Words of character traits

Character Traits List with Examples

Character traits are the individual characteristics and qualities that make characters from books, stories, movies, plays, and other art forms come to life for readers.

Use the following list of character traits as a guideline when writing book reports and essays about the different characters you've read about. Don't stop with this list, though; you can probably think of many more terms to describe your characters.

Search and explore the definitions of character trait with our sister company Infoplease's dictionary.

Values, Morals, and Beliefs Character Traits

  • Honest
  • Brave
  • Compassionate
  • Leader
  • Courageous
  • Unselfish
  • Loyal
  • Hard-working
  • Independent
  • Selfish
  • Responsible
  • Considerate
  • Self-confident
  • Humble


Looking for a printable list of character traits?

Our printable character traits list features more than 200 characteristics and qualities that your students can use for writing or a character study.



Physical and Emotional Character Traits

  • Poor
  • Rich
  • Strong
  • Tall
  • Dark
  • Light
  • Handsome
  • Pretty
  • Ugly
  • Messy
  • Gentle
  • Wild
  • Joyful
  • Busy
  • Patriotic
  • Neat
  • Popular
  • Successful
  • Short
  • Prim
  • Proper
  • Dainty
  • Able
  • Fighter
  • Tireless
  • Plain
  • Expert
  • Imaginative
  • Conceited
  • Mischievous


Personality Character Traits

  • Demanding
  • Thoughtful
  • Keen
  • Happy
  • Disagreeable
  • Simple
  • Fancy
  • Plain
  • Excited
  • Studious
  • Inventive
  • Creative
  • Thrilling
  • Intelligent
  • Proud
  • Fun-loving
  • Daring
  • Bright
  • Serious
  • Funny
  • Humorous
  • Sad
  • Lazy
  • Dreamer
  • Helpful
  • Simple-minded
  • Friendly
  • Adventurous
  • Timid
  • Shy
  • Pitiful
  • Cooperative
  • Lovable
  • Ambitious
  • Quiet
  • Curious
  • Reserved
  • Pleasing
  • Bossy
  • Witty
  • Energetic
  • Cheerful
  • Smart
  • Impulsive
  • Humorous
  • Sad
  • Lazy
  • Dreamer
  • Helpful



Just like real people, literary characters have behaviors, attitudes, traits, and beliefs that give them a unique personality. These can be surface characteristics, like personality or physical traits - or they can be deeply-held values and morals. Writers develop characters with myriad traits to help readers build empathy or antipathy, relate to the narrative, create realism, and develop various plot points and storylines.


Looking for activities, lessons, and printables on character traits to use in your classroom? View all of our character trait resources here.


Recommended Character Traits Classroom Resources


Describe That Character Printable
Describe a character's physical and personality traits.


Introducing Character Traits
Introduce the concept of character traits in your instruction.


Your Character Comes Alive
Answer questions about a character's implicit and inferred traits.

CHARACTER TRAITS - Vocabulary List

Learn words with Flashcards and other activities

Other learning activities

PracticeAnswer a few questions on each word. Use this to prep for your next quiz! Vocabulary JamCompete with other teams in real-time to see who answers the most questions correctly! Spelling BeeTest your spelling acumen. Read the definition, listen to the word and try spelling it!

Teaching tools

QuizCreate and assign quizzes to your students to test their vocabulary. Assign activitiesAssign learning activities including Practice, Vocabulary Jams and Spelling Bees to your students, and monitor their progress in real-time.

  1. humble

    marked by meekness or modesty; not arrogant or prideful

  2. brave

    possessing or displaying courage

  3. courageous

    able to face and deal with danger or fear without flinching

  4. serious

    of great consequence

  5. resourceful

    adroit or imaginative

  6. stubborn

    tenaciously unwilling to yield

  7. loyal

    steadfast in allegiance or duty

  8. gullible

    naive and easily deceived or tricked

  9. selfish

    concerned chiefly with your own advantage

  10. generous

    willing to give and share unstintingly

  11. self-confident

    showing poise and assurance in your own worth

  12. respectful

    exhibiting an attitude of admiration or esteem

  13. considerate

    showing concern for the rights and feelings of others

  14. imaginative

    marked by independence and creativity in thought or action

  15. brilliant

    full of light; shining intensely

  16. creative

    having the ability or power to invent or make something

  17. independent

    free from external control and constraint

  18. carefree

    without trouble or worry

  19. studious

    characterized by diligent study and fondness for reading

  20. intelligent

    having the capacity for thought and reason to a high degree

  21. honest

    marked by truth

  22. mischievous

    naughtily or annoyingly playful

  23. adventurous

    willing to undertake new and daring enterprises

  24. hardworking

    characterized by hard work and perseverance

  25. daring

    a challenge to do something dangerous or foolhardy

  26. charming

    pleasing or delighting

  27. lazy

    disinclined to work or exertion

  28. patriotic

    inspired by love for your country

  29. successful

    having succeeded or being marked by a favorable outcome

  30. responsible

    worthy of or requiring trust; held accountable

  31. helpful

    providing assistance or serving a useful function

  32. cautious

    showing careful forethought

  33. polite

    showing regard for others in manners, speech, behavior, etc.

  34. conceited

    having an exaggerated sense of self-importance

  35. leader

    a person who rules or guides or inspires others

  36. demanding

    requiring more than usually expected or thought due

  37. bossy

    offensively self-assured or exercising unwarranted power

  38. gentle

    soft and mild; not harsh or stern or severe

  39. loving

    feeling or showing love and affection

  40. proud

    feeling self-respect, self-esteem, or self-importance

  41. mysterious

    beyond ordinary understanding

  42. eager

    having or showing keen interest or intense desire

  43. hopeful

    having or manifesting optimism

  44. lucky

    having or bringing good fortune

  45. cooperative

    involving the joint activity of two or more

  46. ambitious

    having a strong desire for success or achievement

  47. quiet

    characterized by an absence of agitation or activity

  48. curious

    eager to investigate and learn or learn more

  49. mature

    having reached full natural growth or development

  50. witty

    demonstrating striking cleverness and humor

  51. determined

    having been learned or found especially by investigation

  52. energetic

    possessing or displaying forceful exertion

  53. calm

    not agitated; without losing self-possession

  54. mannerly

    socially correct in behavior

  55. rude

    belonging to an early stage of technical development

  56. strict

    rigidly accurate; allowing no deviation from a standard

  57. annoyed

    troubled persistently

  58. foolish

    lacking good sense or judgment

  59. grumpy

    annoyed and irritable

  60. miserable

    very unhappy

  61. talented

    endowed with talent or talents

  62. sly

    marked by skill in deception

  63. skillful

    having or showing knowledge, ability, or aptitude

  64. rich

    possessing material wealth

  65. thoughtful

    exhibiting or characterized by careful consideration

  66. tolerant

    showing or characterized by broad-mindedness

  67. trustworthy

    worthy of trust or belief

  68. weak

    wanting in physical strength

  69. wise

    having intelligence and discernment

  70. jealous

    suspicious or fearful of being displaced by a rival

  71. lonely

    lacking companions or companionship

  72. faithful

    loyal and reliable

  73. timid

    showing fear and lack of courage

  74. shy

    timid and lacking self-confidence

Created on September 30, 2010

Speaking about a person's character in English

All people are different. Someone is a sociable extrovert, who is the soul in any company, and someone, in turn, is a quiet introvert with his rich inner world. The character of a person can be so multifaceted that simple words may not be enough to describe it. The good thing is that there are many adjectives that will help us describe the character of a person in English as accurately as possible.

From this article you will learn what character traits are, how to describe a person's character in English and give him a brief or detailed description. Also, learn some useful idioms and set expressions about a person's character. nine0003

The word "character" is translated as character, but character traits in English are traits or character traits. As we know, the character of a person is formed over time, starting from birth and can change throughout life. Each individual (person, individual) has its own personality (personality) with pronounced certain character traits.

The properties of a person's character or quality are also described by such a word as quality, and inner qualities are just our internal properties. nine0003

Describing both a person and his character, we must answer the question: “What is he like?”. So, a person can be friendly (friendly), optimistic (optimistic), reliable (reliable) or unreliable (unreliable), self-confident (self-confident), etc.

It is worth noting that different adjectives are used depending on how pronounced this or that character trait is. For example, calm is just a calm person, but with the adjective composed we denote a balanced person. nine0003

Similarly, we will call a quick-minded person quick-minded, an intelligent guy - intelligent, but a person with a brilliant and sharp mind - just sharp.

Many adjectives are paired and built on opposition. They are pretty easy to remember. So, for example, fearless is translated as “fearless”, and fearful is timid. Both of them are formed from the word fear (fear), and differ in meaning by the ending.

You probably already know a lot of adjectives in Russian that can describe a person, so let's look at the main character traits of a person in English with translation. nine0003

A person in general can be:

  • active
  • adaptable
  • ambitious - ambitious
  • attention-seeking - thirsty for attention
  • cheerful - cheerful
  • competitive
  • creative - creative
  • curious - curious
  • cynical - cynical
  • determined - decisive
  • eager - striving
  • easy-going
  • energetic - energetic
  • enthusiastic
  • entrepreneurial - enterprising
  • flexible - psychologically flexible
  • friendly - friendly
  • generous - generous
  • good natured - pleasant (general impression)
  • hard-working
  • nine0023 helpful - useful
  • honest - honest
  • independent - independent
  • industrious - industrious, diligent
  • intellectual - intellectual
  • mature - psychologically mature
  • modest - modest
  • motivated - motivated
  • observant - observant, attentive
  • optimistic - optimistic
  • organized - organized
  • original - original
  • outgoing
  • patient - patient
  • progressive
  • reliable - reliable
  • resourceful - inventive, resourceful
  • romantic - romantic
  • shy - shy
  • self-confident - self-confident
  • self-sufficient - self-sufficient
  • serious - serious
  • sociable - sociable
  • successful - successful
  • tactful - tactful
  • talkative - talkative
  • thorough - conscientious
  • uninhibited
  • unpredictable - unpredictable

As for the internal properties of the personality, those same inner qualities, then a person can be described in the following words:

  • ambitious
  • amiable - friendly
  • arrogant - haughty, arrogant
  • boastful - boastful
  • boring - boring
  • callous - insensitive, callous
  • calm - calm
  • capricious - capricious, wayward
  • cheerful (merry) - cheerful, cheerful
  • complacent - self-satisfied
  • composed - balanced
  • conceited - arrogant
  • cool - cool
  • defiant - defiant
  • easy-going
  • emotional - emotional
  • envious - envious
  • irritable - irritable
  • neat - neat
  • obedient - obedient
  • rational - reasonable, rational
  • self-assured - self-confident
  • self-critical - self-critical
  • self-denying
  • selfless - selfless
  • sensitive - sensitive
  • serious - serious
  • sloppy - sloppy
  • sober-minded - sane
  • sullen - gloomy, gloomy
  • superficial
  • touchy - touchy
  • trustworthy

Other adjectives characterizing the inner qualities of a person and his attitude towards others: nine0003

  • affectionate
  • altruistic - altruistic
  • amiable - amiable
  • bold - bold
  • brave - brave
  • cautious - careful
  • contemptuous
  • contemptuous
  • considerate - attentive
  • courageous - brave
  • courteous - courteous
  • cowardly - cowardly
  • cruel - cruel
  • nine0023 daring - brave, desperate
  • detached - impartial
  • disloyal - disloyal, incorrect
  • disrespectful - disrespectful
  • doubtful - doubting
  • egotistic - selfish
  • fair - fair
  • faithful - faithful
  • firm - firm, persistent
  • flexible
  • frank - sincere
  • gentle - soft
  • harsh - rough
  • haughty - haughty
  • hesitant
  • honest - honest
  • hostile - hostile
  • hypocritical - hypocritical
  • humane - humane
  • impertinent - impudent
  • impolite
  • impolite
  • indecisive - indecisive
  • independent - independent
  • indifferent - indifferent
  • ingenuous - ingenuous
  • jealous - jealous
  • kind - kind
  • lying - deceitful
  • mean - mean
  • meek - meek
  • merciful - merciful
  • merciless - ruthless
  • moral - highly moral
  • naive - naive
  • noble - noble
  • obstinate - stubborn
  • open - open
  • outspoken
  • picky - picky
  • proud - proud
  • polite - polite
  • pushy
  • quarrelsome - absurd
  • reckless - reckless
  • reliable - reliable
  • resolute - resolute
  • responsive - responsive
  • reputable - worthy of respect
  • rude - rough
  • nine0023 selfish - selfish
  • sincere - sincere
  • sinful - vicious
  • sly - cunning, insidious
  • snobbish - snob
  • strict - strict
  • stubborn
  • submissive
  • suspicious - suspicious
  • sympathetic - sympathetic
  • tactless
  • tactful - tactful
  • tender - sensitive
  • tough
  • treacherous - insidious
  • trusting - trusting
  • undemanding
  • uncivil - impolite
  • unfair - unfair
  • warm-hearted
  • well-behaved
  • wicked - evil
  • withdrawn - closed

Also, take note of the following expressions: nine0003

  • keep aloof
  • lack self-reliance - lack of self-confidence
  • scoundrel - scoundrel
  • stand one's ground - stick to the principles of
  • strong-willed - strong-willed
  • weak-willed - weak-willed
  • unable to control one's emotions - unable to control their emotions

With regard to mental abilities, the following adjectives will help to describe the outlook: nine0003

  • bright - capable
  • broad-minded - with a broad outlook
  • clever / smart ( Amer. )
  • educated - educated
  • enlightened - enlightened
  • feeble-minded
  • genius - ingenious
  • gifted - gifted
  • ignorant - ignorant
  • intelligent
  • knowledgeable - knowing
  • narrow-minded - with a narrow outlook
  • quick-minded - quick-witted
  • quick-witted
  • mediocre - mediocre
  • ordinary - ordinary
  • scholarly
  • silly - stupid
  • simple-minded - simple-minded
  • shallow
  • sharp - insightful
  • slow-minded - slow-witted
  • nine0023 sophisticated - sophisticated
  • stupid - ignorant, stupid
  • talented - talented
  • uneducated - uneducated
  • unlettered - illiterate
  • well-read - well-read
  • wise - wise
  • witty - witty

As for the attitude to everything “hard-earned” and money in general, a person can be: generous (generous) or greedy (greedy), economical (thrifty) or wasteful (wasteful), can be stingy (stingy) or just thrifty (thrifty). nine0003

They say that a friend is known in trouble, but a person as a whole can be judged by the way he works: how "burning his eyes" are and how ambitious or lazy he is. Adjectives describing the character of a person at work:

  • accomplished
  • attentive - attentive
  • awkward - clumsy
  • careless
  • committed - mandatory
  • concentrated - concentrated
  • conscientious - conscious
  • dedicated - dedicated
  • diligent - thrust
  • disciplined - disciplined
  • distracted - distracted
  • incompetent - incompetent
  • indifferent - indifferent
  • industrious - industrious
  • irresponsible - irresponsible
  • hard-working
  • lazy - lazy
  • neglectful
  • punctual - punctual
  • responsible - responsible
  • unconcerned - indifferent
  • unskilled - unskilled

If someone shirks from work, then he will be called idle (lazy), shirker (truant) or slacker (loafer).

It is also important to monitor your inner emotional state and be in harmony with yourself. Keep calm (keep calm), as they say. The following adjectives will help describe the emotional state (emotional state) correctly: nine0003

  • agitated
  • anxious - nervous, worried
  • apathetic - indifferent, apathetic
  • blue - sad
  • calm - calm
  • cheerful - cheerful
  • cool - cool
  • delighted - joyful
  • disappointed - disappointed
  • displeased - dissatisfied
  • distressed - depressed
  • nine0023 enthusiastic - full of enthusiasm, inspired
  • excited - excited, excited
  • frustrated - frustrated
  • glad - happy
  • gloomy - gloomy
  • grim - gloomy
  • happy - happy
  • hopeful - full of hope
  • hopeless - deprived of hope
  • inspired - inspired by
  • joyful - joyful
  • miserable - unhappy
  • moody - gloomy
  • nervous - nervous
  • passionate - passionate
  • placid - serene
  • pleased - pleased
  • quiet - calm
  • sad - sad
  • sorrowful - sad
  • unhappy - unhappy
  • upset - alarmed

If a person is in a good mood, then we can say that he is in a good mood or in high spirits, but if he is in a bad mood, then it will be in a bad mood or in low spirits. nine0003

Finally, let's give some popular idioms about a person's character.

A know-it-all

A person who knows all the answers in the world and is ready to intervene with his opinion even where he is not asked.

A worrywart

This is the name of someone who is afraid to try something new and go off the beaten path.

A go-getter

So they say about people who see opportunities in everything and try not to miss them.

A social butterfly

Most likely, this person will be an extrovert by nature. Someone who communicates a lot and easily finds contact with strangers.

A cheapskate

He won't spend an extra penny unnecessarily.

A fuddy-duddy - conservative

A kind of grumbler who does not like change, even if it is objectively for the better. Moreover, it does not depend on age.

A wet blanket

A person spoiling everyone's mood with his moralizing. Sometimes they are also called killjoy or "fun killer".

Neither fish nor flesh

An unremarkable and unremarkable person. nine0003

Character traits in English with translation

To describe a person's character traits, or personality traits , you need a rich vocabulary of various adjectives and idioms. Such vocabulary will make your speech more interesting and help convey information to the interlocutor as accurately as possible. Below you will find words that will help describe the main character traits.

Read also: How to describe a person's appearance in English: vocabulary, examples with translation

Vocabulary on the subject "Character of a person" in English

There are a large number of adjectives to describe a person's personality, and each word has its own connotation. Let's start in order: let's talk about the basic vocabulary related to the individuality of a person. Native speakers distinguish between two words: personality and character . Using the word personality, they talk about the innate qualities of personality - those that over time will not go anywhere and will never change. The word character means a set of qualities acquired as a result of some kind of experience. There is a very thin line between the concepts of personality and character, which can only be felt in context. Here are some examples:

  • You resemble your mother both in looks and personality . - You look like your mother both externally and in character.
  • John showed a really strong character in that challenging situation. John has shown a really strong character in a situation full of challenges.

Traits or inner qualities - internal traits of a person, character traits. Behavior and character are influenced by values ​​ - values, thoughts - thoughts, feelings - feelings and actions - actions. Many people believe that the character is also influenced by the date of birth and the sign of the zodiac - zodiac sign . You can use a variety of synonyms for character. So in the Merriam Webster American English Dictionary, the following ways of saying about a person's character are collected:0626 and selfhood .

How to ask about a person's character

To get to know someone better, ask questions about personality and character, use popular expressions:

  • What kind of person is he? — What kind of person is he?
  • What are they like? — What kind of people are they?
  • How would your best friend describe you? How would your best friend describe you?
  • What is your zodiac sign? - What is your zodiac sign?
  • What are your life values? - What are your values? nine0024
  • How would you describe your personality? - How would you describe yourself?
  • How do you react to trouble? How do you react to difficulties?
  • What is your attitude towards other people? - How do you treat other people?

Words that describe a person's character

When we describe a character, or personality traits, we cannot do without a variety of adjectives that reveal a person's temperament and characteristics. To be accurate in your descriptions and original, you can not only list adjectives, but also dilute your speech with modern bright constructions and expressions. nine0003

  • a man among men - an outstanding person, bright, standing out among others;
  • man of means - a wealthy person;
  • he always backs me up - always stand up for me;
  • stickler for the rules
  • wet blanket, killjoy - a person who is always dissatisfied with something and spoils the mood of others;
  • not like to be stuck in one place nine0024
  • not be satisfied with easy answers
  • be brimming with great ideas
  • dried-fish woman - a girl who prefers to be alone and refuses romantic relationships;
  • as fit as a fiddle

Adjectives for describing a person's character

Now let's look at the most common adjectives for describing personal qualities and answering the question "What kind of person are you?" nine0003

Positive qualities

  • brave — brave;
  • clever - smart;
  • easy-going - sociable;
  • go-getter - purposeful;
  • friendly - friendly;
  • funny - funny;
  • generous - generous;
  • wise - wise;
  • smart - smart;
  • neat - neat;
  • kind - kind;
  • polite - polite;
  • popular - popular.

If someone asks me “What kind of person are you?”, I will say “easy-going, kind and generous couch potato. - If someone asks me: "What kind of person are you?", I will answer: "A frivolous, kind and generous homebody." nine0003

Negative qualities

  • chatty — talkative;
  • arrogant - arrogant;
  • coward - coward;
  • moody - with a changeable mood;
  • mean - greedy;
  • nervous - nervous;
  • rude - rough;
  • selfish - selfish;
  • silly - stupid.

I try avoiding arrogant people and not working with selfish and nervous colleagues. — I try to avoid arrogant people and not work with selfish and nervous colleagues. nine0003

See how you can use new words in practice:

  • My Best Friend: how to describe a friend in English
  • About Myself: how to write an essay "About Myself" in English
  • Essay describing a family member in English: describing appearance and character

Words for expressing attitude towards life

Also look at ways to talk about your attitude towards life and answer the question “What is your attitude towards life?” nine0003

Positive qualities

  • active - active;
  • down-to-earth - down to earth, practical;
  • optimistic - optimistic;
  • relaxed - calm, relaxed;
  • open - open;
  • stoic - courageous;
  • outgoing - friendly;
  • broad-minded - with broad views;
  • cheerful - cheerful;
  • cooperative - open to cooperation;
  • curious - curious. nine0024
  • earnest - sincere;
  • patient - patient;
  • tactful - tactful.

- Tell me your three traits demonstrating your attitude to life. — The first quality is curious, the second one is open and the third one is down-to-earth. Name three traits that show your attitude towards life. - The first quality is curiosity, the second is openness and the third is earthiness.

Negative features

  • pessimistic - pessimistic; nine0024
  • vicious - evil;
  • passive - passive;
  • querulous - grouchy, dissatisfied;
  • lazy - lazy;
  • jealous - jealous;
  • boring - boring;
  • dull - dull.

When you are scrolling news in social media, you become vicious, passive and dull. Stop doing it. - When you scroll through the news on social networks, you become angry, passive and boring. Stop doing it.

Attitude towards people

Adjectives and nouns to describe your attitude towards other people.

Positive qualities

  • extroverted - open, active;
  • introverted - closed;
  • reliable - reliable;
  • careful - caring;
  • friendly - friendly;
  • talkative - talkative;
  • bossy - domineering;
  • polite - polite
  • supportive - supporting; nine0024
  • generous - generous;
  • decisive - decisive;
  • good-mannered - well-mannered;
  • diplomatic - diplomatic.

What are the main qualities of your future husband? I dream of meeting an extroverted, reliable and careful man of his words. - What are the main qualities of your future husband? I dream of meeting an extroverted, reliable and considerate man who keeps his word.

Negative traits

  • pushy - importunate;
  • smug - smug;
  • self-congratulatory - self-satisfied;
  • proud - proud;
  • deceitful - deceitful;
  • cruel - hard;
  • jealous - jealous;
  • venal - for sale;
  • soft - soft;
  • unfriendly - unfriendly;
  • ill-mannered - poorly educated.

Deceitful people should remember that lies always come true. “Deceivers should remember that lies always come to the surface. nine0003

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Adjectives describing strong-willed qualities

  • stubborn — stubborn;
  • determined - purposeful;
  • motivated - motivated;
  • sharp - grasping;
  • crafty - crafty;
  • resourceful - resourceful;
  • serious - serious; nine0024
  • indifferent - indifferent;
  • purposeful - progressive.

I try to be determined, motivated and crafty. These qualities help me achieve my goals. — I try to be decisive, purposeful and dexterous. These qualities help me achieve my goals.

Describing mental abilities, outlook

  • intelligent — smart;
  • slow - slow-witted;
  • dim - stupid;
  • shrewd - insightful; nine0024
  • gifted - gifted;
  • independent - independent;
  • broad-minded - with a broad outlook;
  • quick-witted
  • rational - rational;
  • sensible - reasonable;
  • witty - witty
  • creative - creative.

Yesterday I watched the first episode of "The Big Bang Theory" and fell in love with that rational, intelligent and gifted doctor Sheldon Cooper. “Yesterday I watched The Big Bang Theory and fell in love with this rational, intelligent and gifted Dr. Sheldon Cooper. nine0003

Adjectives describing attitudes towards money and property

  • neat — neat;
  • sober-minded - sane;
  • worldly - practical;
  • spiritual-minded - spiritualized;
  • greedy - greedy;
  • avid - greedy;
  • insatiable - insatiable;
  • thrifty - thrifty;
  • frugal - economical;
  • provident - prudent;
  • parsimonious - stingy;
  • nine0023 prudent - prudent;
  • abstemious - moderate;
  • canny - cunning, practical;
  • wasteful
  • lavish - generous;
  • prodigal - wasteful, excessive.

You shouldn't be so wasteful. I don't mean that you have to be greedy, but now you behave too lavishly. “You shouldn't be such a spender. I don't mean that you have to be greedy, but right now you are being too wasteful.

How to express your attitude towards work

  • hard working
  • self-disciplined - disciplined;
  • industrious - hard-working;
  • plodding - assiduous;
  • operose - active;
  • lazy - lazy;
  • indolent - idle;
  • slothful - inert;
  • idle - loitering;
  • sluggish - slow;
  • shiftless - helpless;
  • supine - inactive;
  • lubberly - clumsy;
  • nine0023 slack - sluggish;
  • truant - idle;
  • work-shy - avoiding work.

Be hardworking, self-disciplined and plodding. These traits help you move mountains. — Be hardworking, self-disciplined and persistent. These traits will help you move mountains.

Adjectives describing an emotional state

  • diverted — abstract;
  • engaged - enthusiastic;
  • cheerful
  • confident - confident; nine0024
  • content - satisfied;
  • delighted - delighted;
  • euphoric - euphoric;
  • exhilarated - joyful;
  • glad - joyful;
  • amicable - friendly;
  • anxiety-free - relaxed;
  • blissful - blessed;
  • calm - calm;
  • fuming - frantic;
  • furious - furious;
  • hot-tempered - quick-tempered;
  • hot-headed - hot;
  • intolerant - impatient; nine0024
  • irritated
  • mad - crazy;
  • outraged - outraged;
  • provoked - provoked;
  • rage - furious;
  • annoyed - irritated;
  • appalled - shocked;
  • dismayed - disappointed;
  • dissatisfied - dissatisfied.

Having a rest help you stay anxiety-free, well-balanced and cheerful. Rest will help you stay calm, balanced and cheerful. nine0003

Character and temperament

Adherents of the theory of temperaments believe that a certain type of person has a similar set of reactions and inclinations. According to this theory, the choleric is a person of mood, the sanguine is an excellent friend, and the melancholic and phlegmatic are restrained and passive. Let's see how each temperament can be described in English.

Sanguine person

A sanguine person is even-tempered and friendly. He or she is the life and soul of the party. They are full of energy and optimism. - A sanguine person is a balanced and friendly person. He or she is the soul of any company. They are full of energy and optimism. nine0003

How else can you describe a sanguine person:

  • easy-going — easy to communicate with;
  • party animal - the king of parties;
  • die-hard - hard nut to crack;
  • sociable - sociable;
  • tolerant - tolerant;
  • inquisitive - curious.

Choleric person

A choleric person is a man of moods. They are joyous and active, but often impulsive and bad-tempered. Choleric is a person of mood. They are cheerful and active, but often impulsive and short-tempered. nine0003

More adjectives about choleric:

  • ambitious — ambitious;
  • irritable - irritable;
  • impulsive - impulsive;
  • energetic - energetic;
  • active - active.

Phlegmatic person

A phlegmatic person is reserved and peaceful. They don't get on well with unknown people that's why they have a few friends. - Phlegmatic people are reserved and calm. They don't get along well with strangers, so they don't have many friends. nine0003

The character of a phlegmatic person can be described as follows:

  • non-communicative — uncommunicative;
  • an introvert - an introvert;
  • reliable - reliable;
  • well-balanced - balanced;
  • preferring solitude - preferring solitude;
  • intuitive - with developed intuition.

Melancholic person

A melancholic person is sensible and sensitive. They are broad-minded, penetrating and subtle. The melancholic is sensitive and receptive. They are broad-minded, insightful and subtle. nine0003

The following adjectives will help describe melancholic:

  • delicate — thin, delicate;
  • fragile - fragile;
  • vulnerable - vulnerable;
  • restless - restless;
  • thin-skinned - vulnerable;
  • deep - deep;
  • sensible - reasonable;
  • sensitive - sensitive;
  • acute - thin, insightful;
  • harmonious - harmonious.

Names of character traits that are close in meaning, but with different ratings

Be careful with the following adjectives: they are similar in meaning but have different meanings (positive or negative).

  • warm / cool-tempered , hard-nosed - warm, friendly / hard, unfriendly;
  • generous / greedy , avid - generous / greedy
  • brave , courageous / cowardly - brave, brave / cowardly
  • nine0023 polite / discourteous polite / rude
  • calm , even-tempered / quick-tempered , impetuous - calm, balanced / quick-tempered, impulsive.

English idioms to describe character

Idioms are another way to vividly convey your idea through a set expression. Most importantly, be sure that you understand its meaning well and the context in which it can be used. We have collected for you universal idioms to describe a person's character: