Alabama transgender laws

Justice Department Challenges Alabama Law that Criminalizes Medically Necessary Care for Transgender Youth | OPA

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The Justice Department today filed a complaint challenging a recently enacted Alabama law, Senate Bill (S.B.) 184, that denies necessary medical care to children based solely on who they are, and that threatens criminal prosecution and jail time to doctors, parents, and anyone else who provides or “causes” that care. The United States’ complaint alleges that the new law’s felony ban on providing certain medically necessary care to transgender minors violates the Fourteenth Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause. The department is also asking the court to issue an immediate order to prevent the law from going into effect.

S.B. 184 makes it a felony for any person to “engage in or cause” specified types of medical care for transgender minors. S.B. 184 thus discriminates against transgender youth by denying them access to certain forms of medically necessary care. It further discriminates against transgender youth by barring them from accessing particular procedures while allowing non-transgender minors to access the same or similar procedures. The penalties for violating the law include up to 10 years of imprisonment and a fine of up to $15,000. S.B. 184 would force parents of transgender minors, medical professionals, and others to choose between forgoing medically necessary procedures and treatments, or facing criminal prosecution. The United States’ complaint alleges that S.B. 184 violates the Equal Protection Clause by discriminating on the basis of sex and transgender status.

Today’s filing is the latest action by the Justice Department to combat discrimination based on gender identity, including unlawful restrictions on medical care for transgender youth. On March 31, 2022, the Civil Rights Division issued a letter to all state attorneys general reminding them of federal constitutional and statutory provisions that protect transgender youth against discrimination.

The complaint in intervention is being handled by Deputy Chief Coty Montag and Trial Attorneys Alyssa Lareau, Kaitlin Toyama, and Renee Williams of the Civil Rights Division’s Federal Coordination and Compliance Section; John Powers, Counsel to the Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights; Assistant U.S. Attorney Jason Cheek for the Northern District of Alabama; and Assistant U.S. Attorney Stephen Wadsworth for the Middle District of Alabama.

Additional information about the Civil Rights Division’s work to uphold and protect the civil and constitutional rights of LGBTQI+ individuals is available on its website at Complaints about discriminatory practices may be reported to the Civil Rights Division through its internet reporting portal at


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Civil Rights


Press Release Number: 


Updated April 29, 2022

What do new Alabama laws say on transgender kids?

Gov. Kay Ivey signed bills into law Friday that limit transgender minors ability to receive gender-affirming care, play sports and use sex-segregated bathrooms.

Protestors in support of transgender rights march around the Alabama State House in Montgomery on March 2, 2021.Jake Crandall / The Montgomery Advertiser via Imagn file

/ Source: Associated Press

By Associated Press

MONTGOMERY, Ala. — Alabama has become the first state to criminalize the use of puberty blockers and hormones to treat transgender people under age 19. In line with some other Republican-led states, legislators here also passed a law requiring students to use bathrooms corresponding to their sex at birth and prohibiting discussion of gender and sexual identity in the lower grades. Critics have derided the limitation on such discussions as the “Don’t Say Gay” law.

The two GOP bills were signed into law Friday by Republican Gov. Kay Ivey, a day after being passed by the Alabama Legislature. Advocacy groups quickly filed a lawsuit Monday challenging the medication ban.

Republicans argue the bills are needed to protect children and that decisions on gender-affirming medications should wait until adulthood. Critics say the politicians are interfering with medical decisions that belong with families and their doctors. Cathryn Oakley, state legislative director and senior counsel for the Human Rights Campaign, a national advocacy group for the LGBTQ community, called the two pieces of legislation “the single most anti-transgender legislative package in history.”

What does the treatment ban do?

Titled the “Alabama Vulnerable Child Compassion and Protection Act,” the law makes it a crime to prescribe or administer to anyone under 19 puberty blockers or hormone treatment “for the purpose of attempting to alter the appearance of or affirm the minor’s perception of his or her gender or sex.”

Legislators made it a Class C felony to violate the law, meaning doctors who prescribe or administer such medication would be subject to up to 10 years in prison.

The law, which takes effect on May 8 unless blocked by the courts, also bans surgeries for the purpose of altering gender appearance, but doctors say those are generally not performed on minors.

Alabama’s legislation goes further than measures passed in other states. Arkansas was the first state to pass a ban on gender-affirming drugs, but its measure did not include criminal penalties. The Arkansas law was blocked by a federal judge before it could go into effect. Texas Gov. Greg Abbott ordered the state’s Department of Family and Protective Services to investigate as child abuse reports of youth receiving such care.

What are the criticisms?

Doctors, families and advocacy organizations say politicians are inserting themselves into decisions that belong with families and medical teams. The measures have prompted swift backlash from medical experts, Democratic President Joe Biden’s administration, the U.S. Department of Justice and the families of trans youth. Doctors say the Alabama law is contrary to peer-reviewed research and applies a criminal label to standard medical care. Health experts also say that minors with gender dysphoria who do not receive appropriate medical care face dramatically increased risk of suicide and serious depression.

Does the law do anything else?

Yes. The law requires counselors, teachers, principals and other administrators — in both public and private schools — to tell parents if a child discloses that they think they may be transgender. It also prohibits school staff from encouraging students to withhold the information from their parents.

What does the bathroom/classroom law do?

The second piece of legislation signed by Ivey involves public school bathroom use and classroom instruction.

The law requires students in grades K-12 to use multi-person bathrooms and locker rooms that correspond to their sex at birth rather than their gender identity. It also prohibits teachers and others who provide lessons to grades K-5 from talking about sexual orientation or gender identity “in a manner that is not age appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards.

Critics have labeled a similar measure passed in Florida that applies to grades K-3 the “Don’t Say Gay” law.

What happens next?

Opponents of the medication ban who filed the lawsuit are hoping a judge will grant their request to block it. A legal challenge is also expected to be filed against the bathroom and classroom-instruction measures.

The U.S. Department of Justice sent a letter to states warning that efforts to block transgender minors from accessing gender-affirming care may be violating federal law and the constitutional protections.

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Associated Press

Alabama bans transgender youth from toilet access

On the final day of legislative session Thursday, Alabama deputies sent Gov. Kay Ivey to sign a pair of controversial partisan laws that civil rights and LGBTQ groups say are an attack on transgender youth.

Alabama banned transgender youth from toilets and sports teams. The bills come as state Republicans across the country are pushing hundreds of pieces of legislation regarding the rights of the LGBTQ community. About half of them are directed specifically against transgender youth.

On Thursday, the Alabama legislature passed HB 322, which would ban transgender students from using public school toilets and locker rooms that match their gender identity. The last-minute amendment to the bill also bans in-class discussion of sexual orientation and gender identity. The same ban is imposed on children in kindergarten.

The bill passed in the House of Representatives with a vote of 70 26 (yes/no) party line, with no Democrats voting in favor of the bill and no Republicans voting against. The Senate similarly passed it with a vote of 24 6 earlier in the day.

The last-minute amendment replicates the so-called “Don’t Talk About Gay” legislation that Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed into law late last month and was met with a lawsuit from civil rights organizations that called it “cruel” and “grossly abusive.” power."

The Alabama American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has described HB 322 and its amendment as part of a systematic and growing attack on transgender people that discriminates against them based on their transgender status and gender.

"The passage of this bill sends a message to vulnerable transgender youth that they are not welcome and accepted in their communities," Tish Gotell Folks, director of legal affairs for the Alabama ACLU, said in a statement. "It also exposes school districts and the state to costly litigation and potential loss of federal education funding."

Legislators also passed the so-called Senate bill SB 184, which criminalizes medical professionals with up to 10 years in prison for performing a medical procedure or prescribing medication to a minor to change sex or delay puberty.

This document is considered one of the most discriminatory legal acts against transgender people in the country. It also requires school teachers, counselors and administrators to provide parents or guardians of a minor with "information related to the minor's perception that his sex or gender does not match" his biological sex.

SB 184 passed the House of Representatives with a vote of 66 28 and the Senate - 24 6 , both on party lines.

Republican bill argues that such medical procedures and drugs are harmful to minors and that a "wait and see" approach to children showing signs of gender mismatch will result in the vast majority "deciding on a gender-appropriate identity by late adolescence ".

“Minors, and often their parents, are unable to understand and fully appreciate the risks and life consequences, including infertility, that result from the use of puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and surgical procedures,” the document says.

Alabama lawmakers ban transgender youth from toilet access: LGBT and Psaki vs.

Alabama ACLU, Lambda Legal, Transgender Law Center and Cooley LLP said they would go to court to strike down the law.

“The Alabama Legislature and Gov. Kay Ivey should consider the time and resources they will invest in this fight, not to mention the stain of discrimination that often means loss of opportunity and investment, and ask themselves if they should be taking care of children's health.” because we will be protecting transgender youth, their families and their doctors in Alabama,” Sruti Swaminathan, staff lawyer at Lambda Legal, said in a statement.

The bills were passed a week after the Justice Department sent a letter to state attorneys warning them not to prevent transgender and non-binary youth from receiving gender-affirming assistance.

The Department of Justice is committed to ensuring that all children can live free from discrimination, abuse, and harassment,” Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clark wrote in a letter stating that transgender youth are protected from discrimination under federal constitutional and statutory provisions.

The American Medical Association also last year called on governors to oppose similar laws that would ban "essential medical care related to gender transition" for minors, saying such efforts are "a dangerous intrusion into medical practice."

“Decisions about medical care refer to the sanctity of the relationship between patient and doctor,” the statement says.

According to the Human Rights Campaign, the largest LGBTQ rights group in the United States, more than 300 bills affecting the LGBTQ community have been introduced across the country this year, with about half of them targeting transgender youth.

On Thursday, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki commented on Republicans' push for such legislation, saying the Justice Department and Departments of Health and Human Services are aware of discriminatory bills and believe such laws may violate the Constitution and federal law.

“What can these policies actually solve? she asked. “LGBTQ people cannot be wiped off the face of the earth or driven back into a closet, and people across our country should be allowed to be who they are without the threat that their parents or their doctor may end up in prison simply for being help them and love them. "

U.S. passports now have third-gender option since April

The U.S. government has allowed Americans to select "X" as their gender on their U.S. passport application effective April 11, 2022, U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken announced last week.

Americans who self-identify as non-binary, intersex, or gender non-conforming will now be able to select "X" instead of male or female on their passport application. According to Blinken, applicants will not need to submit medical documents, even if their chosen gender is different from that indicated on other identity documents.

"The US Department of State is setting a precedent by being the first federal government agency to propose the use of an X gender marker on an identity document," said Blinken. "We continue to work closely with our federal government partners to ensure the smoothest possible journey for all passport holders, regardless of gender."

Blinken said the "X" option will be available for other document forms in 2023.

The State Department made this announcement on International Transgender Day, which was marked by a visit from the winner of the Jeopardy! Amy Schneider in the White House press briefing room.

LGBTQ advocates praised the Biden administration's decision to include a third gender in passports when it was announced last July.

“This is the government's most important recognition that we define who we are,” said Charlie Arroud of the Transgender Legal Defense and Education Foundation's name change project.

See also:

  • #TikTokComic: TikTok and LGBT+ will create a common universe of comics
  • LGBT+ employees: where are the best working conditions in Germany?
  • How did the coalition please the German LGBT community?

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VZGLYAD / American state is going to limit transgender transition :: News of the day

Russian LGBT representatives were restricted in their rights at the gay parade in Warsaw

The Alabama Attorney General's office, citing a US Supreme Court ruling on abortion, called for local authorities to have the power to ban medical procedures for minors related to transgender transition.

The state wants the power to enforce an Alabama law that makes it a felony to administer puberty blockers or hormones to transgender minors, NBC reports citing the Associated Press.

After the U.S. Supreme Court declared that abortion is not mentioned in the Constitution and is not "deeply rooted in U.S. history and tradition", the Alabama Attorney's Office pointed out that sex reassignment is not "deeply rooted in U.S. history or tradition." Alabama authorities consider the relevant medical procedures to be dangerous and experimental.

State Attorney General Steve Marshall appealed to federal court. If the judge agrees with the arguments of the Alabama Attorney General, then the state will be able to prohibit minors from undergoing any gender transition. Responsibility will apply to doctors, guardians, and parents who will help change the sex of the child, RT reports with reference to Axios.

Recall that the United States was flooded with thousands of protests in response to the decision of the Supreme Court to overturn a landmark half-century-old decision in the case of Roe v. Wade, which guarantees the constitutional right to abortion.

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The number of deaths as a result of saboteurs in the Bryansk region has increased

Two people died during the attack of saboteurs in the Bryansk region

During the attack of Ukrainian saboteurs in the Bryansk region, two people died, said the head of the region Alexander Bogomaz.

It is reported that a man born in 1966 died in the village of Lyubechane, Klimovsky district. The operational services are taking the necessary measures, the head of the region wrote in Telegram.

The FSB reported that demining is now underway in the Klimovsky district of the Bryansk region, which was attacked by Ukrainian saboteurs on Thursday.

As a result of the attack, a local resident was killed, an 11-year-old child was injured.

President Vladimir Putin called the attack by saboteurs a terrorist attack.

The USA refused to apologize for the conversation between Blinken and Lavrov

The USA refused to apologize for the meeting between Blinken and Lavrov

Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, during a conversation with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, offered to discuss topics of concern to Washington, so the United States will not apologize, State Department spokesman Ned Price said after being asked on whose initiative the contact took place. Earlier, the Russian Foreign Ministry reported that the American side had asked for a conversation.

According to Price, it was a brief contact on the sidelines of the G20 forum in India, and not a full bilateral meeting. Price also clarified that the United States will not apologize for actions in the interests of the United States, RIA Novosti reports.

White House National Security Council Strategic Communications Coordinator John Kirby reported that the contact lasted 10 minutes. Price also added that the meeting was held on the initiative of Bliken, and no new official contacts with Russia are planned in the near future.

Kirby, for his part, clarified that Lavrov and Blinken were in the same room in New Delhi, and "Secretary Blinken took advantage of the opportunity" to approach the head of the Russian Foreign Ministry, TASS reported.

Earlier, Blinken said that during the conversation he called on Russia to return to the implementation of the New START Treaty, stop the special operation in Ukraine and accept the US proposal for a prisoner exchange in order to release American Paul Whelan convicted of espionage. Later, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova called Blinken's statements self-promotion.

“Mr. Blinken needs to show something to the American people, but there is nothing to show but to catch Lavrov along the corridors by the lapels of his jacket, that's all. It's all self-promotion. This is cheap, just unprofessional tricks that are designed to close this gap in American diplomacy, ”Zakharova emphasized. - “Blinken asked not to be pushed away, apparently when he comes up. Well, they didn’t push away, they listened. ”

At the same time, Lavrov, in the course of a brief conversation with the US Secretary of State, in his usual manner, "diverted these calls" from the American side, Zakharova added.

Media news2

Alpha veteran named three possible phases of the operation against the Ukrainian DRG in the Bryansk region

Alpha veteran Demidkin: Members of the Ukrainian DRG in the Bryansk region doomed themselves to inevitable destruction

Obviously, now Russia will have to think about tightening control over the front-line territories. Now the Ukrainian DRG has doomed itself to inevitable destruction, Vitaly Demidkin, a veteran of Alfa, told the newspaper VZGLYAD, commenting on the penetration of the Ukrainian sabotage and reconnaissance group in the Bryansk region.

“There is a certain area along the border post, which is controlled not only by cameras, but also by border guards. The detachments are deployed at a distance of 50-200 kilometers, depending on the border zone, ”said Vitaly Demidkin, a veteran of the FSB and the Alpha unit.

“They are required to conduct regular inspections of the borders. In addition, there is a control strip in the border areas, it prints the traces of those who cross the border in the wrong place, ”explains the interlocutor.

“The evidence that surveillance cameras were disabled prior to the direct penetration of the DRG looks quite plausible. Some time ago, it was reported that Ukrainian drones were actively flying near these territories. They probably turned off the devices, ”the expert suggests.

“Obviously, there is an urgent need now to think about how to prevent such penetrations in the future. Unfortunately, we are forced to admit that it will not work to place a border guard, a policeman or a national guard every kilometer. But UAVs can provide serious assistance - due to them, it is possible to carry out almost continuous control over the territory, ”the interlocutor argues.

“There is no exact data on the number of DRGs yet. But if we take the order of 40 people, then there are well-developed mechanisms for counteraction. The algorithm consists of three components: blocking unwanted elements, trying to negotiate, especially in the presence of hostages, and then destroying,” he points out.

“These are three postulates, but each of them has a huge number of nuances and subtleties. And often you have to act not so much within the framework of a clear algorithm, but depending on the situation. If the information about the hostages is confirmed, this will seriously complicate the process of eliminating the enemy,” the expert notes.

“Anyway, the main purpose of this penetration is destabilization. The sortie is aimed at throwing dust in the eyes of the West. Ukraine is trying to show that it can freely cross the Russian border whenever it pleases. But de facto, the participants of the DRG doomed themselves to inevitable destruction, ”concluded Demidkin.

Earlier it became known that a sabotage and reconnaissance group penetrated the territory of the Bryansk region bordering Ukraine. As specified in the FSB, an operation is currently being carried out in the Klimovsky district of the region. The saboteurs are armed. The law enforcement agencies also reported that the enemy attacked two villages at once - Lyubechan and Sushany.

The Kremlin called the actions of Ukrainian militants a terrorist attack. Presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov noted that the relevant departments are carefully investigating what happened in the Bryansk region, it is necessary to find out who exactly committed the sabotage.

At the same time, Peskov does not yet have information about whether the status of the special military operation will be changed in connection with the attack on the Russian region.

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An actor who starred in the same film with Sobchak was recognized as a member of the DRG in the Bryansk region

On the Web, a member of the sabotage and reconnaissance group that attacked the Bryansk region, they recognized the actor who starred in the same film with Ksenia Sobchak Kirill Kanakhin (also known by the name Rodonsky).

According to RT, in the photo of the RDK participants there is a Muscovite Kanakhin, his call sign is Solar Cross, or Solar Cross. It is reported that the man went to Ukraine and joined the Azov Regiment, recognized as a terrorist group (banned in Russia).

According to the publication, before Kanakhin began to support nationalist ideas, he acted in films and serials. In particular, he was noted in "Glukhara", "Obsession", "Simple Truths", "Club" and both parts of the film "Nobody Knows About Sex", in one of which Ksenia Sobchak played. In addition, he was an actor of the Academic Maly Theater of Russia.

Two people were killed in an attack by Ukrainian saboteurs in the Bryansk region. President Vladimir Putin called the attack a terrorist act against civilians.

The Center for Public Relations of the FSB reported that the saboteurs were forced into Ukrainian territory, where they were subjected to artillery strikes.

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Media news2

The expert named the variant of Russia's response to the terrorist act of Ukraine in the Bryansk region

Expert: Russia must respond to the terrorist attack near Bryansk with pressure in the Chernihiv region

The Ukrainian DRG that attacked the Bryansk region in its rhetoric and actions is similar to the group of terrorist Shamil Basayev, their actions require a decisive response from Russia, political analyst Vadim Kozyulin told the VZGLYAD newspaper. Earlier, Ukrainian militants attacked two villages in the Bryansk region.

“Ukrainian DRG, by penetrating into the Bryansk region, tried to probe our border, reveal possible gaps in the defense and look at our reaction,” said Vadim Kozyulin, head of the IAMP center of the Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Foreign Ministry.

“The video that appeared on the Internet on behalf of the saboteurs is also noteworthy. These neo-Vlasovites in their rhetoric and actions are similar to the terrorist Shamil Basayev. He also said that he was not fighting the Russian people,” the speaker noted.

“Probably, such a sortie will require us to respond, including increasing pressure on the enemy in the regions of the Chernihiv region. But here it is necessary to proceed from military expediency. It is important that our actions show a real military result,” the source said.

On Thursday it became known that a sabotage and reconnaissance group had entered the territory of the Bryansk region. As the FSB clarified, an operation is being carried out in the Klimovsky district of the region. The law enforcement agencies also reported that the militants attacked two villages at once - Lyubechan and Sushany.

Russian President Vladimir Putin called the attack in the Bryansk region a terrorist act. “They entered the border area and opened fire on civilians. We saw that it was a civilian car, we saw civilians and children sitting there. "Niva" ordinary. And they opened fire on them,” the president said.

According to law enforcement agencies, "Russian Guardsmen clashed with militants." The FSB Public Relations Center stated that demining was underway in the Klimovsky district, a large number of explosive devices of various types were found at the site.

The head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, called for "the toughest possible deal" with the saboteurs, as well as to bring to justice their families, who may live in Russia.

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Zakharova asked Burbock to prove that she was a woman

Burbock must first prove that she is a woman before proposing a plan for a feminist German foreign policy. So the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, commented to the VZGLYAD newspaper on a new program for the development of Germany's foreign policy.

“Let her first prove that she is a woman,” Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova told the VZGLYAD newspaper.

Earlier, German Foreign Minister Annalena Burbock and Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development Svenja Schulze presented a feminist foreign policy plan, writes Deutsche Welle* (recognized as a foreign agent in Russia).

According to the plan, 8% of German development funds should be directed to projects on gender equality, and another 85% should be used as a secondary goal. It is expected that as part of the changes, there will also be an "ambassador for feminist foreign policy."

“We will work hard to give our Foreign Service a more feminine face and to increase the proportion of women in top positions. We will also more systematically channel our financial resources to the service of feminist foreign policy,” Burbock said.

In turn, Schulze assured that countries with a high level of gender equality suffer less from hunger and poverty. Burbock added that the participation of women in the signing of peace treaties makes the documents "more sustainable".

* Media included in the register of foreign media acting as a foreign agent

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Media news2

The FSB reported on an operation against Ukrainian saboteurs in the Bryansk region

Security forces are carrying out activities to destroy Ukrainian saboteurs who have entered the territory of the Bryansk region, the FSB CSO reported.

The operation is carried out in the border region of the Klimovsky region by the FSB and attached forces of the Ministry of Defense. It is reported that the Ukrainian saboteurs who entered the region are armed, RIA Novosti reports.

Recall that law enforcement agencies reported that Ukrainian saboteurs attacked two villages in the Bryansk region - Lyubechany and Sushany.

FSB: The militants who attacked the Bryansk region were pushed into Ukraine

FSB: The militants who attacked the Bryansk region were pushed into Ukraine and hit by artillery strikes

Those who attacked the Klimovsky district of the Bryansk region were squeezed out into Ukrainian territory, where they were hit by artillery strikes, the FSB Public Relations Center reported.

The outing of Ukrainian nationalists was stopped, in order to avoid civilian casualties and damage, they were squeezed into the territory of Ukraine, the FSB reported, TASS reports.

The service clarified that a massive artillery strike was launched on the squeezed out militants.

During the attack of Ukrainian saboteurs in the Bryansk region, two people were killed. President Vladimir Putin said the attack was a terrorist act and indicated that it was directed at civilians.

Media news2

Soldiers of the National Guard clashed with Ukrainian saboteurs in the Bryansk region

Groups of Ukrainian saboteurs entered two villages in the Bryansk region, law enforcement agencies reported.

“Fighters of the National Guard clashed with militants,” a TASS security official said.

Saboteurs attacked two villages - Lyubechany and Sushany, located nearby in the Klimovsky district.

According to preliminary data, it was reported that up to six people could be held hostage.

However, later the authorities of the Bryansk region denied the information about the taking of hostages by Ukrainian saboteurs in the village of Sushany, reports RT.

At the same time, a representative of emergency services told RIA Novosti that the hostages were taken, according to preliminary data, in a store in the village of Lyubechan.

Meanwhile, the girl, who suffered during the shelling of the Bryansk region by saboteurs, is alive, this was confirmed by the government of the region.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded to information about the supply of ammunition from Serbia to Ukraine

Russia announced that it was tracking news on the supply of ammunition from Serbia to Ukraine

The Russian side is monitoring information about the possible supply of ammunition from Serbia to the Kyiv regime, facts are needed, said Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova.

Russia drew attention to the discussion around this issue in the National Assembly (parliament) of Serbia, the incoming information causes Moscow concern, Zakharova's comment on the Foreign Ministry website says.

“This is too serious a question, including from the point of view of Russian-Serbian relations, to react now on the merits – it is necessary to rely on facts,” she said.

Earlier, the New York Times stated that the British Ministry of Defense, with the participation of other intermediaries, allegedly buys ammunition for Kyiv from factories in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Romania.

Media news2

Russia made an official request to Serbia for arms supplies to Ukraine

Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Zakharova announced Russia's official request to Serbia on reported arms supplies to Ukraine

Moscow asked Belgrade to clarify its position on the supply of shells to Kyiv, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said.

“We have already asked Belgrade to clarify this position,” the diplomat said on air on the RBC channel, TASS reports.

Earlier, she explained that the Russian side was concerned about reports that the Serbian side was allegedly supplying ammunition to the Kyiv regime.

Before that, the media reported that the British Ministry of Defense was allegedly buying ammunition for the Ukrainian side from factories in a number of countries, including Serbia.

Germany presented a plan for a "feminist" foreign policy

Germany decided to allocate 12 billion euros to protect gender equality

Berlin plans to invest 12 billion euros in a set of projects to protect women's rights, gender equality and women's participation in international politics around the world, the plan was presented by German Foreign Minister Annalena Berbock and Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development Svenja Schulze.

The German authorities have published an 88-page plan, according to which at least 8% of German development funds should be directed to projects related to gender equality. At the same time, 85% of the funds should have this goal as a secondary one, writes Deutsche Welle (included in the list of foreign agents).

Moreover, the establishment of the post of "ambassador for feminist foreign policy" is planned.

As Burbock explained, the essence of the project is to give the German foreign service a "more feminine face".

“We will more systematically direct financial resources to the service of feminist foreign policy,” the minister assured.

In turn, Schulze added, the project aims to strengthen foreign policy, as "societies with higher levels of gender equality suffer less from hunger and poverty and are more politically stable."

“Women's participation in peace treaties has been proven to make them more resilient,” Burbock concluded.

Media news2

Macron: The era of "French Africa" ​​is over

French President Macron announced the end of the era of "French Africa" ​​

The "French Africa" ​​policy, which implied the informal tutelage of Paris over the former colonies, is giving way to a new balanced partnership, French President Emmanuel Macron said during a visit to Gabon.

Macron said that the history of "Françafrique" has expired, according to him, Paris does not seek to influence the internal politics of Gabon, and his visit is intended "not to oblige anyone, but only to testify to his friendship and respect for the country and people", reports TASS.

The President of France stressed that he came to Gabon to build a balanced partnership on climate and diversity, economy, industry and others to protect our interests and work for the common good.

The VZGLYAD newspaper wrote that Russia's success in Africa made France nervous.

During the attack of Ukrainian saboteurs in the Bryansk village of Lubechan, the driver of the car was killed

During the attack of Ukrainian saboteurs in the Bryansk region, the driver of a car was killed, a boy born in 2012 was injured, said the governor of the region Alexander Bogomaz.

The attack took place in the village of Lyubechane, Klimovsky district. The wounded boy was hospitalized in the Bryansk regional hospital, nothing threatens his life, the head of the region said in Telegram.

Recall that law enforcement agencies reported that Ukrainian saboteurs attacked two villages in the Bryansk region. The FSB reported that the security forces are carrying out measures to destroy Ukrainian saboteurs.

Russian President Vladimir Putin receives reports from security forces on the situation in the region.

Media news2

Putin called the attack in the Bryansk region a terrorist act

An attack by saboteurs in the border area of ​​the Bryansk region is a terrorist act, President Vladimir Putin said during a conversation with participants in the Mentor's School educational program.

“Today we committed another terrorist act, another crime, penetrated the border area and opened fire on civilians.

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