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25 Best Self-Help Books in 2022, According to Goodreads Members
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- Self-help books aim to improve an aspect of our lives.
- They might be business books, psychology reads, or memoirs.
- We used Goodreads to rank the best self-help books to read in 2022.
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Books can serve so many different purposes, from entertainment to education, but self-help books are designed to help us improve a specific aspect of our lives. Though the very idea of "self-help" books used to conjure mental images of cheesy lectures and impractical advice, the best self-help books actually offer a new perspective for readers to explore habit building, emotional growth, or gain a deeper understanding of the world.
Goodreads is the largest platform in the world for readers to rate and review books, so we turned to Goodreads reviewers to rank the best self-help books to read in 2022. From classics like "How to Win Friends and Influence People" to Susan Cain's "Quiet," these self-help books include business books, memoirs, philosophy reads, and so much more.
25 of the best self-help books, according to Goodreads
"The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck" by Mark Manson
AmazonAvailable at Amazon and Bookshop, from $11.60
Mark Manson is a popular blogger who aimed to defy the norm of "positivity" in self-help books by acknowledging that, sometimes, life sucks! In his book, Manson encourages readers to recognize what is worth caring about and adjusting our perspectives based on our goals.
"Atomic Habits" by James Clear
AmazonAvailable at Amazon and Bookshop, from $11.98
"Atomic Habits" is a practical self-help book that helps readers change bad habits and develop good ones. With an abundance of practical examples, any reader can develop a system of change with James Clear's suggestions and motivational writing.
"How to Win Friends and Influence People" by Dale Carnegie
AmazonAvailable at Amazon and Bookshop, from $10. 99
With over 700,000 ratings and averaging at 4.21 stars, "How to Win Friends and Influence People" is the best self-help book according to Goodreads members. Selling over 15 million copies since its original publication in 1936, Dale Carnegie's book includes his tried-and-true principles to help readers in their personal and professional lives. There are six principles to help people like you, 12 to help people understand your way of thinking, and nine to encourage change in others.
"The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" by Stephen R. Covey
AmazonAvailable at Amazon, from $12.53
With over 15 million copies sold since its first publication in 1989, this self-help book uses 7 fundamental habits that guide readers toward an independent, successful, and fulfilling life. Using psychological principles, this book begs to be opened over and over again, refreshing readers with life mantras that will lead them to greatness.
"The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business" by Charles Duhigg
AmazonAvailable at Amazon and Bookshop, from $10.95
After studying patterns across a variety of success stories, Charles Duhigg presents why habits exist — and what we can do to change them. He argues the key to reaching any of our goals lies with understanding how habits are formed and uses researched principles to help readers change habits in order to transform their lives.
"The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up" by Marie Kondo
AmazonAvailable at Amazon and Bookshop, from $8. 58
With a book and Netflix series that changed how we organize and stay tidy, Marie Kondo is a professional organizing consultant who presents the KonMari method of organizing. In "The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up," Kondo introduces readers to her approach to cleaning, including the idea of only keeping items that "spark joy".
"You Are A Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life" by Jen Sincero
AmazonAvailable at Amazon and Bookshop, from $8.45
This best-selling self-help book uses anecdotes and exercises to help readers break down the mental barriers that are keeping them from achieving their goals. It's an inspirational, motivational, and funny read that aims to instill self-confidence and leave readers feeling refreshed and ready to accomplish anything.
"The Four Agreements" by Don Miguel Ruiz
AmazonAvailable at Amazon and Bookshop, from $7.74
In this spiritual self-help book, Don Miguel Ruiz pulls from Toltec wisdom to present four principles that, when applied in harmony with each other, can offer new experiences and happiness in our lives. This book challenges readers to apply four simple truths to their lives: Be impeccable with your word, don't take anything personally, don't make assumptions, and always do your best.
"The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle
AmazonAvailable at Amazon and Bookshop, from $7.51
"The Power of Now" is a spiritual self-help book that proclaims living in "the now" is the ultimate path to happiness. More a practical guide than a traditional narrative, Tolle aims to inspire readers to become conscious of the thoughts and challenges that prevent us from living in the present moment.
"Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking" by Susan Cain
AmazonAvailable at Amazon and Bookshop, from $13. 89
Introverts have been widely overlooked in American society. In this psychology book dubbed a favorite self-help read by Goodreads reviewers, Susan Cain uses stories from successful introverts to explain how invaluable introverts are to our community and help introverts value themselves more. To learn more about this book, check out our review of "Quiet."
"The Gifts of Imperfection" by Brené Brown
AmazonAvailable at Amazon and Bookshop, from $8.47
Brené Brown's 2010 self-help bestseller is still a favorite amongst Goodreads reviewers for the revelations and impacts her reflections have had on their lives. In this book, Brown explores the psychology behind releasing our expectations of living a "perfect" life and offers 10 benchmarks readers can follow to embrace a more authentic life.
"Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead" by Brené Brown
AmazonAvailable at Amazon and Bookshop, from $9.99
Based on 12 years of research, "Daring Greatly" is a self-help book that encourages readers to embrace vulnerability as a strength, not a weakness. With personal anecdotes and plenty of examples, this book demonstrates how vulnerability can open new avenues to courage, connection, and creativity.
"Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World" by Cal Newport
AmazonAvailable at Amazon and Bookshop, from $14.99
"Deep Work" is a self-help book about productivity that aims to help readers understand how to reach a "deep work" state where we can focus on a mentally demanding task without distraction — a skill that has become harder and harder to master in an increasingly distracted world. Cal Newport argues the importance of deep work and presents four rules readers can follow to transform their productivity habits and reach more focused success.
"The 5 Love Languages" by Gary Chapman
AmazonAvailable at Amazon and Bookshop, from $7. 57
"The 5 Love Languages" is a self-help book whose concepts have permeated many relationships as its popularity grows. In this book, Dr. Gary Chapman proposes that there are five main ways in which people give and receive love. By understanding your and your partner's love language, you can enrich your relationship by showing love more effectively.
"Who Moved My Cheese" by Dr. Spencer Johnson
AmazonAvailable at Amazon and Bookshop, from $10.17
First published in 1998, "Who Moved My Cheese?" is a self-help book in the form of a motivational fable of four characters who live in a maze, looking for cheese. Representing anything we may want in life, the cheese is constantly moving and only when one character successfully navigates change to reach the cheese does the reader discover how to navigate change in their own lives.
"The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne
AmazonAvailable at Amazon and Bookshop, from $11
Written after the hit movie of the same name in 2006, "The Secret" is a self-help book that outlines the law of attraction, a concept Rhonda Byrne claims can change or redirect a person's entire life. With this concept, Byrne encourages readers to find the power within themselves to apply "The Secret" to every aspect of life and achieve nearly anything.
"Thinking, Fast and Slow" by Daniel Kahneman
AmazonAvailable at Amazon and Bookshop, from $11. 29
This psychology book has helped readers understand the way we think by separating our thought processes into two systems: one that is intuitive and one that is deliberate. By knowing how these two systems work separately and together, we can better understand how we make choices and think about thinking. To learn more about this book, check out our review of "Thinking, Fast and Slow."
Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki
AmazonAvailable at Amazon and Bookshop, from $7.18
Though "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" is usually seen as a business or finance read, Goodreads reviewers love it as a self-help book as well for its lessons on how to make your money work for you. Author Robert T. Kiyosaki grew up with two dads — his own and his best friend's dad — who shaped his views on money and investing in very different ways. In this book, Kiyosaki explains different financial theories to change how many readers view finances.
"The Happiness Project: Or Why I Spent a Year Trying to Sing in the Morning, Clean My Closets, Fight Right, Read Aristotle, and Generally Have More Fun" by Gretchen Rubin
AmazonAvailable at Amazon and Bookshop, from $11.19
When Gretchen Rubin realized she wasn't focusing on the things in her life that truly mattered, she decided to dedicate a year to her "happiness project. " This autobiographical self-help book is a 12-month chronicle of her journey as she tried new things, focused on improving herself, and embraced happiness while encouraging others to take time and do the same.
"Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear" by Elizabeth Gilbert
AmazonAvailable at Amazon and Bookshop, from $9.38
In a self-help book that aims to inspire creativity, Elizabeth Gilbert offers an honest look at the creative process — with all of its challenges and unrealistic expectations. This book reminds readers that creativity isn't linear or clean and we can be any degree of an artist, writer, or musician that satisfies our soul.
"Man's Search for Meaning" by Viktor E. Frankl
AmazonAvailable at Amazon and Bookshop, from $11.99
"Man's Search for Meaning" is a memoir that begins with psychologist Viktor E. Frankl's experiences in Auschwitz during World War II and how he coped with suffering in order to not just survive it, but move forward with purpose. With psychological, philosophical, and sociological influences, this moving read offers self-help advice through the author's inspirational personal account of searching for a guiding meaning in life. It's also a book that therapists recommend to read if you want to build more empathy.
"The 4-Hour Workweek" by Timothy Ferriss
AmazonAvailable at Amazon and Bookshop, from $13. 39
Aiming to help readers escape the confines of a 9-5 job, "The 4-Hour Workweek" encourages a restructuring of our lifestyle to find fulfillment now rather than once we retire. Born of the author's three-week break from his company, this self-help book is modeled after his series of lectures on entrepreneurship given at Princeton University.
"Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity" by David Allen
AmazonAvailable at Amazon and Bookshop, from $10.29
While many self-help productivity books encourage readers to work harder, "Getting Things Done" proposes that our productivity is directly linked to our ability to relax, as we can only reach our greatest potential when our minds are clear and organized. This book offers core principles, tricks, and advice to help readers streamline their effectiveness, overcome challenging situations, and avoid the burnout that often comes with an overwhelming workload.
"Mindset: The New Psychology of Success" by Carol S. Dweck
AmazonAvailable at Amazon and Bookshop, from $8.55
Dr. Carol Dweck is a psychologist who, after decades of research, has discovered just how powerful and affecting our mindset can be in every aspect of our lives. In this book, she demonstrates how we can influence our success by adopting a growth mindset — and how changing the mindset of a community or organization can inspire incredible success.
"Outliers: The Story of Success" by Malcolm Gladwell
AmazonAvailable at Amazon and Bookshop, from $15.94
In this personal development read, Malcolm Gladwell highlights successful "outliers," the best and brightest of our society — from the Beatles to Bill Gates — and what makes them so successful. Gladwell presents the histories of our heroes, their rise to excellence, and how their beginnings carefully positioned them for success.
Katherine Fiorillo
Katherine Fiorillo is a freelance content writer specializing in books, lifestyle, and e-commerce. Katherine has a B.A. in Journalism from Marist College and previously wrote for BuzzFeed's Shopping and Products beat. She is an Army veteran, an avid reader, and designs book-themed stickers for her Etsy shop.Say hi to Katherine at [email protected].
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Why Read Self-Help Books? 10 reasons why you must.
Self Help Books
First let’s answer the question, what is a self-help book?
Any text that gives you a guideline, advisory, tutorial, steps or an approach or method to help you achieve improvements or changes in your personal or professional life in some way small or big would be called a self-help book.
It is written with the intent to solve the reader’s problems. So this definition answers both your questions. What and why, doesn’t it?
If reading this book is going to solve your problem or change or improve your life, why not give it a try? What’s to lose? But to give you more arguments
10 reasons to read self-help
- With a book you don’t need to go to any one personally for help.
I was skeptical about the benefits of quiting my job and starting a business. Rich Dad Poor Dad by Kiyosaki helped me understand them.
- The approach given is tried and tested on numerous people and by numerous readers. Think and Grow Rich by Napolean Hill was written after 20 years of research and after being tested by a number of famous people.
- The text has been written by subject matter experts. So you get advice from the best of the best. How to Stop Worrying and Start Living by Dale Carnegie.
- The options available are so vast that you can read broad strategies or narrow down to one specific niche and read about it. Every option is available. Have a look at the categories on Amazon under personal development books. There are atleast 10 and under each category there are thousands if not lakhs of books that include bestsellers, highest-rated, highly downloaded and so on.
- And who said you should read them only if you have a problem.
Read them to learn something new. Read them to grow your knowledge. Read them for the valuable information they give. Read them to inspire yourself to greater and better things. The 7 habits of highly effective people by Stephen Covey. Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Franke.
- There is no limit on how many experts you consult. You may read one book and stick to it or read ten and decide to implement one of each. Here are 3 books that stress the imporatnce of habits. The 7 habits of highly effective people by Stephen Covey. Atomic Habits by James Clear. The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg .
- Also the timeline of when you achieve, whatever it is you want to achieve is left to you. There is no pressure of an examination or a limited time course or an online class bound by time.
- This is an excellent reading habit. Most influencers worldwide follow a daily reading habit or the 5 hour rule of reading. And what do they read? Self-help books.
They believe in learning something new every day and practicing it. Check out Bill Gates reading pile or Warren Buffett’s. It’s filled with non-fiction self-development books.
- Self-help books change the way you think. They make your thinking more positive. Anything seems possible just with the right choices you make. Learn the art of getting comfortable in your own skin. The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck by Mark Manson.
Final Verdict
In general reading is an excellent habit. And reading self-help books is better yet. Because they help you progress. They push you, motivate you and inspire you to do more in a better way.
They expand your world view and introduce you to fellows who have lived through your struggle and achieved the impossible.
Life is about learning every day and changing as per change. So while light reading is essential to refresh your mind, reading non-fiction is important to grow your mind. Keep reading!
Happy reading!
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5 self-help books
Worth reading
In today's realities, it is especially important to find a foothold within yourself, exhale and calm down. Psychological and philosophical books that we have selected together with the largest book service in Russia and the CIS countries LitRes will help you with this. Here, the wisdom of Buddhist monks, and practical advice from cognitive psychologists - all this works great in combination. Help yourself now so you can help others.
“Take, give and enjoy. How to stay in the resource, no matter what happens to you”, Tatyana Muzhitskaya
Psychologist, business coach and international certified NLP trainer Tatyana Muzhitskaya clearly explains what the fashionable word “resource” means and how to come to this desired state. According to the author, each person has internal settings - they can be adjusted so as to feel the joy of every day. It's like switching from a sad track to a more energetic and life-affirming one. Even if you are tired, even if it seems to you that there is no way out, some practices allow you to take a fresh look at everything that happens. The book offers exercises from various psychotherapeutic methods - they will help transform personal beliefs, work out habits and learn how to deal with stress. It is unlikely that the book can fully replace the work with a psychologist, but it will definitely become a help in this difficult time.
“The joy of movement. How Physical Activity Helps You Find Happiness, Meaning, Self-Confidence, and Overcome Challenges Kelly McGonigal
You've probably heard a hundred times about how sport has a beneficial effect on a person's morale. And yet, in moments of strong shocks, we seem to fall into a stupor - it can be hard to go for a run, and sometimes even crawl out of bed. However, the book by Stanford University professor and Ph.D. Kelly McGonigal is bound to inspire you. Dancing, walking, running and yoga - any movement makes a person not only healthier, but also happier. The author traveled all over the world, observing the level of physical activity of different peoples and even tribes. She collected a lot of research and explained in an understandable language how certain movements affect the body, the brain and the endocrine system. After each chapter, you will want to get up, do push-ups or dance - it's really inspiring!
“Buy yourself those damn lilies. And other healing rituals to tune your life”, Tara Schuster
When you feel like something bad and out of control is happening, it is very important to support your psyche with habitual repetitive rituals. The author of this book went through an extremely unhappy childhood, emotional abuse and depression. She worked with her mental disorders for many years in order to accumulate all the experience in one book. So Tara Schuster came to the conclusion that pleasing yourself with pleasant little things is critically important. Moreover, she tells how to create a routine that will become the basis for emotional stability. Nothing can unsettle you if you stand firmly on your feet and appreciate every moment of your life. The book is divided into several parts: work with the past and memories, self-acceptance and forgiveness, emotional hygiene, cleansing the space of unnecessary rubbish, creating new rituals. Take care of all this right now - it will feel better.
“The art of taking care of the soul. 100 Insights from a Zen Buddhist Monk on Stress-Free Life, Shunmio Masuno
After reading this book, the expression "achieve Zen" will no longer be just a phrase for you. Shunmio Masuno, abbot of a Zen temple in Japan, tried to bring some of the wisdom of Eastern life to the Western consciousness. It turned out to be something between a philosophical treatise written in simple language and a collection of psychological techniques and recommendations. But the main idea of this book is that it is necessary to develop the ability to appreciate the moments that life is filled with. The taste of morning coffee, walking barefoot, a warm shower, or just beautiful light from the window. All this makes up our existence, but often we are so immersed in our experiences that we do not notice the beauty of the moment. Zen meditation will give you the opportunity to "open your eyes", take a deep breath and be inspired by everything that surrounds us every day;
“Welcoming difficulties. How to Live a Full Life in an Imperfect World, Pema Chodron
This book is written by an amazing woman. American Pema Chodron became a Buddhist nun, although she initially worked as an ordinary school teacher, married twice and had three children. Her fate was filled with difficulties, but Pema found a way not only to support herself, but also to help other people. In this book, she says that external circumstances will always bring surprises. And, unfortunately, not only pleasant ones. The only way to maintain inner harmony in a world that is constantly changing is to recognize the fact that you are responsible only for your own thoughts and actions. We cannot control others, but we have complete power over ourselves. Pema shares simple techniques for relaxation, relieving anxiety and working through past traumas. In this book, it touches all areas of life, giving clear guidance to those who are confused and lost their way.
And with a special promotional code HARBAZ22 on the website of the service, all readers will receive a book as a gift from a special selection, as well as a 15% discount on almost the entire range.
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How to Stop Worrying and Start Living
Dale Carnegie
This bestseller, recently revised by the author's heirs for a new edition, contains Dale Carnegie's time-tested methods and advice that made his name famous decades ago. And today, the formulas of practical behavior and social psychology help to get rid of everything. ...
The Unloved Daughter
Peg Streep
A science-based self-help book created from over a decade of research. The book offers vital information, guidance, and real strategies for healing childhood experiences and building authentic self-esteem. Author Peg Streep highlights several different...
Awaken the giant in you
Tony Robbins
The book tells about the most effective strategies and specific techniques, using which each person can take control of their feelings and emotions, bodily health, finances, relationships with others - that is, to curb all the forces that play with his life and fate. For a wide range of people...
Become happy in 21 days. The most complete course in self-love
Louise Hay
"Life is very simple," says the author of a huge number of books, psychologist, founder of the global self-help movement Louise Hay. Sometimes it is enough to take only a step towards happy changes. For example… smile at your reflection. The author's new book is devoted to working with mirrors. In 21 days you...
The Unloved Daughter
Peg Streep
A science-based self-help book created from over a decade of research. The book offers vital information, guidance, and real strategies for healing childhood experiences and building authentic self-esteem. Author Peg Streep highlights several different...
Heal Your Life
Louise Hay
Louise Hay is one of the founders of the self-help movement and the author of over 30 popular psychology books. In the book "Heal Your Life" (You Can Heal Your Life), the author offers his own unique methods of curing many diseases with the help of willpower and thought - you just need to change your stereotype of thinking, p...
Stone Face, Black Heart. Asian philosophy of winning without losing
Chin-Ning Chu
Thick Face, Black Heart Theory describes the secret law of nature that governs successful behavior in any area of life. American pioneers knew him. It is used by Asian businessmen. From ancient times to the present day, all successful people use this secret. This law does not...
Heal Yourself
Louise Hay
“I dedicate this work to those adventurers who are in each of us,” says Louise Hay. The book "Heal Yourself" explains in an accessible and detailed way how to get rid of negative thoughts and beliefs and change your stereotype of thinking to a positive one. This is the only way to change to a beam...
An effective method of getting rid of fears, anxieties, panic, VVD. Happy life without panic attacks and anxiety
Pavel Fedorenko
Pavel Fedorenko is a specialist in working with panic attacks, VSD, anxiety, fears, obsessive thoughts and other neuroses. He knows the problem from the inside, because he has experienced all the horrors of these states from his own experience. And I was able to do it! If you: • Are tired of constant suffering and swords.