5 minute journal prompt
The Five Minute Journal Questions – Intelligent Change
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by Kevin Evans- Five Minute Journal
We brainstormed hundreds of questions of The Five Minute Journal before finally deciding on the 5 precise questions contained within the journal.
Below are the 5 questions contained within The Five Minute Journal and why they work:
- I am grateful for…
- What would make today great?
- Daily affirmation. I am…
- 3 Amazing things that happened today…
- How could I have made today even better?
One of the greatest gifts of being human is the ability to choose what to focus on. If you are perfectly calm and still on the inside, you can handle anything. For those of us without Zen training, the best way you can begin your day is through gratitude.
Gratitude, derived from the Latin word gratia (meaning grace, graciousness or gratefulness) eludes easy explanation by academics. Definitions such as “the willingness to recognize the unearned increments of value in one’s experience” look great on term papers but don’t get the point across.
Quite simply, gratitude is the experience of counting one’s blessings.
Even after cutting through the smoke of Law of Attraction-style belief systems, gratitude has shown to be quite transformative in humans ranging from housewives to nursing students.
A 2003 study by Emmons and McCullough found that keeping a daily gratitude journal leads to better sleep, reductions of physical pain, a greater sense of well-being, and a better ability to handle change.
No matter where you are and what your situation is, your focus can be shifted to something positive.
Have you ever had the experience of buying a new car and seeing the same model everywhere you go?
There is a small part of your brain at the back called the Reticular Activating System (RAS) that turns on and off your perception of ideas and thoughts and determines the lenses through which you look at the world. When you take an action like buy a new car, you have taken a major step in redefining your possessions and your RAS changes to accommodate your new acquisition. Everywhere you go, your RAS will gently remind you of this change by pointing out others who have the same car as you.
When you write ‘What would make today great?’ you are taking a step to influence your RAS to point out and engage in activities that would make your day better. You are building new pathways in your brain that allow you to ‘see’ what you can do to improve your well-being every day.
You are creating a new program in your mind that naturally learns to improve your happiness. Doing this consistently gives you consistently better days. It is that simple.
One study found that people who simply thought about watching their favorite movie actually increased their endorphin levels (the chemical your brain produces to make you feel happiness and well-being) by 27 percent. The most enjoyable part of an activity is often the anticipation.
From Arnold Schwarzenegger to Jim Carrey to Oprah, many people benefit from using affirmations.
A Daily Affirmation is a simple statement that defines you as you want to be. Every time you write the daily affirmation, you prime your brain to start building this belief in your mind. With consistency, you will begin to create that change from within.
Cut to a study conducted by Ali Crum from Yale University and Ellen Langer where they performed an experiment to study the effect of brain priming on the state of seven different hotels. Half of the participants were informed about how much exercise they were getting every day through their work - how many calories they burned, how similar vacuuming is to a workout, etc. The other half were given no such information.
Several weeks later, it was found that the first group who had been primed to think of their work as exercise had actually lost weight. Incredibly, these individuals had not done any more work or exercised any more than the control group (their colleagues who had not been informed about how their work was similar to a workout).
Hence the operative question – how can you prime your brain to cash in on this?
Affirmations put you in the driver’s seat of your mind and flood it with positive information. These are statements that you repeat again and again until they become a self-fulfilling prophecy, such as “I am confident and comfortable in my own skin.” Of course you have to do the work too, but affirmations give you that extra mental push.
Possibly the best moment in the day is allowing yourself to take inventory of all the positive moments – big and small. The Amazing three is your personal collection of the expected and unexpected bounty of wonderful things that you experienced in a day.
The important thing to understand here is that ‘amazing’ does not necessarily mean buying your dream house or finding your life partner.
It can also mean that the stoplight turned green at just the right time or the barista flashed you a wonderful smile. If you truly look for it, you will find amazing moments in your day. Sometimes an amazing moment can be avoiding a problem or conflict. That too is a success. The “things could have been a whole lot worse” scenario.
When you write The Amazing Three, you count your blessing in the day – in reverse. This has the effect of allowing you to ‘prime’ your brain in reverse and can change not just your relationships with your loved ones, it can change your relationship with yourself.
In movies ranging from Back to the Future to Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, the yearning to go back in time and change something is universal.
Let’s milk this concept. Think of this as an imagination exercise where you get the chance to go back in time and change one thing you did during the day.
It could be saying (or not saying) something to someone.
It could be waking up earlier.
It could be trusting your gut with a decision.
This question is your personal reminder that you have the power to change your perception of the past and influence the future. In a very real way, you shape your future in just the same way pro-level athletes and NASA astronauts do. The technology is available to you. It is the magic between your ears.
In time, this exercise can begin to shift how you look at problems and help you automatically take the actions you want to take. #growthmindset
The Five Minute Journal is a simple guided gratitude journal to help you focus on the positive. Get the 5 Minute Journal PDF Quick Start Guide by entering your email below:
See All ArticlesFive Minute Journal Tips – Intelligent Change
Below you will find 10 tips to get the most out of The Five Minute Journal including best practices and ways to avoid getting stuck.
CONTENTS1. The Most Important Tip for Sticking With The Five Minute Journal
2. Get Specific!!!
3. Breaking the Rules of The Five Minute Journal
4. Using Categories: How Tim Ferriss Uses The Five Minute Journal
5. This is How You Really Make Your Day Great
6. How to Write Effective Affirmations
7. How to Do an Amazing Review of the Day
8. Using The Five Minute Journal to Learn & Improve Every Day
9. Modifying The Five Minute Journal
10. Why Do You Use The Five Minute Journal
TIP #1: The Most Important Tip for Sticking With The Five Minute Journal
It may seem simple but...
To build the habit of using the Five Minute Journal consistently, the most important decision you can make is where you choose to keep the journal (and a pen).
Choose to keep it somewhere you are very likely to see it (near the bed, near the toothbrush, etc) morning and night.
If you’re using the App, it’s best to use reminders. Turn them on now! This will make all the difference. Done? Good. If not, what are you waiting for?
One of our users, Liz, finds that the only way she’s able to do the journal is if she keeps it on her bedside table. If she keeps it farther away from the bed, she is shocked to realize she hasn't practiced journaling in over a week just because of the location.
Within our team, Kevin reported doing the Five Minute Journal less frequently or forgetting to do it simply by not having it within arms reach upon waking. If the Five Minute Journal was on his desk across the room, it rarely got done.
Again, this tip may seem overly simple, but we find most people who report forgetting to do the Five Minute Journal did not consistently practice this tip.
Do it now (or as soon as you’re able) - keep your journal with a pen somewhere it’s impossible to miss in the morning & night. Reduce your mental barriers to adopting this positive life changing habit. You’ll be glad you did. That’s it.
Quick question: Where do you keep your journal? Share here.
TIP #2: Get Specific!!!
We have heard from numerous Five Minute Journalers that, at times, it can feel repetitive. People get tired of writing the same old stuff they are grateful for each day. What to do?!
We say,
When doing the Five Minute Journal it matters less what you write; it matters more what you experience and feel.
Thinking of a list of things to be grateful for usually comes rapidly, but the feeling typically takes a bit longer to kick in. Waiting for the emotion--the wonder and awe--before putting pen to paper makes all the difference.
The more detailed you can get while writing what you are grateful for, the easier it is to connect with the emotion.
Think about novels. Typically, authors do not just generally describe something, they get into detail. Novelists do not just say, “he drove a car,” they say, “he drove a black Mustang that sounded like it held a grudge".
For example, today you write, “I am grateful for John.”
Do you actually feel good writing that down? If not, get specific. What is it about John that makes you grateful?
Do the same with the "3 Amazing things that happened today..." section:
Now pause for a moment. How do you feel with what you wrote down? Are you connecting with it? If not, try writing something new until you do. If you connect with it, then congratulations! It’s time to move on.
If you do not rush through writing your gratitudes and take a few extra moments to dig deeper, you will see much greater and lasting results. The more you practice this, the easier and quicker this process will become.
TIP #3: Breaking the Rules of The Five Minute Journal
When thinking of things to be grateful for, many people think they need to come up with a grocery list of gratitudes. Often this produces repetitive, disconnected feelings. Gratitude gets processed in the head and not the heart. #OHSNAP
In our last tip, we shared how getting specific with what you write down massively helps you connect with the feeling. And on some days, this requires extra writing room.
While the Five Minute Journal “I am grateful for” section is numbered, many days I simply scratch out the numbers:
You can do the same for reflecting on your day…
The important question to keep in mind here is: Do I connect with what I write down? If you write 3 gratitudes each day, great! If not, take more room to write. Also great! Over time, you will strike a balance that feels right to you.
The Five Minute Journal is your time capsule of positive memories for years to come. Make it work for you!
TIP #4: Using Categories: How Tim Ferriss Uses The Five Minute Journal
In previous tips, we talked about the importance of connecting with what you write down in the Five Minute Journal. No connection/feeling to what you are grateful for = no bueno.
Despite knowing this tip and having the best intentions to write soul fulfilling gratitudes, you will inevitably face “gratitude block.” From here you have a choice. Either quickly write a meaningless gratitude (world peace!), take longer to write so you connect (but I have to get out the door for work!) or option 3.
What is option 3 you ask?
It’s how Tim Ferriss (best-selling author of the 4 Hour Work Week, 4 Hour Chef and 4 Hour Body) uses the journal. He’s a type-A personality who finds the Five Minute Journal quite useful to practice gratitude and start the day on the right note.
So how does Tim use the Five Minute Journal?
Instead of thinking of random gratitudes each day, Tim single tasks the Five Minute Journal a la categories.
Tim uses 4 categories:
1. Relationships: An old relationship that really helped you
2. An opportunity that you have today
3. Something great that happened or your saw yesterday
4. Something simple near you (clouds outside, pen you are holding, etc)
Instead of trying to color with every gratitude crayon in the box, he uses a few. What if today you just focused on relationships you are grateful for? Or things you are grateful for about your health? Or all the ways you can be grateful for mini pigs?
Imagine the possibilities!
I currently have a personal goal of wanting to improve my relationships. What if I dedicated my Five Minute Journal solely to this purpose? It could look like this:
I usually find that having a day where I select a "category" to focus on helps generate gratitude ideas quicker. Thanks Tim!
If you get stuck in the Five Minute Journal, pick one singular focus and use the Five Minute Journal solely dedicated for that day, week, or month.
TIP #5: This is How You Really Make Your Day Great
When great things happen unexpectedly during the day, month, or year it’s easy to feel…great. It could be a friend writing you a thank you letter, winning tickets to a concert, or finding twenty dollars in your jacket. Feels pretty darn good!
A problem arises if you expect random great things to happen in order to make your day great and they never come:
You can, however, focus on taking tiny daily actions that increases the likelihood of making your day great.
How many times prior to doing the Five Minute Journal have you asked yourself, “what would make today great?” Imagine creating a consistent “cycle of great things” like this:
It’s like a chain reaction:
- Focus on smiling more → more people being warm and friendly too you → more friendships randomly appear.
- Focus on going to gym → become more attractive to opposite sex → more dating opportunities randomly appear. Focus on meditating → become more calm → more patient people randomly appear.

Of course, the process is not linear, but in general, the more action you take towards making your day great, the greater likelihood random great things appear. In sociology, they call this the Matthew Effect (or accumulated advantage), the phenomenon where "the rich get richer and the poor get poorer."
So how do you actually make your day great?
Do you know that spent, fulfilled feeling you get when you finish an amazing day? Aim for this. If it helps, close your eyes and project yourself to the end of the day, imagining and visualizing the things that would have happened if you were feeling that feeling.
These actions do not need to be earth shattering. The key is to keep them tiny enough so you actually complete them. They can be as simple as “tell my wife I love her”, “get outside today,” or “smile at the barista today.”
When first filling out this question, you may write a bunch of action items that you thought would lead to satisfying day, but in reality did not. That’s ok! Over time you will get better at identifying the things that make your day great and thus answering this question becomes much easier. Your progression will look a bit like this:
If thinking of 3 great things each day seems overwhelming, focus on ONE thing for the day--one thing that if completed would leave you satisfied with your day. Quality trumps quantity here.
What if the "what would make today great" section gets repetitive or you consistently fail to do any of the items you write down?
If I am building a new habit (such as meditating, starting a new workout, developing new social skills), odds are I will have the same action items several days/weeks in a row. As long as I keep feeling fulfilled from completing that task at the end of the day, it stays. If it begins to feel empty and meaningless, I reassess what I write down.
As Leonardo Da Vinci said, “A well spent day brings happy sleep. ” Now go and make your day great!
TIP #6: How to Write Effective Affirmations
I have learned writing daily affirmations is probably the most misunderstood part of The Five Minute Journal.
There is more to affirmations than wishing for a million dollars and hoping the universe will magically deliver it to you. So we need to get the basic principles straight.
First, I will talk about the foundation and purpose of this section before moving on to some tactics.
THE PURPOSE: Work at the edge of your realityLet us understand this by an illustration:
Let’s take an example of an eager Five Minute Journaler. Meet Cole.
Cole is an entrepreneur who started a couple of successful product-based businesses.
If he were to write the affirmation, “I am excited to create great products that help people”, that is very much in his current reality (the pink dot).
If he were to write the affirmation, “I am pumped to grow my businesses by 50% this year”, that might be at the edge of his current reality (the orange dot).
If he were to write the affirmation, “I am honoured to be the industry leader in sustainable growth products”, that would be significantly outside his current reality (the green dot).
In general, the purpose of an affirmation is to push the edges of your reality. You want it to be around the orange zone. If you are comfortable stretching the edges of your reality significantly, then go green.
The litmus test of how good your affirmation is depends on how do you feel after you write it.
Do you believe it? Do you feel better? If so, you’re on the right track.
Do you feel worse? Chances are you’re biting off more than you can chew.
Do you feel neutral? Chances are you’re not thinking big enough.
From here, there are two tactical ways to write affirmations.
1. The Hammer Approach - This is where you pick an affirmation that you want to deeply integrate into your life and you write it in your journal every day. The more often you write it, the deeper you integrate the strength of that belief within yourself. I find this technique works well for me.
We call it the hammer approach because you basically hammer in one affirmation until you truly experience the benefits and it has become part of your life.
For example:
2. The Butterfly Approach - This is where you make up your affirmation on a daily basis. You affirm a part of your reality you want to see more of - maybe you have a presentation later in the day and you want to write this:
Basically, you let your feelings that day or what you have planned to guide your affirmations.
Whatever approach you choose can work well and I recommend picking one and sticking to it.
In summary, choose an affirmation that is at the edge of your current reality and then use either the Hammer or Butterfly Approach to write in your affirmation. Remember, the litmus test is how you feel as you write your affirmation as a compass for progress.
How do you feel about affirmations? Share here with this quick 10-second multiple choice question.
TIP #7: How to Do an Amazing Review of the Day
Every night when I open my Five Minute Journal I see this question:
Here’s the thing. If the day was incredible, the section will write itself.
But if the day sucked, you might feel conflicted when you hit this question. The aim of this email is to resolve that conflict. Let’s take an example.
Say Alice finishes a sub-par day with many distractions at work, traffic delays, and a cancelled meeting she was looking forward to.
What is she going to write in her Five Minute Journal!?
As entrepreneur and motivational speaker Jim Rohn said, “Don’t wish it were easier, wish you were better.”
The important thing to understand here is that ‘amazing’ does not necessarily mean buying your dream house or finding your life partner.
It can also mean that the stoplight turned green at just the right time or the barista flashed you a wonderful smile. If you truly look for it, you will find amazing moments in your day. Sometimes an amazing moment can be avoiding a problem or conflict. That too is a success. The “things could have been a whole lot worse” scenario.
When Alice first looks at the “3 Amazing things that happened today…” question, she first thinks, ”Nothing amazing happened today”. That is just the first layer of the mental response. She knows that there are more layers and all she needs is a little more time to get to dig a little deeper and get to the good stuff.
Alice starts to review her day from the moment she woke up, looking for nuggets of amazing moments. It takes her some time, but she remembers three wonderful moments and jots them down:
The critical factor here is connecting with what you write down. As per a previous 5MJ tip email, the more specific you get, the easier it will be to connect with the emotion. Keep going with finding the amazing moments and you will find some great ones.
TIP #8: Using The Five Minute Journal to Learn & Improve Every Day
When you read the following question:
Do you think:
(A) “Reflecting on how I could have made each day better gives me a chance to learn, grow, and evolve. Bring it on!”
(B) “Reflecting on how I could have made each day better makes me feel bad about what I accomplished or did NOT accomplish, during the day. Ughh!”
Unfortunately, many Five Minute Journalers have wrote in and identified with the thought expressed in (B). In other words, many of you have been ending the day with feelings of inferiority and shame. Let’s resolve this!
For starters, if you have an great day, it is perfectly ok to write nothing in this section. Put a smiley face here and move on with your day.
For the other times, I will talk about the foundation and purpose of this section before moving on to some tactics.
THE CORE BELIEFWhen Adam the Achiever approaches a goal, he has an underlying belief to one day be “done. ”
- Once he gets six pack abs, he will accept his body.
- Once he makes a million dollars, he will finally be happy.
- And once he gets a long term partner, he will finally love himself.
Many of these beliefs render Adam completely overwhelmed and he winds up not making much progress on any of these goals. Fundamentally, his identity is rooted in his results, which always seem out of reach.
When Adam the Achiever fills out the ‘How could I make today better section’, he thinks, “There is so much I did not do. I am a even bigger loser than I thought.”
When Gigi the Grower approaches a goal, she has the underlying belief that she is a work in progress.
She thinks she is not sure if she will have the perfect body, but if she keeps eating vegetables, clean meats, and exercising, she puts herself in a position to be healthy. Gigi knows she will never be "done" and is happy that she makes some daily progress.
When Gigi the Grower fills out the ‘How could I make today better section’, she thinks, “Huh, there are bunch of things I could have done. I will have to try them out.”
Adam thinks he is bad and fundamentally flawed and wants to fix himself. Gigi knows she has flaws, but fundamentally believes she is making progress and greatness is within her grasp.
Gigi’s mindset will yield way more success than Adam’s defeatist thoughts.
Cue the platitude:
This is the core belief to have while filling out this section.
You are not trying to create a perfect you or a perfect day. This section is simply a reminder that you have the power to change your perceptions of the past and influence the future.
This begins by accepting yourself as a good person who makes mistakes and learns and grows through time.
Ironically, a great place to start if you have feelings of shame and inferiority while filling out this section is to write, “I will view myself as a work in progress. ”
From a tactical perspective, the whole point of the “How could I have made today better” section is to identify patterns of persistent problems and then write actions to move past them.
For example, let’s say today you spent all day inside and felt bad about not socializing. In “How could I have made today better” you could have filled out:
I am not sure if you remember the instructions in the beginning of the Journal. This is where most people stumble. The sentence needs to be kind of like an affirmation for doing the right action the next time around.
Let’s take that statement and change it into this:
These are specific actions you can take tomorrow that will noticeably shift you into socializing more and get the result you are looking to achieve.
Another example...
You really wanted to go to the gym today and exercise, but you did not make it. You may write.
Let’s say the next day you still do not make it to the gym. Now you are starting to feel bad about yourself. No worries, this is a hint to scale back your ambition and be realistic. Maybe planning to hit the gym 3 times/week is realistic. Focus on what works.
Do not write unattainable/unrealistic goals that when you do not meet them, make you feel bad.
The litmus test is that once you finish writing this, do you feel good? If it does not resonate, take this as a sign to step back and do some reassessing.
Again, if you had a great day, it’s perfectly ok to draw a beautiful smiley face to end the day.
Quick question: What do you typically write for the “how could I have made today even better” section? Share here.
TIP #9: Modifying The Five Minute Journal
Time to color outside the lines!
Filling in the Five Minute Journal can get repetitive. There are some days where I just go through the motions and think “ehh I have to fill this thing out again”.
And out of this boredom, an idea was born. Necessity is truly the mother of invention:
What if I messed with the Five Minute Journal structure?
To begin, instead of writing three things I was grateful for on March 1st, I only wrote one thing, but wrote in greater detail. It is not about the quantity, but QUALITY. The journal should not be seen as a school exam where you have to ensure you fill in the blanks.
I then wrote out my list of what would make today great. At the end of each day I will go back and check mark each task I got done. This helps keep me accountable.
Then for daily affirmations, I decided to modify this to a daily question to keep in mind:
As I ended the day, I did the same thing for the night section as the morning. I wrote in greater detail about one amazing thing that happened instead of three:
For the last question, I decided to keep the format the same, plus a little shameless endorsement :)
And finally, I have begun marking days as unhappy, neutral, and happy in the upper corner as a general indicator of how I felt that day:
Most days I stick to the structure of the Five Minute Journal and don’t change a thing, but sometimes I will want to make a modification here or there. Maybe I only feel like writing one thing I’m grateful for in more depth. Maybe instead of writing how would I make today great I write, “How would I make today more fun?”
At the end of the day, the Five Minute Journal is a tool. Utilize it for your own needs. Be creative. And above all. Have fun!
Have you modified your Five Minute Journal? If so, share on instagram or facebook using #fiveminutejournal
TIP #10: Why Do You Use The Five Minute Journal
Gym owners love January 1st. That is when SO many people come, pay for the year, and never set foot back in the place. Ever.
Replace the gym with practically any new behavior change--learning a new language, meditating, or learning an instrument. People get all excited in the beginning, but somewhere along the way, enthusiasm fades and the exciting new hobby is dropped.
We do not want that to happen to you with the Five Minute Journal!
In the beginning of the Five Minute Journal we ask you to write why the habit is important to you. The section is short and only gets three lines but quite frankly it is the most important section.
Do you want to become more grateful? Why?
Do you want to become happier? Why?
Do you want to become more positive? Why?
Getting clear on your "why" will make all the difference.
It is the fuel that keeps up the Five Minute Journal habit when times get tough and you do not feel like doing it. Think of the gym again. You drag yourself there after a long day but feel amazing after.
Let us compare and contrast:
- A: The Five Minute Minute Journal is important to me because I want to be more grateful.
- B: The Five Minute Journal is important to me because it allows me to be more present, loving, accepting with my family, and show up as a father.
With B, we can feel the reason. We can see the reason. We believe the reason. It is clear.
Another fine example:
- A: The Five Minute Journal is important to me because I want to be happy.
- B: The Five Minute Journal is important to me because I want to make the best out of the cards I was dealt in life. I want to celebrate life and live with joy rather than seeing the world with a cynical, glass-half-empty attitude like the environment I grew up in.
With B, we can feel the deep seeded beliefs and emotions associated with being unhappy. It is much more meaningful than a vague “I want to be happy.”
If you do not actually believe the Five Minute Journal can change your life, it will not. It will just be another project that sits on the shelf collecting dust. Become engaged. Positive change awaits you if you make the effort.
So we would like to know, why do you use your Five Minute Journal? Take a minute to share here.
New cover of The Economist 2022. Journal of the secret world government (Rothschilds) - Finance on vc.ru
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I think many have heard the theory that through the cover of The Economist (The Economist), which belongs to the Rothschilds, the Secret World Government every year tries to convey to mankind what is intended and should happen.
The theory has the right to life and there are confirmations of it.
Examples from recent years. nine0003
The 2019 cover featured a smartphone with a QR code, the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse. One of the riders, the American Statue of Liberty, was shown wearing a mask. During the publication of the cover at the end of 2018, no one thought at all about the virus and that this was possible. Electric car. Many countries have begun to legislate the timing of the transition to them.
In 2020, the first two digits are shown in red, the second in green. Financial markets fell in the first half of the year and rose in the second half of the year. nine0003
In 2021 Top left corner, vanishing coronavirus thanks to vaccinations and masks (in the same row). The growth of the stock market (upper right corner), in it from the bottom - a new type of coronavirus comes out (just in the last quarter).
Let's look at the new cover. Please note that this is my reasoning, interpretation of possible events and all interpretations found on the Internet. I will be glad to discuss in the comments to this article.
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The Economist 2022
The general view of the cover, in my opinion, is made in the form of a dartboard.
Red, black, gray and white colors do not bode well. We are all under attack. And microscopes say that we are examined thoroughly, all our data is literally disassembled into molecules. nine0003
I also found this interpretation: “A game drum divided into sectors or a balance wheel. It is worth one cell of the wheel to break and the whole year will go downhill. Therefore, attention to every detail is important.
And the microscopes seem to hint to us about this.
An invisible arrow is installed in the center of the drum and, apparently, the plan is built up to 2023, and we are now, one might say, in the main phase, in the "phase of change".
The following detail speaks of the phase of change: previously, The world in was always written on the cover, and now The world ahead. Thus, in my opinion, the point of no return has been passed.” (TG channel FOMOHOMO)
The circle is divided into 8 sectors (4+4) mirrored to each other. Initially, it even seems that they are exactly the same, but then looking closely at the details, there are minor differences. Here, of course, the confrontation between the two powers is displayed.
Cover (behind the target) - white sheet. We are present at the time of the emergence of the New World Order, the new economy. In these years, will people be digitized through injections? (I do not strongly believe in this), but it is worth paying attention that in the figure a chain of dots and lines stretches from the syringe. nine0003
Two heads of state: Xi Jinping and Joe Biden, leaders of two countries that are in opposition to each other. Interestingly, they are not inverted mirror figures, but look in different directions, seeing the development of the situation in different ways. Both leaders are depicted on a red background and quote charts next to them. Line color is red. Apparently, experts' forecasts of serious financial fluctuations can be confirmed. Also note that the charts are different China - a sharp drop, a sharp rise. US more smoothly, apparently the Fed will again support rates. nine0003
The next sector shows that the coronavirus will be present in our lives this year (the mirror of this sector is on the US side, it says the same thing) compulsory) vaccination. At the same time, on the US side there is a graph (with a large increase). There will be a huge number of sick people.
In the same sectors, wind energy, without environmental pollution. The transition of world economies to alternative energy sources. Size is also of great importance. The Chinese energy sector will develop much faster. nine0003
In the same sectors, pay attention to the logo of cryptocoins ADA (China), with ETH (USA).
Not very good at crypto. I found this interpretation: “Perhaps, on the basis of the blockchains of these cryptocurrencies, a digital dollar and a digital yuan will be launched on a global scale. With the rejection of cash and the banking system as a whole. And the launch of digital currencies will still happen, after the global collapse of the economies of countries.”
In the center of this sector is something that looks like chips. Perhaps just a hint at the lack of chips in the world. I note that when I looked at the picture for the first time, I thought that this is not a chip, but an image of the metaverse (a map with plots of land that are sold in it). In confirmation, just yesterday I read the news in China, Baidu launched the metaverse (translated as "land of hope")..
It is interesting that the next sector with a microscope is absolutely mirror of the same sector from the USA. I couldn't find any difference.
The microscope, as I wrote above, symbolizes that we are all under strict control, disassembled into atoms or numbers (in the words of digitalization). And here, apparently, the approach of both powers (and the whole world) is absolutely the same.
Next sector. Image of syringes. On the Chinese side, one of the circles is pierced. Apparently they are closer to victory over the coronavirus, or, if we talk about the digitization of people, then closer to it (as I wrote at the beginning). If you think about the colors of the syringe (white and red), then perhaps those who received and did not take the vaccine (digitized or not)
Large rocket nozzles symbolize the tremendous speed of some event. There is a possibility that this is the launch of a new financial system, where from now on every person will be controlled.
This year's cover features two more symbols for the LTC and Bitcoin cryptocurrencies. Their location on the rocket may indicate their rapid growth (perhaps a place in the new financial system). In the same sector, there are symbols of a bearish and bullish candle (growth and fall of the market).
Of course, all this is speculation and speculation. I will be glad to your comments and thoughts. nine0003
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Whether it be thermoplastic rubber tires, safety chair castors which are [...] compliant with EU directives or [. for every requirement. kaiserkraft.co.uk kaiserkraft.co.uk | Starting with thermoplastic rubber tyres, safety casters for chairs conforming to [...] EC ending [...] rotary balls to P UG AM and for UP AVL EN and I with wheel PO OBU OB ours ... ... ] there is a suitable one [...] solution for every task. kaiserkraft.ru kaiserkraft.ru |
See Fig.2: [...] lift-off the pla st i c turntable r i ng by using [. a pair of tweezers. electrocompaniet.no electrocompaniet.no | See figure 2: lift t e rotating ko or with the help of [...] tweezers. electrocompaniet.ru electrocompaniet.ru |
The representative of the Director-General, introducing the document which reported on the evaluations of the eight Major Program I institutes and centers [...] (Education Sector), [...] emphasized that the report must serve as a tool for t h e Steering G r ou p on institutes and centres, which had been established [...] by the Director General. unesdoc.unesco.org unesdoc.unesco.org | Representative of the Director-General, summarizing the content of the document reporting on the evaluation of eight institutes and [. centers related to [...] Major Program I (Education Sector), emphasized that this report d o fa n serve as in st ru ment for the drafting [...] by institutes and centers, [...] established by the General Director. unesdoc.unesco.org unesdoc.unesco.org |
T h e steering l o ck would be activated, making it impossible to steer the car. esd.volvocars.com esd.volvocars.com | Z A MO K steering K OLE CA is activated, and car l b loses UP esd.volvocars.com esd.volvocars.com |
Derived from the reliable TECO 22 tire changer, the Teco 21 model is designed for users looking for a traditional bead breaking system: t h e turntable l o ck s rims from 5" to 23" with the brand standard and from 6" to 16" using an optional quad adapter kit. aziendainfiera.it aziendainfiera.it | The prototype of the Teco 21 tire demounter and demounter was the TECO 22 tire demounter, which is extremely reliable, designed for users who prefer a traditional mounting system: the centering device allows mounting wheels 5" to 23" with standard clamps 6" to 16" with an additional set of ATV adapters. aziendainfiera.it aziendainfiera.it |
The Advisory [...] Committee recommends that the E R P Steering C o mm ittee identify and review [...] all systems providing core functions [...] for the management of human, financial and physical resources, and that the implementation of such systems be closely coordinated with the ERP project team, with a view to ensuring that the current fragmentation of systems is not perpetuated. daccess-ods.un.org daccess-ods.un.org | Advisory [...] committee recommends t t o would Guiding to o mi te t 90 all systems that support [...] core human, financial and material resource management functions, and that the implementation of such systems be closely coordinated with the ERP project team in order to avoid the current fragmentation of systems in the future. nine0003 daccess-ods.un.org daccess-ods.un.org |
The Meeting of t h e Steering G r ou p of the five persons [...] of the five Intergovernmental Programs (on 30 September and [...] 1 October 2003) reflected MOST's new orientation in its Joint Statement presented to Commission III of the General Conference at its 32nd session and commended the interdisciplinary cooperation and change-oriented approach implemented in the “Volga Vision” produced jointly by the five Intergovernmental Science Programs of UNESCO. unesdoc.unesco.org unesdoc.unesco.org | New orientation [...] the MOST program has found its place [...] reflection in the Joint Proposal in le neither and meetings Ru to five intergovernmental chairmen [...] nine0003 programs (September 30 - October 1, 2003), which was presented to Commission III at the 32nd session of the General Conference and which endorsed interdisciplinary cooperation and a change-oriented approach within the framework of the Volga Perspective project, developed jointly five intergovernmental scientific programs of UNESCO. unesdoc.unesco.org unesdoc.unesco.org |
Prior to moving t h e turntable , a lw ays unplug it from the AC outlet and lock the tone arm on the tone arm rest. audio-technica.com.au audio-technica.com.au | If you want to move the turntable to other m First, unplug it from the electrical outlet and clip the tonearm to the support. nine0003 audio-technica.ru audio-technica.ru |
During welding, a new component is manually loaded on the other side of t h e esab.com esab.com | During the welding process, new workpieces are manually loaded on the other side of the rotary positioner, which rotates around the longitudinal axis. nine0003 esab.ru esab.ru |
At its spring 2009 session, the United Nations System Chief Executives Board [...] for Coordination had endorsed [. Department of Safety and Security [...] to lead a project group to develop a structured threat assessment methodology, as well as descriptors and definitions for the proposed security level system. daccess-ods.un.org daccess-ods.un.org | At its 2009 spring session [...] Chief Executives Board approved [...] modifications proposed w en us e managerial k um em ohm, and requested the Department [...] Safety and Security [...] Lead a project team to develop a structured threat assessment methodology and descriptors and definitions for a proposed system of security modes. daccess-ods.un.org daccess-ods.un.org | nine0165
Do not switch on the oven unless t h e turntable a n d are in the respective place. fosterspa.com fosterspa.com | Do not turn on the appliance until the turntable and stand are in place. fosterspa.com fosterspa.com | nine0165
If you have several containers, such as cups, for [...] example, set them out uniformly on t h e turntable p l at e. media.teka48.ru media.teka48.ru | With different containers such as cups, [...] place them evenly o on ceramic o sn ov media. media.teka48.ru |
[...] two of whom were Roma and two Hungarian, and two members had [...] nine0003 previously been NGO activists. daccess-ods.un.org daccess-ods.un.org | In a one hundred i more e time ru to ov od box [...] members, two of whom are Roma, two are Hungarians, and two more members [...] were previously NGO activists. daccess-ods.un.org daccess-ods.un.org |
Unless indicated to the contrary, use t h e turntable p l e fosterspa.com fosterspa.com | Unless otherwise specified, use the turntable for cooking. fosterspa.com fosterspa.com |
Regularly take out t h e media.teka48.ru media.teka48.ru | Clean the base of the inner chamber regularly, especially after spilling any liquid. media.teka48.ru media.teka48.ru |
SC's new scanning system consists of Artec MH and L scanners mounted on a flexible dual head tripod which allows use of two scanners simultaneously in a bundle configuration, and a motor p o si tioned at a suitable distance in front of this tripod. artec3d.com artec3d.com | They now use a new scanning system consisting of Artec L and Artec MH scanners mounted on a special tripod, which allows them to be used simultaneously , and and an automatic turntable located at a certain distance from the tripod. artec3d.com artec3d.com |
The narrow and compact chassis design and [...] the short length to fork face, in [...] combination with t h e turntable a x le enable the [...] E10 to perform in very confined places [...] with good turnaround efficiency. linde-mh.ru linde-mh.ru | Narrow and compact chassis base as well as [...] short length n a fork in with combined with swivel [...] axle allow E 10 to work with high [...] efficient even in tight spaces. linde-mh.ru linde-mh.ru |
Vials can be fed on to an in feed conveyor or alternative ly a turntable f intertechequip. intertechequip.com | Vials can be loaded onto a guide conveyor or alternatively onto a rotating table where they are loaded onto a gear wheel and transferred to a rotating conveyor system with 40 or 60 pickup points. nine0003 intertechequip.com intertechequip.com |
Canisters positively located on a turntable sgsgroup.com.ar sgsgroup.com.ar | Containers are located on turntable sgsgroup.com.ua sgsgroup.com.ua |
Just like the legendary Beogram 60 0 6 turntable w i th wooden frame, reminiscent of the 70's but simultaneously unique as an expression of its own. bang-olufsen.com bang-olufsen.com | Just like the legendary turntable B eogram 6006 with a wooden frame, reminiscent of the 70s and at the same time possessing its own uniqueness. nine0003 bang-olufsen.com bang-olufsen.com |
Turntable T o uc h Control allows you to easily play, skip or pause your music and manage calls. jabra.com jabra.com | The rotary control panel allows you to easily play music, pause it and make phone calls. jabra.ru jabra.ru |
What began in 1998 as an inde xi n g turntable m a ch ine with two swinging front doors capable of blasting a gear wheel of a maximum weight of 1. and of 4.5m long. wheelabratorgroup.com wheelabratorgroup.com | In 1998 . all n Ah was originally from a stepper rotary table machine with double doors at the front, capable of grinding gear wheels weighing a maximum of 1.6 tons.0025 K Dan and U new K It CC PC AI with one stationary rotary table and movable ceiling of the camera, which allows to treat the toothered wheels with maximum mass and diameter 100 T and diameter [...] 3 m and shafts up to 10 t and 4.5 m long. wheelabratorgroup.com wheelabratorgroup.com |
If you have a precious collection of recordings on [...] vinyl records, and your system [...] includes a high-qua li t y turntable , t on, and pick-up [...] cartridge, the R32 MM-MC Amplifier [...] provides the ideal interface between the low-level output provided by the cartridge and the line-level inputs provided by a modern sound system. nine0003 hi-end.lv hi-end.lv | If you have [...] precious vinyl collection [...] records and in your si s te me available in s juice ok quality [. turntable, arm and pickup, [...] TheR32 MM-MS is the ideal interface between low-level pickup signals and the line-level inputs of today's sound systems. nine0003 hi-end.lv hi-end.lv |
Afterward, an Eriez model E-Z Tec metal detection system, purchased in 2010 and adapted to the new Premier Tech line by Ceresco engineers, is used to scan for foreign materials before it is stacked on an AP-425 high-level palletizer and readied for transport by a WCA-S ma r t 0026 tch wrapper, manufactured by Wulftec International of Ayer's Cliff, Que. premiertechieg.com premiertechieg.com | After that, the Eriez model E-Z Tec metal detection system, bought in 2010 and adapted to the Premier Tech line by Ceresco engineers, is used to scan for foreign markets before stacking on the AP-425 high-level polleter and preparing for transport by the WCA-Smart swivel packer in stretch material, manufactured by Wulftec International in Ayers Cliff, Quebec. premiertechieg.com premiertechieg.com |
3D-Coat is a commercial digital sculpting program from Pilgway designed to create free-form organic and hard surfaced 3D models from scratch, with tools which enable users to sculpt, add polygonal topology (automatically or manually), create UV maps (automatically or manually ), texture the resulting models with natural painting tools, and render static images or anima te d " turntable " m ov ies. neoaxis.com neoaxis.com | 3D-Coat (3D-Coat) is a commercial computer program for modeling various organic objects and rough low-poly 3D models; provides a wide range of tools that allow users to sculpt by adding topology (automatically or manually), generate UV maps (automatically or manually), interactively texture the surface of a model, render static scenes, and animate the model in circles. neoaxis.com neoaxis.com |
A sonic performance of Micro MR-611 just went up, into another category, it is rather a Hi -E n d turntable n o w, and for sure not a middle-end hi-fi one anymore. classicaudio.ru classicaudio.ru | The sound quality of the Micro MR-611 has moved up in the category, now it is more of a Hi-End player, and definitely no longer a mid-range Hi-Fi. nine0003 classicaudio.ru classicaudio.ru |
The company was not only able to produce a lighter and stro ng e r turntable k i t, but has also been able to obtain more accurate production scheduling and delivery precision due to the reliability of their new supplier and SSAB Shape. ssab.com ssab.com | The company has not only reduced the weight and strength of the turntable, but also increased the accuracy of production planning and product delivery thanks to the reliability of its new supplier and SSAB Shape. ssab.com ssab.com |
A plate distributor [...] located ahead of the co rn e r turntable o r u prighting module ensures [...] that the various types of pouch pass [...] to the machine in the required order. khscorpoplast.com khscorpoplast.com | Vane distributor, [...] installed in front of corner o you m turning and or n before leveling [. module, makes sure that [...] different packets moved in the direction of the machine in a given order. khscorpoplast.com khscorpoplast.com |
If pouches enter the packaging system with the narrow side first, they are turned 90 degrees by a co rn e r turntable , a nd those that are not exactly in line are perfectly re-aligned. khscorpoplast.com khscorpoplast.com | If the lying packages in bags enter the packaging system with a narrow side, then the rotating corner turner performs a precise turn of the package by 90 °, including the alignment of packages that have deviated from the axis of movement. khscorpoplast.com khscorpoplast.com | nine0165
Do not touch the stylus tip with your fingers; avoid bumping the stylus on t h e turntable m a t edge. |