Common vitamin deficiency
7 Nutrient Deficiencies That Are Incredibly Common
Many nutrients are essential for good health.
While it’s possible to get most of them from a balanced diet, the typical Western diet is low in several very important nutrients.
This article lists 7 nutrient deficiencies that are incredibly common.
1. Iron deficiency
Iron is an essential mineral.
It’s a large component of red blood cells, in which it binds with hemoglobin and transports oxygen to your cells.
The two types of dietary iron are:
- Heme iron. This type of iron is very well absorbed. It’s only found in animal foods, with red meat containing particularly high amounts.
- Non-heme iron. This type, found in both animal and plant foods, is more common. It is not absorbed as easily as heme iron.
Iron deficiency is one of the most common nutrient deficiencies in the world, affecting more than 25% of people worldwide (1, 2).
This number rises to 47% in preschool children. Unless they’re given iron-rich or iron-fortified foods, they are very likely to lack iron.
Around 30% of menstruating women may be deficient as well due to monthly blood loss, and up to 42% of young, pregnant women may be deficient as well.
Additionally, vegetarians and vegans have an increased risk of deficiency because they consume only non-heme iron, which is not absorbed as well as heme iron (3, 4).
The most common consequence of iron deficiency is anemia, in which the number of your red blood cells and your blood’s ability to carry oxygen drops.
Symptoms usually include tiredness, weakness, a weakened immune system, and impaired brain function (5, 6).
The best dietary sources of heme iron include (7):
- Red meat. 3 ounces (85 grams) of ground beef provide almost 30% of the Daily Value (DV).
- Organ meat. One slice (81 grams) of liver gives more than 50% of the DV.
- Shellfish. Clams, mussels, and oysters are excellent sources of heme iron, with 3 ounces (85 grams) of cooked oysters packing roughly 50% of the DV.
- Canned sardines. One 3.75-ounce (106-gram) can offer 34% of the DV.
The best dietary sources of non-heme iron include:
- Beans. Half a cup (85 grams) of cooked kidney beans provides 33% of the DV.
- Seeds. Pumpkin, sesame, and squash seeds are good sources of non-heme iron. One ounce (28 grams) of roasted pumpkin or squash seeds contains 11% of the DV.
- Dark, leafy greens. Broccoli, kale, and spinach are rich in iron. One ounce (28 grams) of fresh kale provides 5.5% of the DV.
However, you should never supplement with iron unless you truly need it. Too much iron can be very harmful.
Notably, vitamin C can enhance the absorption of iron. Eating vitamin-C-rich foods like oranges, kale, and bell peppers alongside iron-rich foods can help maximize your iron absorption.
SUMMARYIron deficiency is very common, especially among young women, children, and vegetarians. It may cause anemia, fatigue, a weakened immune system, and impaired brain function.
2. Iodine deficiency
Iodine is an essential mineral for normal thyroid function and the production of thyroid hormones (8).
Thyroid hormones are involved in many bodily processes, such as growth, brain development, and bone maintenance. They also regulate your metabolic rate.
Iodine deficiency is one of the most common nutrient deficiencies, affecting nearly a third of the world’s population (9, 10, 11).
The most common symptom of iodine deficiency is an enlarged thyroid gland, also known as a goiter. It may also cause an increase in heart rate, shortness of breath, and weight gain (8).
Severe iodine deficiency is linked to serious harm, especially in children. It may cause mental retardation and developmental abnormalities (8, 10).
Good dietary sources of iodine include (7):
- Seaweed. Only 1 gram of kelp packs 460–1,000% of the DV.
- Fish. Three ounces (85 grams) of baked cod provide 66% of the DV.
- Dairy. One cup (245 grams) of plain yogurt offers about 50% of the DV.
- Eggs: One large egg contains 16% of the DV.
However, these amounts can vary greatly. As iodine is found mostly in soil and ocean water, iodine-poor soil will result in low-iodine food.
Some countries mandate the enrichment of table salt with iodine, which has successfully reduced the incidence of deficiencies (12).
SUMMARYIodine is one of the most common nutrient deficiencies in the world. It may cause enlargement of the thyroid gland. Severe iodine deficiency can cause mental retardation and developmental abnormalities in children.
3. Vitamin D deficiency
Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that functions like a steroid hormone in your body.
It travels through your bloodstream and into cells, telling them to turn genes on or off. Almost every cell in your body has a receptor for vitamin D.
Vitamin D is produced from cholesterol in your skin upon exposure to sunlight. Thus, people who live far from the equator are likely to be deficient unless their dietary intake is adequate or they supplement with vitamin D (13, 14).
In the United States, about 42% of people may be deficient in this vitamin. This number rises to 74% in older adults and 82% in people with dark skin since their skin produces less vitamin D in response to sunlight (15, 16).
Vitamin D deficiency is not usually obvious, as its symptoms are subtle and may develop over years or decades (17, 18).
Adults who are deficient in vitamin D may experience muscle weakness, bone loss, and an increased risk of fractures. In children, it may cause growth delays and soft bones (rickets) (17, 20, 21).
Also, vitamin D deficiency may play a role in reduced immune function and an increased risk of cancer (22).
While very few foods contain significant amounts of this vitamin, the best dietary sources are (23):
- Cod liver oil. A single tablespoon (15 ml) packs 227% of the DV.
- Fatty fish. Salmon, mackerel, sardines, and trout are rich in vitamin D. A small, 3-ounce (85-gram) serving of cooked salmon provides 75% of the DV.
- Egg yolks. One large egg yolk contains 7% of the DV.
People who are deficient may want to take a supplement or increase their sun exposure. It is hard to get sufficient amounts through diet alone.
SUMMARYVitamin D deficiency is very common. Symptoms include muscle weakness, bone loss, an increased risk of fractures, and — in children — soft bones. It is very difficult to get sufficient amounts from your diet alone.
4. Vitamin B12 deficiency
Vitamin B12, also known as cobalamin, is a water-soluble vitamin.
It is essential for blood formation, as well as brain and nerve function.
Every cell in your body needs B12 to function normally, but your body is unable to produce it. Therefore, you must get it from food or supplements.
B12 is only found in sufficient amounts in animal foods, although certain types of seaweed may provide small quantities. Therefore, people who do not eat animal products are at an increased risk of deficiency.
Studies indicate that up to 80–90% of vegetarians and vegans may be deficient in vitamin B12 (24, 25).
More than 20% of older adults may also be deficient in this vitamin since absorption decreases with age (26, 27, 28).
B12 absorption is more complex than that of other vitamins because it’s aided by a protein known as intrinsic factor. Some people are lacking in this protein and may thus need B12 injections or higher doses of supplements.
One common symptom of vitamin B12 deficiency is megaloblastic anemia, which is a blood disorder that enlarges your red blood cells.
Other symptoms include impaired brain function and elevated homocysteine levels, which is a risk factor for several diseases (29, 30).
Dietary sources of vitamin B12 include (7):
- Shellfish. Clams and oysters are rich in vitamin B12. A 3-ounce (85-gram) portion of cooked clams provides
1,400% of the DV. - Organ meat. One 2-ounce (60-gram) slice of liver packs more than 1,000% of the DV.
- Meat. A small, 6-ounce (170-gram) beef steak offers 150% the DV.
- Eggs. One whole egg provides about 6% of the DV.
- Milk products. One cup (240 ml) of whole milk contains about 18% of the DV.
Vitamin B12 isn’t considered harmful in large amounts because it’s often poorly absorbed and easily excreted.
SUMMARYVitamin B12 deficiency is very common, especially in vegetarians, vegans, and older adults. The most common symptoms include blood disorders, impaired brain function, and elevated homocysteine levels.
5. Calcium deficiency
Calcium is essential for every cell in your body. It mineralizes bones and teeth, especially during times of rapid growth. It is also very important for bone maintenance.
Additionally, calcium serves as a signaling molecule. Without it, your heart, muscles, and nerves would not be able to function.
The calcium concentration in your blood is tightly regulated, and any excess is stored in bones. If your intake is lacking, your bones will release calcium.
That is why the most common symptom of calcium deficiency is osteoporosis, characterized by softer and more fragile bones.
One survey in the United States found that fewer than 15% of teenage girls, fewer than 10% of women over 50, and fewer than 22% of teenage boys and men over 50 met the recommended calcium intake (31).
Although supplementing increased these numbers slightly, most people were still not getting enough calcium.
Symptoms of more severe dietary calcium deficiency include soft bones (rickets) in children and osteoporosis, especially in older adults (32, 33).
Dietary sources of calcium include (7):
- Boned fish. One can (92 grams) of sardines contains 44% of the DV.
- Dairy products. One cup (240 ml) of milk provides 35% of the DV.
- Dark green vegetables. Kale, spinach, bok choy, and broccoli are rich in calcium. Just 1 ounce (28 grams) of fresh kale offers 5.6% of the DV.
The effectiveness and safety of calcium supplements have been somewhat debated in the last few years.
Some studies demonstrate an increased risk of heart disease in people taking calcium supplements, although other studies have found no effects (34, 35, 36).
While it’s best to get calcium from food rather than supplements, these supplements seem to benefit people who are not getting enough in their diet (37).
SUMMARYLow calcium intake is very common, especially in women of all ages and older adults. The main symptom of calcium deficiency is an increased risk of osteoporosis later in life.
6. Vitamin A deficiency
Vitamin A is an essential fat-soluble vitamin. It helps form and maintain healthy skin, teeth, bones, and cell membranes. Furthermore, it produces eye pigments, which are necessary for vision (38).
There are two different types of dietary vitamin A (7):
- Preformed vitamin A. This type of vitamin A is found in animal products like meat, fish, poultry, and dairy.
- Pro-vitamin A. This type is found in plant-based foods like fruits and vegetables. Beta carotene, which your body turns into vitamin A, is the most common form.
More than 75% of people who eat a Western diet get more than enough vitamin A and do not need to worry about deficiency (39).
However, vitamin A deficiency is very common in many developing countries. About 44–50% of preschool-aged children in certain regions have vitamin A deficiency. This number is around 30% in Indian women (40, 41).
Vitamin A deficiency can cause both temporary and permanent eye damage and may even lead to blindness. In fact, this deficiency is the world’s leading cause of blindness.
Vitamin A deficiency can also suppress immune function and increase mortality, especially among children and pregnant or breastfeeding women (40).
Dietary sources of preformed vitamin A include (7):
- Organ meat. One 2-ounce (60-gram) slice of beef liver provides more than 800% of the DV.
- Fish liver oil. One tablespoon (15 ml) packs roughly 500% of the DV.
Dietary sources of beta carotene (pro-vitamin A) include:
- Sweet potatoes. One medium, 6-ounce (170-gram) boiled sweet potato contains 150% of the DV.
- Carrots. One large carrot provides 75% of the DV.
- Dark green, leafy vegetables. One ounce (28 grams) of fresh spinach provides 18% of the DV.
While it is very important to consume enough of this vitamin, too much preformed vitamin A may cause toxicity.
This does not apply to pro-vitamin A, such as beta carotene. High intake may cause your skin to turn slightly orange, but this effect isn’t dangerous.
SUMMARYVitamin A deficiency is very common in many developing countries. It may cause eye damage and blindness, as well as suppress immune function and increase mortality among women and children.
7. Magnesium deficiency
Magnesium is a key mineral in your body.
Essential for bone and teeth structure, it’s also involved in more than 300 enzyme reactions (42).
Close to 70% of the US population under 71, and about 80% over 71 years old consume less than the required amount of magnesium. (43).
Low intake and blood levels of magnesium are associated with several conditions, including type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, heart disease, and osteoporosis (44).
Low levels are particularly common among hospitalized patients. Some studies find that 9–65% of them are deficient (45, 46, 47).
Deficiency may be caused by disease, drug use, reduced digestive function, or inadequate magnesium intake (48).
The main symptoms of severe magnesium deficiency include abnormal heart rhythm, muscle cramps, restless leg syndrome, fatigue, and migraines (49, 50, 51).
More subtle, long-term symptoms that you may not notice include insulin resistance and high blood pressure.
Dietary sources of magnesium include (7):
- Whole grains. One cup (170 grams) of oats contains 74% of the DV.
- Nuts. Twenty almonds pack 17% of the DV.
- Dark chocolate. One ounce (30 grams) of dark chocolate offers 15% of the DV.
- Dark green, leafy vegetables. One ounce (30 grams) of raw spinach provides 6% of the DV.
SUMMARYMagnesium deficiency is common in Western countries, and low intake is associated with many health conditions and diseases.
The bottom line
It is possible to be deficient in almost every nutrient. That said, the deficiencies listed above are by far the most common.
Children, young women, older adults, vegetarians, and vegans seem to be at the highest risk of several deficiencies.
The best way to prevent deficiency is to eat a balanced diet that includes whole, nutrient-dense foods. However, supplements may be necessary for those who can’t obtain enough from diet alone.
7 Nutrient Deficiencies That Are Incredibly Common
Many nutrients are essential for good health.
While it’s possible to get most of them from a balanced diet, the typical Western diet is low in several very important nutrients.
This article lists 7 nutrient deficiencies that are incredibly common.
1. Iron deficiency
Iron is an essential mineral.
It’s a large component of red blood cells, in which it binds with hemoglobin and transports oxygen to your cells.
The two types of dietary iron are:
- Heme iron. This type of iron is very well absorbed. It’s only found in animal foods, with red meat containing particularly high amounts.
- Non-heme iron. This type, found in both animal and plant foods, is more common. It is not absorbed as easily as heme iron.
Iron deficiency is one of the most common nutrient deficiencies in the world, affecting more than 25% of people worldwide (1, 2).
This number rises to 47% in preschool children. Unless they’re given iron-rich or iron-fortified foods, they are very likely to lack iron.
Around 30% of menstruating women may be deficient as well due to monthly blood loss, and up to 42% of young, pregnant women may be deficient as well.
Additionally, vegetarians and vegans have an increased risk of deficiency because they consume only non-heme iron, which is not absorbed as well as heme iron (3, 4).
The most common consequence of iron deficiency is anemia, in which the number of your red blood cells and your blood’s ability to carry oxygen drops.
Symptoms usually include tiredness, weakness, a weakened immune system, and impaired brain function (5, 6).
The best dietary sources of heme iron include (7):
- Red meat. 3 ounces (85 grams) of ground beef provide almost 30% of the Daily Value (DV).
- Organ meat. One slice (81 grams) of liver gives more than 50% of the DV.
- Shellfish. Clams, mussels, and oysters are excellent sources of heme iron, with 3 ounces (85 grams) of cooked oysters packing roughly 50% of the DV.
- Canned sardines. One 3.75-ounce (106-gram) can offer 34% of the DV.
The best dietary sources of non-heme iron include:
- Beans. Half a cup (85 grams) of cooked kidney beans provides 33% of the DV.
- Seeds. Pumpkin, sesame, and squash seeds are good sources of non-heme iron. One ounce (28 grams) of roasted pumpkin or squash seeds contains 11% of the DV.
- Dark, leafy greens. Broccoli, kale, and spinach are rich in iron. One ounce (28 grams) of fresh kale provides 5.
5% of the DV.
However, you should never supplement with iron unless you truly need it. Too much iron can be very harmful.
Notably, vitamin C can enhance the absorption of iron. Eating vitamin-C-rich foods like oranges, kale, and bell peppers alongside iron-rich foods can help maximize your iron absorption.
SUMMARYIron deficiency is very common, especially among young women, children, and vegetarians. It may cause anemia, fatigue, a weakened immune system, and impaired brain function.
2. Iodine deficiency
Iodine is an essential mineral for normal thyroid function and the production of thyroid hormones (8).
Thyroid hormones are involved in many bodily processes, such as growth, brain development, and bone maintenance. They also regulate your metabolic rate.
Iodine deficiency is one of the most common nutrient deficiencies, affecting nearly a third of the world’s population (9, 10, 11).
The most common symptom of iodine deficiency is an enlarged thyroid gland, also known as a goiter. It may also cause an increase in heart rate, shortness of breath, and weight gain (8).
Severe iodine deficiency is linked to serious harm, especially in children. It may cause mental retardation and developmental abnormalities (8, 10).
Good dietary sources of iodine include (7):
- Seaweed. Only 1 gram of kelp packs 460–1,000% of the DV.
- Fish. Three ounces (85 grams) of baked cod provide 66% of the DV.
- Dairy. One cup (245 grams) of plain yogurt offers about 50% of the DV.
- Eggs: One large egg contains 16% of the DV.
However, these amounts can vary greatly. As iodine is found mostly in soil and ocean water, iodine-poor soil will result in low-iodine food.
Some countries mandate the enrichment of table salt with iodine, which has successfully reduced the incidence of deficiencies (12).
SUMMARYIodine is one of the most common nutrient deficiencies in the world.
It may cause enlargement of the thyroid gland. Severe iodine deficiency can cause mental retardation and developmental abnormalities in children.
3. Vitamin D deficiency
Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that functions like a steroid hormone in your body.
It travels through your bloodstream and into cells, telling them to turn genes on or off. Almost every cell in your body has a receptor for vitamin D.
Vitamin D is produced from cholesterol in your skin upon exposure to sunlight. Thus, people who live far from the equator are likely to be deficient unless their dietary intake is adequate or they supplement with vitamin D (13, 14).
In the United States, about 42% of people may be deficient in this vitamin. This number rises to 74% in older adults and 82% in people with dark skin since their skin produces less vitamin D in response to sunlight (15, 16).
Vitamin D deficiency is not usually obvious, as its symptoms are subtle and may develop over years or decades (17, 18).
Adults who are deficient in vitamin D may experience muscle weakness, bone loss, and an increased risk of fractures. In children, it may cause growth delays and soft bones (rickets) (17, 20, 21).
Also, vitamin D deficiency may play a role in reduced immune function and an increased risk of cancer (22).
While very few foods contain significant amounts of this vitamin, the best dietary sources are (23):
- Cod liver oil. A single tablespoon (15 ml) packs 227% of the DV.
- Fatty fish. Salmon, mackerel, sardines, and trout are rich in vitamin D. A small, 3-ounce (85-gram) serving of cooked salmon provides 75% of the DV.
- Egg yolks. One large egg yolk contains 7% of the DV.
People who are deficient may want to take a supplement or increase their sun exposure. It is hard to get sufficient amounts through diet alone.
SUMMARYVitamin D deficiency is very common.
Symptoms include muscle weakness, bone loss, an increased risk of fractures, and — in children — soft bones. It is very difficult to get sufficient amounts from your diet alone.
4. Vitamin B12 deficiency
Vitamin B12, also known as cobalamin, is a water-soluble vitamin.
It is essential for blood formation, as well as brain and nerve function.
Every cell in your body needs B12 to function normally, but your body is unable to produce it. Therefore, you must get it from food or supplements.
B12 is only found in sufficient amounts in animal foods, although certain types of seaweed may provide small quantities. Therefore, people who do not eat animal products are at an increased risk of deficiency.
Studies indicate that up to 80–90% of vegetarians and vegans may be deficient in vitamin B12 (24, 25).
More than 20% of older adults may also be deficient in this vitamin since absorption decreases with age (26, 27, 28).
B12 absorption is more complex than that of other vitamins because it’s aided by a protein known as intrinsic factor. Some people are lacking in this protein and may thus need B12 injections or higher doses of supplements.
One common symptom of vitamin B12 deficiency is megaloblastic anemia, which is a blood disorder that enlarges your red blood cells.
Other symptoms include impaired brain function and elevated homocysteine levels, which is a risk factor for several diseases (29, 30).
Dietary sources of vitamin B12 include (7):
- Shellfish. Clams and oysters are rich in vitamin B12. A 3-ounce (85-gram) portion of cooked clams provides
1,400% of the DV. - Organ meat. One 2-ounce (60-gram) slice of liver packs more than 1,000% of the DV.
- Meat. A small, 6-ounce (170-gram) beef steak offers 150% the DV.
- Eggs. One whole egg provides about 6% of the DV.
- Milk products. One cup (240 ml) of whole milk contains about 18% of the DV.
Vitamin B12 isn’t considered harmful in large amounts because it’s often poorly absorbed and easily excreted.
SUMMARYVitamin B12 deficiency is very common, especially in vegetarians, vegans, and older adults. The most common symptoms include blood disorders, impaired brain function, and elevated homocysteine levels.
5. Calcium deficiency
Calcium is essential for every cell in your body. It mineralizes bones and teeth, especially during times of rapid growth. It is also very important for bone maintenance.
Additionally, calcium serves as a signaling molecule. Without it, your heart, muscles, and nerves would not be able to function.
The calcium concentration in your blood is tightly regulated, and any excess is stored in bones. If your intake is lacking, your bones will release calcium.
That is why the most common symptom of calcium deficiency is osteoporosis, characterized by softer and more fragile bones.
One survey in the United States found that fewer than 15% of teenage girls, fewer than 10% of women over 50, and fewer than 22% of teenage boys and men over 50 met the recommended calcium intake (31).
Although supplementing increased these numbers slightly, most people were still not getting enough calcium.
Symptoms of more severe dietary calcium deficiency include soft bones (rickets) in children and osteoporosis, especially in older adults (32, 33).
Dietary sources of calcium include (7):
- Boned fish. One can (92 grams) of sardines contains 44% of the DV.
- Dairy products. One cup (240 ml) of milk provides 35% of the DV.
- Dark green vegetables. Kale, spinach, bok choy, and broccoli are rich in calcium. Just 1 ounce (28 grams) of fresh kale offers 5.6% of the DV.
The effectiveness and safety of calcium supplements have been somewhat debated in the last few years.
Some studies demonstrate an increased risk of heart disease in people taking calcium supplements, although other studies have found no effects (34, 35, 36).
While it’s best to get calcium from food rather than supplements, these supplements seem to benefit people who are not getting enough in their diet (37).
SUMMARYLow calcium intake is very common, especially in women of all ages and older adults. The main symptom of calcium deficiency is an increased risk of osteoporosis later in life.
6. Vitamin A deficiency
Vitamin A is an essential fat-soluble vitamin. It helps form and maintain healthy skin, teeth, bones, and cell membranes. Furthermore, it produces eye pigments, which are necessary for vision (38).
There are two different types of dietary vitamin A (7):
- Preformed vitamin A. This type of vitamin A is found in animal products like meat, fish, poultry, and dairy.
- Pro-vitamin A. This type is found in plant-based foods like fruits and vegetables. Beta carotene, which your body turns into vitamin A, is the most common form.
More than 75% of people who eat a Western diet get more than enough vitamin A and do not need to worry about deficiency (39).
However, vitamin A deficiency is very common in many developing countries. About 44–50% of preschool-aged children in certain regions have vitamin A deficiency. This number is around 30% in Indian women (40, 41).
Vitamin A deficiency can cause both temporary and permanent eye damage and may even lead to blindness. In fact, this deficiency is the world’s leading cause of blindness.
Vitamin A deficiency can also suppress immune function and increase mortality, especially among children and pregnant or breastfeeding women (40).
Dietary sources of preformed vitamin A include (7):
- Organ meat. One 2-ounce (60-gram) slice of beef liver provides more than 800% of the DV.
- Fish liver oil. One tablespoon (15 ml) packs roughly 500% of the DV.
Dietary sources of beta carotene (pro-vitamin A) include:
- Sweet potatoes. One medium, 6-ounce (170-gram) boiled sweet potato contains 150% of the DV.
- Carrots. One large carrot provides 75% of the DV.
- Dark green, leafy vegetables. One ounce (28 grams) of fresh spinach provides 18% of the DV.
While it is very important to consume enough of this vitamin, too much preformed vitamin A may cause toxicity.
This does not apply to pro-vitamin A, such as beta carotene. High intake may cause your skin to turn slightly orange, but this effect isn’t dangerous.
SUMMARYVitamin A deficiency is very common in many developing countries. It may cause eye damage and blindness, as well as suppress immune function and increase mortality among women and children.
7. Magnesium deficiency
Magnesium is a key mineral in your body.
Essential for bone and teeth structure, it’s also involved in more than 300 enzyme reactions (42).
Close to 70% of the US population under 71, and about 80% over 71 years old consume less than the required amount of magnesium. (43).
Low intake and blood levels of magnesium are associated with several conditions, including type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, heart disease, and osteoporosis (44).
Low levels are particularly common among hospitalized patients. Some studies find that 9–65% of them are deficient (45, 46, 47).
Deficiency may be caused by disease, drug use, reduced digestive function, or inadequate magnesium intake (48).
The main symptoms of severe magnesium deficiency include abnormal heart rhythm, muscle cramps, restless leg syndrome, fatigue, and migraines (49, 50, 51).
More subtle, long-term symptoms that you may not notice include insulin resistance and high blood pressure.
Dietary sources of magnesium include (7):
- Whole grains. One cup (170 grams) of oats contains 74% of the DV.
- Nuts. Twenty almonds pack 17% of the DV.
- Dark chocolate. One ounce (30 grams) of dark chocolate offers 15% of the DV.
- Dark green, leafy vegetables. One ounce (30 grams) of raw spinach provides 6% of the DV.
SUMMARYMagnesium deficiency is common in Western countries, and low intake is associated with many health conditions and diseases.
The bottom line
It is possible to be deficient in almost every nutrient. That said, the deficiencies listed above are by far the most common.
Children, young women, older adults, vegetarians, and vegans seem to be at the highest risk of several deficiencies.
The best way to prevent deficiency is to eat a balanced diet that includes whole, nutrient-dense foods. However, supplements may be necessary for those who can’t obtain enough from diet alone.
The 7 most common vitamin and mineral deficiencies in our bodies
Instead of wasting money on vitamin-mineral complexes that mix incompatible components in random proportions, find out if you have the most common nutritional deficiencies. By the way, in many cases, the problem can be solved with a balanced diet, not supplements.
1. Iron deficiency
One of the most common nutritional deficiencies, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), it affects more than 25% of people worldwide. And especially often women who lose iron during menstruation. Vegetarians who consume non-heme and less absorbable iron from plant foods are also at risk.
The most common consequence of iron deficiency is anemia, which reduces the number of red blood cells and the blood's ability to carry oxygen. Weakness, hair loss, brittle nails, dry skin, and fatigue are all common complaints that can indicate an iron deficiency.
Despite the prevalence of iron deficiency, do not engage in self-diagnosis and self-treatment. The selection of an iron preparation should be carried out by a doctor after laboratory tests. Many people believe that only one clinical blood test is enough to determine anemia. If hemoglobin is normal according to the results of the analysis, then there is no anemia. But in fact, to determine the condition, it is also necessary to measure the level of ferritin, which is a marker of the saturation of the body with iron, as well as the level of serum iron.
Read more about foods to include in your diet and how to take your iron supplements here.
2. Iodine deficiency
Iodine is an essential mineral for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. The hormones it produces affect metabolism, growth, maintaining bone strength, and brain development. At the same time, almost a third of the world's population suffers from iodine deficiency. The most common sign of iodine deficiency is an enlarged thyroid gland, and it can also manifest as weight gain, rapid heart rate, and shortness of breath.
Russia has been discussing the introduction of mandatory iodization of food products - salt and even bread - for several years. Not all doctors support this idea, noting that an excess of iodine is just as dangerous for the body as its deficiency. But far from all regions of the country there is iodine deficiency. In St. Petersburg, according to doctors, he really is. To add iodine to the body, you do not need to seriously revise your diet. It is enough to buy iodized instead of ordinary salt, periodically include fish and seaweed in the diet. For example, just 1 gram of kelp provides the body with 460-1000% of the daily requirement of iodine.
3. Vitamin D deficiency
In regions with low levels of insolation (including St. Petersburg), vitamin D deficiency is extremely common. However, it is not worth taking it for prophylactic purposes (especially in horse dosages!) because vitamin D is still a steroid hormone. Only after a special laboratory blood test for D-hormone can you find out its level in the body, and then correct the deficiency.
Despite the hype surrounding vitamin D, the scientific community has not yet come to an unambiguous conclusion about the need to compensate for its deficiency and the recommended dosage. Perhaps we will find out a little more when the results of an independent randomized study of D-Health are received, says dietitian Elena Motova. Now 25,000 people are taking the sunshine vitamin or a placebo so that scientists can figure out exactly how the vitamin affects our health and whether it really makes such a serious contribution to disease prevention.
4. Vitamin B12 deficiency.
Vitamin B12 is vital and necessary for blood formation, brain and nervous system function. At the same time, up to 80-90% of vegetarians and vegans may experience its deficiency, since B12 is found only in animal products. More than 20% of older people are also deficient in vitamin B12 as the body's ability to absorb it decreases with age.
One of the common symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency is megaloblastic anemia, a blood disorder that causes an increase in the number of red blood cells. Other symptoms include impaired brain function and elevated levels of homocysteine, which is no less dangerous for blood vessels than well-known cholesterol.
To get enough vitamin B12, include shellfish in your diet (an 85-gram serving of shellfish provides 1,400% of your daily value of B12), meat, and dairy products. If you are a vegetarian, talk to your doctor about getting B12 through supplements.
Life without meat: what other vitamins and minerals can vegans lack?

Every cell in your body needs calcium: it mineralizes bones and teeth, especially during periods of rapid growth, and it also serves as a signaling molecule without which your heart, muscles, and nerves would not be able to function.
The concentration of calcium in the blood is strictly regulated, and any excess is deposited in the bones. If you don't get enough calcium, your bones will release it. This is why the most common symptom of calcium deficiency is when the bones become soft and brittle.
One US study found that less than 15% of teenage girls, less than 10% of women over 50, and less than 22% of teenage boys and men over 50 met the recommended calcium intake.
Sources of calcium include:
- Fish. For example, one can of sardines contains 44% of the daily value.
- Dairy products. One cup (240 ml) of milk provides 35% of the daily value.
- Dark green vegetables. Kale, spinach and broccoli are rich in calcium.
100 grams of fresh cabbage provides the body with 20% of the daily value.
When it comes to calcium supplements, their effectiveness and safety is still a matter of debate among doctors and scientists. So, some studies show an increased risk of heart disease in people taking calcium supplements, others do not find these effects.
Calcium is best obtained from food rather than supplements. But if you find yourself unable to do so, talk to your doctor about using calcium tablets.
6. Vitamin A deficiency
Vitamin A is an important fat-soluble vitamin. It is responsible for the health of the skin, teeth, bones, cell membranes and your vision.
You can get two types of vitamin A from food:
- Retinol is a preformed vitamin A found in animal products (meat, fish, poultry and dairy products)
- Provitamin A. This type is found in plant foods such as fruits and vegetables. The most common form is beta-carotene, which is converted to vitamin A in your body.
More than 75% of Western dieters get enough vitamin A without having to worry about a deficiency. However, vitamin A deficiency is very common in many developing countries - for example, it affects almost one in three women in India.
Vitamin A deficiency can cause both temporary and permanent eye damage and even blindness. In fact, this deficiency is the leading cause of blindness in the world. With insufficient amounts of the vitamin, the immune function of the body worsens. While it is important to consume enough vitamin A, too much retinol can be toxic to the body.
7. Magnesium deficiency
Magnesium is a key mineral in our body, involved in over 300 enzymatic reactions. Nearly half of the US population does not consume enough magnesium. Its deficiency in the body, in addition to a poor diet, can be caused by diseases, drug use and digestive problems. And symptoms of severe deficiency include abnormal heart rhythms, muscle spasms, and restless legs syndrome. Our nervous system is sensitive to the level of magnesium in the body. Its decrease can cause anxiety, nervousness, fear, as well as insomnia and fatigue.
To get enough magnesium, make sure your diet includes nuts, dark chocolate, whole grains, and dark green leafy vegetables (such as spinach). If you are thinking about supplements, it makes sense to first undergo a laboratory test and consult a doctor.
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Katerina Reznikova,
Deficiency of vitamins and minerals is a common problem of modern people
The lack of certain substances in the body does not appear immediately, but is always visually noticeable. This is a long process, acting “accumulatively”, only, unfortunately, in the opposite direction, that is, the condition is deteriorating. And when the problem becomes obvious, it can be difficult to cope with it, because replenishing the missing trace elements and vitamins is a long process that requires effort and significant time costs.
According to the statistics of the Scientific Research Institute of Nutrition, 70-80% of Russian citizens lack three (and even more) vitamins and microelements important for life. The sources of vitamins are mainly fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, which are not available all year round due to their price or season. But the lack of vitamins and trace elements makes the immune system vulnerable and increases the likelihood of the occurrence and progress of the following ailments: malignant neoplasms, diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, osteoporosis and many other diseases.
Deficiencies most often appear in infancy, early childhood and adolescence. This is due to the fact that it is during these age periods that the growth of the body is most active, the increase in cell mass and the need for the main ingredients per 1 kg of body weight are maximum.
Iron deficiency
Iron deficiency is the main and most common nutritional disorder in the world. Iron deficiency affects not only the nervous system of the child, and anemia occurs not only in pregnant women. All women of reproductive age are at risk for iron deficiency. And often in non-pregnant women, iron deficiency occurs precisely in a latent form, that is, without a decrease in hemoglobin. This form of iron deficiency is usually accompanied by chronic fatigue syndrome, lack of energy, decreased physical performance, and lack of desire to play sports. In general, what is usually called laziness. Actually, it's not laziness. These are signs of oxygen starvation (hypoxia) of the body in general and muscles in particular. A series of experiments with female athletes revealed the relationship of iron deficiency with a decrease in physical endurance, and showed a positive effect of correcting iron deficiency on the effectiveness of sports training.
General symptoms of iron deficiency: persistent fatigue, lack of energy, headaches, hair loss, pale skin, weak nails, lethargy, inability to concentrate. Food sources of iron include red meat (preferably beef), beef liver (preferably fresh, not frozen), mussels, clams and oysters, and raw beets.
Vitamin B12 deficiency
Anemia is not only iron deficiency. In the second place among the most common causes of anemia, WHO experts call vitamin B12 deficiency. Most of all, the lack of this vitamin is common in Africa and India due to dietary habits. However, in Western countries and in Russia, it is often found. Symptoms of this disease: fatigue, pallor, shortness of breath. Vitamin B12 deficiency can cause memory loss, mood swings, and even depression. B12 can lower your homocysteine levels - which is good, as elevated homocysteine leads to heart disease and stroke. Sources of vitamin B12 in food: seafood (clams and oysters), liver, meat, chicken eggs and dairy products.
Iodine deficiency
Iodine is one of the most important micronutrients needed to maintain the health of our body. First of all, it is necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland, the hormones of which have a direct impact on the functioning of the brain and the immune status of the body.