Effects of music

Keep Your Brain Young with Music

If you want to firm up your body, head to the gym. If you want to exercise your brain, listen to music.

There are few things that stimulate the brain the way music does. If you want to keep your brain engaged throughout the aging process, listening to or playing music is a great tool. It provides a total brain workout.

Research has shown that listening to music can reduce anxiety, blood pressure, and pain as well as improve sleep quality, mood, mental alertness, and memory.

The Brain-Music Connection

Experts are trying to understand how our brains can hear and play music. A stereo system puts out vibrations that travel through the air and somehow get inside the ear canal. These vibrations tickle the eardrum and are transmitted into an electrical signal that travels through the auditory nerve to the brain stem, where it is reassembled into something we perceive as music.

Johns Hopkins researchers have had dozens of jazz performers and rappers improvise music while lying down inside an fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging) machine to watch and see which areas of their brains light up.

Music is structural, mathematical and architectural. It’s based on relationships between one note and the next. You may not be aware of it, but your brain has to do a lot of computing to make sense of it.

Try It Learn an Instrument 

When 13 older adults took piano lessons, their attention, memory and problem-solving abilities improved, along with their moods and quality of life. You don’t have to become a pro, just take a few lessons.

Everyday Brain Boosts from Music

The power of music isn’t limited to interesting research. Try these methods of bringing more music—and brain benefits—into your life.

Jump-start your creativity.

Listen to what your kids or grandkids listen to, experts suggest. Often we continue to listen to the same songs and genre of music that we did during our teens and 20s, and we generally avoid hearing anything that’s not from that era.

New music challenges the brain in a way that old music doesn’t. It might not feel pleasurable at first, but that unfamiliarity forces the brain to struggle to understand the new sound.

Recall a memory from long ago.

Reach for familiar music, especially if it stems from the same time period that you are trying to recall. Listening to the Beatles might bring you back to the first moment you laid eyes on your spouse, for instance.

Listen to your body.

Pay attention to how you react to different forms of music, and pick the kind that works for you. What helps one person concentrate might be distracting to someone else, and what helps one person unwind might make another person jumpy.


Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI): A large machine that uses powerful magnets and radio waves to see inside your body. Unlike an X-ray, MRI testing does not use radiation. If you undergo this test, you’ll lie on a narrow table that slides inside a tunnel-shaped scanner for about 30 to 60 minutes while health-care professionals watch from another room. If you feel anxious in small, enclosed spaces, ask your physician about an open MRI that is not as close to the body.

Benefits of Music on Body, Mind, Relationships & More

In 2009, archaeologists excavating a cave in southern Germany uncovered a flute carved from a vulture’s wing bone. The delicate artifact is the oldest known musical instrument on earth — indicating that people have been making music for over 40,000 years.

Although we can’t be sure exactly when human beings began listening to music, scientists do know something about why we do. Listening to music benefits us individually and collectively. Here’s what research tells us about the power of music to improve our physical, mental, and emotional health.

Researchers think one of the most important functions of music is to create a feeling of cohesion or social connectedness.

Evolutionary scientists say human beings may have developed a dependence on music as a communication tool because our ancestors descended from arboreal species — tree-dwellers who called to one another across the canopy.

Music remains a powerful way of uniting people:

  • national anthems connect crowds at sporting events
  • protest songs stir a sense of shared purpose during marches
  • hymns build group identity in houses of worship
  • love songs help prospective partners bond during courtship
  • lullabies enable parents and infants to develop secure attachments

How, then, does music benefit us as individuals?

It can lead to better learning

Doctors at Johns Hopkins recommend that you listen to music to stimulate your brain. Scientists know that listening to music engages your brain — they can see the active areas light up in MRI scans.

Researchers now know that just the promise of listening to music can make you want to learn more. In one 2019 study, people were more motivated to learn when they expected to listen to a song as their reward.

Listening has limits

A note of caution: You may want to withhold the earbuds for some students. Researchers who tested students with lower working memory capacity found that listening to music — especially songs with lyrics — sometimes had a negative effect on learning.

It can improve memory

Music also has a positive effect on your ability to memorize.

In one study, researchers gave people tasks that required them to read and then recall short lists of words. Those who were listening to classical music outperformed those who worked in silence or with white noise.

The same study tracked how fast people could perform simple processing tasks — matching numbers to geometrical shapes — and a similar benefit showed up. Mozart helped people complete the task faster and more accurately.

Mayo Clinic points out that while music doesn’t reverse the memory loss experienced by people with Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia, music has been found to slow cognitive decline, helping people with mild or moderate dementia remember episodes from their lives.

Music memory is one of the brain functions most resistant to dementia. That’s why some caregivers have had success using music to calm dementia patients and build trusting connections with them.

It can help treat mental illness

Music literally changes the brain. Neurological researchers have found that listening to music triggers the release of several neurochemicals that play a role in brain function and mental health:

  • dopamine, a chemical associated with pleasure and “reward” centers
  • stress hormones like cortisol
  • serotonin and other hormones related to immunity
  • oxytocin, a chemical that fosters the ability to connect to others

Although more research needs to be done to understand precisely how music can be used therapeutically to treat mental illness, some studies suggest that music therapy can improve the quality of life and social connectedness for people with schizophrenia.

A number of researchers have interviewed groups about why they listen to music. Study participants vary widely in terms of age, gender, and background, but they report strikingly similar reasons.

One of the most common uses of music? It helps people regulate their emotions, researchers found. It has the power to change moods and help people process their feelings.

It can help lower anxiety

There’s lots of evidence that listening to music can help calm you in situations where you might feel anxious.

Studies have shown that people in rehab after a stroke are more relaxed once they’ve listened to music for an hour.

Similar studies indicate that music blended with nature sounds help people feel less anxious. Even people facing critical illness feel less anxiety after music therapy.

There’s conflicting evidence about whether listening to music has an effect on your body’s physiological stress response, however. One study indicated that the body releases less cortisol, a stress hormone, when people listen to music. This same study referenced previous research stating that music had little measurable effect on cortisol levels.

One recent study that measured several indicators of stress (not just cortisol) concluded that while listening to music before a stressful event doesn’t reduce anxiety, listening to relaxing music after a stressful event can help your nervous system recover faster.

It helps the symptoms of depression

A 2017 research review concluded that listening to music, particularly classical combined with jazz, had a positive effect on depression symptoms, especially when there were several listening sessions conducted by board certified music therapists.

Not into jazz or the classics? You may want to try a group percussion session instead. The same research review found that drum circles also had above-average benefits for people dealing with depression.

Musical genre matters for depression

One important note: Studies have found that nostalgic sad tunes can actually increase symptoms of depression, especially if you tend to ruminate or withdraw socially. Not surprising, perhaps, but important to know if you want to use music to counteract the blues.

It can help your heart health

Music can make you want to move — and the benefits of dancing are well documented. Scientists also know that listening to music can alter your breath rate, your heart rate, and your blood pressure, depending on the music’s intensity and tempo.

It decreases fatigue

Anyone who has ever rolled down car windows and turned up the radio knows that music can be energizing. There’s solid science behind that lived experience.

In 2015, researchers at Shanghai University found that relaxing music helped reduce fatigue and maintain muscle endurance when people were engaged in a repetitive task.

Music therapy sessions also lessened fatigue in people receiving cancer treatments and raised the fatigue threshold for people engaged in demanding neuromuscular training, which leads us to the next big benefit.

It boosts exercise performance

Exercise enthusiasts have long known that music enhances their physical performance.

A 2020 research review confirms that working out with music improves your mood, helps your body exercise more efficiently, and cuts down on your awareness of exertion. Working out with music also leads to longer workouts.

In clinical settings, athletes who listened to high-intensity, fast music during warmups were motivated to perform better competitively.

You don’t have to be a world-class competitor to benefit: Research shows that syncing your workout to music can allow you to reach peak performance using less oxygen than if you did the same workout without the beat. Music acts as a metronome in your body, researchers said.

It can help manage pain

Specially trained music therapists use music to help alleviate pain in inpatient and outpatient settings. A 2016 meta-analysis of over 90 studies reported that music helps people manage both acute and chronic pain better than medication alone.

About music therapy

The American Music Therapy Association describes music therapy as the use of music in hospitals, outpatient clinics, rehab clinics, nursing homes, schools, correctional facilities, and substance use programs to help meet the medical, physical, emotional, and cognitive needs of patients. To find a board- certified music therapist in your area, check this registry.

Music exerts a powerful influence on human beings. It can boost memory, build task endurance, lighten your mood, reduce anxiety and depression, stave off fatigue, improve your response to pain, and help you work out more effectively.

Working with a music therapist is one effective way to take advantage of the many benefits music can have on your body, mind, and overall health.

Samples and loops, collection of free samples

Collection of free samples and loops (samples, loops) - only the best quality samples for video editing, creating your own musical compositions, melodies, presentations and screensavers, as well as for dubbing scenes, productions, performances, videos, clips, animation, games, applications and any other projects. On our site you will find high-quality and professional samples, loops, as well as ready-made audio fragments for creating music in such styles as Hip-Hop, Rock, Metal, Electro, Dance, Alternative, Pop, Ambient, Trance, Dubstep, House, Reggae, Disco and many others, and you can also download ready-made parts of various percussion instruments (Drum Loops, Percussion Loops). Looped pieces of music are presented at a tempo from 70 BPM to 170 BPM (beats per minute).

Musical Triangle Sound: Triangle 3 (135 BPM)


Media Player Error



percussion loops

Musical triangle sound: Triangle 2 (115 BPM)


Media Player Error



percussion loops

Musical Triangle Sound: Triangle (95 BPM)


Media Player Error



percussion loops

Sounds of Timbale - Cuban one-sided drum: Timbale (115 BPM)


Media Player Error



album Percussion Loops

downloading 1037

headphones 4550

658. 46 Kb


Tambourine Drum 5 (130 BPM)


Media Player Error



album Percussion Loops

downloading 1596

headphones 5619

336.09 Kb



Tambourine Drum 4 (100 BPM)


Media Player Error



percussion loops

Tambourine Drum 3 (85 BPM)


Media Player Error



percussion loops

Tambourine Drum 2 (80 BPM)


Media Player Error



percussion loops

For those who need more - thousands of sounds in ZIP archives arrow_forward_ios

Sound effects | Music studio of composer Alexey Parkov

Sound effects | Music studio of composer Alexey Parkov

thematic selection

In this section of the site you will find a number of sound effects. All of them are thematically sorted and available for free download.


  • 07/21Steps theme compilation
  • 07/21Humor, fun theme compilation
  • 07/20Crowd theme compilation
  • 07/18Ovation, applause theme compilation
  • 07/18 How to annoy the neighbors ...no comment
  • 07/18People thematic compilation
  • 07/17Sex… thematic compilation
  • 06/29Children play, laugh...
  • 06/29 rattles, etc.)
  • 29/06Law, court, police thematic selection
  • 10/04Anatomical sounds sounds of the human body

In the house

  • 07/21Clock theme compilation
  • 07/21Steps theme compilation
  • 07/21 Electricity discharges, short circuits, hum ...
  • 07/20 Telephone thematic selection
  • 07/20 Sounds from the toilet thematic selection
  • 06/29 Doors creaking, knocking...
  • Tin cans falling 29/06 opens, pours from a can, etc.
  • 29/06Locks and keys Lock opens, closes, keys jingle, etc.
  • 06/29 Door bells to bicycle bells
  • 05/06 Life sounds in the house
  • 04/06 Paper and everything connected with it


  • 20/07Tolpa Thematic selection
  • 18/07 Fabrics, machines, conveyor ... Industrial sounds
  • 29/06 Seephouses
  • 29/06 Zacacon, Court of Police
  • 10/06GOD Sounds of urban life Out of town
    • 06/29 Village farm, agriculture
    • 06/29 Logging sawing with a chainsaw, chopping with an ax, etc.
    • 06/26 Animal sounds of nature


    • 07/21Ecosystem thematic selection
    • 07/18Stone falls, shifts...
    • 06/26Animals of nature sounds
    • 06/26Forest, fields, jungle… nature sounds
    • 06/28 06Insects, amphibians nature sounds
    • 06/06Birds nature sounds
    • 06/26Wind nature sounds
    • 06/26Rain nature sounds
    • 06/06Bio organisms sounds of incipient life

    Ringing, whistling, creaking

    • 21/09 Sirens and alarms
    • 22/08 Tresps of the vinyl plate
    • 21/07 hours Thematic selection
    • 20/0
    • 07/18 A stone falls, moves. ..
    • 07/18 Bells and bells thematic selection
    • 07/18 Bells, bells Musical effects
    • 29/06Doors creak, knock...
    • 29/06Locks and keys Lock opens, closes, keys jingle, etc.
    • 29/06Toys sounds of various children's toys (squeakers, rattles, etc.)
    • 29/06Logging sawing with a chainsaw, chopping with an ax, etc. cinema
      • 21/07Black fx Cymbals, Impacts, Lazers, Machines, Sirens, Sweeps
      • 21/07Sweep fx for "voicing" computer games, transitions in dance music
      • 20/07Sports, games, recreation thematic selection
      • 20/07Transformers from the sensational blockbuster "Transformers"
      • 20/07Science Fiction, mixed background music noise
      • 20/07Final points - hits like in the advertising of world "blockbusters"
      • 18/07Cartoons and animation thematic selection
      • 18/07Casino roulette, cards, slot machines
      • 29/06Money safes, cash registers
      • 26/06Games and Animation sounds for science fiction films, games, animations, etc.
      • 29/05Audio-video equipment Sounds of players, tape recorders, magnetic tape, etc.


      • 09/16 Noise (pink, white and brown) thematic selection
      • 08/22 Vinyl record crackling
      • 07/21 Radio noise, tape, broadcast...
      • 07/21 Black fx Cymbals, Impacts, Lazers, Machines, Sirens, Sweeps
      • 21/07 Sweep fx for "voicing" computer games, transitions in dance music
      • 20/07 Fanfare thematic selection
      • 20/07 07 Horn Music effects
      • 18/07 Bells, bells Music effects
      • 18/07 Timpani Music effects
      • 18/07 Various Music effects
      • 05/29


      • 21/07Humor, fun thematic selection
      • 20/07Fanfare thematic selection
      • 20/07Fireworks, explosions thematic selection
      • 07/18New Year!!! for New Year holidays


      • 07/21Clock thematic selection
      • 07/21Electricity, discharges, short circuits, hum . ..
      • 07/20Technology, mechanics thematic selection
      • 07/18Factories, industrial machines, conveyor ... industrial sounds
      • 29/06Logging sawing with a chainsaw, chopping with an ax, etc.
      • 29/05Audio-video equipment Sounds of players, tape recorders, magnetic tape, etc.


      • 07/20Airplanes, helicopters thematic selection
      • 07/18Boats, boats thematic selection
      • 06/29Traffic thematic selection
      • 06/26Railway trains, subway, funicular, tram...
      • 04/23Automobiles, motorcycles Traffic

      Space, fantasy

      • 21/09 Tropics selection
      • 20/07 Transformers from the sensational blockbuster "Transformers"
      • 20/07fantastic, mystic background music mixed with noise
      • 9/07. 07DICIA 07Microcosmos thematic selection
      • 07/18 Mystery, horror thematic selection
      • 06/29 Galaxies fantastic sound effects
      • 06/29 Stars and planets Several sounds and background pads on the theme of space.
      • 27/06Voices of extraterrestrial civilizations
      • 06/06Bio organisms sounds of nascent life
      • 04/06Asteroids and comets Fantastic sounds accompanying the appearance of asteroids and comets


      • 21/09 Sirens and alarms
      • 21/09 City Defense, digitized with a plate, Siren Sound
      • 21/09 Throat selection
      • 20/07 Smarts, Helicopters Thematic Compilation
      • 20/07 CHURETIC AMOLICAL POBECTIONS ATSUM, Explosions of theme
      • /EXPERITIONS, EXPECTIONS, EXPECTIONS, EXPECTIONS, EXPECTIONS, Explosions of thematic selection, explosions of thematic selection.
      • 19/07 weapons, battles thematic selection
