Mood tracker moods
The Importance Of Tracking Moods | Mood Tracking Using Bullet Journal | Different Moods To Track | Other Ideas
In this video from a livestreaming tutorial I did on our YouTube channel, I'm sharing 5 mood tracker bullet journal ideas. You'll see me demonstrating and providing bullet journal page ideas for beginners which can be part of your daily spread ideas.
A mood tracker or an emotion tracker is a tool that allows you to measure your state of mood. The purpose of mood tracking is to identify triggers within the day that affect your mood either positively or negatively.
There are different types of it: you can either use a bullet journal or a mood tracking app. In this article, we will focus on mood tracking ideas using a bullet journal mood chart.
Let's look into why you would get into the process of tracking your mood in the first place.
From your experience, it's quite clear that your mood alternates from day to day. And in some cases a few times within the same day. Tracking moods allows you to identify which activities trigger what types of moods or emotions within you. Thereby affecting how you feel for the rest of your day or at least a significant part of it. With most things, it is up to you to take control of what you can. In this way of tracking moods, you are empowered with the right information that allows you to change your mood. You can choose to perform activities that bring you the desired outcome. Ones that you have based on activities that are associated to certain emotions/moods you have identified from your tracker.
Mood trackers or emotion trackers are very important for your mental health. The sooner you can see what affects how you feel and think, the sooner you will be able to take actions towards the right direction and care for yourself.
There are a few reasons why there are lots of individuals that search for "mood tracker bullet journal" or "emotion tracker bullet journal". Basically, how to create a tracker with a bullet journal and to use it for tracking moods. Below I will mention the three main reasons you may want to use a bullet journal to track your moods.
B5 Bullet Journals from ZenART Supplies in the colors French Rose and Zesty Lime.Reason #1: Personalization
A bullet journal, also known as BuJo, is a personalized method of organization and planning developed by Ryder Carroll. This method is based on a dotted journaling system.
Where dots in the journal can be connected to create spreads and layouts to meet your unique needs. For that reason bullet journaling has become popular for various activities. Such as organization of weekly tasks, goals, or objective tracking and habit tracking.
In the next chapters, we are sharing 5 different types of mood trackers that you can use or adopt based on your needs, monitoring the important elements for you, for your own sanity and mental wellbeing.
Reason #2: Stress relief
Drawing and painting are considered important practices for mental well being. A most significant reason why art therapy sessions are on the rise. More and more individuals are looking to feed the creative part of their brain to create a calmer perspective to their everyday busy and stressful lives. Using a bullet journal for mood tracking allows you to tap into the creative side of your brain. Thus, adding some type of a therapy session to your day even on a small scale can bring more focus and awareness to how you feel. Providing you with space to evaluate what is good for you and what is not.
Reason #3: Time for reflection & appreciation
Another crucial reason more and more individuals prefer bullet journal mood trackers is that it provides a time in their day spent away from electronic devices. We are inundated with various screens in our daily lives, from mobile and tablet to computer, laptop and TV screens. Although if it works for you it's okay, but using another app just adds more screen time to your day. Also increasing your chances of getting distracted and spending more time browsing through social media, the web or chatting.
Is it that bad? Well, it is if it is actually the thing that causes more stress in your life. Exposure to blue screens disrupts your sleep pattern which affects your mental health, creating a vicious cycle. Social media have proven to have a similar effect whereby an individual compares their worst moments to the best moments of others' lives, making them feel bad about themselves.
Scientifically, drawing, painting and writing using your hands or other parts of your body (some physically disabled people use their mouth or their feet) allows you to absorb and remember information better. And it also benefits your brain from having multiple perspectives. Writing by hand activates the right hemisphere of your brain, which is the artistic side of the brain that we tend to neglect when writing using a digital device.
There are really lots of moods or emotions you can track in a tracker, however, most of the time it may not make sense to track all of them. It makes more sense to track a handful of those that you see come up more frequently to you. Or those that you do not see come up that frequently but are important for you to experience.
Most are designed to track approximately five states from extreme happiness to extreme sadness. You can do that too and also include a neutral state in between. However, there may be other states of mood you would like to track such as excitement, stress, jealousy and calmness. You may be trying to eliminate stress in your life and lead a more calm life, so tracking anxiety and calmness will make more sense to you than tracking only how happy or sad you are. If you would like to cultivate gratefulness in your life, then this may be an important emotion to track.
The various moods we all go through in our everyday lives.Below you will find some moods that you may want to evaluate and decide if it is worth tracking them in your bullet journal mood tracker.
- Excited
- Happy
- Sad
- Disappointed
- Calm
- Anxious
- Jealous
- Energetic
- Loved
- Creative
- Alone
- Cranky
- Frustrated
- Lost
- Tired
- Grateful
It's a personalized evaluation system of your mental health, so create it in a way that suits your needs. The aim is to discover more about yourself and how you can better your life.
As mentioned earlier, there are so many different types of mood trackers you can create. But finding out which one will work for you comes down to two things - what you would like to track and how much time you can dedicate to create it and fill it in realistically. In addition, you may want to experiment with various templates or layouts until you find the one that works best for you.
Below you will find 5 main bullet journal ideas for tracking moods:
#1 - Life Aspect Vs Bullet Journal Mood
The B5 Bullet Journal comes in a beautiful selection of colors for you to choose from!This bullet journal mood tracker is quite a detailed one as it includes various aspects of your life that you associate with how you feel each day. While also looking at and noting the overall mood or feeling in that day.
This type of tracker is helpful to understand what happens in your life. To find out which parts of your life affect how you feel or your experience of the world the most at various times of the year. This also helps you identify areas you give more focus to at specific time periods while potentially neglecting others. With this, you can plan how you can bring more balance to your life no matter what life throws at you.
In order to create this bullet journal tracker for moods, you need to decide which moods you would like to track and also which areas of your life. In the example above, you will find the following aspects:
- Personal
- Romance
- Work
- Nutrition
- Fitness
- Self-care
- Overall
However, you may want to add or replace some of them with others such as:
- Home environment
- Finance
- Nature
This is completely up to you and takes into account the points of focus for you at the time you put the tracking system in place.
As for moods to include in your mood tracker, we already provided some in the previous chapter, in this specific example, we included the following:
- Thrilled
- Happy
- Tired
- Sad
- Calm
- Anxious
Revisit the list in the chapter Moods for Mood Tracker to identify the ones that will fit your needs best.
Each mood has been assigned its own color that you will paint each box with based on the life aspect and the day of the month.
#2 - Leaf Mood Tracker
The leaf tracker is one of the easier mood tracking layouts you can create. You can actually create a tree with branches or like in the image shown above, a swirling vine where you place as many leaves as many days in the month there are.
In this case, you just track your overall mood of the day and you can assign a color to each mood that will allow you to paint each leaf with.
In this example we have:
Green => Thrilled
Blue => Happy
Grey => Tired
Black => Sad
Yellow => Calm
Red => Anxious
In some cases, if you have space left in any of your tracker layouts, you can either draw and paint something that expresses you. Or keep notes to provide more context as to why the specific mood expresses the specific day of the month. So when you get back to it after a while, you'll know and be reminded of what was going on.
#3 - Mood Tracker Chart
A tracker chart is a fantastic tool that can visualize in a chart format your moods' ups and downs.
To create this mood tracker, you can split the page into two axes, x and y. The X axis will stand for days in the month and Y axis for your level of mood from low to high. The design of this tracker does not make it practical or that easy and clear to track a variation of moods. Instead, you would usually use it to track fluctuations in your mood.
In the example above, we set the neutral mood as point 0 and then determined -5 as the lowest level and +5 as the highest level of mood fluctuation. The number point can obviously change depending on how it is easy for you to measure and visualize your mood fluctuations. You can simply decide to use a number system from 1 to 10 or 10 to 1. It is all up to you and can be easily personalized.
In addition to how you evaluate your mood at a certain time point, you can add notes next to each of your emotional states in order to refer back to them if needed.
#4 - Mandala-Type Mood Tracker
There are different types of mandala designs but this is the simplest form of a mandala tracker.
In order to create this design, you can use a compass or a piece of paper and two pens. In order to use the latter method, you create two holes at each end of the piece of paper with each pen. While keeping the paper with one pen pinned at the middle of the page, you move the other end of the paper with the second pen creating a circle. You can either use two pieces of paper where one is lengthier than the other to create the circle within a circle effect or you can use the lengthier version creating one more hole at a lower level.
When your two circles are ready, connect them with lines while creating the space between the lines as many as the days in the month.
In this example a grade of happiness and sadness is created but you can always create more moods in a way like we did for the first two tracker layouts.
#5 - Emotion Boxes Mood Tracker
The last bullet journal tracker layout that we will discuss is a more "boxed" type. If you enjoy straight lines, and boxes (we are not here to judge) you probably will love this type of tracker.
In the example above, the first line includes the types of moods to track and then empty boxes as many as the number of days in the month. Here, we specifically fitted 7 boxes per line. The space below the boxes can be used for note taking or to draw and paint something that you feel like.
We hope that these will be great inspirations for your own mood tracker bullet journal layout to help you achieve your mental goals and optimize your mental health.
We'd love to hear back from you!
Did you enjoy the article? What kind of mood tracker layout are you using or planning to try? Would you like to hear more about bullet journaling? What kind of bullet journal spreads would you like us to provide? Let us know what you think by commenting down below, and do share your own layout style, we're excited to see them!
Join our friendly art community Painting Inspiration Daily on Facebook. You can share your art and ideas, watch LIVE tutorials, and be inspired to paint! Check out more creative bullet journal ideas and tips from these live streamed videos - How To Bullet Journal For Artists and Bullet Journal Page Ideas For Artists on our YouTube channel!
Christina is the Wizard of Storytelling at ZenART, resident digital marketing strategist and bullet journal evangelist. The person behind the email campaigns you receive as well as advertising messages you see on search engines and social media. She also helps our amazing ZenARTists get the best out of what we offer. She is a health scientist who loves experimenting with healthy recipes and shares what works on her YouTube channel.
27 of the Most Creative Bullet Journal Mood Trackers
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Looking to try a bullet journal mood tracker? Great idea! It’s so important to look after our mental health — and a bullet journal mood tracker is a fantastic way to do just that.
One of my goals for this year to is to use my bullet journal as a mood tracker to stay aware of my emotions and create better self-care habits. Read on for lots of information about mood trackers, and a huge list of the best bullet journal mood trackers to inspire your own spreads.
Bullet Journal and Mood Trackers
We all know that taking care of our mental health is super important! But, because we’re all so busy, self-care often gets pushed to the bottom of our to-do lists. Luckily, a bullet journal can help with this.
If you are new to the bullet journal system, here are the basics: A bullet journal is part calendar, part diary, part to-do list. It’s an organizational and productivity system designed to help you keep track of your tasks and events. Check out The Ultimate Bullet Journal Setup Guide for Beginners for more information about how to get started.
And just like you can use a bullet journal to keep track of your to-do list, you can use a bullet journal to keep track of your moods.
How to Use a Mood Tracker
You probably already use your bullet journal for tracking tasks, ideas, activities, and life events. So, it’s not hard to imagine using your bullet journal to record information about your moods and mental health, as well.
A mood tracker is a powerful and easy-to-use tool that allows you to track your emotions — or moods — on a regular basis. You’ll set up a system that lets you identify and record your emotional highs and lows. Through daily use, you may also begin to identify and track the factors that may have caused certain moods.
When you track your mood every day, you may start to find patterns — or triggers — that impact your emotions. This is important — because the way we feel impacts the way we think. And, the way we think impacts the way we act — and so on.
Using a mood tracker will give you the knowledge and awareness you need to help you can take control of your moods — instead of letting them control you.
Setting up a Mood Tracker in your Bullet Journal
Recording your moods is the first step toward better managing your mental health. You may have heard the expression:
You can’t manage what you don’t measure.
So, the first thing to do is set up a mood tracker. There are a lot of different ways you can set up a mood tracker in your bullet journal. Here are some bullet journal layouts that can help you track your moods and mental health.
Mood Tracker Layouts
When I think of mood tracker layouts, I think of three main types.
Habit Tracker Style
This type of layout will help you see patterns. Keeping track of your moods in this way might help you make connections between your habits and your moods. Using this type of mood tracker — and identifying those habits — may help you make better decisions in the long run.
“Year in Pixels” Style
In a very basic way, the simple act of pausing to recognize your emotions can benefit your mental health. This type of mood tracker helps you acknowledge the way that you are feeling, and validate your emotions.
There are a few different ways to keep track of your moods within this layout. You could assign different colors to different moods — and fill in the boxes that way. Or you could rate the intensity of your moods, and fill in the boxes with a number (1-5, for example) to indicate the intensity of the emotion.
Mini Tracker Style (as part of a Daily or Weekly Spread)
If committing to a year-long mood tracker seems overwhelming, you might prefer a mini-tracker style of mood tracker. You can add a small tracker to your daily spread (or weekly spread, if you do those instead).
I like weekly mood trackers because I tend to slip into all-or-nothing thinking when it comes to tracking. I like starting each weekly spread with a clean slate.
If you are the kind of person who might start avoiding the monthly/yearly habit tracker because you missed a couple of days — try a daily/weekly mini tracker instead.
Ideas for Your Mood Tracker
And just before we get to the roundup of my favorite mood tracker layouts, I want to share with you this list of 30 emotions you may want to track in your bullet journal. Pick a couple to try!
15 Positive Moods to Track
- Affectionate
- At Ease
- Bold
- Calm
- Cheerful
- Confident
- Content
- Creative
- Energized
- Excited
- Happy
- Hopeful
- Joyful
- Productive
- Relaxed
15 Negative Moods to Track
- Angry
- Annoyed
- Anxious
- Depressed
- Distant
- Envious
- Frustrated
- Grumpy
- Insecure
- Irritable
- Overwhelmed
- Pessimistic
- Sad
- Stressed
- Tired
Bullet Journal Mood Tracker Ideas
More Bullet Journal Ideas
If you are looking for even more bullet journal inspiration, check out Simple Bullet Journal Key Ideas to Keep You Organized. And, to make your bullet journal pages even prettier, don’t miss 12 Bullet Journal Fonts That You Can Draw Right Now.
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Sarah Stearns Founder and Editor
Sarah Stearns has helped thousands of makers find their next craft project with free patterns and step-by-step tutorials on her blog, Read more.
Her work has been featured in The New York Times, Scientific American, Good Housekeeping, Vox, Apartment Therapy, Lifehacker, and more.
Moodpress - Mood tracker
on the App StoreDescription
Moodpress Diary with lock is a secret diary completely without ads and you can write your mood, diary, notes, secret thoughts and any personal moments anytime and anywhere. Over time, you will be able to track yourself. Make him your most trusted friend who will never judge you and will always be by your side.
With Moodpress, your diary is password protected, ensuring maximum security for your precious memories and diaries. Don't worry about your diaries disappearing. Sync your diaries via iCloud to keep your diaries secure and accessible across devices under the same account.
Moodpress - Locked diary helps you write diaries in a fresher way:
■ Secure and secure password protection.
■ Keep Diaries: Back up your data using iCloud sync.
■ Nice diary with emoji, photo and night background.
■ Easily compare your daily mood with a calendar.
■ No registration, easy to use and works great offline.
Can be used with interesting emojis and photos, handy night theme is also free because we are used to writing diaries at the end of every day. Moodpress - Diary with lock, easy to create, edit or delete entries and photos. No need to register and just choose one cute emoji, enter your unique story every day and add a photo to describe how your day went. Even without the Internet, you can also record about your mood and yourself at your own pace.
We all have some personal things that we would like to keep to ourselves, but we need somewhere to express our emotions. Moodpress is a good place to express your emotions. If no one listens to you or you are looking for a friend who will follow you without judging you, your dear diary is just what you need.
So get your Moodpress today! Moodpress - Diary with lock brings you the best diary and you just can't miss it!
Terms of Use:
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If you have any suggestions or feedback, you can find us(@moodpressapp) on Instagram.
Version 1.2.0
1. Set a password hint in case you forget your password
2. User interface optimization and stability improvements
Ratings and reviews
1 rating
+1 star for updates
I really like the updates and observation of mood dependence on sleep.
I'll be waiting for even more statistics (how events depend on mood, by category, etc.), and search by events in the calendar.
good option
The application is not bad, you can use the free version without suffering, there is a free choice of emojis and backgrounds, nice design, I fill it out in 2 days, I'm happy 💕
Good app, downloading for the second time, the first one didn’t work for me.
Developer Yuanbo Tech LLC has indicated that, in accordance with the app's privacy policy, data may be processed as described below. Detailed information is available in the developer's privacy policy.
No data collection
The developer does not collect data in this application.
Sensitive data may be used differently depending on your age, features involved, or other factors. Read more
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- Yuanbo Technology LLC
- Size
- 15.8 MB
- Category
- Health & Fitness
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- 4+
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- © Yuanbo Tech LLC.
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- Free
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14 mood trackers for Android and iOS
Need a simple mood tracking tool? If so, then you should consider testing one or more of the applications that we have detailed in this review.
Mood tracking is a positive psychology technique that involves tracking, recording, and analyzing a person's mood. Doctors usually recommend it to patients who want to improve their mental health.
The most common form of mood tracking is pen and paper. keeping a diary. But let's admit it: not everyone has enough free time to write in a diary every day (although most psychologists insist on this option). Therefore, you need an alternative - an application for a mobile device.
Mood trackers are designed for busy people or those who just don't want to record their emotions and experiences by hand. With their help, you can not only monitor your feelings, but also determine what caused negative emotions, so that you can eventually learn to remain emotionally stable. When you understand what it is that makes you feel sad or lonely, you will know how to turn the tide and make yourself happy.
Daylio (Android, iOS)
Daylio is an award-winning mood tracking app that lets you identify your feelings without having to write any words.
The application offers you a variety of videos that reflect different moods, and allows you to choose the video that best suits your mood at the moment. This is a great tool for people who prefer to visually choose how they feel than to describe their state in words. You can also match your mood with activities and add any additional notes you feel are important.
Daylio includes a "Statistics and Calendar" tool that allows you to record your mood so that you can identify patterns in your feelings and behavior. You can always review your previous records to eventually learn how to deal with depression.
MoodKit (iOS)
MoodKit provides users with CBT-based tools to help them cope with depressed mood, anxiety and stress.
This mood tracker has four sections: Activities, Thoughts, Mood and Journal.
In the Actions section, the user can enter his specific goals related to his social life, productivity, personal pleasure and habits. From a variety of activities, you can choose those that should contribute to improving overall well-being. Or you can choose classes at random. In the list of activities that the user can choose: various types of physical activity; time management; exercises aimed at developing memory and mindfulness; advice on healthy eating; methods of increasing social skills.
The Thoughts section allows the user to describe recent stressful situations and their reactions to these events. You can then compare your recorded responses to several "thought distortions"—a method widely used in behavior therapy.
The Mood section asks users to rate their mood, and this can be done as often as you like.
The "Journal" section is intended for keeping a diary or writing some additional notes.
Finally, in the Prosperity Tips section, there are some tips for setting goals.
This intuitive and easy-to-use app is based on a well-researched therapy model for people struggling with anxiety, stress and depression.
Worry Watch (iOS)
Worry and anxiety often arise when you think about the worst possible outcome of an upcoming event. At the same time, you usually do not think that such an outcome is extremely unlikely.
Worry Watch is an app that helps you track your worries and turn them into positive experiences to take back control of your life. Tracking your experiences over time will help you understand patterns of anxiety and determine a more effective way to deal with similar situations in the future.
When registering your worries in the app, you can choose from six categories of context: your professional life, family, money, health, social life and more. You can then view all of your logged concerns by results, by contextual category, or by day.
You can view your last year's results as a line chart to see daily or monthly trends, or as a pie chart that displays a category or outcome. By carefully observing your experiences and the real outcomes of events, you can see that in most cases your bad premonitions did not come true.
eMoods (Android, iOS)
eMoods is a specialized mood tracking app designed for people struggling with bipolar disorder. It is useful for tracking the underlying symptoms of a disorder and for identifying patterns of positive or negative reactions.
At the same time every day, users rate their irritability and anxiety on a 4-point scale ranging from “no” to “seriously”. They are also asked to write down if they have any psychotic symptoms. Behavioral data, sleep duration, appetite changes, current medications or psychoactive substances, and other important information are recorded.
Although this application is intended for people with bipolar disorder, it may also be useful for people with general anxiety or depression.
MoodTrack Diary (Android, iOS)
This application is designed to allow users to track their mood. Its purpose is to help people learn to manage their moods by making more informed decisions that can affect their well-being.
MoodTrack Diary encourages users to evaluate and record their mood several times a day, noting events that are relevant or meaningful to them along the way.
The user's mood scores displayed on the graphs are illustrative of patterns and may help identify triggers for certain moods. The app also allows users to interact with each other through social media to give and receive advice. MoodTrack Diary can be a useful addition to professional mental health treatment.
aiMei (Android)
aiMei is an innovative mood tracking app that has everything you need (and more). aiMei is claimed to not only track mood, but also improve emotional intelligence.
The app comes with personality tests. After completing the tests, the application will generate a report containing information about your personality and your emotional intelligence. Among the components of emotional intelligence explored with aiMei are self-awareness, social awareness, self-management, and relationship management.
aiMei helps users set personal and emotional improvement goals and then provides the tools they need to achieve those goals.
Breathe2Relax (Android, iOS)
This stress management tool helps users learn how to use the diaphragmatic breathing technique to control their stress. It provides not only instructions for diaphragmatic breathing, but also information about the biology of stress and the effects of stress on the body.
Breathe2Relax serves as a handy tool to use whenever you feel the need for a relaxing breath. The suggested exercises are based on extensive research on stress management through breathing. According to many users, the application will also be useful during the practice of meditation.
In addition, Breathe2Relax offers instructional videos, coaching and self-improvement reports. Progress is shown on a graph each month so you can evaluate your improvements.
Download for Android | Download on iOS
ReallifeChange (Android, iOS)
As conceived by the developers, ReallifeChange should become a personal life coach that you can take with you wherever you go. It is designed to help users track mood, identify sources of stress, practice mindfulness, increase social satisfaction and self-confidence.
This is the first application that combines all the seemingly small things and helps users to truly improve their lives.
Take a few minutes a day to reflect on the details of recent events, then use this app to explore your life in several intuitive, fun ways and gain insights that will help you know yourself better and make meaningful changes in your life.
Smiling Mind (Android, iOS)
Smiling Mind is a collection of meditations suitable for anyone in any situation. Both kids and adults can benefit from this app and the hundreds of tools it provides. The content is appropriate for every age group. This is a great option for those who want to practice meditation but don't know where to start.
With Smiling Mind, you can practice not only meditation, but also guided body scanning and sensory exercises. There are complete programs for children of all ages, a program designed for use in the workplace, and even a sports program. The app also comes with a Mindfulness Program that teachers often use in their classes.
Smiling Mind includes a number of other useful features, including a tool to track your progress.
iMoodJournal (Android, iOS)
iMoodJournal is the perfect journaling and mood charting tool. It tracks not only mood, but also sleep quality, medications taken, symptoms, stress, anxiety, and anything else the user wants to document. This helps pinpoint the possible causes of mood changes and gain new insights into mental health.
The app's user-friendly interface allows you to view mood reports in the form of daily, weekly or monthly charts to help you spot trends in your mood. By using hashtags in the journal to describe feelings, moods, and emotions, users can go back to the entries and look for triggers or patterns in their mood to make the necessary changes in their lifestyle and minimize the occurrence of negative states.
MindShift (Android, iOS)
MindShift is an application based on cognitive behavioral therapy strategies. It helps users who struggle with symptoms of anxiety and depression to calm down and manage triggers between therapy sessions.
Users can configure application settings to personalize the application. For example, if your anxiety is triggered by new social situations, you can use MindShift to learn how to relax when you are around people you don't know.
MindShift guides users through practical steps to help them deal with anxiety. The app offers strategies and specific tools for coping with everyday anxiety, panic, worry and conflict.
Self-Help for Anxiety Management (Android, iOS)
Self-Help for Anxiety Management (SAM) provides users with helpful information, tips and 25 self-help tools to help them find the most effective way to deal with anxiety. People can use this app to create their own toolkits for managing daily anxiety events and to communicate through the closed social network SAM with other people who are also working to reduce their anxiety.
This simple and easy to use application is made for people who want to help themselves.
T2 Mood Tracker (Android, iOS)
This app is designed to help the user track their emotions. The tool allows you to share the accumulated data with your doctor.
T2 Mood Tracker includes six categories: depression, anxiety, general well-being, traumatic brain injury, stress and post-traumatic stress disorder. The app allows users to add custom scales for any category.
Using simple sliders, users rate their emotions. At the same time, you can add notes describing events that could somehow affect the emotional state. T2 Mood Tracker provides users and their clinicians with a holistic tool for identifying patterns in emotions. It can also help people identify possible triggers for negative emotions.
Download for Android | Download on iOS
Track Your Happiness (iOS)
Developed by researchers at Harvard University, this app sends users questions throughout the day about how they feel and what they're doing.