How to keep strong relationship
10 Simple Ways to Keep Your Relationship Strong and Healthy – Crated with Love
It is no secret that it takes more than just love to keep a marriage strong and healthy. Obviously strong feelings for each other is a necessity, but with the many responsibilities of life, fitting in quality time with your significant other can definitely take a backseat.
Luckily there are countless ways to give your relationship the care and attention it needs to last. Best of all, a lot of them don’t require a huge change in your daily schedule or a lot of money.
Want to keep your relationship strong and healthy? Check out these date night games!
Here are 10 simple (and fun!) ways to keep your relationship strong and healthy.
1. Greet each other when you come homeFirst things first, say “hello”. This may sound like a cliché, but making sure that you greet your spouse when they come home is important. It lets your partner know that you are happy to see them and often translates to “I missed you. ”
Let’s face it, it can be pretty disappointing when you show up to an event and no one greets you or seems to care that you’ve even arrived. The same goes for when your spouse gets home, so don’t forget to greet them with a loving “hello” followed by a sweet kiss! Even just spending a few minutes doing some daily activities greatly increases your relationship’s happiness.
2. Schedule a weekly check-inRunning your children around from doctors’ appointments to practices to school and back often seems to have no end. We live in a time of constant “go, go, go,” which is why it’s important to schedule in weekly check-ins with your spouse. Sure, a weekly meeting may not sound like the most romantic thing in the world. But pour yourselves a glass of wine once the kids are asleep or meet for coffee during your lunch break.
There are plenty of ways you can take 30 minutes each week to just check in. This is a time for you to discuss things that happened that week or make decisions about the week ahead. A time to share how you are doing. If you feel like you have nothing to talk about, we’ve created a list of 25 conversation starters that are sure to get the conversation flowing.
Just because you are married doesn’t mean you can’t also be dating, right? In fact, it is because you are married that you should be dating. It is easy to be caught in the hamster wheel of wake up, grab a cup of coffee, kiss, run out the door, dinner with the kids, pass out, and repeat. It is also easy for your relationship to grow very tired because of this.
Schedule one night each week that is your night with your hubby, just the two of you. Go to a nice restaurant, see a movie you both want to see, go for ice cream in the summer months. There are countless opportunities to have a fun, romantic date night that you both deserve.
4. Share your daily highs and lowsWritten in your wedding vows somewhere was probably something along the lines of “for better and for worse. ” Well, when it comes to your relationship, it is important to share the “better and worse” daily. Make it a fun dinner-time tradition to share a high point and a low point of each day. This can even be something that the kids take part in, as well! Sharing one high and one low each day is a wonderful way to maintain healthy communication between you and your partner.
This one is very easy because it is something that can be both said or kept to yourself. Try and think of at least one thing that you like about your spouse daily. Better yet, tell them! If your spouse brings you coffee in bed, tell them how much you appreciate that. When he or she takes the kids to basketball practice after work, let them know how much that means to you.
There is no better form of encouragement than being told by your spouse how much they appreciate the little things you do. And reminding yourself of the awesome things your partner does for you will certainly help you out in those moments when he is getting on your nerves a bit more than usual.
The initial stages of a relationship are filled with butterflies and constant verbal affection. The problem is, as time goes on, those butterflies tend to fly away and so do the “I love you because…” soliloquies. Of course it is normal to not be as “lovey dovey” as when you first met, but don’t forsake all verbal affection.
Tell your partner you love them often, but don’t stop there! Tell them why you love them. Whether it be for taking the kids to the mall when you clearly need some relaxation time, bringing you flowers one random evening, or simply for being him. Whatever it may be, say it loud and say it proud!
7. Look each other in the eyesWe all grew up with our parents reminding us to look people in the eyes when we speak to them. Mom and dad may have been on to something, because eye contact is just as important in marriage as it was when we were kids! Whether you are out with friends or speaking to your kids, it can be both rude and frustrating to have the person you are talking to checking their phone or looking around the room as you speak.
It gives off the impression that the other person is disinterested or simply doesn’t care what you have to say. The same goes for when you and your partner are speaking.
Actions speak louder than words. Instead of saying “I’m listening”, show your partner you are listening by looking him in the eyes and eliminating other distractions when you are having a conversation.
8. Spend time together without technologySpeaking of making eye contact, eliminating technology every now and then is a great way to give your significant other your full attention. There is no denying how distracting technology can be, so make sure that you and your spouse are spending some time without it. Make a no cell phone rule for date night or leave the electronics in the other room during your morning coffee together.
Spending time together without the imposing distraction of technology allows you and your spouse to give each other the attention and consideration that you both deserve.
Marriage doesn’t automatically equate to no flirting. A simple brush of the hands or a kiss as you and your spouse pass by each other is all it takes to keep the spark from burning out. A little romance and day-to-day physical affection can truly be the cherry on top of a healthy relationship built upon good communication and trust.
Hold hands in public, hug your husband or wife from behind when they are making their breakfast, give him or her a loving peck as they read the paper. However big or small the gesture may be, regular physical affection has a major impact on a happy relationship.
10. Surprise them – and not just on their birthday!Who said surprises must be saved only for holidays and birthdays? It’s time to take it one step further than the annual birthday cakes and Valentine’s Day cards. We’re talking about out of the blue surprises! A small gift just because “when I saw this I thought of you” or a surprise date. You can even leave a love note on the seat of your partner’s car one morning.
A simple “Love you, have a great day” with a few hearts here and there may seem a bit juvenile or silly. But hey, the lovey acts of kindness and romance worked at the beginning of the relationship, right? Well they still do the trick after years of marriage!
Want to keep your relationship strong and healthy? Check out these conversation starters and date night games!
ConclusionMaintaining your relationship can often be viewed as just another task on our never-ending to-do lists. It’s the small, consistent habits that keep your bond strong over the years. With these 10 simple tips, you will not only strengthen your relationship – you will also make it fun, exciting, and something to look forward to!
Need a little extra push to get date night going?Check out our list of 22 fun and affordable at-home date night ideas to get you started!
See the list!
21 Ways to Keep Your Relationship Strong, Healthy, and Happy
We’ve all heard that a relationship “takes work,” but what does that mean exactly?
Frankly, it sounds like drudgery. Who wants to spend hours at an office only to come home to job number two? Wouldn’t it be more pleasant to think of your relationship as a source of comfort, fun, and pleasure?
Of course, it would. Here are some basic fixes if things feel stagnant, if the good times are becoming few and far between, if arguing is your main form of communication, or if you need a tune-up.
How to keep a relationship strong and happy doesn’t need to be a long, winding, complex process.
21 ways to keep your relationship strong and happyHere are some ways that you may find pretty resourceful to keep a healthy relationship.
1. Don’t argue over moneyIt’s practically a guaranteed relationship killer. If you want to keep a relationship strong and happy, you should keep money out of all the arguments.
If you haven’t yet talked about how money is earned, spent, saved, and shared, do it now. Try to understand how each of you sees your financial life and where the differences are. Then address them.
Is it worth fighting about? More to the point, is it a trifle? Often a seemingly minor issue is a manifestation of a bigger problem. Do you want to know how to make a relationship strong?
Talk about what’s actually bothering you instead of how loud the TV is. It’s one of the simplest things to do to make your relationship stronger.
3. Share your thoughtsYour hopes. Your fears. Your passions. Let your partner know who you truly are. Set aside time each day to talk about the important things to each of you as individuals. This is one of the most crucial things to make your relationship stronger.
Related Reading: How to Share Your Feelings With Your Spouse4. Be friendly
One of the best strong relationship tips is that you need to treat your partner like a good and trusted friend: with respect, consideration, and kindness. It will go a long way in fostering a strong relationship.
When couples fight, it’s too easy to get locked into a win/lose dynamic. Think of your disagreement as a problem for you both to solve, not a fight for you to win. Think of saying “we” before giving in to the temptation of casting blame on the other person.
If you can achieve this understanding with your partner, you might never have to wonder how to maintain a relationship.
Watch this video by Susan L. Adler, a relationship counselor to understand the how to make a relationship strong and happy.
6. Show affection dailySex is one thing. Holding hands, a hug, and a squeeze on the arm create connection and trust. Let it be known if you’re not getting as much attention as you want.
Love is the main ingredient of the relationship recipe, and you should express it daily.
What do you appreciate about your partner? What was the first thing that attracted you?
What do you treasure about your life together? Focus on positivity to make the relationship strong. The more positivity you manifest in your relationship, the happier it gets.
8. Don’t be negativeNothing kills a buzz like a negative or absent response to something you’re enthusiastic about. One of the essential tips to keep your relationship strong is that you need to become your partner’s support system.
9. Words plus deedsSaying “I love you” carries much more weight when you consistently do things your partner values. Saying “I love you” is one of the most crucial things to do to make your relationship stronger.
10. Recognize that all relationships have ups and downsThink long-term. Your relationship is an investment, like the stock market. Ride out the downtimes. With the right kind of attention, they will be temporary.
Related Reading: 9 Ways to Manage the Ups and Downs in Your Relationship – Expert Advice11. Respect each other when arguing
It is tempting to use whatever ammunition you’ve got in the heat of battle. Ask yourself, where will it get you? A partner who will likely come to your side, or one who will get even more defensive? Ask your partner how they see the problem. Have each other’s back. Let that be known. That’s how you keep a relationship strong and happy.
12. Set goals as a coupleTalk about how you want your relationship to look in a year, five years, or ten years. Then work towards that goal. It would help if you kept adding goals with time; those achievements will strengthen your relationship.
13. Make your partner a priorityThat is why you’re in this relationship in the first place.
This is how to keep a relationship strong and happy. Relationships, against what is commonly believed, are not as challenging to maintain as they are said to be. Inculcating some habits and behaviors in your daily life is sufficient to keep your relationship strong, healthy, and happy.
Something that can be difficult to gain and easily lost. One of the steps to a healthy relationship is building and maintaining unshakeable trust between partners.
Because most of us have been hurt, mistreated, mishandled, had bad relationships, or experienced how cruel the world can be at times, our trust does not come easy or cheap.
There must be some degree of trust in all relationships for them to grow healthy and work.
15. SupportSupport can come in many forms and is too comprehensive to get into a complete discussion here, but there is emotional, physical, mental, spiritual, financial, etc.
A healthy relationship produces a warm and supportive environment where we can refresh ourselves and find the strength to continue daily.
16. Be HonestGrowing up as kids, we used to say, “honesty is the best policy,” but as adults, we’ve all learned to hide the truth. Whether it’s to save face, increase profit margins, excel in careers, or avoid confrontations, we’ve all lost some if not all of the honesty we had as kids.
There is a segment in the movie “A Few Good Men” where Jack Nicholas’ character, while on trial, says, “Truth, you can’t handle the truth.”
Sometimes we all feel the other person we’re being honest with can’t deal with what has happened. So, we often remain silent until they find out later, and the consequences have gotten worse.
One of the components of a healthy relationship is integrity or honesty. There must be a certain level of honesty, without which a relationship is dysfunctional.
17. A sense of fairnessSome couples reach home at the same time every evening
Both are tired, hungry, somewhat irritated from the day’s situations, and desire a hot meal and warm bed.
Now, whose responsibility is it to prepare dinner and do the chores around the house?
Some men would probably say, “it’s her responsibility, she’s the woman, and a woman should take care of the home!” Some women would probably say, “it’s your responsibility, you’re the man, and a man should take care of his wife!”
Let’s be fair. You both should help each other.
Why? If you seriously want to know how to keep a relationship strong, happy, and healthy, you both have to put effort into it.
We could choose to be fair in matters related to the relationship and have a growing healthy one or be unfair and end up alone.
18. Separate identitiesHow could separating your identities possibly help create a relationship strong and happy?
What we often do in relationships is try so hard to match our identities to the person we’re with that we lose track of ourselves. This makes us heavily dependent upon them for everything from emotional support down to mental help.
This puts a tremendous strain on the relationship and drains the life out of the other partner by absorbing their emotions, time, etc. When we do this, we become so dependent upon them that if we’re not careful, we trap ourselves in these relationships and can’t move on even if it’s not working.
We’re all different in many respects, and our differences are what make each unique.
It’s funny how we bounce words off each other’s eardrums and refer to it as communication. Communication refers to listening, understanding, and responding.
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Amazingly, different words mean different things to different people. You could tell your partner something and mean one thing while hearing and understanding something different.
What we often do in communicating is listen while the other person is speaking for a space to jump in and give our views and assessment of the situation.
This is not proper communication.
True communication in any relationship involves one person addressing a particular issue. At the same time, the other party listens until the first party has finished. The second party restates what was heard for clarification and understanding before responding to that particular issue.
20. Honor each other’s strengths/weaknessesMarriage is successful when you can work as a unified team. You can’t expect your partner to be all of the things. One of the important tips on how to keep a relationship strong and happy is that we should never try to change our partner or expect them to become someone else.
Instead, to define our healthy relationship, we need to name our strengths and weaknesses. We need to look at where we can fill the gaps for each other.
21. Expect lessExpectations cause disappointment and are born of “Shoulds.” Relationships have no “shoulds” other than respect, honesty, and kindness. So, if you think your partner should take out the garbage, clean their sock drawer or tell you what a great cook you are, you are setting yourself up for some disappointment.
ConclusionA happy relationship is a two-way street. It’s a shared effort and combined approach that are keys to being happy in the union.
It is important to understand how a relationship evolves with time. Therefore, every happy relationship should start with a strong foundation, understanding, and communication.
The tips mentioned above on how to keep a relationship strong and happy will help you maintain a thriving relationship.
10 Ways to Maintain and Strengthen Relationships
How to Practice Man and Woman
No matter how dizzying the beginning of your romance may be, the state of crazy love will inevitably pass. It is replaced by trust, gratitude, feelings of confidence and comfort. But sooner or later, a moment may come when you find that you have not experienced vivid feelings for your partner for a long time. Many couples are going through a similar crisis. Can it be avoided? And if it has already happened, how to get out of the crisis without the help of a psychoanalyst? Here are 10 ways.
1. Appreciate surprises
It's not about a nice gift for no reason or an unscheduled breakfast in bed. Mark unexpected episodes of the biography, habits and skills of your partner. Did you know that as a child he was the goalkeeper of the school football team? Or that he studied French at university and is still fluent in that language?
It's so cool to know that your girlfriend loves mint ice cream or knows how to knit. The new, even small, things you discover about your partner will help you see and appreciate their uniqueness.
2. Accept your partner's imperfections
Trying to change your partner has ruined many relationships. Rather, change your attitude towards his or her weaknesses or strange features. If they did not embarrass you at the initial stage of the relationship, then it is quite possible to put up with them. Don't let the little things ruin the magic of your union.
3. Don't let external stimuli affect you
Emotions are just labels that we attach to the chemical processes and reactions in the body. They depend on hormones, biorhythms, seasons, blood chemistry, and so on. Let's say you just didn't get enough sleep or got tired at work - and now you're breaking down on your chosen one.
How to learn to control emotions? Most people benefit from meditation, yoga, or breathing practices. But you can find your own way: running, volunteer work, art therapy, or something else.
4. Share your secrets
The more you understand how your partner feels and thinks, why he or she behaves the way he or she does, the more you trust each other. Don't hide your fears, weaknesses, or embarrassing biography facts. Let your feelings have no barriers.
5. Dream about the future
Talk about the future, discuss dreams and plans. Support your partner in even the most, at first glance, insane endeavors. Let's say he wants to go diving, and you've never been attracted to the ocean floor. Do not state categorically that you consider this undertaking a waste of time. Don't talk your partner out of making your dream come true. It's just selfish. Better think about where you will go diving and tell how you will support it from the shore.
6. Touch each other
Touching is an exchange of energy. Therefore, put all your love and care into them. Touch doesn't have to be sexual. They can just tell you how good and calm you are together. After all, tactile contact transmits information no worse than speech and also stimulates the production of the so-called “attachment hormone” oxytocin.
7. Find a common hobby
You must have common interests and activities. And it's not about kids, mortgages, or shopping. Let it be something pleasant for the soul. For example, cooking classes, training on a climbing wall or a pottery master class. Shared experiences will provide new topics for conversation and strengthen relationships.
8. Control jealousy
The cause of this feeling may not necessarily be another person. You can be jealous of work, hobbies, children and friends. Jealousy is destructive and selfish. Beware of her. And immediately discuss it with your partner. Only without claims and insults. Maybe he started spending more time at work because he has an important project. Or he should support a friend who is facing personal difficulties.
9. Show care
Medieval knights showed their love for beautiful ladies, guarding their peace and protecting them from dangers. Modern lovers have much more opportunities. Prepare a romantic breakfast or dinner, take a broken bracelet to the repair shop, help hang up the curtains, meet you late at night from work, do household chores...
10. Don't think you know everything
as if they studied their partner thoroughly and can predict his actions in any situation, that he will not change and will not be able to surprise anyone. This is fundamentally wrong. Every person is a mystery, and everyone has the power to become the best version of themselves. Perhaps he needs your support for a change or a decisive step?
About the Author: Roni Beth Tower is a clinical psychologist at Columbia University.
Text: Nina Nabokova Photo Source: Getty Images
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How an extrovert and an introvert get along together: 5 tips - build a harmonious relationship , which everyone repeated at least once in their lives: “Relationships are not easy!” I want to clarify. In theory, relationships themselves are very simple, because they develop in a natural rhythm according to the will of feelings: they met, fell in love, decided to be together. But the people involved in a relationship can make it difficult - and even very difficult.
The thing is, we don't like the idea that "relationships need to be worked on." What kind of nonsense is this, but what about love? Why is a harmonious union, which arose from a great and bright feeling, not able to magically work by itself, like a well-oiled machine?
Unfortunately, even the heroes of fairy tales do not hope for such a thing. Relationships really take effort, and they can be strong and happy - if you know the right life hacks. A romantic connection can be strengthened and improved by working in two ways:
- demanding more from yourself,
- demanding more from a partner.
No magic is required, everything is extremely simple and is set out below in ten tips, following which you get a sure chance to extend your relationship to the "forever" mode.
1. Don't sacrifice your personal life
Not in the sense of "keep dating with a stable partner" - that kind of freedom is hard to reconcile with serious intentions. You can burn with sincere passion for each other, but this does not mean that the rest of your life should be dissolved in selfless adoration. Do not forget your friends and loved ones, do not give up evening yoga, Saturday sessions at the spa and Sunday breakfasts with your sister. Take care of your independence, do not drown your personality in love, do not get into the habit of asking for time off and reporting - having lost the status of single, you can still do whatever you want, whenever you want. It invigorates, maintains self-esteem and saves relationships from routine and boredom.
A still from the film “Tenderness”
2. Be honest with your feelings
Tell yourself the truth and nothing but the truth: are you really happy? Satisfied? Physically, emotionally, mentally? Yes, this is not easy - the female nature is prone to sacrificial compromises, but these three points are crucial. If you are connected only by mind-blowing sex, sooner or later the problem “what about talking?” Will arise. If you entertain each other with a play on words, but at the same time, intimacy slips into a “C grade” - the prognosis is also unfavorable. Or are you satisfied with both the mind and physiology, but he avoids talking about love and has never given a flower? Obviously, this will soon cease to suit you, too. The secret of strong reciprocity is in a strong and natural connection on all points; therefore, make sure that everything in your relationship is the way it is, or at least goes towards it. In other scenarios, think about ways to retreat.
A still from the film "My King"
3. Do not pursue or torment with jealousy
Oh, that eternal female question: "Where are you?", piercing men like the needle of a voodoo spellcaster. If you bombard him with messages 24/7, call him a hundred times a day, and in general your world revolves only around him, it's time to admit that your feelings are mutating into addiction. Persecution strangles men. This approach will not help to keep anyone, acting exactly the opposite. Be more confident in yourself, do not worry, he will not go anywhere. And even if you got such a hot handsome man that it's hard not to worry about this topic, convince yourself that you will be fine anyway. Disable the chase option. Once and for all. Remember that you are the fire. Let him chase you, it's much more fun.
A scene from the movie One Day
4. Love and take care of yourself
Many women complain that they either cannot find the right partner or are always attracted to specimens who treat them the wrong way. The reason is low self-esteem: we attract the level of love that we experience for ourselves. It is impossible to burn yourself with the napalm of self-criticism on a daily basis and expect others to treat you like a queen. Believe me, men easily read it.
Take a positive look at your qualities and start loving yourself for who you are right now. And if you love yourself, then take care of yourself - stay healthy, go to bed on time, have a relaxing bubble bath, or maybe a spontaneous bachelorette party tonight. It is very important to pamper yourself by nourishing the soul outside of the relationship, otherwise you will have nothing to give.
Still from the film "Longtime Lovers"
5. Do not try to please and adapt
The desire to please is based on the expectation of positive feedback: love, kindness, gratitude. However, the world is unnecessarily generous with negativity, and people will gladly use you, recognizing the need to give themselves without reserve. Relationships are a two-way street: pamper yourselves, but make sure you're pampered too. Strive for a healthy balance of self-giving and selfishness. And please, don’t be fooled by the fear of loneliness, agreeing to options from the series “let it be at least that way” - this approach does not bring happiness. I am not one of those who are waiting for Mr. Perfection, but I firmly believe that each of us can count on the “what we need” option.
A still from the movie "One Meeting"
6. Don't avoid problems
Nobody likes conflicts. I mean, there are certainly people who are entertained by strife, but apparently they are in the minority. But what happens if the partners, not wanting to sort things out, constantly turn on avoidance mode? Nothing good. If you avoid problems for years, they will accumulate, and one day you will wake up 25 years later and realize that you will never be able to sort them out, because you have long forgotten how this huge pile began. Don't suppress negative (or positive) emotions. Talk to your partner about any issues that are bothering you. Firstly, you are a team, which means that we must work together to overcome adversity. And secondly, you always deserve respect and the right to speak out.
A scene from the movie The Lovers
promising stage. Your connection needs care and attention, confessions and walks, surprises and gifts, romantic dates and cozy home evenings. Be creative, spare no energy to feed your feelings.
Still from the movie Revolutionary Road
8. Make Equal Efforts
There is a saying that relationships require 50/50. What nonsense, only 100/100! Both partners must put 100% effort every day to maintain the relationship at the right degree and dynamics. It is difficult to expect harmony from the connection "100 to 20", "100 to 50" or even "100 to 99". You must be equal. If your alliance is out of balance, you need to talk about it in order to get back on track.
Still from the film Water for Elephants
9. Be generous with empathy and appreciation
As a team, you can't go against each other. So, you can not take into account only your own point of view. Whether you're right or wrong, accept the reality of the difference in perception. If your partner sees the situation differently, try to understand and, most importantly, let him know that you respect his view of things. What else? Be a good listener and feel free to be grateful. Even if he just loaded the dishwasher, tell him "thank you". Thank him for what he does for you and he will want to do it again to make you happy. And, of course, he will be grateful in return.
A still from the film The English Patient
10. Don't try to change him
It's no secret that many women believe they can change their lives. “If I make him lose 10 kilos, he will be much more attractive”, or “If I can wean him from video games, I will be happy”, or “Once we get married, he will change for the better” - all these internal insinuations have no relationship to real love and long-term happiness.