Am i hurt quiz
Quiz: How Emotionally Healthy Are You?
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1. You wake up feeling down. Do you:- A. Talk to somebody
- B. Stay in bed
- C.
Do something you enjoy
- D. Eat chocolate
- A. I talk to someone straight away
- B. I ignore it and hope it goes away
- C. I eat chocolate to make me feel better
- D. I exercise or do another activity I enjoy

- A. Cram as much studying in as possible
- B. Make a revision plan
- C. Ignore it and go out more
- D. Study but make time for socialising too
- A. I go to bed really late and struggle to get up in the morning
- B.
I always wake up feeling refreshed
- C. I have more broken nights sleep than full nights sleep
- D. I sleep well most nights
- A. I eat more or reach for the junk food
- B. It doesn’t affect my appetite
- C. I lose my appetite and don’t eat as much
- D.
I try to eat well and have a balanced diet
- A. Several times a day
- B. Never
- C. Only under exceptional circumstances or if something serious has happened
- D. Several times a week
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Am I hurting him? Take the quiz
By -
Created: Jul 17, 2015, 00:00 IST
Take this quiz to find out if you are hurting your partner by your behaviour…
Did you know that you may be hurting your partner by the way you talk to him? If you thought that physical violence was the only type of abuse then you were wrong. Abuse could be verbal as well as emotional like calling him names, putting him down, isolating him and trying to control him in various ways. Though you may not be doing it willfully but your actions might be interpreted as hurtful and abusive. Take this quiz to find out…
Do you forget to thank your partner when he/she does something nice for you?
A. No. I never forget to thank him B. Sometimes
C. I never really remember thanking him for anything at all.
I ignore his calls if I don’t feel like talking.
A. No. Unless I am in an important meeting
B. I don’t usually do this
C. Of course I do.
I feel jealous of my partner’s new friend
A Never
B Sometimes
C All the time
I have trouble making time to listen to him when something is bothering him?
A. No, I always make time for him
B. I have too much work most of the time
C. Yes, that is true
I discourage my partner from trying something new or joining a new club?
A Not really
B We discuss everything before we take the decision
C He is incapable that’s why
I get upset when my partner wants to hang out with his/her friends or family?
A No. in fact we all go out together
B He goes out with them too often
C Yes, I do
I make fun of my partner or call him names.
A No
B Sometimes
C All the time!
I make fun of my partner's appearance
A No
B Sometimes
C LOL. He has the weirdest dressing sense
I accuse my partner of flirting or cheating even if I'm not sure that's what happened?
A Never
B Not without evidence
C Yes. Because I know that he is a flirt
I throw things if I'm angry at my partner or do things like hit walls or drive dangerously
A Never
B Very rarely
C Oh yes. All the time
I read my partner's mail/email or go through their personal things, like wallet or purse
A That would be an invasion of privacy and I’d never do that
B Not really
C Of course! We are ‘partners’ aren’t we?
I try to make my partner feel guilty about things they have no control over
A Never
B Sometimes
C All the time
I sometimes say things to my partner knowing that they will be hurtful
A Yes
B Umm… when provoked
C Yes. I need him to know how it feels
Your answers:
Mostly As: Congratulations! You are definitely not the type to hurt your partner. You seem to be someone who is very mindful of your actions and respectful of your partner’s feelings. There are the building blocks to a healthy relationship. Keeping things on a good track takes some work so keep at it! As long as you and your partner continue to work at it, your relationship should keep growing in a healthy direction.
Mostly Bs: There may be a couple of things in your relationship that could use a little attention. Nobody is perfect in a relationship in everything they say or do. But it is important that we be as mindful as possible of our actions, to make sure that we’re not hurting our partners and relationships. Be aware of each other’s feelings by always keeping the communication flowing. It’s possible that some of your actions may hurt your partner and possibly affect your relationship. While the behaviors may not necessarily be abusive, they can worsen over time if you don’t stop them and correct them now. You and your partner deserve to be in a healthy relationship.
Mostly Cs: You may be showing signs of real abuse in your actions. You may not realize it, but your behaviors can be damaging your partner and creating an abusive relationship that may be hard to undo. The first step to ending these behaviors is becoming aware of them and admitting that they are wrong. It’s important to take responsibility for the problem and get help to end it. Changing abusive behaviors can be a long and hard process so it’s important that you get help to work through it.
This is what Payal Rohatgi had to say: I strongly believe in the dictum, ‘Men are from Mars and women are from Venus’. We have completely different ways of looking at things. In the relationships that I have been in earlier I have made sure to appreciate my partner. Men usually go with the flow but sometimes they do things that completely blows you off your feet. When my guy has made me feel special and done something nice for me I have made it a point to thank him and appreciate his efforts. I am a moody person by nature and do have mood swings sometimes. In times like these if my guy calls me up I politely refuse to talk to him and say that I would call him back later or I text him. I would not ignore my partner just because I am not in the mood to talk. In every relationship one needs space. It can be too stifling if partners are always together. I am an financially independent, strong and confident woman and if my guy wants to spend time with his family or friends, I would definitely not want to interfere. Just like I need time for myself when I am in a relationship I would give time to my partner too. I would never knowingly hurt anyone.
End of the article
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Quiz "Very important words" - correctional school, events
Festive quiz "Very important words"
Goals: Repeat and reinforce forms of polite treatment with people. Deepening students' knowledge about the richness, expressiveness, figurativeness of the Russian language. Formation of interest in the native language, literate and clean speech. The development of the intellectual and creative potential of students, the skills of a culture of communication.
Quiz progress:
- Hello, dear guys!
- We welcome all participants of the holiday quiz "Very important words"!
Let's get to know each other better!
Before starting the quiz, I suggest you get to know each other better.
Game exercise "Applause"
Tell about yourself with the help of applause.
- Let the strongest boys applaud!
- Let the most beautiful girls applaud!
- And now those who love to eat delicious food!
- And now those who are often late for class!
- Those who love spring!
- Those who love to dance
- Those who love chocolates!
2. Exercise "Box of sensations"
-Guys, what is in this box?
- Can't see it, it's closed.
-How can you find out?
You can put your hands in the “windows and touch” (Children one by one find objects by touch)
- What did you feel, tell your feelings.
- (This item is soft, warm).
-Soft, like what?
- (Like a cloud, soft toy, balloon).
-What did you feel when you stroked him?
- (I was pleased, it seemed to me that “this”, something good, good).
-And who has other sensations
-(I don't know, something prickly, with needles).
-What did you feel?
- (I was afraid that the needles were sharp, I might get hurt, it would hurt me).
- Guys, this is how the words in our speech are good and evil, they can not only be heard, but also felt. Polite, kind words are pleasant for every person, and rude, evil words offend a person, hurt him. With the help of polite words, you can even restore a good mood to a sad or offended person.
3. "Qualities of a well-mannered person"
-What do we call a person who knows a lot of kind and pleasant words and is not shy about saying them in a conversation? (POLITE)
-Name the qualities of a polite, well-mannered person.
A polite person is not born, but made.
Song “If there were no schools”
-Who helps us to become well-mannered and polite people?
4. Polite-impolite game
- Listen to the rules of the game: if I read about a polite act, you raise your big finger. When I read about an impolite act, you stomp your feet. Shall we start?
- Say hello when meeting ...
- Push and do not apologize ...
- Whistling, shouting, making noise at school ...
- Give way to elders ...
- Answer the phone during class ...
- Help upstairs stairs…
- call off the offensive word ...
- talk loudly in public places ...
- thank the hosts for treats ...
- say goodbye, leaving ...
5. "Sloves a word"
- how nice it is to see the smiling smiling face, to hear affectionate words addressed to you. And then your mood becomes upbeat, cheerful. It’s also nice for people to hear kind, kind words from you.
Riddles (slides)
"A song about polite words"
6. "Don't make a mistake, please!"
- Let's get some rest. Let's play the game "Don't make a mistake, please!"
I will give commands, but you will only carry out those in which there are “magic words”.
So let's get started! Make no mistake, please!
Please stand up!
Hands up.
Please raise your hands!
Please clap your hands!
Please clap!
Please jump!
Please, hands forward.
To the sides.
Put your hands down, please.
Sit quietly.
Please, sit down in your seats.
7. Game exercise "Greetings"
We greet different parts of the body.
- Now you have to randomly move around the room and greet the children with those parts of the body that I will name. In doing so, your goal is to greet as many of your friends as possible.
- Let's get started!
Say hello, please:
Arms, shoulders, backs,
Heads, heels, legs.
8. Find the mistake (Slides)
9. “It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!”
- If the question teaches kindness to kindness, you answer in unison: "It's me, it's me, these are all my friends." And if the riddle is not to your liking, keep silent.
Which of you wake up cheerfully "Good morning!" say firmly?
Which of you, tell me, brothers, forgets to wash?
Which one of you in the cramped minibus gives way to the elders?
Which of you is silent like a fish instead of a kind "thank you"?
Who wants to be polite, doesn't offend kids?
10. "Speech situations" (slide)
-Come up with a dialogue using polite words for these situations.
1 group - you forgot the pen;
Group 2 - call a friend, one of the adults answered the phone;
Group 3 - met a friend who had not been seen for a long time.
11. Ceremony of awarding the winners of the competition of readers "Poems are different."
12. “We swear to be polite!”
Participants of the quiz take an oath.
We swear to be polite!
Always say “thank you”,
“Good afternoon”, “goodbye” -
There is no higher title in the world!
We swear to be polite!
Forget both laziness and rudeness,
Learn etiquette -
Remember this science.
We swear to be polite!
Get good in the fight against evil,
Smite the ignorant with a magic sword,
Both with a strict word and a healing one.
All (in unison).
We swear to be polite!
13. Summing up. Congratulations.
- Dear guys! Our "Very important words" quiz is over. I believe that true friends will never disappear from our lives, educated people who can always come to the rescue, protect the weak, strong, courageous and noble people - polite people!
Quizzes and quests
Published: 07 July 2022 Category: Quizzes and quests
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July 8 marks the 475th anniversary of the writing of The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom
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If you already know this love story, answer the questions of the quiz "Under the cover of Peter and Fevronia."
And if you are not yet familiar with the story of Murom wonderworkers, patron saints of family and marriage, you can watch the cartoon.
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Published: 06 May 2022 Category: Quizzes and quests
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The years of the Great Patriotic War go further and further into the past. This is a huge spiritual wound in human hearts. The memory of the war... You can't erase it over the years... It is eternal. And while we remember those who left us, they are near, they are with us. This means that the link between generations is alive. We have not seen the war, but we know about it from books and films, less often from the stories of those who suffered it. Literature helps to present this feat in all details, to resume the heroic and tragic pages of the war. New novels, stories and poems are added to the works written about the war in hot pursuit every year. They are written by authors who themselves were participants in the war, and authors from whom it took away their childhood. The more time passes, the more severe, more truthful is the war, its blood, pain, filth, hunger and cruelty.
Let's remember the works about the war together and answer the questions of the literary quiz "Their feat on the pages of books" for students in grades 1-9. =>
Certificates will be given to all quiz participants who answered more than 50% of the questions correctly (attention! the first time!) from May 6 to May 10 (inclusive), 2022.
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We have prepared for you the quest "BE HEALTHY!". To receive a certificate, send a code phrase to the VKontakte community, Lysva Central Children's Library ( by April 15.
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On March 21, the world celebrates the International Day of Forests or World Day for the Protection of Forests, which was founded in 1971 and has been celebrated every year since then. The forest is a source of energy for man.
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We invite you to complete the Quest "Forest of Wonders". To receive a certificate of participation, send a code phrase to the VKontakte community, Lysva Central Children's Library (vk. com) (Be sure to indicate your full name and institution) or download the certificate from the link provided. Answers are accepted until March 31.
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On March 18, the Russian Federation celebrates the Day of the reunification of Crimea with Russia.
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Crimea is a truly fabulous country with a long and interesting history, famous cities, warm sea, amazing nature... We invite you to take the Feelword "I am Crimea". To receive a certificate of participation, send a code phrase to the VKontakte community of the Lysva Central Children's Library ( or download the certificate from the link provided. (Be sure to indicate your full name and institution). Answers are accepted until March 25.
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Views: 411
#We are together #We are one #Russia unites
#Libraries of Lysva
Friends, we congratulate you on the DAY OF NATIONAL UNITY!
We offer to pass the online quest "In unity is our strength." Send the passphrase to the VKontakte community and download the certificate.
Answers are accepted until November 10th.
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Published: 02 September 2021 Category: Quizzes and quests
Views: 327
This year marks the 105th anniversary of the birth of the Permian writer Vladimir Ivanovich Vorobyov (1916-1992), whose books have been loved by several generations of readers, especially the famous children's fairy tale "Caprice". Vladimir Ivanovich wrote mainly for children. He confessed: " My life turned out like this: I visited different parts of the country, I saw enough of different people, I heard enough of different stories. But for a long time he could not find a job to his liking. He was a teacher, then a worker. He worked as a mechanic and as a doctor's assistant. But most of all I liked to talk about what I saw and heard. But all this is not just for fun, but for someone to benefit from it. It was most necessary to compose and tell for children, because they want to learn everything as soon as possible. It is for them that I write stories and fairy tales. Is there any benefit for the kids? I hope there is. I tell them directly and in hints about how to be happy. And who doesn't want to be happy? Everyone wants. Truth?"
The main thing in life and work for him was “ to tell the guys how to be happy. Don't pretend to be happy, but be! This is a difficult and responsible business, because children are serious people, and it is necessary to talk with them on an equal footing. My recipe for happiness may seem very simple: the main thing in life is to find your own business. Only then will you be happy, only then will life be very interesting for you. And you need to live every day, you don’t need to put off life for tomorrow .
Every child goes through this difficult period of self-affirmation and denial of everything in the world. And the pranks and impudence of Kaprizka allow the child, as in a role-playing game, to live out his " I " mischievous, his potential for an independent child's personality - and at the same time, (this is very important!), remain loved. Reading Caprice to a child at night is an empty business - he will not fall asleep. The end of one chapter promises the beginning of a new story, and then there's more...
Complete the quest « I don't want to become a Nichevok! » and download the e-certificate. Good luck!
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Published: 26 August 2021 Category: Quizzes and quests
Views: 293
2021 marks the 250th anniversary of the birth of the world famous English writer, poet and historian Walter Scott.
He was born in Edinburgh (Scotland) on August 15, 1771 in the family of a lawyer, his mother was the daughter of a professor of medicine at the University of Edinburgh. At an early age, he suffered from childhood paralysis, which led to atrophy of the muscles of his right leg and lifelong lameness. Despite his physical handicap, already at an early age he amazed those around him with a lively mind and a phenomenal memory. In college, Walter became interested in mountaineering, became stronger physically and gained popularity among his peers as an excellent storyteller. He read a lot, including ancient authors, was fond of novels and poetry, he emphasized the traditional ballads and legends of Scotland.
"Ivanhoe" is the first novel in which Walter Scott addresses a purely English theme, depicting the enmity between the Anglo-Saxons and the Normans during the reign of Richard I. The hero of the novel, the young knight Wilfred Ivanhoe, defends his honor and rights, his beloved lady, with a spear and sword Rowena, whose hand is being sought by the cruel and stern crusader Brian de Boisguillebert by all means.