Essential oils for schizophrenia
Is It Safe to Use Essential Oils With Schizophrenia?
Schizophrenia is a serious and chronic mental illness that generally requires antipsychotic medication to keep it under control.
But that doesn’t mean people living with schizophrenia or any mental health condition can’t benefit from using complementary therapies in addition to their drugs. One of those therapies that may be worth trying is aromatherapy, says Heidi Chesla, a medical aromatherapy specialist in and around Baltimore and an instructor to physicians at the University of Maryland School of Medicine.
The sense of smell has a direct connection to certain parts of the brain, Chesla explains, noting that the smell of intense smoke, for instance, can immediately trigger a stress response and, alternatively, that the smell of a rosebush can calm our emotions. In addition, chemical constituents within the scented oils used in aromatherapy, known as essential oils, are also believed to cause physiological responses in the body.
While these effects can benefit everyone, they might be especially helpful for people with mental health disorders like schizophrenia, Chesla says.
What Is Schizophrenia?According to the National Institute of Mental Health, schizophrenia is a rare condition that affects about 1 percent of the population. The disease typically begins in young adulthood and involves a number of serious symptoms. These include what experts call “positive” symptoms, such as delusions, hallucinations, and dysfunctional thinking, and “negative” symptoms, like feeling less pleasure about life or having trouble starting or sustaining activities. Some people also suffer cognitive symptoms that affect memory, focus, and decision-making.
Treatments for schizophrenia aim to relieve these debilitating symptoms. They include antipsychotic medication and psychotherapy to develop coping skills.
Related: People With Schizophrenia Can Benefit From Coordinated Care Teams
Clinical trials continue to search for a cure for this condition, but so far it has been elusive.
Aromatherapy is the technique of using essential oils pressed from plants to help your mind and your body. These oils are often found beneath the surface of the plant’s leaves, bark, or peel. Different plants produce vastly different oils, which are said to have varying effects on the mind and body, depending on which oil is used.
Essential oils can be taken in a number of ways. Most common are inhaling the scent, mixing the oils into a massage cream and rubbing it onto the skin, or soaking in water that is infused with one or more oil.
Although aromatherapy is not a treatment for schizophrenia or other mental conditions, people who have mental illness might find relief in using it to support their symptoms and their general lifestyle, which can help them feel better, Chesla says.
Studies on Aromatherapy and MoodNo researcher has directly tested aromatherapy’s effects in people who have schizophrenia.
But there have been small studies assessing the impact of essential oils on general mood and on sleep, which is often a problem for people with the condition.
For example, 60 patients in Turkey were hospitalized in the intensive care unit for serious heart disease and were therefore anxious. Half were given lavender essential oil to inhale for two weeks. Afterward, they were found to have less anxiety and better sleep quality than those not given the oil, according to a study published in March 2017 in Nursing in Critical Care.
And when researchers in Iran looked at four prior studies of the psychological effects of aromatherapy in older women, they concluded that aromatherapy massage does help improve psychological symptoms like anxiety and depression. However, the scientists were careful to note in their review, published in the August 2018 issue of the Journal of Menopausal Medicine, that people should not consider aromatherapy on its own to be an effective treatment for these conditions.
For aromatherapy to have its intended effect, it is important that you select the appropriate oils. This begins with taking special care to buy from a manufacturer who is concerned about quality.
“So much that is marketed as essential oils are actually not from plants but are man-made synthetic fragrances that are not good for us,” Chesla says. Or, she cautions, some companies name an essential oil on their label, but inside they have substituted oil from a cheaper plant instead.
Because manufacturers generally do not make claims that essential oils can treat or cure specific medical conditions, they are not considered to be drugs by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and so these products are not regulated by the FDA.
As a result, “if you grab a cheap bottle of oil from a grocery store, it is unlikely to be of high enough quality to give you the results you want,” Chesla cautions.
How to Assess Essential Oil QualityCompanies that take quality control seriously will have an independent third-party examine each batch of oil as it is made, Chesla says.
Then they will release the results of these tests, either on their website or by phone if you call them.
These tests, known as gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS) reports, reveal how much of each bioactive compound is present in the oil. Identification numbers for the test results should correspond to numbers stamped on your bottle. And because oil can degrade, top products also print an expiration date on the label, she says.
Even if you don’t understand the GC-MS results, the fact that the company does this testing is a positive sign. Plus, Chesla says, you can take the reports to your doctor, who will likely be able to recognize the chemical components, such as methyl salicylate (also a metabolite of aspirin), which is found in wintergreen oil.
Essential Oils That May Help People With SchizophreniaWhen it comes to mental health, Chesla generally recommends essential oils that can calm or energize you, or that might help you sleep.
For soothing your mind, Chesla’s two favorites are lavender and frankincense, either used alone or combined together.
To enhance sleep, Chesla suggests trying lavender, sandalwood, or vetiver, which is oil from the root of a grassy plant of the same name found in Haiti and other countries. (Again, these can be taken alone or in combination.)
And during the day, if you find your mind and emotions flagging, you want oils known for their energizing properties. Two she especially likes are wild orange and peppermint.
You can place drops of one or more of these essential oils in an aromatherapy diffuser that spreads them into the air. You can also add them to a massage oil and slather it on your skin (Chesla especially likes fractionated coconut oil because it has a long shelf life), or simply sniff them from the bottle.
Are Essential Oils Safe?Essential oils are generally considered to be safe, especially when they are used as directed. Some allergic reactions or skin irritation can possibly occur, which is why it is important that you dilute the oils if you plan to massage them onto your skin.
Still, anything that gets into your body can have risks, especially if you are on other medication. “I always recommend that people let their doctors know that they are using essential oils,” Chesla says.
Find an Aromatherapy PractitionerYou can find certified aromatherapists on either of the websites of two national organizations, the National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy and the Alliance of International Aromatherapists.
Some practitioners combine aromatherapy training with another health field, so it’s not uncommon for you to run into a nurse, acupuncturist, massage therapist, or other health professional who also practices aromatherapy.
Essential oils and Schizophrenia
I wrote this article to mark Schizophrenia Awareness Day however it has a broader context. There can sometimes be interactions between essential oils and schizophrenia and antipsychotic medications. Some essential oils contain high levels of a chemical group called ketones. These are best avoided by people suffering from schizophrenia and other psychotic conditions. There are no specific essential oils for schizophrenia, relaxing and comforting essential oils like vetiver and frankincense can be very helpful.
Are Psychosis and Schizophrenia the Same Thing?
No. Schizophrenia is an illness, where psychosis is a symptom. Schizophrenia can cause psychosis as well as other symptoms. Psychosis is a symptom rather than a disorder and is defined as losing touch with reality. People living with schizophrenia experience psychotic symptoms as part of a bigger picture. Other mental disorders can cause psychosis too. These include depression, bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder and dementia.
Psychosis causes people to suffer delusions convincing them that things are happening. For example, they may believe that people are watching them but in reality, they are not. You and I might say they are imagining, but that they believe it is a truer picture. In addition, they may imagine they see or hear things that do not exist. These hallucinations can be visual or auditory.
Thoughts become disorganized and confused when someone has schizophrenia. This can also make it more difficult for them to communicate as well as they once could.
For some, it can become more difficult to control posture or motor movements. Sometimes psychosis affects the way you move. Even basic tasks like walking can become confusing and difficult.
The day to day mechanics of social interactions get lost. Facial expressions do not work in the same way. It becomes difficult to maintain eye contact. Conversations are often infected by distrust. These feelings can be overwhelmingly powerful. So, it can feel more comfortable to avoid social interactions at all.
Both schizophrenia and psychosis can cause people to withdraw from family and friends. It can also make you feel unable to function or to lose any sense of motivation in life. Suicidal thoughts are common.
Some essential oil constituents cause problems for people suffering from psychosis. Ketones have their own uses. They are wonderful for coughs and colds because they can break down phlegm. In the same way, they break down scar tissues and improve the skin.
Aromatherapist, Dr Malte Hozzel, calls ketones “Disincarnators” because they break things down.
It also relates to these oils that seem to make the mind feel like it is leaving the body.
These oils can also be difficult for people who have epilepsy. They seem to disturb brain circuitry. To make things more confusing, not all ketones cause seizures. Indeed some are anti-convulsant.
Likewise, while paranoia is not the same as psychosis, there are distinct overlaps. This can sometimes manifest in people who use cannabis. There is no proof that cannabis causes schizophrenia. Studies suggest that cannabis may disturb latent schizophrenia traits.
In summary, people from the following groups should be carefully observed when using essential oils. Those living with:
- Psychosis from depression, especially postpartum depression
- Bi-polar disorder
- Schizophrenia
- Borderline personality disorder
- Psychosis, generally
The same applies to people who have long term cannabis use.
It is best to avoid essential oils with high levels of ketones. This also applies to essential oils that may be neurotoxic for other reasons. A qualified aromatherapist can help you navigate the pitfalls.
Oils best avoided are:
Rosemary, hyssop, tarragon, wintergreen, camphor, spike lavender (Lavandula latifolia) and nutmeg.
Neurotoxic Essential oils and Schizophrenia
To be clear, the amounts of essential oils used in aromatherapy are so minute, that they would not be psychotropic for most people.
I say that about nutmeg in particular which has garnered a lot of incorrect scaremongering.
However, in the same way we are over cautious about using essential oils in pregnancy, so it makes sense to err on the side of being more circumspect here. Psychotic symptoms are terrifying enough without adding more worries to them.
Valerian Essential Oils and Schizophrenia or Anti-Psychotic Medications
The Valerian plant is known to negatively interact with around 245 different medications including aspirin and gabapentin. But, according to Essential Oil Safety for Health Professionals by Robert Tisserand and Rodney Young, there are no known contraindications for the essential oil.
Valerian is the most calming of the essential oils and is a wonderful sleep aid. It is very helpful when someone is panic stricken. The brain slows considerably when it meets valerian. But, it does smell like last week’s socks. Always blend it with something floral or citrus to bring it to life.
Choosing the usual stimulant and focusing essential oils can be problematic here. For many people, they don’t have a problem with focus. More, that their focus is on a troubling belief. It can be more helpful to soften the thoughts with oils that feel tranquil.
Some Ideas of Calming Essential Oils For SchizophreniaMelissaSeems to order thoughts and reduce agitation.
ChamomileCalms fearful thoughts.
SpikenardFor top rung fear, terror and horror
FrankincenseSlows the breath. Is comforting and reassuring
VetiverGrounding and tranquilizing
Clary SageVery relaxing and euphoric. Clary sage essential oil has antispasmodic properties. This can help if the person lives with ticks or involuntary movements
RosePacifying and has an anti-conflict component
PatchouliAgain, very grounding and soothing.
Soothing, relaxing and settling.
There are many reasons why essential oils and schizophrenia can work well in partnership. Avoid oils high in ketones and the soothing effects can be very helpful indeed.
Crimean scientists have learned to treat schizophrenia with essential oil
Crimean scientists have learned to treat schizophrenia with essential oil
3 Crimean scientists have learned to treat schizophrenia with essential oil , 04.09.2022
2022-09-04T18: 41
2022-09-04T18: 41
2022-09-04T18: 41
KFU (Crimean Federal University)
222 /html/head/meta[@name='og:title']/@content
https://cdnn1.img. jpg
SIMFEROPOL, September 4 - RIA Novosti Crimea. Scientists of the Crimean Federal University have learned to treat schizophrenia with the help of aerophytotherapy - spraying the essential oil of clary sage, the press service of the KFU. Vernadsky. According to the press service, the unique method allows to rehabilitate patients with mental disorders and prevent relapses. It's already patented. A quick sedative and antidepressant effect is achieved through a combination of modern psychotropic drugs, breathing exercises, music therapy and spraying an aerosol of Crimean sage essential oil. It is noted that it has the properties to activate the central nervous system, improve concentration, memory productivity and awaken creative activity: this is one of the most powerful relaxing aromatherapy agents. within two weeks. The control group consisted of 30 patients with the same form of schizophrenia, who were treated according to the traditional protocol. Patients treated with aerophytotherapy showed a more pronounced increase in the level of mental performance and increased the effect of rehabilitation treatment compared to the control group", - quotes the press service of the professor of the Department of Medical Rehabilitation, Sports Medicine and Adaptive Physical Education of the Medical Academy of KFU Yuri Bobrik. The session of aerophytotherapy lasts 30 minutes, two hours after the morning medication. The rehabilitation course includes 14 daily sessions. The positive effect of the new method is confirmed by the results of clinical observations and laboratory studies. Georgievsky KFU named after Vernadsky Andrey Ubeikon warned about the danger of omicron for the nervous system: nervous and mental disorders can occur even after mild forms of the disease, but this happens less often. nine0003 /Tyaga-k-sladkomu-i-souusam--priznak-nachala-Dementsi-1124380537.html
RIA Novosti
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KFU (Crimean Federal University), society, science and technology, health
SIMFEROPOL, September 4 - RIA Novosti Crimea. Scientists of the Crimean Federal University have learned to treat schizophrenia with the help of aerophytotherapy - spraying the essential oil of clary sage, the press service of the KFU. Vernadsky.
According to the press service, the unique method makes it possible to rehabilitate patients with mental disorders and prevent relapses. It's already patented. A quick sedative and antidepressant effect is achieved through a combination of modern psychotropic drugs, breathing exercises, music therapy and spraying an aerosol of Crimean sage essential oil. nine0003
November 2, 2021, 20:02
Isolation, dirty hands and more: how to recognize a schizophrenic the most powerful relaxing aromatherapy.
"We examined 34 patients with paranoid schizophrenia who, along with psychopharmacotherapy, underwent rehabilitation with aerophytotherapy for two weeks. The control group consisted of 30 patients with the same form of schizophrenia, who were treated according to the traditional protocol. In patients who were treated aerophytotherapy was used, it turned out to be a more pronounced increase in the level of mental performance and the effect of restorative treatment intensified compared to the control group," Yuri Bobrik, professor at the Department of Medical Rehabilitation, Sports Medicine and Adaptive Physical Education of the KFU Medical Academy, quotes the press service. nine0003
September 2, 2022, 9:31 pm
Cravings for sweets and sauces are a sign of the onset of dementia
An aerophytotherapy session lasts 30 minutes, two hours after the morning drug intake. The rehabilitation course includes 14 daily sessions. The positive effect of the new method is confirmed by the results of clinical observations and laboratory studies.
Former Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry, Medical Academy. Georgievsky KFU named after Vernadsky Andrey Ubeikon warned about the danger of omicron for the nervous system: nervous and mental disorders can occur even after mild forms of the disease, but this happens less often. nine0003
comments / 03/29/2020
Schizophrenia is a neurological disease accompanied by the development of fundamental disorders of perception, thinking and emotional reactions.
It is believed that the disease may be caused by a viral infection.
The disease begins between 18 and 30 years of age. Early symptoms and signs of schizophrenia may be mild. That is why they go unnoticed by both relatives and the patient himself. nine0003
First of all, they manifest themselves in a change in the emotional state of a person. He often and unreasonably changes his mood.
You should be alerted if you see the following:
- A person (usually from 18 to 35 years old) withdraws into himself, he plunges into his own world and stops communicating with other people, reluctantly supports a conversation
- His senses are dulled, nothing causes either positive or negative emotions
- Lack of desires and aspirations. He may not realize that he is hungry. He forgets to wash, comb his hair. He doesn't care about his appearance
- His reactions become inadequate. A simple question can cause an outburst of rage, irritation, aggression
Today a talented young man wrote to me saying that he has schizophrenia. That is why I wanted to write this article.
“At the age of 19, I was diagnosed with hepatitis C and treated for a year, and schizophrenia immediately began after that. In the recent past, a brilliant athlete, today he feels weakness, lack of strength and desire, it is difficult to maintain concentration and memory has suffered, his will is dulled and emotionality is not manifested, the quality of life has changed a lot. How can essential oils help? nine0219
Hepatitis C is of viral origin, it is caused by the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), which has many strains and mutations. It has chosen the liver for its parasitism and for years creates liver-destroying scars until it becomes hepatitis C.
The affected liver is now so sluggish that it does not properly neutralize toxins in the body. After drug treatment of hepatitis, the liver becomes completely toxic. Now she needs the help of a man to cleanse. nine0003
Never before in history has a person been exposed to so many toxic substances.
These are heavy metals: mercury, aluminium, copper, lead, nickel and cadmium and pharmaceuticals. The air is polluted, goods are sprayed with chemicals, saturated with pesticides, herbicides. Dioxins are found in the oceans, and thousands of new chemicals are released into the environment each year. These poisons saturate our reservoirs and rain down from the sky.
The body of most people contains toxins that accompany us all our lives and hide very deep, it is these old poisons that are very dangerous. nine0003
For example, toxic heavy metals can oxidize over time and kill cells on direct contact.
Toxins pose many threats. They directly poison the body, damage the brain, liver, central nervous system and other vital organs. They weaken the immune system, and a person is helpless before the disease. Even worse, they serve as food for cancer cells, viruses, bacteria and other pests that are drawn to them and can cause serious illness. The point is that these toxins are major contributors to recent epidemics of cancer and many other diseases such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, I think schizophrenia is on that list. nine0003
Everyone has some level of mercury in their body. But the liver, weakened by EBV and the toxic treatment of hepatitis or another disease, is no longer able to cleanse this toxic effect.
Mercury is known to be the main fuel for cancer, viruses and bacteria. Mercury poisoning causes inflammation, which manifests itself in a wide variety of symptoms and conditions, including depression, anxiety, ADHD, autism, bipolar disorder, nervous breakdown, epilepsy, tingling, numbness, nervous tics, twitches, seizures, hot flashes, palpitations, hair loss , memory loss, confusion, insomnia, loss of sex drive, chronic fatigue, migraines and thyroid disorders and more. nine0003
Mercury enters the body of a child already in utero, then with vaccinations, and now continues to enter the body of an adult.
And drugs, antibiotics, and toxins are food for EBV.
Mercury, when oxidized, and the neurotoxins released by the Epstein-Barr virus cause inflammation and death of brain cells. There is a loss of gray and white matter of the brain.
The gray matter contains neurons and their short processes, and if the process of neuron death is too rapid, then schizophrenia with psychoses can develop. nine0003
The death of cells in the white matter, which contains long, myelinated nerve fibers that connect the four lobes of the brain, may be associated with cognitive symptoms in schizophrenia, including impaired cognitive processes and memory functions, apathy and low motivation (a study published in the journal " Clinical neuroimaging” (NeuroImage: Clinical)
Confirmation that it is inflammation that leads to brain cell death
age and incidence of schizophrenia.
"Inflammation is one of the mechanisms that leads to the destruction of synapses and neuronal branches in the brain, so severe inflammation could explain their loss," says Dr. Woods.
From all of the above, it is clear that in order to get rid of the disease or alleviate the condition, you need to start cleansing the liver and the whole body from toxins and poisons, from heavy metals and mercury.
There are simple detox programs for this
1. Liver cleanse
- Read this program and if you have any questions feel free to ask me
2.Heavy Metal Eliminating Essential Oil Blend - Juva Cleance
- Take 2 drops under the tongue 2 times a day for at least 3 months
3. What other oils does Young Living recommend for schizophrenia?0003 Essential Oil Blends: Brain Power, GeneYus, Valor, Valor II, Valor Roll-On, M-Grain, Clarity, Common Sense ), SliqueEssence (Weight Control) metals Green barley shoot juice extract: draws heavy metals from the spleen, gastrointestinal tract, pancreas and reproductive system. Spirulina: draws heavy metals from the brain, central nervous system and liver. Absorbs heavy metals, which are excreted by the juice extract of green barley shoots. nine0003 Cilantro: penetrates deep into hard-to-reach areas, removes old metals. Wild blueberries: removes heavy metals from the brain. Heals and closes any holes that form during the removal of heavy metals, which is very important for brain tissue. nine0003 Atlantic red algae: binds to mercury, lead, aluminium, copper, cadmium and nickel and crosses the blood-brain barrier. You should consume all five of these foods throughout the day either together or one after the other at different meals for optimal effect. If for some reason you cannot eat these foods on one day, try two or three out of five daily. Add Burdock Root If you follow this detox program faithfully in the long run, you will experience a drastic improvement. Additional detox methods Lemon water
Unlike other algae, Atlantic red algae effectively removes mercury. Red algae penetrates into the deepest recesses of the body, seeks out mercury, forms a bond with it that does not break until the mercury leaves the body. nine0003