Daniel amen brain types
Brain Health Assessment by Dr. Daniel Amen
Medical Disclaimer The purpose of this quiz is to provide general information regarding brain types related to healthy brains. Taking this quiz does is not intended to nor does it create a physician/patient relationship between you, Dr. Amen, or the other physicians at Amen Clinics. Importantly, this quiz is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any condition. Please consult a mental health professional if you believe you have a mental health concern.
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Which Of The 16 Brain Types You Are
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This is the ONLY online assessment that provides accurate, real-time, lifestyle and product recommendations to
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There is always hope for a better brain.
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Personality quizzes often miss the mark...
On what you need to know about yourself.
While such tests can sometimes be helpful, they usually aren't backed by science and place people into
rigid categories that can discourage, confuse or even stigmatize the test taker.
Based On 200,000+ Brain Scans
Based on the world’s largest database of brain SPECT scans (200,000 and growing) that measure blood flow and activity, Dr. Amen and his team developed the Brain Health Assessment to help people predict what their brain might look like if they were scanned.
Healthy brain spect scan
Unhealthy brain spect scan
This Is The Next Best Thing
While getting a full evaluation and SPECT scan at Amen Clinics is the most accurate way of learning about your brain, this assessment can give you a snapshot of your brain, doctor-recommended supplement plan, and some personalized recommendations.
Which brain type are you?
Medical Disclaimer
The purpose of this quiz is to provide general information regarding brain types related to healthy brains. Taking this quiz does is not intended to nor does it create a physician/patient relationship between you, Dr. Amen, or the other physicians at Amen Clinics. Importantly, this quiz is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any condition. Please consult a mental health professional if you believe you have a mental health concern.
Which of the 16 Brain Types Are You?
The more you know about your brain, the better you can optimize it.
5 Primary Brain Types ExplainedDr. Daniel Amen has identified 16 Brain Types based on his brain imaging work.
In Part 1, we took a deep dive into the 5 primary Brain Types. Our focus now shifts to the 11 combination Brain Types along with the distinguishing characteristics, diet plan, and supplement recommendations for each type.
But first, a brief recap of the 5 primary Brain Types:
Brain Type 1
Individuals with Brain Type 1 typically show full, even, symmetrical activity throughout the brain, with the most activity in the cerebellum – one of the brain’s major processing centers.
People with Brain Type 1 tend to live longer because of their high level of conscientiousness. They show up on time and follow through on tasks. They usually don’t take big risks and play by the rules.
Although Brain Type 1 is the optimum brain type, the “use it or lose it” rule applies.
Brain Type 2
Individuals with Brain Type 2 usually show lower activity in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) in brain scans. The PFC is the brain’s brake system. It can help people think before they speak or act.
Brain Type 2 may be associated with lower activity of dopamine, a neurotransmitter involved with focus and motivation. People with this Brain Type are likely to need excitement or stimulation to stay focused.
Smokers and heavy coffee drinkers also tend to fit this type, as they use these substances to stimulate their brains.
Brain Type 3
Individuals with Brain Type 3 are often tenacious, persistent, and sometimes stubborn. They tend to struggle with worry, have trouble sleeping, and like things to be done a certain way.
Those with Brain Type 3 often have increased activity in the front part of the brain called the anterior cingulate gyrus (ACG). The ACG influences your ability to “go with the flow.” When the ACG is overactive, probably due to low activity of serotonin, people can have problems shifting attention.
People with Brain Type 3 don’t need more stimulation. In fact, caffeine and diet pills tend to make them worse.
Brain Type 4
Brain Type 4 individuals tend to show increased activity in the limbic (or emotional) centers of the brain, making them highly sensitive and empathic, but also subject to mood issues. People with this Brain Type may struggle with constant negative thoughts and pessimistic tendencies.
Brain Type 5
Brain scans of individuals with Brain Type 5 often show heightened activity in the anxiety centers of the brain, such as the basal ganglia, insular cortex, and/or amygdala. This is probably linked to lower activity of the neurotransmitter GABA, which helps calm the brain.
People with this brain type tend to be motivated toward a goal. They can feel intense pleasure, but also struggle with feeling anxious or nervous, which causes them to be more cautious and reserved, but also more prepared.
Now, here are the 11 combination Brain Types…
Here Are the 11 Combination Brain Types – Character Traits and Lifestyle RecommendationsCore Character Traits for Brain Types 6-16
Individuals with Brain Types 6-16 typically show lower activity in the PFC. The PFC can keep them from saying or doing things that aren’t in their best interest. It also can curb creative, out-of-the-box thinking when it works too hard.
Studies show that Brain Types 6-16 may also be associated with lower dopamine levels. People with this Brain Type are likely to need excitement or stimulation to stay focused.
Those with Brain Types 6-16 can be strong-willed, choosy, and persistent. They may struggle with worry and have sleep issues.
In addition, people with Brain Types 6-16 often have increased activity in their ACG. As the brain’s gear shifter, the ACG is involved with mental flexibility. An overactive ACG can create attention issues or harmful thoughts and behaviors.
Core Diet Plan for Brain Types 6-16
- Proteins: Protein-rich foods provide amino acids our body needs to create neurotransmitters such as serotonin (to boost mood, motivation, and positive thinking) and dopamine (to maintain focus, increase learning, and manage emotional reactions).
- Regularity of protein (every few hours) creates provides satiety, balanced blood sugar, and can help prevent symptoms of anxiety.
- Eat some form of protein at every meal or snack.
- Easy snack options:
- small apple with almond butter
- blueberries with walnuts
- small protein smoothie
- Meals should include pasture-raised, organic chicken, fish, beef, lamb, hemp, eggs, or a plant-based protein powder.
- Regularity of protein (every few hours) creates provides satiety, balanced blood sugar, and can help prevent symptoms of anxiety.
- Carbohydrates: Focus on getting most of your carbohydrates from vegetables by adding them to meals whenever possible. Other carbohydrates should be low-glycemic, high-fiber, unrefined, and organic whenever possible.
- Prebiotic fibers: leeks, onions, raw garlic, sunchoke, raw chicory root, raw asparagus, raw dandelion greens.
- Vegetables: 6-8 servings per day
- Whole fruits: 1-2 servings per day
- Gluten-free whole grains: 1 serving per day (wild/brown rice, quinoa, buckwheat, millet, amaranth, gluten-free whole oats, and teff)
- Hydration: drink at least half your body weight (lbs.
) in ounces of filtered water each day.
The best strategy to balance Brain Type 6 is to find natural ways to boost both dopamine and serotonin.
Brain Healthy NutritionYour brain is the most energy-hungry organ in your body, using 25% of the calories you consume. One of the quickest ways to achieve better brain function is to identify which foods you should choose and which foods you should lose. Eat right so you can think right!
Dietary Recommendations
Your Type 6 brain needs a diet that’s balanced in high-quality proteins and complex carbohydrates. This type of diet will help balance your blood sugar, help you focus, and provide the necessary building blocks for brain health by naturally boosting dopamine and serotonin levels.
Brain Supporting SupplementsBrain-directed supplements can support your physical and mental energy levels. It’s recommended for everyone to take daily essentials plus additional supplements tailored to your specific Brain Type.
Recommended Supplements for Brain Type 6
Brain & Body Power
We’ve combined our daily essentials into easy-to-use, on-the-go packets. Each packet of Brain & Body Power contains the following supplements:
NeuroVite Plus – a powerful combination of more than 50 vitamins, minerals and plant extracts in their most efficient and bioavailable forms, NeuroVite Plus nourishes all the body’s cells, tissues, and organs.
Brain & Memory Power Boost – this brain-boosting formula delivers your body specialized, brain directed ingredients to support the brain’s energy, connectivity, and overall performance.
Omega-3 Power – gel capsules of the purest, most powerful form of omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA (without the fishy aftertaste) to promote healthy cognition, including recall and retention, focus and concentration, and mood and behavior.
Focus & Energy
A natural, non-habit forming blend of adaptogens and energizing herbs (green tea extract, ginseng, rhodiola, choline, and ashwagandha), Focus & Energy helps support mental sharpness and productivity.
The best way to balance Brain Type 7 is to find natural ways to boost dopamine, serotonin, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamin D.
Dietary Recommendations
Your Type 7 brain needs a diet that is balanced in high-quality proteins and complex carbohydrates. This type of diet will help balance your blood sugar, help you focus, and provide the necessary building blocks for brain health.
Recommended Supplements for Brain Type 7
Same as Brain Type 6.
Brain Type 8An effective strategy for balancing Brain Type 8 is to find natural ways to boost dopamine, serotonin, and GABA. Magnesium and theanine can also help, as can optimizing levels of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D.
Dietary Recommendations
Same as Brain Type 7.
Recommended Supplements for Brain Type 8
Brain & Body Power (see description above on type 6)
NeuroLink – Feeling irritable or sad for no reason? NeuroLink helps to balance emotional ups and downs by delivering an exclusive blend of key nutrients to neurotransmitters in your brain helping you to feel tranquil and clear.
You can balance Brain Type 9 by finding natural ways to increase serotonin and GABA. Physical exercise boosts serotonin, as does using a combination of certain supplements, such as 5-HTP and saffron. Magnesium and theanine can also help, as can optimizing levels of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D.
Dietary Recommendations
Same as Brain Type 7.
Recommended Supplements for Brain Type 9
Same as Brain Type 6.
Brain Type 10To help balance Brain Type 10, try to find natural ways to boost serotonin, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamin D.
Dietary Recommendations
Your Type 10 brain needs a diet that is lower in protein and higher in complex carbohydrates. This type of diet will provide the necessary building blocks for optimal brain health.
Recommended Supplements for Brain Type 10
Brain & Body Power (see description above on type 6)
Serotonin Mood Support – Serotonin Mood Support contains a patented form of saffron along with other key nutrients that help to promote calmness, positive mood, serotonin balance, and even healthy weight management.
You can balance Brain Type 11 by boosting serotonin and GABA. Magnesium and theanine can also help, as can optimizing levels of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D.
Dietary Recommendations
Your Type 11 brain needs a diet that’s lower in protein and higher in complex carbohydrates. This type of diet will boost serotonin and GABA levels naturally.
Recommended Supplements for Brain Type 11
Same as Brain Type 6.
Brain Type 12The best way to balance Brain Type 12 is to find natural options for boosting dopamine, serotonin, and GABA. Magnesium and theanine can also help, as can optimizing levels of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D.
Dietary Recommendations
Your Type 12 brain needs a diet that’s balanced in high-quality proteins and complex carbohydrates. This type of diet will help increase serotonin and dopamine naturally.
Recommended Supplements for Brain Type 12
Same as Brain Type 6.
Balance Brain Type 13 by finding natural ways to boost dopamine and GABA. Magnesium and theanine can also help, as can optimizing levels of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D.
Dietary Recommendations
Same as Brain Type 7.
Recommended Supplements for Brain Type 13
Same as Brain Type 6.
Brain Type 14The best way to balance Brain Type 14 is naturally with dopamine, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamin D.
Dietary Recommendations
Same as Brain Type 7.
Recommended Supplements for Brain Type 14
Same as Brain Type 6.
Brain Type 15The best strategy to balance Brain Type 15 is to find natural ways to boost dopamine and GABA. Magnesium and theanine can also help, as can optimizing levels of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D.
Dietary Recommendations
Your Type 15 brain needs a diet that is balanced in high-quality proteins and complex carbohydrates. This type of diet will help raise GABA and dopamine levels naturally.
Recommended Supplements for Brain Type 15
Same as Brain Type 6.
Brain Type 16To balance Brain Type 16, look for natural ways to boost dopamine and GABA. Magnesium and theanine can also help, as can omega 3 fatty acids and vitamin D.
Dietary Recommendations
Same as Brain Type 15.
Recommended Supplements for Brain Type 16
Brain & Body Power (see description above on type 6)
SAMe Mood & Movement 400 – provides SAMe (S-AdenosylMethionine), a nutrient with very high energy that helps power numerous enzymes important for the brain, joints, liver, muscles, and other organs. SAMe is fundamental to the body’s renewal, repair, and overall well-being.
So, which of the 16 Brain Types are you? The best way to know for sure is to take the Brain Health Assessment.
Brain Health AssessmentMaybe you’ve taken an online personality quiz in the past. Though such tests can occasionally offer helpful information, most fail to consider an individual’s health habits and personal history. In many cases, they also neglect to include an improvement plan.
Another problem with online tests is that they typically aren’t backed by science. Worse still, they frequently place people into rigid categories that can discourage, confuse, or even stigmatize the test taker.
With so many poorly designed tests flooding cyberspace, we’re proud to present the Brain Health Assessment (BHA), a science-based, paradigm-shattering personality test. This one-of-a-kind online test:
- Was developed by Dr. Daniel G. Amen, a double board-certified psychiatrist who has been practicing for over 40 years.
- Is powered by the world’s largest database of functional brain scans – 160,000 and growing.
- Incorporates extensive research – Amen Clinics has published over 70 clinical studies on brain health.
- Is based on the combined clinical experience of a team of Amen-trained doctors who have worked with patients from 120 countries.
Backed by decades of research, the results of the BHA will give you a personalized report that measures your overall health and includes recommended improvement strategies based on your Brain Type.
Just as identifying your abilities, interests, and skills can help you become a more well-rounded, successful person, knowing your Brain Type can help you better understand who you are and why you do what you do. These insights can help you know what mental/brain health risks you may face, which can potentially impact your future career and relationships in significant ways.
Discover Your Brain TypeTo discover your Brain Type, take the free online BHA quiz. It only takes about 5 minutes to complete and your answers are strictly confidential.
Discover the tool that has helped millions of people increase their energy, sharpen their focus, and optimize their brain. You can find out your Brain Type in just a few minutes, so start now.
At BrainMD, we’re dedicated to providing the highest purity nutrients to improve your physical health and overall well-being. For more information about our full list of brain healthy supplements, please visit us at BrainMD.
- Author
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Keith Rowe
Keith has been a member of the BrainMD team for several years, providing his research and writing talents. Keith is grateful to have the opportunity to write about supplements since many of them have made a dramatic difference in his life. He is often heard around the office saying, “We have supplements for that.”
Latest posts by Keith Rowe (see all)
Change your brain - change your life! Daniel Amen, Smart Reading - LitRes
Original Title:
Change Your Brain, Change Your Life: The Breakthrough Program for Conquering Anxiety, Depression, Obsessiveness, Anger, and Impulsiveness
Daniel G. Amen
Mandatory reading for an educated person
Legal support provided by the law firm AllMediaLaw www. allmedialaw.ru
Features of the brain affect all areas of life: education, career, family relationships; on how we feel and perceive the world around us, and even on religious beliefs. With the advent of modern equipment that allows us to obtain images of the brain, scientists have been able to detect and prove this relationship and correct the conclusions about the influence of the brain on our lives. It turns out that many problems (anxiety, anger, irritability, inability to focus, negative thinking) are due to the physiology of the brain
The brain affects our lives, but we can consciously influence it and significantly improve its activity. To do this, you need to understand its structure and principles of operation. By consciously managing our thinking and behavior, and through proper nutrition and exercise, we can change our brain chemistry and improve our quality of life.
The brain determines our reality. If the brain works correctly, then we manage to act correctly and achieve our goals. The main step to success is to understand and optimize the work of your brain.
How does our brain work?
There is a strong two-way relationship between mental health and well-being in various areas of life. If you learn to recognize the types of behavior that prevent you from achieving success, and overcome them, you can significantly improve the quality of your life and relationships with others. This approach has proved its effectiveness in practice and has helped a large number of people. However, it turned out that for some patients it does not work. Daniel Amen wondered why these methods work for some and not for others. The answer to this question determined his further searches.
Perhaps the brain, like a computer, may not have enough RAM, and then it is not able to run new programs. In this case, you need to establish the exact reason why the brain does not work at full capacity, improve its performance, and then “download” new “software” into the updated hardware.
To understand how our brain works, let's look at the five main systems that determine its activity.
The deep limbic system is an emotional filter through which we perceive the world around us, plays an important role in learning, is responsible for memory, appetite and sleep.
Basal ganglia is one of the levels of the movement regulation system. The basal ganglia are responsible for the manifestation of thoughts and feelings at the bodily level.
The main function of the prefrontal cortex is control. It is responsible for the ability to act consciously, and not impulsively, to plan, predict and analyze the consequences of one's actions.
Belt system is responsible for switching attention, thoughts, mood changes, flexibility and the ability to adapt to change.
Temporal lobes are responsible for understanding language, recognizing visual images, recognizing familiar faces, the ability to capture the emotional mood of the interlocutor by facial expression and intonation.
All these systems are interconnected by strong and complex bonds. Malfunctions in each of these systems can cause disruptions in the areas of activity for which they are responsible.
1. Overview of methods and tools for brain research
Until recently, scientists did not have tools that would allow them to reliably study the functioning of the brain. Standard magnetic resonance imaging and CT scans provide images of the brain, but do not provide insight into how it works. An electroencephalogram measures the electrical activity of the brain, but does not provide insight into how the deep structures of the brain function. Positron emission tomography and functional magnetic resonance therapy also cannot give a picture of the activity of individual areas of the brain in a state of activity - in contrast to the SPECT method.
SPECT (single photon emission computerized tomography) helps to measure blood circulation and the level of metabolic activity of the brain and identify disorders in the main departments that are responsible for various functions. The method provided clear evidence that various types of abnormalities in the brain can cause pathological types of behavior, including depression, anxiety, absent-mindedness, a tendency to irritability and anger, and others.
Using the SPECT method (In Russia, this method is mainly used to detect tumors, ischemic foci in cerebrovascular accident and traumatic brain injuries, as well as epilepsy. Note ed.) , you can diagnose head injuries, strokes, dementia, mood disorders, aggressive behavior, depression, anxiety, irritability, see how alcohol, nicotine, coffee affect the brain.
SPECT made it possible to take a fresh look at the main problems of psychiatry, since it was previously believed that the above disorders are of a psychological nature. Knowing that trauma, bad habits, and negative thoughts impair brain function can help a wide range of people.
Review of publications of the World Brain Day exhibition
World Brain Day was established by the World Federation of Neurology. It was decided to celebrate it annually, on July 22.
Employees of the information and reference department of the Tounb named after. A. S. Pushkin bring to your attention an overview of the publications of the exhibition dedicated to the World Brain Day. The exhibition presents books from the collections of the library. “The brain is something amazing. The human brain can easily handle the most sophisticated communication system on Earth, reading the little black icons on the bleached wood canvas and understanding their meaning. To create this miracle, he sends an electrical impulse along wires hundreds of kilometers long to brain cells so tiny that thousands of such cells could fit in this string. And it all happens so fast that you don't even have time to blink. By the way, you just did it. And the most incredible thing is that most people have no idea how the brain works.
This ignorance has strange consequences. We try to talk on a cell phone and drive a car at the same time, although the human brain is not designed to perform several tasks at the same time when it comes to attention. We have created a stressful working environment in offices, but in such conditions, the productivity of the brain is reduced. The school system is built in such a way that most of the learning process takes place at home. Perhaps it would be funny if it were not so harmful to humanity.
Lines from John Medina's book "The Rules of the Brain" introduce us to the topic of our review - World Brain Day.
In recent years, more and more often, all kinds of federations and associations of medical specialists in various fields of medicine, in an effort to attract the attention of ordinary people and the entire world community to human health issues, establish days dedicated to the health of a particular human organ or organ system.
World Brain Day was established by the World Federation of Neurology. It was decided to celebrate it annually, on July 22.
To maintain brain health, doctors recommend leading a healthy lifestyle, getting enough sleep, eating right, giving up bad habits, devoting more time to outdoor walks or physical training, walking more, constantly training the brain through solving non-standard tasks, communicating with highly intelligent people, regularly engage in mental activity (reading, solving crossword puzzles, puzzles, etc. ).
Employees of the information and reference department of the Tounb named after. A. S. Pushkin bring to your attention an overview of the publications of the exhibition dedicated to the World Brain Day. The exhibition presents books from the collections of the library.
Amen, Daniel. A Great Brain at Any Age / Daniel J. Amen; [per. from English. Yu. Ryabinina]. - Moscow: Eksmo, 2011. - 475 p. – ISBN 978-5-699-49788-1.
Neuroscientist and scientist Daniel Amen has spent over twenty years researching brain anomalies, helping patients in his network of clinics successfully cope with depression, anxiety, attention deficit disorder and various addictions.
To prescribe effective treatment, the doctor uses tomographic scan data from different areas of the brain. Daniel Amen examined more than fifty thousand tomograms and understood the principles of the brain.
In this book, the author talks about his research in an accessible language. He gives professional advice on how to take care of the main organ and develop it. Following the recommendations of the world famous doctor, everyone can improve the quality of their lives, regardless of age.
Amen, Daniel. Change your mind, change your body! / Daniel J. Amen; [per. from English. I. Verevkina]. - Moscow: Eksmo, 2011. - 492 p. – ISBN 978-5-699-48442-3.
Daniel Amen, MD, neuroscientist, neuropsychiatrist, brain CT expert says that a healthy brain is the key to a better external and internal state of the body. This book is based on the latest scientific research and the author's twenty years of medical experience in the clinics he created (Amen Clinics Inc.), where he and his colleagues explore the functioning of the brain using the latest scanning technologies. Sixteen chapters of tips provide detailed practical information on how to improve brain function to achieve optimal weight, make skin healthier and more beautiful, look younger, get rid of bad habits, reduce stress, strengthen immunity, solve many health problems, improve sex life. Provides detailed information about foods, vitamins and nutritional supplements that improve brain function.
Whether you're at the beginning of your journey to create the body of your dreams or have already achieved some results, this book will help you move to the next level, because your brain will begin to work for you in full force.
Amen, Daniel. Change your brain - change your life! / Daniel Amen; [per. from English. E. Kudashkina]. - Moscow: Eksmo, 2012. - 445 p. – ISBN 978-5-699-38213-2.
Daniel Amen, author of this book, MD, neurophysiologist and pioneering neuropsychiatrist. Through his research, he established that our thoughts and feelings affect the physiology of our brain and thereby change our lives beyond recognition. With the help of Dr. Amen's book, you will be able to uncover many of the secrets and mysteries of your own brain and find answers to questions that affect your happiness and life satisfaction. Read this book and you will see that it is not in vain that it became a world bestseller!
Amen, Daniel. Brain and soul: new discoveries about the influence of the brain on character, feelings, emotions: [transl. from English] / Daniel J. Amen. - Moscow: EKSMO, 2012. - 303 p. – ISBN 978-5-699-57296-0.
The main idea of the book by the famous neuroscientist Dr. Daniel Amen is that in order for life to be full and happy, the brain and soul must work in harmony.
The root of all problems with the nervous system, psyche, character traits should be sought in various violations of our "main computer". And if these violations are corrected, the problems will be solved.
Bonus - exclusive "Doctor Amen's Questionnaire". This 101-question test assesses the functioning of five critical areas of the brain and, without having to undergo a CT scan, helps you understand which areas need to be improved.
Amen, Daniel. Brain against excess weight : weight loss program for thinking people / Daniel J. Amen ; [per. from English. Yu. Ryabinina]. - Moscow: Eksmo, 2013. - 478 p. – ISBN 978-5-699-55365-5.
Why do many people fail to lose weight, and if they do, it is not for long? What is the reason? In a lack of willpower, heredity, an unsuccessful diet? Well-known neurophysiologist and neuropsychiatrist Daniel Amen claims that most problems with being overweight do not arise in the stomach, but in the brain, so you need to start losing weight not from the body, but from the “head”. Dr. Amen's new book presents the latest scientific findings from computerized brain scans. According to these data, there are five types of brain associated with being overweight. And the key to successful weight loss is an individual approach depending on your type.
Amena's weight loss program is not a diet, but a comprehensive, healthy approach to the fight against excess weight, developed by a world-famous scientist and doctor. This book will help you determine your brain type and understand how best to lose weight for you; forever forget about overeating "for fun" and "nervous"; make small changes in your life that contribute to weight loss; fall in love with foods that make the brain healthy and the body slim; get rid of excess weight without fasting and hard training. Forever and ever.
Amodt, Sandra. How to develop a child's brain so that he becomes smart and successful / Sandra Amodt, Sam Wong; [per. from English. Kirill Saveliev]. - Moscow: Eksmo, 2014. - 478 p. – ISBN 978-5-699-74415-2.
A must-have for parents who want to better understand their child and strive to raise them to be successful. The authors of this book, renowned neuroscientists, explain how children's brains grow and function, and give advice on how to use this information to develop a child's personality. You will learn: how upbringing and the atmosphere in the family affect the intellect; how the brain at different ages "dictates" certain behavior to the child and how to correct it; why even smart children sometimes study poorly and what needs to be done to make a child successful both in school and in life. As a bonus - amazing and interesting facts about the functioning of the mysterious "natural computer" in the period from fetal development to adulthood.
Weinschenk, Susan. Laws of Influence: How to get people to do what you need / Susan Weinshenk; per. from English. N. Ilyina. - Moscow: Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, 2014. - 269 p. – ISBN 978-5-91657-930-7.
Whether you're trying to get a good deal or get your family members in order, you inevitably run into the problem of motivating other people.
Susan Weinschenk proposes not to rely on luck, but to apply a scientific approach to predicting behavior. From the book, you will learn about the key drivers of motivation and practical strategies for each of them. You will learn how to use your knowledge of the laws of psychology and brain science to better motivate people to do what you need. Or even get people to want to do what you want them to do.
The author is a well-known specialist in the field of psychology of behavior and brain function with 30 years of experience. Susan Weinshenk writes books, runs a consulting company.
Doidge, Norman. Brain plasticity: amazing facts about how thoughts can change the structure and function of our brain / Norman Doidge; [per. from English. E. Vinogradova]. - Moscow: EKSMO, 2010. - 540 p. – ISBN 978-5-699-41441-3.
The discovery that thoughts can - even in old age - change the structure and function of the brain is the most important advance in neuroscience in the last four centuries. Norman Doidge offers a revolutionary view of the human brain. He talks about brilliant scientists advancing the still new science of neuroplasticity and the astounding successes of the people whose lives they have changed - examples of stroke patients recovering; the case of a woman born with half a brain that reprogrammed itself to perform the functions of the missing half, a story of overcoming learning disabilities and emotional disturbances, increasing intelligence and rebuilding an aging brain. The techniques presented in the book will be interesting and useful to all readers.
Dumchev, Arthur Alexandrovich. Remember everything: a practical guide to the development of memory / A. A. Dumchev. - Moscow: Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, 2014. - 185 p. – ISBN 978-5-00057-015-9.
This book is a collection of specific tricks and techniques for developing memory, presented by the author, who remembers the number "pi" to 22,528 decimal places and is going to record his achievement in the Guinness Book of Records.
Using these techniques, you will learn how to easily and quickly memorize a variety of information in large volumes, solve complex problems in your mind and reproduce long rows of numbers. Much of what you previously admired will become accessible and familiar to you, and most importantly, your mental abilities will reach a new level.
Zogay, Idriz. Minne, or Memory in Swedish: the technique of the famous memory coach / Idriz Zogay; per. from the Swedish A. Karpukhina. - Moscow: Bombora: E, 2018. - 190 p. – ISBN 978-5-04-089772-8.
Have you ever experienced the fact that you could not remember the name of an actor, someone's address or phone number? After some break, the answer comes, but, as a rule, time is lost. So it's time to take care of your memory.
Anyone can improve their memory using the methods in this book. Its author Idriz Zogay is a famous Swedish mnemonist and a real Master in his field. Zogay's TED lecture has been viewed nearly 7 million times, and the Swedish National Team, when he was its captain, won a gold medal in the International Memory Championship. The book has a typically Scandinavian deceptive simplicity, and its main advantage is that it is fun and interesting to train memory with the help of the described exercises.
Levin, Peter. Stroke: [a unique program of treatment and rehabilitation: Per. from English] / Peter Levin. - 2nd ed. - St. Petersburg [and others]: Peter, 2016. - 319 p. – ISBN 978-5-496-01743-5.
It is rehabilitation and recovery that determine life expectancy after a stroke. At this stage, the role of the person himself and his relatives is maximum. That is why it is so important to give the reader an effective program that allows you to eliminate the consequences of a vascular catastrophe step by step and regain your lost health.
The book by the famous American neurologist Peter Levin describes in a simple and understandable way the features of physical and psychological rehabilitation in general, specific goals and ways to achieve them, as well as the difficulties that arise at each stage of recovery and ways to eliminate them. Difficult but achievable! Dr. Levin's book gives the keys to recovery after a stroke.
Medina, John. Brain rules: what you and your children should know about the brain / John Medina; per. from English. Xenia Ivanova. - Moscow : Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, 2014. - 292 s. – ISBN 978-5-00057-141-5.
We know very little about how our brain functions and do not take into account the peculiarities of its work in our daily life and professional activities. Meanwhile, such knowledge can help us work more productively, remember more, learn better, and conduct effective negotiations and presentations.
Professor John Medina formulated 12 principles of the brain, each of which we can use in everyday life. All of them are described in this book.
Mighty, A. A big exercise book for your brain and subconscious: [for a significant increase in IQ, for a significant improvement in memory, for activating latent abilities and brain reserves. 10 minutes a day for instant decisions, multiple development of strength and flexibility of thinking] / A. Moguchy. – Moscow: AST, [2012]. – 315 p., [8] l. ill. – ISBN 978-5-17-078991-7.
Here are two famous brain simulators based on the unique developments of scientists. Many people around the world have already used them and it has helped them make their minds faster, more efficient, sharper! Classes with simulators will take a little time - only 5-10 minutes a day - but the result will exceed your wildest expectations. Indeed, an additional effect when working according to these unique methods is a noticeable improvement in physical health (since the activation of the brain stimulates the correct functioning of all organs and systems in the human body), as well as the development of memory and attention, the aggravation of reactions, the development of willpower and patience, discovering new abilities and much more.
Navarro, Angeles. Memory does not change : tasks and puzzles for the development of intelligence and memory / Angels Navarro ; per. from Spanish N. Dmitrieva. - Moscow: Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, 2015. - 143 p. – ISBN 978-5-00057-416-4.
“Improving memory is not only possible, it is also interesting,” says psychologist Angels Navarro. You will agree with this statement when you start doing exciting exercises for brain training.
Games and tasks are suitable for all ages: young people will improve attention and concentration, middle-aged people will maintain their memory at a good level and, finally, older people will compensate for age-related disorders with the help of this book.
The author's training program described in the book is designed to identify weaknesses in the mechanism of memorization and development of memory and intelligence. This book is for everyone who wants to always remain in a sober mind and solid memory.
Ratey, John. Light yourself up! : life - in motion : revolutionary knowledge about the effect of physical activity on the brain / John Ratey, Eric Hagerman; per. from English. M. Popova. - Moscow: Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, 2017. - 330 p. – ISBN 978-5-00100-761-6.
In this book, Dr. John Ratey, M.D. convincingly proves that what is good for the body is also good for the brain. Sports activities aimed at developing the body also develop our brain. Scientific evidence, real life examples and specific techniques for anyone who wants to reduce stress levels and keep memory and thinking high.
It is commonly believed that in order to improve thinking, you need to spend days and nights in the library or at least on information sites, and physical activity allegedly has nothing to do with the brain.