Deep conversation topics with boyfriend
114 Conversation Starters For Couples, From Deep To Sexy
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Kelly Gonsalves
Updated on August 22, 2022
Contributing Sex & Relationships Editor
By Kelly Gonsalves
Contributing Sex & Relationships Editor
Kelly Gonsalves is a sex educator, relationship coach, and journalist. She received her journalism degree from Northwestern University, and her writings on sex, relationships, identity, and wellness have appeared at The Cut, Vice, Teen Vogue, Cosmopolitan, and elsewhere.
Last updated on August 22, 2022
Whether it's been a few weeks or a few years, every couple can use some new fodder for date-night table talk.
Below are a bunch of questions to ask your partner, from deep conversation starters to sexy questions to turn each other on.
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- What's your relationship with your parents like?
- Do you want to be more like or less like your parents?
- Have you ever been in love before?
- Tell me the story of your first love.
- If you could make money doing anything in the world, what would you do?
- What are five things you couldn't live without?
- What's one article of clothing you could never part with?
- Who's someone in your life that you really look up to?
- What's one of your most cherished memories?
- Have you ever hurt someone and deeply regretted it? Did you ever make amends?
- What's the meaning of life?
- What's your purpose in life?
- Do you believe in an afterlife?
- Do you like your life right now? If not, what's keeping you from changing it?
- What people have made you who you are today?
- What experiences have made you who you are today?
- When did you last cry in front of another person? By yourself?
- Have you ever felt very strongly about something and then eventually changed your mind about it?
- What do you think is your best quality?
- What do you think is my best quality?
- What quality do you want to nurture more of in yourself?
- Do you have a good relationship with your body?
- Do you find it easier to give or to receive?
- What's one dish or meal that reminds you of home?
- Have you ever broken up with a friend?
- What makes you anxious?
- What does happiness mean to you?
- If you no longer had to work to live comfortably, what would you be doing with your life?
- What's one thing in your life that you're struggling with right now?
- What's one thing in your life that you're grateful for?
- What initially made you interested in me?
- How did you know you were in love with me?
- Is there anything about our relationship that feels totally unique to us?
- Where do you see our relationship going?
- What does marriage mean to you?
- How do you feel about big proposals?
- How do you think our relationship will change if we get married?
- What does it mean to be a good partner?
- What's your love language?
- What's the most romantic movie you've ever seen?
- What's a song that reminds you of our relationship?
- Do you believe in love at first sight?
- Do you believe in soul mates? (What about twin flames?)
- When we're apart, what do you miss most about me?
- What's your most precious memory of me?
- What do you love most about our daily life together?
- What kinds of things will we be doing 10 years from now? Twenty years from now? In retirement?
- What would we do in retirement together?
- What's your favorite part of my body?
- What part of my body do you want to explore more?
- What part of your body do you want me to explore more?
- What's the hottest memory you have of us?
- If you could relive one of our sexual experiences, which would you choose?
- Which is better: morning sex or sex at night?
- What does it mean to be good in bed?
- Fast and hard, or slow and gentle?
- Hottest sex position?
- Sex position that's most likely to make you orgasm?
- Where is the wildest place you've ever had sex?
- What would be a really hot place for us to have sex?
- How would you feel about people watching us have sex?
- What's your go-to masturbation routine?
- What kind of porn turns you on?
- What's your dirtiest sexual fantasy?
- What's a very ordinary thing that just really turns you on?
- How do you feel about being tied up (or tying me up)?
- Do you like to be spanked? (Or the idea of spanking me?)
- What would you like to see me dressed in on a special sexual occasion?
- What reality TV show would you be on?
- What's the worst or weirdest date you've ever been on?
- What's the weirdest thing that's ever happened to you while having sex with someone?
- If you were an animal, what kind would you be?
- Who is your celebrity crush?
- Who was your celebrity crush as a teenager?
- What celebrity would play you in a movie about your life?
- What would be the title of your autobiography?
- What is your soul age?
- Have you ever dated someone who was a bad kisser?
- Do you have any "moves" when it comes to flirting or dates?
- What was your first email address?
- Do you believe in ghosts?
- Have you ever had any unexplainable or supernatural experiences?
- If you were a social media influencer, what would you be known for?
- When and how did you first discover masturbation?
- What's something you were weirdly into for a very long period of time?
- Would you survive a zombie apocalypse?
- Do you want to have kids? Why or why not?
- What kind of parent do you want to be?
- How do you feel about religion?
- What was it like to grow out of your religion?
- What's your best habit?
- Worst habit?
- What does a perfect marriage look like to you?
- What would you like your life to be like five years from now? Ten years from now?
- What do you want to do when you're retired?
- Tell me about your best friend.
What are they like, and why are you best friends?
- How important is sex to you?
- What do you need when you're angry? Stressed? Sad?
- Could you date some who doesn't share your political views?
- What do you hate?
- What's your deepest insecurity?
- Are you a jealous person?
- Is jealousy healthy in a relationship?
- What types of activities did you enjoy as a kid? Do you still do them now?
- What would you consider a perfect day?
- Tell me your life story.
- Do you believe in unconditional love?
- What are your dating deal-breakers?
- What's the No. 1 thing you look for in a partner?
- Why do you think your past relationships haven't worked out?
- What kind of gifts do you like?
- If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?
- What do you know about your family's history?
- What's something that you wish people would ask you about more often?
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Kelly Gonsalves
Contributing Sex & Relationships Editor
Kelly Gonsalves is a multi-certified sex educator and relationship coach helping people figure out how to create dating and sex lives that actually feel good — more open, more optimistic, and more pleasurable. In addition to working with individuals in her private practice, Kelly serves as the Sex & Relationships Editor at mindbodygreen. She has a degree in journalism from Northwestern University, and she’s been trained and certified by leading sex and relationship institutions such as The Gottman Institute and Everyone Deserves Sex Ed, among others. Her work has been featured at The Cut, Vice, Teen Vogue, Cosmopolitan, and elsewhere.
With her warm, playful approach to coaching and facilitation, Kelly creates refreshingly candid spaces for processing and healing challenges around dating, sexuality, identity, body image, and relationships. She’s particularly enthusiastic about helping softhearted women get re-energized around the dating experience and find joy in the process of connecting with others. She believes relationships should be easy—and that, with room for self-reflection and the right toolkit, they can be.
You can stay in the loop about her latest programs, gatherings, and other projects through her newsletter:
73 Deep Conversation Starters for Couples
Whether you’ve been together for three months or three years, all couples can benefit from enriching conversation. From the seemingly trivial (favorite movies, dream vacation spots) to the most important (greatest ambitions, biggest fears), any talk that leads to finding out more about what your partner wants out of life is a worthwhile one. The more you chat, the more at ease you’ll feel with one another—which is crucial when it comes to opening up about sensitive subjects.
"Communication skills are just like any other skill," says relationship therapist Esther Boykin. "The more you practice, the better you are at it—particularly when it comes to conversations where you feel vulnerable. "
Meet the Expert
Esther Boykin is a licensed marriage and family therapist based in the Washington D.C. metro area. She is also the author of The Date Deck, a book created to help couples understand how every date night is a chance to improve their relationship.
While plenty of research has been devoted to healthy communication strategies for couples, the content of your conversations is just as important. "When couples can focus on not just how to communicate, but what they communicate to each other, it can make those tougher conversations down the road, as you’re thinking about getting married, a lot easier," adds Boykin.
While it sounds like a lot of hard work, it doesn’t have to be! Read on for Boykin’s tips for making meaningful conversations feel less high-stakes, as well as a list of deep conversation starters for couples that are sure to encourage bonding at a level you’ve never experienced before.
How to Make Deep Conversation Less Intimidating
First things first: try to make it fun! From flashcard games to viral online guides, there are plenty of prompts available to inspire a deep conversation.
"When you start with questions generated by someone else, it makes [the experience] feel like a game—and it reduces the likelihood that we begin to attach meaning to why our partner is asking a question," says Boykin.
It’s also more than fine to use pop culture as your jumping-off point. "Books, movies, and shows you’ve watched together are an easy, low-conflict way to have conversations about values," Boykin adds. "Instead of [issues] becoming hyper-personal, you’re talking about a fictional character and the choices you see them making." Discussing whether or not you agree with their decisions can be an indirect but just as truthful way of revealing what governs your own heart.
Ready to start a deep conversation with your partner? Read on for a list of our favorite fun and thought-provoking questions for couples to ask each other, helpfully sorted by category.
Who is the person in your family you’re the most honest with?
What is your most unique family tradition? What is your favorite family tradition?
How does your family express love and affection?
Do you wish to be a parent? If so, why?
What class or teacher most impacted your life growing up?
In what ways are you most different from the person you were in high school?
If you could change one thing about the way you were raised, what would it be and why?
What book had the most impact on you in childhood?
What did you enjoy doing as a kid that is no longer part of your life?
What food or drink most evokes a feeling of home for you?
What rules or practices did your household follow growing up that you would also implement in your own household? What rules or practices would you choose not to follow?
Should children help with household chores?
What is your predominant love language?
Tell me about your first heartbreak.

Do you believe in twin flames?
When was the first time you said "I love you" to someone who isn’t a member of your family?
What does it mean to be good in bed?
What’s a very ordinary action that you find really attractive?
What is your favorite memory of us?
What is something you want to ask me but are afraid to ask me?
Name three things we have in common.
Describe the physical touch that best communicates "I love you."
What have been the highest and lowest points of your life?
If you could apologize to one person from your past, who would it be and why?
If you were given one year to live, what would change about how you spend your time?
Describe your perfect day.
Tell me about someone you no longer speak to who you wish you were still friends with.

Tell me about the most recent act of kindness you did for a stranger.
What’s something you’re really good at?
What’s your favorite thing to do by yourself?
What is the greatest accomplishment of your life thus far?
What do you consider to be the biggest mistake you’ve ever made?
Tell me about a time you felt completely out of your comfort zone.
What’s the biggest risk you’ve ever taken? Would you do it again?
If you could ask a psychic one question about your future, what would you want to know?
What stresses you out the most when traveling?
Do you like to exercise? What’s your favorite form of exercise, if so?
What’s something that cheers you up when you’re sad?
Do you plan to take care of your parents in their old age?
How do you feel about drug use?
When do you feel the strongest?
What are your favorite forms of self-care?
What have been the most serious injuries or health scares in your life?
What would you do if you were informed that you have a terminal illness? What would you do if you were informed that I have a terminal illness?
Would you rather be very famous or very wealthy?
In what circumstances, if any, is it okay to lie?
What are you most grateful for?
What are you most selfish about?
What three words do you think others most commonly use to describe you?
What do you worry about the most?
What do you wish more people recognized you for?
What’s something you wish you were better at?
Name something that’s always worth splurging on.

Would you rather travel the world or have the house of your dreams?
What motivates you professionally?
When is the last time you put a lot of effort into something outside of work or school?
Tell me about the person you admire most that is not a celebrity.
If you had one million dollars to give to charity, what causes or organizations would you support?
What’s more important: forgiveness or acceptance?
Do you believe in a higher power or something beyond the physical world?
Have you ever donated to a random Kickstarter or online fundraiser for a person you did not know? Tell me about the most recent one.
Who was your favorite Disney or Pixar character growing up?
What movie have you seen the most times?
Tell me about a recent article you've read that changed your mind about something.

Tell me about the subject you’re most interested in that has the least in common with your daily life.
If you were going to get a tattoo tomorrow, what would it depict?
What reality show do you think you’d be most successful on?
Who would you like to see run for president in the next election?
What’s something that most people you know like, but you don’t?
If you were to frame and hang a quote on the wall you look at most, what would it say?
Who would play you in a movie about your life?
What social media account has taught you the most?
Topics for talking with a man, a list of questions in a relationship: advice from a psychologist
Psychology of relationships
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“Let's talk about this and that, talk about how we live with you,” — once sang Kristina Orbakaite. The main thing is not to be silent. Unspoken reproaches and resentment only destroy the relationship. And joint plans, dreams and hobbies, on the contrary, strengthen. “In order to return the old feelings, you need to make an effort,” says psychologist Marina Yakuba. - You once kindled a fiery fire of love together, but if you do not throw firewood, it will easily go out. Of course, there are ideal unions that do not need any therapy. From experience I will say: usually men are comfortable with that woman who lives in harmony. If you want to be happy, think about yourself and do everything to make you feel comfortable, fun and good. As paradoxical as it may sound, selfish women are the best wives. If you are constantly changing, then a man will always be interested in knowing you again and falling in love with you again.
Paradoxical as it may sound, selfish people are the best wives
When the days get the same, Tuesday dinner is no different than Wednesday dinner, the first signal that your relationship needs help. There are several topics of conversation that will help refresh the senses.
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1. “Remember our graduation, wedding, baby birth?”
Shared memories in which you were happy can be a lifeline for your sinking marriage. Even if you've only been together for a year, you should still have stories in common (the same first date or meeting your parents).
2. “We'll have a vacation…”
It's autumn now, but you are already planning a summer vacation together. All evenings you are busy searching for a hotel and choosing attractions that you would like to visit.
3. “What will we give ourselves for the New Year?”
Joint purchases are the key to a long family future. The larger the gift (car, fur coat), the stronger the marriage.
4. "Let's have a party with friends this weekend"
Sometimes a trip to old friends who remember how your relationship was born helps to refresh your feelings.
5. New BMW X5
All men love cars. Spend 10 minutes and explore the latest in the automotive market. To talk with your loved one about BMW, you will have enough elementary knowledge and an interested look.
6. “The most vivid memory from childhood”
I want to return to the events from my childhood again and again. Give vent to emotions. Share with your loved one how you played Snow White in the play and forgot the words, how you found a sweet New Year's gift and enjoyed chocolates every day (when the loss was discovered, you definitely didn’t feel good), how you saw the sea for the first time.
7. “How cool you are”, “How beautiful you are”
Everyone loves compliments. Just think carefully before praising your loved one. You can overdo it!
8. "Why there is fog"
Men are always smarter. They are happy to know this. Make him feel like a teacher. Ask him some elementary question from a school course in physics or chemistry.
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9. “I felt good with you”
When Brigitte Bardot was asked at one of the press conferences what day was the happiest in her life, she sincerely answered: “It was the night ...” Do not be shy and thank you favorite for good sex.
10. “Your mother is beautiful”
Mother is always the most beautiful. If you don't think so, then it's best to remain silent. Remember: never, under any circumstances, speak ill of your beloved's parents.
11. “How was your day?”
Show care: find out what's new at work with your significant other today. If you care about this person, then you should be interested in his life. It's good to know at least the names of his colleagues.
12. "Colleagues advised me to watch this movie"
Donate your favorite series for an action movie. Your spouse will definitely appreciate it.
13. "What's going on in the world"
World economy, politics - general topics that you can't get away from. Imagine yourself as a social activist and discuss with your loved one how to get out of the crisis. He is your superhero and is ready to solve all global problems.
14. “Could Peter I be a Georgian?”
All men love historical novels. This is statistics. If your beloved held any book in his hands, then most likely it was dedicated to the greats of this world. The past is attractive. How we used to do without mobile phones, how much sausage cost in the USSR, how our mothers washed it with their hands - the conversation will last all evening.
15. “I heard a joke about…”
Men love to laugh. Fortunately, now on the Internet you can find a million jokes for every taste.
16. "Let's make dumplings"
Cooking dinner together is another reason to refresh a relationship. The house immediately becomes cozy when charming and appetizing smells hover in it, when everyone sits down at the table and has a leisurely conversation. Then, a man in an apron is very sexy!
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17. “I'll tell you a secret”
The family ends where there is no trust. There are a million reasons for the loss of intimacy. It can be something serious (for example, cheating or deceit) or small things (a broken promise, etc.). A common secret will help return the old relationship.
18. Chelsea is not only a group of your youth
Football is interesting and exciting. Even if you do not think so, you should still adhere to this opinion. If you want to keep the relationship, respect your boyfriend's hobbies and passions. Yes, you may have to master skiing and become a football fan.
19. “Married men and women, statistically, live longer than those who never married or are divorced.”
Another great topic to talk about. It is best to reinforce with examples: “Von Seryoga divorced. How hard it is for him. Who did he look like? After that, you need to gently remind your loved one how lucky he is with you.
20. “Alexander Gradsky became a father at the age of 68”
Men like to discuss celebrities, even if they are far from show business. The more scandalous and unusual the news, the more reckless the man becomes. Sometimes you can provoke an argument. Just be careful. And then the conversation can end in resentment. A light scandal, on the contrary, can be useful!
21. “Were you betrayed?”
No matter what they say, but all men are sentimental and need frank conversations. They also sometimes want to share what has accumulated in their hearts. Betrayal of a best friend, indifference on the part of colleagues, unreasonable reproaches of the boss - become for him the very “vest” into which you can cry out all the accumulated grievances.
22. “How can I help you?”
It was this phrase that saved many marriages. Concrete actions are always expected from the second halves. When you are lying with a fever, you do not need words of consolation, you need to run to the store and buy medicine. When you were fired from your job and you are sitting without money for a month, you just need to fill your refrigerator and transfer some amount to survive.
23. “How is the child doing?”
Parents can talk about their children for hours. If you have a common child, discuss his future, dream together about who you would like him to become. If he has a child from another marriage, be sure to ask how the baby is progressing. Don't forget gifts.
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24. “Let's discuss the menu for a birthday, New Year”
No one has canceled the fact that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. Any talk about food is always winning.
25. “We are compatible according to the horoscope”
Nobody believes in horoscopes, but everyone reads them. Agree, it's nice to know that the stars predict fiery passion and unreal love for you.
26. "Come on, like Julia Roberts and Richard Gere on the piano"
Sexual experimentation is what turns any man on. Try to diversify your family life.
27. “How do you feel?”
Health is a win-win topic of conversation. Men are told from childhood that scars only decorate them. Girls like to discuss dresses and diamonds, and the representatives of the stronger sex love to discuss the illnesses that they heroically coped with.
28. “I don't even know what I would do without you”
Everyone wants to know that they are loved and appreciated. He will be pleased if you remind him how he supported you at a difficult moment.
29. “What would you spend $100,000 on?”
Everyone loves to dream. Any relationship begins with common desires and plans. And, no matter what anyone says about a mortgage, it perfectly seals a marriage.
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- Martinns / E+ / Getty Images
30. “Which concert would you like to go to?”
Going out together can make gray and monotonous everyday life bright. The choice of a concert or performance will brighten up your evening.
31. "Place your bets, gentlemen!"
Is there a hockey match with his favorite team or the English Premier League playoffs ahead? Discuss the prospects of the teams and make a prediction on the outcome of the matches. You can do this even if you are not into sports! As a last resort, you can discuss individual players (just be careful - so that he does not get jealous of some pretty Liverpool striker).
32. “What is a diversified portfolio?”
Even if your spouse is not a Wall Street wolf or a stock holding broker, this is no reason not to discuss your investments - already existing or only future. If you are far from the world of stocks, bonds and dividends, such a conversation can be a start to the first investment and increase your financial literacy.
33. "Well, the trends!"
Women love to read fashion magazines. Why not discuss the latest trends with your beloved man? Does he like this dress? And the hoof shoes? What if you tried on this outfit? Among other things, a fashionable dialogue will be an excellent occasion to hint at what new thing you would not refuse.
Julia Evteeva
- relationships
115 best topics for communication with a partner
Author Olga Stepanova Reading 13 min Published
Do you want to have deep, meaningful conversations with your partner, but don't know where to start?
It is said that the ability to talk to your partner is one of the keys to a successful relationship. In fact, talking to anyone strengthens and develops all types of relationships.
But from time to time we all run out of words or topics to talk about and feel like we're missing out on having intimate moments with our partners.
In this article, we will share with you a list of the best conversation topics for couples who want to connect with each other. With their help, you can learn more about each other and understand what you both want in life.
But before moving on to the list, we would like to share some thoughts on the importance and benefits of talking. 9Ol000 self-esteem. Experts say that one of the most effective ways to increase self-confidence and self-esteem is to communicate with other people. This allows you to practice your communication skills and language skills, making it easier for you to feel less stressed when interacting with other people.
They strengthen the physical and emotional bond between partners. Communication is the key. No matter how cliché it is, it always is. One of the most important aspects of a strong and healthy relationship is communication, and this is facilitated by regular conversations.
They give a sense of social support and belonging. Conversations with a partner open the way to mindful communication - the ability to listen without judgment and speak without fear of humiliation. When this happens, you and your partner experience a greater sense of security in your relationship.
They help set boundaries in your relationship. A strong and healthy relationship is a relationship that knows its limits. When you have regular conversations with your partner, you both learn to set your own parameters.
They build the trust and respect that both parties should have for each other. Trust and respect are vital to a successful relationship, and one way to give and receive the trust and respect you both deserve is through meaningful conversations.
Since the conversation is so important, let's start it. Here is our list of conversation topics that can break the ice between you and your partner.
21 things to talk about with a girl
Women are complex and it can be difficult for men to understand them. But what better way to begin to understand a woman than to strike up a conversation with her?
If you are looking for ways to start a conversation with your wife or girlfriend, then the topics and questions below may be just what you need.
Allow yourself to accept what you may not yet know about her. By knowing the answers to these questions, you will be able to appreciate her and what she does like never before.
- What is the best advice you have ever received from someone?
- If you were given the opportunity to change your name, what would you do?
- What is the best gift you have ever given to someone?
- What do people automatically assume when they look at you?
- If there was a fire in your house, what would be the first thing you would grab and take away with you?
- Where is your dream place and how would you like to spend your holiday?
- What did you want to be when you grew up, and do you want it now?
- What life lessons did your previous relationship teach you?
- What are three important things guys should know and understand about girls?
- What is the worst thing about relationships?
- What would you like people to stop asking you about?
- What is the best and worst thing about being a girl?
- If you could be a guy for one day, who would you be?
- What is the most embarrassing thing you have done for a friend?
- Do you believe that we all have kindred spirits?
- What are some signs that a guy is starting to act creepy?
- Are you determined or indecisive, and to what extent?
- What's that weird smell that everyone hates but you really like?
- What do you like to do that is traditionally considered masculine?
- Do you like meeting new people?
- What are the things you love about yourself?
22 topics for a conversation with a guy
If you are a woman and want to start a conversation with your man, but don't know where to start, then this section is for you.
It can be difficult for men to open up and be vulnerable, so you may need to read between the lines and ask appropriate follow-up questions.
Here are some questions you can use when talking to your man.
- What things make you insecure?
- What factors help you decide whether to trust a person?
- What are your expectations of a romantic relationship?
- What are the things that make you truly happy?
- Do you want to have children in the future? (For couples with children: Do you want to have more children in the future?)
- What is the craziest thing you have ever done to impress a girl?
- What do you consider the most attractive in a woman?
- What thing completely repels you? What turns you on completely?
- What are your life and professional goals?
- Have you ever had a broken heart?
- What would you do if you had a million dollars?
- What is the scariest thing you have ever done?
- When was the last time you cried and why?
- If you were forced to move to the countryside, what are the top three things you would take with you?
- What would you change if you were given the chance to rewrite the past?
- How would you set up a first date with someone you just met?
- What would you like to change about yourself?
- Who or what is the most important person or activity to you when you feel overwhelmed?
- What random hobby have you always wanted to try but couldn't?
- What do you think are your greatest strengths and weaknesses?
- What is the best and worst thing about being a guy?
- What three events in your past have had the greatest impact on your life?
72 Conversation Questions for Couples
Of course, the conversations you have with your partner need to be balanced. It is not always only about him or only about her - the concept of “we” and “we” should also be present in your relationship.
When you are on a date or when you are alone, take the opportunity to ask your partner about his or her views on your relationship. Build a stronger bond by revealing your thoughts about what binds you.
There is no guarantee that you and your partner will get the same answers, but that's okay. The main thing is that both of you are open to hearing what the other is thinking and feeling. Sometimes different opinions and different views provide more opportunities for development. Here are a few topics that can be discussed together as partners.
- What would you like to have written on your/our tombstone when you/we die?
- What do you think makes us unique and different from other couples?
- What parts or attributes of our relationship are you most and least proud of?
- What adventures would you like to go on with me?
- What was your most memorable experience with me?
- What gift did I give you the most?
- What three things should we put on our wish list?
- How would you feel if I made more money than you?
- What do you think our life will be like in 10 years?
- If we were a duo of superheroes, who would we be and what superpowers would we have?
- What are the most important questions partners should ask each other before getting married?
- When was the last time you laughed so hard that you cried?
- What do I do that makes you truly happy?
- Which one of my/your stories about the curiosity who killed the cat is your favorite?
- How much space or time do you think people in a relationship should give each other for loneliness?
- What is the biggest lie someone has told you? What is the biggest lie you have told someone?
- What new hobbies or activities would you like to try together as a couple?
- What one decision changed the course of your life?
- If you had to choose between a career you love for little money and a career you don't like for high pay, which would you choose?
- What will be the title of the book about our love story?
- When I/family do not approve of a decision you have made, how do you deal with it?
- If you could switch lives with someone, who would it be?
- If we had a child, what is your biggest wish for him?
- If we knew that our child would be disabled or sick, would you still want to have him?
- If we had children, would it be more important for you to be their friend than their teacher?
- Are there any physical traits of you or me that you would not like to see in our child?
- If we knew we couldn't have children naturally, would you consider parenting or adoption?
- If only one of us could not have children, would you consider surrogacy or donor motherhood so that the child is biologically ours?
- What can I do to you that you will never forgive me for?
- What made you realize that you fell in love with me?
- If one of us were sick or disabled, would you support each other?
- What do the words “for better or for worse” mean to you?
- Should we get a pet? What?
- Do you think it's ok to tell "white lies" sometimes when it comes to your spouse or partner?
- Do you sometimes feel attracted to other people? Is it physical attraction or something else?
- What is missing in our relationship? What could we improve?
- How do you feel about pornography? Does it disgust you or is it something you are willing to watch together?
- What secret sexual fantasy were you afraid to share with me?
- If you caught me enjoying myself, how would you react?
- Would you ever consider a threesome? Or "swinging" with close friends for one night?
- If someone offered one of us $1,000,000 to have sex with him just once, would we agree?
- What do you most envy in our relationship?
- If my best friend was of the opposite sex and unmarried, would you be okay with me spending time alone with him or her?
- If our parents insisted on naming a child after a family member and you hated the name, would you do it for them?
- Would you ever tell our children that in our youth we behaved imprudently, for example, we used drugs or alcohol?
- Have you ever been arrested? For what?
- Have you ever been married or close to it? If you were married before me, would you tell our children about it?
- If our child turned out to be gay, would you accept it?
- Do you believe in God?
- How important is organized religion to you? Do you regularly attend worship services?
- Do you expect me to change religion after marriage? Would you consider changing religion?
- Do you support the tradition that the bride's family must pay for the wedding?
- Do you want a big wedding or a small one? Where is your dream wedding location?
- How concerned are you with aging? Are you worried about feeling less attractive?
- If one of us couldn't take care of ourselves when we got older, would you pay attention to nursing homes? Or hire helpers to take care of the house?
- Some people live together for many years without ever getting married.
Do you think that marriage is the only way to prove that you are committed to each other for life?
- If one of us dies, would you consider remarrying? Will having children influence your decision?
- If one of our parents got sick and asked to move in with us, would you agree?
- If I told you that I wanted to quit my high-paying job and go away with you for a year or two, would you join me? Even if it meant working a casual job and living very modestly?
- Have you ever thought about your past relationships?
- Are you friends with any of the former social networks?
- When we fight, do you ever think about stopping everything?
- Do you believe that couples counseling can help solve serious relationship problems? Would you agree to this if we ever came to this?
- Do you think there is information that should not be available to family members when it comes to our relationship?
- Do you think it's okay to have separate bank accounts when you're married?
- Do you believe in marriage contracts?
- Do you think that raising children at home is a job, and it brings financial income in its own way?
- Do I have a habit or personality trait that bothers you? Or which, in your opinion, may worsen over time?
- How many drinks per day do you consider too much without fear that you might have problems?
- Now that marijuana is legal in most countries, would you consider smoking it openly?
- Would you consider taking a week off alone with friends when we get married?
- If we could go back in time and find each other as teenagers, do you think we would still find our way here?
Even if you and your partner have been together for many years, there are probably still things you may not know about each other.