Be present meaning

How to Be Present at Work, In Relationships, and More

As your physical self moves throughout your day, does your emotional self keep up?

Do your thoughts accompany you from task to task, or does your mind drift and wander, making it challenging to pay attention to conversations or recall what you were just doing?

Your body can physically inhabit a space when your mind is elsewhere. This tuning out might happen more often when you feel bored, stressed, or otherwise preoccupied.

Being present (or living mindfully, whatever you want to call it) simply means you’re focused and engaged in the here and now, not distracted or mentally absent.

As mindfulness and meditation practices become more mainstream, mindful living is having a moment.

Is the whole idea of being present just the latest fad being embraced by wellness enthusiasts? After all, who really pays attention to every little thing?

Luckily, being present appears to live up to all the hype. Here’s why.

It can make it easier to manage stress

Many people respond to emotional distress and uncertainty by disengaging from the source. It can certainly seem counterintuitive to stay present when you feel anxious or nervous. Distracting yourself from unwanted or unpleasant thoughts can bring short-term relief.

But you can’t permanently hide from reality. Acknowledging fears and stress triggers, and working to mindfully accept them, can have more benefit in the long run.

A 2016 study of 143 adults found evidence to suggest cultivating present-moment awareness could make it easier to cope not only with a single stressful event, but also later stress on the same day as well as stressful events in the future.

It may help relieve mental health symptoms

According to research from 2019, mindfulness practices, including present-moment awareness, may help reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression.

When you focus on the present moment, you’re paying attention to the things currently happening. These events might range from joyous to downright heartbreaking (or anywhere in between).

If you’re going through a tough time, you might understandably wonder how increasing your awareness of these experiences can benefit you.

Mindfulness helps you recognize anxious or depressed thoughts as just that: thoughts. Eventually, you can learn to recognize these thoughts as you notice them and interrupt their patterns before they trap you in a spiral of distress.

It can strengthen your relationships

Ever spent time with a friend or partner who kept looking at their phone or saying, “Sorry, what?” Maybe you’ve been the one to lose the train of a conversation when you had something else on your mind.

Everyone gets distracted from time to time, but when this happens often, it can negatively affect relationships.

No one wants to feel ignored. If you constantly seem distracted or disinterested in what your loved ones have to say, they may start to think you don’t really care.

A set of three studies from 2018 found evidence to suggest mindfulness can promote increased acceptance in romantic relationships. Being more present with your partner also seemed to have a positive impact on relationship satisfaction overall.

Instead of letting your mind wander to your partner’s quirks or mistakes, or things you wish they would do, try focusing on the moment-to-moment experience of your relationship. This can make it easier to both enjoy the many things you appreciate about your partner and address problems or concerns as they happen.

Committing to being present can feel particularly challenging in turbulent times, especially if you tend toward avoidance as a coping strategy.

Try thinking of the whole thing like a pair of new shoes: At first, it might seem uncomfortable and not quite right. But over time, you may begin to realize you’re living your days more mindfully without even thinking about it — just like those new shoes eventually start to feel as comfortable as your beloved, worn-out kicks.

Here are a few exercises to help you get the ball rolling.

Use your 5 senses for observation

Most people pay some level of attention to what they see and hear. Ask yourself whether you use your other senses with the same regularity.

Being more present is often as simple as:

  • savoring the taste and fragrance of your morning tea or coffee
  • relishing the softness of your favorite sweater
  • noting distant sounds, like music, your neighbors’ voices, birdsong, and so on
  • enjoying the warmth of the water on your skin as you shower or wash your hands

That old saying “Stop and smell the roses” isn’t bad advice. If you have the ability to use all five senses, practice observing what you feel, smell, or taste.

Focus on your breath

Deep breathing and other breathing exercises help you remember to take a moment and mindfully connect with your surroundings.

You might find these particularly helpful while driving in traffic or during other times of stress. Breathing exercises can help you ground yourself and help you avoid distracting yourself further by ruminating on worries or picking up your phone.

Breathe in slowly, focusing on the sensation of your lungs expanding and filling with air. Hold the breath for a count of three, then release it slowly.

Practice gratitude

It’s a concept that gets thrown around a lot, but practicing gratitude can make a big difference in your ability to remain present. By taking time to embrace and reflect on your appreciation for aspects of your life, you’re also paying more attention to them.

We often feel grateful for something until we’re in danger of losing it. Maybe your present situation isn’t ideal. You might feel as if you don’t have much to be grateful for.

But try to recognize small positives, like:

  • sunshine
  • your loved ones
  • working internet
  • a roof over your head

Stick with it

As with all new habits, it can take some time before mindfulness becomes a regular part of your daily life. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t notice changes overnight.

It can also take some time to build these techniques into your daily life, but don’t let that deter you.

If you notice your thoughts wandering, gently bring yourself back to the present — without judgment or negative self-talk. Mindfulness will come more easily with time and practice.

Staying present is key when it comes to managing work-related stress and being productive.

Your job may not always interest or challenge you, but remaining present can help you stay productive, even when you feel bored.

Use your break time mindfully

What’s the first thing you do when you start your break? There’s nothing wrong with checking your phone or grabbing a snack, but give yourself a few minutes for mindfulness first.

Closing your eyes and doing a quick body scan can help you note areas of stress or tension. Sometimes, just acknowledging these feelings can help relieve them.

Take a few deep breaths, imagining stress and tension leaving your body with each exhale.

Also consider changing up your break by taking a walk. A few minutes outside, feeling fresh air, can help you feel more present and connected.

Move mindfully between activities

Once you finish a task, take a minute or two to rest instead of rushing immediately to the next item on your list.


  • praising yourself for doing your best
  • appreciating co-workers who helped you out

Don’t think about what comes next. Just take a minibreak to simply exist.

Feel stuck? Check in with yourself

When you feel stalled on something you don’t particularly want to do, you might sit there, willing your work to make sense even as your thoughts wander to other things.

This often disrupts productivity and workflow.

Instead of forcing yourself to keep going, consider what’s confusing you and how you might handle the problem.

Could you:

  • Ask a co-worker?
  • Try a different approach?
  • Save it for tomorrow, when you might feel more refreshed?

Even if you can’t find a specific solution, just sitting with the problem for a moment could help provide some insight on next steps.

The time you spend with your loved ones matters. Bringing mindfulness into the equation can help you deepen your bond.

Think about how you spend your time together

When you see friends or family, or spend time at home with your partner, how do you pass that time? Scrolling through your phones together may not be the best way to connect (though there’s nothing wrong with occasionally doing this).

Try to change up your usual routines by:

  • playing a board game
  • planting a garden
  • preparing a meal together
  • creating a partner workout

You can also enjoy time together without doing anything in particular. Simply sharing a relaxing moment with a loved one can help strengthen your connection to the present and increase your sense of relaxation and calm.

Embrace your playful side

When you feel anxious and stressed, life can seem dismal. Taking time to joke and have fun with loved ones might be the last thing on your mind.

But laughter can help you release tension and improve your mood. Sure, a more lighthearted mindset won’t completely relieve the concerns you’re facing, but humor and joy can help you weather distress more easily.

So find (or create) moments that encourage smiles and laughter, like:

  • playing a game you loved as a child, like tag or hide-and-seek
  • writing and acting out a short skit
  • attempting to draw portraits of each other

Practice active listening

One simple step to keep yourself more present in any relationship involves active or empathic listening.

Give conversations your full attention by:

  • making eye contact
  • asking questions
  • validating the other person’s experience (e.g., “That must be so difficult” or “I’m sorry to hear that”)

This shows you care about what your loved one has to say and that you really are “there” for them.

Parenting is a challenging job. It’s tough to stay present all the time.

Ever given your kids permission to do something you didn’t really hear them ask to do? Only later, when your carpet is speckled with blue paint, do you realize you said they could paint in the house.

Kids notice when you only half listen or constantly seem distracted. In time, they might respond by sharing less with you.

To be more present, try these tips. You’ll also help your children become more mindful in the process.

Encourage family detachment from devices

Does your family rely on smartphones and computers to get through the day?

Yes, these devices are useful; they help us stay connected, get work done, and unwind. But it’s still helpful to take some time away from technology each day. This allows you to focus on interacting with each other and strengthening your bond as a family.

Set some no-tech times. Honor these limits yourself.

For example, you might avoid devices:

  • at mealtimes (this promotes mindful eating)
  • during family time (walks, game nights, or family movies)
  • an hour before bedtime

Dedicate time for fun

No matter how busy or stressful life becomes, it’s important to create positive experiences with your family. The time you share can strengthen your bond and improve your outlook.

When you look back on difficult times, you might notice distressing memories have faded while the moments of happiness and joy you shared remain strong and clear.

Live in the moment by:

  • dropping everything to have an impromptu game of hide-and-seek
  • putting on a family play
  • having family read-alouds

Teach gratitude and compassion

Showing appreciation, even for everyday things, is an important component of mindfulness.

Your kids will learn from your example (and the occasional gentle reminder), so encourage mindful appreciation and kindness by:

  • sharing resources with others
  • offering kind words and validation
  • pointing out the bright side of seemingly unpleasant situations
  • regularly voicing your love and appreciation for your children, partner, and other loved ones

Encourage them to appreciate each moment by doing so yourself. When taking a walk, you might point out sunlight playing through the trees, the warmth of the sun on your face, or the fragrance of different plants.

Each moment in your life has meaning, whether you notice that importance immediately or some time down the line.

Making the most of life as it happens, rather than wishing for the past or worrying about the future, can improve your quality of life and help you feel more optimistic and prepared to face any challenge.

Crystal Raypole has previously worked as a writer and editor for GoodTherapy. Her fields of interest include Asian languages and literature, Japanese translation, cooking, natural sciences, sex positivity, and mental health. In particular, she’s committed to helping decrease stigma around mental health issues.

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  • Be Yourself
  • Be Yourself
  • Be Yourself (album)
  • Be Yourself (Audioslave song)
  • be yourself again
  • Be Yourself and 5 Other Cliches
  • Be Yourself Tonight
  • be zoned out
  • be zozzled
  • BE&A
  • BE&E
  • Be'er Sheva
  • Be'er Sheva
  • Be'er Sheva (Teyman) Airfield
  • Be'er Sheva (Teyman) Airport
  • Be'er Sheva Center railway station
  • Be'Er Sheva Fringe-fingered Lizard
  • Be'er Sheva Merkaz Railway Station
  • Be'er Sheva North Railway Station
  • Be'ér Sheva'
  • Be'ér Sheva'
  • Be'er Tuvia
  • Be'er Tuvia Regional Council
  • Be'er Ya'akov
  • Be'eroth Bene-Jaakan
  • Be'ersheba
  • Be'ersheba
  • Be'ezrat Ha'Jam
  • Be'lakor
  • Be'lal
  • be+present
  • Be, and it is
  • be, come, etc. within a whisker of something/of doing something
  • be, come, get, etc. in on the ground floor
  • be, etc. in/out of touch
  • be, feel, etc. out of sorts
  • be, get, etc. out of control
  • be, go, etc. out/out of the window
  • be, keep, etc. in touch
  • be, keep, etc. in trim
  • be, live, etc. in a world of your own
  • be, look, etc. set
  • be, stand, act, etc. shoulder to shoulder
  • be, stay, etc. young at heart
  • be, stay, stand, etc. stock-still
  • be-
  • be-
  • be-
  • be-
  • Be-all
  • be-all and end-all
  • be-all and end-all
  • be-all and end-all of
  • be-all and end-all of it
  • be-all and end-all of something
  • be-all and end-all, the
  • be-all end-all
  • be-all end-all of it
  • be-all end-all of something
  • be-all, end-all
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Meaning, Synonyms, Definition, Sentences, Antonyms.

What is it like to be present

But he had a chance to be present at her birth and early life.

But we are smart people, and in the long run we can fill our lives with what deserves to be in them.

You know, Victor, we received an invitation to attend the international meeting of Greenpeace members in Washington.

Sergeant Jeffords and I were unable to attend your performance.

The Deputy Commissioner said he wanted to be present at the autopsy.

He needed to attend official negotiations between the clans.

Didn't know Your Grace would be here.

I will not allow you to be present in the company of this devil.

This is a sacred holiday, so on the night of Christmas Orthodox parishioners gather in churches to attend the festive service.

Tenderness, compassion and respect must always be present in the family to make it friendly.

Lieutenant Dax has asked me to attend a very important meeting of all command staff in the conference room.

I know the public won't be there, but the announcement will have its effect.

But we don't allow journalists to be present at our discussions of punishments, do we?

He has earned the right to be present at the discovery of this cursed legendary Chalice.

Me and you, we will be present when Zack announces the New Acquisition Rules

Cousin Phoenix came from overseas for the special purpose of attending the wedding.

Blaze referred to his injury and apologized for not being able to attend.

You must ask the court for a stay so that you can attend the execution.

Aratap did not allow him to attend the burial in space.

I must be present at one sale, look at one collector of Chinese antiquities.

He wants to hold a solemn ceremony this winter, which will be attended by many high-ranking members of the Order.

Next week I will declare my bankruptcy, but I am not going to be present at the subsequent procedure.

I have an investigation that I must attend.

We have to attend the August presentation meeting.

Michael Scott is unable to attend due to an important emergency meeting.

The President and Secretary will report to the UN and attend the signing ceremony.

Some of the most famous names in the Chicago business community will be in attendance.

Captain Hornigold asked me to attend Captain Lawrence's final preparations before sailing.

All students are required to attend and anyone who fails the examination will be immediately expelled.

Therefore, for the application of the provisions of this Law, there must always be a connection with criminal activity.

While it is recognized that mercury will be present in the solid waste streams from oil refining, it is difficult to estimate the amount.

If everything goes well this afternoon, the household servants would like to attend.

If you feel uncomfortable attending any of the events and would not like to attend... organizations.

The Committee also decided to invite representatives of States Parties to attend this meeting and participate in the discussion.

We, as before, oppose the attempt to politicize the Geneva Conventions and will not be present at such a meeting if it takes place.

The accused must be present in person at the hearing and be represented by a lawyer.

In addition, the federation of NGOs must be consulted and the organization concerned must be present or represented in such proceedings.

Everyone from the fashion world was going to attend.

The highlight of the year will be a two-day Forum following the UN/CEFACT Plenary with over 500 participants.

Situations where armed fighters could be present among the refugees were very problematic in terms of security.

Often there are dark pressing matters, where we unfortunately have to be present.

The storage area must be locked and, in addition, security must be physically present.

The respective company no longer needs to be physically present in all international markets.

The Law requires banks to be licensed and physically present in this country.

No organization is entitled to attend meetings of the TIRExB unless it is a Contracting Party or an organization currently dealing with the TIR system.

We need to attend the meeting, wiretap Salvo, get in the know.

Observers may not attend a meeting at which this agenda item will be discussed.

In the opinion of Professor Pounder, in the case of tissue damage by stretching, there should not be any serious and visible injuries.

Specifying the nature of the crime is a fundamental element of criminal law and should be included in article 20.

A molecular sieve dryer is used to remove moisture and other impurities that may be present in the carrier gas.

And I just found out that the PE teacher will not be able to attend the game.

These provisions protect the professional status of lawyers and their right to be present at the investigation stage of a criminal case.

The least developed countries are the most affected by natural disasters and suffer most from the inability of organizations to attend meetings.

Club tastings will be attended by professional participants of the wine market: winemakers, wine experts, cavistas, sommeliers.

The group name as seen by the user. It will be visible to the user in the document structure if it contains elements belonging to the group.

The strategy must contain some agreed goal, the maximum program, which is executed using various tactics.

Please excuse me for not being able to attend due to a number of urgent business meetings.

As far as I know, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee intends to hold hearings on Russian influence in the near future, which will be attended by members of the presidential administration.

In addition, these meetings will be attended by all those Ministers of Northern Ireland whose duties are at least partly related to the issues on the agenda.

Mr. Macron will have the opportunity to boost his presidency at the upcoming NATO summit on May 25, which will be attended by Donald Trump, and at the G-7 summit on May 26-27.

All fairs and exhibitions where we must exhibit or attend are important.

Obama's comment made no mention of Russia's decision not to attend the summit or suspend security cooperation.

If the tenant cannot be physically present at the premises, the said obligation can be fulfilled by his or her proxy offers the EU.

He is often ridiculed by fans, and many believe that the head of the US baseball league, Bud Selig, should not be present at games where Bonds can establish or break a record.

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