Am ia geek
1. Have you ever been called a 'geek' or a 'nerd'? | Yes No |
2. Have you ever played War Hammer? | Yes No |
3. Do you know how to program a calculator? | Yes No |
4. Do you often correct people on spelling or grammar? | Yes No |
5. Have you ever solved a Rubik's cube? | Yes No |
6. Do you enjoy jigsaw puzzles? | Yes No |
7. Do you know the difference between ROM and RAM? | Yes No |
8. | Yes No |
9. Are you a member of any fan clubs? | Yes No |
10. Were you in the 'clever' class for maths at school? | Yes No |
11. Have you ever played Dungeons and Dragons? | Yes No |
12. Do you like Star Trek? | Yes No |
13. Do you use computers on a daily basis, outside of work? | Yes No |
14. Have you ever won a spelling or maths competition? | Yes No |
15. Do you visit museums of your own free will? | Yes No |
16.![]() | Yes No |
17. Have you ever worn a costume 'just for fun'? | Yes No |
18. Have you ever been to the cinema on your own? | Yes No |
19. Would you turn down a party invite if you were near the end of a good book? | Yes No |
20. Have you read a comic after the age of 14? | Yes No |
21. Have you ever fantasised about working for Microsoft? | Yes No |
22. Do you believe in 'The Force'? | Yes No |
23.![]() | Yes No |
24. Have you ever watched anything on the Sci-Fi channel? | Yes No |
25. Do you own a Slinky? | Yes No |
26. Do you own more that 1 kind of dictionary? | Yes No |
27. Do you like number puzzles? | Yes No |
28. Have you ever considered trying out for Mensa? | Yes No |
29. Are you already a member of Mensa? | Yes No |
30. Do you wear a bum-bag when you are on holiday? | Yes No |
31.![]() | Yes No |
32. Have you ever collected anything? | Yes No |
33. Could you write a basic computer programme? | Yes No |
34. Have you ever designed a robot? | Yes No |
35. Have you ever attempted to build a robot? | Yes No |
36. Do you have more than 2 e-mail addresses? | Yes No |
37. Do you know the value of Pi beyond 3.14? | Yes No |
38. Have you ever worked in a 'geeky' job? | Yes No |
39.![]() | Yes No |
40. Have you ever 'been friends' with someone on the internet? | Yes No |
Are You Actually a Nerd, Geek, or Dork?
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Star Wars vs. Star Trek, Mac vs. PC, iPhone vs. Android…
…These are battles fought on a daily basis, with each side rallying behind their clear cut differences to the other side. However, there is another battle which is much less defined and much more confusing (and we’re not talking about cShow More
Star Wars vs. Star Trek, Mac vs. PC, iPhone vs. Android…
…These are battles fought on a daily basis, with each side rallying behind their clear cut differences to the other side. However, there is another battle which is much less defined and much more confusing (and we’re not talking about current events in the Middle East.)
Nerd, Geek, Dork… Words that were born as pure insults in the past are now labels that many wear proudly. But do you know the differences between the three? Take this quiz to find out, and learn which camp you belong to!
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Someone stops you on the street to ask for directions. How do you respond?
Ready? Scroll down to answer
- I scoff and then tell them to use Google Maps.
- I point them towards the nearest library and tell them to go from there.
- I gladly point them towards their destination, as I’m largely familiar with the area.
- I pretend to not hear them and then dart across the street, largely out of shame and fear.
Someone quotes a line from one of your favorite movies/anime/TV show/book. You immediately...
Ready? Scroll down to answer
- Try to correct them, but end up also being corrected by someone else.
- Ignore it, as what’s more important is analyzing the intricacies of the plot.
- Recite the correct line, then berate them for not being a true fan.
- Laugh it off, it’s no big deal.
Would you rather spend money on things or experiences?
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Things... to enhance my room/workplace!
Experiences... to enrich my life!
A group of like-minded friends want to hang out at your place.

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- A tabletop RPG, where we continue our last campaign from last week.
- Watch, then discuss the latest and greatest TED talks.
- All my friends are too ‘busy’ to hang out with me!
- A Netflix and popcorn night.
Which cuddly critter making a funny face do you like?
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One of your favorite movies is out in theaters tomorrow. You...
Ready? Scroll down to answer
- Can’t watch it because your mom/dad/relative won’t drive you.
- Dress up as the hero/villain and line up early for the premiere
- Wait for the Bluray release, as it’s more efficient than going to the movies.
- Buy advance tickets online and show up early to get a good seat.
You're out on a first date with someone you're totally into. What's your first question?
Ready? Scroll down to answer
- I don’t go on dates, I have more productive uses of my time.
- What superpowers we would both want, and how it relates to our favorite superheroes.
- I usually call off the date because I get overly anxious about what to talk about.
- Ask about their interests and what they like about me.
Which of these events would you be comfortable at?
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Ready? Scroll down to answer
- …is power.
- …is half the battle.
- …is secondary to nunchuck, bow hunting, and computer hacking skills.
- …has to be improved, challenged, and increased constantly, or it vanishes.
You find an extra $20 bill in your pocket. What do you buy with it?
Ready? Scroll down to answer
- A shiny new figurine for my desk.
- My next meal or snack.
- Renew a trade magazine subscription.
- I hold onto it tight – I lost a $20 bill earlier.
You're stuck in a stalled elevator for 8 hours. Who would you want to be stuck with?
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Nathan Fillion!
Neil deGrasse Tyson!
I'd rather freak out alone.
An elevator technician!
What matters to you more: character or reputation?
Ready? Scroll down to answer
Character... I stay true to myself!
Reputation... determines a lot in life!
Name this celebrity!
Ready? Scroll down to answer
- I have no idea nor interest in knowing who this is.
- Kim Kardashian!
- Her last name sounds like ‘Cardassian’, which is a species in Star Trek!
- Someone who’s way out of my league.
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I'm a geek, and that's fine / / Nezavisimaya gazeta
Second Comic Con Russia: Theon Greyjoy, Deadpool, sex criminals and cosplayers
Guests of Comic Con Russia were able to feel like superheroes in real life.
"Nazgul smoke too," the guy who cosplays the Joker in a hospital gown remarks phlegmatically, and takes a puff. The Nazgûl do indeed smoke while exchanging words. Nearby is the exorcist John Constantine from the Hellblazer comics. It smokes after the prototype, although outwardly it looks more like a version from a closed film adaptation series, where Konstantin, according to the rules of television, at first only clicked a lighter. The second exhibition of Comic Con Russia, doubled with Igromir, which is being held for the tenth time, gives a lot of anecdotes. Here is a man dressed as Mario putting on lenses in the toilet. Or the Witcher drinks Coca-Cola. Or a young man dressed as Spider-Man, who came to the presentation of the Sex Offenders and Deadpool Destroys Literature comics, when Deadpool claims that he has a better sense of humor than Spidey, shouts loudly from his row: “I'm joking funny! » In addition, it is simply a paradise for photographers. Igromir / Comic Con can be described through basic spells: a lot of cosplayers, Youtube stars, joyful people in T-shirts with the logo of popular games, TV shows or comic book characters, a myriad of pictures captured on cameras or mobile phones (there are no number of selfie sticks either). Probably, someone's social networks were just bursting with details of who was and what was at the Russian Comic Con. And it's better to start with what was not. nine0003
It's really strange to explain that everything is fine with the people who came to the Crocus Expo, at least for the most part. This is not a four-day children's party, where some teenagers in costumes of heroes of games, films, TV shows and comics selflessly pretend to be characters from other worlds, while others play along with them and joyfully take pictures. Once upon a time, the fraternal Igromir was held at VDNKh and could be called a demonstration of the achievements of the domestic gaming industry. The place of deployment has changed, but the principle is the same: Comic Con is a gathering place and roll call for most of the Russian institutions and companies working with geek culture - from modest hand-made shops, comics publishers or services for broadcasting Western TV series that people watch avidly both adults and children, to the booth of the film company, rolling the potential blockbuster "Deadpool" with Ryan Reynolds. Probably, on this occasion, there were, it seems, more cosplayers in Deadpool costumes than others - even the Jokers and Spider-Man made room. nine0003
Actor Alfie Allen (Theon Greyjoy from Game of Thrones) became a special guest of the festival. Photo by the author |
The endless mention of Deadpool is not accidental, he is the perfect illustration for Comic Con Russia. A semi-mad and near-immortal mercenary from the Marvel Universe, he knows he's a comic book hero. Deadpool appeals to the reader, breaks the "fourth wall" and even tries to cut this damn chain, according to which the characters do not die completely, but are endlessly reborn - in a new guise, with the help of magic, and you never know how else to not lose fans. Quite a Brechtian character. Cosplayers and people in funny hats, in general, are the same: they perfectly understand their role and what a person in zombie makeup looks like with an energy drink or a burger in his hand. nine0003
If we kill two birds with one stone of the still existing prejudice at once, then comics are not only for children and not only about superheroes (it's amazing how many other people this truism is the discovery of America). For example, on the stand of Chuk and Geek, probably the most famous comics outlet in Moscow, one could see a hefty volume of Art Spiegelman's Maus, an almost naively drawn Holocaust story in which Spiegelman retells his father's macabre biography using as characters of cats (fascists) and mice (Jews). The comic won a Pulitzer Prize and should probably be read in school. There are more recent but less serious examples, such as Matt Fraction's Hawkeye, a resourceful story about the boring everyday life of a superhero with no special abilities that reads like a loser's ordeal in a big city - the plot of any of your favorite sitcoms. By the way, during Comic Con, the comic book dealer resourcefully suggested to the girl: “Take the Hawkeye, your T-shirt is purple and black - the color of Hawkeye. ” The girl, who turned out to be English, thoughtfully looked at the comic, then at the young man behind the counter, said to her companion: “Nice” - and went on with a smile. nine0003
There were a lot of smiles, which is also usually emphasized: in the company of Finn and Jake, on the Iron Throne of Westeros, even in queues for video games, but most of all, of course, next to the stage where special guests of the exhibition performed - Alfie Allen (Theon Greyjoy from Game of Thrones), Summer Glau (Firefly and Terminator: Battle for the Future), Tricia Helfer (Battlestar Galactica) and Anthony Daniels, best known for his role as C-3PO in Star Wars. Having bought a special ticket, the lucky ones could stand in line to their favorite actor, get an autograph and take a photo in a special room. There were many who wanted to. nine0003
And here begins my desynchronization with the celebration of geek culture, with the feeling that this is a sparkling market somewhere on Tatooine or the crowded streets of a fictional city in the Hellboy film adaptation, Diagon Alley full of pleasant little things, or just a colorful place with a high concentration of like-minded people or people addicted to something close. (Yes, the comparisons are so-so, but in a stream of bright people you feel something similar.) It seems that, first of all, Comic Con is an advertising platform (it would be strange if it wasn’t used like that at all), where trailers that already exist are played on the Internet, where stores that work daily in Moscow gather in one place (for the lazy), where they loudly warm up the crowd to the exit of Alfie Allen, and then ask him three questions in a row, they say, how does he manage to play such a broken character as Theon "Stinky" Greyjoy, and he finds in himself reserves of fantasy to respond to this stream of ingenuity in different ways. nine0003
Of course, this is all growing pains - people who love comics, cosplay, games and TV shows have noticed that they have been allocated four halls, and in the future, one must think, even bigger stars from both the world of cinema and the comics industry will come, to sit on the Alley of Authors, sign their works and exchange a few words with fans. And those who came for Summer Glau's autograph may have been shocked by the Batman v Superman trailer (well, not everyone watches them on the Internet) or learned about the existence of a real comic book store, not yet the same as in Europe or America, but that's it. the same, or sat down with friends to try out an unknown board game - and fell in love with all their hearts. And here you already need to be patient - only Mad Max survives and grows on bare ground. On the other hand, Igromir rumbles before your eyes, the same realm of queues, e-sports and incredibly long-legged girls who, like sirens, lure someone into something to play. Ten years ago, at the first Igromir, it was about the same, only then badges were thrown into the crowd, and the word “freebie” was not in the air with such a thrill of dissatisfaction (freebie, come!). Sometimes thoughts even creep in, and am I too old for this mess (actually not). Nevertheless, it was nice to plunge into this whirlpool. Nevertheless, I leave the Myakinino station, which seems to be separated from Moscow by Narnia, Mordor and the Narrow Sea, with a fresh Sex Criminals comic book under my arm and the thought of returning again next year - suddenly there will be more pleasant little things.
Book "Favorite puzzles" Geek E Ya
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