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SAMHSA’s National Helpline | SAMHSA
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SAMHSA’s National Helpline is a free, confidential, 24/7, 365-day-a-year treatment referral and information service (in English and Spanish) for individuals and families facing mental and/or substance use disorders.
Also visit the online treatment locator.
SAMHSA’s National Helpline, 1-800-662-HELP (4357) (also known as the Treatment Referral Routing Service), or TTY: 1-800-487-4889 is a confidential, free, 24-hour-a-day, 365-day-a-year, information service, in English and Spanish, for individuals and family members facing mental and/or substance use disorders.
This service provides referrals to local treatment facilities, support groups, and community-based organizations.
Also visit the online treatment locator, or send your zip code via text message: 435748 (HELP4U) to find help near you. Read more about the HELP4U text messaging service.
The service is open 24/7, 365 days a year.
English and Spanish are available if you select the option to speak with a national representative. Currently, the 435748 (HELP4U) text messaging service is only available in English.
In 2020, the Helpline received 833,598 calls. This is a 27 percent increase from 2019, when the Helpline received a total of 656,953 calls for the year.
The referral service is free of charge. If you have no insurance or are underinsured, we will refer you to your state office, which is responsible for state-funded treatment programs. In addition, we can often refer you to facilities that charge on a sliding fee scale or accept Medicare or Medicaid. If you have health insurance, you are encouraged to contact your insurer for a list of participating health care providers and facilities.
The service is confidential. We will not ask you for any personal information. We may ask for your zip code or other pertinent geographic information in order to track calls being routed to other offices or to accurately identify the local resources appropriate to your needs.
No, we do not provide counseling. Trained information specialists answer calls, transfer callers to state services or other appropriate intake centers in their states, and connect them with local assistance and support.
Suggested Resources
What Is Substance Abuse Treatment? A Booklet for Families
Created for family members of people with alcohol abuse or drug abuse problems. Answers questions about substance abuse, its symptoms, different types of treatment, and recovery.Addresses concerns of children of parents with substance use/abuse problems.
It's Not Your Fault (NACoA) (PDF | 12 KB)
Assures teens with parents who abuse alcohol or drugs that, "It's not your fault!" and that they are not alone. Encourages teens to seek emotional support from other adults, school counselors, and youth support groups such as Alateen, and provides a resource list.After an Attempt: A Guide for Taking Care of Your Family Member After Treatment in the Emergency Department
Aids family members in coping with the aftermath of a relative's suicide attempt. Describes the emergency department treatment process, lists questions to ask about follow-up treatment, and describes how to reduce risk and ensure safety at home.Family Therapy Can Help: For People in Recovery From Mental Illness or Addiction
Explores the role of family therapy in recovery from mental illness or substance abuse. Explains how family therapy sessions are run and who conducts them, describes a typical session, and provides information on its effectiveness in recovery.For additional resources, please visit the SAMHSA Store.
Last Updated: 08/30/2022
SAMHSA Behavioral Health Treatment Services Locator
HomeWelcome to the Behavioral Health Treatment Services Locator, a confidential and anonymous source of information for persons seeking treatment facilities in the United States or U.S. Territories for substance use/addiction and/or mental health problems.
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The Locator is authorized by the 21st Century Cures Act (Public Law 114-255, Section 9006; 42 U.S.C. 290bb-36d). SAMHSA endeavors to keep the Locator current. All information in the Locator is updated annually from facility responses to SAMHSA’s National Substance Use and Mental Health Services Survey (N-SUMHSS). New facilities that have completed an abbreviated survey and met all the qualifications are added monthly. Updates to facility names, addresses, telephone numbers, and services are made weekly for facilities informing SAMHSA of changes. Facilities may request additions or changes to their information by sending an e-mail to [email protected], by calling the BHSIS Project Office at 1-833-888-1553 (Mon-Fri 8-6 ET), or by electronic form submission using the Locator online application form (intended for additions of new facilities).
Quotes from the book “Out of Depression. The exit is near" by Anastasia Maximova📚 - the best aphorisms, sayings and catchphrases - MyBook.
Quotes from the book “Out of Depression. The exit is near" by Anastasia Maximova📚 - the best aphorisms, sayings and catchphrases - MyBook.What to choose
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Here are the first three symptoms of depression according to ICD-10: low mood, decreased energy and activity drop; decrease in the ability to rejoice, enjoy, be interested, concentrate; pronounced fatigue even after minimal effort.
April 28, 2020
When asked to describe how I feel depressed, I always reply, "It's like I'm sitting in the dark and screaming inside my head."
May 18, 2020
Depression is the worst thing it does. Imagine that you used to love strawberry ice cream and now it tastes like raw cardboard. They loved to draw, but all the colors suddenly lost their color.
November 20, 2020
Depression almost always makes relationships worse. At the same time, the mechanism works both ways: lonely people are more likely to suffer from depression than others.
October 4, 2020
People with depression have impaired memory mechanisms: negative events are well remembered, while positive ones seem to be erased 31
September 28, 2020
levels of depression and anxiety. At the same time, negative communication, comparing oneself with other users, is associated with an increased risk of depression241. It all depends on the quality of the interaction, and not on the time you spend on social networks.
September 13, 2020
Depressed people express less empathy for others, make less contact and help less. Relationships between spouses or family members can become worse due to irritability and tearfulness.
September 13, 2020
We all tend to speculate, but the truth is, we don't know what's in other people's minds. So this is another habit to stop.
September 13, 2020
I couldn't explain what happened to me because nothing happened to me. I just broke down. There was no reason for my depression, so why did she choose me?
July 1, 2020
Chronic stress is a cage you get into. It is as if the same cave lion attacked you again and again, not allowing you to come to your senses. If under acute stress the levels of adrenaline and cortisol quickly return to normal, then under chronic stress they remain elevated for a long time, hence the feeling of constant anxiety, “combat readiness”.
June 25, 2020
(108 ratings)
Read the book: “Out of depression. Exit near ”
Anastasia Maximova
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03. 2019
What to do if a loved one has depression? What if a person does not want help, does not want to be seen, how not to drown himself, trying to save another?
The author of this text is not a journalist, but a business analyst. That is why she hid her real name, but could not help but share her pain.
Finding reliable statistics on depression in Russia is difficult. As of the beginning of 2017, in Russia, the disease was detected in 5.5 percent of the population. This is a lot, consider every twentieth. These statistics include my father and not me: the statistics do not take into account those who did not apply to state institutions.
By the time my dad showed visible symptoms of depression, I was already in treatment. But even understanding what I needed to do with myself, I had no idea how to react to what my mother described on the phone.
My father committed suicide. The family fell apart after that: it is difficult to avoid the questions “why?” and mutual accusations, it is difficult to listen to “what if…” and not delete people from your life. In moments when you want to die and think that everyone will be better off without you, you can’t imagine what hell will come for your loved ones later (although it’s still very hard for them now). For me, everything ended differently: I was lucky. I came to the doctor on time, in my environment it was not considered shameful to seek help, I had a permanent job and support, I, in the end, was younger and did not have time to acquire some of the hard memories and regrets.
Now, after the second year of remission, I have tried to compile a list of things that, in my opinion, help to understand what is happening, seek help and organize life so that it is as less painful as possible for a person in depression.
The first signals
Depression-specific signals can be seen in what a person says and in the way he organizes his life. I have never told my relatives that I do not want to live and I carefully look at the rails in the subway. But the number of "funny" pictures sent to friends, showing how useless and out of place I am in this world and how fun it would be to disappear, is comparable to the collection of a small museum.
See also How to help a person with depression What to say to a depressed friend and what not to say
Sometimes there are obvious physiological symptoms, such as trouble sleeping. If a person constantly (more than three days in a row) sleeps less than five hours a day due to the fact that he cannot fall asleep or often wakes up at night, this is a serious reason to see a doctor. The situation is similar with changes in eating habits: if a person constantly forgets to eat or regularly overeats, this may be a sign of a disorder.
Depressive states can last for a very long time, so you should not focus only on recent changes in behavior. If a person "has always been like this", then perhaps he has just been ill for a long time. For example, I did not remember myself different, and then it suddenly turned out that it was not necessary to wade through pain and meaninglessness every day.
How to start treatment
The most helpful thing you can do is help the person see a doctor. If the situation is severe (the symptoms described above are persistent and last more than two weeks), go to a psychiatrist first. More precisely, to an ordinary therapist for a referral, and then to a psychiatrist. It is he who makes the diagnosis and can pick up medicines if they are needed.
Before you go to the doctor, it's important to make a list of things that worry you: sleep and eating disorders, tremors, anxiety, depression, panic attacks, apathy, aggression, constant fatigue, and so on. A doctor's appointment is an unusual event, you need to get together and prepare for it: have a factual base with you that will show what and how long is happening behind the doors of the office.
If the specialist devalues the problem, intimidates or, in the case of the therapist, the person is uncomfortable with him, go to another.
It was about the normal, calm course of things. If the situation is such that hospitalization is needed, you can come to a neuropsychiatric dispensary or a psychiatric hospital and directly ask. It’s good if you know what kind of hospital this is, whether it has additional services (paid wards, over-the-counter psychotherapy, and so on). And do a fluorography in advance - they won't accept it without it. Remember: if there was a suicide attempt, but it was not recorded, then you may be denied hospitalization and, possibly, treatment that is critical at this moment. Therefore, if you consciously decide not to call an ambulance, you are not doing the person a favor.
And if he is not ready to go to the doctor
It is necessary to tell that this condition is being treated. Of course, you have no idea what the person feels, but you see that it is hard for him: he has insomnia, anxiety, he drinks pills without a prescription (substitute the necessary symptoms).
You are worried and want to help. Because he is dear to you. You may know stories when people with similar symptoms got better. This is not easy, not fast, it often requires the help of a doctor, but sometimes such persuasion works.
Be prepared to talk about problems. Take it seriously, even if they seem funny to you. For me, for example, for a long time it was a problem to call a stranger. Even to the help desk. And the phrases: “Lord, what’s so difficult about this?”, “I would like your problems” and “Well, look at Vasya, he generally stutters, but he can” - they didn’t help me at all. Just because a person shared a problem with you doesn't mean you should be looking for a solution right now. The fact that you listened to a person and agreed that it is hard for him is very valuable in itself.
Get ready to talk about something else, like how koalas can swim, how scientists got new pictures of Mars, or Marvel is releasing a new movie. It is important for a person to be distracted - he already spends a lot of time alone with himself and his problems. Talk about something abstract, unexpected and fun. You should not provoke conversations about the patient - the psychotherapist will cope with this.
Do not interfere with treatment unless absolutely necessary. If a person contacts a psychotherapist via Skype from your shared apartment, go for a walk for this time. It's not even that something very personal is being discussed at such moments, but that then you don't look your best: tired, desperate, sad and you don't want anyone to see you in this state.
If you don't like what is happening to the person, you can discuss it with him or your doctor. But please, you don't need to ask a person to stop drinking pills if you don't like something that is not critical for his condition. I was asked, begged and threatened with health problems in the future. And it was scary, because before the pills I didn’t have a “future” and I didn’t understand how to explain this to my relatives.
Gaining normal weight is not a reason to quit pills. Lack of sexual interest is not a reason to quit pills. The person decided to undergo treatment not because he wanted the sky in diamonds, but because the state of the brain makes his life unbearable. Don't force the person to choose between the treatment they need and your approval.
From the project “Into the Void” Photo: Svetlana Sofyina
One of the exciting questions: "How to understand that the treatment helps?" I still don't know how to answer it. Much depends on the symptoms. In my case, after a month, sleep and nutrition more or less recovered. The effect on the internal state became visible after about a year: I caught myself thinking that I was not afraid to go to the store, that I was not tormented by thoughts of the iron not being turned off, I laughed louder and sobbed less at night. In any case, this is not a quick process and you should not expect results tomorrow, neither from pills, nor from therapy.
How to organize your life
Good sleep, healthy eating, movement and bright lighting during the day contribute to recovery. It is also important not to run elementary household items.
Everything that promotes good sleep: a routine, thick curtains, a comfortable mattress and pillow, giving up gadgets an hour before bedtime will help you recover better. A bonus can be a heavy blanket - weighing from 10 to 17 kilograms, filled with plastic balls or buckwheat. It has a soothing "hugging" effect and is supposed to help with anxiety, but research doesn't show how true this is. I feel more comfortable with him, but perhaps this is a placebo effect.
Of course, it is difficult to influence nutrition if you do not live together. You can try to start a tradition of joint lunches or dinners, offer to subscribe to food services. One of my colleagues directly approached and asked if I had dinner today, and if not, he brought me food. It was wonderful: the feeling that you were taken care of.
Physical activity is very important, it increases serotonin levels naturally. Both a gym membership (swimming pool, yoga classes, dancing) and just walks will help here. If possible, go together - this way there will be less temptation to miss. Well, if a person can be in the sun more often, and the lighting in the rooms is bright, this also helps to recover.
Ask if you can help with something - with treatment, with household chores. And help. Do not impose if the person refuses: you are unlikely to persuade him at this moment. From time to time, there may be a desire to do something for (and for) a person - after all, it will not be easier for anyone if they are evicted from an apartment or their water is turned off. But remember that it is important for your friend to make decisions and feel in control of what is happening in his life, even if it is just a sock that is not in its place.
And, of course, positive emotions will help. Ask him what he likes - food, activities, series, books. Try to remember what he liked before, perhaps even in childhood. Drawing, reading, concerts, meeting old friends, movies, animals, tea and pancakes on your favorite couch. Arrange a small holiday for your loved one (and yourself). Nevertheless, it is better not to offer something that will require a lot of effort from a person, such as a noisy party. And there is no need to insist if a person refuses. He understands better what he needs now.
From the project “Into the Void” Photo: Svetlana Sofyina
Two other things helped me a lot: meditation and pets. I learned to meditate through the app, I practiced every day for ten minutes. You can find meditation recordings on YouTube and yoga websites. Pets help organize, require constant interaction, and show they love you (or their food, but that doesn't matter). Therefore, if you live together and have long wanted to get a dog, do it. But please, don't drag the kitten to another person if he didn't ask you to.
Help the helper
Depression exhausts not only the person, but also his loved ones. Remember the rule "first put the oxygen mask on yourself, and then on the child.