Edibles for anxiety and depression

6 Best Cannabis Strains and Edibles For Anxiety and Depression

Highs and lows are normal in life.

So is being anxious about the future or about…anything else, really.

But anxiety and depression shouldn’t stop us from living normal lives. When either of them get in the way of our overall ability to be happy and productive, we’ve got a problem.

Luckily, cannabis might be a partial solution. Check out these two articles on the benefits of using cannabis to treat anxiety and depression.

And for those of you who are interested, here are the six best cannabis strains and edibles for anxiety and depression!

1. Bio-Jesus

It might seem a little irreverent to name a cannabis strain after Jesus.

But consider this: evidence suggests that cannabis was mentioned in the Old Testament as an ingredient for a “holy anointing oil” that was used by the priesthood.

Not only that, Jesus and his apostles might have used cannabis-based oil to perform healings!

While your mind is still chewing on that revelation, now consider this one: Bio-Jesus is an indica-dominant miracle-worker with a THC level of 26% – 30%. The result is a powerful cerebral and body effect and that rapidly releases tension, putting you in a state of extreme couch lock and sleep-readiness.

So if your anxiety is keeping you up at night, Bio-Jesus might be the answer. Can we get an amen???

2. Helix Twist Sour Cherry Gummies

Oftentimes, the best things come in small packages.

And if you’re looking for an edible that can give you sustained effects throughout the night, Helix Twist Sour Cherry Gummies offer a sweet and tangy blend of cherry mixed with cannabis that’s designed to ease the mind and body.

Each serving contains a little over 10 mg of THC, which allows for convenient microdosing.

3. CannaPunch

Need a way to consume cannabis that’s more discreet than vaping or smoking but doesn’t take nearly as long as a standard edible?

That may sound like a tall order, but believe it or not, such a product exists.

That product is CannaPunch.

Here are some highlights of this cannabis beverage:

  • 100% organic and vegan
  • Gluten-free, soy-free, and corn syrup-free
  • Equipped with CannaPunch’s trademarked NXT extraction technology, which equals faster absorption (the faster absorption happens sublingually, so if you really want to get the most bang for your buck, hold the punch in your mouth for a little while, swish it around, etc. )
  • Dosing cup that allows you to measure and control how much you consume

CannaPunch comes in different flavors and strains, so if you’re looking for something to treat your depression, try their sativa-based Pineapple Mango Delight.

If you want something more anxiety-relieving and relaxing, then try the indica-based Granddaddy Grape.

4. Stardawg

Descended from Chemdawg 4 and Tres Dawg, Stardawg is an energizing, euphoria-powered hybrid strain that will expand your head space to new heights.

Users report both feelings of upliftment and increased productivity as well as a decrease in stress and anxiety. Sounds to us like Stardawg does what all good hybrids do: give you the best of both the sativa and indica worlds!

5. Cookie Face

The indica that feels like a sativa? That’s what most users say about Cookie Face.

First, this purple-budded wonder blasts you with a wave of relaxation and sedation. Next comes the pick-me-up that energizes you, giving you that second wind to tackle whatever life is throwing at you.

Cookie Face is ideal for evening use, when you need to wind down in a major way but aren’t quite ready to call it a night.

6. Highly Edible CBD Assorted Pucks

Brought to you by the fine people over at CannaPunch, these pucks boast the same wholesome ingredients you expect from their cannabis beverages.

The main ingredient is the popular cannabinoid CBD, which is well-known for its anti-anxiety effects.

These pucks are pretty heavy on the CBD side of the CBD:THC ratio (20:1), so don’t be surprised if you feel little to no psychoactive effect but a ton of relaxation.

Want to learn about more cannabis strains and products that are ideal for anxiety and depression? Contact us at any of our three locations — Las Vegas Strip, Tropicana West, and Henderson — and talk to our dispensary consultants to learn more!

Edibles For Anxiety And Depression

Edibles for Anxiety and Depression

Anxiety and depression are some of the most common mental illnesses in the world. They can be debilitating and affect more than 40 million people just in the United States. Marijuana is one of the most natural ways to help treat both of these conditions.  There is a growing body of evidence that shows cannabis is very effective at treating both disorders. When used correctly, people experience tremendous relief. One study in 2018 demonstrated a 58% reduction in anxiety and stress in cannabis users (Medical News Today). Edibles are a natural way to soothe depression and anxiety, and gives the consumer a tasty snack as well.

Edibles for anxiety and depression can be extremely helpful at managing symptoms. They are discreet, easy to dose and use, and widely available. It’s important to know exactly what benefits a consumer is looking for before choosing an edible product in order to get the right one. In addition, one of the most important aspects to keep in mind about edibles is dosing. It’s recommended to start by dosing around 5mg and increase over time.

Types of Edibles for Anxiety and Depression

Edibles come in many different forms including candies, capsules, sprays, lozenges, and food products.   Some food products include cookies, chocolate bars, brownies, and much, much more. Furthermore, one of the benefits to using edibles is that they give long-lasting relief. They can last up to eight hours! Even in small doses, edibles can provide relaxation, euphoria and peace. You can also take edibles throughout the day as needed. High CBD content consumables will also not make the user feel “high,” but will give feelings of relaxation.

Edibles for Anxiety

Edibles contain CBD and sometimes THC as well.  CBD is extremely helpful in creating full body relaxation while THC produces feelings of euphoria. Some edibles are full-spectrum CBD, which contain all of the natural chemicals in the cannabis plant. These products give the “Entourage Effect,” which is the synergistic quality that enhances the benefits of these products. Not only does it help with anxiety, but with inflammation, pain and more. Full spectrum CBD products are used for patients with serious diseases too. It is the “top of the line” product for higher levels of anxiety relief. As a result, it’s effective for people with mild to severe anxiety.  

Broad-spectrum CBD contains all the chemicals in the cannabis plant except THC. These products are excellent for people who do not want to feel “high” but want anxiety relief. While it does not produce as strong of an effect as full spectrum CBD, it soothes and relaxes your body while calming your mind. Effective anxiety relief is available for people with mild to moderate depression.

CBD isolate is the pure form of CBD. Many people use CBD isolate because it gives relief without the consumer feeling “high”, hungry, or sedated. While it doesn’t have the “Entourage Effect” to help with multiple conditions at the same time, it does provide mild anxiety relief. It is also perfect if the consumer wants to avoid THC, has to undergo drug testing, or wants a product without flavor. CBD isolate is best for people with mild to moderate anxiety. 

All types of CBD can help anxiety. In fact, it has a clear “anti-stress” effect. Whether you suffer from social anxiety, panic disorder, OCD, PTSD or any other condition, edibles can suit your specific need.

Edibles for Depression

Experts confirm that full spectrum CBD products offer vastly better depression relief than CBD isolates. The THC in full spectrum CBD gives the consumer feelings of euphoria, deep relaxation and peace. It soothes the brain and gives respite from depression. Full spectrum CBD creates positive interactions with serotonin receptors and makes the user feel happy and calm. In fact, it acts like an antidepressant. These products are perfect for people struggling with mild to severe depression. 

Broad Spectrum CBD is useful for consumers that want the benefits of depression relief without feeling “high.” It produces feelings of well-being, happiness and relief. This gives the user a more stable and balanced mood. Broad Spectrum CBD is useful for people with mild to moderate depression. 

CBD isolate is a product that contains no THC. These products are excellent for people who want mild relief without feeling “high” or can’t have any THC in their system. At high doses, it can also help with pain and inflammation. Promising benefits emerge from CBD isolate, according to experts. Therefore, it’s best used for people with mild depression or those who must abstain from THC.

How We Can Help

Discovering the right edibles is possible by knowing what kind of relief you seek. There are many options  of edibles for anxiety and depression relief. Medical professionals and dispensaries can help you narrow down what will work best for you.


We look forward to welcoming you to Jane Dispensary. Visit our Missouri dispensary and California dispensary locations. 


Note: This article is for informational purposes. It is not intended to be used as medical advice. Please consult a physician with medical-related questions.


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medicalnewstoday. com, rollingstone.com, healthline.com, leafly.com

Tagged edibles for anxiety and depressionmedical marijuana edibles

Antidepressant products. Natural antidepressants in products, products for depression and anxiety

Depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide, affecting more than 300 million people each year. While treatment for depression can be long and multifaceted, there are several steps you can take to improve your mood naturally, including eating antidepressant products.

Diet and nutrition play a critical role in managing well-being and increasing energy. The best foods for depression include foods that are easily available and those that you already have in your kitchen. nine0003

Antidepressant products

Leafy greens

Spinach and depression may seem like an odd combination, but leafy greens like spinach and iceberg lettuce have numerous benefits that support both physical and mental health.

Leafy greens contain folic acid, an important nutrient for healthy digestion and cardiovascular health. Most doctors recommend that pregnant women take folic acid throughout their pregnancy to reduce the risk of birth defects. In addition, greens fight toxins, nourish the intestines and produce enzymes. nine0003


Blueberry is a natural antidepressant product that tastes amazing. It turns out that these tiny berries are full of antioxidants. Antioxidants protect the body from free radicals that damage cells. They also normalize cholesterol levels, lower blood pressure, prevent heart disease, and even improve brain cognition.

Blueberries have the same effect as valproic acid, a drug that stabilizes mood and regulates emotions. nine0003

Blueberries contain an antioxidant associated with a reduced risk of depression. Finally, the berry contains vitamin C, which is useful in reducing the negative effects of stress.


Oysters contain many important substances and minerals that provide health benefits. They contain a large number of macro- and microelements: protein, a group of vitamins B12 and D, copper, manganese and selenium. They are also rich in antioxidants and omega-3s.

Another component is zinc, which makes the body stronger and can be a powerful weapon for proper development and growth. Thanks to him, oysters are a useful asset for emotional health. nine0003


Bananas are a tasty and convenient snack, as well as antidepressant fruits. This is because they contain serotonin, an important neurotransmitter that balances mood and daily activities. Most antidepressants and medications work by increasing the level of serotonin in the brain.

In addition, bananas are rich in fiber and are a source of vitamin C and potassium, which improve nerve and muscle health.


Walnuts have higher antioxidant activity and contain significantly more omega-3s than any other nut. nine0003

In addition, walnuts reduce stress and depression. It also promotes a healthy gut, which improves immune status and enhances physical energy.

Sweet Potato

This potato contains many nutrients, including high levels of vitamin A, beta-carotene and fiber. They stop the growth of food-borne bacteria that harm the body.

Sweet potatoes are rich in magnesium, which reduces stress and anxiety. Studies show that magnesium deficiency leads to more frequent symptoms of depression and is associated with insomnia. Because sleep problems and depression and anxiety can be linked, it's important to make sure you're getting enough magnesium in your daily diet. nine0003


Chicken and turkey are excellent sources of lean protein that stabilizes glycemic levels, keeping you in a good mood throughout the day. It is known that turkey and chicken breasts are not only sources of lean protein, but also contain a large amount of tryptophan. It produces serotonin, which supports healthy sleep and a balanced mood.

Brazil nuts

Brazil nuts are full of selenium, which improves mood. This mineral also maintains a healthy antioxidant balance for overall health and well-being. Eat Brazil nuts in moderation; their selenium levels are so high that consuming too much leads to an excess of the recommended daily intake. nine0003


Salmon is one of the most nutritious foods in the world. Salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are beneficial in reducing the risk of cancer and lowering blood pressure. Salmon contains an impressive amount of protein (22-25 grams per serving), making it a satisfying, low-fat meal.

This fish contains the antioxidant astaxanthin, which protects the brain and nervous system. Astaxanthin also prevents the symptom of skin damage and promotes youthfulness. nine0003

Finally, salmon fights inflammation hard. Scientific research and treatments for depression continue to show higher rates between increased inflammation and increased risk of depression. This fact is due to the fact that inflammation causes many serious diseases, such as heart disease, cancer and diabetes. Any of these increase the risk of depression.

Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate helps in the treatment of depression and improves well-being. A chocolate bar that contains 70-85% cocoa contains 11 grams of fiber, 89% RDA for copper, 98% manganese, and 67% iron.

Dark chocolate also has an exceptional level of antioxidant activity. Some studies show that the cocoa content is even higher than that of fruits. Like other healthy foods, it improves brain function, protects the skin from the harmful effects of sunlight and reduces the risk of heart disease.


Flaxseed and chia seeds are a great addition to your diet when fighting depression. As with some of the other foods mentioned, these two types of seeds are particularly good sources of omega-3 fats. Just 1 tablespoon of chia seeds provides 61% of the recommended daily allowance of omega-3s, while a tablespoon of flaxseed provides 39% Daily Value.

Pumpkin seeds are a great way to increase tryptophan levels. Tryptophan is an essential amino acid that helps produce serotonin.


Beans and peas are excellent sources of many nutrients, including fiber, vitamins and protein.

People who eat legumes regularly are less likely to have strokes, heart attacks, and other cardiovascular diseases. They have lower rates of cancer, diabetes, and liver-related problems. nine0003

Beans are great for controlling appetite. This is because it is rich in fiber and healthy starches, which create a feeling of satiety and prevent food cravings.

Fermented foods

Several studies have shown that gut micro-organisms, including probiotics, play a key role in mood regulation, producing feel-good neurotransmitters and influencing the stress response.

This may be why more people with irritable bowel syndrome develop depression and anxiety. nine0003

Products containing probiotics include:

  • Kimchi
  • Kombucha (kombucha)
  • Miso
  • Sauerkraut
  • Tofu
  • Yogurt and kefir


Carrots get their orange color from beta-carotene, a powerful antioxidant. Studies have shown that people with high levels of antioxidant carotenoids are less likely to have symptoms of depression and depression. Carotenoids occur naturally as bright red, yellow, and orange pigments in fruits and vegetables. Pumpkin, melon, peaches, and sweet potatoes also contain beta-carotene. nine0003


The chemical properties of mushrooms counteract insulin, which lowers blood sugar levels and improves mood. They are also similar to probiotics in that they promote healthy gut bacteria. And since the nerve cells in the gut produce between 80 and 90 percent of serotonin—the critical neurotransmitter that keeps us sane—we can't afford to ignore gut health.


Tomato is an antidepressant anti-anxiety product. It contains a lot of folic acid and alpha lipoic acid, which are good at fighting depression and anxiety. Folic acid prevents the body from producing excess homocysteine, which limits the production of neurotransmitters such as serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine. Alpha lipoic converts glucose into energy and stabilizes mood. nine0003

Foods that can make depression worse

Knowing what not to eat is just as important when dealing with depression. Unfortunately, many of these foods are the ones people often turn to when they're having a rough day. Of course, most things in moderation will not cause harm, but knowing the negative mental health effects of certain foods will help you make the right food choices.


Sugar affects not only the waist, but also the mood. We have a selection of sugar-filled foods all around us, such as cakes, cookies, sodas, and even condiments like barbecue sauce, salad dressings, and more. nine0003

There are many foods that are perceived as "healthy" but contain huge amounts of added sugar. Examples of complex foods like this are muesli bars, energy bars, store-bought yogurts, and packaged juices.

Maintaining an even glycemic level throughout the day will help your mood stay more balanced.

Refined food

The term "refined" refers to forms of sugars and starches that do not exist in nature. Foods like bread, chips, and breaded foods are full of refined carbohydrates that have little to no nutritional value and deprive important B vitamins during digestion. nine0003

Filling the diet with these refined carbohydrate foods will cause insulin levels to rise dramatically throughout the day, leading to symptoms of low mood and fatigue.


Alcohol is a depressant and worsens reactions. Many alcoholic drinks are quite sweet, which sabotages the mood and causes sugar spikes and drops.


Yes, caffeine can help you start your day well and energized. However, it can also lead to accidents at the end of the day, and the need for more energy to recuperate. nine0003

However, moderate amounts of caffeine, two to three cups a day, are associated with a lower risk of suicide.

An alternative to coffee and energy drinks is green tea. In addition to its antioxidant properties, green tea is known to contain theanine, an amino acid with anti-stress effects that is beneficial for people suffering from depression.

Of course, there is no specific food that can prevent or cure a depression or disorder like a medicine, but a healthy diet can help improve your mood. Nutrients in foods support growth, well-being and recovery of the body. Without vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, proteins, and healthy fats, the body cannot function at its full potential. nine0003

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What Foods Treat Depression

Nine years ago, epidemiologist Felice Xhaka discovered that women who ate a lot of sugary, refined carbohydrates and fast food were more likely to suffer from depression. After a series of randomized tests, it became clear that the food we eat regularly affects the brain and psyche much more than previously thought - and regardless of gender, age and country of residence. Xhaka is now President of the International Society for Research in Nutritional Psychiatry. This discipline is one of the main trends in the treatment of mental disorders. Much is written about it, it is actively studied, widely practiced and even taught at the psychiatric department of Columbia University. Our friends at Reminder, a new media about health and self-development, talk about the practical application of food psychiatry. nine0003

What exactly is this brain steroid diet?

This can be clearly seen in the list of "nutritional antidepressants" recommended by Drew Rumsey, another leading expert, creator of the Brain Healthy Eating Clinic and eco-farmer.

Nutritional antidepressants. Plant foods: dandelion greens, spinach, kale, cilantro, mustard, basil, red cabbage, grapefruit, beet greens, lettuce, beetroot, Barbados cherry, turnip, Brussels sprouts, pumpkin, papaya, bell pepper, parsley, broccoli, watercress, kohlrabi, cauliflower, nutmeg, chicory. Animal products: pollock, salmon, catfish, lobster, salmon, offal, crab, golden perch, oysters, clams, snails, tuna, mackerel, herring, rainbow trout, octopus, goat meat, liver, bird giblets, fish caviar, mussels, emu. (Source)

Drew Ramsey's top nutritional antidepressants include everything commonly referred to as the "Mediterranean diet." The question is why beet greens or oysters can reduce the risk of depression by 33%? Because the “good” gut bacteria love them.

What does the intestines have to do with it?

Maybe the gut is not the "second brain" as it is sometimes called. But the bacteria living in it can definitely claim the title of a separate organ. There are 50 trillion of them, about 1.3 times more than all the cells in the body. 360 microbial genes for each of ours. Three kilograms of live weight. About 500 species united in a complex ecosystem - the microbiome. And as happens with any natural ecosystem, its disturbance affects the state of other systems with which it is connected. What is the intestine associated with? nine0003

We know that the 100 million neurons in the gut have a direct high-speed connection to the brain. That the gut microbiota regulates immunity and metabolic processes. That it is involved in the production of vitamins, hormones, enzymes and neurotransmitters. And that all this affects the brain. The gut microbiome is such a big topic that it's worth writing and reading books about it. For example, this one or this one. In the meantime, let's take out of context three facts that are important for food psychiatry.

1. The gut microbiota consists of several large groups of bacteria. Each group performs its own functions and is responsible for the production of specific enzymes. nine0003

2. The food we eat not only feeds us, but also the bacteria in the gut. Each group of bacteria has its own "food preferences". Distortions in nutrition change their ratio, leaving some bacteria without food and overfeeding others, which causes their rapid growth.

3. Serious changes in the gut microbiome were found in those suffering from depression: an increase in the "inflammatory" microbiota and a decrease in the number of bacteria associated with the production of the "happiness hormone" - serotonin.


Microbiota-Inflammasome Hypothesis of Major Depression.

Who is to blame?

The accused is sugar. The victim is serotonin. This neurotransmitter is the main tragic hero of the monoamine theory. She attributes depressive and some other disorders to an imbalance in the chemical balance of the brain, which leads to serotonin hunger.

How to satisfy him? Sweet, anyone will tell you. The arrival of a piece of cake comes in about twenty minutes. Glucose through a number of intermediaries stimulates the production of serotonin. Serotonin suppresses the centers of negative emotions in the posterior hypothalamus. And life is rosy again. Why do sweet and fatty, which they love to seize stress, become a depressant? nine0003

The problem is tryptophan, from which serotonin is synthesized. This amino acid is not produced by the body. Tryptophan can only be obtained from food. Mostly protein - vegetable or animal. The idea is that the glucose in sweets causes an increase in insulin levels, which helps tryptophan get to the brain. But processed sugary and fatty foods are too poor in the enzymes necessary for the absorption of tryptophan. It inhibits bifidobacteria, which are involved in its conversion to serotonin. And at the same time it causes the growth of another microbiota, which decomposes even that minimum of tryptophan, which could become serotonin. nine0003

But that's not all. In addition to glucose, sugar is broken down into fructose. And this is the favorite food of pathogenic bacteria, which include liposaccharides. These inflammatory molecules can increase the permeability of the intestinal wall. As a result, bacteria and endotoxins enter the bloodstream. In response, the immune system releases anti-inflammatory cytokines. They can enter the brain and stimulate the production of inflammatory molecules there that attack its neurons. Scientists are increasingly convinced that inflammation is one of the key factors in degenerative brain diseases such as Alzheimer's disease. It has been scientifically confirmed that depression also develops against the background of inflammatory processes and may be a brain reaction to cytokines. There are even suggestions that especially voracious gut bacteria can hack the brain and, like some parasites, manipulate our eating behavior to their advantage. Sounds like a script for a prequel to The Thing. But experiments on mice show that fatty and sugary foods cause changes in the mitochondria of hypothalamic cells, setting the brain to increase consumption of this type of food. There is another category of substances that change the microbiota to affect the brain. These are antidepressants. nine0003

What does antidepressants have to do with it?

Psychoactive drugs used to treat depression and anxiety disorders have been shown in recent studies to inhibit certain bacteria involved in the production of serotonin. And what is completely unexpected, for them this is not a side effect, but a condition of efficiency.

Of course, modern antidepressants are not required to stimulate the production of serotonin. Their job is to prevent the neurons that release serotonin from reabsorbing it. Due to this, the number of serotonin molecules between nerve cells increases. And normal signaling in the brain systems responsible for mood is restored. nine0003

This is what it looks like in theory. But how effective are they in practice? Ratings range from "completely" or "partially" to "slightly more" or "slightly less" than placebo. Why such a spread? If they didn't work at all, it would mean one of two things: either depression isn't related to a serotonin imbalance (as some experts believe), or they don't work. But they work. Just not always, not at all and not the same. They may suddenly stop. Almost guaranteed to stop after a while. And sooner or later they need to be replaced or combined with other drugs. nine0003

It is possible that antidepressant-induced changes in the gut microbiota are the key to their notorious “capriciousness”. And at the same time, the answer to the question why, despite the growth in their consumption, the incidence of depression and other mental disorders does not even think of decreasing.

What to do?

Harmful and beneficial microbes are equally dependent on what we eat. Therefore, we can make sure that they stop parasitizing on our weaknesses and become an instrument of self-control. Thanks to research on the composition of the microbiota, we know how the ratio of bacteria changes in the most common mental disorders. Nutritional psychiatry offers three strategies using so-called psychobiotics - biological psychomodulators. nine0003

1. Cut off the diet of potentially harmful microbes and feed potentially beneficial microbes with the food they have evolved for themselves.

2. Try to add potentially beneficial bacteria to the gut.

3. Do both. Because it's always better to be safe.

Let's start with the second point. He's more interesting.

One type of psychobiotic is potentially beneficial bacteria or probiotics. In theory, these living microorganisms should restore the correct balance of the microbiota, replenishing the ranks of the “good” bacteria in the intestine and displacing the “bad” ones from it. Studies using probiotics (specifically Lactobacillus helveticus R0052 and Bifidobacterium longum R0175) have shown that probiotics can indeed improve psychological well-being. But to do this, they first need to get to the intestines. Probiotic foods like yogurt, kefir, soft cheese, miso, or sauerkraut are thought to be a slower but more reliable (and definitely more appetizing) way to deliver them than supplements. 5 billion probiotic cultures and 15 strains of beneficial bacteria in one capsule look spectacular on the label. But after entering the acidic environment of the stomach, they can be reduced to single cells. At least in the case of bifidobacteria. Manufacturers, of course, are making every effort to solve this problem. Especially in advertising. nine0003

The second type of psychobiotics are prebiotics. Complex carbohydrates or simply dietary fiber, which are found in plant foods such as asparagus, bran or chicory. And they come in the form of supplements. It is food for probiotics and "good" bacteria. According to Human Food Project host Jeff Leach, the dose to achieve a bifidogenic effect is 4-8 g per day. Prebiotics are a tough nut to crack. They are not digested in the stomach, but reach the large intestine, where hungry bacteria attack them. In general, a good prebiotic acts selectively, but with far-reaching consequences. It will not stimulate the growth of any useless clostridia. For example, inulin (in chicory root or powder) feeds lactic acid bacteria, which inhibit the activity of pathogenic microbes and reduce intestinal permeability. And judging by the tests, it controls stress hormones and facilitates the psychological processing of emotions. It also helps in the absorption of micronutrients. By the way, what about them? This is a separate issue. nine0003

Do nutraceuticals help?

Dietary supplements or nutraceuticals are a whole trend in nutritional psychiatry. With mental disorders, the body receives less nutrients and vitamins. Take gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) as an example. It is an important inhibitory neurotransmitter that helps manage stress and regulate fear and anxiety. With the help of magnetic resonance spectroscopy, which allows you to examine the brain for the content of chemical elements in real time, it has been established that in children with ADHD, its level is greatly reduced. GABA is produced by specific gut bacteria using zinc and vitamin B6. Both enter the body with food. Dietary supplements can compensate for their deficiency. nine0003

What dietary supplements help with depression? Here is a list of the most effective according to a meta-analysis of clinical trials:

  • S-adenosylmethionine;
  • levomefolic acid;
  • vitamin D;
  • creatine;
  • folinic acid;
  • combinations of amino acids.
  • Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids have proven themselves best. Not only do they improve emotional well-being, but they are also effective in treating unipolar depression and bipolar disorder. Moreover, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) performs better than docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). nine0104

There are also curious examples. For example, acetylcysteine, from which ACC is made, is able to alleviate the symptoms of schiffophrenia. But in general, the results are still unstable. High performance omega-3s are rather an exception. And the exceptions only confirm ... Well, you understand.

What is the reason? Perhaps in quantity and dosage.

Micronutrients in macro doses

12 pills three times a day. 13 vitamins, 17 minerals and four amino acids. See label for exact ingredients. nine0003

Clinical psychologist Professor Julia Rucklage from New Zealand compares her approach to food psychiatry to a shotgun blast. A good way to get into when you don't know exactly what. There's no point in fixing "one tiny glitch in biochemistry," she says. Moreover, we still cannot determine it. But we know what biochemical processes are involved in the production of serotonin and what substances are needed for these processes. “Instead of relying on one of these substances, it makes more sense to provide them in combination to create a synergistic effect.” To monitor the absorption of nutrients, she uses markers such as the level of vitamin B12 in the blood. nine0003

In fact, Ruckledge isn't just firing cannons at sparrows. She reckons that “nutrients act at different levels.”

  • "Micronutrients can increase the efficiency of mitochondria, the powerhouses of our cells."
  • "They can also reduce inflammation and oxidative stress, in which dangerous molecules damage cells."
  • "Or just provide the body with everything necessary for normal life."

Her approach aims at several goals at once. And judging by the results, it falls into at least some. The effectiveness of therapy with macrodoses of dietary supplements is 64% for ADHD, up to 53% for symptoms of depression, up to 70% for anxiety, and up to 59% reduction in stress levels for PTSD.

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