Diet right for your personality type pdf
Use the Power of Your Personality to Discover Your Best Way to Lose Weight (PDF) PDF
Advance Praise for What’s Your Diet Type? “Eating well and living healthily—though vital—does not have a one-size-fits-all prescription. Heather K. Jones, by using Diet Types, now empowers each of us—using our own language and learning strategies—to get healthy. The marriage of personality type and diet is long overdue!” —Hile Rutledge, CEO, OKA (Otto Kroeger Associates) “No more one-size-fits-all diets! This book gives every dieter what she really needs: A personalized plan for weight loss—and the tools, tips and recipes that will help her reach her goal.” —Pam O’Brien, Executive Editor, Fitness Magazine “Heather K. Jones’ upbeat and practical diet guide taps into the key to diet success: finding a plan that fits you and your life! Readers will see themselves in the Types Jones describes, discover their weight loss strengths and find doable solutions to their specific diet trip-ups.
We all know what to do to lose those pounds, Jones tells you how.” —Erin Hobday, Diet & Nutrition Editor at SELF Magazine “This eye-opening book will help you understand yourself and your eating habits a lot better. And that’s key when looking to find a long-term diet strategy that works for you!” —Lisa “Hungry Girl” Lillien DISCLAIMER The Diet Type program is not designed to, and does not provide, medical advice. This book and its program are intended as a reference and informational volume only, not as a medical manual. The Diet Type program is not intended as a substitute for the advice and/or medical care of your physician, nor is it meant to discourage or dissuade you from the advice of your physician. You should regularly consult with a physician in matters relating to your health, especially with regard to symptoms that may require diagnosis. Any lifestyle change should be undertaken under the direct supervision of your physician.
If you have any questions concerning the information presented in this program, or its application to your medical profile, or if you have any medical, nutritional, or psychological needs or constraints that may conflict with the information in this program, you should consult with your physician before beginning the program. The Diet Type program contains only the author(s) opinions, thoughts and conclusions. Again, it is for educational purposes only, and you, and only you, are responsible if you choose to do anything based on what you read, hear, or see. Should you choose to make use of the information contained herein without first consulting a health professional, you are prescribing for yourself, which is your right; however, the author(s) and publisher(s) do not assume any responsibility whatsoever under any conditions or circumstances for your actions and choices. Your use of this program creates a legal and binding agreement that you will hold us harmless for any decisions you make or harm that may come to yourself or others, directly or indirectly.
The Diet Type program is purely informational, and how you choose to use this information is solely at your own risk. The Diet Type program assumes no liability for anything that happens as a result of your use of this program. In no event shall the Diet Type program or their affiliates, employees, agents, content providers, or licensors be liable for any indirect, consequential, special, incidental, or punitive damages related to the content or any errors or omissions in the content. The case studies, quotes, and biographical facts presented are actual and true-to-life, they are compilations of the thousands of patient interactions, survey results, and direct interviews performed by the authors. The names of all individuals mentioned in the case studies have been altered to protect privacy. To my Planner, Aaron. Without your love and support this book would not have been possible. —HEATHER Contents Acknowledgements Foreword: Otto Kroeger Introductions: Heather’s Story: A Diet Player Mary’s Story: A Diet Feeler Dr.
Redard’s Story: A Diet Thinker PART ONE: YOUR PERSONALITY Chapter 1: Personality and Health Chapter 2: Discovering Your Diet Type QUIZ: Find Your Diet Type PART TWO: YOUR DIET TYPE Chapter 3: The Diet Planners The Diet Planner Personality The Diet Planner Trouble Spots The Diet Planner Solution Chapter 4: The Diet Players The Diet Player Personality The Diet Player Trouble Spots The Diet Player Solution Chapter 5: The Diet Feelers The Diet Feeler Personality The Diet Feeler Trouble Spots The Diet Feeler Solution Chapter 6: The Diet Thinkers The Diet Thinker Personality The Diet Thinker Trouble Spots The Diet Thinker Solution PART THREE: YOUR TOOLS Chapter 7: The Basics Chapter 8: The Meals Closing Thoughts… About the Authors Acknowledgements PECIAL THANKS TO Aaron Haesler, Tamara Goldis, R.D.; Beth Sumrell Ehrensberger, M.P.H., R.D.; Jennifer Curtis; June Eding; Anna SKrusinski; Ryan Tumambing; Mary Woodward; Danielle Hazard; Namita Davis; Deborah Cohen, M.
H.Sc., R.D.; Lauren Clark, R.D.; Andrea Au Levitt; Janis Jibrin, M.S., R.D.; Tracy Olgeaty Gensler M.S., R.D.; Jean Marie Miscisin; Crescentia Miscisin; Therese Schaaf; Tamela Moore; Lori Brennan; Cyndi McClave; Mary Jones; Janice Whiting; Louise Kutz; Diane Blair; Tim Hallbom; Kris Hallbom; Michelle Fong; Marie Elizabeth; Paulette Briggs; Victoria Laluz; Manuel Gill; Dave Eshe; Lisa Powers; Christine Troyano; Anthony Robbins; Richard Bandler; Don Lowry; Erica Lowry; and Mercy Medical Foundation. A special appreciation goes to Otto Kroeger for his pioneering efforts and expertise in the ever expanding field of typology and for writing the foreword to this book; to Hile Rutledge, CEO of Otto Kroeger Associates; to all of the thousands of people who participated in the weight management survey and the participants of Mary’s “A Colorful Approach to Weight Management” workshops, who contributed their opinions, preferences and personality approaches; to many of Dr.
Redard’s patients, whose names cannot be mentioned out of confidentiality; and to my agent Janis Donnaud, for believing in this book. Foreword —Otto Kroeger — F YOU’VE EVER been discouraged about keeping your weight in control… if you’ve ever thought dieting successfully is a hopeless Icause… if you’ve ever been over fed with the wrong food… if you are “fed up” with diet programs… if you are convinced that diets are intentionally made to be complicated and difficult just so you’ll grow weary and fail… then this book is for you. What’s Your Diet Type? confronts, simplifies, and overcomes all these issues, and will give you the hope and encouragement you need to change your eating habits, drop pounds, and live healthfully. How? By helping you find a diet made just for your personality—yes: custom-made for your own unique personality. As an expert on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) and coauthor of four leading books on Type: Type Talk, Type Talk At Work, 16 Ways to Love Your Lover, and Personality Type and Religious Leadership, I have travelled the world sharing my knowledge on personality and guiding people to an understanding of the way personality shapes everything they do.
At presentations for personal and professional groups, I have enabled participants to tap into their own strengths and navigate their weaknesses, so they could achieve maximum success, no matter what their goal. The power of personality applies to the goal of weight loss, too. Our personality is so integrated with how and what we eat that failure to engage our personality preferences when we try to control our weight sets us up for weight gain rather than weight loss. It is like someone who is right-handed being forced to use their left hand; the result is frustration and wasted effort. This book in a refreshing and affirming way changes all that. In the first part of the book, a detailed overview of personality differences helps us understand what our own personal nuances are all about, and
337 Pages·2009·1.78 MB·English
by M.S. Mary Miscisin, M.D. Ed Redard, Otto Kroeger
#Weight loss #diet
Checking for file health. ..
What's Your Diet Type?: Use the Power of Your Personality to Discover Your Best Way to Lose Weight (PDF)Advance Praise for What’s Your Diet Type? “Eating well and living healthily—though vital—does not have a one-size-fits-all prescription. Heather K. Jones, by using Diet Types, now empowers each of us—using our own language and learning strategies—to get healthy. The marriage of personality type and diet is long overdue!” —Hile Rutledge, CEO, OKA (Otto Kroeger Associates) “No more one-size-fits-all diets! This book gives every dieter what she really needs: A personalized plan for weight loss—and the tools, tips and recipes that will help her reach her goal.” —Pam O’Brien, Executive Editor, Fitness Magazine “Heather K. Jones’ upbeat and practical diet guide taps into the key to diet success: finding a plan that fits you and your life! Readers will see themselves in the Types Jones describes, discover their weight loss strengths and find doable solutions to their specific diet trip-ups. We all know what to do to lose those pounds, Jones tells you how.” —Erin Hobday, Diet & Nutrition Editor at SELF Magazine “This eye-opening book will help you understand yourself and your eating habits a lot better. And that’s key when looking to find a long-term diet strategy that works for you!” —Lisa “Hungry Girl” Lillien DISCLAIMER The Diet Type program is not designed to, and does not provide, medical advice. This book and its program are intended as a reference and informational volume only, not as a medical manual. The Diet Type program is not intended as a substitute for the advice and/or medical care of your physician, nor is it meant to discourage or dissuade you from the advice of your physician. You should regularly consult with a physician in matters relating to your health, especially with regard to symptoms that may require diagnosis. Any lifestyle change should be undertaken under the direct supervision of your physician.
If you have any questions concerning the information presented in this program, or its application to your medical profile, or if you have any medical, nutritional, or psychological needs or constraints that may conflict with the information in this program, you should consult with your physician before beginning the program. The Diet Type program contains only the author(s) opinions, thoughts and conclusions. Again, it is for educational purposes only, and you, and only you, are responsible if you choose to do anything based on what you read, hear, or see. Should you choose to make use of the information contained herein without first consulting a health professional, you are prescribing for yourself, which is your right; however, the author(s) and publisher(s) do not assume any responsibility whatsoever under any conditions or circumstances for your actions and choices. Your use of this program creates a legal and binding agreement that you will hold us harmless for any decisions you make or harm that may come to yourself or others, directly or indirectly.
The Diet Type program is purely informational, and how you choose to use this information is solely at your own risk. The Diet Type program assumes no liability for anything that happens as a result of your use of this program. In no event shall the Diet Type program or their affiliates, employees, agents, content providers, or licensors be liable for any indirect, consequential, special, incidental, or punitive damages related to the content or any errors or omissions in the content. The case studies, quotes, and biographical facts presented are actual and true-to-life, they are compilations of the thousands of patient interactions, survey results, and direct interviews performed by the authors. The names of all individuals mentioned in the case studies have been altered to protect privacy. To my Planner, Aaron. Without your love and support this book would not have been possible. —HEATHER Contents Acknowledgements Foreword: Otto Kroeger Introductions: Heather’s Story: A Diet Player Mary’s Story: A Diet Feeler Dr.
Redard’s Story: A Diet Thinker PART ONE: YOUR PERSONALITY Chapter 1: Personality and Health Chapter 2: Discovering Your Diet Type QUIZ: Find Your Diet Type PART TWO: YOUR DIET TYPE Chapter 3: The Diet Planners The Diet Planner Personality The Diet Planner Trouble Spots The Diet Planner Solution Chapter 4: The Diet Players The Diet Player Personality The Diet Player Trouble Spots The Diet Player Solution Chapter 5: The Diet Feelers The Diet Feeler Personality The Diet Feeler Trouble Spots The Diet Feeler Solution Chapter 6: The Diet Thinkers The Diet Thinker Personality The Diet Thinker Trouble Spots The Diet Thinker Solution PART THREE: YOUR TOOLS Chapter 7: The Basics Chapter 8: The Meals Closing Thoughts… About the Authors Acknowledgements PECIAL THANKS TO Aaron Haesler, Tamara Goldis, R.D.; Beth Sumrell Ehrensberger, M.P.H., R.D.; Jennifer Curtis; June Eding; Anna SKrusinski; Ryan Tumambing; Mary Woodward; Danielle Hazard; Namita Davis; Deborah Cohen, M.
H.Sc., R.D.; Lauren Clark, R.D.; Andrea Au Levitt; Janis Jibrin, M.S., R.D.; Tracy Olgeaty Gensler M.S., R.D.; Jean Marie Miscisin; Crescentia Miscisin; Therese Schaaf; Tamela Moore; Lori Brennan; Cyndi McClave; Mary Jones; Janice Whiting; Louise Kutz; Diane Blair; Tim Hallbom; Kris Hallbom; Michelle Fong; Marie Elizabeth; Paulette Briggs; Victoria Laluz; Manuel Gill; Dave Eshe; Lisa Powers; Christine Troyano; Anthony Robbins; Richard Bandler; Don Lowry; Erica Lowry; and Mercy Medical Foundation. A special appreciation goes to Otto Kroeger for his pioneering efforts and expertise in the ever expanding field of typology and for writing the foreword to this book; to Hile Rutledge, CEO of Otto Kroeger Associates; to all of the thousands of people who participated in the weight management survey and the participants of Mary’s “A Colorful Approach to Weight Management” workshops, who contributed their opinions, preferences and personality approaches; to many of Dr.
Redard’s patients, whose names cannot be mentioned out of confidentiality; and to my agent Janis Donnaud, for believing in this book. Foreword —Otto Kroeger — F YOU’VE EVER been discouraged about keeping your weight in control… if you’ve ever thought dieting successfully is a hopeless Icause… if you’ve ever been over fed with the wrong food… if you are “fed up” with diet programs… if you are convinced that diets are intentionally made to be complicated and difficult just so you’ll grow weary and fail… then this book is for you. What’s Your Diet Type? confronts, simplifies, and overcomes all these issues, and will give you the hope and encouragement you need to change your eating habits, drop pounds, and live healthfully. How? By helping you find a diet made just for your personality—yes: custom-made for your own unique personality. As an expert on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) and coauthor of four leading books on Type: Type Talk, Type Talk At Work, 16 Ways to Love Your Lover, and Personality Type and Religious Leadership, I have travelled the world sharing my knowledge on personality and guiding people to an understanding of the way personality shapes everything they do.
At presentations for personal and professional groups, I have enabled participants to tap into their own strengths and navigate their weaknesses, so they could achieve maximum success, no matter what their goal. The power of personality applies to the goal of weight loss, too. Our personality is so integrated with how and what we eat that failure to engage our personality preferences when we try to control our weight sets us up for weight gain rather than weight loss. It is like someone who is right-handed being forced to use their left hand; the result is frustration and wasted effort. This book in a refreshing and affirming way changes all that. In the first part of the book, a detailed overview of personality differences helps us understand what our own personal nuances are all about, and
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Jen Widerstrom's Diet Personality Types
Per Bernal
Per Bernal
Ever wonder why you seem to float from diet to diet without getting the results you want while your bestie just dials in to her meal-prep plan and doesn’t miss a beat? Or why you thrive on the energy of a group cycling class while your sister would much rather head outside for a solo run? Your personality may have a lot to do with it: That’s the inspiration behind celeb trainer and two-time Biggest Loser coach Jen Widerstrom’s new book, Diet Right for Your Personality Type (Harmony Books, 2017).
“What we need to hear and how we are motivated can be very different depending on each individual. I realized from all of my time coaching clients that there are five very distinct personality types that respond to diet and exercise cues in different ways,” explains Widerstrom.
The problem most people face, she adds, is that we tend to compare ourselves to others instead of focusing on ourselves. “We often look outside ourselves for answers, when the solution lies within each person,” she says. “I’m trying to give people the permission to see themselves as an asset and to use this information to elevate their own awareness.” She likens it to driving a car down a road with a big pothole. “The first time you hit it, you’re like, ‘Dang, that hurt my car!’ The next time you’re on that road, you know where that pothole is and how to avoid it.”
So if you know that dessert is your diet trigger, you can stock up on healthy alternatives rather than raiding the cookie jar after dinner, or if you get stuck with a big project at work, keep your gym bag in the car so you can hit the weights or running track after work. “All I’m asking is for people to identify who they are, so they know how to get past roadblocks that will undoubtedly come up,” says Widerstrom.
While the types are primarily identified through diet, you may also recognize certain workout patterns that you can follow. “If your workout isn’t in line with who you are and what you enjoy, you inherently won’t want to stick with it,” she notes. See if you can identify your dominant personality type from the following list. Then structure your diet program to best avoid triggers that can set you off course, so you will be set up for success.
SEE ALSO: Jen Widerstrom From ‘The Biggest Loser’ Inspires Women With Selfie
Your Type: The Organized Doer
Who You Are:
A critical thinker who is results-oriented and highly organized and craves routine, rules, and planning.
Steps for Success:
Allow your organization skills to work for you: Make a daily checklist that includes meals and movement goals (like brown bagging a healthy lunch and walking an extra mile at lunchtime). Batch-cook food on Sundays and Wednesdays for the following few days. Just remember that, while it’s nice to be consistent, it can also be fun to add variety.
SEE ALSO: 5 Muscle-Building Lunches to Bring to Work
Potential Stumbling Blocks:
Organized Doers tend to be hard on themselves, says Widerstrom. “They’ll often fail to celebrate successes or progress and can be all-in or all-out when it comes to diet and exercise.” So remember to give yourself a pat on the back for completing that strength set or saying no to dessert.
Workout Keys:
Find a structured program, whether that’s a weightlifting plan or training for a 10K, and stick with it. You tend to like both classes and independent training, so go with whatever you feel like doing. Set realistic weekly goals and keep track of your progress so you’re game to keep coming back for more.
Your Type: The Swinger
Who You Are: Outgoing, open to new experiences, and always looking for the next great thing to do—whether that’s finding a hot new restaurant or a killer HIIT workout class.
Steps for Success:
You’re social and an extrovert, so take advantage of that addiction to Snapchat or Instagram and post your progress. Enlist a friend or family member to act as your accountability partner.
Potential Stumbling Blocks:
Chasing the latest trend can mean you drop off your diet plan or workout program as fast as you started it. Find a picture or a phrase and put it on your phone or fridge that represents your end goal, a time when you loved your body, or an affirmation that makes you feel like you can take on the world. Enjoying lots of variety in your meals means you like to dine out a lot, but beware of those high-calorie menus. Give yourself plenty of fun meal- prep options so you won’t get bored.
Workout Keys:
Sign up (and pay for) workouts in advance so you won’t be tempted to drop out, and look for social classes like group cycling or a boot camp program that offer both accountability and camaraderie. Install a fitness- tracking app on your phone or invest in a wearable tracker— then post about your success to friends and followers to share your progress!
Per Bernal
Per Bernal
Your Type: The Rebel
Who You Are:
Spontaneous, high energy, and a risk taker, you tend to live for the moment, damn the consequences— which means sometimes details
and routines fall by the wayside.
Steps for Success:
Since organization isn’t necessarily your strong point, focus on eating five small meals a day. That way you can make sure you’re not skimping on nutrients or overeating, says Widerstrom. Also make sure you know what a proper portion should look like and try not to go overboard. Finally, be aware of your hunger cues. Have an emergency stash of healthy snacks for when you need something to nosh on.
Potential Stumbling Blocks:
You tend to get bored when things become too routine, so keep mixing things up by adding fresh foods to your menu or trying a totally new trendy workout class. Avoid having too many liquid calories or your tendency to have one huge meal a day while skipping the rest.
Workout Keys:
Do a short and sweet circuit weight routine in the a.m. so you don’t get distracted as the rest of your day goes on. Try not to let more than three days pass without working out. Keep a gym bag with a set of workout clothes and shoes in your car. Perfect for your spontaneity!
SEE ALSO: Jen Widerstrom’s Plyometric Workout
Your Type: The Everyday Hero
Who You Are:
Selfless and committed, you tend to place others’ needs before your own—often leading to an overloaded schedule, which puts your diet and workout goals in danger.
Steps for Success:
You have less opportunity to prepare a healthy meal or get to the gym, so make time: Start with 10 minutes of uninterrupted exercise a day and build from there. And don’t forget to invest in your own health, whether that’s going to the doctor or getting more sleep.
Potential Stumbling Blocks:
When things come up at school or work, you’re often the first to volunteer, which means workouts and healthy dinner plans get pushed aside. Plan in advance by packing clothes and food for your day ahead. And treat your workouts like appointments that can’t be missed, so you don’t blow them off.
Workout Keys:
Having too much on your plate can leave you feeling frazzled, so schedule in a weekly yoga class or try practicing in your home. Hire a personal trainer or find a workout buddy to help you get to the gym—since you would never bail on someone waiting for you.
Your Type: The Never-Ever
Who You Are:
Smart, determined, and often your own worst enemy, you set yourself up for failure by worrying about what might go wrong.
Steps for Success:
Never-Evers are disconnected from their health and fitness or may have even given up trying to live a healthier lifestyle. You require a plan that allows you to take a step back to get a bigger view of your life and help you realize why you are making these less healthy choices, says Widerstrom. Squash those naysaying voices that tell you that you’ll never be able to lose the weight or get fit, and don’t procrastinate. Figure out what you are going to do, and go for it!
Potential Stumbling Blocks:
Never-Evers are full of excuses, like thinking they can’t work out because work is really busy or making an excuse to order that big dessert because they had a small lunch. Disrupt this pattern by weighing yourself daily and journaling your progress so you can feel encouraged by your results. And focus on just one week at a time, so you don’t get overwhelmed.
Workout Keys:
Wear a fitness tracker and set goals for yourself to reach each day. And work activity into your day whenever you can, whether that’s taking steps instead of the elevator or doing a few extra laps around the office. Start slowly, with lower-intensity exercises like walking or a machine weight circuit at the gym, and then gradually add in higher- intensity activities like intervals or free weights.
The Best Diet and Workout Based on Your Personality Type
We are sure that you have tried many diets that were not entirely successful and we have a way out of this vicious circle. WomenFitness offers to take a test and choose a diet for yourself in accordance with your personality type.
1. Going to a new restaurant, you:
a) order a dish from the chef;
b) you try the dish of the person you are sitting at the table with;
c) look for something familiar;
d) look for something valuable.
2. If you had the opportunity, what would you do:
a) hire a private chef;
b) rented an expensive restaurant;
c) hired someone to cook breakfast for the children;
d) hired the best nutritionist in the world.
3. At lunchtime you often find yourself:
a) at a business meeting;
b) with friends;
c) with family;
d) at home.
4. If you don't have time to cook, then you:
a) enter MacDrive;
b) call a friend and invite him to dinner;
c) find leftover food in the refrigerator;
d) drink a protein shake.
5. When you open the refrigerator, you see:
a) what the housekeeper or partner left;
b) a lot of wine and snacks;
c) leftover food;
d) nine yogurts (they were on sale).
Read also 10 ways to lose weight without dieting
6. Your favorite workouts:
a) tennis, running;
b) like everything;
c) walking the dog, yoga;
d) golf, pilates.
7. The last time you missed a workout was because you:
a) were on a plane;
b) you had a hangover;
c) made a to-do list;
d) finished all the work at the last moment.
8. You'd rather bite your nails than
a) joined the recruit camp;
b) swam;
c) did gymnastics;
d) were dancing.
9. But on the other hand, you don't mind:
a) having your own gym;
b) play beach volleyball;
c) sign up for yoga;
d) engage in martial arts.
10. What motivates you to go in for sports:
a) preventing a heart attack;
b) excellent appearance;
c) stress relief;
d) maintaining health.
Count what letter you encountered most often and determine your personality type.
Results to help you choose your diet and exercise
A - Leader
You want immediate results and don't want to fool yourself by counting calories. If you could, you would hire a chef, a trainer, and build a gym.
Simple meal plans, flexible meals, individual sports (eg running or single tennis) are good for you. Avoid complicated recipes and lengthy cooking, group classes and boring sports talk.
B - Outgoing personality
You enjoy social networking, socializing, talking about diets, food, and what works and what doesn't. If it were possible, then you would post every meal on Instagram.
Look out for meal plan group activities, fun workouts, volleyball, softball, and a cooking club. Forget about swimming, detailed calorie counting, and exercising at home.
B - Family personality
You are constantly busy with family responsibilities and feel guilty if you devote less time to your husband and children. Remember that fitness is worth your time and effort.
Planned workouts, convenience, activities with a friend, gadgets that count calories and a clear schedule will suit you. Avoid trendy sports, supplements, and workouts that take too long.
©Wand_Prapan/IStockD Planner
You know everything about sports and diets. Also plan your day and diet as carefully as possible.
Look for well-researched and tested methodologies, equipment that provides benchmarks and feedback, logging to track progress, slow workouts (eg martial arts, swimming, Pilates). You should give up group and fashion workouts, dance, aerobics and fast classes.
Read also 33 easy tips for fitness and diet
Read online What is your personality type? Find out everything about yourself and others using the Myers-Briggs typology, Heidi Priebe - LitRes
This book is dedicated to my MBTI online community.
To those who laughed with me last year, studied and rejoiced at our successes.
You have no idea how much you mean to me.
None of this would have been possible without you.
The question I get most often about Myers-Briggs typology is, “What the hell?”
More precisely, the conversation usually begins with the question: "What the hell is this?"
"Why the hell should I believe you?" skeptics ask. “How can I apply this bullshit in my life?” pragmatists ask.
This book will not answer almost any of your questions.
The Myers-Briggs Typology, which divides all people into sixteen personality types and provides scientific knowledge on how to deal with each of them, is a complex system. It takes time, patience, and diligence to get it right.
It takes days, if not months and years, or even decades, to figure out which characteristics of your personality belong to the four-letter type that determines individual behavior, and which ones you inherited from your parents.
It will take a lot of effort to understand and accept the world of personality psychology... But it doesn't take much time to get a very general, unscientific idea of it.
That's what this book is for.
It is written to shed light on some personal subtleties about which little is said. She will highlight your strengths and make fun of your weaknesses. It will put you in a box and then give you the strength to get out of it. It will help you laugh at yourself and at everyone who looks like you.
I hope that as you leaf through this book, you will find something about yourself on every page. You will recognize some of your strengths and realize the challenges you have to face. But above all, I hope you understand that you are not alone.
Whoever you are and wherever you live, there is a whole community of people who think, feel and perceive the environment just like you.
One way or another, we all ended up in this thing called "life" together.
Chapter 1
Determining the type
This chapter is for those who leaf through a book on their boyfriend's or girlfriend's table while waiting for their turn in the shower.
“Well, well,” you are probably saying, “suppose I accept the existence of these personality types that my darling talks about all the time. But on one condition: if I can determine which of them I belong to.
I have two news for you: good and bad.
The bad news is that to accurately and reliably determine your type, you need more time than a person usually spends washing their hair. The good news is that it takes about five minutes to get a general idea of what type of person you might be. So, if your partner or partner is not too neglectful of personal hygiene, we will have time to arm you with basic knowledge right in this chapter.
"Letter dichotomies" of the MBTI® system [1] are the poles of four axes that reflect your psychological properties (see the figure)
The first axis determines the orientation of our consciousness: outwards, towards external objects (E - extraversion), or inside, to your own inner world (I - introversion).
The second axis reflects our way of orientation in a situation: orientation to material information (S - sensorics) or to intuitively generated ideas (N - intuition).
The third axis shows how we make decisions: through the logical weighing of alternatives (T - thinking) or using emotions, empathy and understanding of interpersonal relationships (F - feeling).
And, finally, the fourth axis is related to our way of preparing decisions: striving for order, structuring information (J - judgment) or spontaneity, the habit of acting according to circumstances (P - perception).
The technique of self-description in the Myers-Briggs system is extremely simple: we choose on each axis which letter describes us best, and at the output we get a four-letter code of our personality type.
Naturally, the selection of such poles is very conditional. Most of us are not, for example, hardline extroverts or introverts. We can only say that "I am rather feel like an introvert" or " in most situations act like an extrovert." The same goes for the other three axes.
Another reason for the conditionality of our literal diagnosis lies in the subjectivity of self-assessment. Most of us have a very vague and highly idealized idea of ourselves. Looking into the mirror, we draw in the stomach, hide the second chin and smile so that wrinkles are not visible - and then we sincerely believe that the mirror is not lying. In self-assessment psychological tests, the same mechanism works.
And yet, in spite of everything, for our purposes, this level of accuracy is quite suitable. Just remember that your four-letter code is not a stamp on your passport of citizenship, but simply one of the ways to understand yourself.
Well, now let's talk in more detail about the meaning of each letter:
Most likely, in some pairs you clearly identify yourself with one of the columns, and in others you are torn, not knowing where to attribute yourself. No problem! As we have already said, the arguments “I feel this way” or “I behave this way a little more often, and not the opposite way” will be quite enough for you.
If you want to make sure that your feelings are not failing you, then use the test charts in the next chapter.
Chapter 2
We confirm the type
You are offered 4 tables. Each contains 9 pairs of statements that have the opposite meaning.
It is necessary to carefully read the next pair of statements, choose the one with which you agree to the greatest extent, and mark it with one (1) in the cell located on the left.
Progress from one pair to the next, marking a single statement.
Table 1
Table 2
Table 3
Table 4
After filling in all the tables, count the number of units (points) in the left and right parts and at the bottom, in the cell to the left of the "Total number" column, write down the result. Finally, in each table, underline the Latin letter that corresponds to the highest score.
Congratulations! You've got a four-letter dichotomy (your personality type). And if we still have time before your boyfriend or girlfriend is out of the shower, I can tell you more about you. Or you can explore your specialties in more detail together while having fun!
Description 16 Personality Types
ESTP / Marshal
These people are very sociable, a little blunt, always on alert, appreciate the present moment, while not immersed in self-digging. Quickly assess the situation, make a decision, implement it and then move forward. They see what everyone else does not see, calculate the situation several moves ahead, firmly adhere to their own convictions. Everything is done quickly, excellent speakers.
They are spontaneous and love to show off. Decisions are made carefully, based on numbers and facts. Intuition is their weak side, they don’t see any sense in theory, it’s better for them to take it and do it, comprehending science in practice. Therefore, they may have problems with education, which is tiring for them. Routine is clearly not for them. Permanent movement is all they need.
ESTPs are very willing to start something, but leave it to the rest to finish it. In a word, they are risky, active, attentive to details and practical, have a true talent for instantly finding a solution, energize everyone, and it’s just fun to be around them!
ESFP / Politician
The motto of these people is “live here and now”. They are cheerful, love the ups and downs of life, prefer to be the center of attention, kind, attentive to others, based on their own feelings and sensations. They prefer not just to show sympathy, but to provide real help. For this reason, they are excellent team players, especially if there is variety in the work and creativity is needed.
Very optimistic, enthusiastic, loves when people around them are in a good mood, so they are often ready to put on a show to cheer up the others. And it turns out very successfully. The famous phrase “all life is a theater” can be applied to them. Everyone loves ESFP for this. But if suddenly someone decides to go against such a person, “politicians” can be very tough - they are sharp-tongued and have an excellent ability to communicate their dislike to someone.
They do not like routine, although they are quite practical. On the one hand, they like to go with the flow of life, on the other hand, they also love rapids along the way, which allows them not to get bored. They prefer to get knowledge not from books, but from life situations. Because of this, the school can be difficult. ESFPs are great aesthetes, they have a well-developed sense of style.
These people love life itself more than anything in the world, no one will be bored next to them. Although they need to be careful, because "one day life" can be fraught with certain problems in reality.
ENTP / Innovator
These people are primarily guided by intuition and with its help they try to perceive the whole world, which helps them quickly assess any situation. They are well aware of the surrounding reality, flexible and have the ability to adapt. Gradually, developing intuition, they manage to see opportunities almost everywhere - this helps a lot to solve any problem that they have to face. Sociable, but most of all they love discussions and controversial issues.
ENTP people are always full of ideas. However, their implementation makes them bored, so quite often they do not finish the work they have started. To avoid this state of affairs, they need to work with this side of their personality. Otherwise, it will throw from one idea to another, which in the end can lead to chaos in the head and in life. Combining ideas with clearer thinking can produce outstanding results.
Such people have a problem with understanding and expressing feelings: their own and those around them. They are guided by objectivity and logic, forgetting about the individuality of a person, and therefore can become aggressive and rather harsh in communication.
ENFP / Initiator
These people are always full of enthusiasm, which inspires others, very energetic and bright. Their motto is “take everything from life”. They love new opportunities and new circumstances, developing a variety of skills and bringing them almost to perfection. Others may consider them windy people, with no purpose, but this opinion is erroneous. In fact, ENFP people are very consistent, they just act according to their own views and morals, not paying attention to others. For them, the main thing is to feel comfort and peace within themselves, not to contradict their “I”.
For this type, it is necessary to develop purposefulness so as not to abandon any undertaking halfway. In this case, their success can be phenomenal. Often these people are very sincere and attentive to others, while feeling the need to please others. Thanks to a sufficiently developed intuition, they quickly understand people and situations.
ENFP people are very active, impressionable, talented, emotional and sociable. The most important thing for such individuals is to find a balance with themselves and the world around them, then everything in their life will be at the highest level.
ESTJ / Administrator
For these people, the most important thing is specificity. They prefer to live in the present and like to be sure that everything is going according to a predetermined scenario. The result is important to them, they are always ready to take responsibility, they feel good in leadership positions, they are very self-confident and even aggressive. Great planners. They always adhere to their own convictions, therefore they are prone to criticism. At the same time, they love communication and fun.
They are respectable citizens, realists and enthusiasts, they do everything right and according to the law in order to contribute to the improvement of the life of the whole society. These people are very honest, practical, you can always rely on them. Although sometimes it would not hurt them to look at life more broadly and freely, going beyond the generally accepted framework.
ESFJ / Enthusiast
These are individuals who love people very much. They have amazingly developed sensory perception, thanks to which they are excellent at collecting and perceiving information about others - this helps them bring out the best in others. They are understanding, sympathetic, empathetic, reliable, warm and energetic.
They take their own responsibilities very seriously - until they do everything in the best possible way, they will not calm down.