Define introvert and extrovert personality

Difference Between Introvert and Extrovert (with Comparison Chart)

Based on characteristics, there are two types of personality, i.e. introvert and extrovert. When a person is reserved and does not open up easily, he or she is said to be an introvert. On the contrary, when a person is social, talkative and makes friends quickly, then his personality type is extrovert.

“We all are same, but different” is an old saying, which means we all have same human nature, body, mind, thoughts, feelings, yet every individual is unique in its own way. Therefore, it is said that ‘No two people are alike,’ as our way of thinking, feeling and acting is different from other people, which represents our personality. The article excerpt presents you all the differences between introvert and extrovert in detail.

Content: Introvert Vs Extrovert

  1. Comparison Chart
  2. Definition
  3. Key Differences
  4. Conclusion

Comparison Chart

Basis for ComparisonIntrovertExtrovert
MeaningAn introvert is a person who remains isolated, or enjoys the company of few closed ones. An extrovert is an outgoing and outspoken person who enjoys being around and talking to people.
SpeakingThey think before speaking.They reason things out by speaking them.
EnergyRecharges with solitudeRecharges with social interactions
TimeSpends more time with themselvesSpends more time with family and friends
FocusInward focusedOutward focused
ChangeDo not accept change easily.Accept change easily.
CommunicationOpenly communicate about themselves with people they know and trust.Openly communicate about themselves with anyone.
ConcentrationDeeply concentrate for long period.Get distracted easily.

Definition of Introvert

A personality trait, wherein a person, is interested in his own mental self, is called an introvert. Introverts are reserved by nature, as they are preoccupied with their own thoughts and feelings. So, they need a lot of personal space. Further, these people feel comfortable and more energized when they are alone. So, they prefer solitary activities to social interaction which includes reading, writing, listening music, and so on. They have their own world of facts, feelings, fantasies, etc.

Many believe that introverts are shy and anti-social, rather they have social fear, and they are active listeners. They do not make friends easily and have few friends, but their friendship is deep rooted.

Definition of Extrovert

Extrovert refers to a type of human behavior in which a person loves to be surrounded by and interact with people. They are socially confident and outspoken. The very identity of an extrovert is that they enjoy human interaction.

Extroverts, focuses on practical realities rather than inner feelings and opinions, so they get bored in solitude. Hence, they tend to be more social, practical, informal and enthusiastic. Further, their communication skills are excellent. Individuals who possess this type of personality enjoys social gatherings and like to become the center of attraction. They are same in public and private.

Key Differences Between Introvert and Extrovert

The difference between introvert and extrovert can be drawn clearly on the following grounds:

  1. A person who remains isolated, or enjoys the company of few closed ones and keeps himself busy in thinking, is called an introvert. An outgoing and outspoken person who enjoys being around and talking to people is an extrovert.
  2. By nature, introverts are self-contained and reserved, whereas extroverts are friendly, talkative and gregarious.
  3. When it comes to speaking, introverts listen more than they speak and in fact they think twice or thrice before speaking. On the other hand, extroverts are completely different, they speak their minds out, infact they try to find out the reason of something by speaking them.
  4. The energy of introverts recharges with soltitude whereas extrovert’s energy recharges with social interactions.
  5. If we talk about spending time, introverts get rejuvenated when they spend time with themselves and so they avoid social interaction. As against this, extroverts like to spend time with family, friends, etc. and love getting social.
  6. Introverts seem to be quiet but their minds are loud as well as active. On the contrary, extroverts are outside thinkers, as they can handle any situation by verbally communicating with others.
  7. Introverts open up to a very few people and hence they prefer two or three close friends. In contrast, extroverts are socially active people whose friend list is very long, as they make friends wherever they go.
  8. Introverts hate change, as they cannot easily adapt themselves to new situations. As opposed this, extroverts accept the change easily.
  9. Extroverts are one who can talk with other about themselves, freely. Conversely, introverts openly communicate about themselves with people they know and trust.
  10. One of the major quality of introverts is, they can deeply concentrate on anything, while extroverts are easily distracted as they cannot concentrate on anything for a long time.


Finally, you will now be able to identify the difference between these two personality types as they are just opposite. While introvert avoids social gatherings and love being alone, extroverts feel pleasure in taking part in social activities, and easily prone to boredom when isolated. Further, the introverts are silent and listen more but extrovert speaks more and enjoys being in the limelight.

Extrovert vs. Introvert: How They’re Different

Extroversion and introversion are opposite ends of a spectrum. How you get and put out energy helps determine where you fall. But you can fall anywhere on this spectrum.

There are a lot of myths surrounding the concept of introverts versus extroverts — one of the main ones is that it’s an “either-or” situation.

You’re either an extrovert or an introvert. End of story. The other huge myth? Introverts are shy, and extroverts are outgoing. But the reality is a bit more complicated.

Megan MacCutcheon, LPC, further explains that “people sometimes assume introverts always have social anxiety or dislike being around others while extroverts are always loud, aggressive, and boisterous.”

Here’s a more realistic look at the extrovert-introvert spectrum and why one end isn’t any better or worse than the other.

The extrovert-introvert spectrum is just one of the “Big Five” traits that researchers use to study personality. The five traits are:

  • extroversion
  • openness to experience
  • conscientiousness
  • agreeableness
  • neuroticism

You can be high or low on a particular trait, or fall somewhere in the middle. But your “level” of a trait — for example, how extroverted you are — is thought to be stable across different situations and times in your life.

Let’s focus in on the extroversion trait. In our day-to-day lives, we tend to call people high in extroversion “extroverts,” and those low in extroversion are the opposite, “introverts.”

People who tend to fall near the extrovert end of things draw their energy from the outside world: the people, places, and things around them.

You enjoy working in a group

Extroverted people tend to feel most comfortable when working with other people, whether the task is a work project, party planning with friends, or a school assignment.

You might organize the group, keep it running smoothly, or even jump in as the leader.

No matter how you participate, you most likely feel energized to do your best work when that work involves active collaboration with other people.

You’re always ready to try something new

Are you confident and outgoing? Not afraid of taking a chance on something you’ve never done before, even if it’s a little risky? Maybe you find it easy to change plans or adapt to a new situation.

If so, you probably have a more extroverted personality.

Extroverts tend to take action rather than ponder. Once you decide to do something, you usually just go for it without worrying too much about what might happen.

You may not spend a lot of time considering all potential outcomes, and people might even describe you as impulsive.

On the bright side, some studies suggest that people who are more extroverted are also more innovative.

Talking through a problem often helps you solve it

Extroverted people often find it easier to understand and solve problems when they can talk through them, restate them in their own words, or seek input from other people.

What’s your go-to approach when faced with a challenge or difficult problem?

Say you’re dealing with a homework assignment, sticky situation with a friend, or tough task at work. Do you talk about it to as many people as you can to get different perspectives? Sort through your thoughts out loud?

If so, you’re likely more of an extrovert.

You find it easy to express yourself

Extroverted people usually have little to no trouble expressing thoughts, feelings, and opinions. These can range from minor preferences, such as the foods you dislike, to deeper emotions, including romantic feelings.

While some people might think of you as blunt, the ability to clearly communicate how you feel without hesitating or worrying what others might think can often be a positive trait.

Spending time alone can drain you

Extroverted people recharge best in the company of other people. You might move from one social setting to another, like to have people around you most of the time, and avoid spending time by yourself whenever possible.

“If spending time with other people energizes you after a long, stressful day, you’re likely more extroverted,” MacCutcheon explains.

Feeling tired, cranky, or out-of-sorts after too much time on your own also suggests you’re an extrovert.

You find the good in everything

Optimism is one key way extroversion often shows up.

Keep in mind that being optimistic doesn’t have to mean you’re relentlessly cheerful and never sad. If something bad happens, it still affects you, and you probably still have days where you feel down — just like most people.

But you may have an easier time finding silver linings in a negative situation. You’re also more likely to focus on those and bounce back more readily when something bad happens instead of feeling drained and overwhelmed.

You make friends easily

Extroverted people are generally known to be very sociable.

If you fall on this end of the spectrum, you might:

  • have a large circle of friends
  • enjoy meeting new people
  • find it easy to have heart to heart conversations with strangers or people you don’t know very well

Some studies link higher extroversion with longer life, but it’s impossible to know whether being extroverted is really the cause. However, one theory is that extroverts’ strong social networks may support better health.

Some people might view your expansive social circle as a sign that you aren’t that close to anyone in particular, but this isn’t necessarily the case. You likely have a few best friends or people you feel extra connected to.

Folks on the introverted end of the spectrum sometimes get a bad rap.

It’s often said that they’re:

  • shy or socially awkward
  • lack strong interpersonal skills
  • don’t make good leaders

But these characteristics don’t really have anything to do with introversion, which simply means your energy comes from within — instead of from people and things around you.

You consider things carefully

When faced with a new opportunity, or any big decision, you probably spend a good amount of time thinking it over before you make any plans to proceed.

Research may back this up. A 2020 study found that a person’s level of extroversion may be associated with the strategies they use to make decisions. In addition, people who were more extroverted scored lower in rational decision-making.

This means that extroverts may use less rational methods to make decisions than more-reflective introverts do.

People with a more action-oriented approach may not always understand why you devote so much time to reflection, but this tendency to look before you leap may help you feel confident you’re making the right choice for yourself.

You prefer to avoid conflict

Generally speaking, introverted people are less likely to strike up conversations with people they don’t know well, or even with people they do know well.

This can relate to a preference for internal dialogue and reflection. But a dislike of conflict can also play a part.

Research suggests introverts often have a higher sensitivity to negative feedback. If you’re worried someone might criticize you or view you in a bad light, you won’t have much interest to put yourself in any situation that leads to that outcome.

If you do join a debate or discussion, you might be more likely to share your ideas in written form, anonymously, or both. Responding in writing gives you the chance to think over what you want to say first, which is probably what feels most comfortable to you.

You’re good at visualizing and creating

People on the more introverted end of the spectrum often spend a lot of time in their heads. Your friends and loved ones might say you’re always off in your own world, or something along those lines.

But that world is where you do your best work. You might think through challenges or use your imagination to brainstorm new ideas.

Sharing those thoughts and feelings out loud may not come easily to you, but it might seem completely natural to write, illustrate, or set them to music.

You’re a natural listener

If you’re introverted, socializing can drain your natural energy reserves, so you prefer to listen and absorb what’s happening around you.

When at work, among friends, or in other social settings, you usually settle comfortably into the background.

The myth that introverts are shy or socially anxious stems from this natural tendency to quietly observe.

Sure, you might avoid small talk, prefer to let the noise of the crowd wash over you, or feel better when you can tune everyone out with headphones. But you also listen and weigh ideas carefully, and when asked for your opinion, you often have quality ideas to contribute.

And the whole thing about introverts not being leaders? There’s a lot of value in a carefully considered perspective, especially one that includes not only your thoughts but those of your coworkers and peers.

You need plenty of time for yourself

Needing to recharge your batteries after a long day by enjoying some quiet downtime alone tends to suggest an introverted nature, according to MacCutcheon.

This doesn’t mean you always avoid people, but you probably don’t have a large social network. Instead, you most likely share your available social energy with a handful of close friends.

Even if you don’t make friends easily and see no need to widen your circle, you highly value the people you do feel comfortable with.

“But wait,” you’re thinking, “neither one sounds like me!”

Maybe a combination of traits from the two lists best fit your personality. For example, you might take a little time to think over a decision that involves some risk, but then you take action decisively without looking back.

Well, there’s a word for that.

Ambiversion describes a personality style that lies somewhere in between introversion and extroversion. If you’re an ambivert, you’re closer to the middle of the spectrum, so you might feel more introverted at times and extroverted at others.

If the signs below ring true for you and you’ve never fully identified with introversion or extroversion, you just might be an ambivert.

You do well in social settings

and alone

Introverted people usually feel exhausted and worn out after a lot of socializing. On the other hand, when extroverted people spend a lot of time alone, they often notice a drop in mood and energy levels.

As an ambivert, you might not feel too drained by either situation. Maybe you enjoy spending time on your own and around other people in fairly equal amounts.

You might notice small changes in your mood if you’ve been doing more of one than the other, but it may not deplete your energy as much as it would if you were closer to one end of the spectrum.

Active listening comes naturally to you

A key communication skill, active listening goes beyond simply listening.

When you actively listen, you’re engaged in the conversation. You consider what’s being said and offer thoughtful responses.

In conversations, you’re more likely to listen carefully and respond, often helpfully, instead of quietly absorbing the conversation or immediately jumping in with your take on things.

You’re flexible when it comes to problem solving

Ambiverts may not feel too committed to any one approach to figuring things out. You might be comfortable talking over some types of problems, while you might like to take notes or doodle when solving others.

This can be really helpful since trying a new method can sometimes offer a new viewpoint you hadn’t considered.

You’re more decisive than impulsive

Introverts tend to think things over carefully, while extroverts may show more of an inclination to take chances without spending too much time pondering possible outcomes.

As an ambivert, you might be willing to take chances after giving them some brief thought. Once you make up your mind to do something, you generally don’t devote too much time to reconsidering.

You do spend some time considering choices before you make them but generally make a decision fairly quickly. And while you might get some background information about what you want to do, like moving to a new area, you don’t feel the need to do exhaustive research to support your decision.

Drawing others out is a natural talent

Ambiverts often have a knack for keeping group dynamics running smoothly.

In a group of people, you’re comfortable speaking when needed, but you’re also ready to give others a chance to say their piece. If a conversation falters, you might add a quick comment or ask a thoughtful question that gets people talking again.

This can also help you balance out friend groups or other social situations. You likely find it easier to understand how both introverts and extroverts might feel in the same setting. As a result, you might have a good instinct for the best ways to engage someone of any personality type.

You adapt easily to new situations

Even if you don’t always need to have people around, you might feel fairly comfortable engaging with others on short notice.

Maybe you don’t feel too bothered by putting down your book to talk with the person next to you on a plane, switching from a night out to a night in (or vice versa), or giving an impromptu speech at a meeting.

This may not have been your first choice, but you’re generally able to work with what’s happening around you.

Your personality can help you make important life choices: the kind of work you do, the environment you want to live in, even the type of person you want to date.

Like other aspects of personality, your position on the introversion-extroversion scale is an innate part of who you are. Your unique combination of genes contributes to your personality, and your genes aren’t something you can change.

Research suggests there are some key differences between brains of introverted and extroverted people, including differences in:

  • learning and motor control
  • language acquisition
  • language use

Extroverted people may also have higher levels of dopamine in their brains. Experiencing more of a dopamine release when trying new things, making new friends, or simply engaging with surroundings can link these activities to increased positive feelings, strengthening these extroverted traits.

It takes all kinds

Some people see extroverts as more successful and consider this an ideal personality. Others may think of ambiversion as “the best of both worlds.”

If you’ve ever wished you could change your personality style, here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • No personality style is right, wrong, or better than any other style.
  • Introversion and extroversion simply indicate preferences for getting and expending energy, but there’s room for variance.
  • People generally aren’t exclusively an introvert or an extrovert. Understanding your nature can help you learn more about how you see and deal with the world.

“If you feel compelled to change your introverted/extroverted/ambiverted nature,” MacCutcheon says, “ask yourself why you want to change.”

Do you feel like there’s something lacking in your life? Or something you wish you were better at?

Instead of trying to change your personality, try to put that energy toward learning and developing new skills that will help you meet those goals.

You may not be able to change your nature, but you can play to your strengths and work at developing new skills.

Your personality is uniquely yours — whether you tend toward extroversion, introversion, or ambiversion. There’s nothing wrong with any one of these styles. They’re just ways to describe how you get your energy and relate to the world.

It can help to know where you fall on the spectrum, since knowing more about your personality style can teach you more about your decision-making process, your emotional needs, and your ideal self-care toolkit. But don’t let this knowledge hold you back.

“In reality,” MacCutcheon concludes, “we all utilize both sides of the spectrum in various circumstances. In order to be most successful in the world, it’s important to develop skills to exercise both ends.”

introvert, extrovert or ambivert?

At university I was friends with two sociable girls. They didn't look alike, but they had something in common. As it seemed to me then, they were united by pronounced extraversion. As soon as they quietly stood at the wall in anticipation of a couple, a booming company immediately gathered around. In the first year, when no one else really knew anyone, their names were remembered first. Gather those wishing to speak at the bottom of the faculty or go to a strip club? Of course they are! How surprised I was when both girls recently independently announced, "I think I'm an introvert." If they consider themselves introverts, then who is everyone else? nine0003


At the everyday level, there is complete confusion in understanding the terms "extrovert" and "introvert". We used to associate the first with sociability, and the second with a craving for solitude, as if that explains everything. While the issue is so controversial that there is no consensus even among psychologists. The first scale of extra- and introversion in the dictionary of psychological terms was introduced by Carl Gustav Jung. According to Jung, an extrovert is introduced into the outside world by all means, without giving in to the experience of reflection, and an introvert defends himself from the outside, relying only on his inner feelings. An extrovert pays attention to events, accumulates facts and acquaintances, chooses a profession that is guaranteed to bring him income in the near future. An introvert is focused on his reactions to the outside world. Facts are interesting to introverts not in themselves, but as a basis for the formation of judgments, therefore, outstanding inventors, scientists, and writers are obtained from introverts. If you ask an extrovert what the weather is today, he will actually answer: “Snowy, minus five.” An introvert will answer the same question subjectively: "I'm cold." According to Jung, it is the focus on the external or internal world that distinguishes an extrovert from an introvert. Note that this has nothing to do with sociability or a desire for solitude. nine0003

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Despite the fact that each person is predisposed to a particular personality type from childhood, Jung does not consider extra- and introversion to be an innate or physiologically determined quality. Rather, a reaction to upbringing and the general cultural background. Psychologist Hans Jurgen Eysenck undertook to connect the scale of extra- and introversion with physiology. Studying the behavior of a group of soldiers - healthy and recognized as neurotic - he somewhat modified the terms proposed by Jung. According to Eysenck, introverts are naturally very sensitive to external stimuli and therefore avoid situations that require a strong emotional response (for example, noisy communication). Extroverts, on the other hand, are not excitable enough, so they deliberately look for situations that can “recharge” them. Modern research develops Eysenck's idea, believing that the craving for communication or solitude is associated with the production of the pleasure hormone - dopamine. Introverts initially have more dopamine than extroverts. Therefore, they do not seek to "get" from the outside, while this is vital for extroverts. nine0003

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The game of “guess who is who at this party” is my friend Oleg's favorite pastime. He begins to closely observe newcomers to the company in order to make an authoritative verdict on their personality type in ten minutes. At the same time, Oleg stubbornly refuses to take into account the fact that most mentally healthy people are ambiverts. nine0003

The term "ambivert" was first proposed by Eysenck in 1947, referring to people who combine the hypersensitivity of introverts and the expansive sociability of extroverts. Twenty years earlier, in one of his lectures on extroverts and introverts, Jung noted: “There is, finally, a third group where it is very difficult to say where motivation comes from: from outside or from inside. This group is the most numerous. The psychologist emphasized that our conscious extraverted or introverted attitudes are always compensated by opposite unconscious ones. Therefore, the behavior of a shy person easily changes when he drinks. The conscious introverted attitude recedes and extraversion appears. As long as they work together, the person is balanced and harmonious. When they collide, neurosis begins. If we think of intro- and extraversion as a horizontal scale, most of us will be in its middle (ambivert) values. We can shift in one direction or another in extreme situations, but in ordinary life we ​​are close to the center and react to the world alternately - either as introverts or as extroverts. nine0003


So, thanks to the fathers of psychology for the great news: most of us are capable of anything! Listen carefully and speak contagiously, enjoy noisy companies and solitude, be interested in the facts of the outside world and pass them through yourself, creating something new. But the question remains: why then did so many of my sociable acquaintances abruptly begin to call themselves introverts? I found three explanations for this phenomenon. First, introversion is in vogue today. nine0040 Some hundred years ago, extraversive thinking was considered fashionable and “correct” in European culture. This is not surprising - at the beginning of the last century, an encyclopedic mind was highly valued, capable of memorizing a large number of facts without giving in to their personal assessment. The same Jung, describing the features of an introvert, seems to justify him in front of an invisible extrovert - a typical representative of his generation.

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Today the pendulum has swung the other way. The role of the encyclopedic mind is played by Google, and the ability to convey one's unusual view of the world is valued much higher than a banal statement of facts. Rock stars of our time are "introverted" IT specialists and scientists. While extroverted sociability has become synonymous with the obsession inherent in market traders. nine0003

Second, calling yourself an introvert is a great defense strategy. Diktat of positive, self-improvement and improved instagram-reality spoils even the strongest nerves. In the world of magical stories about how someone just believed in a dream and everything worked out, it’s as if you have an obligation to be a purposeful, hyper-sociable nya who is always doing well. Not the worst way to hide from this is to hang an invisible sign over your head “Beware of the introvert!”. An unpleasant employee wants to personally discuss some insignificant issues? Sorry, I'm an introvert, it's better to send by mail. The boss forces you to attend an absolutely useless event? Oh, I would love to, but what's the point if I'm an introvert ... People who don't want to offend are invited to give a lecture in a coworking space on the other side of town? I would love to, but in this weather, my attacks of introversion become terribly aggravated . .. Pretending to be an introvert in unpleasant situations is like folding your hands over your head and shouting: “Chick-chirp, I'm in the house!” The main thing is not to play. nine0003

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And the third thing: introversion sells. Demand creates supply. The fashion for a “shy” personality type is quickly picked up by savvy authors of coaching literature, promising a magic pill of success to everyone who buys their book, lecture, video lesson. "Identify your weaknesses and turn them into advantages!" - say the slogans of books in the spirit of "An introvert is also a leader." There are hardly any references to specific studies, and in order to simply diagnose introversion in yourself, it is enough, for example, to feel the desire to be alone at the end of the working day. Jennifer Kanweiler, author of The Introvert Leader. How to succeed in a society dominated by extroverts,” writes: “It seems that extroverts get everything, and your needs are simply ignored? You do not have the energy for "business communication"? Nobody listens to you in meetings? If the answer is “yes”, then you are most likely an introvert, and you are by no means alone in this world. Among the most authoritative leaders are many introverts: Bill Gates, Warren Buffett. Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King, Abraham Lincoln also fell under suspicion. Apparently an introvert and President Obama." How can you not want to join Mother Teresa and Barack Obama? Moreover, at the same time, all sins are forgiven, suspiciously similar to official duties. nine0003


In fact, the desire to sit in silence and solitude after a busy day is not a typical behavior of an introvert, but an ambivert. He is like a skier who balances on the slope, shifting his weight from one foot to the other. The trick is to be able to switch at will. Due to the fact that ambiverts do not know how to “transfer weight” from the extraverted side in time, they get carried away and they seriously begin to consider themselves one hundred percent introverts. Something similar happened to my college girlfriends, who got so tired of the role of throwing parties that they wanted to hide in a recreational shell. The key to the trick is to study your reactions. Over time, you will learn to catch alarm bells even before they turn into a siren. Is the party no longer fun? The last glass - and home! Without guilt and embarrassment for their lack of communication skills. Without letting the energy evaporate, the next day you will be able to communicate with more people with pleasure again. The rule also works the other way: are you already watching the sixth episode of Friends in a day without sticking your nose out from under the covers? Turn around. Your sociable friends will certainly be delighted with an invitation for coffee or a glass of wine. nine0003

Tags: introvert, psychology, extrovert

Test: introvert, extrovert or ambivert?

Why are some people sociable and active, while others prefer to withdraw into themselves? Why is the difference between some so strong that it is very difficult for them to understand each other? Due to different focus and perception. For some, they are directed to the outside world, for others, to their own experiences. Do you want to determine whether you are an ambivert, introvert or extrovert? The test will help you find out and learn a little more about yourself. nine0003

1. Why do you think your loved ones appreciate you?

For the ability to cheer up, dispel anxieties.

For understanding, deep sympathy.

2. What do you value most in people?

Activity, sense of humor.

Lack of obsession, tolerance.

3. Do you tend to have long phone conversations (personal, non-work related)?



4. You are better at work that requires:

Attentiveness, thoughtfulness, perseverance.

Frequent movement, making quick decisions.

5. You are more likely to prefer a job that offers:

A good salary and a prestigious position, but a disgusting team and an inadequate boss.

Warm relations with colleagues, fair bosses, but the average level of salary without much prospects for growth.

6. Do you prefer music to which you can:

Dance, putting aside all thoughts. nine0003

Lose yourself in thoughts, images and/or emotions.

7. Do you like frequent change of occupations, multitasking and fast pace of solving cases?



8. Which of these problems related to the management and distribution of finances seems closer to you?

I save more often, sometimes I'm stingy, afraid to make a rash purchase.

I suffer from spending money, more often I throw away money on unnecessary things.

9. Is it easy for you to meet new people? nine0003



10. You are more often told that you act like you are:

More years than you really are.

Less years than it really is.

11. Are you often told that you are terribly stubborn and very difficult to convince of anything?



12. Do you often try to see your actions from the outside, understand their motives, predict the results?



13. Do people around you misinterpret your emotions (called sad or angry when you are just focused, for example)?



14. Does it often happen to you that you think so deeply about something that you hardly notice anything around you?



15. Do you enjoy working in a team or managing people more than doing all the work yourself?



16. You are usually much better at:

Plan your affairs, stick to the plan.

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