Amiable personality type careers

How to Choose a Career Based on Your Personality Type

Sometimes you just need a job. But if you're embarking on your career or approaching a crossroads, you have the opportunity to ask not only where you can get a job that pays the bills, but what kind of job might make you happy.

Searching for the right career can be a stressful process. Not only do you have to look outward for new opportunities, but you must look inward to discover who you are — and what job will fit your personality.

I remember when I was laid off from my day job, I had to take my passions, my personality and my skill set and make sure they all fit nicely into the career possibilities I was considering.

You might be well aware of your passions and skills, but what about your personality type?

According to the Social Styles Model, there are four “styles,” or personality types:

  • driver
  • analytical
  • expressive
  • amiable

Take a look at each type and description, and consider some potential careers associated with each. Your next perfect job might be right around the corner.

What’s Ahead:


If you’re a driver, you come across as being bold. You make demands, and you expect others to follow them. You’re going to get things accomplished — sometimes no matter what the cost. You control emotions well, and others have difficulty knowing what you’re feeling in a given moment.

As a driver you’re best suited for a career in management. You’d fit in very well in a corporate management environment and will get things done through delegation. There are many different types of careers in management, from managing retail stores to overlooking production lines. As a driver, be careful not to come across as overbearing or rude … You might be even if you think you aren’t. Be cautious about entering into customer service positions.

Some career roles to consider for the driver include:

  • Police officer
  • Retail manager
  • Security guard
  • Event organizer


Do you think through things? Plan? Create to-do lists? You’re probably the analytical type. If you’re concerned about doing things the right way and planning every step, you easily fall into this personality type. Many who read personal finance blogs are analytical, as is evidenced by their love for budgets, numbers and long-term plans.

As an analytical person, top careers that fit your personality type include data entry, research and development, technical editing and many careers that require a great deal of focus. Unfortunately, because you’re analytical, speed of productivity is probably something you struggle with, so stay away from careers that require quantity over quality.

Some career roles to consider for the analytical individual include:

  • Tax preparer
  • Inventory specialist
  • Home auditor
  • Financial planner


If you’re that guy who is the life of the party, you’re probably of the expressive personality type. You get excited about new ideas, and you share them with just about everybody you meet. You probably don’t care so much about getting things done as you do about rallying the team and changing the culture.

Expressive individuals do an excellent job on camera. Their personality type attracts attention, and many times holds it. If this is you, think about careers where you can be on stage, entertain and express your passions. You’ll do best in the spotlight.

Some career roles to consider for the expressive individual include:

  • Musician
  • Marketing director
  • Artist
  • Sales person


If you’re easy going and simply want to live in peace, you’re of the amiable personality type. You don’t want to make waves; you want to relax. Decisions are for others to make, and you usually go with whatever everybody else is doing. You’re probably pretty emotional as well, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing … It’s just part of who you are.

Amiable individuals probably will struggle owning or managing a business. Instead, they should focus on careers working for a company as an employee who doesn’t have to make many decisions. They should consider jobs that are low stress and provide a relaxing atmosphere.

Some career roles to consider for the expressive individual include:

  • Massage therapist
  • Grocery store cashier
  • Career counselor
  • Widget maker

Final thoughts

If you’re struggling with which personality type you’re most like, that’s normal. You probably are a mixture of two (or sometimes more) types. However, you’ll probably find yourself identifying with one particular personality type the most. The purpose of this article is to get you thinking about careers that fit your personality, but don’t let this limit your options.

Years ago, when I first started looking for a new career, I sought out a career/life coach who helped me clearly define my perfect job. He helped me to realize I could achieve my dreams, if only I tried. His advice proved valuable, and today I’m in a career I greatly enjoy. I suggest you do the same. Find someone in your life who will help you in the process of discovering your ideal career, and you’ll be well on your way to a better career and a better life.

What personality type(s) are you? How will that knowledge affect your career pursuit?

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About the author

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Bob Lotich

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Bob Lotich is a full-time blogger who regularly writes about personal finance and online business. You can find more from him at Christian Personal Finance.

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Tales of working with people with Amiable personality types — bright yellow coaching

As a Driver personality, the Amiable style is diametrically opposite to me and therefore one that, as a leader, I found the most challenging to work with.

When Amiables are in a good place, they are your social secretaries, your peace makers, the supportive cheer leaders working towards to the team effort and just lovely to have around.

When they are not at their best they can be divisive and quietly disruptive, all the while telling you everything is fine.

I have had a few experiences where, for fear of damaging inter-personal relationships within the team, people I was working with would not speak up and say they were unhappy or needing reassurance and support.  Either with other team members, with their career progression or indeed with me.

As a leader you pick up on this change in dynamic fairly quickly but it is difficult to be able to solve problems and help get things dealt with (Driver talk again!) if someone isn’t talking to you.  And where you have multiple Amiables within a small group, they can start to collude with each other and give in to the ‘consensus’ rather than stand up for what they really think.

Very early on in my leadership career I had a team member in a role where there was no linear upward progression.  We had explored various alternative options with the business, of which none appealed, so we focussed on skills development for as long as we could, with what I thought was a mutual understanding that this person would likely choose to leave once they felt they had learned what they could from the role.  I succession planned, committed what time I could to train and mentor, and felt like the role I was taking in this understanding was satisfactory and providing the reassurance and support that the individual was seeking.

After a while, a clique started to form within what had previously been a relatively stable team and I was surprised to realise that it was becoming quite negative, which was seeping out to the wider team.

I went in to trouble shooting mode and tried to start chipping away at the complaints and gripes that were coming forward as dutifully and transparently as I could, but nothing seemed to work.   It just kept getting worse (looking back now as they progressed through the stress Z pattern – more to come on this later in the series) to the point where team members not in the clique were unhappy about the clique and the whole team felt like it was in flux.

After some reflection and collaboration with other leaders in the business I identified what I deemed to be the source of the issue and took a punt.  I addressed what was going on under the table in a 121 with my unhappy Amiable and called out the complaints I was getting from the team, rather than how I saw things, which mortified them.  I reminded them of how, according to them, they had no choice but to leave to get the type of role they wanted and asked them to consider whether this was still true and what they were going to do about it, with my support? I was definitely in driver mode, but it forced them to take control of their options, driven by their people orientation preference.  They resigned within a month and as soon as they left it was like a huge cloud was lifted.   The transformation in the team was significant and fast. And they went on to be very happy in a job that suited them perfectly, which I was very pleased about.

Tracy James is a global Team and Leadership coach specialising in SME, Tech and Marketing. She works with existing and aspiring leaders looking to up-level, achieve fulfilment and lead effectively and authentically with intentional influence and impact. Subscribe to her newsletter at, connect with her @brightyellowcoaching, or book a free discovery call to discuss what you could achieve together.

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Personality types: main differences and their characteristics

Contents of the article

All people are different: someone likes to lead an active lifestyle and communicate a lot, it is easier for someone not to stand out among others, someone is prone to sensitivity and excessive self-criticism. Since ancient times, scientists and philosophers have been interested in the topic of personality classification, many theories have been developed, some of which have become part of modern psychology. In this article, we will briefly analyze the psychological types that the Soviet scientist A.E. Lichko developed while observing adolescents. It is in adolescence that individual character traits and psychological characteristics are quite strongly manifested, which are smoothed out during growing up, but can manifest themselves at a moment of crisis. Even more types of personality classifications can be found in the free online course "Typology of Personality" on the platform "Russia - a country of opportunities".

Asthenoneurotic type

People with a weak nervous system who are characterized by low stamina, irritability and overwork. They get tired more from psychological stress than from physical exertion. When working for a long time, they need frequent breaks, in general they like to work at their own pace. Such people are hard to switch from one activity to another, it is better not to distract them from the process once again. Any unforeseen situations cause them irritability and anxiety. But these people are very careful and disciplined, they can spend hours doing monotonous work that does not require speed.

Unstable type

Complex personality type, which is characterized by irresponsibility, idleness and addiction, for example, from alcohol, drugs, games. Such people strive for pleasure, they want to constantly relax and have fun. They often have problems with work, they do not want to study and grow professionally. This type of personality can be called a real hedonist who sees entertainment and enjoyment as the main goal of his life. The positive features include openness and sociability.

Conformal type

People who strive to live like everyone else and do not want to stand out from the crowd once again. The opinion of others is very important to them, they try to earn the praise and approval of others. Basically, the way of life of such people directly depends on the society in which they live. If there are religious people around them, then the conformist will be a believer to the point of fanaticism. It is also difficult for them to change something in their lives, it is difficult to pull them out of their comfort zone. Positive features include low conflict, friendliness, devotion and diligence.

Labile type

Empathic people who can feel the mood and feelings of others well. They often make outstanding psychologists and social workers. They are open and always ready to help and support with a kind word. But this type is very sensitive and touchy, does not tolerate criticism in his address, cannot stand loneliness and changes in life.

Cycloid type

People who are prone to sudden mood swings experience strong emotions - either they are overly happy, or they feel sad on the verge of depression. They cope with internal experiences for a long time, they are distinguished by excitability and irritability, sometimes aggressiveness. The positive traits include sociability and friendliness.


People with excessive impressionability, vulnerability and openness. They can get excited about simple things that most people don't notice. They also keep pleasant and unpleasant memories for many years, which flash in memory as if in reality. This type of personality is difficult to tolerate public criticism, is very afraid of being ridiculed. Positive traits include increased morality, compassion and sociability.

Psychasthenic type

People who are prone to introspection and reflection like to delve into themselves and criticize for shortcomings. They have an excellent memory, so they remember their mistakes well and often engage in self-flagellation. Hence, they have a lack of confidence in their abilities, they take too long to make decisions, doubt and are afraid to stumble again. The positive features include loyalty and reliability, they will never betray loved ones and will always stand up for their own.

Schizoid type

Closed and unsociable people who do not know how or do not want to build close relationships with others. But they do a great job of maintaining business relationships. They have a rich inner world, into which they prefer not to let anyone in. Many people have high intelligence and out-of-the-box thinking. But they practically do not know how to recognize other people's emotions.

Epileptoid type

The most complex type of people, prone to breakdowns, aggression and pedantry. They seek to subjugate everyone, to win an authoritarian position. Such people do not know how to build friendly relations at all, they can vent evil on others, they are very scrupulous about the work of employees. But personalities of this type can be strong leaders.

Hysterical type

Personality type requiring increased attention to oneself. They need constant admiration and reverence. Indifference to their person is the worst scenario for them. Such people are prone to fantasy and lies in order to create a vivid image for themselves. However, they make excellent actors and presenters.

Hyperthymic type

Active and cheerful people who are almost always in high spirits. They are sociable, a little frivolous, generally do not tolerate monotony and monotony, often prone to unjustified risk.

instructions for use - Career on

Almost every team has at least one employee with a dominant personality type. They are motivated by winning, competing and achieving results. They are bossy and confident, but can also be stubborn, aggressive, and overly direct.


Working with such people is not easy, especially if you yourself are a reserved, sensitive and not at all pushy person. But if you want to succeed in your career, it is important to learn how to work with all colleagues, including those with a dominant personality type.

Here are 6 ways to effectively build relationships with them.

1. Focus on the what, not the how.

The dominant type is task oriented. He cares about results, not processes. When talking to him, focus on concrete, tangible facts. It's better to make direct statements than to have a brainstorming session. Talk about how your proposal affects the end result and expected results.

2. Skip polite phrases.

Dominant personality types work in A.S.A.P. and value efficiency. These are the type of colleagues with whom it is better to omit pleasantries and get straight to the point. For example, omit phrases like "How are you?" or "I hope you're doing well" at the beginning of emails. Similarly, in a meeting, jump straight to the agenda.

Do not waste the dominant type's time retelling events, repeating details, or giving your opinion. Start with your key message and focus on the essentials.

3. Give them independence.

To influence an employee with a dominant personality type, you must understand that he is driven by the desire to achieve and control. The more space you give this person to solve problems and make decisions on their own, the more effectively they will work. Dominant personalities value autonomy, so don't be surprised if one-on-one encounters are brief or non-existent. Before delegating authority to an employee with a dominant personality type, make sure that the areas of authority are clearly defined and articulated. Give him bold, ambitious long-term goals so that he constantly strives for more.

4. Explain why they need to change something.

When giving these people feedback on their work, focus on how the behavior changes you are asking for will help them achieve their goals and achieve better results. For example: “Your directness negatively affects your direct reports. If team members leave, it will mean that you will have fewer resources to carry out client sales, and therefore you may not achieve your goals.”

You can also use comparison as a way to constructively motivate employees with a dominant personality style. For example, highlight competitors that perform better to push them to develop.

5. Fill in the blanks.

Healthy, productive teams are made up of employees with different personality types.

While dominant types tend to innovate and progress, they can also ignore risks and act too quickly. If you tend to make decisions more carefully and deliberately, you can bring stability and rationality to the process. Similarly, you can be the one who breaks down ambitious plans into detail and directs the actual implementation.

6. Don't take their actions personally.

Employees with a dominant personality type may respond harshly. Remember that their harshness does not mean they are angry, upset, or disrespectful of you. Most likely, they ask you tough questions because they want to get your attention. Brevity and some harshness in communication is part of their usual behavior, and not a reflection of their personal attitude towards you.

If you yourself are trying to gain more weight in the team, if you lack self-confidence, and you tend to think over your decisions for too long, then you have a lot to learn from dominant types.

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