Ways to take out anger
10 Healthy Ways to Release Rage
As a health care worker during the COVID-19 pandemic, you’ve probably dealt with some anger over the last few months, as the virus continues to take lives across the United States. With infection rates climbing once again, that anger may increase in intensity - what was once frustration may become full-blown rage. The circumstances causing this rage might be beyond your control (you can’t easily change how your government officials are handling COVID-19 in your community or force everyone to obey regulations), but you can control your own reactions. Relaxation techniques or mindfulness often work for lower intensity anger like frustration or annoyance, but with a feeling as high energy as rage, try to let that energy out in a safe way.
- Throw or break something (safely).
Physically throwing something can relieve stress and be helpful in the immediate moment.
Have a yard? Get out there with a ball or find some rocks to throw if you have enough space. Or smash something, like a mug or old piece of junk that you’ve been meaning to get rid of. If that’s not a realistic option, get creative - throw something soft (like balled up socks or a roll of toilet paper) against a blank wall or an apple into the woods (the birds will get it).
- Scream – in private.
When you can feel anger boiling inside you, yelling is often incredibly cathartic and can pull you out of that blind rage you may be experiencing. Take care to not startle or worry anyone (including nearby neighbors) by screaming into a pillow. If you’re at work and can take a break for a few minutes, your car is good option too.
- Sing it out.
Put on some music that has anger in it – even if the artist’s anger is different from yours. Channeling your own feelings into the song and expressing that fury can help release some of your own anger.
- Dance it out.
Dancing can be a great way to express your emotions, especially when they are so powerful that you can physically feel them in your body. Dance to angry music, happy pump-up music, or no music – just get that excess energy out.
- Do a tough workout.
If dancing isn’t your thing, try another form of high energy exercise, like boxing or sprinting.
You can search for free workout videos online or do your own thing, but make sure to push yourself and give it your all if you’re looking for that anger release. It might feel silly but yelling or grunting while working out might even help you exert more energy.
- Journal.
Putting your feelings into words isn’t always easy and writing may not be your go-to technique, but if your mind is spiraling with angry thoughts, dumping them all out onto paper can bring some peace. It doesn’t have to be a big ordeal – even just typing a stream-of-consciousness note on your phone during a quick bathroom break can help calm your mind.
- Draw or paint.
Art is often a powerful way to confront your big feelings and turn them into something beautiful. Let go of your work being “good” – allow yourself to create solely to express yourself. Do what feels good rather than focusing on what will look good.
- Change your surroundings.
When you can’t quiet your thoughts, a change of scenery – even just going into the next room or stepping outside for five minutes – can disrupt the track that your mind is on.
- Destroy a physical representation of your anger.
Print out that email that set you off or write down the things that are upsetting you.
Then scribble all over it, tear it up, or put it through the shredder.
- Verbalize your anger.
You can always vent to a trusted friend, but sometimes it feels better to pretend you’re talking directly to the person you’re angry at. Pick an empty chair, imagine they’re sitting in it, and yell, scream, or tell them exactly why you’re so mad – whatever feels best to you.
If you’re working to manage your feelings in a healthy way but it just seems impossible, take a mental health screen – you may be dealing with symptoms of a mental health condition. For immediate support, you can reach out to Magellan Health’s COVID-19 first responder crisis line at (800) 327-7451, the Disaster Distress Helpline at (800) 985-5990, or the Crisis Text Line by texting MHA to 741-741 – all of these options will connect you to a trained crisis counselor 24/7/365.
How to Let Go of Anger In Healthy Ways
It can be tough to know exactly how to let go of anger and resentment. Though conventional wisdom might nudge you toward immediate forgiveness and release, you probably can’t turn your anger off like a faucet. But, before we get into exactly how to let go of anger, let’s get one thing straight: You’re allowed to be irritated, annoyed, and pissed off. There’s nothing inherently wrong with those feelings.
At SELF, we’re passionate about normalizing big emotions—we want you to know it’s okay to experience them. Like every other feeling, anger provides information, Cicely Horsham-Brathwaite, Ph.D., a counseling psychologist and mindset coach, previously told SELF. So, if you have found that you’re raging about something specific (or you’re more pissed off than usual, and you don’t know why), anger might be pointing you toward something you need to acknowledge.
Anger is a reaction to a perceived threat, which means it can trigger our fight-or-flight response. When you’re angry, your body releases cortisol, adrenaline, and other hormones that can impact things like perspiration, heart rate, and blood flow, the American Psychological Association (APA) explains. Much like chronic stress, persistent anger can eventually lead to increased risks of hypertension, heart disease, ulcers, and bowel diseases. So while harnessed anger can be a powerful catalyst for action (think: activism), when anger controls you, it can harm your health. So it’s most helpful to try to embrace anger, learn from it, and then, well, set it free. Easier said than done? Sure. But that’s why we asked experts for advice on how exactly to do this.
Finding a balance between embracing and releasing anger requires that you “develop an intimate relationship” with it, Mitch Abrams, Psy.D., a clinical assistant professor in the department of psychiatry at Rutgers University and author of Anger Management in Sport, previously told SELF. Below, you’ll find a list of eight things you can do to face your anger and work toward releasing it. There’s no one trick to getting rid of your feelings immediately, but you can metabolize them in healthy ways (or healthier, at least).
1. Be honest: You’re pissed off.
Along with rushing toward forgiveness, you might feel compelled to bury your anger. This tendency can stem from cultural messages that anger is wrong (especially for women and other marginalized people), or it might come from your personal beliefs and experiences. No matter the reason, ignoring your anger (or any other emotion) isn’t the best idea. We’re not suggesting you start a fight, but it is okay to be pissed off.
Still, admitting that you’re angry can be difficult. For instance, if you’re someone who rushes to forgive (or tries to see life from every angle), imagine how you might react to a friend who is upset. The compassion and understanding that you’d share with them might be exactly what you need to give yourself. If you’re someone who buries your emotions, take a moment to admit that you’re angry out loud. Try not to rationalize it away or pretend it doesn’t exist. Simply say the words out loud and realize that the world is still standing. It’s okay to be pissed off.
2. Write down why you’re angry.
Once you’ve realized you’re angry, write your thoughts and emotions out. Not only is it great to just vent on paper for a while, as SELF previously reported, expressing your feelings helps you regulate them. When you’re angry, logic and reason tend to suffer, according to the APA. So writing down your thoughts allows you to explore how much of your anger is rooted in reality. You can start by answering the following question: Why am I angry right now?
3. Look at the situation like you’re a fly on the wall.
Journaling about your experience is helpful, but it can encourage you to ruminate a little. So if you start to feel worse about your experience, it might be helpful to practice self-distancing, which involves imagining yourself as an impartial observer in your experience. A 2021 study published in Frontiers in Psychology examined whether self-distancing could reduce negative self-talk and aggressive behavior in college athletes. Although the study only included 40 athletes, the research (which builds on older studies) did find that shifting point-of-view or adopting a third-person perspective can help reduce aggressive behavior, negative self-talk, and (to a lesser degree) anger. To do this, you can visualize yourself as a “fly on the wall” and watch the events that are bothering you play out in a more impersonal way. You might also shift from using first-person pronouns to third-person. So instead of saying, “I’m so angry because…” you might say, “She’s so angry because…” It might sound weird, but it really might be helpful if exploring things from a personal perspective is making you angrier.
4. Now, try to pinpoint your triggers.
When you decide to examine your rage, random memories, thoughts, and emotions can arise. Some of those thoughts might include name-calling and colorful language (no judgment). But there’s probably valuable information lurking underneath the surface too.
How to throw out the accumulated anger and irritation
October 4, 2022 Life
Five proven and safe ways.
Iya Zorina
Author of Lifehacker, athlete, CCM
You can listen to the short version of the article. If it's more convenient for you, turn on the podcast.
Why you shouldn't keep anger in yourself
According to the American Psychological Association, only 10% of anger ends in aggression - physical or verbal pressure to cause harm.
On the one hand, this is good, because in a state of passion it is easy to do something that you will regret. On the other hand, it can be no less dangerous to keep negativity in oneself.
So, in one experiment, they found that men who express anger are less likely to suffer from myocardial infarction and stroke than those who show almost no negative emotions.
In addition, by keeping your emotions out on a regular basis, you run the risk of becoming passive-aggressive, cynical and hostile, which will not have the best effect on your relationship.
How to safely vent anger
Here are five good ways to get rid of anger as safely as possible for yourself and others.
1. Destroy unnecessary things
If you have the opportunity, retire to a free room and throw out aggression on objects.
Iya Zorina
Lifehacker fitness expert.
When I taught my son to read, his inattention and unwillingness to concentrate drove me to white heat. In order not to break down on the child, I asked him to wait, after which I carried the broken toys in another room with particular cruelty and returned to classes in a calm and even high spirits.
Use whatever you don't mind. Pillows, old furniture, paper, broken toys or non-working appliances. Just be careful with sharp and fragile objects: in a state of passion, you can get hurt and not even notice it.
2. Try the empty chair method
This is one of the popular Gestalt therapy techniques that helps resolve internal conflicts.
You place two chairs opposite each other and sit on one of them. Depending on the goal, on the second one you can represent the person with whom you had a conflict, or, for example, your inner critic.
After that, you say out loud whatever you want to the imaginary interlocutor: the essence of the problem, accusations, arguments in favor of your decision. Then you move to another chair and answer, but now on behalf of the one to whom all this was intended, whether it be an individual person or some part of you that does not agree with the previous opinion.
By imagining yourself in the place of another person, you are trying to understand his point of view. And this is very important when it comes to conflicts.
One review study noted that engaging in constructive dialogue, talking about your feelings, and trying to understand the other person is the least unhealthy way to show anger.
Those who dealt with their negative feelings in this way were much less likely to suffer from heart disease, depression, and anxiety than people who were accustomed to blaming others and proving themselves right.
The empty chair method has two benefits:
- Don't spoil the relationship with the one who caused a flurry of negative emotions, but instead safely vent aggression and reduce the degree of tension.
- Try to understand the other person's motives, which will have a good effect on your condition and help get rid of anger.
3. Listen to music
This is a good way for situations where you can't be alone and have to deal with your emotions around other people.
Put on your headphones, select the heaviest, darkest and most aggressive song and turn up the volume.
Iya Zorina
This method has saved me more than once in the gym after unsuccessful runs in the snatch or clean and jerk. Someone kicks a bucket of locks and swears at the whole room, and I put on my headphones and turn on something like Uratsakidogi “You feel it. ” Helps no worse.
If possible, try to sing along as loudly as you like.
4. Write about how you feel
When you are angry or scared, the amygdala, the structure responsible for the fight-or-flight response, is activated in the brain. Since survival is directly dependent on the work of this area of \u200b\u200bthe brain, it is very sensitive to all sorts of threats, real or imagined.
However, there is something that can subdue the activity of the anxiety system of the brain, namely, the verbal expression of emotions.
In one experiment, people were shown a picture of an angry face and asked to choose between the labels "Angry" and "Scared." The next time they repeated the same thing, but now they asked the participants to choose between "Harry" and "Sally".
Scientists found that when people labeled a photo as "Evil," activity in the amygdala was reduced, while the choice of a name had no effect on how the amygdala worked.
Psychology professor Matthew Lieberman explains that by putting our feelings into words, we activate the right ventrolateral prefrontal cortex (RVFC), the brain structure responsible for processing emotions and curbing impulses.
It helps to calm the amygdala and come to your senses.
Grab a piece of paper and a pen or open a note on your phone and write down all your feelings at the moment, what caused them, and absolutely anything you want to add. Feel free to express yourself, don't worry about spelling and punctuation, and if you want, destroy the text as soon as you're done.
5. Get a workout
There is some evidence that regular exercise helps to better control anger and manage stress.
Moreover, aerobic exercise triggers the release of endogenous cannabinoids, substances that transmit signals between nerve cells, reduce anxiety and symptoms of depression, and in large quantities can provide a feeling of euphoria.
Thus, after running a dozen kilometers or doing an intense interval complex, you will most likely forget about your anger and feelings altogether. However, this method is only suitable for those who are already engaged and are well aware of their capabilities and limitations.
The fact is that when you get angry, you feel bad about your condition: you lose concentration and caution, you don't notice fatigue and ignore pain. All this greatly increases the risk of injury.
Moreover, anger and frustration, combined with training, increase the risk of myocardial infarction and cerebral hemorrhage from a burst blood vessel. So, if you are already at risk for cardiovascular disease, do not try to go to the gym until you calm down.
Read also 🧐
- 10 reasons why anger is good
- How to overcome anger with exercises
- Healing the inner child: how to prevent childhood trauma from spoiling adult life
Healthy aggression: 5 ways to deal with anger
© Thought Catalog/Unsplash
Author Yulia Tsiruleva
June 19, 2019
Feeling angry is a normal human reaction. It is important to let it out, but in a way that is not destructive to you or to others. And here's how you can do it.
When we condemn ourselves for being angry, it doubles the irritation and makes the situation worse. Experts advise to recognize unpleasant feelings and try to find the cause of aggression. Perhaps a colleague who didn’t notice you at the meeting felt bad, and a loved one was late for a date because he unexpectedly got stuck in traffic, and not because he neglected your time. If anger is the result of actions that really threaten your well-being, then being aware of this will help protect yourself. Psychologists have developed simple techniques to deal with negative feelings and learn how to behave better.
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The easiest and fastest way to calm down is to even out your breathing. The brain does not know how to immediately disconnect from strong emotions, so you need to help it pause with the help of breathing exercises. Try to take a few deep breaths in and out, trying to breathe in your belly. Measured breathing allows you to get rid of unpleasant emotions and tune in to a calm, relaxed state.
Crying is a natural biological mechanism that allows you to throw out negative emotions and reduce stress. You can scream in the car or at home, loudly, at the top of your voice or into a pillow. Try to watch a sports match and cheer. Or scream to the music - the latest research shows that heavy metal, punk and hard rock are calming and help neutralize anger and bad moods. Be prepared for the fact that after a scream, the reaction may change to uncontrollable laughter.
For example, beat a pillow. Fists, legs, tennis racket - as you like. You can get yourself a special durable “whipping pillow” - old sofa cushions are well suited for this. If possible, spend five minutes exercising or dancing. A short, simple exercise helps to get rid of stress, calm down and improve mood.
Another useful way to deal with anger is to clean up. Use the energy of aggression to clean windows, take apart cabinets, or move furniture. If you want to destroy more than clean up, use a special service where you can beat dishes, misbehave and smash appliances and furniture to pieces.
We often avoid unpleasant conversations until the very end for fear of offending the interlocutor, making the situation worse, or in response to an important request to be rejected. But the accumulated negative emotions and unspoken desires do not go anywhere. In this state, a minor occasion can provoke an outburst of anger.
Try to talk directly to others about your condition. Close and beloved people, friends, colleagues may not realize that you lack their attention, you feel offended and forgotten.
When you decide to talk, try to avoid accusations and criticism. You may need to apply one of the previous methods first, or even try them all. The best way to use I-messages is to talk about your feelings in the first person. Then you can calmly explain what hurt or angered you. Ask the interlocutor to explain his position - probably together you can understand the situation and find a solution.