Define love making

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1. Sexual activity, especially sexual intercourse.

2. Courtship; wooing.

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.




1. sexual play and activity between lovers, esp including sexual intercourse

2. an archaic word for courtship

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈlʌvˌmeɪ kɪŋ)


1. the act of courting.

2. sexual activity.

Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.

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Noun1.lovemaking - sexual activities (often including sexual intercourse) between two people; "his lovemaking disgusted her"; "he hadn't had any love in months"; "he has a very complicated love life"

love life, making love, sexual love, love

sex activity, sexual activity, sexual practice - activities associated with sexual intercourse; "they had sex in the back seat"

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


noun sexual intercourse, intercourse, intimacy, sexual relations, the other (informal), mating, nookie (slang), copulation, coitus, act of love, carnal knowledge, rumpy-pumpy (slang), coition, sexual union or congress Their lovemaking became less and less frequent.

Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002



[ˈlʌvˌmeɪkɪŋ] N (= courting) → galanteo m; (= sexual intercourse) → relaciones fpl sexuales

Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


love-making [ˈlʌvmeɪkɪŋ] n → ébats mpl (amoureux)love nest love-nest [ˈlʌvnɛst] n → nid m d'amour

Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005

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"I always had a suspicion that gentleman had a passion for my daughter," said Ricote; "but as I felt sure of my Ricota's virtue it gave me no uneasiness to know that he loved her; for thou must have heard it said, Sancho, that the Morisco women seldom or never engage in amours with the old Christians; and my daughter, who I fancy thought more of being a Christian than of lovemaking, would not trouble herself about the attentions of this heir. "

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By comparison with this method Hooja's lovemaking might be called thinly veiled.

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She puts too much lovemaking into her stories and you know too much is worse than too little.

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Frankly abandoning in the main the world of reality, they carry into that of idealized and glamorous fancy the chief interests of the medieval lords and ladies, namely, knightly exploits in war, and lovemaking. Love in the romances, also, retains all its courtly affectations, together with that worship of woman by man which in the twelfth century was exalted into a sentimental art by the poets of wealthy and luxurious Provence in Southern France.

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The YouGov survey of 3922 British adults in heterosexual relationships found three-quarters (75 per cent) of those aged 65 and older felt both the man and woman would equally enjoy lovemaking, compared to 58 per cent of those in the youngest age group.

Older people 'more positive about sex'

Today, foreplay has become an integral part of the whole lovemaking experience.

Recipe for increased sexual pleasure!

Low libido is something that denotes lesser interest towards lovemaking. Even though it is common to lose interest towards lovemaking from time to time and the levels of libido keep varying all through the life, but if it continues, it causes concern.

Herbal Remedies To Treat Sexual Dysfunctions And Improve Male Libido

They indulge in a night filled with passionate lovemaking. This isn't a reunion of two lovers.

'Salem' Season 3, Episode 2 Recap: The Devil Tests Mary's Loyalty

'We should have relationship education and sex is part of it so that they will see the value of the sex in the context of the relationship because when I tell them how often is lovemaking when you're married, for good marriages, how often is lovemaking?

Sex, relationship education eyed to prevent teen pregnancies, HIV

Lovemaking is wonderful and I'm so grateful to have him in my life - however long it lasts.

you say ..

32-year-old businessman Andy Johnson will provide couples with a bed and complimentary condoms on his Cessna 421 Golden Eagle for 40 minutes of lovemaking.

New mile-high club offers couples sex at 5,280-feet over Las Vegas

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Difference between Making Love & Having Sex

Often times, a lot of people, regardless of whether they are a man or a woman, cannot distinguish between two rather different acts, that is, love making and having sex. As seen on Thought Catalog, sex is an instinctive and bio-mechanical act and everyone can do it. On the other hand, making love is considered to be a sensual, slow, and not goal-oriented act that gives us the opportunity to experience the metaphysical being of oneness and it is considered to be an art in itself. Hence, a fulfilling sex life and a successful romantic relationship should contain little of both.

This being said, today’s article will be focused on showcasing the major characteristics of both acts with the purpose to increase the awareness among readers and help them lead a more successful sexual life which will consequently help them to better their sexual health. As explained by the WHO, sexual health is a state of mental, physical, and social well-being in relation to one’s sexuality and it requires a positive and respectful outlook to sexuality and sexual relationships and an ability to enjoy sexual experiences without coercion, violence, and discrimination.

Making Love vs. Having Sex

As seen on Teen Health Source, sex or sexual intercourse means different things to different individuals, but one thing is for sure, this is a healthy and natural activity enjoyed by most people who find it meaningful in their own unique way. As noted by Isadora Alman from Psychology Today, one may decide to engage in this act for different purposes, for example, lust, intimacy, boredom, relief, to exert power, to fulfill expectations, baby making, to express love, take comfort, etc. She further goes on to explain that at its best, this act is considered to be one of sharing and intimacy because there is not a more intimate act than letting another one inside a private body part with the goal to share pleasure.

Although the terms “having sex” and “making love” are used interchangeably by many and though making love often includes sexual intercourse, they do not necessarily indicate the same activity.

When two individuals make love, their vulnerability levels are pretty high. This is often a result of sharing emotions and words that they may not have done before, as seen on Your Tango. Both persons tend to let their guard down and risk and reward come into play. During love making, one experiences unique closeness with their partner and find it difficult to imagine other moments happening without them.

On the other hand, when you are having sex with someone, although the vulnerability still plays a role, it is of a different kind. Namely, one may be afraid of the sexual intercourse not being good or losing the needed chemistry. Also, one may question if his/her sexual needs will be received well or not, as explained on Your Tango.

People who are aware of this distinction also know that making love involves both sides being entirely themselves, genuine and raw, like they are on the daily, regardless if this involves the occasional missionary pose or some more adventurous explorations. The mutual love and understanding is what allows partners to completely relax and make love without feeling any pressure or restraint regarding their sexual needs or wants.

Having sex does not always include genuine feelings and emotions and people may allow themselves to not be the person they are on the daily, as noted on Your Tango. One may try out all kinds of sexual desires and expose a different side of themselves that they may never actually show publically. You may also be expressing some hidden personality traits through the act of having sex.

When love is not in the picture but merely getting sexual pleasure, saying goodbye is never a problem and one may be able to move on without necessarily looking for commitment from the other side involved. However, this is not always the case when you are making love with a person with whom you have found a connection. Love making puts more at stake than getting and giving sexual pleasure, like your feelings, emotions, and deepest thoughts that are shared during this act. This is why saying goodbye is not always something easily done and both partners feel more committed to each other.

Making Love                                                                                           Having Sex

Ecstatic adventure of a lifetime                                                        more of a physical trill

Complex expression of love                                                            physical activity

Helps communicate your love non-verbally                                        focused on stimulation

Helps one to show good feelings and thoughts about their loved one         can be enjoyed without love

Requires sharing more than your body

To have a better grasp of the distinction between these two acts, as pointed out on Thought Catalog, it is beneficial to explain the “heights of sex” and the “depths of making love”.

The former is centered on stimulation and response from the nervous system. This type of sex is usually expressed solely by a physical experience and it is measured by how intense and how strong the stimulation is.

On the other hand, the “depths of sex” encourage both participants to use their bodies, souls, and minds to reach one another’s heart. What’s more, love making gives the partners space to discover any hidden issues that may appear during this uniquely intimate experience and to surpass the physical body limitations and connect with each other. During this act, the focus is not solely on the physical body and it requires dedication to be able to truly win the partner’s mind, soul, and heart.

Final Thoughts on the Difference between Making Love & Having Sex

As seen from the aforementioned points, having sex and making love are two distinct acts and the former is more associated with getting a quality physical pleasure through proper stimulation whereas making love requires getting both sexual pleasure and love.

According to Thought Catalog, one could enjoy a pleasurable sexual intercourse without having to be necessarily in love with the other individual and they may easily part ways afterwards. But, this is not the case with love making, which often requires exploration of different aspects like one’s mind and soul, deepest feelings and thoughts, not just each other’s bodies, and it therefore creates an additional level of closeness and intimacy. The passion tends to grow between the partners simultaneously with their love.

When it comes to having sex, the intimacy has to do with merging your physical needs and body parts with the other partner whereas love making is more about connecting your minds and souls through the act of sexual intercourse.

10 signs that you need sex

Everything around is terribly annoying

Surely, everyone already knows that during sex, the mood noticeably improves. In addition to just psychological satisfaction in the process of sexual intercourse, the human body releases the hormone endorphin, which is responsible for a good mood and a positive perception of the world by a person.

And some researchers also claim that the improvement in mood is associated with a change in the hormonal status of the body, due to the activation of certain centers of the brain. Phew, barely spoke! In fact, everything is simple: from high-quality sex, the mood improves at the chemical level - and you do not need to make any special efforts for this. Truly "relax and enjoy."

You are constantly in pain

Go on, to bed exploits - reduce pain sensitivity! Before orgasm, a hormone with the mysterious name oxytocin is released into the human blood, under the action of which pain-relieving endorphins are formed - natural analogues of morphine. And in women, sex does contribute to the production of estrogens, which suppress the pain associated with premenstrual syndrome. So sex is the best pain reliever.

You are unhappy with your weight, constantly dieting, but this does not help you lose weight

The bed is the best sports equipment ever invented by mankind! In an excited person, the pulse rate increases from 70 to 150 beats per minute - this is like a weightlifter during a barbell lift. One intercourse burns about as many calories as 15 minutes of running at a good pace on a treadmill - how much more pleasant is the first than the second!

Well, an arithmetic example "for dessert": 200 calories are burned in 30 minutes of sexual intercourse. That is, having sex once a day, you will lose a pound of weight in a week! And in a month?

You regularly catch all kinds of viruses

Strengthen your immunity through sex! People who do THAT regularly have 30 percent more antibodies in their blood than those who are abstinent. Therefore, sexually active ladies and gentlemen are much less likely to catch the flu, colds and other infectious diseases.

As for diseases that are caught in a different way, the answer is obvious: a condom, a condom, and again a condom. Not in the sense, of course, to put on three pieces at a time, but in the sense of not forgetting to buy! Fortunately, these super-necessary things are sold everywhere - even in a pharmacy, even at the checkout in any supermarket.

You are not satisfied with the size of your breasts

Unbelievable but true: regular sex increases breasts! The fact is that during arousal, blood flow increases and the breasts can "grow" by 25 percent!

Your memory often fails you, you do not absorb information well

It's also hard to believe, but with every orgasm women . .. increase their IQ! American scientists, tirelessly exploring the sexual capabilities of bipeds, found out that during orgasm, blood circulation in the body occurs at the maximum speed and oxygen-enriched blood quickly reaches all organs, including the brain.

And the control center of the hormonal system - the hypothalamus - also controls the work of the centers of memory and learning. So during the sessions, students should do more than just cramming…

You suffer from insomnia

But how sweet it is to fall asleep after an orgasm, right? This is because the increased level of the hormone oxytocin during sex has a strong calming effect and is an excellent natural sleeping pill.

You are not satisfied with the skin tone of your body

So what was the matter? During sex, almost all muscle groups are trained. And especially such important for women as the muscles of the pelvis, thighs, buttocks, abdominals and arms. In addition, during sexual intercourse, the hormone testosterone is released into the bloodstream, which has a beneficial effect on the musculoskeletal system.

Regular sex also improves posture. 20 minutes of sex is equal to half an hour of morning exercises. So, if you are basically thin, but you just can’t get rid of your hated tummy, you now know what to do.

You are horrified to discover all the new signs of aging on your face

Regular sex in the body increases the amount of collagen important for women, which, as you know, makes the skin smoother and silkier. And the progesterone produced by the body during sex relieves the face of pimples.

According to the same American studies, couples who constantly make love at least 3 times a week after 30 years ALWAYS look two or three years younger than their peers who practice abstinence.

You are constantly dissatisfied with yourself

Any long-legged beauty, especially younger than you, causes you quiet irritation, and photos of models in magazines spoil your mood for the whole day . .. Only passionate sex can cure this disease. When the desired man tells you that you are the most beautiful woman ever. When a man wants you, it is much easier to accept and love yourself!

Meaning, Definition, Suggestions . What is making love

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Meaning of the word "ACTIVITY" busy, business, work, work.

See all meanings of the word ACTIVITY

The meaning of the word "LOVE"

Feeling of selfless, cordial affection.

See all meanings of LOVE

"Make love" proposals

And even better, I can now redirect my unused energy to other things like playing squash and making love.

So good that our lovemaking will send me straight into the future.

We must dedicate our lovemaking to Nikki.

I bought a book, Making love for sophisticated gourmets, I'm picking up all sorts of tips here to beat her.

The final phase, lovemaking, which includes tactile stimulation during foreplay, known as light or protopathic touch.

Other results

Some interesting or beautiful thing that you will supposedly admire for five minutes before it jumps on your pole.

If a love affair began, it was the man who decided when they would meet in order to interrupt the woman's activities.

Her lover, a very busy man, tells her that he only has time to stop by to kiss her and that he will soon be able to take her on vacation.

But I don't need to curse God and talk about lovers' intimate activities.

Oh yes, but the necklace I gave Rosa is filled with very strong love magic, and she's a little busy being useful to you.

I have to do love affairs!

I'm not suggesting now that body love was a light jog down the glittering path of self-acceptance that began that afternoon in class.

The 'First Love' that you gave me to read and your extracurricular activities taught me a lot.

His love of books extended to the classroom, where he even hid extra books under his desk and read during class.

Work or employment, love or marriage, social contacts.

Make love under gas burner light

They kept me awake all week with their noisy lovemaking.

Some type of special aristocracy because women want to make love to you?

We're talking about making love.

Great day for a picnic and lovemaking...

But what they didn't film was the lovemaking.

You keep comparing it to making love.

When you called, I wanted to make love to you.

If you woke up now, we could make love.

For a minute I wanted to make love to you.

I want to try to subdue you while making love to you.

I taught him everything I know about making love.

People behave as if making love is only about the secretions and functions of the body.

The kitchen table is for two things... eating and making love.

So that later we can make love.

This page provides the definition (meaning) of the phrase / expression "making love", as well as synonyms, antonyms and sentences, if available in our database.

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