
And, just like a cat, once you’re in our inner circle, we’d like you to give us all the snuggles, and your undivided attention, constantly please. Okay, not constantly. We are introverts, after all, and even though we like you, we will still need our alone time.
Do you ever struggle to know what to say?
As an introvert, you actually have the ability to be an amazing conversationalist — even if you’re quiet and hate small talk. To learn how, we recommend this online course from our partner Michaela Chung. Click here to check out the Introvert Conversation Genius course.
3. We’re relational yet we need our space.
Cats are fascinating. They seek affection from us — their humans — jumping on our computer keyboards when we’re trying to work or winding themselves around our legs. They also unapologetically do their own thing. If a cat is not in the mood for company, it will simply find a quiet, removed space to inhabit (and you’ll never hear it apologize for preferring time alone).
Similarly, introverts can be hot and cold, on or off in their relationships, and yes, this aspect of our behavior can be confusing to others. I often find these two facets of my personality to be at odds with each other. On the one hand, I crave meaningful relationships and I find myself longing for them when they prove illusive. On the other hand, I need lots of alone time to replenish my energy and function at my best. It’s during solitude that I find my grounding and reconnect with myself. Ironically, my solitude is the biggest thing that allows me to find meaning in my relationships; it gives me the energy to truly show up for others.
4. Cozy is our default mode.
Last but not least — and this is a big one — both introverts and cats are creatures of comfort. We like stretching and naps. Like, a lot. We burrow into our favorite nooks and take immense pleasure in killing a few hours in a state of rest. We have a quiet and calm energy, as opposed to an extroverted go-go-go mentality. (You know how dogs great everyone they see? That’s definitely not us.) We love routine, and if something changes unexpectedly, we might hide and hiss (inwardly) until we adjust.
This isn’t to say, however, that we don’t experience bursts of motivation and tear off toward unseen prey. Like cats, we’re innately curious and motivated to investigate and find meaning in our surroundings.
But, if we’re feeling stressed or overwhelmed, our best bet is to find a comfy place to chill, away from the hustle and bustle of the world. If you don’t see or hear from us for awhile, we’re probably recharging, gathering our energy in stillness, waiting for the next big “hunt.”
Without fail, we’ll reappear like we never left and proposition you for some quality time once again. In fact, one of our favorite things is cultivating relationships with people who bring out our adventurous side but are also down to just chill and appreciate our slower-paced approach to life.
Perhaps these similarities are what make cats such good companions for introverts. Sadly, I’ve had to part ways with my green-eyed sweetheart for now, but I know even as we’re doing our own thing, our bond is ready for renewal when the time is right.
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Introverts and cats are very similar: a compilation of evidence
Around the cat, Gallery, Pictures, Behavior
If you are an introvert and love cats, this is not surprising. Introverts and cats have a lot in common. And the fact that many introverts identify with cats is not some kind of miracle - it's natural.
In this article we have used drawings by the artist David Wagenfeld, who illustrated some of the characteristics of introverts and cats.
Chosenness of communication
Both introverts and cats are very picky about whom to love and to whom to show affection and tenderness. They do not rush around, joyfully waving their tails, each oncoming-transverse, like some other domestic animals (we will not point fingers, everyone already guessed who we are talking about). But with their owners, cats are fluffy balls of imposing sympathy.
Calmness, only calmness
Most cats stop fooling around as soon as they grow up. An adult cat is lazy, calm and unflappable. No one jumps two meters at the slightest danger any more, does not take off at the sound of an opening can of food or at the call of the owner. Cats are so cold-blooded that some mistake this composure for aloofness and indifference.
But there is another point of view on such behavior. The calm collectedness of cats is a sign of deep self-confidence.
Modest requests
It doesn't take much to make a cat happy. For example, cats are not at all interested in running in the park every day and sniffing out traces of other animals there. They are quite happy to stay at home and curl up in a ball in their favorite chair.
And if they find somewhere a spot of sunlight to warm themselves, then this is generally happiness. Most of the cat's needs are expressed in a simple formula:
Food + Love + Silence + Comfort = Happy cat
As you probably know, introverts' requests are no different!
Frequent doubts
Many introverts are very close to the problem of feline indecision. When they are about to leave the house, or even from one room to another, they often stop at the doorstep. Probably, at this time they weigh all the pros and cons in their head. And sometimes, having already made a decision, they suddenly suddenly change it and come back…
Directed by themselves
Cats are not pack animals, they are on their own. They don't care where everyone else goes, they go where they want to go. At the same time, they do not care at all what their owner or neighbor's cat will say about this.
The same is said about introverts, but this does not mean that we do not like people. We just don't see the point in changing our plans because of the majority. We like to do with our lives as we please, and not be accountable to anyone for it.
Do you think that introverts and cats are similar? We share in the comments.
Author: Igor Stus
Introvert cats: TOP-7 best breeds | Wings of Inspiration
Introverts prefer solitude and seclusion away from the hustle and bustle. In their free time, they can watch a movie or read a book alone. With such a rest, introverts can truly relax and rejuvenate. Therefore, they do not like noisy and overly active pets. If all this is familiar to you, then the ideal pet for you is a cat.
Representatives of the cat family also love solitude. Below are the best breeds of introverted cats that can be ideal pets for people with a similar temperament.
Maine Coon
This cat breed is one of the best for introverts. Maine Coons have a calm nature. They are completely silent and do not cause much trouble to their owners. These cats love to spend time alone.
At the same time, the Maine Coon can be a wonderful four-legged friend. These cats are very friendly towards people and love displays of affection and attention. Keeping a Maine Coon in the house is guaranteed to reduce the stress level of the owner of this cat breed.
This is one of the most popular cat breeds in the world. Many artists and creative personalities simply adore these large semi-longhair cats. The main reason for the Ragdoll's popularity as a pet for introverts is its calm and friendly nature.
Like the Maine Coon, this cat will not disturb its owner when he wants to be alone. If you do not pay attention to the ragdoll, then he will silently watch his owner or prefer to play alone. Like all introverts, this cat breed really appreciates a quiet and peaceful environment.
Persian cat
This long-haired cat breed with a unique facial expression is a great choice for introverts. She loves affection and attention very much, but she can hardly be called noisy and tirelessly demanding attention.
Like all introverts, these cats do not like strangers. When they appear in the house, they will certainly hide and will in every possible way avoid a collision with a stranger. But if you provide a Persian cat with peace and comfort, then it will always be next to its owner.
Outwardly, this introvert cat breed is very similar to Siamese cats. But unlike the latter, which are very noisy and know how to create problems for their owners, Himalayan cats are very calm and affectionate.
This breed is also playful and active. But these cats will never bother their owner if he is resting or wants to retire. But do not forget to pay attention to this four-legged pet so that he feels comfortable in the house.
British Shorthair
According to legend, cats of this breed are descendants of the Cheshire cat. They are so independent that they do not bother their owners at all. These cats rarely express their affection.
They are just perfect companions for introverts. Cats of this breed will never interfere with their owner in his solitude. But even they like to be played with sometimes.
Russian Blue Cat
At the first meeting, this breed of cats seems completely indifferent and unfriendly. This impression arises only because they are very independent, rather passive and incredibly calm pets. But it is these traits that give the Russian Blue its status as one of the best breeds of introverted cats.
These pets are actually not as unfriendly as they seem. They are very loyal and affectionate. But because of their natural shyness, they feel uncomfortable with strangers or in an unfamiliar place.
Norwegian Forest Cat
Outwardly and in character, this introvert cat breed is very similar to the Maine Coon. These cats have a calm disposition, they are quite independent, but at the same time obedient and friendly. This breed is considered one of the calmest cats.
Even when alarmed, these animals only make low-pitched grunts and meows. Another benefit of this introverted cat breed is that they love to be petted. They will always be happy to meet their owner when he returns to the house.
Important! All of these cat breeds are just perfect for introverts.