Emotionally tired in a relationship
Signs That Your Relationship Is Emotionally Draining You
- Your relationship may be exhausting you emotionally if you're the only one constantly making sacrifices to ensure your partner's needs are being met.
- If you experience anxiety, fatigue, or depression when you're around your partner, it may be time to reach out to a licensed mental health professional or relationship counselor.
- Cherlyn Chong, a breakup specialist, helps her clients reevaluate whether their relationship is impacting their mental health.
- Even though it's never easy to admit when a relationship has gone downhill, it's important to be aware of some red flags that it's become all-consuming.
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Devoting your energy to a relationship that isn't meeting your needs can make you feel frustrated and emotionally drained. When you don't feel supported by your partner, it can be very difficult to communicate and give each other the love you both deserve.
Of course, no relationship is perfect. Every couple is prone to the occasional disagreement from time to time. But if you're constantly feeling stressed any time you think about your partner, or if you feel physically exhausted from spending time with them, it's possible that your relationship is seriously impacting your mental health.
Insider reached out to several mental health and relationship experts to learn about some red flags that indicate a relationship has gone from being emotionally fulfilling to emotionally draining.
Going through emotional problems doesn't always mean that you need to break up with your partner. But if any of the following experiences feel familiar, it may be time to reach out to a licensed mental health professional or relationships therapist who can help you work through your issues.
Dr. Tricia Wolanin, clinical psychologist and author, told Insider that people tend to feel emotionally drained when they start worrying about fixing their partner's issues more than caring for their own wellbeing.
"Their issues become our issues and we want to fix them," she said. "These thoughts may ruminate in our heads. We may find we are continually offering support and care to ensure they are feeling heard and have someone to lean on. Comparatively, we may find that they cannot offer this type of support to us."
It can be very easy to assume a caretaker role within your relationship if your partner is going through a difficult time. After all, you want to help them in the best way possible and be their number one cheerleader.
That emotional labor, however, can become exhausting if your partner is not dealing with their problems or allowing them to snowball. Suddenly their drama dominates all of your conversations, which in turn, forces you to put your own issues aside.
Worrying about any person that much isn't healthy because it can keep you from taking care of yourself. Wolanin said if you find yourself in this kind of relationship, you should encourage your partner to seek additional support from their friends, family, or a therapist.
If someone constantly belittles and controls you, or ignores your emotional needs, it's possible that "spark" that once made you fall in love with them will fade away.
Caroline Madden, Ph.D., licensed marriage and family therapist, and author of "Fool Me Once: Should I take back My Cheating Husband", told Insider said these relationships can "suck the life out of you," which may cause you to lose interest in being physically affectionate with your partner.
"[You] don't want to have sex. They have taken everything from you, you can't give anymore any more of yourself," she said.
The lack of emotional support and trust can take a toll on your desire to have sex with your partner. Without the original communication and affection that may have made you fall for them in the first place, intimacy of any kind can become more challenging.
You feel like you can't be yourself around them Whether you're trying to avoid an argument or protect their feelings, hiding the truth is generally never a good idea in the long run. Fizkes/ShutterstockIt's never a good sign if you feel uncomfortable expressing your opinions about certain topics or sharing your feelings with your partner.
Whether you're trying to avoid an argument or protect their feelings, hiding the truth is generally never a good idea in the long run. Even if it prevents an explosive fight from happening in the moment, over time you will likely become unsatisfied and resentful of suppressing who you are just to please them.
According to Cherlyn Chong, rapid breakup recovery specialist at Steps to Happyness, this doesn't just affect what you say to them, but also how you behave when you're around them.
She told Insider, "This is also called 'walking on eggshells'. Your body is always tight and on edge because you worry that if you do something 'wrong,' he or she might blow up or leave you."
You crave alone timeAlthough spending time apart is often necessary for a healthy relationship, having a frequent desire to be away from your partner can indicate that you're trying to escape from them.
"When you're spending a lot of mental energy on your partner, you'll be thrilled to have a weekend away from them or any time at all," said Adina Mahali, an M. S.W. and certified mental health consultant from Maple Holistics.
She told Insider, "Everyone needs alone time, but if it's something you're looking forward to, then you may want to rethink the relationship. If you feel like you want to celebrate instead of missing them, then it's not a good sign. This could be a sign that they are draining you when you're together."
You aren't as open with your friends anymore It's entirely possible for you to feel embarrassed to talk with your friends about your significant other, especially if it seems like relationship problems are never-ending. Rawpixel / GettyAccording to Wolanin, an emotionally draining relationship can change the way you open up to your friends.
She told Insider, "Sometimes when we get in these types of relationships, it consumes all our time and energy. [This] impacts our ability to interact as deeply with our own circle of friends or in our regular coping skills."
It may feel awkward to share some details of your relationship with your friends and this can also lead to some distance between you and your loved ones. But just because it's awkward doesn't mean it's not important. In fact, Wolanin recommends nurturing those non-romantic relationships so that you know you have people you can depend on if things in your relationships go sour.
You feel physically exhaustedEven though they seem like separate things, mental health and physical health are closely connected to each other.
Madden told Insider that an emotionally draining relationship can have a physical impact on a person's health.
Perhaps you're sleeping in more because you stayed up until 3 a.m. trying to support your partner during a big work project. Or maybe you're struggling to stay awake because every single one of your interactions with your partner has been an argument.
In any case, if a relationship is causing you anxiety or other mental health issues, it's very possible for this to drain your physical body of its energy.
Your relationship is interfering with other areas of your life When you're with someone who needs constant attention and reassurance, it can distract you from being the best version of yourself as an individual. Shutterstock"One of the biggest indicators that your relationship is negatively affecting your emotional health, is that it is impacting an area of your life [such as] work, friendships, family, health, finances, spirituality, or downtime," Carolyn McNulty, licensed mental health counselor and Guardian Ad Litem, said.
Most people are capable of keeping their relationships separate from other parts of their lives. However, when you're with someone who needs constant attention and reassurance, it can distract you from being the best version of yourself as an individual.
"It's hard to concentrate on other relationships and your career if you're always mentally exhausted," said Chong.
Chong told Insider, "big signs are when you always have an excuse to not go out with friends, friends stop inviting you out because you're so unavailable, family talk about how you never see them anymore, or your boss calls you into the office to talk about your work performance. Everything in your life has stalled or is suffering."
"When any of these areas are negatively affected, due to the relationship, then it is time to take some steps to restore you to an optimal level of emotional functioning," McNulty said.
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15 Ways to Fix an Emotionally Drained Relationship
Romantic relationships are usually full of disagreements, issues, and conflicts, but an emotionally drained relationship is the most difficult to deal with.
Often, some people get to a stage in their relationship that makes them say, “my relationship is draining me.” You may also hear some wives say, “My husband is emotionally draining me.” When a romantic relationship gets to this stage, the partners aren’t getting along as expected.
The beginning of a typical romantic relationship is often full of blissful events and lovely memories. However, many reasons can make a seemingly perfect relationship toxic and unhealthy. As time goes on, such a relationship becomes an emotionally drained relationship.
Of course, no one ever goes into a relationship, envisioning that it will turn into an emotionally exhausting relationship. Nonetheless, when you don’t feel the spark again and your relationship continues to affect your mental health, it’s time to seek solutions.
At first, you may feel like leaving once you become emotionally exhausted in a relationship, but seeking a solution is the first step. Knowing how to fix an emotionally draining relationship should be your next option. After all, you must have invested considerable time and energy.
The question is, how to fix an emotionally draining relationship? While it won’t be a walk in a Park fixing an emotionally exhausting relationship, it is not impossible. So, what does emotionally draining mean? Keep reading to learn more.
Related Reading: 10 Signs of Emotional Exhaustion and Burnout in MarriageWhat does it mean to be in an emotionally draining relationship?
Before you know how to fix an emotionally draining relationship, you must first understand what does emotionally drained mean.
Typically, a healthy relationship is full of happy moments and occasional disagreements. Just because a relationship seems perfect doesn’t mean there are no conflicts. The best of relationships comes with issues once in a while. However, the couples usually find ways to solve the issues.
If you ever feel stressed or fearful anytime you think about your partner or the relationship, then you are in an emotionally draining marriage or emotionally draining relationship.
An emotionally drained relationship makes you feel you are doing many things wrong. You constantly feel you lack support despite having a partner. When people talk about great things happening in their relationship, you find it challenging to relate. Why? That’s because you have no similar experience.
Similarly, when you are in an emotional burnout relationship, you either feel insecure or have an insecure partner. An insecure partner drains a relationship, which directly affects you as the partner.
Feeling emotionally exhausted in a relationship means you are frustrated. There is no chance for constant or healthy communication in such a relationship. Therefore, it isn’t easy to give your partner your best.
The first instinct of anyone in an emotionally draining marriage or relationship is to leave. Nevertheless, feeling drained in a relationship doesn’t always mean you need to break up with your romantic partner. Instead, you should seek how to stop being emotionally draining.
Also, it is important to know how to fix an emotionally draining relationship.
Also Try: Am I emotionally exhausted?What are the signs of an emotionally draining person?
There are situations where you may feel you are in an exhausting relationship, but not sure. It might help to know the common traits of an emotionally draining person before you declare your relationship as an emotionally drained one.
The following are the common traits of an emotionally draining person:
1. No chance for healthy communicationIf your partner makes you feel emotionally exhausted in a relationship, you will notice there is no chance for communication. And this is concerning as communication is a predictor of relationship satisfaction, according to research.
When there is a relationship problem, partners should communicate and solve it. But an emotionally draining person sees no need for “small talks. ” They would instead move on as nothing happened than talk about the issue.
Related Reading: Healthy Communication For Couples: Speaking From the Heart2. Doesn’t take responsibility
One of the signs of an emotionally draining person is irresponsibility. Usually, when you complain about a specific behavior you don’t like in your partner, they are supposed to listen and change ultimately.
Experts point out that not taking responsibility for one’s actions and blaming the other person for problems destroys relationships.
For an emotionally draining person, it’s the opposite. They are aware of their flaws and the effects on their partner, but they usually choose to ignore them. Instead of accepting their faults, they shift the blame on you, making you feel guilty for their actions.
3. They are insecureAnother common trait of an emotionally draining person is insecurity. An insecure person has often dealt with many negative situations that make them question their partner and the relationship.
For instance, an insecure person drains a relationship with attitudes such as constant argument and lack of trust. Also, they may have trouble having meaningful conversations and taking constructive feedback.
4. Belittles youIf you have an emotionally draining partner, you will constantly feel belittled. The truth is such a person takes joy in using hurtful remarks and statements to make you feel discouraged. Consequently, this affects your self-esteem and ability to pursue your dreams or interests.
Also Try: Do I Have Low Self-esteem Quiz5. Make you crave your me-time
If you are emotionally exhausted in a relationship, you will always look forward to being alone rather than being with your partner. That’s because a relationship with an emotionally draining person is full of arguments, fights, and the exchange of words.
You will naturally look forward to being alone when you think about the exhausting nature of your relationship. Me-time is important in all relationships, but it becomes necessary for emotionally exhausting relationships.
In an emotionally drained relationship, you need to understand that your needs aren’t important. An emotionally draining person will make you feel like your needs are enormous. They will also make you think you have the right to request anything, whether emotional, financial, or psychological.
7. Won’t support youPartners are supposed to motivate and encourage each other in their endeavors. However, dating an emotionally draining person is more complicated than you think. They see no need to support you, and even when you ask, they make you feel you are asking too much.
Related Reading: 7 Things to Do When You Have an Unsupportive Partner15 pointers on how to repair an emotionally draining relationship
Once you know the common traits of an emotionally draining person, you need to know how to fix an emotionally draining relationship. While it is difficult to think of solutions right away, fixing it can be enlightening.
The first step to fixing an emotionally draining relationship is to acknowledge the problems in your relationship. Don’t expect the problems to go away on their own without solving them. If you do, the issues will resurface in the future, probably more complicated than they were.
Therefore, if you feel you are in an emotional burnout relationship, start by identifying any issue, no matter how little.
2. CommunicateYou might have heard that communication is important in any relationship. It is even more essential when you feel drained in a relationship or an emotionally draining marriage. Even your emotionally draining partner disregards your need to communicate, you have to force them to listen.
That is the only way you can make your feelings known. Look for a time your partner will be calm and talk to them. If you can set up a meeting, try texting them or using social media channels.
Related Reading: Top 9 Effective Communication Skills for Couples3. Know what you want
It’s hard to know how to fix an emotionally draining relationship if you don’t know what you want in your marriage or relationship. Often, you hear some partner say, my husband is emotionally draining me, or I am in an emotionally drained relationship, yet they aren’t doing anything to solve the problem.
The truth is they don’t know what they want out of the relationship. Before fixing your relationship, you must highlight what you want out of the relationship as a partner. That way, it’s easy to communicate with your partner.
4. Focus on yourselfBeing in an emotionally drained relationship is one thing; constantly thinking about it is another issue. The constant thoughts you experience in an emotional burnout relationship can leave you feeling exhausted.
Instead of worrying too much about your partner, which is unhealthy, shift the attention to yourself. Love yourself more and do what you love the most. Focus on your happiness and the people that care about you.
Similar to focusing on yourself in a draining relationship is loving yourself more. It is easy to forget who you are in an exhausting relationship.
Remember the time you were happy and cheerful. What made you happy then? Imagine what you will do for someone you love, then do more of that for yourself.
Related Reading: The 5 Pillars of Self-Care6. Take care of yourself
An emotionally drained relationship can make you feel sick or look haggard with time. It does affect not only your mental health but also your physical well-being. Therefore, take care of your body and eat good food.
While a healthy body and soul do not relate directly to fixing your exhausting relationship, it is a way of rejuvenating yourself when you are feeling exhausted.
7. Ask more questionsEvery conversation with an emotionally draining person comes with fear, uncertainties, and sadness. Nonetheless, changing your relationship means bracing up to whatever will happen. Prepare yourself by asking important questions instead of winning the argument.
For example, if your partner suddenly yells, you should ask why they react that way. Also, you may ask why they feel your input is less important in conversations. These questions will take them back and make them think.
8. Listen to your partnerWhy should you listen to your partner when they don’t listen to you? Well, it might help you see their perspective better. Remember, we are on a quest to fix your emotionally draining relationship.
Therefore, you need to consider other options. Listen to your partner and consider whether you might be at fault or none of you is at fault after all.
Related Reading: 4 Tips to Be a Better Listener in a Relationship- Why It Matters
Check out this video to learn more about the power of listening:
9. Talk to your loved onesSpeaking with your friends or family members may not be easy, but it might help you deal with an emotionally draining partner. Ensure the individuals you confide in are loyal to you and offer you the necessary support without judgment.
10. Identify what you can doUsually, individuals dealing with an exhausting relationship often pay more attention to what their partner isn’t doing. Remember, the relationship is about the two of you. So, instead of complaining about your partner every time, focus on what you can do to fix the relationship.
Try your best to create a healthy relationship even if your partner isn’t responding well. Eventually, if it doesn’t work out, you will know you will try your best.
11. Believe in your abilityKnowing how to fix an emotionally drained relationship can be exhausting. Sometimes you will want to give up. However, one thing that can help you is to believe you can make it work.
Yes! There is nothing wrong with fixing your relationship if it’s important to you. So, don’t feel guilty for trying. Instead, be strong enough to see the bright side.
12. Consider a change of environment togetherIn an emotionally draining marriage, the partners usually live together in the same house. If you feel emotionally exhausted, you should suggest leaving your present location together. For example, try a weekend getaway together or a short trip to another country.
13. Spend some time apartWhether you are in an emotionally draining marriage or an emotionally drained relationship, you need to take a break. Understand that you are not breaking up with your partner. You only want to understand and rediscover yourself more.
Being in an emotionally drained relationship can make you feel lost, but leaving the negative environment might offer you new perspectives.
Another feasible way on how to stop being emotionally draining in your relationship is to relive memories.
Your present situation might condition you to hate your partner, yourself, or the relationship. However, if you reminisce and see how you and your partner started, you might see more ways to create a loving relationship like before.
Related Reading: 15 Awesome Ways to Create Memories with Your Partner15. Check with an expert
If you have tried all means to fix your exhausting relationship and nothing seems to work, you need to seek an expert’s opinion. For instance, a person experiencing an emotionally draining marriage should see a marriage counselor. A marriage counselor or therapist has been trained to solve relationship-related problems.
ConclusionA typical relationship is full of ups and downs. Nonetheless, if you ever feel stressed, frustrated, or unhappy when you think about your partner, you might be in an emotionally drained relationship. Once you notice the common traits of an emotionally draining person, it is time to seek solutions.
Instead of brooding over the issues, you should be concerned about fixing an emotionally draining relationship. Suppose nothing changes after trying to fix an emotionally draining relationship; then you should seek the opinion of a marriage counselor or therapist. Also, you may read some relationship books or courses curated by relationship experts.
How to deal with burnout
Alla Pilipyuk, fazarosta.com coach , family psychologist
If the electricity goes out in a relationship, boredom comes. It seems that bright emotions in love will no longer be. Become the author of your life and take the initiative in your own hands. You have heard the expression “burned out at work” more than once. But what about relationships? Burned out in marriage? Indeed, at first everything was fine between you: fresh feelings, stormy experiences, and, most importantly, you had fun together. After a while, the feelings turned into a habit. Fatigue came. You may have noticed that you are talking to your man on auto-pilot. There was an apathy to his touch and a sense of meaninglessness. Emotional paralysis set in…
Why is this happening?
You can't wake up with "burnout" - it slowly builds up. Motivation and self-esteem are falling, hopelessness is rolling in. Monotony in relationships turns even a spectacular woman into a kind of zombie. There is a feeling as if you were closed in a terrarium. A huge python wrapped around the body and strangles, and you stare blankly at one point and come what may!
Internal psychological protection in this case works with the opposite effect. By blocking emotions, or vice versa, by showing aggression, you do not solve the problem, but exacerbate it. nine0007
Five symptoms of burnout in a relationship
1. Every day together is like groundhog day.
2. Even little things annoy a man. In his presence, you are withdrawn, closed, or ready to explode.
3. There are no romantic feelings, touches, manifestations of love.
4. You have no genuine interest in his affairs.
5 . You prefer to stay late at work, find urgent household chores to spend less time with your partner. nine0007
If you found most of the above symptoms in your relationship, then you need to take action and realize the following...
Listen to yourself
Most often, a woman drives herself into a state of emotional burnout. Gives all the best, but does not receive returns. For example, she gave him a candlelight dinner, and he was lying on the sofa with a can of beer, and he was lying. As a result - tears and "I am everything to him, but he ...". Take a closer look, maybe he is not a worthy man and does not deserve your efforts? nine0007
It also happens like this: a woman is working to maintain a relationship that she really doesn't want anymore. Just a habit. No need to blow on the ashes.
Both partners are always to blame
Someone more, someone less. Instead of running away from the problem, you need to solve it. It will be easier if you talk honestly with your partner. No manipulation or drama. Say directly: “I feel that we do not have fresh emotions. Tell me how to be." Based on his answer, you will intuitively understand whether to reanimate the relationship, or is it time to leave. nine0007
Learn not to shift responsibility for what happened entirely to your partner or external circumstances. Something or someone will always put a spoke in your wheels - such is the world. Learn to live for today, and not in the “someday I will be happy” mode.
Don't be silent
This is the time to act. And do not endure and wait for everything to somehow magically be resolved. Many women live in a state of emotional burnout for years. Earn neuroses, psychosomatic illnesses. They are used to the "neither fish nor fowl" relationship. This state of futility and self-doubt will affect every aspect of life. If there are cataclysms on the personal front, this will affect your work, health, appearance, etc. nine0007
Energy is produced by two people
If something burned out somewhere, it is necessary to understand both partners. Who knows which contact failed? Yes, one woman is not enough to solve the problem. But the initiative is still worth taking. A rolling stone gathers no moss. So go ahead.
It is better to invest in a man through emotions. If you work as a permanent animator in the family, then very soon you will get bored to the horror.
How to deal with burnout in a relationship
Set joint goals with a partner
Both short-term and long-term motivation will do. In the process of achieving it, it will bring you closer, encourage you, and make you feel like like-minded people. It could be anything from hitchhiking across Europe to having a baby. The main thing is that it was interesting for both.
Stop comparing
It's hard these days because social media dictates "happiness fashion." Many women have the feeling that others have a stormy interesting life, while they have a boring one. But it's not! No need to focus on other people's examples. So much in our life depends on what we think of ourselves. Broadcast the positive, and it will return to you. nine0007
Receive fresh emotions
Let your man now cause as many hormones of happiness as going to the hardware store for a new mop, but a joint dose of endorphins unites. So look for it together. Everything is suitable as an emotional doping - from extreme sports to violent sex. Your brain remembers who was there at the time of the positive emotional jolt.
Do not suppress your desires
How often do you think about what you really want? Don't replace "I want" with "I have to". Otherwise, drive yourself into the yoke of everyday life: now I’ll fry cutlets for him, then I’ll clean up (oh! now I’d like a martini and a movie), then I’ll iron his shirts . .. And as a result, you are tired, and you don’t want a martini or a movie. nine0007
Become the author of your life
Your positive inner attitude is the most important condition. If you are satisfied with yourself, then a special field is created around you. You attract good things into your life. To do this, you need to develop self-confidence. Learn to value yourself, and the world around you will respond the same. Remember that a man loves his condition next to a woman, and for the sake of this he is ready to move mountains.
So, how to deal with burnout? First of all, understand yourself. What do you want, what taboos have led you to this state. Analyze and erase. This will be a little more difficult than it looks. But you can do it. And don't forget to admire yourself. After all, you are the most beautiful! nine0007
Photo: stills from the film “Every Thing Will Be Fine”
See also: It’s hard: 3 stories of mothers who raise children aloneBurnout syndrome.

Alena Lepilina
Sometimes life is so exhausting that you want to say: “Burn everything with fire! Life has failed, and I leave the effort. Someone gives up and closes in on himself, and someone comes to self-destructive behavior: addictions, aggressive and risky behavior, sleep disturbances, inability to relax - everyone has their own problems. nine0007
The disease of the new millennium
People were not created to immediately live in the conditions of the 21st century. However, we adapted perfectly, but it came at a high price. In the past, people lived in small villages and knew each other well - even the appearance of a casual traveler or a fair was a big event. Any person knew who he would become when he grew up, since, as a rule, everyone continued the work of their fathers and mothers. They went to bed at nightfall and got up at dawn. Life was predictable. nine0007
Thousands of years of living like this has shaped our brains, our beliefs and our response to stress. As long as we are young, everything is fine. But as we get older, things get worse. The fact is that before people did not experience 35 years, which means that the human body did not have time to adapt to the effects of prolonged stress.
All organs and tissues of our body suffer from stress. Ultimately, serious damage is done to the brain. If you look at a CT scan of the brains of people suffering from chronic stress, you will see large white gaps where brain tissue would normally be. nine0007
Social changes
Humanity is currently in a state of permanent stress due to fundamental changes.
- Stimulation too strong. We are attacked by a flood of information: from television, the internet, our mobile phones, magazines and newspapers. We constantly make choices and decisions that drain our willpower. We live with artificial lighting, heating and cooling, and this allows us to work longer.
- Insufficient security.
nine0020 Life is absolutely unpredictable. Work, home, family, intimate relationships, patriotism, freedom - over the past decades, these concepts have changed radically. And even the American dream is no longer coming true. It used to be customary to live surrounded by family and friends, but now it has become the norm to move thousands of kilometers in search of work.
- The crisis of the meaning of life. Previously, we knew where to draw the meaning of being. We believed that if a person lives a righteous life, then God will reward him and send him to heaven. Now we really don't know why to live a righteous life, if we can't even understand what it means. nine0125
Modern life is basically unsuitable for us, but we are so hypnotized by advertising, acquisitiveness and mass media that we fail to see this crucial fact. Now that we have faced the threat of a real economic collapse and seen how merciless and indomitable capitalism can be, many have had to give up their illusions.
Building strong relationships
Perhaps the best antidote and prevention of burnout can be building strong relationships with loved ones. When we can share our experiences with family and friends, despair subsides and we are able to see new horizons. nine0007
You may not know it yet, but science has proven that human relationships have proven to be the single most important source of life satisfaction, regardless of age or culture. People who feel connected to others live longer and have fewer health problems than those who isolate themselves from society. Those who care about others are happier than the selfish ones who pursue only their own interests.
If we go back in time and remember the happiest times in our lives, we will surely see that most of our memories are connected with people. nine0007
Bringing back hope
It's okay, you won't be a millionaire until you're forty. It turned out that the fairytale prince has a boyfriend. You set the bar too high and worked hard to get where you wanted to be, and now it looks like you won't succeed.
So, does disappointment and failure really mean that life is over? Please imagine that it was our efforts to cope with stress and frustration, and not just stress and frustration in and of itself, that became the main cause of our state of intense depression. nine0007
And now we will consciously pull ourselves together and start from scratch, in a new way. We will learn to consciously control stress and make intelligent decisions. We will be able to change our ideas so that life acquires a new meaning. And it's not that hard at all, it just takes time and effort.
Good news
We set ourselves unattainable goals or were in too much of a hurry. The circle is closed. But no matter what way we choose to deal with the vicious cycle of stress, there is always a chance to break it. nine0007
Meditation, exercise, change of mind, new goals, openness to the world - any positive change can set in motion a spiral of adaptation, where each subsequent change strengthens what has been achieved. Our reaction to a positive event makes another more likely, and so on.
If we smile at people more often, they smile back more often, and we get a dose of endorphins. If you continue in the same spirit, you can change your life.
Prevention of burnout
Non-stop stress enters our body and we try to live with too much adrenaline. The result is exhaustion, apathy, loss of strength. But, fortunately, this can be dealt with.
1. Be prepared for stress
Learn relaxation exercises, meditation, breathing practices. And try to become aware of your emotions. As soon as you realize that everything is about to go to hell, turn to the life-saving techniques that you have learned. nine0007
2. Don't give in to momentary desires
There is a great temptation to take medicine or drop into a bar around the corner, burst into yelling and say hurtful words when the mood is at zero. Do not hurry! Analyze your judgments and desires. If the situation calls for your intervention, wait until you can control yourself
3. Don't forget the essentials
Remember fundamental values and act accordingly. What is more important - blow off steam or maintain a relationship with a loved one? nine0007
4. Get a pet
The presence of a pet in the house will help you cope with stress better, and walking with a dog will open up new opportunities for communicating with people.
5. Pay attention to the state of your body
If you are too anxious, angry or frightened, first calm down, and for this, do relaxation exercises. Go for a walk to change your mood. Go to the gym and do aerobics - this will help relieve stress. nine0007
6. Make up your mind
If you have a really serious problem, something needs to be done about it. Hard work? Look for a new one. Relationship with a partner reached an impasse? Maybe you should break up (but just think it over carefully).