Dream symbols interpretation
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Symbols are the language of dreams. A symbol can invoke a feeling or an idea and often has a much more profound and deeper meaning than any one word can convey. At the same time, these symbols can leave you confused and wondering what that dream was all about. Acquiring the ability to interpret your dreams is a powerful tool. In analyzing your dreams, you can learn about your deep secrets and hidden feelings. Remember that no one is a better expert at interpreting your dreams than yourself. To guide you with your dreams interpretations, we have interpreted over 5900 keywords and symbols and over 20,000 different meanings in our ever expanding dream dictionary. Every detail, even the most minute element in your dream is important and must be considered when analyzing your dreams. Each symbol represents a feeling, a mood, a memory or something from your unconscious. Look closely at the characters, animals, objects, places, emotions, and even color and numbers that are depicted in your dreams. Even the most trivial symbol can be significant. This dictionary, along with your own personal experiences, memories and circumstances, will serve to guide you through a meaningful and personalized interpretation. With practice, you can gain an understanding of the cryptic messages your dreams are trying to tell you.
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Dream Dictionary A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
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Meanings For Symbols That Begin With A
To see the letter "A" in your dream represents the beginning of a new stage. You are moving on to something new and grand. Alternatively, the letter "A" invokes feelings of superiority and grandeur. It may indicate the name or initial of a person. TOP
To see an aardvark in your dream indicates that you are being very secretive and cautious about your business. TOP
To see or use an abacus in your dream refers to your outdated views. You have an old fashion perspective on certain issues. TOP
To see or eat abalone in your dream indicates a transitional period in your life. The symbol may also be a play on words to indicate feelings of "loneliness". TOP
To dream that you are abandoned suggests that it is time to leave behind past feelings and characteristics that are hindering your growth. Let go of your old attitudes. A more direct and literal interpretation of this dream indicates you have a fear of being deserted, abandoned, or even betrayed. It may stem from a recent loss or a fear of losing a loved one. The fear of abandonment may manifest itself into your dream as part of the healing process and dealing with losing a loved one. It may also stem from unresolved feelings or problems from childhood. Alternatively, the dream indicates that you are feeling neglected or that your feelings are being overlooked. Perhaps the dream is a metaphor that you need to approach life with "reckless abandon" and live more freely.
To abandon others in your dream suggests that you are overwhelmed by the problems and decisions in your life. TOP
To see an abbey in your dream signifies spirituality, peace of mind and freedom from anxiety. You are in a state of contentment and satisfaction. Help for you is always around the corner.
To see an abbey in ruins indicates feelings of hopelessness. You have a tendency to not finish what you started. TOP
To see an abbot in your dream suggests that someone has power over you and are making you do things that you do not necessarily want to do. You are feeling confined or restricted. The dream indicates that you will experience many obstacles and setback before achieving success and prestige.
To see abbreviations in your dream may represent the initials of someone in your life. The abbreviations could stand for an organization or a common acronym or it may spell out some hidden message or advice. The dreaming mind likes to make use of puns, as well as shorthand messages. For example, "CD" could be a pun on a "seedy" situation. "AA" could stand for Alcoholics Anonymous and thus point to the dangers or your excesses and negative behaviors. "Inc" may represent an "inkling", hunch or suspicious you have about a situation. The initails DM may refer to a direct message or perhaps that you need to check Dream Moqds for your dream anaylsis. TOP
To see your abdomen in a dream refers to your natural instincts and repressed emotions. There is something in your real life that you "cannot stomach" or have difficulties accepting. You need to get it out of your system. Alternatively, the dream symbol may be strictly physiological and you may just be experiencing constipation or indigestion.
To dream that your abdomen is exposed represents issues you have with trust and feelings of vulnerability. You are expressing your primal emotions and instincts.
To dream that your abdomen is swollen indicates that some new project is in the works. TOP
To dream of being abducted indicates that you are being manipulated by your circumstances or by someone. You lack control of your own life.
To witness an abduction in your dream signifies feelings of helplessness.
To dream that you are abducting someone implies that you are holding on to something that you need to let go. You may be forcing your views and opinions on others. TOP
To dream that you abhor a person represents your waking dislike for that person. You are harboring feelings of resentment or aggression and feel that this person has acted in a less than honorable way.
To dream that you are abhorred by others suggests that you may be forcing your views and opinions on others. You are rubbing others the wrong way. TOP
To dream of some abnormality or of abnormal objects indicate that the problems that have been preoccupying your mind will soon be resolved. Note that anything appearing abnormal draws attention to that particular aspect. Something in your life may not be consistent with how you feel things should be. TOP
*Please See Home.
Abominable Snowman
*Please See Yeti.
To see an Aborigine in your dream represents both your untamed, natural self and your pure, innocent side. You need to be more in touch with your intuition and inner forces. It also suggests that you are being overindulgent or overly emotional. You may be harming yourself and jeopardizing your well-being due to your unrestraint. TOP
To dream that you have an abortion suggests that you are hindering and blocking your own growth. You may be hesitant in pursuing a new direction in your life due to fear, pressure, personal conflict or moral obligation. The dream may also be a reflection of your own real-life abortion and thus serves as a way of healing from the trauma and working towards self-acceptance. Alternatively, this dream may also be a message for you to take care and look after your health.
To dream that someone has an abortion refers to an aspect of your relationship with this person is not growing or maturing. If you do not know this person, then the dream may be about your own personal views on abortion.
To dream that you or someone has an illegal or unsafe abortion indicates that you are desperate to keep things the exact same way. You hate change. If the abortion results in death, then it means that your approach to a problem is all wrong. TOP
**See The Meaning In Action: "Boiling A Rabbit"
To see something above you in your dream suggests that you need to set your goals higher. Aim high! Alternatively, the dream indicates that you are feeling inferior or inadequate. TOP
Abraham Lincoln
To see Abraham Lincoln in your dream refers to your solid character and leadership ability. Known as "Honest Abe", the dream may also be telling you to be truthful or to come clean about something. TOP
To dream of being or going abroad indicates unbalance and chaos in your current situation and condition. Consequently, your dream may represent your need for a change in scenery or a desire to escape from a current situation. You need to make some drastic changes in your life. Alternatively, the dream may suggest that you need to expand your horizons or experience a new sense of spirituality. TOP
To dream that someone is absent, especially if you expect to find them, suggests that you are looking for something that is already lost to you. Alternatively, you may be looking to fill a void in your life. Something is missing from your life. TOP
To dream that you have an abscess suggests that there is something that you need to express and get out into the open. TOP
*Please see Sores.
To dream that you have absconded with something indicates your failed accomplishments. You may also be feeling insecure about your achievements. You feel that you are never good enough. Consider the significance or value of what you have absconded. TOP
To be absorbed in whatever you are doing suggests that you may be too focused on your own thing and risk alienating others around you. The dream may also be a metaphor that you need to integrate and adapt to your various surroundings. TOP
To dream that you practice abstinence from drinking, sex or any other sort of sensual temptation is a warning against being over confidant. You need to take things more slowly. TOP
To dream of having an abundance of a certain item indicates that you need to conserve your resources and energies. This dream may be a compensatory dream for something that you are lacking in life. More directly, abundance signifies happiness. TOP
To dream you are abusing someone suggests that your past actions will come back to haunt you. You may be expressing some regret or remorse over your actions.
To dream you are being verbally or physically abused suggests that you are feeling victimized in a waking situation. You are being taking advantage of.
Dreaming of animals being abused indicates that your own primal desires are being suppressed. You are unable to fully express an important part of who you are. Alternatively, the dream represents your helplessness in a situation.
To see children being abused in your dream implies that you are lacking a voice for your own inner child. You feel that a part of your own childhood is lost. TOP
To dream of an abyss signifies an obstacle that is creating much anxiety for you. You need to work through the difficulty and overcome this obstacle in your life. Perhaps you are afraid of "taking the plunge".
To dream that you are falling into an abyss symbolizes the depths of your subconscious. You are afraid and/or uncertain as to what you will discover about yourself and about your hidden feelings and fears. The abyss may also represent your primal fears and feelings of "falling into a pit of despair". Perhaps you are in a state of depression or wallowing in your negative feelings. Alternatively, the dream could denote your lack of spirituality. TOP
To see an acacia tree in your dream symbolizes your attitudes with death and your sense of mortality. TOP
To dream of an academy signifies new friendships and opportunities. TOP
Academy Awards
To dream that you at the Academy Awards indicates that you need to add some glamour into your life. If you win an Oscar, then it implies that you are looking for some sort of acknowledgment in your waking life. TOP
To see an accelerator in your dream indicates that you will achieve your goals through your own efforts. The dream may also be telling you to slow down.
To dream that the accelerator is jammed or broken indicates a loss of control in some aspect of your life. You maybe trying to rush through things. TOP
To speak with an accent in your dream suggests that you are having difficulties conveying your thoughts. Consider how you feel about the accent. If you feel the accent makes you stand out in a negative way, then it signifies feelings of insecurities. If the accent makes you stand out in a positive way, then it symbolizes an air of confidence.
To hear someone speaking with an accent in your dream represents something familiar yet different. You are getting the gist of a message, but you still do not completely understand all of it. TOP
To dream about acceptance indicates issues of self-esteem and measuring up to the expectations of others. There is a waking situation where you are seeking acceptance and wanting to be a part of. TOP
To dream of accessorizing yourself suggests that you are feeling incomplete. Something is missing in your life. TOP
To dream that you are in an accident signifies pent-up guilt in which you are subconsciously punishing yourself over. Perhaps you are not proud of something you have done. Alternatively, the accident may symbolize an error or mistake you have made. Accident dreams also represent your fears of being in an actual, physical accident. You may simply be nervous about getting behind the wheel. Or the dream is trying to warn you of some accident.
To dream of a car accident symbolizes your emotional state. You may be harboring deep anxieties and fears. Are you "driving" yourself too hard? Perhaps you need to slow down before you hit disaster. You need to rethink or re-plan your course of actions and set yourself on a better path. Dreaming that someone is injured in a car accident means that you cannot control the action of others. They have to live with the consequences of their own decisions.
To dream that a loved one dies in an accident indicates that something within your own Self is no longer functional and is "dead". It is also symbolic of your own relationship with that person. Perhaps you need to let go of this relationship. If you dream that you die from the car accident and actually see the reactions of your loved ones, then it suggests that your reckless activity is affecting those around you. This dream is a wake-up call. TOP
To dream that you are an accomplice to a crime suggests that someone in your waking life is having a negative influence on you. You may be experiencing feelings of guilt with something that you have done.
To dream that you have an accomplice implies that others are enabling your negative habits or behavior. TOP
To hear the music of an accordion signifies some saddening and depressing matter. You need to focus on more joyous moments.
To dream that you play the accordion denotes intense emotions that are causing physical strain to your body. You are feeling weary. Alternatively, the dream suggests that you need to work hard to achieve your goals. TOP
To see or dream that you are an accountant represents your objectivity toward some situation. You are taking a step back and looking carefully at the facts. TOP
To dream about your bank accounts indicates financial worries. TOP
To dream that you are being accused of something indicates overwhelming feelings of guilt. It may also mean that you are having some doubts about yourself and the choices you are making.
To dream that you accuse others signifies disagreements and dissension with those around you. TOP
To see the ace in a deck of cards suggests ambiguity in your life. You need some clarity. In particular, the ace of hearts means that you are involved in some love affair. If you see the ace of spades in your dream, then it means that you are involved in a scandal. If you see the ace of diamonds, then it symbolizes your legacy or reputation. And if you see the ace of clubs, then it indicates that you will be involved in some legal matter.
Alternatively, the dream may be a metaphor that you are an "ace". Or the dream is a pun on "acing" a test. TOP
To dream that you have aches indicate some hesitation and reluctance in the pursuit of your goals. If you wait too long, then the opportunity may escape. TOP
To dream of an achievement denotes that you will be greatly satisfied with the outcome of a situation or project. The bigger the achievement, the greater the satisfaction. TOP
To see acid in your dream represents feelings of hatred, rage, and/or revenge. Your integrity may be compromised or called into question. Alternatively, seeing acid in your dream indicates that you are being manipulated by a situation or by someone. The dream may also be a metaphor to symbolize a negative influence in your life. Something or someone is eating away at you.
To dream that you drink acid indicates that you are emotionally paralyzed and need to learn how to express yourself.
Dreaming of acid rain indicates that you have been mislead. You are letting hatred and revenge take over and define you. TOP
Please See Pimples.
To see an acorn in your dream symbolizes strength and durability. Seemingly small beginnings will have the greatest potential for growth. Don't underestimate your minor goals. Alternatively, the dream means that you are about to enter a new phase in your life.
To dream that you are eating acorns or picking them from the ground suggests that you will enjoy the benefits of your success after long and hard work.
To dream that you are shaking acorns from a tree indicates that you have significant influence on others. TOP
To see an acquaintance in your dream represents aspects of yourself that you are still trying to get to know.
To dream that you are disputing with an acquaintance represents aspects of yourself that you are rejecting. You are refusing to accept certain things about yourself. TOP
To dream that you are acquitted of a crime represents a valuable lesson to be learned.
To see others acquitted in your dream indicates that you need to balance your hard work with fun and pleasure. TOP
To see or do acrobats in your dream suggest that you need to better balance aspects of your life. It could also mean that fears will prevent you from achieving your goals. Alternatively, acrobatics in your dream may be a metaphor for sexual intercourse. TOP
Acrylic Nails
If you are wearing fake fingernails in your dream then it suggest that you are reaching out to others, but do not have their best interest in mind. You may be acting in a disingenuous way. TOP
To dream that you are acting indicates that you are putting up a front and pretending to be someone you are not in some waking situation. TOP
Action Figure
To see or dream that you are playing with an action figure suggests that you are being manipulated in some way. Or you tend to do what other people expect of you. Also consider the significance of the way that the action figure is dressed. TOP
To see an actor or actress in your dream represents your pursuit for pleasure. Your admiration of a particular celebrity may lead to a desire to have some of their physical or personality traits. Consider also who this actor/actress is and what characteristics you associate with her or him. These may be the same characteristics that you need to acknowledge or incorporate into yourself. The dream may also be a pun on her or his name.
To dream that you are an actor denotes that your hard work and labor will be well worth it in the end. It also indicates your strong desires to be recognized and acknowledged. Perhaps you are putting too much emphasis on your outward appearances. Alternatively, the dream may be analogous to the role that you are playing in your real life, whether it be the role of a parent, sibling, co-worker, etc. Or perhaps you are putting on an act or a facade.
More specifically, if you dream that you are a supporting actor or supporting actress implies that you need to be supportive to those around you. It may seem that your presence doesn't matter, but you play an important part to someone's life. To dream that you are an extra in a movie means that you feel unimportant and unnoticed. Sometimes you feel you are blending in with the background.
To see a particular actor or actress in your dream look at the role they are playing. Even though you may not know them on a personal level, how you perceive them or the characters they play can provide understanding in how it relates to you. See also Celebrities. TOP
To dream that you are getting acupuncture suggests that you are in need of healing. You may need to divert your energies to different pursuits. Alternatively, the dream may be a metaphor for a problem or issue that you need to pinpoint. TOP
Adam And Eve
To see Adam and Eve in your dream, suggests that you are ignoring the masculine aspect of yourself (if you are female) or the feminine aspect of yourself (if you are male). Adam and Eve are classic symbols of the animus and anima. Alternatively, the dream indicates an occurrence in your life that will cause you to lose your hopes and chances of success. TOP
To dream that you are adamant signifies that you will be thwarted in some desire that you held ever so highly in your life. TOP
To see an adder in your dream symbolizes a sly or cunning person. This person cannot be trusted. It may also represent something or someone who has slipped out of your hands. The dream may also be a pun on something that you need to add to your life. TOP
To dream that you are an addict indicates that you are no longer in control of a situation. You have surrendered your power and denied responsibility for your actions. The dream is also representative of fear, low self-esteem issues, and insecurities. TOP
To dream that you have an addiction or become addicted represents an obsessive behavior. A situation or a person may be trying to take over your sense of control. The dream also suggests that you have difficulty relating to the world around you. TOP
To dream that you are solving an addition problem represents something that is straightforward or obvious. Do not read too much into a problem.
To dream that you cannot add correctly indicates confusion and chaos. A more directly interpretation suggests that something in your waking life does not add up. TOP
To dream of your old address suggests that you need to take a look back at the past and learn from it. To dream of a new address indicates the need for change.
To dream that you are addressing an envelope represents your need to explore more possibilities. Weigh your options carefully before making a final decision. Alternatively, the dream suggests that you have found your direction in life and are ready to pursue your goals. TOP
*Please See Goodbye.
To see or dream that you are an admiral represents your ability to tackle life's issues and problems with confidence and decisiveness. The admiral may also symbolize a father figure or authoritative person. TOP
To dream that you are admiring someone indicates that you need to incorporate the qualities of that person into your Self.
To dream that you are admiring yourself suggests that you are in need of approval and affirmation from others. Alternatively, it may mean that you have a large ego or think overly highly of yourself. TOP
To see an adobe structure in your dream symbolizes protection. It also implies that you are well insulated from life's problems. Perhaps you are being too sheltered and are lacking experience in certain areas of your life. Alternatively, an adobe building represents tradition, hard work and a simple way of life. Maybe you need to incorporate these qualities into your waking life. TOP
*Please see Teenager.
To dream that you or others are adopting a child indicates that you are taking on something new and different. Ask yourself what is missing in your life that would make you happy.
To dream that you are adopted suggests that you are longing for the child within you.
Dreaming of adopting a dog symbolizes your desire for a loyal relationship. If you are adopting a cat, then it means that you are embracing a newfound independence. TOP
To dream that you seek adulation signifies that you will arrogantly step up to undeserved position of honor.
To dream that you are offering adulation denotes that you are willing to part with something near and dear to you in the hopes of material advancement. TOP
If you are a child or teenager and dream that you are an adult, then it implies that you need to be more mature about some situation. Perhaps you have some growing up that you need to do. Alternatively, the dream may be reinforcing your sense of responsibility. TOP
To dream that you commit adultery or have an affair signifies your sexual urges and desires that are longing to be expressed. Alternatively, it indicates self-betrayal of your subconscious. You may find yourself entangled in a situation that is not in your best interest, perhaps even illegal.
To dream that your mate, spouse, or significant other is cheating on you highlights your insecurities and your fears of being abandoned. You feel that you are being taken for granted. You are lacking attention in the relationship or that he or she is being less affectionate. Alternatively, you feel that you are not measuring up to the expectations of others. TOP
***Go to Common Dreams: Cheating Dreams for further analysis.
To dream that you are advancing in some situation signifies your rapid rise to success and honor. Affairs of the heart will also be in your favor.
To see others advancing ahead of you denotes that others have more important and favorable positions. You need to stop constantly comparing yourself to others. TOP
90,000 interpretation of dreams: Popular symbols
Select the first letter of sleep, or find a dream with a search
- A
- B
- in
- G
- 9000 9000 9000
- 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 and 9000 9000 To
- L
- m
- P
- with
- T
- in
- x
- 9000 C 9000 9000 9000
- SH
- E
- U
- I
- are often looking for:
- teeth,
- Pregnancy,
- hours,
- Shoes,
- Fish,
- Dog,
- Hair,
- Money
- Dream Interpretation, Interpretation of Dreams
- /
- Interesting
- /
- Interpretation of Dreams: Popular Symbols
Humanity has tried to push their dreams, seeing the source of secret knowledge about the future about the future or your own subconscious.
Learning to extract warnings and hints from dreams is a real superpower that can help you achieve harmony with yourself and fulfill your desires. Worth a try, right?
In order to correctly interpret dreams, you need to start with the study of popular symbols - as practice shows, we dream of some things more often and more expressively than others. And although their meanings in different dream books differ from each other, something in common, nevertheless, can be distinguished.
- Teeth. Most often, this popular symbol correlates with something important for the sleeper - for example, relatives, friends or loved ones. Everything that happens to your teeth in a dream can help you comprehend the real state of things in a close circle.
- Reading in a dream. Reading in a dream means receiving information: information or a task that you have to complete. By focusing on the emotions the reading evokes, as well as the details of the process, you can get clues about the nature of the upcoming event.
- Pregnancy. Such a dream portends troubles and cash flows - profit or, conversely, loss. For men, it often precedes negative events, and for women - according to the situation. It's no secret that pregnancy, even in a dream, remains too personal an experience.
- Childbirth. To be relieved of a burden in a dream means to be able to finally accomplish something important and long-awaited. To take birth in a dream portends participation in an important later, but at first insignificant business. These dreams are positive and portend changes for the better.
- Clock. The indication of time often has a direct meaning. Such a dream encourages the sleeper to be vigilant and careful, to think about their actions and life in general. The universe seems to be indicating to you that the time of life is running out, often not very productively.
- Shoes. The appearance of this symbol in your dreams most often means a new life path: acquaintance, meeting, change of scenery or priorities.
The appearance of the shoes and your actions in relation to them are a good clue about the nature of the changes that await you.
- Fish. Seeing a fish in a dream often portends pregnancy and various events related to children. Most often these are positive, joyful dreams, but sometimes certain sensations can also indicate a negative: illness, someone's indifference or coldness.
- House. For most people, home is the most comfortable place on earth. Being at home in a dream means peace and protection, looking for a house or unsuccessfully trying to get into it - portends difficulties with a close environment, loss of faith in honesty, failure in business.
- Dog. A dog in dreams symbolizes a friend - perhaps the events of the plot dream indicate to you the need to pay attention to the clues of faithful comrades, or maybe they say that someone close needs your support and help.
- Deceased. Often the dead come to us in dreams in order to warn of something important or to remind ourselves.
But it also happens that communication with the dead portends a change in the weather or troubles associated with health.
It is no secret that knowledge of the interpretation of popular symbols is just the basis for the ability to correctly interpret dreams. To master this secret knowledge, you need to learn to listen to yourself. The ability to follow your own intuition and see what is hidden - these are the real superpowers of the interpreter of dreams!
It may interest you
- The history of dream interpretation
- Oneirology - the mysterious science of dreams
- Dream interpretation: popular symbols
- Is it worth believing in dreams?
- Lucid dreams
- Prophetic dream
Dream Interpretation Tutorial
Part I. Character ABC
The messages that dreams bring us are encrypted. They are presented in the form of symbols-masks of the night carnival.
Let us explain what a symbol is. A symbol is a secondary, conditional purpose of the object of our life.
Let's take such an ordinary item of our wardrobe as hat . The main function of this item is to be a headdress, to cover the head from cold or heat. The symbolic, secondary meaning is the designation of power, strength, authority with the help of a hat.
Everyone remembers the popular proverb “And put on a hat!” That is, it is assumed in advance that the person who put on the hat will behave appropriately, as it should be for a cultured, authoritative person.
If we look deep into history, we will see that the hat has always reflected a person's belonging to a certain social stratum. Remember the hat of the boyars, the bowler hat of the nobleman, the hat of the judge, the academician or the jester's cap of the clown. The ultimate aspect of the symbolism of the hat is the crown - an object that personifies the supreme power and might. The crown does not carry any useful function - it is a pure symbol.
The interpretation of dreams is based on the study of the symbolic (secondary) meanings of all objects manifested in a dream: objects, characters, natural phenomena.
Where to start
In the introductory part, we paid attention to the fact that the dream must be written down. This is done to make it easier to isolate the main parts of the plot. It is convenient to distinguish five parts: landscape, buildings, characters, actions and objects.
If the actions of the dream unfold in nature, the analysis of the dream should begin with it. Nature (along with buildings) is the scenery of a dream performance. The more elements, details of nature managed to be remembered, the more accurate the dream forecast will be.
I offer you a dream recording of Vera A., aged 28:
Dream No. 1
"I'm standing at the edge of the field next to the railway platform. It's like autumn. It is raining, the sky is grey, the earth is damp and plowed. But on the edge of the field, quite summer, bright yellow sunflowers grow. Suddenly I hear the hum of an engine. A motorcyclist, all in black, is rushing straight at me. I feel that he will knock me down now, and I wake up in fear.
Having written down the dream, we take the next step, highlight the symbols of nature that the dreamer remembers: autumn, rain, field, earth, sky, sunflowers.
Natural symbols are very important. They determine the main emotional coloring of sleep. Very often, it is from them that we conclude which harbingers are contained in this dream: favorable or bad.
But before explaining the meaning of the symbols of nature isolated from dream No. 1, let's talk in more detail about the elements of the landscape as a whole.
Sun and stars
All life of people on the Earth is subordinated to the Sun. The religions of the ancient peoples placed the sun at the center of the universe. Therefore, the sun has firmly entered the unconscious area of Man, as the main symbol. Even the first soothsayers and dream interpreters noticed that the appearance of the sun in a dream portends success, honors. And all other dream events taking place against the backdrop of a sunny day carry favorable news.
Modern people are more remote from nature than primitive tribes. But at the level of unconscious feelings, we all have a mystical participation with nature.
Let's imagine a sunny day, a beach, the sea, and you will immediately feel calm, happy, energized. However, the contemplation of the night sky brings peace and vague excitement at the same time. Dreams carry us to other worlds, fill us with hope. The soul goes on a journey in search of light and joy. It is possible that in a dream this astral journey of the Soul takes place literally.
Consider a dream on this topic by Olga E., 22 years old.
Dream No. 2
“I am on the roof of my high-rise building and look at the sky. Dawn begins. But the stars are still visible. I feel a languor, some kind of quiet joy, a distant beauty. I'm all up there in the sky. I try my best to keep the stars so that they do not disappear. And they obey my will, appear here and there. But the sky is steadily brightening. The stars are disappearing. I look down. The asphalt of the yard is gray there. I feel anxiety and even fear of falling. I wake up from this fear.
What does this dream portend on the basis of such different symbols as stars and stone (asphalt)? We look at the Dream Interpretation (see appendix).
Star - supports hopes and desires. Symbolizes fate. Flashing and fading stars promise changes and mysterious events. Dim stars are a sign of illness and trouble. Sometimes a star can be a harbinger of the birth of a child.
Now let's look at the meaning of the stone symbol.
Stone - expresses rejection of difficult experiences, lack of compassion, rigidity, insensibility ("petrified feelings"). Stones warn of difficulties, troubles, failures.
Now let's combine these symbols, consider them in interaction and, in relation to the plot of the dream and the personality of the dreamer, we will decipher.
Dream number 2 - interpretation.
In a girl's dream, the stars are quite bright and beautiful. They bring her joy. This means that joyful moments, changes that can bring her happiness are possible in Olga's life. However, these changes are not close. At the moment, the girl is in the grip of a heavy, perhaps unrequited feeling (asphalt). She strives to escape, to get away from earthly problems that today separate her from illusory happiness.
Season and time of day
A person remembering a dream usually does not pay attention to these signs of the landscape. Only with additional questions in the dreamer's memory do details emerge that characterize the time of year or day.
Meanwhile, our unconscious resonates with the phases of fluctuations in natural phenomena very clearly. Remember the feelings that gripped you on a spring day in a field, in a forest, even in a city. Drops ring in the air, the hubbub of birds is heard. The sky is blue and clear. Everything seems to be updated. Everything is like the first time, and you will definitely be happy.
You may dream of any of the listed signs of spring and thus signify a new turn in your life. Even just a feeling of spring in a dream, without specific details, promises you the emergence of new plans, hopes, fulfillment of desires.
Consider the dream of Victor H., aged 36.
Dream No. 3
“I am walking through some countryside to choose a house to buy. The pleasant spring sun shines. Fresh grass underfoot. Horses are grazing nearby, one of them with a bright red mane. I continue to look for a house, and suddenly a beautiful, fabulous palace appears right in front of me. I still wonder where such a thing came from in this wilderness. Beautiful arch balconies, colonnade. Suddenly I find myself on that horse with a fiery mane and try to fly up to the balcony with it. I feel like we're off the ground and flying. But instead of a palace, we find ourselves on a hill, from the top of which I look at the area. It is all green, lit by the sun.
Let's single out symbols of nature in this dream: spring, sun, grass, hill.
Let's write out their meanings from the Dream Interpretation: [2]
Spring is a new beginning, new relationships, successful development of affairs.
Sun - the highest success, ardor in the implementation of the project, pleasure from the life situation.
Grass - fresh green grass - vital energy, growth of new qualities, mutual love.
Hill - climb the hill - achieve the goal, the top in business. Expanding your horizons, a clear outlook on life.
Taking into account the meanings of the symbols discussed in subsequent lessons, let's summarize the mood of the dream:
Dream number 3 - interpretation.
In Victor's dream, the spring landscape clearly speaks of the emergence of new emotions - bright and joyful. The appearance of a horse with a fiery mane makes it possible to assume a new sensual attraction of the dreamer. The palace is a romantic look at yourself or your beloved. Victor's position on the hill emphasizes his realistic assessment of the situation and the anticipation that the new feeling will be mutual, will be realized in the near future.
And now imagine a winter landscape: cold, snowstorm, huge snowdrifts. Everything around was frozen, frozen. You feel cold and doomed.[3] The doom and hopelessness of the situation are often reflected in the feeling of winter in dreams.
Let us consider the dream of an unemployed electrician EK, 52 years old.
Dream No. 4
“I am walking across some field, a plain covered with snow. No buildings other than power pylons. These towers are so huge that it seems as if they rest on the sky. I feel very small next to them. I go to my country house, but it is boarded up. Some men pile brushwood next to it in a pile, right on the snow. I am cold and waiting for them to kindle a fire, but I don’t see the fire…”
In E. K.'s dream, there is a characteristic winter landscape with a negative connotation. The eye does not see anything joyful. Everywhere a monotonous white veil. Even the buildings are boring - mechanistic towers, but a boarded-up country house. E. K. does not even see a fire, only dry branches prepared for burning.
Let us clarify the meanings of the symbols of nature according to our Dream Interpretation, choosing their negative aspect, due to the emotional coloring of the dreamer's dream.
Snow - symbolizes cold and winter in relationships, impossibility of sexual contact, illness.
Winter - personifies inactivity, depression, old age, death.
Cold - to feel cold means to feel one's rejection, lack of warmth in relationships.
Now we need to determine the meaning of the symbol brushwood . This word is missing in our Dream Interpretation. This situation is not uncommon in the interpretation of dreams. Therefore, it is necessary to learn to look for synonyms, to think about the deep meanings of the word.
So, what is brushwood ? These are old, dry branches . We are looking for the value of the symbol of the branch .
Branches - a member of the dreamer's family or part of his own feelings. Green branches are a sign of good relationships with family or friends. Dry, dead branches - past, dead feelings; departed relatives.
Taking into account the rest of the symbols, the following picture emerges:
Dream No. 4 - interpretation.
EK is currently depressed. She feels alone, abandoned by everyone. Looking for support, support (perhaps in the person of a man, as reported by the tower). A woman does not find potential in herself (the house is boarded up). There is no hope for the help of friends, relatives. Old connections have died out (brushwood - dried branches). The fire - a sign of friendship and cordial affection - does not light up. The prospect of life is thus also bleak for E.K. She will not be able to build her life without someone's help. Indication of sleep: it is necessary to revive the fire of old friendship or love!
We have considered examples of coloring sleep with the help of signs of spring and winter. In the course of the presentation, we will also get acquainted with autumn and summer, which carry their own specific moods.
And here I want to point out the main point that should be taken into account in the interpretation. All signs of the seasons are informative out of season . For it is not surprising if a skier who has seen snow all day long dreams of this snow at night. Or a tired mushroom picker, closing his eyes, continues to see the red heads of boletus. In this case, one should not look for a deep meaning. This is the processing of daytime impressions. Such a dream solves momentary life problems, rest, fatigue relief, and is not subject to interpretation.
In other cases, as we have already noted, the season is very informative. However, his signs are not reflected in our dreams very often. But the time of day in our dream is indicated more clearly. It gives the emotional coloring of the dream like the time of the year and colors the immediate future with greater certainty.
So, the morning time in a dream shows that your undertaking has a successful, long day ahead. While the period of the second half of the day, and even more so twilight, speak of limited opportunities, incomplete fulfillment of the plan. Darkness, night is generally an unfavorable symbol. May portend illness, the collapse of plans.
The feeling of the time of day in a dream manifests itself in many ways. You can simply know what is there, inside the dream, whether it is morning or night. Sometimes the light indicates the time. Writing down, clarifying the dream, you note “it seems it was twilight, probably this afternoon.” Sometimes you dream of a clock that directly indicates the time. We see such an example in the dream of V. M., aged 55.
Dream No. 5
“I brought a bouquet of flowers and wanted to give them to my wife. I felt that she was somewhere nearby, but I did not see her. In general, the room was in twilight, and I was looking for a vase to put flowers in it. Moreover, the flowers rapidly withered right before my eyes, and the leaves curled up into a tube. The petals fell to the floor, but I had already found the vase. True, it turned out to be an old, cracked jug from which water was spilling. Suddenly I noticed that I was holding not a jug, but a watch. The clock showed clearly 5 pm. (There was only one arrow on them.) I wondered why it was so dark, because it was not too late…”
In this dream, the general atmosphere is gloomy, the clock specifies that evening has come. Traces of destruction are carried in a cracked jug, wilted flowers.
Let's clarify the meaning of the symbol evening from the dream book.
Evening. Early evening symbolizes the middle of life. Indicates that some work should be completed. Late evening represents old age. Sometimes it indicates that the planned tasks cannot be completed.
With the rest of the symbols, we can give a general perspective for this dreamer.
Dream number 5 - interpretation.
A crisis is emerging in V. M.'s relationship with his wife. He probably doesn't care about her anymore as a woman. This is confirmed by dried flowers and a cracked jug.
The situation of the dream is placed in the early evening and does not bode particularly bright hopes. But the number 5 that pops up on the clock, along with the time, may reflect a hint of change, most likely in the sexual area (flowing water). The fact of having one arrow indicates the dreamer's purposefulness. But whether this determination and future changes are connected with a wife or another woman in a dream is not clarified in any detail.
Primary elements
When earth or air, water or fire appear in our dreams, we touch the secrets of life. These elements are part of the living environment that surrounds us, so they are called primary elements. Another name for the primary elements is the elements. These elements reflect the spontaneity, unconsciousness of our feelings, which is why their appearance in our dreams is so important.
Earth and air
What does it mean if we see the earth in our dreams? This is a call to turn to the natural foundations of our lives. It matters what kind of ground we stand on: on solid, strong or quicksand, sinking. People who are internally insecure often "lose the ground under their feet." Sometimes in a dream people fall into the ground or see others going into the ground before their eyes. As a rule, this is a warning factor. It can portend the illness of both the character and the dreamer himself. And it can serve as a sign of "precipitation" in the social aspect.
The symbol of air in a dream, as opposed to earth, refers to the realm of the spirit, your fantasies. If you, for example, fly in a dream, then you are avoiding boring, mundane affairs. Your creative, unrealized potential is bursting out.
In other dreams, a person may experience lack of air, be covered with earth, or feel that he is being suffocated. Such dreams can talk about the limitations in the dreamer's life, in the grip of which he found himself.
Now that we have examined the meaning of the main symbols encountered in dream No. 1, let us return to its interpretation. Let's determine the meaning of the selected characters according to the Dream Interpretation. [4]
Autumn is the time when we reap the fruits of our past deeds. the end of a period of life, the breakup of a relationship.
Rain - a positive aspect: something that gives life (fertilizes the earth). A sign that troubles will be washed away. Tears and emotional release.
Negative aspect: hindrance, difficulties, rain, forcing a person to hide, "withdraw into himself."
Field – being in the field means feeling far away from other people. Freedom from social prohibitions. (In some cases, personifies personal interests, “a field of activity.”)
Earth - natural, real life, including female nature, family interests, habits, earthly attitudes. Soft, dug up earth reflects the maturity of a woman, her readiness to become a mother. The earth is dry, stony - a symbol of life's difficulties.
Sky - symbolizes the aspiration to high goals, especially the flight to heaven. Dark, gloomy sky with clouds - reflects heavy forebodings, threatening events.
Sunflowers - means worship, reckless passion in continuous pursuit of the sun (authority). Symbolizes an unreliable position, constant change.
Let's choose the main meanings of symbols in relation to this dream:
Autumn - breakup of relationships, separation
Rain - difficulties, tears
Sky (gray) - a threatening situation
Sunflowers - worship of some object
Taking into account the other signs of sleep (railroad platform - farewell, break; black motorcyclist - violent capture), let's draw a picture of the near future of Vera A.
Dream number 1 - interpretation.
This dream has a negative connotation. Faith on the eve of a break with a certain man. However, separation may be desirable for the dreamer. Tears, which symbolize rain, also bring relief to the condition of the girl. It is possible that the gap occurs at the initiative of Vera (she is standing not far from the platform, that is, she is about to leave). The dream reflects the confrontation of the girl's feelings (blind love - a sunflower) and the desire to break out of something dangerous, destructive relationship (aggressive motorcyclist). Genuine liberation will require great effort from the girl (to dig up a lot of earth - to turn over her feminine nature).
Water is the main element. She personifies the feminine nature, feelings, rebirth to a new life. This quality is reflected in such a Christian rite as baptism.
In dreams, water is seen as different bodies of water. It can be clean and cloudy, flowing in a plentiful stream or drying up, running away from us. Let us consider separately the different cases of the appearance of water.
River . Symbolizes the dreamer's life as a whole. Its flows are the circumstances that carry us through life. How we cope with these currents, go with the flow or fight it, depends on the success of our lives.
Sea. This is a symbol of infinite energy, the Universal Consciousness. The sea appears in our dreams less often than the river. Seeing the sea means taking a step towards the highest wisdom in life. And if you dreamed about the sea, be sure that any of your problems will have a happy ending. However, attention! There is one exception. If you dream of a shipwreck, a storm at sea - be careful. Your life or the lives of your loved ones are in danger.
Pond or lake . Their appearance in a dream is associated with particular tasks and problems facing us at the moment. A beautiful lake with clean, clear water can predict a happy declaration of love, lyrical experiences, or indicate the maturation of feelings in a young man or girl.
On the contrary, a pond overgrown with mud, with muddy, dark water portends the onset of depression of the disease. In women's dreams, it may indicate a disease of the vagina.
Sometimes in dreams we wash ourselves in a bathroom, a bathhouse. These actions may indicate that the dreamer has a feeling of guilt, a desire to correct some mistakes, "wash away the guilt."
So, let's turn to dreams where there is a river. Compare the different images of the river in dreams No. 6 - No. 8.
Here is the dream of Clara I., 35 years old.
Dream No. 6
“I ended up in a large full-flowing river. I swim in the middle of the river, I flap my arms like wings, easily, freely. Actually, I don’t know how to swim in my life, but here I seem to be swimming against the current. And I feel that I touch the stones with my stomach. They are large, but they are under water, and I cannot see them. And the further I swim, the river becomes smaller, and the stones are larger.
In this dream it is worth paying attention to how the river is changing. It from deep-water becomes shallow, only slightly covering the stones. And what are the stones in this dream? If water is feelings, life aspirations, then pitfalls are part of these feelings. Those experiences that have died out have petrified. Let's combine these prerequisites.
Dream number 6 - interpretation.
Clara is under the influence of violent feelings (in the river), but resists them (swims against the current). Some past, probably unpleasant experience (stones) is interfering with her present life. Only complete detachment from past failures and mistakes will allow Clara to live easily and freely (to love and be loved).
The next dream was also dreamed by a woman, Lyudmila M., 33 years old.
Dream No. 7
“I float on the river joyfully, easily. (Lyudmila also does not swim in reality.) The river is full-flowing. The shores are gentle and green. Around some ships and boats. But then I notice some people dressed in black on the shore. I take them for riot police. They swim across the river. I can barely swim in front of them. I even lightly touch them with the soles of my feet. I'm sailing on to the big steamer. But the water around him foams, boils, forming whirlpools. They don’t notice me from the ship, and I myself can’t even get close to it. ”
It is worth noting here that the dreamer also cannot swim. Dreams in which non-swimmers swim are like dreams in which people fly. That is, such dreams characterize the fantasies of people, but by no means their real actions. The experiences and feelings of such dreamers rarely push them to radical changes in their daily lives.
Shortly before she saw this dream, Lyudmila's mother died, and the young woman lost her usual support in life (she is not married). In this dream, the image of death, as is often the case, is shown by crossing a river. The deceased mother, apparently, represented not only a support, but also an imperious beginning in the life of Lyudmila. Therefore, it is symbolized by black riot police crossing the river. The fact that a woman is not accustomed to live alone, to make responsible decisions, is reflected by her desire to get on a steamer.
Dream number 7 - interpretation.
Lyudmila, who recently lost her mother, is trying to swim along the river of life herself. She feels the loss of support (the touch of her feet), but at the same time the release from the power of the mother (swimming joyfully). But uncertainty, fear of independent life (foam, whirlpools) make her look for someone who would show maternal care for her (the symbol of the steamer). However, the dream does not portend such a possibility.
And, finally, another dream in which the image of a river appears. This time the dream of a man, V.M., whom we know from dream No. 5.
Dream No. 8
“I am walking along the river bank. The river bed is winding, I can only see a small part of it. The shore along which I walk is low, swampy, and the opposite is steep. I have to allocate land for development, and I choose a plot for myself. But I don't like these marshy places I'm walking through. But then the river makes a turn and from my place a beautiful view of the opposite high bank opens up. I see a sandy slope, a beach. Pine trees grow at the top. I think about how I can get there, and I notice that in this place the river has become shallow and a sandy spit can be seen connecting both banks. I go out on it and stop in the middle. The river flows further around the bend, and I decide to choose a plot over a steep bank for development.
And again the image of the river. This time with a fancifully curving channel, with shallow and deep sections. The shores are sharply different. A steep, high bank is opposed to the marshy, marshy one.
Let's now see in the Dream Interpretation what all these features of the river landscape can mean.
River - warns of fast-flowing life, symbolizes sexual and vital energy. A transparent, clean river reflects the purity of inner thoughts, an understanding of the laws of life. Muddy, dirty streams indicate the insolubility of some problems. If a person moves with the flow, then in life he leaves the struggle. On the contrary, moving against the current suggests that he has the strength and determination to fight life's circumstances. The fast flow characterizes the energy, mobility, emotional looseness of the dreamer. If you see a still river, then you have to restrain your feelings. And a very alarming sign - a dry river. It symbolizes a lack of sexuality and vitality.
Crossing a river indicates impending change, sometimes feelings associated with death. The latter consideration is more often manifested if we see someone swimming across the river, as in dream number 7. If a person does not cross, but only thinks about crossing the river, this indicates his indecision, dissatisfaction with his position. the landscape surrounding the river emphasizes, clarifies the nature of the experiences and the situation of the dreamer.
Now let's return to the analysis of dream No. 8. In this dream, as in dream No. 5 of the same dreamer, sexual and life problems are reflected. A dry section of the river reports his problems in the sexual sphere (see withered flowers in dream No. 5). But it should be noted that the shoal is located at the turn of the river, i.e., the life course. Real life - the shaky, marshy shore along which he walks, characterizes the instability of his current state. But another, beautiful coast opens up new perspectives...
Let's put together the deciphered symbols, highlighting the prediction of the dream.
Dream number 8 - interpretation.
VM is currently experiencing uncertainty about his financial situation (shaky ground). At the same time, he has problems in the male sphere (shallowed river). However, a favorable turn awaits him in life, which will solve both of his problems. He has the prospect of getting some kind of place with a solid income (high bank with a pine tree). Yes, and his male potency can still be normalized, because the river flows further around the bend. He should only gain more determination and make some efforts to climb the steep bank. (Accept some tempting, but associated with great responsibility, offer.)
And now a few words about the events preceding and following the dream. V. M. worked as an engineer at a defense enterprise, had a modest salary, the payment of which was constantly delayed. At the same time, he felt difficulties in the sexual sphere, at least when approaching his wife. However, his acquaintance with a young woman greatly inspired him (the image of a pine tree on the shore?). Soon he, with the participation of this woman, organized a production for the manufacture of metal doors. Here his engineering knowledge in the field of metal technology came in handy. V. M.'s income became significant. Together with his social resurrection, V. M. also perked up as a man. However, a short-term sensual infatuation with a young woman grew into just a friendly relationship with her. And the long-term marital affection became even stronger, acquired a new lyrical connotation.
He had a dream about a river changing its course at the moment of making a decision to organize his own enterprise.
If the river includes various aspects of life, covering a large period of time with a "look", then the lake is more often a pure personification of the depth and fermentation of the dreamers' erotic feelings. Here are examples of such dreams:
Dream No. 9a - Serezha K. (15 years old)
“I'm looking out the window of a building. Ahead is a very beautiful lake sparkling in the sun. At first, it seems to me that I am looking from the 2nd floor. Then I notice that the lake washes the house like an island. And the water is already level with the window, it is about to rush into the house…”
Another dream of a young dreamer reflecting awakening feelings:
Dream No. 9b - Ani A. (14 years old)
“In my dream I was on some street or square where, like in Venice, everything was flooded with water. Everything looked like a huge lake approaching the very houses. I ran on its surface and did not fail, I had a lot of fun ... "
Both of these dreams are united by the fact that the dreamers feel shy towards the sensual impulses arising in them. They are not yet ready to surrender to their feelings (plunge into the water). The boy with a feeling of ecstasy observes the elements surging over him, the girl glides on the surface of the water.
Fire is also an important symbol in our dreams. the origins of its comprehension originate from primitive peoples. Already in those days, elemental fire and controlled fire are distinguished. Elemental fire in a dream, carrying destructive power, as in life, promises disaster, failure. Fire can even mean the death of someone. Although more often indicates the collapse of hopes or plans. But such an elemental fire carries not only a destructive, but also a cleansing power. He absorbs lies, ignorance, spiritual dirt.
But to dream of a tamed, controlled fire is a good sign. A flame blazing in a stove or fireplace, burning candles, flaming torches, etc. - portend happiness in love, warmth, recovery from illness. In business life, tamed fire represents success and universal respect.
If you see yourself with your lover (or lover) sitting near a fire or fireplace - this is a favorable sign for your future relationship.
Consider the dream of a young advertiser Anton N.
Dream No. 10
“I saw a beautiful exhibition hall where some obscure paintings hung. An artist unknown to me was sitting here with a sketchbook and a palette, drawing something. Suddenly, I saw a low wave of fire coming from the opposite wall. She quickly began to grow, crawled along the walls, paintings. The artist and I began to rush about in search of a way out. I don’t know how we ended up on the street, but I saw a house that was on fire from the outside. I felt sorry for the burnt paintings…”
And now let's look into the dream book and clarify the meaning of symbol fire .
Fire - means the energy of destruction or passion. Sometimes a state of physical illness. Elemental fire - destruction, death, failure. Sometimes retribution (burning of sins).
The interpretation of the dream will become completely transparent if it is connected with the biography of a young man. Anton is an architect, but after graduating from the institute he did not find a job in his specialty and got a job in an advertising agency. The hall burned in a dream is a feeling of bitterness, loss associated with the fact that Anton did not realize himself as an architect. Pictures with an indefinite plot are an uncertain future. Such a dream, acceptance and understanding of it, may make the young man return to his chosen professional path.
The next dream of Anastasia Ya., aged 30, has a more favorable coloration.
Dream No. 11
“My husband and I are in a country house and we are sitting in front of a burning stove. The fire illuminates the semi-darkness of our room with a pleasant, slightly flickering light. We are talking about something. My husband puts logs on the fire and hugs me to him. I woke up with a feeling of love for my husband. Unfortunately, at that moment he was far away from me. He is a sailor and often goes on long voyages.”
This dream tells about mutual, sincere feelings between spouses.
Concluding the main part of Lesson 1, let's repeat the recommendations on how to start interpreting the dream. How to reveal its mood and color. Determine what events, favorable or bad, portend your dreams.
How to determine the mood of sleep. Recommendations
1. Record your dream in full detail.
2. Write down the symbols of nature in the left column of the sheet. In the right column, you write down the explanation of the symbols taken from the Dream Interpretation.
3. First determine the signs of the time of year and time of day. Remember their basic meaning. Warm, bright weather is a favorable sign for sleep. A dull, gloomy time promises disappointment and failure to fulfill plans.
4. Describe the elements seen in the dream: earth, air. Key reminder: solid ground symbolizes a solid financial position (stony ground - difficulties). Air and flights - the development of creativity, the fulfillment of desires.
5. If there is a pond in the dream, describe it. Remember what water was in it. Clean, deep water in a river, lake or sea promises pure sensual impulses and sexual relationships.