Birthday journal prompts
11 Birthday Journal Prompts ✏️ – A Great Mood
Your birthday is coming up, and the countdown has begun. Whether you’re happy or sad about it (it’s totally normal to feel a bit uncertain whenever you’re conscious about your age), this is your opportunity to grab your journal and ask yourself a few questions.
Here is a list of eleven inspiring, interesting, and perhaps necessary birthday journal prompts to make you reflect on what happened in the last year, what should happen in the year that’s coming, and yourself and your life in general. If you can think of another prompt or question, please leave a comment at the end of this post!
Here we go…
1. What would be the best birthday present ever?
Some of the prompts in this list are very serious; they are supposed to inspire reflection. However, it’s probably a good idea to start with a question that puts you in a good mood — such as, what would be the best birthday present ever?
Feel free to brainstorm and don’t be afraid to list things that may seem unrealistic or even impossible. You can think of luxury items or expensive trips around the world, obviously, but do think of unique experiences as well. For example, spending your birthday in a remote village with a special person, hiring a chef for the best dinner party ever, indulging in a two-hour massage, or even something more challenging such as hiking.
2. How have I changed since my last birthday?
We constantly change, and it’s a good thing. Depending on which phase of your life you’re in, you may experience incredible change and growth (physical, mental, or spiritual) in a month or less; conversely, you may reflect on the past year and realize that although you have changed, there weren’t any important breakthroughs.
Whatever the case, take a moment to think about this. Think about your (new) personality, the way you talk to people, your level of awareness, your ability to go for the things that matter to you and ignore those things that interfere with your happiness, and so on. If you focus on this long enough, you may notice you have actually turned into a completely different person since your last birthday.
3. What have I learned since my last birthday?
Similar to the previous prompt, but different. Think of what you have learned about yourself as well as the world and the people around you. You can interpret the prompt in a deep, philosophical way and use it to reflect on your views on life itself, or simply use a more pragmatic approach and list some of the lessons you have learned.
For example, during the last year you may have had to deal with someone who drained your energy and eventually had to cut them out of your life, and the lesson could be that you no longer should interact with those who don’t value your time. Or, perhaps you have finally visited that city or country, and learned that a different lifestyle is possible, and that opened your eyes and inspired you to change.
4. What things do I want/need to experience before my next birthday?
Alright, let’s get serious about goals. Life is short and although it can be exciting to have a five or ten year plan for your career, relationships, or life in general — it does make sense to think short-term as well. For most goals, one year is actually a pretty good amount of time, so if your birthday is coming up, it’s a good idea to use the following one as a deadline.
And since your time, energy, and willpower will always be very limited, it’s also important to be aware of your priorities. If you could only have three year-long goals, what would they be? What about two goals? And what if you could only have one — which one would you choose, which one would truly matter the most to you? Be honest with yourself, ask yourself what you really want/need, write it down, and go for it.
5. Is there anything in my life that I need to eliminate?
This is a journal prompt that can be used as often as you like, but your upcoming birthday can be an opportunity to reflect on the past year and all those things and perhaps people that you had to deal with, but no longer want to have in your life.
Again, these could be things (material possessions, unhealthy habits, a poor diet) or people (toxic relationships, fake friends, or even friends that genuinely care about you but may not understand you or inspire you for whatever reason). It could also be aspects of your personality, or limiting beliefs about who you should be and what you should do in life. Don’t be afraid to brainstorm because the things you actually need to get rid of may only come to mind after ten minutes or so.
6. What do I appreciate about turning (…)?
Everyone is terrified of getting old. We are bombarded with ads that tell us we can look younger if we buy a certain anti-age product. We are told that the more we age, the more responsibilities we will have, the more tired we will be, the less fun we will have, and so on.
But what if we developed the mindset where we appreciate all the things that come with growing older? What if we started to focus on all the reasons we are grateful for turning 20, 30, 40, and so on? The truth is that there’s plenty of reasons to do so, however many of us just focus on the negatives. Use this journal prompt to focus on the positives, and be proud of your age.

This is another prompt that can be used even when there’s no special occasions or milestones. But it’s so important I had to include it in this list. If you’ve already taken the time to list all the reasons you’re grateful for turning (…), try and think of gratitude in general — the things in your life that make you happy and that you really appreciate.
As a birthday journal prompt, you can think of things that happened more recently, or during the last year, and realize how lucky you have been to experience them; or reflect on some of your most recent achievements and feel really happy about them. I’m pretty sure there is at least one thing in your life right now that you’re really grateful for, that didn’t exist one year ago.
What are you grateful for?8. If I could go back one year, what would I do differently?
This is an opportunity to reflect on so many different things, including your own actions and behavior and the decisions you have made during the last year. Perhaps you can’t think of any major changes, and that’s probably a good thing, but still take the time and reflect on what you could or should have done differently. Think of…
- The people you spent time with
- Whether you have taken too many risks, or too few
- Your own recurring thoughts and the actions they led to
- Whether you have been too lazy, or never took the time to recharge
- Whether you had too many goals… or none
- Whether your decisions were influenced by others (in a good or bad way)
9. What is my biggest regret about the last year?
Does this journal prompt make you feel uncomfortable, or a bit sad? Great! This is your opportunity to reflect on the things you were supposed to do, but didn’t do (or the things you shouldn’t have done) in the last year, and use this lesson to grow as a person and make sure you won’t make the same mistakes in the future.
As explained in the previous paragraph/prompt, this could be anything from bad decisions, to thought patterns you may need to silence, to people that have wasted your time or energy. Identify all your biggest regrets about the last year and see how you can prevent them in the year to come.
10. If age didn’t matter, what would I do?
Regardless of your actual age, use this journal prompt to think of all limiting beliefs that may be linked to turning a certain age (or not being a certain age yet). For example, subconsciously, some of us may think it’s too late for us to do something, or that we would be able to achieve or experience something only if we were older, or younger, and so on.
And while in some cases our perception may be correct, most of the time it’s simply our own limiting beliefs (or the limiting beliefs of society that we have somehow adapted to). Have you stopped engaging in some activities because of your age? Do you feel too old or too young to do something you’d enjoy? Your birthday is your opportunity to reflect on that, and change that if you need or want to.
11. What surprised me about the last year?
And lastly, you can take some time to reflect on life’s unpredictability and all the uncertainty that comes with it, and think of all those unexpected surprises and gifts that you received in the last year. There’s only so much we can control or predict in our life, and I’m sure you can think of recent events that were totally unexpected but had a positive impact on your life.
Can you think of another interesting or inspiring birthday journal prompt? Leave a reply and share it with us! 👇
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72 Journal Prompts To Reflect During Your Birthday – Lifengoal
How often do you write down your thoughts or ideas? If you don’t, then why not start writing them down now? Journal Prompts is a simple tool that helps you get started.
The idea behind journal prompts is to encourage you to write down your thoughts and ideas. This way, you’ll be able to reflect on your life and gain insights into your personality.
Journal prompts are a great way to capture your thoughts and ideas. They also provide a useful outlet for your emotions.
You would have felt the need of an emotional outlet if you were experiencing any kind of distress or anxiety.
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Birthday Journaling Prompts to Reflect and Better Your Life- 1. What does “fun” mean to you? Describe situations where you enjoyed fun activities.
- 2. What’s the greatest thing you’ve ever done in your lifetime? Why did it make you happy?
- 3. Write down three things you’re thankful for this day.
- 4. How has your life changed since you graduated from high school? How will it continue to change?
- 5. What was your favorite subject at school? Explain how it made you feel.
- 6. Write down one word that best describes yourself.
- 7. Think back over your childhood. What advice could you give your younger self?
- 8. Write down three words that describe you today.
- 9. Take a moment to think through every friendship you’ve had in your life. How many of those relationships have lasted your entire life? Explain why.
- 10. What are some of your goals right now? Would you like to achieve these goals by next month? Next year? Explain.
- 11. What does happiness look like to you? Put together a list of all the people who bring you joy.
- 12. What’s something about you that makes others smile? Do you know what causes you to smile?
- 13. Think back over your life. Imagine being twenty years old again. What job would you choose if given the opportunity?
- 14. When you were growing up, what did you want to be when you grew up?
- 15. What three adjectives can you use to describe yourself?
- 16. What type of person do you want to be? Describe someone who exhibits characteristics that define you.
- 17. Create a list of five traits that you’d like to develop in yourself. Give reasons as to why you should work toward developing these skills.
- 18. Write down three goals you want to accomplish in the upcoming months. Include deadlines and dates.
- 19. Did anyone come along who taught you anything new about yourself? Explain their influence in your life.
- 20. What qualities do you admire in other people? Are there certain people whom you like more than others? Why?
- 21. How much of your time do you spend thinking about your past mistakes? Write down three regrets that you still have.
- 22. What was the worst decision you’ve ever made? Which decisions in your life led you to take that path?
- 23. Name four ways you show affection – physically, emotionally, spiritually, and intellectually. Explain each method.
- 24. In what ways do you show kindness to others? Who inspires and encourages you? Explain.
- 25. Are there times when you wish you could go back and do things differently? Explain what the specific circumstances might be.
- 26. How do you react when someone hurts you? Do you take away from these experiences? Is it better to let them pass, or do you dwell on them?
- 27. What is the most important lesson you learned from your parents?
- 28. For someone who meant a lot to you as a child, explain how they influenced your early development.
- 29. Where do your dreams lie? How close do you think you’ll get to achieving them?
- 30. What keeps you awake at night? How do you relax? What helps you fall asleep?
- 31. What has been the highest point of your life so far? The lowest? Explain why.
- 32. What do you want out of life? How do you plan to reach this goal? How do you find inspiration?
- 33. If you knew nothing else about your future, what would you say are your chances of success? Have you changed your mind in light of recent events?
- 34. Are there any personal weaknesses that you’re not yet willing to own up to? Why?
- 35. How do you react to failure? Do you learn from it, or do you see it as an end in itself? Explain.
- 36. List three friends that make you feel happy. Explain why.
- 37. What one quality do you possess that no one knows about?
- 38. What kind of mood am I usually in? Define your current state of mind.
- 39. List three questions that have kept you off balance since the last time you read them. Can you answer them now?
- 40. What is your greatest fear? Explain its source and nature.
- 41. Would you change places with another person? Explain why. There are many people in the world today who don’t have enough to eat; others have everything but lack the desire to use their abilities for good. It’s easy to judge some people without knowing all the facts. But wouldn’t it be wiser to try to understand instead?
- 42. Describe a situation where you were put in a position where you had to choose between two equally difficult options. Explain which option you chose, and why you felt compelled to go with that choice.
- 43. When did you last laugh heartily? Share some reasons for doing so.
- 44. Choose one area in your life from which you need to build stronger boundaries. Write down the steps necessary to achieve this goal.
- 45. What is the first thing you remember doing after turning a year older?
- 46. What advice would you give yourself if you could travel back to your childhood?
- 47. Have you done anything embarrassing during your birthday? Were you able to recover gracefully?
- 48. Write down five things about yourself you’d like other people to know.
- 49. What makes you feel alive? What takes you outside of yourself into a realm filled with mystery and awe?
- 50. Do you believe in miracles? Explain how they play a role in your life.
- 51. Do you ever worry about making mistakes? Why do you think we tend to overanalyze our decisions?
- 52. In retrospect, was there something you wished you could’ve said or done differently on your previous birthdays? Why?
- 53. What’s the best present you’ve received in your entire life?
- 54.
What does love mean to you? What qualities do you look for when choosing people to love? Is someone always right?
- 55. As you sit and write here, are you feeling more optimistic than usual? Define optimism. Explain.
- 56. Imagine that you could begin again tomorrow, from scratch. What plans would you set sail for? What new adventures would you embark upon?
- 57. What do you most value in life? Explain how you arrive at this decision.
- 58. Think back to the beginning of your childhood. Did you already have a sense of self-worth then? Why/why not?
- 59. If you had only one wish for your future, what would your wishes be? Do you truly believe in them?
- 60. Who is the coolest person you know? Why do you admire him/her so much?
- 61. The following words represent different emotions: anger, happiness, sadness, joy, etc. Which word describes your feelings in this moment?
- 62. How do you deal with stress? Are certain situations easier for you to handle, or harder? Explain.
- 63. Do you often find yourself asking questions such as “Why me?” or “How come?” Why do you ask these types of questions?
- 64. What has been the highest point of your life thus far? What has been the lowest? Can you explain why?
- 65. If you knew you couldn’t fail, would you still work hard to succeed? Why or why not?
- 66. Where do you see yourself living within ten years? Why?
- 67. What are you looking for in life? Why?
- 68. Have you made any major changes in your life lately? If yes, describe this shift. How do you feel about the direction your life has taken? Why?
- 69. Describe what it means to live each day as a gift.
- 70. What do you plan to accomplish today? To whom will you dedicate your time? What kind of energy do you intend to bring forth?
- 71. How did your birthday go? Was it special? If no, were you happy to get away from everyone else for a few hours?
- 72. What was your favorite part of your birthday party? Why?
I hope that these journal prompts for your birthday have helped you to improve your life, and I hope that on this birthday party, you don’t just blow out the candles but blow out some candles of wisdom.
Happy birthday and enjoy that birthday cake!
three ideas for a children's birthday - Magazine 100sp
A child lives with emotions. He does not care how much a piece of happiness really costs. He doesn't know the value of money. He knows the value of impressions. We took the three brightest ages of the child, and found for you one win-win idea for a children's birthday.
The first and second birthdays of a child are celebrated more for parents. A child of this age is too small to remember a holiday. But already on the third birthday, the situation changes. Let's divide baby holidays into three conditional categories:
- Three years
- Five years
- Seven years
Three years
At a tender age, girls and boys need their closest people. Mom, dad, grandma, five peer friends will be enough for the party. A great idea for a three-year-old is a party dedicated to their favorite toy. Any toy can be, but we took teddy-party as a basis.
Suitable for both boys and girls, with a few modifications. Decorate the party hall balloons , rubber, cardboard and paper bears, put bear stamps or stickers on paper dishes. On the sweet table - jelly bears and honey. Ask guests to bring their favorite bear with them, and prepare a couple of simple games.
Dress up the bear. Collect clothes for dolls in a box, and let the kids dress the cubs at speed on the count of three.
Misha is visiting. Role-playing game: children take their bears and visit each other, get to know each other. Let the chair on which the child sits be a house. And in order not to go to visit empty-handed, you can take sweets from the table.
Fashion bear. Attach a drawn bear to the wall, and “dress up” it with paper clothes and accessories.
At the end of the party, give guests a small souvenir bear or a package of gummy bears. A similar holiday will turn out with your favorite cars (“guests” are changed to “garage”, learning the rules and role-playing games with driving), dolls or other toys. And each guest can bring their favorite children's toy . Good mood and cool photos are guaranteed!
Five years
Meet the peak of mobility and stubbornness respectively. Offer kids sports. Under what sauce and in what location to serve them, decide based on the preferences of the child.
During a pajama party, you can arrange boxing fights, gladiatorial fights, sumo fights, and ordinary pillow fights. The main thing is to have somewhere to throw out energy. Life hack: having a pajama party is more interesting during the day!
Set up a bowling alley with rag balls and plastic skittles from a kids store. The game can unobtrusively turn into football, but it will not lose its charm.
Make the most of children's sports equipment and tools. From a gymnastic hoop you get a sumo arena, a “football” goal or a basket for basketball. A baby bath filled with balls is suitable for synchronized swimming. And if you tint the water with food coloring (and take a change of clothes with you), you get an airsoft gun with water guns . The main thing is that it should be in the summer, in sunny weather and in the fresh air.
Seven years old
A schoolchild is no longer a baby, and here the holiday should be more serious! Almost any location is suitable: a holiday in the fresh air, a children's center, a cafe. The content is more important. Arrange a quest for schoolchildren!
Let them look for hidden treasure like pirates. Or looking for alien life at a space party. Or they are looking for a historically valuable package with sweets, like real detectives. Any entourage, the main thing is a good idea!
Draw a map. Put symbols, and draw a path from one location to another.
Make clues on points. Do not reveal intrigues right away, children will solve riddles and look for clues with the same passion as when searching for treasured gifts.
The main prize can be a cake, and a father in character or a professional animator can accompany the children along the way.
how to organize a children's party on your own
Anna Ofitserova
organizes her son's birthdays by herself
In my childhood, my mother's cake, the Invite drink and my friends were on my birthday. I remember this with warmth and also arrange only home holidays for my son.
My son was born in the summer. While he was a preschooler, we always celebrated his birthday on vacation by the sea - we just bought a cake and a gift. But when he went to school, I began to organize full-fledged holidays at home - with games, contests and his friends.
Now my son is 12 years old. In recent years, we have had holidays in the style of Harry Potter and Gravity Falls, a campaign for scary tales and a detective quest on the topic of climate change. And this year, the son asked for a quest based on the story of the Strugatsky brothers "Roadside Picnic". Nine of his friends took part in it.
Using this and other holidays as an example, I will tell you how I choose a location, write a script, order props and buy food. And I will explain why organizing the holidays yourself is not only cheaper, but also more interesting.
Gifts and children's party on the theme "Roadside Picnic" cost me 10,618 R
Gifts | 4393 R |
Treat | 3525 P |
Cake delivery | 2200 R |
Props | 500 R |
Platform | 0 Р |
Scenario | 0 Р |
4393 r
Fort I arrange birthdays myself
My profession is not related to the organization of holidays: I work as an editor. And planning parties for my son is my hobby. But for the sake of this, in 2020 I took courses in screenwriting and creating holidays. They lasted three months and cost 5000 R. So now I will do quests more professionally.
Sharing why I like to make them myself instead of ordering them from outside organizers.
It's more interesting and sincere. When my son was 7 years old, we invited his friends to his birthday party for the first time. I rented a room in Perm's Park of Science, paid for a tour and a science show, and ordered a cake. I don’t remember how much it cost five years ago, but now, in 2021, such a holiday would cost 5000 R. And this is not counting the cake and other treats.
How I come up with children's birthdays
The children walked through the museum once, and then just sat in the room at the table. They clearly lacked toys and the opportunity to make some noise. For example, I would add a couple of Lego containers and a bag of balloons to the room. But there was no such thing. I can’t call that holiday a failure, but it was clearly not worth the money spent. I realized that I would make it much more interesting, and since then I have been inventing birthdays myself.
Over the years, I have become convinced that children like home holidays-quests more. At 6-7 years old, they want more complex entertainment than just animation with characters. They like to solve riddles, make things and demonstrate their talents. At my holidays, children never get bored - on the contrary, I see on their faces the joy of discovery and the excitement of solving mysteries.
My son often goes to friends' parties - in entertainment centers and with animators. But each time he says that his birthdays are the best, they are more soulful and interesting. These words are like a reward for me.
Now the holiday in the Science Park costs 5000 R and includes master classes. There were none in our program. And it seemed to me that such a holiday is not the best option for a children's birthday. Source: Science Park community on Vkontakte Individual approach. Turnkey holidays are held according to the standard scenario, no one changes it for a specific child. As a result, one birthday boy will like the holiday, while the other will find the tasks boring or difficult. And when I write a game myself, I know exactly what kind of children will play it and what they are interested in.
For example, my son can play chess. Therefore, in 2018, I added tasks related to them to the Gravity Falls quest.
And this year there were puzzles with Caesar's cipher: somehow my son and I played it and he liked it. A cipher is two paper discs that are superimposed on each other. They need to be moved to connect letters and numbers and read the word. In the quest, the children first looked for these disks, then figured out how the cipher works, and tried to read the text. It was interesting and cool.
No time frame. In an entertainment center or cafe, you have to have fun according to a schedule: finish games at a certain time, quickly eat a cake and disperse. After all, someone else booked the time for you.
So it was at our birthday party in Science Park, which lasted two and a half hours. There was a tour of the museum and a science show for an hour, and we drank tea for another hour and a half. But the children did not have enough communication and running around, so after the holiday we went to our house - and there they played enough.
In general, unbridled fun is closer to me. For example, this year, my son's friends gathered at 17:00 and dispersed after 22:00. When their parents arrived, they were still running, playing board games, assembling Lego, inventing stories and drinking tea once again.
More joy for me. Parents order ready-made holidays to enjoy a joyful day, and not drown in chores. I understand them: it's easier to pay. In addition, I am always nervous whether the holiday will succeed and whether the children will like it.
But for me, arranging it myself is like returning to childhood and living its joy with a child. And it's worth the effort.
It's cheaper that way. In Perm, to complete an hour-long quest in the "Corporation of Holidays" and rent a hall for a feast for an hour and a half costs from 5990 R. And this is not counting treats and cake.
How to open franchise quests
You can call an animator to your house, but it is also expensive. For example, the ProShow agency offers an hour program from 2000 R, and a two-hour program from 3900 R. It includes face painting, a chemical show, a soap bubble show or some master classes to choose from. But it is not a fact that my child will like them.
This year, the son first asked for a holiday at the laser tag center. I learned that, for example, in Quasar, an hour of playing and an hour and a half in a room with a table will cost 6,500 R. Moreover, you can only bring a cake from food, and the rest must be ordered from the organizers.
I did not like that they only offered pizza, which cost 30% more than in a good Perm pizzeria. It was impossible to try it in advance, and I doubted its quality. I was told that the center did not have its own kitchen, and I assumed that pizza could be bought frozen in a supermarket and reheated in a microwave.
Home holiday is much cheaper.
For example, I spent only 3,000 R on a quest based on Harry Potter. This included food for a festive dinner, props, and delivery of themed cupcakes.
A birthday in Kerch on the theme "Gravity Falls" cost me 4000 R: 2000 R for a cake, 600 R for a master class with a sculptor, 1200 R for lunch, for 200 R I printed game props. True, my son's friends did not participate in that quest.
This year was the most expensive holiday. I spent 6225 R on it, but even this amount cannot be compared with the prices of professional organizers.
Next, I will tell you step by step how and how far in advance I prepare for the holidays.
I choose a topicMy son and I are celebrating our "half birthday" - ten and a half, eleven and a half years old, and so on. I buy a small present and ask how my son sees his next birthday. We fantasize, dream, google and decide on a topic.
By the age of 9, he became interested in the Gravity Falls cartoon, so the idea came by itself. And for 10 years, we decided to make a holiday based on scary tales that children love to tell each other.
The idea of the Roadside Picnic quest was also born. The son did not watch "Stalker", but read the story of the Strugatskys. We talked a lot about her and realized that the plot would fit well with the quest. And so it happened. In the park near the house, we decided to arrange a game of stalkers, the Zone and search for alien artifacts.
And sometimes the son asks for a surprise party and I don't say the topic beforehand. I just watch what interests him: the animated series, space, dinosaurs, or garbage sorting. And I am writing a script on this topic.
So, by the age of 11, the son began to read teenage dystopias and talk a lot on philosophical topics. I decided to create a quest about climate change and wrote "The Story of Lonely Mel" - about the fragility of nature, the choice between good and evil, and about forgiveness.
The story was about a boy from a small town by the sea. Peers teased him, and he felt lonely. But one day Mel found a sea shell that caused floods. She belonged to the villain, and they had to fight with him.
7 board games based on cartoons for children and adults
Choosing a theme six months in advance is very convenient. This is a great time to immerse yourself in it, decide on gifts and props, and slowly save money for them. This year, I realized that I needed 10,000 R, including gifts, and set aside 2,000 R every month. But the budget is always approximate: a holiday can be a little cheaper or a little more expensive. For me, the main thing is to realize what I want.
I order giftsImmediately after we choose a topic, I decide on gifts. A stock of six months allows you to calmly wait for discounts. They are seasonal, by promotional codes or promotions, and can appear five or two months before your birthday. That's why it's important to set aside money in advance.
For example, in the year when my son was fond of Gravity Falls, I bought him a cap, diary and socks of the hero Dipper in advance. And this year I decided not to tie gifts to the theme of the holiday, but simply to give what my son loves. These were three Lego sets with Marvel characters, Chris Gabenstein's book Mr. Limoncello's Library Olympiad, the Startup Constructor board game, and a Tinkoff Junior bank card.
27 stores and services that are ready to give you a discount on your birthday publishing houses. Plus my personal discount applied. As a result, the book cost 471 R.
And I ordered the construction sets and the game at Sbermegamarket. Everything was sold at discounts, but even with them my order cost 5735 R. Then I wrote off 1813 Thank You bonuses that I had been saving for six months, and in fact gave away 3922 R.
I always buy gifts in advance. This year's set cost me 4393 R. The most expensive was the Iron Man Lab. With all the discounts and bonuses, it cost 2307 R. Without discounts, I would have paid 1212 R more for this constructor. Source: SbermegamarketFOR 3 MONTHS
I choose a location In the summer, when my son's birthday is, we often go on the road. But three months before the holiday it always becomes clear in which city we will celebrate it. At this time, I choose the location.
I have a principle: never pay for the rent of the site. After all, a free location can be found anywhere.
For example, in 2020, on our son’s birthday, we were in Krasnoyarsk, with grandparents. And the quest "The Secret of Lonely Mel" was arranged at their dacha. I pitched a tent there and hid clue notes in barrels and between firewood. I also made a piñata, a papier-mâché ball filled with sweets. Piñata played the role of the villain.
The whole Kerch became the location for the Gravity Falls quest. The son had to find and neutralize the villain Bill Cipher, who stole the gifts. I pasted the tips under the benches, on the playground, on the main square and on the embankment. The child collected them, and on the way we rode in the amusement park, went to the sculptor's workshop and made clay plates there.
The end point was our rented apartment. I asked my friend to play the villain: she climbed into the closet, rustled there and scratched. When my son realized where the sound was coming from, he took the fins that I gave him in the morning and boldly opened the closet. It was very funny! The friend came out, and in the closet were the gifts that the villain had stolen.
Where to go with children in Moscow: 9 ideas for those who have already been to the zoo and planetarium
I decorated a room in a rented apartment in Kerch with homemade flags | For the photo zone, I printed pictures with a cartoon gnome and bought | edible lozenges
This year we celebrated at home in Perm. I arranged a quest in our yard. It is well-maintained, and I knew well that there were no aggressive dogs and homeless people there. It is always clean, beautiful and not crowded there.
As in Kerch, I hid the clues under the benches and on the trees in advance, and the children looked for them. After the game, we planned a picnic outside, but it started to rain - we had to move it to the apartment. We have a large loggia, and I laid out pillows and blankets there.
But I have never arranged games in the apartment, because in general we are lucky with the weather. But if necessary, I will take out furniture and toys from one room in advance, lay rugs and blankets, and hang balloons. I will also decorate the walls with lanterns and put a bluetooth speaker. And the children will turn on the music from their smartphones.
This year there were even hints on the buildings. The children looked for them, and at the same time breathed fresh air. This is a lawn near our house. I wanted to spread the blankets, bring food - and the picnic would be readyFOR 1 MONTH
I'm writing a script I think friends, toys and delicious food are enough for a good holiday. But my son and I love detective stories and mysteries, which is why I write quests. Although somehow you can arrange a performance, and a creative workshop, and even an Olympiad.
As I already wrote, we choose the theme of the holiday six months in advance, so I have enough time to immerse myself in the context. I read a book based on which there will be a quest, watch a cartoon or search for information on the Internet. And a month before the holiday, I figure out how many players there will be, how long the game will last, and what its goal will be: kill the villain, save the world, or find the treasure. So I create a script.
The number of players greatly affects it. If there are many children, then there should be more tasks, otherwise the children will complete them too quickly. In courses on creating holidays, I learned that the maximum number of guests should be calculated using the formula "child's age plus 2". For example, if you turn 6 years old, then you should not invite more than eight children.
What to give a child: 22 ideas
But it usually happens that we invite less. For example, this year the son turned 12 years old, and there were nine guests.
The duration of the program depends on the age of the guests. At the courses, they said that for children 2-5 years old, the program is optimal for 40 minutes, for 6-10 years old - for an hour, and from 10 years old - for 1.5-2 hours. But this timing is not hard, it is needed for reference.
I know from experience that children solve riddles in 3-20 minutes - it depends on the difficulty. Therefore, I choose 10-12 riddles to meet the total time.
Sometimes I am wrong. For example, this year the children could not put together a word from the letters in the Caesar cipher for a long time. They started to get distracted because they couldn't move on, and I had to tell them the beginning of the word. But I don’t consider this situation critical: it’s just a home game.
I always invent the plot of the game myself. And I look for tasks - puzzles, ciphers, experiments and experiments - in books and on the Internet. I like the "Constructor for creating quests" by A. Babushkina and Yu. Lugovskaya and the site "Quest maker. Puzzle generator. Plus, I have been keeping a diary for a long time, where I write down interesting ideas for future games.
I don't invent competitive games: I don't want anyone to lose and get upset at our place. Everyone should have fun at a children's birthday party. Therefore, I usually put the children together in a team: together they break evil spells, expose a villain, or help those who are in trouble.
For example, in the Roadside Picnic game, children became stalkers and ended up in the Zone. There they looked for artifacts to give to the Butcher. In return, he promised to tell where the Golden Sphere, which grants wishes, is located.
Participants had names from the book: Norman Bespectacled, Redrick Shewhart, Callogen. The artifacts that I hid on the territory were also called as in the book: “rattling napkins”, “carbonated clay”, “black splashes”. The role of the Golden Ball was a cake, and the role of the Butcher was a column, which I fixed on the house under our windows. I recorded the Butcher's phrases in advance using an application that changes the voice. And then she turned them on on the speaker from her smartphone.
Board games for children
Before starting the game, the children pulled out pieces of paper with names. Each character had their own props. For example, Archie has a pen and paper, Callogen has a magnifying glass. So everyone contributed and was important to the | team The children found batteries in the Zone, on which I pasted pieces of paper. One player had a pen with an ultraviolet flashlight as props. The children guessed to shine it on the pieces of paper and saw the letters that I wrote with ultraviolet ink. |
I also often include a small creative workshop in the script, where children can take a break from the quest. For example, in Kerch we had to go to a master class with a sculptor. And at the feast of scary tales, make flashlights from key switches, LEDs and wires.
Such activity always comes with a bang. The resulting props are then used by the children in the program and taken home as a gift from the birthday boy.
In the sculptor's workshop, the son tried to make a plate on a potter's wheelThe final of the game connects all the plot threads, it should be logical and bright. Often in my finals there is a cake.
For example, at the end of Lonely Mel, the children had to find an evil artifact — a magical seashell. Her role was played by a piñata, which had to be lowered from the window. Then sweets and Mel's last letter fell out of it - it ended the story. In gratitude for their efforts, the children received a cake in the form of a treasure chest.
And at the end of the "Picnic" quest, the Butcher had to give the participants the coordinates of the Golden Ball, which grants wishes. I decided that this would be the address of our neighbors, where I would hide the cake in the form of a ball.
2 weeks before holiday
I order a cake I don't know how to bake cakes, so I only come up with a design and order from bakeries. So a cake is always a serious expense item.
Usually I take a two-kilogram cake, and it used to cost me 3000 R. This is the price of a cake in the form of a treasure chest with a picture from Gravity Falls. But this year, my favorite confectionery "Violet" has raised prices. In addition, I needed a semi-circular cake in the form of a Golden ball, and this is considered a complex shape. In general, they counted me 4400 R - and I began to look for other options.
So I made sure that the cake also needs to be ordered in advance. If there were three days left before the holiday, you would have to agree to a high price. But there was enough time, and I found the culinary "Valencia", where the same cake cost 2000 R. I paid another 200 R for delivery. The filling is Snickers, with nuts and caramel.
2200 R
I paid for the cake with delivery
In other cities, I also order cakes according to my own design.![]() | And here is the alien golden ball that grants wishes |
Preparing propsTwo weeks before the holiday, when the script is ready, I buy materials for props. I don't like garbage, so I don't decorate locations with balloons and streamers. And I try not to complicate the props, but create it from what is at hand.
This year, for the Roadside Picnic quest, I bought cardboard plates and cups, plastic glasses with a transparent bottom, wet wipes, and food coloring. All this was necessary for the tasks. For example, I hid a cipher in cups of colorful water. All these little things took about 500 RUR.
At home there were markers, pencils, twine, paper, glue, masking tape, cardboard, a printer, a pen with UV ink and lemon juice. I wrote hints with invisible ink and juice, and the children showed them: they shone with an ultraviolet flashlight and applied an iodine solution. I tied the notes to the trees with twine and glued them to the benches with masking tape.
During the quest, the children found a bottle of iodine solution and showed them invisible inscriptions on the map. I applied them with lemon juice beforehandCreative workshops require separate props. This year, I didn’t arrange a workshop, so I’ll tell you using the example of a holiday based on scary tales, where children made lanterns.
I bought the cheapest key switches, LEDs, batteries, housings and wire from the radio store. Then I soldered the filling and cut blanks for the cases out of cardboard. The children collected six lanterns and went to play with them. And then they took them home.
In 2019, I spent 500 R for flashlight props
6 key switches | 180 R |
6 battery cases | 120 R |
6 batteries | 120 R |
6 LEDs | 60 P |
1 m wire | 20 P |
6 key switches
180 P
6 battery cases
120 R
6 batteries
120 R
6 LEDs
60 R
1 Wires
20 R
This is a filling for a flashlight: two wires, a battery case, a battery, LED and switch. I soldered all this. And the body can be anything - I bought cardboard and cut blanks in advance. In the end, the kids just glued the parts they likedFOR 2 WEEKS
I'm planning a treat I don't make a complicated holiday menu with hot dishes - I order pizza and cuts more often. But I always coordinate the menu with my son. This year, in addition to pizza, he wanted cola, although we usually do not drink soda.
I estimate the amount of food by eye. For example, I estimate that each child will eat three slices of pizza. There were ten kids this year, and I ordered four 31cm pizzas to make 32 slices. There was a “3 + 1” promotion at Ivan Pizza, so I gave away 1865 R instead of 2486 R.
1865 R
I paid for 4 pizzas
Plus I bought some cucumbers and put carrots in glasses as a snack. She also arranged nectarines, plums, apples and watermelon on plates. And from drinks I took 2 liters of cola and 4 liters of juice. For each, it turned out 0.6 l, or 3 glasses.
In 2021, I spent 3275 P on treats
4 pizzas | 1865 R |
Fruit | 500 R |
Juice, 4 l | 340 Р |
Cookies and cakes | 275 Р |
Watermelon | 250 R |
Vegetables | 200 R |
Cola, 2L | 95 R |
4 pizzas
1865 R
500 R
SOK, 4 L
340 R
cookies and cakes
275 275
250 R
200 R 9000 ° C
Cola, 2 l
95 R
How the holiday itself goes
On the evening before his birthday, when my son falls asleep, I arrange gifts in his room. In the morning he opens them and feels the beginning of the holiday. At this time, I arrange clues and props by location, and then I accept and hide the cake. At the right time, we meet the guests - and the game begins. I'll tell you about it using the example of Roadside Picnic.
We met guests on the street at 17:00. When everyone gathered and talked, the son said that they would play stalkers. The game is scary, and if someone is afraid, then they may not go to the Zone. Of course, everyone immediately wanted to go there.
The children entered the Zone through a makeshift entrance, above which hung a fabric with an inscription. There they were waiting for a letter from a stalker who disappeared in the Zone. There was a legend in it and the goal of the game was indicated: to guess the riddles of the Zone, not to fall into traps and find the Golden Ball, which will make all people happy. The game was based on the last phrase from "Roadside Picnic": "Happiness for everyone, for free, and let no one leave offended!"
During the quest, the children found a map to search for artifacts. They guessed their names and wrote them down on a special form to give to the Butcher. During the game, a second card appeared - with an additional trap. I wrote about her with lemon juice, so the children had to look for iodine to read the inscription.
All traps were from a book. One was called "witch's jelly" - in the book it is a substance that corrodes any material. I could not recreate this, so most of the traps were just locations on the map. Children came to the right place, found riddles and solved them. The only real "migrating" trap was our cat: I hid the clue in her harness. To get it, the children had to first catch the cat.
In general, the children ran wildly around the location, looking for clues, guessing riddles and laughing at their mistakes. For example, in one of the tasks, instead of the word "dummy", they got "pyshkatus". So they named the cat, in whose collar this riddle lay.
All this time I was with my children. I was wearing clothes with pockets and a fanny pack: there I kept tape, glue, scissors, balloons, and a charged smartphone. Some tips for the game had to be added right in the process. Plus, I took away unnecessary papers and bags and asked leading questions.
I also took pictures. I think that an outside photographer is not needed at a home holiday: he can embarrass children. In addition, this way I saved 3000-6000 R.
How to become a family photographer
When the children completed the quest, we went home to eat pizza. And after a few hours they played, talked, discussed the quest and came up with new games.
When everyone left and my son went to bed, I felt great relief. I was very worried that the guests would not like my holiday, because many people celebrate their birthdays in quest rooms and laser tag centers. But in the end, everything turned out great.
This message was sent to me by the mother of two boysDid the holiday pay off with gifts
Except for my gifts, the holiday cost 6225 R. And friends gave their son 9000 R - 1000 R each. He put them on a new bank card and said what will be saved on the MacBook.
6225 Р
I spent on my son's birthday party in the style of "Roadside Picnic"
We did not ask for money in advance - it just happened in my son's company. Everyone believes that this is better than things: once a flute was given to my son, although he never studied music. I offered to sell it, but my son says that gifts cannot be sold. So she's just gathering dust in the room.
In general, our holiday paid off one and a half times. Although for me it is not so important, because the main thing is not money, but emotions.
Any parent can organize such a holiday
I am sure that any parent can organize an interesting home holiday. The main thing is that you enjoy making up stories, games and just spending time with children.
The most important thing about holiday quests is a logical story. You need to think about what exactly the children will do, where it will lead them and how it will all end. Riddles, competitions and workshops are strung on this structure. So you need to prepare in advance so that you have time to rewrite the script and choose the best tasks. But if something goes wrong later, it's okay. Improvise and admit your mistakes: children will forgive everything if you are honest with them.
Of course, this format of the holiday is not suitable for everyone: it takes a lot of time and nerves to prepare. For example, for me, a child’s birthday is always stressful and a couple of sleepless nights. But the holiday dilutes the routine and allows you to plunge into a fairy tale and a game. In addition, I understand that this is not forever: children grow up quickly, at 14-15 years old, quests may become uninteresting to them.
I regret not doing holidays earlier when my son was 5 or 6 years old. They are economical and give joy not only to children, but also to adults.
What I understand about children's holidays
- You need to start planning a holiday six months in advance.