296.80 icd 10

ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Code 296.80 : Bipolar disorder, unspecified

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2015 ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Code 296.80

Bipolar disorder, unspecified

  • 2015
  • Billable Thru Sept 30/2015
  • Non-Billable On/After Oct 1/2015

  • ICD-9-CM 296.80 is a billable medical code that can be used to indicate a diagnosis on a reimbursement claim, however, 296.80 should only be used for claims with a date of service on or before September 30, 2015. For claims with a date of service on or after October 1, 2015, use an equivalent ICD-10-CM code (or codes).

Convert to ICD-10-CM: 296.80 converts approximately to:

  • 2015/16 ICD-10-CM F31.9 Bipolar disorder, unspecified

Approximate Synonyms

  • Bipolar disorder
  • Bipolar disorder in full remission
  • Bipolar disorder in partial remission
  • Bipolar disorder in remission
  • Bipolar disorder, full remission
  • Bipolar disorder, in remission
  • Bipolar disorder, mild
  • Bipolar disorder, moderate
  • Bipolar disorder, partial remission
  • Bipolar disorder, severe, w psychosis
  • Bipolar disorder, severe, w psychosis, mood congruent
  • Bipolar disorder, severe, w psychosis, mood incongruent
  • Bipolar disorder, severe, with psychosis
  • Bipolar disorder, severe, without psychosis
  • Bipolar disorder, severe, wo psychosis
  • Mild bipolar disorder
  • Moderate bipolar disorder
  • Severe bipolar disorder with psychotic features
  • Severe bipolar disorder with psychotic features, mood-congruent
  • Severe bipolar disorder with psychotic features, mood-incongruent
  • Severe bipolar disorder without psychotic features

Clinical Information

  • A major affective disorder marked by severe mood swings (manic or major depressive episodes) and a tendency to remission and recurrence

Applies To

  • Bipolar disorder NOS
  • Manic-depressive:
    • reaction NOS
    • syndrome NOS

ICD-9-CM Volume 2 Index entries containing back-references to 296. 80:

  • Depression 311
    • manic (see also Psychosis, affective) 296.80
  • Disorder - see also Disease
    • bipolar (affective) (alternating) 296.80
      • atypical 296.7
      • specified type NEC 296.89
      • type I 296.7
        • most recent episode (or current)
          • depressed 296.5
          • hypomanic 296.4
          • manic 296.4
          • mixed 296.6
          • unspecified 296.7
        • single manic episode 296.0
      • type II (recurrent major depressive episodes with hypomania) 296.89
  • Illness - see also Disease
    • manic-depressive (see also Psychosis, affective) 296.80
  • Manic-depressive insanity, psychosis, reaction, or syndrome (see also Psychosis, affective) 296.80
    • circular (alternating) 296.7
      • currently
        • depressed 296.5
        • episode unspecified 296.7
        • hypomanic, previously depressed 296.4
        • manic 296.4
      • mixed 296.6
    • depressed (type), depressive 296. 2
      • atypical 296.82
      • recurrent episode 296.3
      • single episode 296.2
    • hypomanic 296.0
      • recurrent episode 296.1
      • single episode 296.0
    • manic 296.0
      • atypical 296.81
      • recurrent episode 296.1
      • single episode 296.0
    • mixed NEC 296.89
    • perplexed 296.89
    • stuporous 296.89
  • Psychosis 298.9
    • affective (see also Disorder, mood) 296.90
      • drug-induced 292.84
      • due to or associated with physical condition 293.9
      • involutional 293.83
        • recurrent episode 296.3
        • single episode 296.2
      • manic-depressive 296.80
        • circular (alternating) 296.7
          • currently depressed 296.5
          • currently manic 296.4
        • depressed type 296.2
          • atypical 296.82
          • recurrent episode 296.3
          • single episode 296.2
        • manic 296.0
          • atypical 296.81
          • recurrent episode 296. 1
          • single episode 296.0
        • mixed type NEC 296.89
        • specified type NEC 296.89
      • senile 290.21
      • specified type NEC 296.99
    • manic-depressive 296.80
      • circular 296.7
        • currently
          • depressed 296.5
          • manic 296.4
        • mixed 296.6
      • depressive 296.2
        • recurrent episode 296.3
          • with hypomania (bipolar II) 296.89
        • single episode 296.2
      • hypomanic 296.0
        • recurrent episode 296.1
        • single episode 296.0
      • manic 296.0
        • atypical 296.81
        • recurrent episode 296.1
        • single episode 296.0
      • mixed NEC 296.89
      • perplexed 296.89
      • stuporous 296.89
  • Reaction
    • depressive 300.4
      • acute 309.0
      • affective (see also Psychosis, affective) 296.2
        • recurrent episode 296.3
        • single episode 296.2
      • brief 309.0
      • manic (see also Psychosis, affective) 296. 80
      • neurotic 300.4
      • psychoneurotic 300.4
      • psychotic 298.0
    • manic-depressive (see also Psychosis, affective) 296.80
      • depressed 296.2
        • recurrent episode 296.3
        • single episode 296.2
      • hypomanic 296.0
  • Syndrome - see also Disease
    • manic-depressive (see also Psychosis, affective) 296.80
  • Thymergasia (see also Psychosis, affective) 296.80
 296.8 ICD9Data.com 296.81 
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DSM-5 Bipolar Disorder Diagnostic Codes

Find a clear chart with the updated and consolidated codes for bipolar disorder below.

Since the DSM-5 was published in 2013, updates have been made to the codes for bipolar I and bipolar II disorders. After a long period of revisions and adaptation, the ICD-10 coding system replaced the ICD-9 code set on October 1, 2015.

The main goals of changing to the ICD-10 system were to:

  • increase the specificity of diagnoses
  • keep up to date with changes in clinical practices and medical technology
  • improve tracking of conditions

The change to ICD-10 has had a relatively small impact on the rates of bipolar diagnoses, unlike those of some other medical conditions.

For your convenience, we’ve displayed the new ICD-10-CM codes for bipolar disorder here, with the old DSM-IV codes listed below.

Bipolar I disorder

Current episode:HypomanicManicDepressiveMixed
UnspecifiedF31. 0F31.10F31.30F31.60
With psychotic featuresN/AF31.2F31.5F31.64
In partial remissionF31.71F31.73F31.75F31.77
In full remissionF31.72F31.74F31.76F31.78

Related codes
  • F31.8 Other bipolar disorders
  • F31.81 Bipolar II disorder
  • F31.89 Other bipolar disorder
  • F31.9 Bipolar disorder, unspecified
  • F34.0 Cyclothymic disorder

Note: Bipolar II disorder has one diagnostic code, F31.81

Bipolar II disorder, defined by a minimum of one hypomanic episode and one major depressive episode, has only one diagnostic code.

Further details including current severity, presence of psychotic features, course, and other specifiers can’t be coded but should be recorded wherever the diagnosis is documented.

For example: F31.81 bipolar II disorder, current episode manic, mild severity, with mixed features.

Now consolidated: Bipolar — Single Manic
  • 296 Bipolar I disorder, single manic episode, unspecified
  • 296.01 Bipolar I disorder, single manic episode, mild
  • 296.02 Bipolar I disorder, single manic episode, moderate
  • 296.03 Bipolar I disorder, single manic episode, severe without psychotic features
  • 296.04 Bipolar I disorder, single manic episode, severe with psychotic features
  • 296.05 Bipolar I disorder, single manic episode, in partial remission
  • 296.06 Bipolar I disorder, single manic episode, in full remission
Now consolidated: Bipolar — Manic
  • 296.4 Bipolar I disorder, most recent episode hypomanic
  • 296. 4 Bipolar I disorder, most recent episode manic, unspecified
  • 296.41 Bipolar I disorder, most recent episode manic, mild
  • 296.42 Bipolar I disorder, most recent episode manic, moderate
  • 296.43 Bipolar I disorder, most recent episode manic, severe without psychotic features
  • 296.44 Bipolar I disorder, most recent episode manic, severe with psychotic features
  • 296.45 Bipolar I disorder, most recent episode manic, in partial remission
  • 296.46 Bipolar I disorder, most recent episode manic, in full remission
Now consolidated: Bipolar — Depressed
  • 296.5 Bipolar I disorder, most recent episode depressed, unspecified
  • 296.51 Bipolar I disorder, most recent episode depressed, mild
  • 296.52 Bipolar I disorder, most recent episode depressed, moderate
  • 296.53 Bipolar I disorder, most recent episode depressed, severe without psychotic features
  • 296.54 Bipolar I disorder, most recent episode depressed, severe with psychotic features
  • 296. 55 Bipolar I disorder, most recent episode depressed, in partial remission
  • 296.56 Bipolar I disorder, most recent episode depressed, in full remission
Now consolidated: Bipolar — Mixed
  • 296.6 Bipolar I disorder, most recent episode mixed, unspecified
  • 296.61 Bipolar I disorder, most recent episode mixed, mild
  • 296.62 Bipolar I disorder, most recent episode mixed, moderate
  • 296.63 Bipolar I disorder, most recent episode mixed, severe without psychotic features
  • 296.64 Bipolar I disorder, most recent episode mixed, severe with psychotic features
  • 296.65 Bipolar I disorder, most recent episode mixed, in partial remission
  • 296.66 Bipolar I disorder, most recent episode mixed, in full remission
  • 296.7 Bipolar I disorder, most recent episode unspecified
  • 296.8 Bipolar disorder NOS
  • 296.89 Bipolar II disorder
  • 296.9 Mood disorder NOS

Quality and safety

ICD-C based on ICD-10

  • Quality strategy
  • Requirements for the quality and safety of medical activities
    • Documentation in the dental organization
    • Clinical guidelines
    • Orders for the provision of medical care nine0006
    • Standards of care
    • Sanitary and epidemiological requirements
    • Professional Standards
    • Paid medical services
  • Organization of internal control
    • Practical recommendations nine0006
    • Certified Organizations
    • Register of SDS auditors in dentistry
    • Competence centers in dentistry
    • Monitoring the efficacy and safety of medicines
    • Monitoring the safety of medical devices nine0006
  • Quality expertise
    • Expertise of Roszdravdnadzor
    • Examination of the quality of CHI
  • Pre-trial settlement of disputes
  • Medical mediation
    • About mediation
    • nine0005 Mediation in medicine
    • Picks
  • Publications
  • Regulations
  • Draft regulatory legal acts
  • ICD-S based on ICD-10
  • nine0005 medical statistics

Download full ICD-C based on ICD-10 (3rd edition)

CLASS XI Diseases of the digestive system

Diseases of the oral cavity, salivary glands and jaws

K00 Tooth development and eruption disorders
K00. 0 Adentia
  • K00.00 Partial edentulous [hypodentia] [oligodentia]
  • K00.01 Completely edentulous
  • K00.09 Unspecified adentia
K00.1 Supernumerary teeth
  • K00.10 Supernumerary teeth. incisor and canine areas
  • K00.11 Supernumerary teeth. Premolar areas
  • K00.12 Supernumerary teeth. Molar areas
  • K00.19Supernumerary teeth, unspecified
K00.2 Anomaly in the size and shape of the teeth
  • K00.20 Macrodentia
  • K00.21 Microdentia
  • K00.22 Union
  • K00.23 Merger and split
  • K00.24 Protrusion of teeth [accessory occlusal cusps]
  • K00.25 Invaded tooth [tooth in tooth] [dilated odontoma] and incisor anomalies
  • K00.26 Premolarization
  • K00.27 Abnormal bumps and enamel pearls [adamantoma]
  • K00. 28 "Bull tooth" [taurodontism]
  • K00.29 Other unspecified anomalies in size and shape of teeth
K00.3 mottled teeth
  • K00.30 Endemic (fluorous) mottling of enamel [dental fluorosis]
  • K00.31 Non-endemic mottling of enamel [non-fluorous opacity of enamel]
  • K00.39 Mottled teeth, unspecified
K00.4 Tooth formation disorders
  • K00.40 Enamel hypoplasia
  • K00.41 Prenatal enamel hypoplasia
  • K00.42 Neonatal enamel hypoplasia
  • K00.43 Aplasia and hypoplasia of cementum
  • K00.44 Dilaceration [enamel crack]
  • K00.45 Odontodysplasia [regional odontodysplasia]
  • K00.46 Turner's tooth
  • K00.48 Other specified disorders of tooth formation
  • K00.49 Disorders of tooth formation, unspecified
K00.5 Hereditary disorders of tooth structure, not elsewhere classified
  • K00. 50 Incomplete amelogenesis
  • K00.51 Incomplete dentinogenesis
  • K00.52 Incomplete odontogenesis
  • K00.58 Other hereditary disorders of tooth structure
  • K00.59 Hereditary disorders of tooth structure, unspecified
K00.6 Teething disorders
  • K00.60 Natal (erupted at birth) teeth
  • K00.61 Neonatal (prematurely erupted in a newborn) teeth
  • K00.62 Premature eruption [early eruption]
  • K00.63 Delay (persistent) change of primary [temporary] teeth
  • K00.64 Late eruption
  • K00.65 Premature loss of primary [temporary] teeth
  • K00.68 Other specified teething disorders
  • K00.69 Unspecified teething disorders
K00.7 teething syndrome
K00.8 Other developmental disorders of the teeth
  • K00.80 Discoloration of teeth during formation due to incompatibility of blood types
  • K00. 81 Discoloration of teeth during formation due to congenital malformation of the biliary system
  • K00.82 Discoloration of teeth during formation due to porphyria
  • K00.83 Discoloration of teeth during formation due to the use of tetracycline
  • K00.88 Other specified disorders of dental development
K00.9 Dental development disorder, unspecified
K01 Impacted and impacted teeth
K01.0 impacted teeth
K01.1 Impact teeth
  • K01.10 Impact teeth. Maxillary incisor
  • K01.11 Impact teeth. Mandibular incisor
  • K01.12 Impact teeth. Maxillary canine
  • K01.13 Impact teeth. Canine mandible
  • K01.14 Impact teeth. Maxillary premolar
  • K01.15 Impact teeth. Mandibular premolar
  • K01.16 Impact teeth. Upper molar
  • K01. 17 Impact teeth. Mandibular molar
  • nine0005 K01.18 Impact teeth. Supernumerary tooth
  • K01.19 Impact tooth, unspecified
K02 Dental caries
K02.0 Enamel caries
K02.1 Dentin caries
K02.2 caries cement
K02.3 Suspended dental caries nine0091
K02.4 Odontoclasia
K02.8 Other dental caries
K02.9 Dental caries, unspecified
K03 Other diseases of the hard tissues of the teeth
K03.0 Increased tooth wear
  • K03.00 Increased tooth wear. Occlusal
  • K03.01 Increased tooth wear. Proximal
  • K03.08 Other specified tooth wear
  • K03. 09 Tooth abrasion, unspecified
  • K03.1 Grinding teeth
    • K03.10 Grinding of teeth. Caused by tooth powder
    • K03.11 Grinding of teeth. Habitual
    • K03.12 Grinding of teeth. Professional
    • K03.13 Grinding of teeth. Traditional (ritual)
    • K03.18 Other specified grinding of teeth
    • K03.19 Grinding of teeth, unspecified
    K03.2 Erosion of the teeth
    • K03.20 Erosion of teeth. Professional
    • K03.21 Erosion of teeth. Due to persistent regurgitation or vomiting
    • K03.22 Erosion of teeth. diet conditioned
    • K03.23 Erosion of teeth. Due to drugs and medications
    • K03.24 Erosion of teeth. Idiopathic
    • K03.28 Other specified dental erosion
    • K03.29 Erosion of teeth, unspecified
    K03.3 Pathological resorption of teeth
    • K03. 30 Pathological resorption of teeth. External (external)
    • K03.31 Pathological resorption of teeth. Internal [internal granuloma] [pink spot]
    • K03.39 Unspecified pathological tooth resorption
    K03.4 Hypercementosis
    K03.5 Ankylosis of the teeth
    K03.6 Deposits (growths) on teeth
    • K03.60 Deposits (growths) on teeth. Pigmented Plaque
    • K03.61 Deposits (growths) on teeth. Conditioned by the habit of using tobacco
    • K03.62 Deposits (growths) on teeth. Caused by the habit of chewing betel
    • K03.63 Deposits (growths) on teeth. Other extensive soft deposits
    • K03.64 Deposits (growths) on teeth. Supragingival Tartar
    • K03.65 Deposits (growths) on teeth. Subgingival Tartar
    • K03.66 Deposits (growths) on teeth. Plaque
    • K03.68 Other specified deposits on teeth
    • K03. 69 Deposits on teeth, unspecified
    K03.7 Discoloration of hard tissues of teeth after eruption
    • K03.70 Discoloration of hard tissues of teeth after eruption. Due to the presence of metals and metal compounds
    • K03.71 Discoloration of hard tissues of teeth after eruption. Pulp bleeding
    • K03.72 Discoloration of hard tissues of teeth after eruption. Caused by the habit of chewing betel (tobacco)
    • K03.78 Other specified color variations
    • K03.79 Color change, unspecified
    K03.8 Other specified diseases of dental hard tissues
    • K03.80 Sensitive dentin
    • K03.81 Radiation-induced enamel changes
    • K03.88 Other specified diseases of dental hard tissues
    K03.9 Disease of hard tissues of teeth, unspecified
    K04 Diseases of the dental pulp
    K04. 0 Pulpitis
    • K04.00 Pulpitis. Initial (hyperemia)
    • K04.01 Pulpitis. Sharp
    • K04.02 Pulpitis. Purulent [pulp abscess]
    • K04.03 Pulpitis. Chronic
    • K04.04 Pulpitis. Chronic ulcerative
    • K04.05 Pulpitis. Chronic hyperplastic [pulp polyp]
    • K04.08 Other specified pulpitis
    • K04.09 Pulpitis, unspecified
    K04.1 pulp necrosis
    K04.2 pulp degeneration nine0091
    K04.3 Improper formation of hard tissues in the pulp
    K04.3X Secondary or irregular dentin
    K04.4 Acute apical periodontitis of pulp origin
    K04.5 Chronic apical periodontitis
    K04.6 Periapical abscess with fistula nine0091
    • K04.60 Periapical abscess with fistula. Having communication with the maxillary sinus
    • K04.61 Periapical abscess with fistula. Having communication with the nasal cavity
    • K04.62 Periapical abscess with fistula. Having communication with the oral cavity
    • K04.63 Periapical abscess with fistula. Having a message with the skin
    • K04.69 Periapical abscess with fistula, unspecified
    K04.7 Periapical abscess without fistula
    K04.8 root cyst
    • K04.80 Root cyst. Apical and lateral
    • K04.81 Root cyst. Residual
    • K04.82 Root cyst. Inflammatory paradental
    • K04.89 Root cyst, unspecified
    K04.9 Other and unspecified diseases of the pulp and periapical tissues
    K05 Gingivitis and periodontal disease
    K05.0 Acute gingivitis
    • K05. 00 Acute streptococcal gingivostomatitis
    • K05.08 Other specified acute gingivitis
    K05.1 nine0091 Chronic gingivitis
    • K05.10 Chronic gingivitis. Simple marginal
    • K05.11 Chronic gingivitis. Hyperplastic
    • K05.12 Chronic gingivitis. Ulcerative
    • K05.13 Chronic gingivitis. Desquamative
    • K05.18 Other specified chronic gingivitis
    • K05.19 Chronic gingivitis, unspecified
    K05.2 nine0091 Acute periodontitis
    • K05.20 Periodontal abscess [periodontal abscess] of gingival origin without fistula
    • K05.21 Periodontal abscess [periodontal abscess] of gingival origin with fistula
    • K05.22 Acute pericoronitis
    • K05.28 Other specified acute periodontitis
    • K05.29 Acute periodontitis, unspecified
    K05.3 nine0091 Chronic periodontitis
    • K05. 30 Chronic periodontitis. Localized
    • K05.31 Chronic periodontitis. Generalized
    • K05.32 Chronic pericoronitis
    • K05.33 Thickened follicle (papilla hypertrophy)
    • K05.38 Other specified chronic periodontitis
    • K05.39 Chronic periodontitis, unspecified
    K05.4 nine0091 periodontal disease
    K05.5 Other periodontal diseases
    K06 Other changes in the gums and edentulous alveolar margin
    K06.0 gum recession
    • K06.00 Gingival recession. Local
    • K06.01 Gingival recession. Generalized
    • K06.09Gingival recession, unspecified
    • K06.2 Lesions of the gingiva and edentulous alveolar margin due to trauma
    • K06.20 Lesions of the gingiva and edentulous alveolar margin due to traumatic occlusion
    • K06.21 Lesions of the gingiva and edentulous alveolar margin due to brushing
    • K06. 22 Lesions of the gingiva and edentulous alveolar margin due to trauma. Frictional [functional] keratosis
    • K06.23 Irritant hyperplasia [associated with removable prosthesis]
    • K06.28 Other specified lesions of gingiva and edentulous alveolar margin due to trauma
    • K06.29 Unspecified lesions of gingiva and edentulous alveolar margin due to trauma
    K06.8 Other specified changes in the gums and edentulous alveolar margin
    • K06.80 Adult gingival cyst
    • K06.81 Giant cell peripheral granuloma [giant cell epulis]
    • K06.82 Fibrous epulis
    • K06.83 Pyogenic granuloma
    • K06.84 Partial ridge atrophy
    • K06.88 Other changes in the gums and edentulous alveolar margin
    K06.9 Change in gums and edentulous alveolar margin, unspecified
    K07 Maxillofacial anomalies [including malocclusion]
    K07. 0 The main anomalies in the size of the jaws
    • K07.00 Maxillary macrognathia [maxillary hyperplasia]
    • K07.01 Mandibular macrognathia [mandibular hyperplasia]
    • K07.02 Macrognathia of both jaws
    • K07.03 Maxillary micrognathia [maxillary hypoplasia]
    • K07.04 Mandibular micrognathia [mandibular hypoplasia]
    • K07.05 Micrognathia of both jaws
    • K07.08 Other specified anomalies of jaw size
    • K07.09 Anomaly of jaw size, unspecified
    K07.1 Anomalies of the maxillo-cranial relationship
    • K07.10 Asymmetries
    • K07.11 Mandibular prognathism
    • K07.12 Maxillary prognathism
    • K07.13 Retrognathia of the lower jaw
    • K07.14 Maxillary retrognathia
    • K07.18 Other specified anomalies of maxillo-cranial relations
    • K07.19 Anomaly of maxillo-cranial relations, unspecified
    K07. 2 Anomalies in the ratio of dental arches
    • K07.20 Distal bite
    • K07.21 Underbite
    • K07.22 Overbite [horizontal overlap]
    • K07.23 Excessively deep vertical bite [vertical overlap]
    • K07.24 Open bite
    • K07.25 Cross bite [anterior, posterior]
    • K07.26 Displacement of dental arches from the midline
    • K07.27 Posterior lingual bite of lower teeth
    • K07.28 Other specified anomalies of dental arch ratios
    • K07.29 Dental arch ratio anomaly, unspecified
    K07.3 nine0091 Anomalies in the position of the teeth
    • K07.30 Crowding
    • K07.31 Offset
    • K07.32 Turn
    • K07.33 Violation of interdental spaces
    • K07.34 Transposition
    • K07.35 Impacted or impacted teeth with misalignment of their or neighboring teeth
    • K07.38 Other specified anomalies of tooth position
    • K07. 39 Tooth position anomaly, unspecified
    K07.4 Anomaly of bite, not specified
    K07.5 Maxillofacial anomalies of functional origin
    • K07.50 Incorrect closure of jaws
    • K07.51 Malocclusion due to swallowing disorder
    • K07.54 Malocclusion due to mouth breathing
    • K07.55 Malocclusion due to tongue, lip or finger sucking
    • K07.55 Other specified maxillofacial anomalies of functional origin
    • K07.59 Maxillofacial anomaly of functional origin, unspecified
    K07.6 Diseases of the temporomandibular joint
    • K07.60 Temporomandibular joint pain dysfunction syndrome [bone syndrome]
    • K07.61 Snap jaw
    • nine0005 K07.62 Recurrent dislocation and subluxation of the temporomandibular joint
    • K07.63 Pain in temporomandibular joint, not elsewhere classified
    • K07. 64 Temporomandibular joint stiffness, not elsewhere classified
    • K07.65 Osteophyte of the temporomandibular joint
    • K07.68 Other specified diseases of the temporomandibular joint
    • K07.69 Disease of the temporomandibular joint, unspecified
    K08 Other changes in teeth and their supporting apparatus
    K08.0 Exfoliation of teeth due to systemic disorders
    K08.1 Loss of teeth due to accident, extraction or localized periodontal disease
    K08.2 Atrophy of the edentulous alveolar margin
    K08.3 Tooth Root Retention [Retention Root]
    K08.8 Other specified changes in teeth and their supporting apparatus
    • K08.80 Toothache NOS
    • K08.81 Irregular shape of alveolar process
    • K08. 82 Hypertrophy of alveolar margin NOS
    • K08.88 Other changes in teeth and their supporting apparatus
    • nine0023
    K08.9 Changes in teeth and their supporting apparatus, not specified
    K09 Oral cysts, not elsewhere classified
    K09.0 Cysts formed during the formation of teeth
    • K09.00 Teething cyst
    • K09.01 Gingival cyst
    • K09.02 Horny [primary] cyst
    • K09.03 Follicular [odontogenic] cyst
    • K09.04 lateral periodontal cyst
    • K09.08 Other specified odontogenic cysts formed during tooth formation
    • K09.09 Odontogenic cyst formed during tooth formation, unspecified
    K09.1 Growth (nonodontogenic) cysts of the mouth area
    • K09.10 Globulomaxillary [maxillary sinus] cyst
    • K09. 11 Midpalatal cyst
    • K09.12 Nasopalatine [incisive canal] cyst
    • K09.13 Palatal papillary cyst
    • K09.18 Other specified growth (nonodontogenic) cysts of the oral region
    • K09.19 Growth (nonodontogenic) cyst of the mouth region, unspecified
    K09.2 Other jaw cysts
    • K09.20 Aneurysmal bone cyst
    • K09.21 Single [traumatic] [hemorrhagic] cyst
    • K09.22 Epithelial cysts of the jaws, not identifiable as odontogenic or non-odontogenic
    • K09.28 Other specified jaw cysts
    • K09.29 Jaw cyst, unspecified
    K09.8 Other specified oral cysts, not elsewhere classified nine0091
    • K09.80 Dermoid cyst
    • K09.81 Epidermoid cyst
    • K09.82 Newborn gum cyst
    • K09.83 Neonatal palate cyst
    • K09.84 Nasoalveolar [nasolabial] cyst
    • K09.85 Lymphoepithelial cyst
    • K09. 88 Other specified oral cysts
    K09.9 Oral cyst, unspecified nine0091
    K10 Other diseases of the jaws
    K10.0 Jaw Developmental Disorders
    • K10.00 Mandibular torus
    • K10.01 Hard palate torus
    • K10.02 Hidden bone cyst
    • K10.08 Other specified disorders of jaw development
    • K10.09 Jaw development disorder, unspecified
    K10.1 Giant cell granuloma central
    K10.2 Inflammatory diseases of the jaws
    • K10.20 Ostitis of the jaw
    • K10.21 Osteomyelitis of the jaw
    • K10.22 Periostitis of the jaw
    • K10.23 Chronic periostitis of the jaw
    • K10.24 Neonatal osteomyelitis of the maxilla [neonatal maxillitis]
    • K10.25 Sequester
    • K10. 26 Radiation osteonecrosis
    • K10.28 Other specified inflammatory diseases of the jaws
    • K10.29 Inflammatory disease of jaws, unspecified
    K10.3 Alveolitis of the jaws
    K10.8 Other specified diseases of the jaws
    • K10.80 Cherubism
    • K10.81 Unilateral hyperplasia of the condylar process of the mandible
    • K10.82 Unilateral hypoplasia of the condylar process of the mandible
    • K10.83 Fibrous dysplasia of the jaw
    • K10.88 Other specified diseases of the jaws
    K10.9 Jaw disease, unspecified
    K11 Salivary gland disease
    K11.0 Salivary gland atrophy
    K11.1 salivary gland hypertrophy
    K11.2 sialadenitis
    K11. 3 salivary gland abscess
    K11.4 Fistula of the salivary gland
    K11.5 Sialolithiasis
    K11.6 nine0091 Mucocele of the salivary gland
    • K11.60 Mucous retention cyst
    • K11.61 Mucous cyst with exudate
    • K11.69 Salivary gland mucocele, unspecified
    K11.7 Salivary gland secretion disorders
    • K11.70 Hyposecretion
    • K11.71 Xerostomia
    • K11.72 Hypersecretion [ptyalism]
    • K11.78 Other specified disorders of salivary gland secretion
    • K11.79 Disorder of secretion of salivary glands, unspecified
    K11.8 Other diseases of the salivary glands
    • K11.80 Benign lymphoepithelial lesion of the salivary gland
    • K11.81 Mikulich's disease
    • K11. 82 Stenosis [narrowing] of the salivary duct

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    WHO has introduced urgent changes to the ICD-10 on COVID-1

    WHO has added codes to the International Classification of Diseases to account for patients with the new coronavirus.

    The World Health Organization has made urgent changes to the 10th and 11th revisions of the International Classification of Diseases, adding the codes needed to account for patients with COVID-19 diseases.

    WHO amended:

    9)”, subclass “Other viral diseases (B25-B34)”, a clarification was added that for the nosology “Coronavirus infection of unspecified localization” (code B34.2), the following values ​​were excluded: “COVID-19, virus identified (U07. 1)” and "COVID-19, virus not identified (U07.2)"

    2. To the subclass "Temporary designations of new diagnoses of unknown etiology or for emergency use (U00-U49)" (class "Special purpose codes (U00-U85) )") amended:

    a) In the section "Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) (U04)", a clarification was added that for the nosology "Severe acute respiratory syndrome, unspecified" (code U04.9) excluded values: "COVID-19, virus identified (U07.1)" and "COVID-19, virus not identified (U07.2)".

    b) Added new values ​​in section "Use in emergency situations (U07)":

    i. "COVID-19, virus identified" (code U07.1). Clarification: Use this code when COVID-19 has been laboratory confirmed, regardless of the severity of clinical signs or symptoms. If necessary, indicate pneumonia or other manifestations of infection, use an additional code. Excludes: coronavirus infection, unspecified (B34.2), coronavirus as the cause of diseases classified elsewhere (B97.2), severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), unspecified (U04. 9).

    ii. "COVID-19, virus not identified" (code U07.2). Clarification: Use this code if COVID-19 is diagnosed clinically or epidemiologically but laboratory testing is inconclusive or not available. If necessary, indicate pneumonia or other manifestations of infection, use an additional code. Excludes: coronavirus infection, unspecified (B34.2), COVID-19: laboratory confirmed (U07.1), special screening examination (Z11.5), suspected but excluded by negative laboratory results (Z03.8). nine0003

    WHO further clarified that codes U00-U49 should only be used to temporarily code new diseases of uncertain etiology. For coding COVID-19, the revised category U07 specification must be used. Developers of electronic systems need to make this category and subcategories available so that they can be used immediately when directed by WHO.

    The Ministry of Health of Russia, by its letter No. 13-2 / I / 2-4335 dated April 8, 2020, signed by Deputy Minister Evgeny Kamkin, brought this information to regional health care institutions, federal health care institutions, FMBA, the Federal Tax Service and Rosstat.

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