Therapeutic hair pulling
Scalp massage: pulling method | Hair La Vie
Want longer hair? Just pull it until it’s longer! Okay, it’s not that easy, but there is a method of hair pulling and massage that you can use to help your hair grow, and it feels pretty amazing too.
As you’ve learned in the first part of this hair journey, your scalp plays a vital role in hair growth and health. It’s where everything starts and vital to the end result. So, let’s take an in-depth look at scalp massage and hair-pulling in particular.
The benefits of scalp massage
So, you want longer hair? Then it’s time to focus on the roots. Whether you’re giving a scalp massage to someone else or to yourself, it comes with a lot of benefits, and not all of them relate to your head and hair. Here are just a few ways you’ll benefit from a scalp massage.
Nutrient-rich. A good scalp massage stimulates the blood circulation in this area, which brings more nutrients to your hair follicles. Whether you’re eating right to promote hair growth or taking vitamins designed to revitalize your hair, you need to get those nutrients out to your scalp and hair to have them really do their job and a scalp massage is a perfect way to do that.
Strong follicles. The more nutrient-rich blood that feeds your follicles, the healthier they’ll be. This means there is more protection for your growing hair.
Massage oils and more. Using the right oils to give a scalp massage keeps your hair and scalp moisturized, protected and nourished.
Hair La Vie Serum is a great additive because it goes on light and is fully absorbed. This means it doesn’t weigh your hair down, it just adds wonderful ingredients your hair will soak up and love. As an extra benefit, it also works miracles on your hands and nails too.
Don’t forget natural oils. Massaging your scalp distributes the natural oils in your hair and pulls them toward the ends without damaging your hair. It’s a great way to spread the wealth of that natural protection.
Less breakage. When your hair is nourished from the root and moisturized throughout, it becomes stronger and is less likely to break.
Relaxing and mood-boosting. We all know that massages help us relax, even just a scalp massage. But did you know that massages can also increase the production of endorphins and serotonin, key ingredients in reducing the impact of stress and improving mood?
Genetic activity:.This is perhaps the most exciting reason to regularly practice scalp massage, it’s been scientifically proven to activate genes that promote hair growth. It takes 4 minutes a day, and you can help your genes give you the hair you deserve.
How to give yourself a scalp massage
There are a number of scalp massagers on the market to help you give yourself or someone else a fine massage, and they do make good holiday gifts. But you don’t need anything more than your fingers, so that’s what we’re going to explore today.
If you want to add a massager to the mix, make sure to find one that won’t get tangled and do any damage. Now here are the 5 steps of self-scalp massage:
1. Start with fingertips. Start with a nice, gentle pressure on the edges of your hairline in front and work back and down. Do this a few times.
2. Circular motion. Switch from running your fingers straight back to a circular motion. Again, begin in the front and top and move back and downward. Repeat from the sides, working backward.
3. Switch direction. Keep your fingers going in a circular motion but start at the nape of your neck this time and work upward to the top of your head. Remember to include the sides also.
4. Cup your head. Now you get to give your fingertips a break and gently cup your head, both sides, in your hands. Using a larger motion that’s instigated at the shoulders to move your scalp forward and back a little bit.
5. Twist and tug. This is the part that’s really key. Make small sections of hair and gently twist and tug on them. You don’t want to pull the hair out, but you want to feel a comfortable amount of painless pressure.
More on therapeutic hair pulling
Gentle hair pulling (we’re going to keep stressing how important it is to do this gently, but you get the idea) first stimulates blood flow, much like a massage. So, you’re going to reap all the benefits that you will with a massage, but maybe to a greater extent.
Additionally, soft hair pulling helps stretch the fascia, this is the area over the skull muscles. Liken it to stretching your core muscles in yoga, you’re stretching the muscles around your scalp in one of the only ways possible. This can provide multiple benefits, but those who suffer tension headaches may see the biggest results, as they have a way to regularly relax tense muscles.
Hair pulling also releases neurohormones in the body that naturally ease aches and pains and can elevate mood. This takes your head massage to the next level.
The next step of your journey
If you want to learn more about scalp massage and hair pulling techniques, try searching TikTok or the internet for some visual demonstrations that will help you learn how to perform a scalp massage and how it helps your hair grow.
There are several different ways you can benefit from a scalp massage that incorporates gentle hair pulling.
While you’re here to learn about growing your hair in the healthiest way, there are also other benefits.
By adding a 3-4 minute scalp massage to your daily routine, you will boost your follicle strength, relieve stress in your scalp, reduce hair breakage, improve your mood and kick hair growth genes into action.
Scalp Massage | Tension Headaches | Therapeutic Hair Pulling | Headache, Scalp, Tension Headache and more
Tension headaches are the most common type of headache, they are experienced by most people during their lives and they are the ‘everyday’ headaches. Tension headaches used to be referred to as muscle contraction headaches or stress headaches, but generally these terms have gone out of usage.
The National Health Service in the UK estimate that about half of adults experience tension-type headaches once or twice a month, with 1 in 3 get suffering up to 15 times a month.
Up to 80 percent of the adult population in the United States suffers from occasional tension-type headaches. Chronic daily tension-type headaches affect approximately 3% of the population with women being twice as likely to suffer from them as men.
Tension headaches are known as primary headaches meaning that there is no known underlying cause. A tension headache may feel like a tight band around the head or a weight on top of the head.
The headache can be one sided but it is more usual for it to be on both sides of your head. The tension may spread down the neck and shoulders or feel like it’s coming up from the neck and shoulders, and there is often a pain or sensation of pressure behind the eyes.
A tension-type headache can last anything from 30 minutes to 7 days but most will last a few hours.
Muscle tension in the face, neck and shoulders can cause tension headaches. Spending all day squinting at a computer screen or frowning will make the muscles around the forehead tense and someone may do this for many hours at a time, this can then result in a tension headache.
Treating Tension Headaches
While tension headaches do respond well to over the counter painkillers, taking these on a regular basis can lead to medication-overuse headaches. If painkillers are taken on a daily or almost daily basis to treat a run of tension headaches,
stopping the painkillers will cause physical withdrawal symptoms, the primary symptom of which will be headaches.
These withdrawal symptoms will last on average two weeks but the longer term benefits of not using the painkillers are worth the relatively short term withdrawal. If strong painkillers have been used for a long period of term this withdrawal should be under medical supervision.
Other triggers for tension headaches:
• stress and anxiety
• squinting at papers or computer screens
• poor posture
• lack of sleep and tiredness
• not drinking enough water or fluids resulting in dehydration
• low blood sugar from missing meals
• bright sunlight
• not moving around enough allowing muscles to tighten
• changes in the weather
• having hair tied up too tight
• being exposed to too much noise or to noises at a certain
frequency or
• certain smells
Avoiding all of these triggers is very difficult for most people working and living in a public space, but knowing individual triggers can help manage headaches and deal with them more quickly when they do occur.
Exercise, relaxation and hydration are all helpful in treating tension headaches along with taking a break from the computer, ensuring that blood sugar doesn’t get too low, relaxing hair ties and wearing correct glasses but there are also some very useful massage techniques that will help to alleviate a tension headache
once it starts.
One of the side effects of this massage treatment is that it can also make your client look younger! It can relax the muscles that cause frown lines and wrinkles – so if you can help with your client with their headaches and send them out looking younger – that has to be a bonus!
May 05, 2021
Tags: Headache Scalp Tension Headache Therapeutic Hair Pulling
Treatment of hair and scalp, treatment of hair loss in women and men in Moscow
- What are hair diseases
- Beautiful hair is an indicator of health
- Normal hair
- Oily hair
- Dry hair
- Mixed hair (greasy roots, dry ends)
- Mesotherapy in the treatment of scalp and hair
- Plasma therapy for the treatment of diseases of the scalp
- Hair Care Tips
- Spectral analysis of hair condition
Today there is a tendency to increase the frequency of various skin diseases. This is due to the aggressive composition of most shampoos, hypovitaminosis, the environmental situation, smoking, poor diet and chronic stress.
In medicine, diseases of the scalp and hair are distinguished:
- Alopecia is a disease of the hair roots, which is manifested by progressive baldness. Pathology also occurs when the daily rate of hair loss is exceeded (more than 100 per day). The roots are damaged due to scarring after injuries, burns, infections (ringworm) and hormonal disorders.
- Seborrhea or seborrheic dermatitis is a fungal infection of the skin of the head, which is accompanied by the formation of numerous scales (dandruff) and itching.
- Dandruff - exfoliation of the epithelium of the scalp in the form of scales or crusts. It's more of a symptom than a disease. There can be many reasons for dandruff: from improper care to such serious pathologies as eczema or psoriasis.
- Moniletrix is a genetic disease that occurs in the first year of a child's life Pathology is manifested by atrophy of hair follicles not only on the head, but throughout the body.
- Hypertrichosis is a disease that is manifested by excessive hair growth all over the body and in places where it grows in small quantities.
- Hirsutism is a female disorder characterized by male pattern hair growth on the face, abdomen, inner thighs, back and chest.
Beautiful hair is an indicator of health
Hair (pili) covers almost the entire human body, excluding the eyelids, palms, soles, lips, nipples and genitals. The greatest density of hair on the head. The total number of hairs on the head is from 60,000 - 70,000 to 130,000 - 150,000. The average number of hairs on the skin of the scalp is 100,000. A newborn has more than 1,000 follicles per 1 cm2. Blondes have a maximum hair density, but blond hair is thin, their thickness is about 0.05 mm; brown hair has a hair thickness of 0.06-0.08 mm, redheads have the lowest hair density, but the thickness reaches 0.1 mm.
The average hair length for women is 60-75 cm, but in rare cases it can reach 1. 5-2 meters. Knowing the maximum length that hair can grow and the rate of hair growth (usually 0.3-0.5 mm per day), we can calculate the duration of the growth phase. So hair growing at a rate of 1 cm per month, with a maximum length of 60 cm, has a growth phase duration of 60 months (or 5 years). The average duration of the hair growth phase in men is about 2 years, during which time the hair grows by an average of 20-25 cm. The shorter the duration of the growth phase, the more often the physiological change of hair on the head occurs. Thus, the greater the potential length of the hair, the less often they fall out.
Hair growth phases
In healthy individuals, approximately 85% of hair is in the anagen stage, 1-2% is in the catagen stage, and about 13-15% is in the telogen stage.
The hair follicle, and consequently the hair, undergoes several stages in its development: the growth period is called anagen, the dormant period is called telogen, and the period of transition from one stage to another is called catagen. In the catagen stage, atrophy of the hair papilla begins, as a result of which the cells of the hair bulb, deprived of nutrition, stop dividing and undergo keratinization. It is now generally accepted that the first hair cycle begins precisely with the catagen stage (it lasts only a few weeks), after which a short telogen stage begins (lasting for several months), which smoothly passes into the developmental stage - anagen.
The anagen phase, in turn, has 6 periods of development and can last an average of 3-6 years. With age, the anagen phase tends to decrease. It is important to note that the mechanical removal of hair in the telogen stage always entails the onset of the anagen stage, i.e. hair starts to grow again. From this it becomes clear why sometimes hair removal does not give quick and visible results. All the hair that remains on the brush or falls out during the day is usually telogen hair.
Hair types
1. Normal hair
Hair wash frequency | 1 time in 2-3 days |
Roots | Normal immediately after washing, oily by the end of the 3rd day |
Tips (from 20 cm long hair) | Normal, sometimes split ends |
Electrification | Very rare |
Splendor | Very rare |
How to style (without styling products) | Good (if the hair is not very thick) |
Basic care principle | Shampoo for normal hair twice a week; periodically use masks to maintain healthy hair; chemistry, hair coloring and other hairdressing procedures are not contraindicated within reasonable limits |

Wash frequency | Everyday |
Roots | Normal immediately after washing, oily by the end of the first day |
Tips (from 20 cm long hair) | Do not split |
Electrification | Almost never |
Splendor | Immediately after washing - not bad, then - "greasy icicles" |
How to style (without styling products) | Styling is good, but does not last long |
Basic care principle | Wash every day or every other day with a mild shampoo for daily washing, sometimes (1 every 10-14 days) using a shampoo for oily hair. Don't get carried away with masks. Chemistry, hair coloring are recommended. Adjust your diet. |
3. Dry hair
Wash frequency | 1 time in 6-7 days |
Roots | Immediately after washing - dry, on day 3-4 normal, by the end of the 7th day - oily |
Tips (from 20 cm long hair) | Dry, split, brittle |
Electrification | Very common |
Splendor | More often increased (hair flying) |
How to style (without styling products) | Hard to respond to |
Basic care principle | Wash your hair once every 5-6 days with moisturizing shampoos, regularly moisturizing masks, Chemistry and hair coloring are not recommended.![]() |
4. Mixed hair (greasy roots, dry ends)
Wash frequency | 1 time in 3-4 days |
Roots | Immediately after washing normal, 2-3 days oily |
Tips (from 20 cm long hair) | Dry, split ends |
Electrification | More often tips |
Splendor | At the roots - regular, the tips "scatter" |
How to style (without styling products) | Root varieties can last for some time |
Basic care principle | Wash your hair twice a week with a mild daily shampoo, occasionally (once every 12-14 days) using an anti-oily hair shampoo. Special attention to dry ends - masks on the ends of the hair. Trim the ends regularly. |
Mesotherapy in the treatment of scalp and hair
Mesotherapy is a procedure for multiple subcutaneous injections of a specially selected cocktail using very thin and short needles. This cocktail consists of various substances (vitamins, minerals, plant extracts, hormones, etc.) and is selected individually for the patient's problem.
This method of subcutaneous administration ensures maximum penetration of therapeutic agents into the focus of the disease. This saturates the skin and hair roots with nutrients, enzymes, vitamins, which creates conditions for the elimination of the problem and recovery.
Hair care advice
- Shampoo as often as needed to feel comfortable, up to daily shampooing.
- Shampoo should be chosen according to hair type, avoid "family" shampoos and "2 in 1" type shampoos.
- Apply detergents only to the scalp, and the hair shafts are washed with dripping foam.
- Shampoo should not be left on the head for more than 3 minutes, unless otherwise directed in the instructions. Wash off the foam as thoroughly as possible with water at a temperature close to body temperature. Then rinse your hair with cool water.
- It is important to apply a balm or mask to the hair after shampooing. These products have a slightly acidic reaction, which means they neutralize the negative effects of shampoos, they help restore the protective lipid barrier.
- It is best if, after washing your hair, you train yourself to use not only a hair balm, but also a tonic for the scalp. Tonics (lotions, serums) are designed to restore skin balance, normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, as a rule, prevent the development of dandruff and carry an additional nutritional function for the bulbs.
- Avoid rubbing your hair with a towel, try to dry it gently.
- If you wash your hair daily, do a "fasting day" on weekends, wash your hair with egg yolk mixed with warm water. Rinse your hair thoroughly with running water, then rinse it with water and lemon juice (or table vinegar). This rinse will replace the balm.
Plasma therapy in the treatment of diseases of the scalp
Plasma therapy in the treatment of hair is a procedure for injecting the patient's own blood plasma, which is enriched with platelets. Plasma is the liquid component of blood. Platelets are substances that are involved not only in blood clotting to stop bleeding, but also in the production of special proteins - growth factors.
The mechanism of action of the method is based on the ability of platelets to stimulate the synthesis of new stem cells in the area of drug administration. As a result, the process of division of hair follicular cells is enhanced and its functionality is improved.
Platelets react with fibroblasts and activate collagen. This helps to improve the structure of the intercellular space. Purified plasma stimulates the formation of new capillaries in the scalp, which improves tissue nutrition and blood circulation.
Therefore, the above processes stop hair loss, normalize the work of hair follicles, sebaceous glands and relieve hair diseases. The procedure is excellent for hair loss treatment in women.
Spectral analysis for diagnosing the condition of the hair
This test aims to determine the concentration of trace elements in the hair. Throughout the entire period of growth, they accumulate and store information about metabolism.
Therefore, with the help of spectral analysis, it is possible to determine the deficiency or excess of certain microelements not only in the hair, but throughout the body. After all, if there is a shortage of specific minerals in the hair, then they are not enough in the blood.
To do this, take a few strands of hair from the back of the head up to 1 cm wide and 3-4 cm long. Usually, the study includes the determination of 25 major microelements. There is an extended spectral analysis with the definition of 25 main and 15 additional (this includes toxic elements) minerals. Based on the results of the study, an individual program is drawn up to replenish the missing elements and correct mineral metabolism.
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Treatment of gray hair: methods and means
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- Treatment of gray hair: methods and means
There is an established opinion among the people that the appearance of gray hair is nothing but an omen of coming old age. Moreover, many people are not so much afraid of old age itself, but simply seem old and literally panic when they first see a couple of gray hairs on their heads. The fair sex is especially shocked by this. And then, in an attempt to delay the spread of gray hair, they begin to frantically buy various ointments, dietary supplements and shampoos, the advertising of which promises them to return their original hair color almost forever.
In fact, everything looks much simpler: gray hair is a normal physiological process that takes place in the human body from the moment of birth until death.
To the reassurance of many, let's reveal a secret: it turns out that not all follicles on a person's head grow hair. Nature left the second part, as it were, in reserve. It is this factor that specialists primarily use in the fight against both baldness and gray hair. I mean, there is hope!
Common causes of graying
The direct cause of gray hair lies in the follicle itself, when it stops producing melanin pigment. After all, it is he who is the basis of hair coloring. And this happens due to the withering of melanocyte cells with age, which synthesize melanin and are part of the hair follicle. The very root of this situation lies in the clogging of the blood vessels, when there is a reduction in blood flow to the hair follicles. As a result, the hair does not receive the necessary amount of nutrients.
If this problem is analyzed in a differentiated way, then the formation of gray hair can be considered from the angle of several factors:
- age;
- heredity;
- stressful situations, especially of a permanent nature;
- chronic diseases;
- lack of trace elements and vitamins in the body, especially such as zinc, copper, iron, calcium and magnesium;
- excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation (especially those who like to sunbathe with their heads uncovered).
As for women, primary gray hair may accompany the first pregnancy. Here, the root cause may be hormonal changes in the body, lack of nutrients that supply, first of all, the fetus, as well as stress associated with taking care of the safe bearing of the baby.
Causes of premature graying
As a rule, the first gray hair makes itself felt after the age of thirty, but even children can become gray. And there are special reasons for that. Those, if we take the situation by age, can be:
Childhood | hereditary diseases, sudden severe shock, heart disease; |
Adolescent | the same as above, plus constant depression, addiction to bad habits; |
Young | everything is the same, plus bad ecology, more and more accelerating pace of life, social injustice, perceived at this age with particular sensitivity; |
Adult | naturally occurring destructive processes in the body with age.![]() |
Methods of combating gray hair
We must understand that it is impossible to fight against age or heredity, due to the similarity of the immune system of children and parents. That is, it is useless to approach the cure for gray hair from this side. And, in general, it is best to take on the restoration of the natural hair color not on your own, but with the help of specialists - trichologists.
Initially, in order not to have particularly bright hopes on this topic, they will explain to you that the restoration of melanin, at the current level of development of science, in the entire gray hairline, in principle, is impossible. But, at the same time, they will be pleased by telling that it is possible to support a part of the follicle capable of producing melanin with the help of drugs and medical procedures. So, for example, to stop the appearance of gray hair and partially reanimate the course of pigmentation of the hairline with:
- injections of 25% magnesium solution;
- the use of mineral preparations and vitamins, mainly of the B series, containing selenium, calcium, zinc, tryptophan, etc.
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