What to do when an introvert ignores you
What to Do When an Introvert Ignores You
Some people find their introverted friends enigmatic—and even if you’re an Introvert, seeing eye-to-eye with your fellow Introverts isn’t always a clear-cut process. Since Introverts experience a wide range of distractions in their lives, both in their inner world and the overwhelming stimuli of the outside world, it’s hard to be sure if their lack of response is purposeful. So what do you do when an Introvert ignores you?
Before you know how to solve the problem, you may want insight into why Introverts ignore others. They usually do so for one (or a combination) of the following reasons:
- You’re overstimulating to them.
- They’re feeling tired and overwhelmed.
- The Introvert is recuperating after too much social exertion.
- You’ve hurt their feelings, and they’re avoiding confrontation.
- They have social anxiety at the moment (due to crowds, loud noises, bright lights, or a combination thereof).
- They are questioning whether or not they trust you.
- The Introvert is working on creative or personal projects and doesn’t want to be distracted.
- Due to high stress, the Introvert is ignoring everyone.
Now you know why an Introvert might be ignoring you, the question is, what can you do about it? Here are some tactics that may help.
1. When an Introvert ignores you, assess the situation before talking to them.
Before confronting an Introvert who’s giving you the cold shoulder, you might want to think about the last few interactions with them. You shouldn’t assume that you’ve done anything to offend them but take a few moments to think about your relationship. Be objective. Avoid blaming yourself or them for any situation that might have caused discomfort or trouble in the relationship. If there’s a reason you think they might be ignoring you, you may want to reach out to them and ask if you’ve done something that made them upset.
2. Reach out to them, but don’t be pushy.
As a rule, Introverts get tired of others trying to push them into things they don’t want to do, so you should reach out to them with care. When you talk to an Introvert to ask them why they’re ignoring you, do so with the utmost respect for their time and attention.
Because Introverts prefer written communication, I’d suggest a text message or email. Don’t demand anything. Ask if anything is bothering them. After they reply to you, you can address your concerns. Remember not to make them feel like an in-person meeting is essential. They won’t want to go out right away if they’re trying to recharge.
3. Find your common ground.
Sometimes an Introvert needs time to open up, even if they’re upset about something unrelated to you. If an Introvert is ignoring you (and everyone else) because there’s a stressful event happening in their life, the best thing you can do is give them space. However, if you still want to reach out to them, try to divert the conversation first by talking about your shared interests.
By discussing things you’re both passionate about, the Introvert may feel more inclined to open up to you. Plus, as a bonus, you helped them momentarily forget why they’re so stressed out and pulling away. A common ground tactic can bring some lightheartedness to the conversation that breaks the ice before you dive into anything serious.
4. Tell them you’re here for them but give them as much space as possible.
As an Introvert, I have to say that the demands of others can sometimes be even more stressful to me than the other problems I’m facing. It doesn’t matter what I’m upset or stressed about—when someone places too much emphasis on getting together, I break out in a cold sweat. It isn’t because I’m antisocial (a common misconception about Introverts). It’s because what I’m dealing with at that moment is so overwhelming that I would love for people to understand that a social outing will make me feel even more drained.
It’s hard for extraverted types to grasp, but it’s true—a stressed Introvert needs more alone time. So, getting the Introvert together with friends isn’t an excellent solution. Although Introverts might feel the need to force themselves to go out, they’ll count down the minutes until they can go home, too tired to cope.
The bottom line? If you talk to an introverted person who’s been ignoring you and they tell you they’re stressed and, thus, haven’t had the energy to be social, leave it there. Tell them you’re here if they need to talk but give them enough time to recover without asking them to meet up.
5. Do something thoughtful for them if you think they’re stressed or overwhelmed.
Your inclination might be to head straight to their place and offer them a heart-to-heart chat, no matter what’s the cause of them ignoring you. However, one of the best things you can do, instead of offering company, is to show them you care. Drop by their place and leave a personal note on their door, a box of candy, their favorite flowers, or some other token of your friendship. This gesture isn’t as demanding as appearing on their doorstep and hoping for a chat.
Instead, this lets them know you’re thinking of them, but there isn’t a social call attached to it. Odds are, any Introvert will let you know they appreciated the gesture within an hour or two.
6. If they’re still ignoring you, wait until they reach out.
Although it’s the most unsatisfying of options, if you’ve tried everything to talk to an Introvert who’s been ignoring you and you haven’t made any progress, leave it alone for a while. There could be several reasons the Introvert isn’t getting back to you, and most of those reasons are benign. Maybe they’re swamped with work and don’t have much free time to devote to their relationships. They may even be doing some sort of technology cleanse for their mental health! Wait it out.
Additionally, when an Introvert ignores you, they may be angry. Although they might be mad about something that’s overshadowing their life, they’ll soon recharge and refresh enough to pay attention to their relationships. If they are angry with you, however, they’ll address the issue when they’re ready.
7. Are they an INFJ? It could be a door slam.
If an Introvert still hasn’t gotten back to you after a lengthy time, you may have to consider another possibility. Is this person an INFJ? If so, it could be the INFJ door slam. You may have been the recipient of the INFJ door slam if you find yourself blocked on all social media accounts and unable to get through to them in any other way. If your phone calls aren’t going through or they never respond to voicemails or texts, odds are this person has decided to shut you out of their life. When that’s the case, the best thing you can do is move on and reflect on why this may have happened. Once a door slam happens, this person is out of your life.
Although the door slam is a quintessential INFJ trait, other personality types are also capable of reaching rock bottom and shutting out others. When this happens, all you can do is wait to see if they contact you again.
Summing it up
Introverts don’t ignore people unless there’s a reason behind their aloof attitude. If you know an Introvert who’s behaving standoffish, most of the time, the reason they’re isolating themselves from others isn’t personal. It’s best to keep patient and wait for them to come around, but if you’re wondering if you’ve done something to cause friction in your relationship, you might want to employ a tactic above to see if you can get through to your loved one. Introverts might seem confusing and enigmatic, but once you understand how they function in life, their habits won’t feel as foreign as they once did.
10 effective ways to deal with an introvert who ignores you
Being with an introvert can come with its own challenges, but one of the most puzzling situations is when they ignore you.
Seriously, what do you do when an introvert ignores you?
Well, there are 10 effective ways to deal with that situation:
1) Be patient with them
The first step is to be patient with them.
It might just be that they need some more time to warm up to your company.
Extroverts are an outgoing bunch, and introverts take a little more time to get comfortable.
Give them some space and they will eventually come around.
But not just that, even if you’ve been friends for years, introverts can sometimes ignore you out of the blue.
In those cases, it’s time to be patient and to understand that it will take them some time to recharge.
You see, when you force them to talk to you or worse yet, hang out with you, you will only further drain your friend or partner, which is the last thing you want to be doing.
Instead, focus on being patient and just let them be in their own little bubble for a while.
2) Don’t take it personally
The first thing to remember is that they don’t want to be rude.
They’re not ignoring you because they don’t care about you, but it’s just how introverts are.
So, rule number one is don’t take it personally.
It’s not about you, it’s about them.
There’s no need to get upset or angry.
Simply by understanding and trying to see the situation from their perspective.
You might not understand what it’s like to be an introvert, but try to empathize with them and maybe even offer a little advice or support.
Just be patient and understanding, and they will eventually come around.
Now, if they are your partner or a close friend, it is okay to also have your own boundaries.
You can say: It scares me when you ignore me and makes me feel as though you don’t love me anymore.
Communicating openly allows you both to be on the same page and to know where each other stands.
If you’re feeling neglected or like you’re not being appreciated, it’s important to talk about it.
Even if your introverted friend or partner doesn’t want to talk about it, talking about how you’re feeling will help relieve some of the tension.
It will also give you some closure and understanding, which is always a good thing.
Just be honest with them and let them know how you’re feeling.
And most importantly…
Don’t take their silence as a sign that they don’t care about you.
It might just be that they’re taking some time to process what’s going on.
They might need some time to think things through before they want to open up to you.
So, don’t get upset or frustrated – just be patient and understanding and wait for them to come around.
3) Don’t force small talk
I can’t emphasize this enough: Don’t force small talk.
Introverts don’t like to engage in small talk, even if they are interested in a person they’ve met.
It’s not because introverts are unfriendly or rude, but because it takes up extra mental energy.
They’d rather save that for deeper conversations later on and avoid the awkwardness that can come with small talk.
So, if someone is ignoring you, the last thing you want to be doing is asking them “Hot weather today, eh?”
Trust me, it’s better to leave them their silence for a bit and then engage in deeper conversations than to force them into small talk.
In my own experience, introverts despise small talk and it will only make them want to avoid you even more!
4) Ask them if they are busy instead of jumping to conclusions
You may have been trying to get the attention of that introvert for a while now and you are overthinking. What do you do?
The first thing to do is ask them if they are busy or just need a moment to themselves.
It’s possible that the introvert is just really focused on what they’re doing and didn’t think about you.
They may also be somewhere where talking isn’t appropriate, like at work or class.
You won’t know unless you ask!
You see before you jump to conclusions and get worked up over them ignoring you, simply ask if they are busy right now!
That will save you the mental energy of worrying and will clear things up in a short amount of time.
More often than not, when an introvert ignores you nothing is actually wrong, they are simply busy.
Don’t freak out and just do the mature thing: ask them outright!
5) Give them time and space to recharge
If your introverted friend is ignoring you, it’s likely because they’re tired.
Introverts need a lot of downtime to recharge and be alone every once in a while.
You see, introverts are drained by being around people for long periods of time.
They don’t like feeling drained because it makes them feel unsafe and unhappy, so giving them space is a great way to make sure they’re still happy and satisfied with their life.
I know, as an extrovert it can be hard to understand, and even a little hurtful to realize that your friend or partner needs time to recharge from hanging out and prefers to spend time alone.
But don’t take this personally, even if this person loves you more than anyone else on the planet and adores hanging out with you, they will still need that time to recharge.
Now: if you give them that time and space without judgment and don’t make them feel like a freak, they will love you even more, and you will have saved yourself a lot of trouble in the long run.
Again, there is nothing wrong with talking about your feelings and asking them for reassurance when their silence makes you feel insecure, but don’t make them feel bad for needing time to themselves.
6) Ask them if something is bothering them
If an introvert is ignoring you, it’s possible that something is bothering them. I know, that’s probably the scenario you were trying to avoid.
However, you could wait around and worry about what is happening, or you simply ask them if there’s anything going on.
Chances are they’ll be more willing to talk about it if you’re the first to bring up the subject.
Introverts are shy and often they won’t like to talk about the things that are bothering them and simply shut down.
When you ask them directly, they get a chance to speak out and let you know what is going on.
You see, it’s always better to talk things out rather than jumping to conclusions and overthinking a situation in your head.
That only leads to more stress and confusion for both of you.
7) If you’ve hurt them, apologize
If you’ve done something to hurt or upset them, apologize.
Introverts are sensitive to emotional pain and can hold on to it for a long time.
So, if you know for a fact that they are ignoring you because you’ve hurt them, it’s time for you to own up to your mistakes.
When you apologize to them, make sure that you do it in a sincere way and understand that they may not want to talk to you right now.
But, if you are genuinely sorry, eventually, they will forgive you and you can start rebuilding your relationship.
You see, introverts are great at reading people, so unless you are genuinely sorry, don’t apologize to them or you’ll make it worse.
The thing is, when you are truly sorry, an introvert will feel it and will forgive you.
So, don’t be afraid to apologize for your wrongdoings!
8) Don’t accuse them of anything, that can push them further away
Some introverts don’t enjoy being around people because they need more time for themselves to recharge.
And when someone accuses them of “ignoring” them, that can make the situation worse and push the person even further away from you.
The best way to deal with this situation is by understanding them better and just giving them space as they get used to you.
If you truly want to know why they aren’t getting back to you, don’t text them “Ugh, why are you ignoring me??”
Think about it: maybe they aren’t feeling the best right now and need time to recharge.
This kind of text will only make matters worse, so try to be understanding and patient.
When you want to ask what is going on, say something like: “Hey, I haven’t heard from you in a while, is everything okay? I miss you!”
This will let them know that you aren’t mad, only concerned.
9) Take the initiative and plan some one-on-one time
If you want to be with an introvert, take the initiative and plan some one-on-one time.
This could include inviting them for coffee or lunch or asking for their number so you can text them.
You see, when an introvert like someone, they are often too shy to take the initiative, so they will not say or do anything.
If you want to talk to them, it’s often up to you to take the initiative and plan a hangout or date.
Now: don’t force them into it, of course, but tell them that you’d love to plan a date with them if they’re interested.
Then, set up the date and tell them, no hard feelings, let me know if you’d be down to hang out that day!
And if they say no, don’t make them feel bad!
10) Check in on them and stay authentic
The most important thing you should do is to check in with them.
If they’re working on something, let them know that you need a few moments of their time.
If they’re not doing anything, ask what’s up and see if there’s anything you can do for them.
It might seem like an introvert is ignoring you because they don’t want to talk, but really they might just be in the middle of some work or concentrating on something else.
Checking in on them and genuinely asking about how they are doing is a great way to stop them from ignoring you.
You see, introverts love it when people check in, even if they aren’t always the first ones reaching out.
When you are authentic and care about their well-being, then they will appreciate it!
It’s not you
The biggest takeaway from this article should be that most of the time, it’s not you.
Being an introvert is difficult sometimes and it can leave other people feeling confused.
If you are being ignored, there is a big chance that it has nothing to do with you or how that person feels about you.
On the contrary, maybe they finally feel safe enough with you to recharge without feeling guilty!
12 Introvert Thoughts You Didn't Know
February 3, 2017 Relationship
Do you feel like your friend or acquaintance is constantly avoiding you? Or just don't like it? Do not rush to conclusions. Maybe he's just an introvert.
Introverts are not hermits who hate everyone around them. In fact, they really like to chat with close friends or people who share their interests (but the art of small talk is clearly not for them). Introverts also like to seek adventure on their own head, they just don’t always need company for this. They can be great leaders, good listeners, and loyal friends. After all, introverts are people too. But sometimes they can be very difficult to understand ... and forgive. nine0003
If, when interacting with introverts, you increasingly ask yourself the questions “Why is he acting so strangely?”, “What is wrong with me?”, “Am I a bad conversationalist?”, “Is he bored with me?”, “Am I annoying? "," Hey, where did he run away? And if you are an introvert ... well, you yourself know everything.
1. I hope no one tries to drag me out of the house tonight.
We all need to get under the covers sometimes, turn off the phone and spend the whole day in blissful doing nothing. But for introverts, this desire comes much more often. nine0003
Therefore, don't be surprised that sometimes your introverted friend or acquaintance will refuse to go to the movies and fun parties, explaining this by a headache, a bunch of things to do, the need to celebrate the cat's birthday, and so on. Just be prepared to hear "no".
And don't try to surprise an introvert and disturb his self-imposed seclusion. Otherwise, from your own experience, make sure that shyness has nothing to do with introversion.
2. If I quickly run from the bathroom to my room, then maybe the neighbor will not notice me
Sometimes introverts feel the need to hide from their roommates. If you are the neighbor, don't worry. Most likely, it's not about you. It's just that sometimes introverts hide from even the nicest people, just to avoid having to exchange a few words with them. So if you see your neighbor running, be understanding and don't show it.
3. I hope someone from the audience took a pet with them
Yes, introverts do not hate others (at least not more often than everyone else). But sometimes they feel much more comfortable in the company of our smaller brothers. The dog will not judge you for not going to university, will not force you to talk about the weather and politics or take pictures with her. Sometimes this is exactly what an introvert's ideal companion should be. nine0003
4. Who is calling me from this number? Everyone who knows me knows that I hate talking on the phone
Usually introverts don't like talking on the phone, so calls from unknown numbers send them into a panic. If they do not wait for a call from someone specific, then most likely they simply will not answer. And even if you call from your previous number, it is unlikely that they will talk to you for more than five minutes. Unless you are on the other side of the planet.
This item also has a positive side. If your introvert buddy finally decided to call you, you really mean a lot to him. Rejoice: this is indeed an achievement.
5. I need people around right now, but I don't want to talk to anyone.
It is because of this thought that introverts are very careful in choosing people to communicate with. Yes, being friends with or dating an introvert can sometimes be difficult, especially if you're an extrovert.
There are days when introverts want to do something alone: read a book or watch TV. But at the same time they want to feel the presence of another person. This is a special type of loneliness that is unlikely to be understood by extroverts. nine0003
If you are an introvert, we wish you to always have someone to call to you in such cases.
6. I wish my neighbors were a little less friendly
Naturally, introverts don't dream of rude neighbors. But there are very few things that cause them the same anxiety as neighbors who are overly involved. If they constantly ask how things are, or, worse, strive to visit without an invitation, this is a real disaster for an introvert.
7. I will only go there if I can go home at any time.
Introverts always like to have a plan to escape from a party. Therefore, they often go to a meeting in their car. This is especially true for parties that they do not want to go to in advance.
8. I'd rather stay with my cat
Well, everything is clear here. Catching someone else's pet at a party is a success. But for an introvert, no one can be better than their pet. Even people. Especially people. nine0003
Who else will always understand you, never betray you, never disappoint you, and never hurt you (well, except by digging their claws into you)? For an introvert, the answer is more than obvious.
9. It's good that this party is not far from my house
When an introvert is going to a party (unless, of course, it is at his best friend's house and not in his favorite bar), he worries much less when he knows that his house is nearby. It’s easier for introverts to get out of their comfort zone if it doesn’t have to move away from the most comfortable place for them. nine0003
10. Wouldn't it be better to read a book?
Of course, extroverts also love to read. But perhaps only introverts will understand what it's like: in the midst of a party in a noisy bar or any other place where they would have to party to the fullest, start thinking about the book that they left at home.
11. Please don't start a conversation with me just because we're sitting next to each other.
In cafes, cinemas, on airplanes—literally anywhere people can sit next to each other—introverts repeat this mantra over and over again. It's not that they don't like to talk. In fact, most introverts really like to learn something interesting about people they don't know. What they don't like is having to carry on a conversation with a complete stranger. This causes introverts a terrible discomfort. nine0003
12. I could sit in my pajamas now and watch my favorite TV series
Okay, okay. Of course, this thought is not limited to introverts. But introverts are still a little more common.
And finally, one more important thought
Do not confuse introverts with misanthropes. Introverts like to spend time alone with themselves, it charges them with additional energy, and long communication with people, on the contrary, draws strength from them. But they love people, although they do not always express their emotions directly. Therefore, sometimes you can forgive them these cute weaknesses, right? nine0003
Strange and irreplaceable - the secrets of working with introverts
Photo: Daria Buryakina, probusiness.byToday, the topic of introverts-extroverts is being raised more and more often - perhaps because there are many former ones among IT people. And since these specialists are in great demand in the market, company executives and HR are puzzled by the question: how to find an approach to such professionals. The sphere is actively developing, IT companies are growing, and many IT introverts have to "come out of the shadows" - to work in project teams, communicate with colleagues, and negotiate with clients. It is believed that this is a big problem for them. Let's try to figure out: is this really so and, if so, how does an introvert help adapt to new conditions.
We found out:
- The opinion of a coach, a psychologist: who are introverts really and what is their peculiarity
- IT company HRs, how they get along with introverts and how they adapt in the company
- Asked a typical introvert to talk about what it's like to be an introvert
Mikhail Dernakovskiy
General Director of the consulting group "Coaching Center ICU"
- The terms "introvert-extrovert" were introduced by Freud's student, the creator of analytical psychology, the concept of the collective unconscious and archetypes, Carl Jung. His hypothesis was based on the division of people into those who:
- are more focused on external, real objects of life or on their behavior, which is why they are outwardly more active - extroverts
- More focused on the inner world, one's imagination and reflection, less sociable - introverts nine0095
- They can be both good analysts, accountants and financiers, and, in some cases, if status and efficiency are important for a person, they can be good managers because of their ability to plan and task orientation.
Unlike extroverts who are relationship oriented
- Introverts are more actively engaged in self-education and prefer to spend the evening reading a book, audiobook or watching an instructive video than spending this time attending a mass event or a nightclub
- Introverts find contact with people worse in real communication or in the process of selling by phone, perform worse and make presentations, but they can be very good and interesting bloggers due to the originality of ideas. They can communicate well in chats and be masters of business correspondence. But in order to rest and recuperate, introverts need to be alone. Extroverted rest in the company is a complete stress for them
Introverts are characterized by:
1. They are not prone to publicity, it is more difficult to get along with people around them, they are shy, modest, but at the same time they are more calm and reserved than extroverts, they control their emotions better.
Photo from yablor.ru2. Introverts plan everything in advance and are more accurate.
3. More selective in terms of contacts, they have their own close circle of friends. To get into it, you need an introvert to share your values. nine0003
Introverts in work and self-development:
It certainly takes more time and care for introverts to adapt to work than extroverts. Introverts are unlikely to open up and tell everything about themselves. But in non-public work, where perseverance, pedantry and intellectual originality are required, they are simply irreplaceable. nine0003
Besides, man is a complex being. Sometimes people move easily along the "scale" - those who do not belong to any of the types are called ambiverts in their pure form: in different situations they can behave either as extroverts or as introverts.
This scale is just one of the coordinate systems. Trying to rigidly divide all people into two types with her help is a pointless exercise.
Tatyana Nazarova
HR Director at Softeq
- Introversion is a fairly common occurrence among IT professionals. There is even a joke that all IT specialists are introverts, if an IT specialist is not an introvert, then he is a manager.
And it's really hard for introverts today. In the office jungle, it is increasingly difficult for them to find a secluded place. Huge open spaces and constant office tightness, rapidly forming or distributed teams, new customers and projects, restless HRs - you will not envy an introvert. But since the process of socialization is inevitable, it must be made as convenient as possible for employees and effective for the company. And here I would highlight three simple rules, three tips - how to find an approach to an introvert. nine0003 Photo from rusrooms.ru
1. Firstly, we are used to thinking that introverts avoid people. Yes and no. They have a whole universe inside them, and if communication is difficult, perhaps your employee is now modeling the twenty-sixth rule in it, why you should not distract him, or seating unicorns on a shelf. I mean, they have constant streams of thoughts, conclusions, decisions. They simply do not care about the fuss around and strangers or unfamiliar people. They are not bored alone, they are self-sufficient.
But as soon as an introvert finds a soul mate, he turns into the most devoted friend. Inside the HR department, I call this "finding your HR". I have seen many times how an employee purposefully communicates with one of the HRs, stubbornly ignoring the others. Often he could not even distinguish them visually.
Tip - entrust the socialization of an introvert to his friend in the company: HR, boss, authoritative colleague, do not break this connection based on "processes". Introverts are alone in the crowd. nine0132
2. Secondly, many people believe that the introvert does not want to talk. Yes, he does not want to, on topics that are not interesting to him. As a rule, due to the minimal flow of external stimuli, the introvert is focused on what is important and interesting to him. He digs deep, he is passionate. Do you want to include him in the social life of the group? This is not dancing with tambourines at a corporate party, not a selfie in a bar at a noisy party. This is its integration into the workflow, taking into account inclinations and abilities. The IT industry has always been distinguished by an individual approach to each employee. There are simply not so many people who sound the alarm about the unsociableness of IT people who can really keep up a conversation with them on a professional topic. Finding an approach to the heart of an introvert in terms of his work interests is my second piece of advice. nine0003
3. Thirdly, I'll tell you 2 short stories.
The first story. Once in the gym, I met an IT specialist who I knew from social networks. From joy, I rushed to say hello, within two seconds I managed to ask him 5 questions at once about whether he remembers me, how things are at work, what's new, etc. There was almost physical pain on his face. “Introvert,” I thought, and changed the subject, saying in a calm tone that I had bookmarked the interview about his startup today (good coincidence). And then the person completely changed - it was very cool to listen to the details of this interview. nine0003
Second story . Our company has its own group - Milk Milking. It's very nice to see how guys who are considered introverts tear up the dance floor at corporate parties together with their like-minded people. Actually, what am I for? A hobby is what will light your introvert's eyes and reconcile him with the public, the team and even public speaking. By the way, among IT recruiters there are also a lot of introverts.
Ksenia Kruchinina
Deputy General Director for Human Resources at SoftClub
- In my opinion, introversion is far from what we imagine. Most often, a completely closed person is presented, with a poorly delivered speech, an eternally dissatisfied look and seeking to get away from contact with another person.
This is an erroneous and stereotyped image. Introverts can be smiling, sociable, work in positions where you need to communicate with people. The only question is that openness and contact are more difficult for introverts. They study the people with whom they will need to communicate more carefully, keep their distance longer, make higher demands on the opponent than extroverts. But if you pass the initial "test", then later you can often find warm, sincere and interesting people. nine0003
In the modern world, the question "how to live if you are an introvert" is solved quite simply and effectively. Every year there is more and more work that does not involve direct contact with the interlocutor. When you can do most of the tasks remotely, via the Internet.
In addition to work, communication between people is changing. These are chats or messengers for communication, and group schedulers or task managers instead of face-to-face meetings, and social networks that allow you to enter and leave contact at any convenient moment for each person. nine0003
My advice: if you encounter an introvert in your work, give him freedom in his actions.
Therefore, if an introvert appears in your team, just give him a task and step away, do not interfere with the person’s work.
By the way, my little observation from experience: there are fewer slobs and careless employees among introverts than among superficial extroverts.
Mikhail Dubakov
Founder and CEO of TargetProcess
- Before I was 30 years old, I was a completely typical introvert, but lately meeting strangers and communicating with them from time to time brings me pleasure. So now I consider myself an advanced introvert. nine0003
In my opinion, introverts make strange leaders: they do not communicate with employees much and are not very actively involved in their development, preferring to provide freedom. It doesn't work for everyone, which is why some people feel left out. Usually introverts are terrified of public speaking, especially in front of a large audience.
Mikhail Dubakov's speech at the Business of the Future 2016 forum. Photo: Pavel Potashnikov, probusiness.byI have had this fear quite recently (I don't know why). nine0003
In conversations with introverts, you need to get down to business quickly. I personally do not tolerate small talks very well, but I love deep discussions of some things.
Of course, without introductory "talks about nothing" it can be difficult to jump right into something interesting, so you need to practice patience.
The strength of introverts is the ability to concentrate on one area.