What does sapiophile mean
Who is a sapiophile? 15 signs a person might be one of them
A sapiosexual or sapiophile is someone that is physically and mentally turned on by smart people. Sapiosexuals are literally aroused by intelligence. Sapiophiles are people who are attracted to intelligence or creative people. One striking thing about them is that these people are different and can have a tremendous intellectual conversation about anything random or unexpected things.
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Many people have different things that come to mind whenever they think about the things that turn them on, or those that attract them romantically and pragmatically. A good number of people will be attracted by how people laugh, smile, eye color, fashion sense and everything physical.
What is the meaning of sapiophile? What is a Sapiosexual person? What is a sapiophile personality, and what are the things that are attractive to sapiophiles? All these questions try to shed a light on who this kind of person is.
Sapiophile definition
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The word sapiophile comes from 2 latin words. The first is “sapient” means “wise” and the Greek suffix “phile” means “lover of”). This, therfore, means that a sapiophile is someone who finds intelligence the most attractive feature and is also romantically/physically attracted to intelligence in other people.
When you know what sapiophile means, you will understand that to these people, smart people with a great sense of humor are far more attractive than those with outstanding physical appearance.
To define sapiophile, you may want to check out the traits that come out clearly. In case you find yourself longing to have an intelligent conversation with someone about quantum physics or you cannot help yourself from breathlessly staring at someone reading a philosophy book as though it is a romance novel, then you know that you are a sapiophile or sapiosexual!
Many other signs will identify you as a sapiophile. If you have been wondering about what is sapiophile, then you may want to pay attention to some of the signs that come up regularly. Note that these things vary and will all depend on each person, and every sapiosexual has their own preferences. Some sapiosexuals are more into wise, intellectual conversations spiced up with a great sense of humor, while others connect most with emotional intelligence.
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How can you tell if someone is Sapiosexual?
How do you know if someone is really smart? This may not be so obvious but it is also not impossible. The way a person converses and how they respond can be very revealing. Considering this, the following are useful signs that can help you narrow down your choices.
1. A sapiophile loves owning their own library
Since the definition of sapiophile is being attracted to intelligent people, it is highly likely that they would prefer spending their time with someone who has a library.
The explanation is simple and it is because they prefer reading to anything else. This is how they get to build their vocabulary and thought processes. They are able to easily use complex sentences without necessarily stuttering or making mistakes. If they meet someone with similar abilities, chances are that they will be totally attracted to them.
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2. They enjoy long, intimate and eye-opening conversations
If you love or are attracted to people that seem to love long, intelligent conversation, chances are that you are a sapiophile, and that you may not know it. Theses people love long and very deep, meaningful conversations. You are likely to communicate best with them if you can maintain a deep conversation. Such talks tend to open them up and help in building the information they have about their environment.
Fortunately, you are not restricted to the topics of discussion. You can choose anything from art, celestial, science and IT, just to mention a few. The important thing is to ensure that the conversation is useful and informative. Small talk does not work with these people. You can bet that long, and somewhat drab conversations will not affect the sapiophile.
3. They have a photographic memory
A good number of sapiosexuals find unusual things like a photographic memory extremely hot. The explanation behind this is simple, you will be able to remember everything they said and that is very important to them because they will also do the same. Despite the challenges that come with possessing this kind of mind, it is still very attractive. No one would like to have a partner that vividly remembers all details, especially of memories made together. This level of depth is something sapiophiles find to be incredible.
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4. They love debating
You can be sure that the sapiophile will be all over you during a debate or discussion that requires an intelligent thought process. In most cases, they tend to be well-researched, especially in areas of interest. They will respect anyone with the same level of debating skills. In fact, this can make a person very attractive to them.
Sapiophiles cannot help themselves from admiring those who are not afraid to speak their minds. The catch, though, is that they must have the ability to organize their thoughts in perfect order. The seemingly creative mess that comes up during intelligent conversations is what gets them every time!
5. They are extremely curious people
Any creative and curious person will definitely be attractive to a sapiophile. The fact that you want to know more about what is happening around you makes you very desirable to them. The idea of you likely sitting up all day and night, researching about a certain topic makes you very attractive to them, since this is probably what they would do when faced with the same challenge.
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As an intelligent person, you simply have the urge to keep broadening your knowledge base, even if it means trying out different experiments to attain this goal. In their eyes, curiosity is the most attractive feature one can have, and it works as fuel to their imagination.
6. They love education
Education may not be a deal-breaker when someone is confident in their own intelligence. However, education will give you insight into a lot of new topics and literature that can, in turn, help you become a better version of yourself
For that same reason, sapiophiles tend to love someone that is educated by their side. The secret is to be educated on anything and everything and to have the ability to engage in an intellectual conversation at any time of the day. Sapiophiles find this to be the hottest trait a partner has. It can be a mega turn on for them.
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7. People with open minds
Sapiophiles are very good when it comes to having their own opinion. Even so, they tend to strike a balance between expressing their own opinions strongly and having an open mind. Knowing that there is someone ready to listen to your theories and respond positively can be comforting. Nothing makes a partner easy to be with than the knowledge that they will always listen to the silliest things that you have to say.
The ability to keep an open mind guarantees that your partner will be understanding even in things that they do not know. This is something that all people need. It is a recipe for every good and healthy relationship.
8. When someone knows that ‘pretending to be dumb’ is not cute
A lot of girls have had to play dumb because they find it difficult to attract a person that can reason at their level. If this is something that you can never do then chances are that you are a sapiophile. It is not cute to play dumb just to please other people. Selling yourself short is not only unreasonable but also uncalled for. People should like you for who you are.
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9. Embracing oneself
From the above explanations so far, it is clear that sapiophiles are confident, and will definitely be attracted to others like them. They are the bold women or men that are never ashamed to embrace their interests, wants and needs. They will also be clear about being attracted to an amazing brain rather than to physiques such as a six-pack, or a big backside.
For this reason and more, you should never hide how brilliant you are just because the people around you cannot handle it. The world has a lot more people like you and in time you will meet your perfect match, as long as you are not shying away from whom you were created to be.
10. They are obsesses with correct spelling
Spelling mistakes are a turn off for every sapiophile. They easily get pissed off when people spell things wrong. They are also the kind of people that would notice the simplest of things such as when they are reading a text or a written letter that does not need any spelling corrections. They take this as a blessing sent from heaven, and it is, in fact, a huge turn-on for them.
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Sapiophiles are not know-it-all, and would definitely appreciate people that accept this truth about themselves too. They know their limitations and would own up to not having all the answers.
When they meet people that know about a certain topic more than themselves, they would stop to listen and learn, as opposed to diving in with empty comments. The best they can do is to throw in a question or two when seeking clarification. This also makes them expect the same of those they are attracted to.
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12. They reveal their weird interests easily
A sapiophile is likely to love you more if you are not afraid to open up about interesting topics of research. They love to hear about what fascinates others, just as they would be willing to share about their own fascinations. This means, therefore that if you have a weird interest, don’t hide it!
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After you set the mood after dinner with candles and wine, remember that kisses and cuddling may not work for them. You need to work on her or his mind if you want things to progress further. The kisses may come later after the mind is already ensnared. If this is the kind of partner you have, then you better step up and find ways of making the person feel engaged in what you want.
Some of the tricks that may work when trying to turn a sapiophile on is by reading them a chapter of your favorite book or talking about a recent study you have encountered.
I can guarantee that with your passionate conversation and the mood going on around you, a sapiophile will go crazy for you. Take note and remember that you should not neglect your physical appearance even at that. Even though sapiophiles may not necessarily be attracted to the physical, they will notice a person that neglects themselves and keep off.
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A sapiophile is attracted to uniqueness. You can be sure that he or she will never go for someone that is all about following trends. They are more about finding that which stands out as opposed to that which fits in.
When you stay true to yourself and cultivate a unique taste in everything including music, movies, and food among others, then you have a chance of winning a sapiophile over. These traits will make you seem special and interesting, which is all they are looking for. As long as you can prove yourself as an original, or a person with the ability to keep things original, then you have a chance with sapiophiles. You need to show that you are concerned with being different and not necessarily concerned with what other people think of you.
15. The heart is just as important as the mind
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Everyone knows that emotional intelligence is just as important as raw intelligence. In addition to being well-read and having admirable knowledge, you need to be in touch with your feelings. Sapiophiles will admire your knowledge, but if you lack emotional intelligence, they will consider you cold. Remember that every person needs warmth and understanding more than anything. This need seems to be even direr in sapiophiles.
Sapiophile vs Sapiosexual
What does sapiophile mean? With the definition of sapiophile explain, telling a sapiophile apart from a sapiosexual becomes easy. For starters, a sapiophile can easily be identified by his or sexual tendency towards people who display high intelligent indices.
In such cases, the intelligent person becomes the object of sexual desire for the sapiophile. The major difference is that sapiosexuals can create effective bonds with that intelligent person. On the other hand, sapiophile embodies the satisfaction of his or her sexual drive and does not depend on emotional ties.
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Knowing how to deal with a sapiophile can increase the quality of your relationship with them. These individuals tend to be very unique, as they have specific needs and wants. They also react differently to how many other people would.
Source: Legit.ng
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How To Attract A Sapiophile - 18 Things They Need
Welcome to the ultimate guide on how to attract a sapiophile! As a dating coach and matchmaker, I know that one of the most popular traits people look for in a partner is intelligence.
Table of Contents
Sapiophiles Want More Than Average
Everyone wants to be able to “hold up a conversation” with someone. But sapiophiles, and those looking to attract them know that this is not about “average” intelligence. Sapiophiles pride themselves in wanting to attract those with significantly above average intelligence.
What is A Sapiophile?
The meaning of a sapiophile is someone who is attracted to intelligence, more specifically, above-average intelligence.
Dictionary.com describes it as:
Modeled after words like Anglophile or cinephile, The word sapiophile comes from a combination of the Latin root sapient-, “wise,” and the suffix –phile, from the Greek for “lover of.”
According to a study highlighted by Psychology Today, there is a certain range for what is attractive, intelligence-wise.
A new study by psychologists Gilles Gignac, Joey Darbyshire, and Michelle Ooi of the University of Western Australia suggests that there is a certain IQ score which is the ideal to have in order to be maximally sexually attractive. Any higher an intelligence score than this number, and your desirability to others begins to drop off, while lower scores are found less attractive.
Most people are attracted to others who score in the middle range of the IQ test. If someone scores too high, there are deemed to be “too smart” and that person becomes less attractive to the average person.
Sapiophiles however, love the person who is “too smart” and appreciate a high IQ.
What is the opposite of a Sapiophile
There is no coined term for the opposite of a sapiophile. This would be someone who is attracted to people without intelligence.
Seems like there are not enough of these people for it to have its own word.
18 Things That Are Attractive To Sapiophiles
Now that you have an idea of what a sapiophile is, let’s get into what they find attractive. Here are the 18 things that will show you how to attract a sapiophile.
18. Deep Conversations
Sapiophiles love deep conversations. They don’t like small talk and will quickly change the conversation to a more personal or challenging topic.
As a dating coach, one of my biggest philosophies is that you must be good at small talk. This is so you can create a safe environment for the other person. You want them to be free to open up to you.
If you’re trying to attract a sapiophile, you won’t need to start with much (or any) small talk.
If the sapiophile starts asking you more personal questions, go for it. Dive deep, right off the bat, as this will be the best way to attract their attention.
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17. General Knowledge
Sapiophiles really appreciate someone who can kill it at Trivial Pursuit.
You want to be a know it all. Someone that has a decent amount of knowledge on a wide variety of topics. Not only will this make you more attractive to a sapiophile, it will show them that you can keep up a variety of conversations.
Sapiophiles also love this because they like to talk about things they know. If you like to learn about a wide variety of topics, they will enjoy teaching you.
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16. Obsessive Behavior
If you want to attract a sapiophile, you’ll need to know A LOT about something. Preferably more than one thing.
In order to know a lot, or be really good at something, you must spend a lot of time with that subject.
People with above-average intelligence are familiar with diving deep into topics. You’ll need a bit of an obsessive nature to good at focusing on one topic for a very long period of time.
Becoming an “expert” on as many things as you can is extremely attractive to sapiophiles.
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15. Devil’s Advocate
People who have above average-intelligence are happy to explore ideas.
Sapiophiles want you to question everything.
It is extremely attractive to them if you are willing to engage in a friendly debate and play the devil’s advocate.
In order to do this effectively, you must never get frustrated or show signs of discomfort while having a healthy debate.
Playing the devil’s advocate doesn’t necessarily mean you agree with what you’re saying, you’re just challenging them. You’re just questioning the sapiophile’s beliefs or opinion.
When you do this, it makes them think about their position and they can really analyze if it’s the best decision. That way they will feel confident in all their life choices and opinions. Sapiophiles love when their partner can help them do this by playing the devil’s advocate.
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14. Learning Hacks
Sapiophiles love seeing that you make your learning as efficient as possible.
Here are some ways that show them you are doing this:
- You know how to speed read
- Photographic memory
- Listen to Audiobooks
- Voice memos
- Productivity or brain improvement apps
- Constant self improvement
The more quickly you can pump that knowledge in your head, the more you will attract a sapiophile.
13. Higher Education
One of the more obvious ways for how to attract a sapiophile is to have the paper to prove it.
If you have advanced degrees, including Master’s or PHD’s, they will love it.
Bonus points if you received these degrees at a reputable or even Ivy League school.
12. Own A Lot of Books
In order to attract a sapiophile, you must read a lot. Listening to audiobooks or reading your Kindle is great, but physical books are much more attractive. Sapiophiles enjoy seeing the proof that you have read thousands of books.
So make sure that you own the physical copies of books and display them in your home.
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11. Curiosity
Although having a breadth of knoweldge is attractive to a sapiophile, they want to see that you are continuing to expand that knowledge.
This is what will keep the spark alive.
See, it’s one thing for someone to get an advanced degree and become an expert in their field. But if they choose to stop learning there, the sapiophile will soon get bored.
Sapiophiles want to see that you are learning and want to hear what you have learned. This is what really gets them going.
10. Large Vocabulary
This is one of the ways for how to attract a sapiophile and you can bring it out in your first conversations. If you use big words, it will immediately bring your intelligence to the forefront.
This also includes using unique and expressive language via text.
If the sapiophile, makes a mistake while using language or grammar, be sure to correct it! Don’t do this too often, but once in a while will show them that you know how to use language properly.
9. Logic and Analytics
Sapiohiles appreciate it when their partner sticks to the facts.
Although emotions and feelings are always important, they don’t always play a role in figuring out the best plan of attack.
If you want to do something or say something simply out of emotion, be sure to call it out.
You can say something like “I know it doesn’t make the most logical sense to spend more on the white interior, but it will make me feel a lot happier with my purchase.”
A sapiophile will appreciate a partner that can acknowledge when their emotions are taking over.
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One thing that sapiophiles love is when you’re interested in things that are different. The last thing they want to hear is that you love Game of Thrones and binge watched Tiger King.
They want to see that you think outside the box and make an effort to search for culture that isn’t so obvious.
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7. Strong Work Ethic
It’s one thing to be extremely intelligent, but it’s another to go above and beyond. Sapiophiles are seriously attracted to women like Melinda Gates because they work really hard. They have a long list of accomplishments to show for it.
It’s great that they are also really intelligent, but the key is to use that intelligence to improve society or change the world.
6. Refined Tastes
A sapiophile prides themselves in finding a partner that can “keep up”.
This means you’ll need to know your way around situations that are associated with a higher level of intelligence.
Things like knowing about wine, classical music etc.
It also means acting in a well-mannered way. Knowing table etiquette, avoiding swear words, and always being dressed appropriately.
5. Poke Fun At The Plebs
If you want to know how to attract a sapiophile, it helps to know what doesn’t attract them. People who are interested in “every day” or average things are turn-offs for them.
You can show a sapiophile that you’re on the same page by lightly poking fun at popular culture. A great example from Bustle makes this point more clear:
Many a [sapiophile] enjoys laughing at the “plebs” and their unrefined tastes, so why not share a chuckle over the worst in erotic pop lit? Dress up Anais Nin’s renowned publication of erotic short stories Delta of Venus in a 50 Shades of Grey dust jacket to really hammer the point home. The juxtaposition of these two publications is sure to create humorous disjuncture between your form of sensual erudition and the de rigueur titillation of the masses.
4. Play Classical Music
Reading and playing classical music is associated with intelligence for two reasons:
- It is difficult to do
- It takes a lifetime of practice
Both of these are extremely impressive to a sapiophile. It is a combination of natural intelligence and extreme dedication.
The best part about classical music is that you don’t have to be intelligent to do it, the process itself will make you more intelligent.
Business Insider points this out:
“In particular, the areas of the brain used to process music are larger or more active in musicians. Even just starting to learn a musical instrument can change the neurophysiology of the brain.”
3. Be A Critical Thinker
This will make you better at debates and proving your point. But it will also make you better at questioning your own values and opinions.
You should understand the logical fallacies. A logical fallacy is an error in reasoning that renders an argument invalid.
You want to question your own beliefs, and the beliefs of others.
2. Change Your Opinions
A very interesting article from Inc tells us that Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon, has a great way to test if someone is smart. He checks to see if they can easily change their minds.
Bezos has “observed that the smartest people are constantly revising their understanding, reconsidering a problem they thought they’d already solved. They’re open to new points of view, new information, new ideas, contradictions, and challenges to their own way of thinking,” Fried reports the Amazon boss saying. “Consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds.”
1. Authenticity
The biggest tip for how to attract a sapiophile is to be honest and authentic.
People who are attracted to intelligence often expect maturity to come along with it. Sapiophiles do not like getting caught up in drama or insecurity.
Intelligence also comes with admitting when you’re wrong and owning up to it. There’s nothing wrong with making mistakes, but trying to cover things up or lie are very unattractive traits.
How To Start Dating A Sapiophile
If you want to start dating a sapiophile, or you are one yourself, you’ll want to go to places that tend to attract people with above average intelligence.
This includes:
- Book clubs
- Symphony/Orchestras
- Libraries
- Conferences such as TED
- Public Lectures
The League is also a great dating app for finding people who are highly educated. You can also search by education on sites like Match.com or even Bumble.
How To Attract A Man That Is High Quality
Now that you know the signs that a guy wants you to chase him, it helps to know what you can do in order to increase your chances of attracting him, especially if he’s high quality. If you’re interested in learning what High-Quality men look for in a woman, check out my Free Guide “How To Attract Higher Quality Men”.
I hope you enjoyed my post on how to tell if a man is attracted to you but hiding it. Be sure to check out the free checklist and good luck on your dating efforts.
Love, your favorite dating coach.
How To Attract A Man And Keep Him Interested
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Lana Otoya
Lana is a professional dating coach. She helps confident and successful women meet confident and successful men. You can click here to learn more about her and here to learn more about available coaching packages.
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who are sapiosexuals and why relationships with them can be unbearable
Sheldon's character from The Big Bang Theory is a prime example of a sapiosexual. He is not able to fall in love at first sight, his appearance does not bother him at all, and empty talk is annoying. The sapiosexual prefers intellectual philosophical conversation to intimacy.
Psychotherapist Anna Taipova notes that sapiosexuality cannot be considered a sexual deviation, since it is not a deviation from the norm, but one of the forms of preferences, a fetish. Of course, if a person completely refuses sex and chooses only to talk about complex matters, this is a reason to contact a specialist.
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— Perhaps in childhood a young man was in love with an excellent student, with whom it was interesting to communicate, but the relationship did not work out, and the behavioral scenario was preserved. Or, for example, the girl was in a relationship with a stupid young man who forever beat off the desire for gossip, flat jokes and empty chatter, , says psychologist Yulia Galtseva.
Experts say that the lack of interest in appearance does not mean at all that the person himself or his partner looks bad and does not look after himself. They can be very attractive and well-groomed, but do not put their appearance at the forefront.
What are the advantages
Photo © Shutterstock
Relations with a sapiosexual, firstly, complimentary emphasize the high IQ of his chosen one, because if the partner is stupid, there can be no question of any connection. Secondly, the union of smart people, as a rule, is very strong: they both know what they want, they know how to talk and listen.
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- Intellectually developed people often have no problems with imagination and fantasy - this is a big plus for intimate life. And the smart ones are all right with empathy, they know how to feel a partner, , says sexologist Alexandra Sidorova.
In matters of earning money, there can be two options: either the intellect helps to make good money, or the sapiosexual is so smart that no material things interest him, he knows how to be content with the necessary, without any frills.
What are the disadvantages? It is often difficult to get along with smart people, they are intractable in everyday matters, they can be fixated on themselves and their development, they allow arrogance and arrogance.
Food with a surprise: products to increase sexual desire, which can be bought in "Pyaterochka" and "Auchan"
— Sapiosexuals, as a rule, are ready to put up with all the shortcomings of their object of adoration at the first stage of a relationship. But when the love passes, difficulties begin. You either have to put up for the sake of clever speeches, or disperse and look for a new genius,0012 - says Yulia Galtseva.
According to sexologist Alexandra Sidorova, "smart relationships" need constant shake-ups, otherwise you can get stuck in endless conversations that eventually become boring. The best solution is to have debates and heated arguments on some sensitive topic. Intellectual duels can warm up such relationships and prolong their life.
Sapiosexuals are very vulnerable. But this concerns not so much the rudeness or impudence of the partner as stupidity. If a partner makes a spelling mistake, mixes up a quote from some philosopher, or fails to solve a mathematical problem, interest will disappear. There shouldn't be any mistakes.
- There have always been people who were only attracted to clever people. But the name "sapiosexual" appeared quite recently. There is nothing strange in the fact that a person cannot fall in love immediately and first studies his partner, comprehends his inner world, and after that tender feelings awaken in him. This format is useful for those who are set for a long and serious relationship. The main thing is that an intellectual should always correspond, otherwise why would he need such a partner? - adds Yulia Galtseva.
15 signs that you are one of them :: Infoniak
31 Oct, 2020 09:28 70553 Relationships, Dating
Incredible facts
In today's world, where appearance plays a big role, sapiophiles are a truly rare personality type.
Many of us are attracted to a pleasant smile and laughter, eye color, a sense of style and body shape.
External beauty and money are not so important for these people, they need something more.
They need to know your views on life, and they fall in love with the extraordinary.
Who are sapiophiles and are you one of them?
Sapiophilia: what is it?
The word "sapiophilia" comes from two Latin words meaning " wise " and " love ". Sapiophilia is the tendency of some people to become physically and emotionally infatuated with people who exhibit overt and superior intelligence.
Thus the sapiophile is a person who is sexually and romantically attracted to the intelligence in other people.
For such a person, a good sense of humor is a much more attractive trait than physical beauty.
Sometimes a sapiophile can be a sapiosexual , that is, a person who prefers the conversation of physical intimacy, or he needs communication in order to feel attraction.
Sapiosexuals are literally turned on by the intellect.
Both sapiophiles and sapisexuals are most attracted to smart, creative and extraordinary individuals.
Here are 15 signs that can accurately tell if you are a sapiophile.
Who is a sapiophile
1. Most likely, you yourself are very smart
Like attracts like, so sapiophiles are attracted to people who are similar to themselves.
The brain of an intelligent person works at a more complex level. For this reason, your tastes and preferences will differ from those of the average person. In other words, you will simply get bored with less intelligent people.
If you are a sapiophile, you will be drawn to people of equal intelligence.
2. Smart talk turns you on
Have you ever been turned on by talking to a smart man or woman? You have probably been hiding under the mask of a sapiophile all this time and did not suspect it.
Deep, intimate conversations are what are sexy to you, and communication is the main weapon to win your heart.
The prelude for a sapiophile is a discussion of some book or work of art. They don't like superficial talk about celebrities or who was wearing what. They are more attracted to distant galaxies and philosophical topics, rather than fashion and parties.
To turn you on, your lover needs to ask questions, make you think or teach you something.
It can be conversations on the topics of philosophy, art, science, the universe and information technology - that is, any information that will expand one's horizons.
3. You have a photographic memory
Many sapiophiles have a photographic memory and are sincerely happy if they find a person with the same ability. You are able to remember everything that is said and what is important to the interlocutor.
Not every person will like that his partner clearly remembers all the details, especially when it comes to joint memories.
Despite this, you find this trait very attractive.
4. Do you like to discuss
The sapiophile will be yours completely and completely during discussions and disputes that require thoughtfulness.
In most cases, such people are well versed in various areas, especially those that they are passionate about. A person who can discuss a topic with you on an equal footing will arouse not only respect in you, but also romantic interest.
The sapiophile admires those who are not afraid to say what they think.
5. You are very inquisitive
If you are keenly interested in everything that happens around you and in the world, trying to understand how certain things work, you will definitely be an attractive person in the eyes of a sapiophile.
Sapiophiles also love to explore the world and learn more about a particular topic.
Smart people have a constant desire to expand their knowledge and experiment. Curiosity is one of your most attractive traits that fuels your imagination.
If a representative of the opposite sex flirts with you, it largely depends on your communication whether the relationship will continue.
If a person seems frivolous or too presumptuous to you, then most likely there will be no second meeting.
You are so repelled by stupidity and ignorance that even a beautiful appearance is not able to compensate for this. Therefore, those who do not know how to keep up a conversation with you have no chance .
7. Grammar errors annoy you
You have a grammar filter built into your brain that automatically finds errors in other people's messages.
Incorrect speech or stress in words can be a real obstacle to getting to know you.
No matter how well-intentioned the interlocutor, grammatical errors will make you wonder how smart the person is and whether he has ever held a book in his hands.
8. You are attracted to educated people
Sapiophiles are not only smart and well-read themselves, but they also prefer to see a person next to them who is also educated.
You are always learning, reading a lot and improving your knowledge to become a better person.
This allows you to easily discuss any topic and engage in intelligent conversations. Naturally, you will not be interested in being around a person who is much lower than you intellectually.
9. Impartiality is a plus
Although it is very important for you that a person has an opinion, but openness to new ideas and lack of prejudice seems to you an even more attractive feature .
You are warmed by the thought that there will be a person next to you who can listen to your thoughts and theories and agree with you, even if you have a different point of view.
Such a quality as openness suggests that a person has a better understanding of the world, which means that he will be an ideal partner for you.
Although we all like people who can joke, sapiophiles prefer to look for a mate among those who have a very subtle, intellectual sense of humor.
Witty remarks, puns, and smart lines will all help grab your attention. If the interlocutor's humor consists mainly of primitive jokes below the belt, you are unlikely to win a sapiophile.
11. You don't fall in love at first sight
Most sapiophiles are unfamiliar with the sudden feeling of falling in love. Even if they're physically attracted to a pretty face, it won't necessarily hook you.
Sapiophiles are people who take time to fall in love.
You can even get along with a person who may not be your type on the outside, but will suit you in other ways.
As a rule, you do not immediately feel attracted to a person, but in the process of communication, if he interests you, you begin to develop sympathy for him, and you want to spend more time together.
12. Common interests are important to you
Although it is believed that opposites attract, commonality of views is necessary for building any relationship.
For a sapiophile, common interests and activities help take relationships to the next level and strengthen them.
Therefore, if you are looking for your soul mate, meet with those with whom you will have a lot in common, who are passionate about their work or just like to expand their horizons, just like you.
If you want to please a sapiophile, find out what he is interested in so that you can get closer to him more easily.
13. Emotional intelligence also matters
There is a difference between erudition and emotional intelligence. Most sapiophiles need a little of both to build a happy relationship.
The ability to manage your emotions and the ability to analyze the feelings of others will be the icing on the cake of your desires.
A person who cares not only about the mind, but also about the heart will become insanely attractive in the eyes of a sapiophile.
14. You appreciate good taste
Sapiophiles prefer to date people who have a good taste in fashion, music, and ideas, rather than those who blindly follow newfangled trends and or follow the opinion of the crowd.
It is important for you to hear about new ideas and new perspectives.
You know that forming your own style and preferences requires intelligence, versatility, imagination and curiosity.
You are attracted to people who can stand up for what is important to them. They value their opinion and will never allow anyone to impose what to think and what to feel.
It is unlikely that you will be attracted to someone who is easy to manipulate, and someone who changes his likes and dislikes depending on the situation.
You can fall in love with someone who has their own interests, views, who appreciates the inner content of a person more than physical attractiveness.