Why is masturbating wrong
Facts About Male & Female Masturbation
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It’s totally normal to masturbate (touch yourself for sexual pleasure) whether you’re sexually active with other people or not. Masturbation even has health benefits, like reducing stress.
Do most people masturbate?
Lots of people masturbate! Even if they don't talk about it, it’s common for people of any gender or age to do it. Even before puberty, children sometimes discover that touching their genitals feels good. If you have kids and notice them touching their genitals, let them know that masturbating is completely normal, but something they should do in private.
People masturbate for different reasons — it helps them relax, they want to understand their body better, they want to release sexual tension, or their partner isn’t around. But most people masturbate because it feels good. Many people think that masturbation is only something you do when you don’t have a sex partner. But both single people and people in relationships masturbate.
Some people masturbate often, others rarely, and some people don’t masturbate at all. Different people masturbate in different ways, for different reasons. Masturbation is a totally personal decision, and there’s no “normal” way to go about it.
Is it OK to masturbate if you’re in a relationship?
Definitely. Lots of people in relationships masturbate. Masturbating when you’re in a relationship doesn’t mean your partner isn’t satisfying you. It’s a great way to figure out what you like and what makes you have an orgasm. Then you can show or tell your partner what feels good. Talking about sex with your partner can make it more fun and can even make your relationship stronger. Some people masturbate at the same time as their partner. It’s a way to be sexual together without having any risk of STDs or pregnancy.
More questions from patients:
What are some masturbation tips?
Masturbation is a great way to get to know your body. It’s totally healthy and normal — most people masturbate at some point in their lives.
There are tons of myths meant to scare you into thinking masturbation is wrong or bad. The truth is, it’s perfectly safe. Masturbating won't make you blind, crazy, or stupid. It won’t damage your genitals, cause pimples, or stunt your growth. It doesn’t use up all your orgasms or ruin other kinds of sex.
Here are some masturbation tips:
Wash your hands before touching your penis, vulva, vagina, or anus.
Use a good lubricant. It lowers friction, which helps prevent small tears in your skin and makes things more comfortable.
Clean your sex toys.
Otherwise bacteria can build up and cause an infection. The best way to protect sex toys is with a condom that you change whenever the toy is passed from partner to partner or from one body opening to another — mouth, anus, or vagina. If you don’t use condoms, clean sex toys before and after every use. Read the instructions on the package for how to clean your toy.
Don’t share sex toys with multiple partners without cleaning/using new condoms every time. They can pass along STDs.
Is there a difference between male and female masturbation?
There are more similarities than differences between male and female masturbation. That’s because everyone masturbates differently and there’s no single “right” way to do it.
You might think that guys are the only ones who masturbate. But that’s just not true!
Regardless of your gender, masturbation is totally healthy and normal. It’s a great way to get to know your body and what feels good. It’s also 100% safe — no risk of pregnancy or STDs.
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Why Is Masturbation Wrong? — St. Mary's Catholic Center
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Q - Why is masturbation wrong? Is it not healthy, based in science?A - Thanks for the question. I hope I can help you out a bit. I will note that we will discuss this issue quite directly and without hemming or hawing.The problem with any intentional act of sexual self-gratification, including masturbation, is they are contrary to the purposes of the act of sex. Sex is intended to be an expression of love between a married man and woman. They express this love through a complete self-giving to one another in the act. Love never takes or is selfish. It should always be about the other person, not me.Masturbation is an exact opposite act - it is all about the selfish feelings one derives from the act. By the very nature of the act, it turns one in on oneself. This is the opposite of love, because it isn't about another person.While many young people suffer from compulsive self-gratification, it is not impossible to stop. The temporary relief and feelings quickly lead to emptiness and in many cases shame. It is like being thirsty and trying to quench your thirst by drinking water from the ocean, which only hurts you and makes you need good clean water.Bad habits are not easy to stop, but they are worth it.As for the gravity of the sin, here is what the Catechism of the Catholic Church says:
2352: By masturbation is to be understood the deliberate stimulation of the genital organs in order to derive sexual pleasure. "Both the Magisterium of the Church, in the course of a constant tradition, and the moral sense of the faithful have been in no doubt and have firmly maintained that masturbation is an intrinsically and gravely disordered action." "The deliberate use of the sexual faculty, for whatever reason, outside of marriage is essentially contrary to its purpose." For here sexual pleasure is sought outside of "the sexual relationship which is demanded by the moral order and in which the total meaning of mutual self-giving and human procreation in the context of true love is achieved." To form an equitable judgment about the subjects' moral responsibility and to guide pastoral action, one must take into account the affective immaturity, force of acquired habit, conditions of anxiety, or other psychological or social factors that can lessen, if not even reduce to a minimum, moral culpability.
Now, as an objective standard (not applied to any individual case) it is gravely sinful. But, as the Catechism points out, the gravity of the sin can be venial with extenuating circumstances - immaturity, habit, anxiety, etc.But, don't automatically tell yourself that you are not doing anything "too bad" if you struggle with masturbation. Your confessor should be able to help you sort through it all. But, don't neglect to go to confession if you are committing this sin. Sex ought to be so much more than mere pleasure. It is intended to be an amazing act of love between to committed people. It can be life-giving and powerful. It should be intimate and a means to receive grace. Finally, it can be a powerful opportunity to glorify God. But, only if done in the proper context. Don't let sex become something less than this wonderful vision.A few practical tips for those that struggle with this sin:
- Try to understand what makes you want to indulge sexually. Is it boredom, self-hate, stress, etc. Then try to prepare yourself to battle during theses times.
- You must fill up the negative thoughts and lustful images with positive ones. Sacred Scripture and holy images can help.
- Stay away from moments of temptation - the computer, being alone, watching movies with sex, etc. Have a battle plan to combat these problems.
- You MUST work on your spiritual life. The closer you draw to Jesus in prayer and the Sacrament the more you will conquer this problem.
- Most people need some kind of accountability to stop once they acquire this habit.
- Learn more about the Church's teachings on sexuality. I recommend finding a good book on the topic.
- I wrote a book on pornography and stopping. It has many more tips that can help.
As for whether it is healthy or not. Some studies show that masturbation might help with a healthier prostate for men and have a few other small health benefits. But, these are negligible. There are some reports of problems in sex with their spouses for men who masturbate frequently - esp. premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction at early ages, etc... So, health-wise, there is no good reason to have a habit of masturbation.Remember:
"You were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body" -1 Cor 6:20
I hope this helps.
The dangers of masturbation
Photo by Flickr user kattebelletje
On Valentine's Day, when couples and threesomes have romantic dinners and cover the furniture with rose petals or something, singles plow Netflix, open a bottle of wine, and then inevitably look at their hands or on the box where the vibrators are stored.
Just you and me, my friend. As usual.
Masturbation is, of course, great, but, as with any other pleasure, it can be a bad thing. I think you already know about the health and mental benefits of regular masturbation—it reduces the chance of men getting prostate cancer and can help menopausal women regain pelvic strength. But masturbation has its downsides, and some of them are downright awful.
I spoke with Dr. Richard A. Santucci, head of urology at Detroit General Hospital, to learn about the major horrors that can come your way if you're not careful to gratify yourself during this holiday. What he told me was not a fairy tale at all.
I hope you know that there is no bone in an erect penis. But, nevertheless, it has a so-called "cavernous body" that can crack and tear due to acrobatic sex or vigorous masturbation - your penis can bend in half, like a flag at half-mast at a funeral. Everyone who has experienced this phenomenon speaks of it as something so painful that you would rather break your hips with a sledgehammer instead.
Take this unfortunate 17 year old boy, for example. (Warning: the link contains obscene photos). Once, after rough masturbation, he heard a sudden pop, followed by momentary lethargy. Then his cock began to swell. He swelled until the guy brought his oval boyfriend to the emergency room, where he was urgently operated on.
Unfortunately, a huge number of unfortunate people inflict such injury on themselves in a desperate attempt avoid the temptation to play with your genitals: in Iran and other Middle Eastern countries, the number of penis fractures is huge, 50 percent of them are due to an anti-masturbation technique known as taghaandan , which trains teenagers to quickly bend an erect penis in an attempt to kill an erection . Which often kills young people themselves.
In 2011, a California woman sued adult toy company PipedreamProducts, Inc. after a company-made dildo nearly killed her. One minute she was using the sex toy properly, and the next she experienced severe vaginal pain and heavy bleeding. Her boyfriend quickly called 911, and the young lady was urgently hospitalized. In the hospital, the woman fully regained consciousness only after several liters of blood were poured into her. It turns out that the bleeding came from one of the iliac arteries, which are deep in the lower abdomen and can rupture from blunt trauma caused by objects inserted into the vagina or anus.
Not everyone masturbates the same way. Some people like a firm fist on the handle, some people like more concentrated friction, and some people like to put foreign objects in the urethra. An older Australian of all sorts decided that it would be cool to stick a four-inch plug in his urethra. After passing through a sea of blood, lubricants and surgical forceps, the object was removed, and the man now has to urinate as if someone is holding a finger on the end of a hose.
While we're talking, Dr. Santucci wants to take this opportunity to ask you not to stick pencils, glass rods, thermometers, or anything else up your urethra. (He personally had to get it all). Eventually, you won't be able to hold them, you'll end up on an operating table, and you'll need a doctor to fish it out with an even bigger tool. The cons outweigh the pros here.
TORN Scrotum
Part of being an adult is accepting the depressing reality that at times your job will be insanely boring. Another side of adulthood is the ability to overcome boredom, for example, sitting for a long time in the toilet or texting your mistress. Masturbation is a decidedly unacceptable way to combat boredom in the workplace, especially in a workplace full of heavy machinery. One now legendary man came to this realization not easily. As usual during a lunchtime satisfaction session, he pressed his cock against a moving drive belt on a machine part. Apparently, in the throes of orgasm, he leaned too close to the strap that [tightened his scrotum as well](his scrotum was yanked into it), dragging him around the room and pulling his left testicle out in the process. To make matters worse, instead of seeking immediate medical attention, our friend decided to staple his torn scrotum and go to work. This story has gone viral on the internet. Most people believe that these are fairy tales, but unfortunately for that person, they are all true.
Several years ago, a healthy 29-year-old boy came to the hospital. He developed a fever and vomited for two days in a row. After more information was extracted from him, including that he masturbated with liquid soap until his penis and balls became irritated, doctors discovered that his scrotum and perineum were covered with necrotic tissue and affected by Fournier's gangrene. (Google at your own risk). The guy managed to save his penis after several skin grafts, but if he did not seek medical help for some more time, he could lose his instrument, and even his life. Don't be that guy.
This is the worst case scenario: you can, in rare cases, die due to complications from masturbation. In December 2014, a woman suffered a sudden cardiac arrest after complaining of abdominal pain. It turns out that she had an occult hemorrhagic shock caused by a spontaneous rupture of the left common iliac artery. Her husband's testimony, coupled with a noticeable blunt force trauma, gave the doctors every reason to believe that the overly aggressive use of a dildo was the cause of the tragedy. Despite doctors controlling the bleeding with a stent, the woman died due to her injuries.
This death is not typical, so don't take it personally. A more typical death from masturbation is autoerotic asphyxiation, which, according to Dr. Santucci, kills "one in 2,000,000 people in Western countries a year." He strongly discourages doing this.
Yes, that sounds awful as hell. But before you give up this pleasure, take solace in the words of Dr. Santucci: “It is quite difficult to masturbate too much. I’ve probably seen this only twice in my entire 20-year urology practice.”
To avoid the most embarrassing trip to the emergency room of your life, all you have to do is not overdo it. And if you notice abrasions on your skin and feel unrelenting pain after your sessions, the best remedy is to take a vacation and take a break from masturbation, giving up this bullshit until your body recovers.
However, sometimes masturbation is part of a deeper psychological crisis, as people often experience great stress and become obsessed, and these obsessions can easily be imprinted on the genitals. In those rare cases where willpower isn't enough to let go, it's time to seek professional mental health help.
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How not to hurt yourself while masturbating: 6 main rules
February 19, 2020
0 Everyone masturbates. Or, at least, a lot of them. The good news is that masturbation is the safest form of sex. It is much more difficult to harm yourself in this case than when having sex with a partner. But there are precautions too.
1. Wash your hands
Cleanliness is the key to health, including when masturbating. Washing your hands is essential to avoid spreading bacteria and getting an infection.
If you have touched the anus, you should wash your hands before touching the vulva or penis.
2. Use a lubricant
The golden rule of sex: if you think a lubricant would be useful, then you don't. Masturbation without lubrication can lead to irritation due to friction. The lubricant saves from microtrauma and improves glide.
Water-based lubricants need to be refilled more often, but they are universal: suitable for any kind of sex, condoms and sex toys. Silicone-based lubricants do not dry out for a long time, so they are good to use with long and intense movements.
3. Do not use unsuitable items as sex toys
Banana, cucumber or deodorant are all unsuitable for sexual pleasure, even if you put a condom on them. There are more risks than pleasure. A banana can break, a cucumber can break a contraceptive. All of these items are dirty and dangerous if not used properly.
The beauty of sex toys is that they are made from non-porous materials, so the risk of infection is minimal with proper care. With non-specialized items, there are no guarantees.
4. Be careful with anal sex toys
It's easy to lose an object inside you, and then you can't get it without medical help. Entertaining medical stories do not arise from scratch, there are really a lot of patients.
There is even a special service in private clinics - removal of foreign objects from the rectum.
This is another reason not to use unspecialized masturbation items. And that is why all sex toys designed for anal stimulation must have a latch (extension) that will prevent her from slipping inside.
5. Take good care of your sex toys
Wash your sex toys immediately after use with warm water and normal soap or a special cleanser. And it's important to do it every time. If you are too lazy, then wash the toy later, but you will have to wash it more diligently, because bacteria actively multiply over time.
Unwashed sex toys should definitely not be used.
Keep an eye on their condition: choose the right lubricant (you can use only those that are water-based), store in a special case or, at worst, in a cloth bag, protected from light. It is also important to ensure that there are no sharp edges, notches, breaks.
6. Don't overdo it with porn
Porn addiction is not recognized as a disorder. The opinions of scientists about what exactly should be considered it and whether it exists at all are too diverse. But by and large, a person can be addicted to anything.
If you do not sleep well, become irritable, and pornography interferes with meetings with loved ones and distracts you from important matters, then you need to change something.