Finding myself again quotes
50 Quotes About Finding Yourself Again And Regain Self-Worth
by Shubham Shukla
Life is not all about work, money, or getting into a relationship. Sometimes, we need to take care of ourselves and find who we are. If we just take a pause from our daily work and zoom out to see our life, we will know what truly matters.
We all want to find the happiness that we deserve in life. And the way to do it is by finding what we love and enjoy doing and then pursuing it relentlessly. This can be anything from a hobby activity, sport, or just following our dreams.
Finding and rediscovering yourself is an essential part of life.
Many people find themselves in a place where they don’t know who they are any more or what they want to do in life. This can be a scary situation, but it’s not the end of the world.
To bring you back on track, we have some quotes about finding yourself again for you. You can read these finding myself again quotes daily, and they will work miraculously in many ways.
Table of Contents
Quotes About Finding Yourself Again
Do not waste time in finding a soul mate to complete you. Find yourself, and you will realize that you are complete.
Invest time in yourself, and you will get more returns than any other investment.
The only person you spend your whole life with is you. Make sure you know it well.
If you want others to look up to you, then first find the man within you that inspires you.
By knowing others, you can understand society. By knowing yourself, you can know life.
It is better to get lost. Sometimes by giving up on what you are not, you will find who you are.
The biggest advantage of failures is that you get time. You can use that time to find and build yourself.
To be “self-made”, you must understand yourself first.
Understanding yourself is like reading the manual of a high-tech device. You will discover various hidden features and specifications.
If you cannot find who you are, then create yourself to be what you want.
Quotes About Losing Yourself And Finding Yourself Again
Remove all the beliefs that society imposed on you. Once you have lost your identity, you will truly find yourself.
You are not in charge of different lives on this planet. You are in charge of your own life.
If others do not like who you are, it is absolutely fine. But if you do not like what you are, then it is a serious problem.
The treasure of life is buried deep within you. Find yourself.
The greatest battle to win is the one within yourself.
The deepest dive is not that you take in an ocean or valley. It is the abyss within yourself.
If you find who you are, then you are beyond intelligence, emotions, and ecstasy. Feeling that cannot be described but only be experienced.
Do not blame others for not supporting you in life. Time changes and you grow in the journey of finding yourself. Do not underrate self-exploration and self-growth.
You cannot find yourself until you have lost yourself.
No character is built without a cost to pay. To build yourself, you must know yourself.
Find Myself Again Quotes
What differentiates us from other animals is the ability to self-explore.
The person who hides from you and beneath you is your true self.
The biggest treasure to dug is within you.
The creator of this universe resides within you, do not waste time finding it somewhere else.
The map of your life leads to ways to find yourself. Do not ignore the ways of enlightenment.
You can find yourself not by going against nature but by being one with it.
To live the way you want, you must know what you want.
The ultimate truth of life can only be discovered in the journey of finding yourself.
If you think the diamond is the hardest thing in the world, try finding yourself.
If you find yourself, it is not the end of the journey; the real journey begins from there.
Be that hand that pulls you out of trouble. Do not for someone else.
Self-Worth Find Myself Again Quotes
Hunger for food and hunger for knowing yourself should be of the same intensity, or else you will die of starvation.
Just take one step forward in the right direction, and you can see your energies and powers are with you.
Instead of dreaming about the world you want, know yourself, awake, and create it.
There may be several issues in your life, but who you are and what you are should never be an issue.
The answer to all the questions, the creator of everything, is right in front of you. Do you have the eyes to see it?
The light is not at the end of the tunnel. The light is within you that will guide you to the end of the tunnel.
You are the centre of your universe, and everything revolves around you.
Do not be a concrete block of beliefs, be the water that is free, playful, full of life, and ready to adapt to things.
What is physical is limited and will end. If you find yourself beyond your physical nature, you will know the unlimited and infinite.
Instead of knowing yourself in old age with no energy and less time. It is better to know yourself in the 20s and live life in such a way that earth will be grateful to have you.
Popular Quotes About Losing Yourself And Finding Yourself Again
You’ve got to know yourself so you can at last be yourself.
– D. H. Lawrence
When you fight yourself to discover the real you, there is only one winner.
– Stephen Richards
Don’t worry about finding your soul mate.
– Jason Evert.Find yourself.
Someday, somewhere – anywhere, unfailingly, you’ll find yourself, and that, and only that, can be the happiest or bitterest hour of your life.
– Pablo Neruda
Go find yourself first so you can also find me.
– Rumi
Your relationship with yourself sets the tone for every other relationship you have.
— Robert Holden
Lose yourself wholly; and the more you lose, the more you will find.
– Catherine from Siena
You’ve got to find yourself first. Everything else’ll follow.
– Charles De Lint
You really have to look inside yourself and find your own inner strength, and say, ‘I’m proud of who I am and who I am, and I’m just going to be myself.
– Mariah Carey![]()
– Kristin Martz
We lose ourselves in things we love. We find ourselves there, too.
Final Words
In the fast-paced world, it is important to take time to find yourself. This can be done through various outlets, including everything from exploring different activities to visiting your local library.
Finding yourself is more than just looking for a job when you graduate. To truly find yourself, you need to get out and explore as many things that are out there in the world. There are so many people and places that can change how you view life, so one should make an effort to explore them all!
If you find these quotes about finding yourself again useful, do share them with your friends and the people who need this.
Also read: 45 Focus On Yourself Quotes To Help You In Times Of Chaos
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Quotes on Finding Yourself
For some, the process of self-discovery is absolutely natural, while others live in the moment and do not seriously think about exploring their inner self until something changes their idea of \u200b\u200blife.
In general, self-knowledge is, most often, the path of loneliness - even if you are surrounded by family and friends, you will have to go this way yourself. And yet, the process of finding oneself cannot be completed only from the inside - it requires interaction with the outside world.
And what is the search for oneself, in principle? Maybe it's a year of travel after graduation and before going to university? Or is it those strange years at the university between adolescence and the search for their place in society? Or maybe it's more of an internal struggle with oneself, the purpose of which is to feel comfortable with one's own self?. .
Perhaps it's a job search that will bring both joy and money? Or is the term “self-discovery” a banal way to evade your obligations and responsibilities? And this search process - can it ever be completely completed?
Can a person really “find himself” and experience absolute happiness and satisfaction, being “in his place” in this world?
Is there a single correct answer to all these questions? If it exists, none of us knows it. But we can all find our own answer to these and other questions; Below we publish quotes that we have selected about finding yourself, which will definitely help you in this:
“Most often a person meets his fate on the path in which he tried to escape from it.” — Jean de La Fontaine
“Just when I think I have learned how to live right, life changes.” — Hugh Prather
“A man never knows what he wants; he seeks to know the secrets, and as soon as he succeeds, he wants to create them anew. Ignorance irritates him, and knowledge satiates him. ” – Henri-Frédéric Amiel
“A man who looks at life the same way at 50 as he did at 30 has wasted 20 years of his life.” — Mohammed Ali
“What you discover for yourself is always more exciting than what anyone else discovers for you. It’s about the same if we compare marriage for love and for convenience.” — Terrence Rafferty
“People often say that one or the other has found himself. But we do not find ourselves, we create ourselves.” — Thomas Sas
“If you don't get lost, chances are you'll never be found.” — author unknown
“You will understand that this is your path when you are on it, because you will immediately feel the fullness of the energy and imagination that you need.” — Jerry Gillis
“There is only one corner of the universe that you can confidently improve. It's you yourself." – Aldous Huxley
“Know thyself. Don’t take your dog’s admiration for you as proof that you are wonderful and perfect.” – Ann Landers
“I can teach anyone how to get what they want in life. The problem is, I can't find anyone who knows what he wants.” – Mark Twain
“The longer I live, the more beautiful life becomes. If you foolishly do not notice beauty, you will soon find yourself without it.” – Frank Lloyd Wright
“Before we die, all people should try to find out what they are running from, to what, and why.” – James Thurber
“Man travels the world in search of what he needs and finds it at home when he returns.” – George Moore
“There are things that even a person is afraid to reveal to himself, and every decent person has quite a lot of such things.” – Fyodor Dostoyevsky
“Well-bred people contradict other people. The wise contradict themselves.” – Oscar Wilde
“If you refuse to read about what you disagree with, then how can you better understand what you believe? The books that are most worth reading are the ones that challenge your beliefs.” – author unknown
“All the wonders you seek are within you.” – Thomas Brown
“A person who cannot find satisfaction in his personality will look for it in vain elsewhere. ” – La Rochefoucauld
“Decide to be yourself and know that the one who finds himself will part with misfortune.” – Matthew Arnold
* when copying material, reference to the source is required
30 inspirational quotes about changes and instability in life
October 11, 2020 Life
They will help you to accept any situation.
Change can be wonderful or it can be frightening. In any case, thanks to them, we learn something new and grow. If you feel anxiety about the fact that life is changing, open this collection, you will find support and inspiration in it.
1. “Yesterday I was smart and that's why I wanted to change the world. Today I have become wise, and therefore I am changing myself” (Jalaladdin Rumi, Persian poet).
2. “Man cannot discover new oceans until he has the courage to lose sight of the shore” (André Gide, French writer and playwright).
3. “All great changes are preceded by chaos” (Deepak Chopra, physician and author of books on spirituality and alternative medicine).
4. “Experiencing a painful experience is like hanging from a walking stick. At some point, you will have to let him go in order to move on” (Clive Lewis, writer, author of The Chronicles of Narnia).
5. Sometimes, by breaking the good things, you can put together something better.
Marilyn Monroe
American actress, singer and model
6. “To improve means to change, and to be perfect means to change often” (Winston Churchill, British statesman and politician).
7. “True life does not take place where great external changes are made, where they move, collide, fight, kill each other, but it occurs only where slight, imperceptible changes are made in the spiritual consciousness of people” (Leo Tolstoy .Reading circle).
8. “Change is the end result of all true learning” (Leo Buscaglia, writer and motivational speaker).
9. “The turn of the road is not the end of the road, unless, of course, you have time to turn around” (Helen Keller, writer, public figure).
10. The main measure of the mind is the ability to change.
Albert Einstein
theoretical physicist, humanist public figure
11. “There is no progress without struggle” (Frederick Douglass, writer and educator).
12. “Where there is hope, there is life. She again fills with courage and gives strength ”(Anne Frank, a Jewish girl, a native of Germany, the author of the diary of the same name).
13. "People who know how to change over and over again are much more reliable and happier than those who can't" (Stephen Fry. Moab is my wash bowl).
14. “Not every change leads to improvements, but in order to improve something, you must first change it” (Georg Lichtenberg, scientist, philosopher and publicist).
15. “In every change, in every fallen leaf, there is both pain and beauty. And that is how new leaves grow.” (Amit Ray, writer and spiritual teacher)
16. I can sum up everything I've learned about life in two words: it goes on.
Robert Frost
17. “A person who is not ashamed of what he was a year ago does not learn enough” (Alain de Botton, writer, philosopher).
18. “We are products of our past, but we do not have to be hostages of this past” (Rick Warren, writer, pastor).
19. “Incredible changes in life happen when you choose to take control of what is in your power, instead of craving control over what is not in your power” (Steve Maraboli, business consultant, author).
20. “If we don't change, we don't develop. And if we don’t develop, then we don’t really live” (Gale Sheehy, writer, author of the book “Age Crises”).
21. When we are no longer able to change the situation, we are required to change ourselves.
Viktor Frankl
"Man's Search for Meaning"
22. "You are exactly as young as the time has passed since you last changed your mind" (Timothy Leary, psychologist, LSD researcher).
23. “In any case, changes will come. They can be bloody, or they can be beautiful. It depends on ourselves” (Arundhati Roy, writer).
24. “It is not given to us to return yesterday, but what will happen tomorrow depends on us” (Lyndon Johnson, 36th US President).
25. Life becomes easier when you learn to accept the apologies you never received.
Robert Brolt
26. “You outgrow some people. Let yourself have it” (Mandy Hale, author of Single lady).
27. “Everyone has the opportunity to change and develop to their last breath” (M. F. Ryan).
28. “The only immutable law is that everything changes. The hardships that I endured today are only a hair away from the pleasures of tomorrow, and these pleasures will be even more joyful from the memories of what I endured ”(Louis Lamour, writer, author of Westerns).
29. “We must let go of the life we have planned in order to embrace the one that awaits us” (Joseph Campbell, mythologist).
30. “It's never too late or - in my case - never too early to become what you want to become.