Fun mental quizzes

The Top 7 Sites for Fun and Insightful Psychological Tests

Are you ready to tap into the most interesting corners of your own mind? If you answer yes, then it's time for a fun and enlightening psychological test. These tests may reveal to you the deepest parts of your own subconscious, which may surprise you. But you may learn something new about yourself, and at least taking the tests will be enjoyable.

There aren't silly pop psychology tests that have no basis, either. They're legitimate psychological tests that are either backed by significant research or are actually parts of ongoing studies that are using your results to obtain more data. They'll help you dig into your mind and explore your subconscious, personality, and much more.

The Jung Typology Test reveals your personality type using the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), a well-established personality test first published in 1962.

You'll respond to over 60 statements on a five-point scale from yes to no. The statements include social situations, organizational skills, and emotions.

When you finish and get your results, you'll see your personality type labeled with four letters with a percentage for each. You can then get more details about your type, which includes a functional analysis.

If the Myers-Briggs test has always intrigued you, then you should spend a few moments with the Jung Typology Test. This is one of the best tests that can help you discover your personality type.

Project Implicit is an excellent Harvard study that may reveal your subconscious biases regarding race, gender, religion, and more. It does this by requiring you to distinguish between different images and words and group them into correct categories.

For example, in the Age test, you have to answer a few questions about how you feel about younger versus older people. Then you have to group good and bad words (like "pain" and "excellent") with images of younger and older people.

To get accurate results, you have to sort quickly. Based on whether or not you make mistakes when grouping images, the test purports to reveal whether you may have a subconscious preference for younger people over older people. The results of this test and others on Project Implicit may surprise you.

Want to find out more about you who really are and why you do the things you do? Head to 16 Personalities for the free personality test. You'll answer questions on topics from social interaction to emotions using a six-point scale from agree to disagree. The test only takes about 10–15 minutes.

When you finish, you'll see your personality type displayed as one of the 16 options in four categories: analyst, diplomat, sentinel, and explorer. With the easy-to-read chart, you can learn about your mind, energy, tactics, and other parts of who you are. 16 Personalities also offers articles, surveys, and a community if you're interested in joining.

Truity offers several tests that can help define your personality type. For example, The Big Five Personality test gives you scores on the five personality traits: openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism. You'll respond to each statement on a five-point scale from inaccurate to neutral to accurate. It only takes a few minutes to complete the test.

When you finish, you'll see your trait scores in a bar chart, as well as details about what those scores mean. The test and your scores are available for free, and you can have the scores emailed to you if you want to save them. You can pay for a full, in-depth report, but the free details provide great information. While on the Truity site, check out their other tests, read up on personality type details, learn more about the tests, and check out the business section for testing your team.

Psychology Today offers a number of self-tests that cover everything from career and health to IQ and relationships. The tests include a series of statements that you have to rate between one and five. Most of these tests take 5–20 minutes to complete.

Besides the common tests like personality types and career, Psychology Today has got some interesting ones, like emotional eating, procrastination, fitness, and risk-taking assessments.

Once you've completed the questions, Psychology Today assigns you a score and interprets it briefly. You'll have to purchase the full, more detailed report. The prices vary depending on the tests but are generally between $4 and $10. Some tests, however, are entirely free. Besides its tests, Psychology Today publishes guides on behavioral sciences and is one of the best psychology websites to educate yourself.

Another visual personality test you might enjoy taking is TestColor. The website states that their “tests are scientifically validated by a team of qualified psychologists and psychoanalysts.” The test is very simple to take. You'll start by selecting the colors you like most, one at a time, in order from most to least. Next, you'll do the opposite. And that's it!

You'll get the results of your test in a nice pie chart. Scroll down and check out the qualities that characterize your personality in detail. TestColor also offers a love test as well as one for your future. You can take a look at the premium personality test, which provides you with a 20-page professional report about your personality. The Premium Personality Test costs $9.

A Real Me features dozens of online tests and quizzes. While most of them are fun tests and trivia quizzes, some of these will help you better understand yourself on a deeper level. For example, the EQ Test shows various scenarios and asks you to select from the possible courses of action. The other tests include the Enneagram Personality test, Political Spectrum quiz, and Delayed Gratification test.

All the tests are free to take. A Real Me doesn't provide a detailed report but instead gives a simple rating. If you become bored with these personality tests, you can check out its manga and Harry Potter trivia quizzes.

Psychological tests can be both enjoyable and enlightening. Plus, they can provide insight into your own mind, emotions, and actions. If you want more information about the results that you're getting from these tests, there are psychology websites that can explain them in more detail. Or for quizzes, try out the tests that aim to help you find your life purpose.

Fun quizzes and personality tests, love quiz, funny quizzes for girls
