Adhd management tips

ADHD: Tips to Try (for Teens)

Reviewed by: Shirin Hasan, MD

Psychology (Behavioral Health) at Nemours Children's Health

en español TDAH: Consejos que puedes probar

People with ADHD have brain differences that affect their attention. They are distracted more easily than people who don’t have it. They often have trouble staying organized, staying focused on a task, and finishing what they start.

ADHD affects behavior, too. Some people may have trouble sitting still, waiting, or listening. Some interrupt too often, or are quick to get upset. Some do things in a rush instead of taking their time. ADHD affects different people in different ways.

If you have ADHD, you know it can make you feel misunderstood and frustrated at times. ADHD makes it harder to do your best at school, at home, and with friends. But it doesn't have to hold you back. Instead, learn as much as you can about it.

It takes time to learn to manage ADHD — there's no quick fix. Managing ADHD might mean taking medicine or working with a therapist. Most people with ADHD do both.

You can also try these tips to help with school:

  • Sit in the front of class to limit distractions.
  • Turn off your phone when doing homework. This limits distractions too.
  • Talk with your teacher about your ADHD. Some students with ADHD need extra time to take tests. Some need smaller class sizes or a quiet place to complete work. Others need a tutor. Ask your teacher to help you plan and do what's right for you.
  • Use tools that help you stay organized. Keep track of assignments in a planner or on a phone app. List things you need to bring home. Set phone reminders for classes and activities, or write them in a planner.
  • Get plenty of exercise. Daily exercise can improve attention and school performance for people with ADHD. It also keeps your positive emotions flowing.
  • Take activity breaks. If you feel restless during school, ask teachers to let you take quick breaks to get up and move. This can help you get focused again when you return to your seat. When you study or do homework, take activity breaks often.
  • Learn to meditate. Mindfulness meditation can improve attention, memory, and focus. It can reduce stress too. It’s easy to learn. Take a few minutes to practice it every day.
  • Pay attention to all the good things about you. Having ADHD is one part of you. And there’s so much more. Think of things others like about you. Maybe you’re creative, kind, or funny. Maybe you have a talent for sports, music, dance, or art. Maybe you’re good with tech, building things, or cooking. Make time for the things you enjoy. Grow your strengths by using them every day. Spend time with the people who see you for who you are. See yourself that way, too.

Reviewed by: Shirin Hasan, MD

Date reviewed: May 2022

Tips for Managing Adult ADHD


Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder can create problems in all areas of your life.

But these tips can help you cope with symptoms, get focused, and turn chaos into calm.

How to deal with Adult ADHD (or ADD)

If you have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), previously known as ADD, everything from paying the bills on time to keeping up with work, family, and social demands can seem overwhelming. ADHD can present challenges for adults across all areas of life and can be tough on your health and both your personal and on-the-job relationships. Your symptoms may lead to extreme procrastination, trouble meeting deadlines, and impulsive behavior. In addition, you may feel that friends and family don’t understand what you’re up against.

Fortunately, there are skills you can learn to help control your symptoms of ADHD. You can improve your daily habits, learn to recognize and use your strengths, and develop techniques that help you work more efficiently, maintain organization, and interact better with others. Part of helping yourself may also include educating others to help them understand what you’re going through.

Change won’t happen overnight, though. These ADHD self-help strategies require practice, patience, and, perhaps most importantly, a positive attitude. But by taking advantage of these techniques, you can become more productive, organized, and in control of your life—and improve your sense of self-worth.

Adult ADHD self-help myths
Myth: Medication is the only way to solve my ADHD.

Fact: While medication can help some people manage the symptoms of ADHD, it is not a cure, nor is it the only solution. If taken at all, it should be used in conjunction with other treatments or self-help strategies.

Myth: Having ADHD means I'm lazy or unintelligent, so I won't be able to help myself.

Fact: The effects of ADHD may have caused you and others to label you this way, but the truth is that you are not unmotivated or unintelligent—you have a disorder that gets in the way of certain normal functions. In fact, adults with ADHD often have to find very smart ways to compensate for their disorder.

Myth: A health professional can solve all my ADHD problems.

Fact: Health professionals can help you manage symptoms of ADHD, but they can only do so much. You're the one living with the problems, so you're the one who can make the most difference in overcoming them.

Myth: ADHD is a life sentence—I'll always suffer from its symptoms.

Fact: While it's true that there is no cure for ADHD, there is a lot you can do to reduce the problems it can cause. Once you become accustomed to using strategies to help yourself, you may find that managing your symptoms becomes second nature.

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Tips for getting organized and controlling clutter

The hallmark traits of ADHD are inattention and distractibility—making organization perhaps the biggest challenge adults with the disorder face. If you have ADHD, the prospect of getting organized, whether it be at work or home, may leave you feeling overwhelmed.

However, you can learn to break tasks down into smaller steps and follow a systematic approach to organization. By implementing various structures and routines, and taking advantage of tools such as daily planners and reminders, you can set yourself up to maintain organization and control clutter.

Develop structure and neat habits—and keep them up

To organize a room, home, or office, start by categorizing your objects, deciding which are necessary and which can be stored or discarded. To organize yourself, get in the habit of taking notes and writing lists. Maintain your newly organized structure with regular, daily routines.

Create space. Ask yourself what you need on a daily basis, and find storage bins or closets for things you don't. Designate specific areas for things like keys, bills, and other items that can be easily misplaced. Throw away things you don't need.

Use a calendar app or day planner. Effective use of a day planner or a calendar on your smartphone or computer can help you remember appointments and deadlines. With electronic calendars, you can also set up automatic reminders so scheduled events don't slip your mind.

Use lists. Make use of lists and notes to keep track of regularly scheduled tasks, projects, deadlines, and appointments. If you decide to use a daily planner, keep all lists and notes inside it. You also have many options for use on your smartphone or computer. Search for “to do” apps or task managers.

Deal with it now. You can avoid forgetfulness, clutter, and procrastination by filing papers, cleaning up messes, or returning phone calls immediately, not sometime in the future. If a task can be done in two minutes or less, do it on the spot, rather than putting it off for later.

Tame your paper trail

If you have ADHD, paperwork might make up a major part of your disorganization. But you can put a stop to the endless piles of mail and papers strewn across your kitchen, desk, or office. All it takes is some time to set up a paperwork system that works for you.

Deal with mail on a daily basis. Set aside a few minutes each day to deal with the mail, preferably as soon as you bring it inside. It helps to have a designated spot where you can sort the mail and either trash it, file it, or act on it.

Go paperless. Minimize the amount of paper you have to deal with. Request electronic statements and bills instead of paper copies. In the U.S., you can reduce junk mail by opting out of the Direct Marketing Association's (DMA) Mail Preference Service.

Set up a filing system. Use dividers or separate file folders for different types of documents (such as medical records, receipts, and income statements). Label and color-code your files so that you can find what you need quickly.

Tips for managing your time and staying on schedule

Trouble with time management is a common effect of ADHD. You may frequently lose track of time, miss deadlines, procrastinate, underestimate how much time you need for tasks, or find yourself doing things in the wrong order. Many adults with ADHD spend so much time on one task—known as “hyperfocusing”—that nothing else gets done. These difficulties can leave you feeling frustrated and inept, and make others impatient. But, there are solutions to help you better manage your time.

Time management tips

Adults with attention deficit disorder often have a different perception of how time passes. To align your sense of time with everyone else, use the oldest trick in the book: a clock.

Become a clock-watcher. Use a wristwatch or highly visible wall or desk clock to help you keep track of time. When you start a task, make a note of the time by saying it out loud or writing it down.

Use timers. Allot yourself limited amounts of time for each task and use a timer or alarm to alert you when your time is up. For longer tasks, consider setting an alarm to go off at regular intervals to keep you productive and aware of how much time is going by.

Give yourself more time than you think you need. Adults with ADHD are notoriously bad at estimating how long it will take to do something. For every thirty minutes of time you think it will take you to get someplace or complete a task, give yourself a cushion by adding ten minutes.

Plan to be early and set up reminders. Write down appointments for fifteen minutes earlier than they really are. Set up reminders to ensure you leave on time and make sure you have everything you need ahead of time so you're not frantically looking for your keys or phone when it's time to go.

Prioritization tips

Because adults with ADHD often struggle with impulse control and jump from one subject to another, completing tasks can be difficult and large projects can seem overwhelming. To overcome this:

Decide what to tackle first. Ask yourself what the most important task is that you need to accomplish, and then order your other priorities after that one.

Take things one at a time. Break down large projects or jobs into smaller, manageable steps.

Stay on task. Avoid getting sidetracked by sticking to your schedule, using a timer to enforce it if necessary.

Learn to say no

Impulsiveness can lead adults with ADHD to agree to too many projects at work or make too many social engagements. But a jam-packed schedule can leave you feeling overwhelmed, overtired, and affect the quality of your work. Saying no to certain commitments may improve your ability to accomplish tasks, keep social dates, and live a healthier lifestyle. Check your schedule first before agreeing to something new.


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Tips for managing money and bills

Money management requires budgeting, planning, and organization, so for many adults with ADHD, it can pose a true challenge. Many common systems of money management don't tend to work for adults with ADHD because they require too much time, paper, and attention to detail. But if you create your own system that is both simple and consistent, you can get on top of your finances and put a stop to overspending, overdue bills, and penalties for missed deadlines.

Control your budget

An honest assessment of your financial situation is the first step to getting budgeting under control. Start by keeping track of every expense, no matter how small, for a month. This will allow you to effectively analyze where your money is going. You may be surprised at how much you're spending on unnecessary items and impulse purchases. You can then use this snapshot of your spending habits to create a monthly budget based on your income and needs.

Figure out how you can avoid straying from your budget. For example, if you're spending too much at restaurants, you can make an eating-in plan and factor in time for grocery shopping and meal preparation.

Set up a simple money management and bill paying system

Establish an easy, organized system that helps you save documents, receipts, and stay on top of bills. For an adult with ADHD, the opportunity to manage banking on the computer can be the gift that keeps on giving. Organizing money online means less paperwork, no messy handwriting, and no misplaced slips.

Switch to online banking. Signing up for online banking can turn the hit-or-miss process of balancing your budget into a thing of the past. Your online account will list all deposits and payments, tracking your balance automatically, to the penny, every day. You can also set up automatic payments for your regular monthly bills and log on as needed to pay irregular and occasional ones. The best part: no misplaced envelopes or late fees.

Set up bill pay reminders. If you prefer not to set up automatic payments, you can still make the process of bill paying easier with electronic reminders. You may be able to set up text or email reminders through online banking or you can schedule them in your calendar app.

Take advantage of technology. Free services can help you keep track of your finances and accounts. They typically take some time to set up, but once you've linked your accounts they automatically update. Such tools can make your financial life easier.

Tips for staying focused and productive at work

ADHD can create special challenges at work. The things you may find toughest—organization, completion of tasks, sitting still, listening quietly—are the very things you're often asked to do all day long.

Juggling ADHD and a challenging job is no easy task, but by tailoring your workplace environment you can take advantage of your strong points while minimizing the negative impact of your ADHD symptoms.

Get organized at work

Organize your office, cubicle, or desk, one manageable step at a time. Then use the following strategies to stay tidy and organized:

Set aside daily time for organization. Mess is always distracting so set aside 5 to 10 minutes a day to clear your desk and organize your paperwork. Experiment with storing things inside your desk or in bins so that they don't clutter your workspace as unnecessary distractions.

Use colors and lists. Color-coding can be very useful to people with ADHD. Manage forgetfulness by writing everything down.

Prioritize. More important tasks should be placed first on your to-do list so you remember to do them before lower priority tasks. Set deadlines for everything, even if they are self-imposed.

End distractions

When you have attention issues, where you work and what is around you can significantly affect how much you are able to get done. Let your workmates know you need to concentrate, and try the following techniques to minimize distractions:

Where you work matters. If you don't have your own office, you may be able to take your work to an empty office or conference room. If you are in a lecture hall or conference, try sitting close to the speaker and away from people who chat during the meeting.

Minimize external commotion. Face your desk towards a wall and keep your workplace free of clutter. To discourage interruptions, you could even hang a “Do Not Disturb” sign. If possible, let voicemail pick up your phone calls and return them later, turn off email and social media during certain times of the day, or even log off the Internet completely. If noise distracts you, consider noise-canceling headphones or a sound machine

Save big ideas for later. All those great concepts or random thoughts that keep popping into your head and distracting you? Jot them down on paper or on your smartphone for later consideration. Some people with ADHD like to schedule time at the end of the day to go through all the notes they've made.

Stretch your attention span

As an adult with ADHD, you are capable of focusing—it's just that you may have a hard time keeping that focus, especially when the activity isn't one that you find particularly engaging. Boring meetings or lectures are hard on anyone, but for adults with ADHD, they may pose a special challenge. Similarly, following multiple directions can also be difficult for those with ADHD. Use these tips to improve your focus and ability to follow instructions:

Get it in writing. If you're attending a meeting, lecture, workshop, or another gathering that requires close attention, ask for an advance copy of the relevant materials—such as a meeting agenda or lecture outline. At the meeting, use the written notes to guide your active listening and note taking. Writing as you listen will help you stay focused on the speaker's words.

Echo directions. After someone gives verbal instructions, say them aloud to make sure you got it right.

Move around. To prevent restlessness and fidgeting, go ahead and move around—at the appropriate times in the right places. As long as you are not disturbing others, try squeezing a stress ball during a meeting, for example. Or taking a walk or even jumping up and down during a meeting break can help you pay attention later on.

Tips for managing stress and boosting mood

Due to the impulsivity and disorganization that often accompany ADHD, you may struggle with erratic sleep, an unhealthy diet, or the effects of too little exercise—all issues that can lead to extra stress, bad moods, and feeling out of control. The best way to stop this cycle is to take charge of your lifestyle habits and create healthy new routines.

Eating well, getting plenty of sleep, and exercising regularly can help you stay calm, minimize mood swings, and fight any symptoms of anxiety and depression. Healthier habits can also reduce ADHD symptoms like inattention, hyperactivity, and distractibility, while regular routines can help your life feel more manageable.

Exercise and spend time outdoors

Working out is perhaps the most positive and efficient way to reduce hyperactivity and inattention from ADHD. Exercise can relieve stress, boost your mood, and calm your mind, helping work off the excess energy and aggression that can get in the way of relationships and feeling stable.

Exercise on a daily basis. Choose something vigorous and fun that you can stick with, like a team sport or working out with a friend.

Increase stress relief by exercising outdoors—people with ADHD often benefit from sunshine and green surroundings.

Try relaxing forms of exercise, such as mindful walking, yoga, or tai chi. In addition to relieving stress, they can teach you to better control your attention and impulses.

Get plenty of sleep

Sleep deprivation can increase symptoms of adult ADHD, reducing your ability to cope with stress and maintain focus during the day. Simple changes to daytime habits go a long way toward ensuring solid nightly sleep.

  • Avoid caffeine late in the day.
  • Exercise vigorously and regularly, but not within an hour of bedtime.
  • Create a predictable and quiet “bedtime” routine, including taking a hot shower or bath just before bed.
  • Stick to a regular sleep-wake schedule, even on weekends.

Eat healthfully

While unhealthy eating habits don't cause ADHD, a poor diet can exacerbate symptoms. By making simple changes in what and how you eat, you may experience big reductions in distractibility, hyperactivity, and stress levels.

  • Eat small meals throughout day.
  • Avoid sugar and junk food as much as possible.
  • Make sure you include healthy protein at every meal.
  • Aim for several servings of fiber-rich whole grains each day.

Practice mindfulness

As well as reducing stress, regular mindfulness meditation can help you to better resist distractions, lower impulsivity, improve your focus, and provide more control over your emotions. Since hyperactivity symptoms can make meditation a challenge for some adults with ADHD, starting slowly can help. Meditate for short periods and gradually increase your meditation time as you become more comfortable with the process—and are better able to maintain focus. The key is to then draw on these mindfulness techniques during your daily life to keep you on track. Experiment with free or inexpensive smartphone apps or online guided meditations. 

Authors: Robert Segal, M.A. and Melinda Smith, M.A.

      • References

        Neurodevelopmental Disorders. (2013). In Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. American Psychiatric Association.

        Canela, C., Buadze, A., Dube, A., Eich, D., & Liebrenz, M. (2017). Skills and compensation strategies in adult ADHD – A qualitative study. PLoS ONE, 12(9), e0184964.

        Mitchell, J. T., McIntyre, E. M., English, J. S., Dennis, M. F., Beckham, J. C., & Kollins, S. H. (2017). A Pilot Trial of Mindfulness Meditation Training for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in Adulthood: Impact on Core Symptoms, Executive Functioning, and Emotion Dysregulation. Journal of Attention Disorders, 21(13), 1105–1120.

      Seven Daily Habits to Close the “Success Gap” – How to uncover your special talents and use them to achieve important goals. (ADDitude)

      Adult ADHD: Free Downloads – Download free tip-filled handouts about managing adult ADHD. Includes information on getting organized, bringing bills under control, and staying focused. (ADDitude)

      Relationships & Social Skills – Challenges associated with ADHD and concrete tips on implementing change (CHADD)

      Managing Money and ADHD – Improve your money management skills, follow a budget, and stay on top of bills. (CHADD)

      Top Ten ADHD Traps in the Workplace – Covers the top workplace stumbling blocks for people with ADHD, and strategies for avoiding them. (Healthy Place)

      Workplace Accommodations Can Make You and Your Employer Successful – How to adapt your work environment to the challenges of ADHD. (CHADD)

      Last updated: November 2, 2022

      Diagnostic criteria for ADHD

      Diagnostic criteria for ADHD

      Attention deficit

      1. Often unable to pay attention to details; due to negligence, frivolity makes mistakes in school assignments, in assignments and other activities.
      2. Usually has difficulty maintaining attention when performing tasks or during play.
      3. Often it seems that the child does not listen to the speech addressed to him.
      4. Often it turns out to be unable to follow the proposed instructions and complete the lessons or homework to the end (which has nothing to do with negative or protest behavior, inability to understand the task).
      5. Often experiences difficulties in organizing independent tasks and other activities.
      6. Usually avoids, expresses dissatisfaction and resists performing tasks that require long-term maintenance of attention.
      7. Often loses things (eg, toys, school supplies, pencils, books, work tools).
      8. Easily distracted.
      9. Often shows forgetfulness in everyday situations.


      1. Restless movements in the hands and feet are often observed; sitting on a chair, spinning, spinning.
      2. Often gets up from his seat during class or in other situations where he needs to stay still.
      3. Often shows aimless motor activity: runs, spins, tries to climb somewhere, and in situations where this is unacceptable.
      4. Usually unable to play quietly, quietly, or engage in leisure activities.
      5. Often behaves "as if a motor was attached to it."
      6. Often talkative.

      1. Often answers questions without thinking, without listening to them to the end.
      2. Usually with difficulty waiting for his turn in various situations.
      3. Often interferes with others, sticks to others (for example, interferes in conversations or games).

      Regional information and educational portal explain.rf Regional portal "Mathematics for All" Website "Teenager and the Law" Culture for schoolchildren on the portal Culture of Yaroslavia Regional segment of the register of safe Internet resources for children Regional portal "Talents of Yaroslavia" Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation National project “Education Rosobrnadzor Portal “Raising Children” GAU DPO YAO “Institute for the Development of Education” Official information portal of the Unified State Examination Unified portal of state and municipal services Federal state educational standards Center for vocational guidance and psychological support “Resource” All-Russian forum “ProeKTORiYa”

      Tips for parents with ADHD: do's and don'ts


      Raising a child with ADHD is not like traditional childbirth. Normal routine and housework can become almost impossible, depending on the type and severity of your child's symptoms, so you'll need to take different approaches. Some behaviors caused by your child's ADHD can be frustrating, but there are ways to make life easier.

      Parents must accept that the brains of children with ADHD are functionally different from the brains of other children. Although children with ADHD can still figure out what is acceptable and what is not, their disorder makes them more prone to impulsive behavior.

      Encouraging a child with ADHD means you will need to change your behavior and learn how to manage your child's behavior. Medicines may be the first step in treating your child. Behavioral methods for managing the symptoms of ADHD in children should always be in place. By following these guidelines, you can limit destructive behavior and help your child overcome self-confidence.

      There are two main principles of behavioral therapy. First, encourage and reward good behavior (positive reinforcement). The second is the elimination of rewards for bad behavior with corresponding consequences, which leads to the extinction of bad behavior (punishment in the behavioral sense). Teach your child to understand that actions have consequences by setting rules and clear outcomes for following or not following those rules. These principles must be respected in all areas of a child's life. This means at home, in the classroom and in the public arena.

      Decide in advance which behavior is acceptable and which is not.

      The goal of behavior modification is to help your child think about the consequences of an action and control the desire to act on it. It requires empathy, patience, affection, energy and strength from the parents. Parents should first decide what kind of behavior they will have rather than tolerate. It is extremely important to adhere to these recommendations. Punishing behavior one day and rewarding the next day is detrimental to a child's improvement. Certain behaviors should always be unacceptable, such as physical outbursts, refusing to get up in the morning, or not wanting to turn off the TV when they are talking about it.

      Your child may find it difficult to learn and accept your advice. Rules should be simple and clear, and children should be encouraged to follow them. This can be achieved with a scoring system. For example, allow your child to collect points for good behavior, which they can use to spend money, TV time, or new video games. If you have a list of house rules, write them down and post them prominently. Repetition and positive reinforcement can help your child understand your rules better.

      Set rules, but allow some flexibility

      It is important to constantly reward good behavior and discourage destructive behavior, but don't be too hard on your child. Keep in mind that children with ADHD may not adapt as well to change as others. You must learn to let your child make mistakes while learning. Unusual behavior that does not harm your child or anyone else should be accepted as part of your child's individual personality. It is extremely harmful to distract a child from strange behavior just because it seems unusual to you.

      Managing aggression

      Aggressive outbursts in children with ADHD can be a common problem. "Time out" is an effective way to calm you and your overactive child. If your child is behaving in public, they should be removed immediately in a peaceful and drastic manner. The "passing time" should be explained to the child as a period for cooling off and reflecting on the negative behavior they have displayed. Try to ignore mildly destructive behavior to free the child from pent-up energy. However, destructive, violent, or deliberately destructive behavior that goes against the rules you set should always be punished.

      Create structure

      Set up a daily routine for your child and stick to it every day. Establish rituals around meals, homework, games, and before bed. Simple daily tasks like ordering a baby for the next day can provide you with key structure.

      Divide tasks into manageable chunks

      Try using a large wall calendar to remind your child of their responsibilities. Color-coded tasks and homework can prevent a child from being overwhelmed with daily tasks and school assignments. Even morning tasks should be broken down into separate tasks.

      Simplify and organize your child's life

      Create a special quiet space for your child to read, do homework and relax from the chaos of everyday life. Keep your home clean and tidy so your child knows where things are going. This helps reduce unnecessary distractions.

      Interference Limitation

      Children with ADHD love easy entertainment. Television, video games and the computer encourage impulsive behavior and this needs to be regulated. By reducing the time spent with electronics and increasing the time spent outside the home, your child will have an outlet for built-in power.

      Encourage exercise

      Physical activity burns excess energy in healthy ways. It also helps the child to focus their attention on certain movements. This can reduce impulsivity. Exercise can also help improve concentration, reduce the risk of depression and anxiety, and stimulate the brain in healthy ways. Many professional athletes suffer from ADHD. Experts believe that athletics can help a child with ADHD find a constructive way to focus their passion, attention, and energy.

      Manage sleep patterns

      Sleep can be especially difficult for children with ADHD. Lack of sleep exacerbates inattention, hyperactivity, and recklessness. It is important to help your child sleep better. To help them rest better, cut out stimulants like sugar and caffeine and cut down on TV time. Establish a healthy, calming sleep ritual.

      Encourage loud thinking

      Children with ADHD may lack self-control. It makes them speak and act sooner than they think. Ask the child to verbalize their thoughts and conclusions when the need for action arises. It is important to understand your child's thought process in order to help him suppress impulsive behavior.

      Advertise waiting time

      Another way to control the urge to speak before thinking is to teach the child to pause for a moment before speaking or responding. Encourage more thoughtful responses by helping your child with homework and asking interactive questions about a favorite TV show or book.

      Believe in your child

      Your child probably doesn't understand the stress that the condition can cause. It is important to stay positive and uplifting. Praise your child for good behavior so you know when something is done right. Your child may be struggling with ADHD right now, but it won't last forever. Be confident in your child and be confident in his future.

      Find an individual consultation

      You can't do everything. The child needs your support, but he also needs professional help. Find a therapist who will work with your child and offer him another way out. Don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it. Many parents are so focused on their children that they neglect their own mental needs. A therapist can help you manage stress and anxiety, as well as your child. Local support groups can also be helpful for parents.

      Take a break

      You can't support 100 percent of the time. It's okay to feel overwhelmed or frustrated with yourself or your child. Just like your child will need to take breaks while studying, you will also need to take breaks. For every parent, only time planning is important. Consider hiring a child. Good leisure options include:

      • go for a walk
      • I go to the gym
      • relaxing bath

      Calm down

      You cannot help an impulsive child if you are worse. Children imitate the behavior they see around them, so staying calm and in control during a temper tantrum will help your child do the same. Take time to catch your breath, relax, and collect your thoughts before trying to calm your child. The calmer you are, the calmer your child will become.

      Don't worry about the little things

      Be prepared to make some compromises with your child. If your child has completed two of the three assigned tasks, consider flexibility with a third incomplete task.

      Learn more