Am i having suicidal thoughts quiz
Suicidal Test – IIlnessQuiz
Are You Suicidal
This test will try to measure your depression level and will check your coping ability. Please answer below questions honestly and you will find whether you are suicidal or not.
Suicidal Test
1. I don’t like my everyday activities
Question 1 of 19
2. People are bugging me about my ethnicity
Question 2 of 19
3. I feel like my friends are letting me down
Question 3 of 19
4. I’m a social reject
Question 4 of 19
5. I don’t get credit for my hard work
Question 5 of 19
6. I can’t get any peace and quiet
Question 6 of 19
7. I really wanted an "A," but didn't get it
Question 7 of 19
8. I feel like I don’t explain myself well
Question 8 of 19
9. I feel isolated
Question 9 of 19
10. I am getting unwanted thoughts in my mind.
Question 10 of 19
11. Encouraging others is a high priority in my life
Question 11 of 19
12. I feel sad for unknown reasons.
Question 12 of 19
13. It’s too hard to get ahead
Question 13 of 19
14. I can't motivate myself.
Question 14 of 19
15. I think my life is full of problems.
Question 15 of 19
16. i am just crying
Question 16 of 19
17. I feel hopelessness and helplessness
Question 17 of 19
18. You, Fear of Killing/Harming Yourself
Question 18 of 19
19. You made specific plans to commit suicide in past.
Question 19 of 19
Take these related screening tests.
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Agitated Depression Test
Depression and stress is considered as major cause of suicide or self harm. After completing this test you will find whether you have depression, bipolar, anxiety or little stress. In short this test is helpful for getting help, earlier from a mental health counselor or psychiatrist.
If you got high chances message then we recommend to consult psychiatrist ( You can chat with psychiatrist online). Keep in mind your life can come back on track after psychological treatment like Psychotherapy. You can read Stress Management Tips and Learn to Handle Stress so that you can get relief from daily stress.
You want to kill yourself and have self harm behavior and you might want to know, have these suicidal thoughts drugged deep roots in your mind or not. We have created suicidal test for those who are thinking about suicide due to psychological pain and depression.
If you are constantly thinking about suicide and you have lost hope then it is worth calling your suicide hotline of your country.
You can print the report for further help from your mental health expert. We highly recommend, to get treatment if suicidal test showed very high chances of suicidal. You can consult psychiatrist and tell him your problem and get treatment.
These screening tests can also help.
Suicidal Test
Teenage Depression Test
Suicidal risk - iFightDepression [EN]
Depression and suicide are strongly linked, with up to 10-15% of patients with severe and recurring depression eventually dying by suicide. Between 40% and 70% of depressed patients have suicidal thoughts. Indicators for acute suicide risk include pressing suicidal thoughts, hopelessness and feelings of guilt, a strong desire for action, and direct and indirect announcements of suicide.
Suicidal thoughts and acts can be uncomfortable to address. However, it is particularly important in adolescence. Many times, adolescents harm themselves (for example, engaging in self-cutting) in order to alleviate psychological pain and not necessarily to end their lives. However, even "non-suicidal" self-injury confers increased risk of further self-harm and suicide. It is important to understand what their intentions were in harming themselves. If a teacher feels it is useful, and the youth seems to be willing to disclose their thoughts, a warm and open atmosphere can be created.
If you have the feeling that a youth was seriously thinking about harming themselves, it is best to directly address this in order to decide whether or not to refer them to urgent medical assessment. Sometimes, it is not easy to differentiate when there is an urgent need for help. Frequently, youth react to frustration with despair and impulsively harm themselves. This does not necessarily mean that there is an imminent danger. However, the risk increases extensively if the idea becomes very pressing and concrete plans are made. Therefore, it is very important to try to get a more precise idea of what the actual suicidal tendencies are.
The following questions can help you to evaluate the seriousness of the suicidal risk (see box):
If you become involved in a situation with a person with acute suicidal tendencies, the following thoughts and steps might help you with the situation. They also apply if you have the feeling that, after exploring suicidal tendencies in a personal talk, the suicidal thoughts are very concrete and that the person talking to you is in danger.
- Gain time. Suicidal tendency is usually not a permanent condition. Acute suicidal crisis can pass in a short time. If a suicidal act can be deferred, the chances are higher that the person will survive;
- Listen empathically. Do not offer solutions, listen patiently and understandingly;
- Get additional help. Can relatives be involved? Is (or was) there a psychiatrist? Is there mutual trust with the general practitioner? Where is the closest psychiatric clinic or emergency department? If necessary, call a doctor or the ambulance.
In the case where a teacher feels that someone is in immediate danger to harm him/herself or others, and this person is so despondent that they will not consider your thoughts and suggestions to get external help, the question of compulsory hospitalisation might arise.
If a youth has a distorted view on his personal situation because of depression and sees suicide as the only escape from their unbearable situation, a teacher cannot simply accept this view and let the adolescent go. The young person is driven by depression and not free will.
The teacher has to provide help by calling the family, and referring this adolescent to urgent medical assessment, meaning that a call should be made to 999 or 112 to get the patient emergency medical care or to engage with the police. These professionals have to decide whether the patient has to be taken to the psychiatric ward even against his will or the family's.
Get help & support for suicide
If you’re in emotional distress or suicidal crisis, find help in your area with Find a helpline.
If you believe that someone else is in danger of suicide and you have their contact information, contact your local law enforcement for immediate help. You can also encourage the person to contact a suicide prevention hotline using the information above.
Learn more about personal crisis information with Google Search.
Google’s crisis information comes from high-quality websites, partnerships, medical professionals, and search results.
Important: Partnerships vary by country and region.
Country | Hotline organization | Website | Phone number |
Argentina | Centro de Asistencia al Suicida | | (011) 5275-1135 |
Australia | Lifeline Australia | www.![]() | 13 11 14 |
Austria | Telefon Seelsorge Osterreich | | 142 |
Belgium | Center de Prevention du Suicide | | 0800 32 123 |
Belgium | CHS Helpline | | 02 648 40 14 |
Belgium | Zelfmoord 1813 | | 1813 |
Brazil | Centro de Valorização da Vida | | 188 |
Canada | Crisis Services Canada | | 833-456-4566 |
Chile | Ministry of Health of Chile | www.hospitaldigital.![]() | 6003607777 |
China | Beijing Suicide Research and Prevention Center | | 800-810-1117 |
Costa Rica | Colegio de Profesionales en Psicologia de Costa Rica | | 2272-3774 |
France | SOS Amitié | | 09 72 39 40 50 |
Germany | Telefon Seelsorge Deutschland | | 0800 1110111 |
Hong Kong | Suicide Prevention Services | | 2382 0000 |
India | iCall Helpline | | 9152987821 |
Ireland | Samaritans Ireland | www.![]() | 116 123 |
Israel | [Eran] ער"ן | | 1201 |
Italy | Samaritans Onlus | | 06 77208977 |
Japan | Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology | | 81-0120-0-78310 |
Japan | Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare of Japan | www.mhlw.go | 0570-064-556 |
Malaysia | Befrienders KL | | 03-76272929 |
Netherlands | 113Online | | 0800-0113 |
New Zealand | Lifeline Aotearoa Incorporated | www.![]() | 0800 543 354 |
Norway | Mental Helse | | 116 123 |
Pakistan | Umang Pakistan | | 0311-7786264 |
Peru | Linea 113 Salud | | 113 |
Philippines | Department of Health - Republic of the Philippines | | 0966-351-4518 |
Portugal | SOS Voz Amiga | | 213 544 545 963 524 660 912 802 669 |
Russia | Fund to Support Children in Difficult Life Situations | www.ya-parent.![]() | 8-800-2000-122 |
Singapore | Samaritans of Singapore | | 1-767 |
South Africa | South African Depression and Anxiety Group | | 0800 567 567 |
South Korea | Korea Suicide Prevention Center중앙자살예방센터 | www.spckorea.or | 1393 |
Spain | Telefono de la Esperanza | | 717 003 717 |
Switzerland | Die Dargebotene Hand | | 143 |
Taiwan | 国际生命线台湾总会 [International Lifeline Taiwan Association] | | 1995 |
Ukraine | Lifeline Ukraine | lifelineukraine.![]() | 7333 |
United Kingdom | Samaritans | | 116 123 |
United States | 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline | | 988 |
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Information about the unified all-Russian children’s helpline
0446 8-800-2000-122 .
When calling this number in any locality of the Russian Federation from fixed or mobile phones, children in difficult life situations, adolescents and their parents, other citizens can receive emergency psychological assistance, which is provided by specialists of services already operating in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation that provide services for telephone counseling and connected to a single all-Russian number of children's helpline.
Confidentiality and free of charge are the two main principles of the children's helpline. This means that every child and parent can anonymously and free of charge receive psychological assistance and the secrecy of his call to the helpline is guaranteed.
Working hours of the children's helpline in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation
(as of October 1, 2013)
Name of the subject of the Russian Federation 9Arkhangelsk region 09.00-22.00 | |||
22 | with Nenets Autonomous Okrug | daily 09.00-17.30 | |
23 | Vologda region | around the clock | |
24 | Kaliningrad region | daily0039 | around the clock |
35 | Chechen Republic 08.30-20.00 | ||
South Federal District | |||
37 | Republic of Adygea | ||
Kalmykia | Pon-Pip.![]() | ||
3 | |||
80 | Magadan region | Pon.-Pon. | |
81 | Sakhalin Region | ||
900 | |||
83 | Chukotka AO | Mon-Fri 09.00-22.00, closed 16.00-22.00 |
Infographics. The principle of operation of a single federal helpline number for children, adolescents and their parents
Information from the regions about the work of the children's helpline
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