Best ways to relax your mind
14 Ways to Quiet Your Mind Explained
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Mindful: "A 5-Minute Breathing Meditation To Cultivate Mindfulness."
Cleveland Clinic: "Exercise: Mind-Body Exercises & Heart Health," "3 Reasons Adult Coloring Can Actually Relax Your Brain."
Seleni: "How can I stop my racing thoughts?"
National Sleep Foundation: "Relaxation Exercises for Falling Asleep."
Psychological Reports: "Benefits, Problems, and Characteristics of Home Aquarium Owners."
Anthrozoös: "Effect of aquariums on electroconvulsive therapy patients. "
Marriage & Family Review: "Health, Aquariums, and the Non-Institutionalized Elderly."
BBC: "Aquariums 'deliver significant health benefits.' "
Journal of Environmental Psychology: "Blue space: The importance of water for preference, affect, and restorativeness ratings of natural and built scenes." "The Cognitive Benefits of Being by Water."
Environment and Behavior: "Marine Biota and Psychological Well-Being: A Preliminary Examination of Dose-Response Effects in an Aquarium Setting."
Anxiety and Depression Association of America: "Exercise for Stress and Anxiety."
Mental Health Foundation: "Physical activity and mental health," "Altruism and wellbeing."
American Council on Exercise: "8 Reasons HIIT Workouts are So Effective."
PLOS ONE: "Twelve Weeks of Sprint Interval Training Improves Indices of Cardiometabolic Health Similar to Traditional Endurance Training despite a Five-Fold Lower Exercise Volume and Time Commitment. "
American Journal of Public Health: "The Connection Between Art, Healing, and Public Health: A Review of Current Literature."
The Dana Foundation: "The Amygdala: The Body’s Alarm Circuit."
British Journal of General Practice: "Music: a better alternative than pain?"
Mind: "How could relaxation help me?" "Socialization And Altruistic Acts As Stress Relief."
Berkeley Wellness: "The Benefits of Giving."
Ecotherapy -- the green agenda for mental health, Mind, 2007.
Peacock, J. The mental health benefits of green exercise activities and green care, Mind week report, February 2007.
Frontiers in Psychology: "The great outdoors? Exploring the mental health benefits of natural environments," "Psychosocial and Psychophysiological Effects of Human-Animal Interactions: The Possible Role of Oxytocin."
Journal of Attention Disorders: "Children With Attention Deficits Concentrate Better After Walk in the Park.
University of Minnesota, Taking Charge of your Health & Wellbeing: "How Does Nature Impact Our Wellbeing?" "Spend Time in Nature to Reduce Stress and Anxiety."
AnxietyCanada: "How to do Progressive Muscle Relaxation."
Hormone Health Network: "What is Oxytocin?"
DIVERSEability: "Cats Make Great Therapy Animals."
Anxiety Canada Youth: "Visualizations: Mental Vacations."
Harvard Health Publishing: "Yoga -- Benefits Beyond the Mat," "Yoga for anxiety and depression."
National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health: "Yoga: In Depth," "Relaxation Techniques for Health."
Mayo Clinic: "Depression and anxiety: Exercise eases symptoms."
Harvard Business Review: "Quick and Easy Ways to Quiet Your Mind."
National Wildlife Federation: "It’s in the dirt! Bacteria in soil may make us happier, smarter."
Preventive Medicine Reports: "Gardening is beneficial for health: A meta-analysis."
Journal of Health Psychology: "Gardening promotes neuroendocrine and affective restoration from stress. "
Mental Health in Family Medicine: "Biofeedback in medicine: who, when, why and how?"
Beat Stress in as Little as Five Minutes
Your inbox just loaded with several emails marked urgent, you’ve a project deadline by EOD, and your mom just called to find out if chicken is gluten-free. It would be an understatement to say your nerves might be a little jangled.
Before you go all Jessie Spano, a few minutes might be all you need to chill and regain your focus.
We’ve rounded up 40 ways to relax and relieve stress, fast.
1. Get your green tea on
This herbal tonic gives you the benefits of L-Theanine, a chemical that can help reduce the body’s stress responses White DJ, et al. (2016). Anti-stress, behavioural and magnetoencephalography effects of an l-Theanine-based nutrient drink: A randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover trial. DOI: 10.3390/nu8010053. Plus just staring at a mug of the green liquid on your desk might calm you, too, thanks to the earthy color’s ability to soothe vKurt S, et al. (2014). The effects of color on the moods of college students. DOI: 10.1177/2158244014525423
2. Chillax with some chocolate
When you need a quick break, break off a square of dark chocolate to boost your brain health and reduce stress Berk L, et al. (2018). Dark chocolate (70% organic cacao) increases acute and chronic EEG power spectral density (μV2) response of gamma frequency (25–40 Hz) for brain health: enhancement of neuroplasticity, neural synchrony, cognitive processing, learning, memory, recall, and mindfulness meditation. DOI: 10.1096/fasebj.2018.32.1_supplement.878.10. As an added bonus, dark chocolate is lower in sugar than milk chocolate, but it hits the sweet tooth sweet spot.
3. Help yourself to a little honey
The amber elixir from our buzzy friends may help relieve anxiety, fight off depression, and even protect the brain Rahman MM, et al. (2014). Neurological effects of honey: Current and future prospects. DOI: 10.1155/2014/958721.
Drizzle honey in your tea, coffee, yogurt, or just go straight for the jar with a spoon. The sweet stuff also works for a quick energy boost.
4. Go tropical
Take a five-minute break to peel, slice, and bite into a juicy mango. Weird fact: Mangos contain a compound called linalool, the main ingredient in lavender essential oil. And you know what lavender does — ahhhhh. It may reduce stress and anxiety de Cássia da Silveira e Sá R, et al. (2017). Analgesic-like activity of essential oil constituents: An update. DOI: 10.3390/ijms18122392.
5. Chomp some chewing gum
Maybe you’re stuck in annoying traffic, frantically cleaning the house before your in-laws show, or hammering out that final term paper. Chewing gum is an easy way to keep the stress monster at bay while potentially boosting your mood and productivity Allen AP, et al. (2015). Chewing gum: Cognitive performance, mood, well-being, and associated physiology. DOI: 10.1155/2015/654806.
6. Crunch and munch
Instead of clenching your jaw, may as well put it to work. Trail mix, an apple, or some celery sticks provide a satisfying crunch to curb your spiral.
7. Meditate
No need to go on a week-long silent retreat with zen-looking yogis to snag some serenity. It doesn’t require completely clearing your mind, either. You can meditate in as little as one minute with visualization techniques. Give it a go before that meeting where you know Gretchen’s going to get on your nerves.
8. Get your head below your heart
Put your head between your knees, or stand and hang your head and arms toward your toes. Getting your noggin below your heart has restorative effects on the autonomic nervous system (ANS), lessening your reactivity to the fight-or-flight response Papp ME, et al. (2013). Increased heart rate variability but no effect on blood pressure from 8 weeks of hatha yoga – a pilot study. DOI: 10.1186/1756-0500-6-59.
9. Connect with your breath
You’re probably already breathing — unless you’re holding your breath. We tend do that when we’re in a tizzy. Whether you’re holding in your air, taking shallow sips of it, or hyperventilating, you might be adding to the stress response in your body.
The good news is that taking slow, full breaths can calm you. Try a quick breathing exercise to get back to a more relaxed state.
10. Give yourself a squeeze
You know how your cat will go all rigid for a second, tensing all those kitty muscles and then relaxing them? That looks kind of good, right? Well, you can try it too — or a version of it anyway.
Progressive relaxation involves tensing and releasing muscles, body part by body part. You may not have time to do your whole frame in five minutes, but just arms, shoulders, neck, and head will suffice.
11. Say your ABC’s backward
Nope, it’s not an IQ test, but it is a strangely reliable way to chill. Saying the alphabet in reverse temporarily shifts your focus from worrying about your upcoming date or pending performance review. It’s fine to play tricks on yourself once in a while. Counting backward can also do the trick.
12. Visualize what you want or need
Creative visualization is a mindfulness exercise developed by Shakti Gawain in her book Creative Visualization. The technique involves mentally imagining what you want to happen in your life, or how you want to feel. It can slay stress fast.
13. Close your peepers
A little darkness behind your lids can help shut out the external factors causing you trouble. Stressors may look a little different when you open your eyes, ready to face the world again.
14. Massage your hands
Rather than wringing your hands with worry, treat them to a little TLC instead. Just a five-minute hand massage could help relieve anxiety, one study shows Nazari R, et al. (2012). Effects of hand massage on anxiety in patients undergoing ophthalmology surgery using local anesthesia. DOI: 10.5681/jcs.2012.019.
Rub your favorite cream into your palms. Massage each joint and the webbing between each finger. Clench and release your fists. Then flex your wrists. The stretch will help relieve tension from endlessly tapping at your keyboard or scrolling through your phone.
15. Try acupressure
When you’re already stressed, the last thing you might want is more pressure. But acupressure may help alleviate anxiety, according to a recent study W H Au D, et al. (2018). Effects of Acupressure on Anxiety: A systematic review and meta-analysis. DOI: 10.1136/acupmed-2014-010720.
Acupressure is like the non-poke-y version of acupuncture. It aims to stimulate the body’s natural healing processes. Use your fingers to find the two divots where your neck muscles attach to your skull. Press firmly for 15 seconds to relieve neck tension.
16. Roll a tennis ball under your feet
Borrow Fido’s gross toy for just a minute, unless it’s got slobber on it. A lacrosse or golf ball will do the trick too. Gently roll the ball under your arches, stopping to apply more pressure when you find a tender spot.
17. Take your frustration out on a stress ball
It’s OK to be angry at times. Stress can bring on rage, and what’s important is how you deal with that fiery emotion. It might be tempting to throw your laptop out the nearest office window or lay on your horn in traffic, but squeezing a stress ball is a safer — and cheaper — option.
18. Splash cold water on your face
Head to the loo and turn on the cold tap. Cool your hands and face with H2O and dab some on your pulse points. Cold water has an energizing effect. But it can also calm you if you’re body temp is rising after a sticky convo with your partner or a beef with your boss.
19. Massage your scalp
Is your to-do list making you want to pull your hair out? Hair tugging is actually a massage therapy technique that can help reduce head tension and bring on relaxation. Pull your hair gently so that you feel the scalp lift slightly. Follow up with a light massage of the scalp.

A hot soak in the company of bath bombs and candles might sound perfect, but any space that gives you privacy will work. All you need is five minutes of alone time to get you a wee bit closer to calm.
21. Zen out and zone out
If your cubicle is less than calming, take a minute to find a spot that is. Sit beneath a tree, for example. If you can’t escape, add something soothing to your space. Maybe that’s an aromatic cup of herbal tea or a cozy sweater. Or just focus on your potted plant for a spell and breathe.
22. Get some rays
Need a slightly sunnier outlook? Seek out some natural light — no not the beer. Sunlight, whether through a window or outside, can douse your worries An M, et al. (2016). Why we need more nature at work: Effects of natural elements and sunlight on employee mental health and work attitudes. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0155614.
23. Stare out the window
Give yourself permission to do absolutely nothing but gaze. Looking at nature scenes like trees and public parks can be more relaxing than staring at a tech screen. But even if nature is nowhere near, just viewing the outside world for a few minutes might get you out of your own head.
24. Wrangle clutter
If you’re feeling scattered, it could be because clutter has taken over. Sort the files on your computer desktop. If you’re not at work, do a five-minute refresh of whatever space you’re in for a new outlook. Maybe that just means making the bed.
25. Put your feet up
If you’ve been sitting all day, the “legs up the wall” yoga pose will rejuvenate sluggish calves or feet and much more. The restorative effects of the posture can help settle both body and mind.
26. Stretch it out
You don’t need a 90-minute yoga session to reap the benefits of stretching. You can do it when you’ve got to stay put anywhere or when you’re on the go.
27. Get your heart rate up
The hustle and bustle of the day can you leave you feeling burnt out. Getting the blood and endorphins flowing can reinvigorate you to tackle whatever task is at hand.
Bust out some burpees, jumping jacks, or push-ups. Or just jog in place. Even brief bouts of exercise can help beat stress.
28. Go for a stroll
Walk to the coffee shop for your favorite pick-me-up, or take Fluffy out to stretch his legs. A quick cruise around the block combines exercise with a change of scenery for a double whammy against worry.
29. Write it down
Putting your feelings on the page provides an outlet for what’s on your mind. Try journaling about debt, work worries, or even peeves about your partner or roommate. Seeing the words might just give you a new perspective.
30. Listen to your favorite tunes
Surely you have a Spotify playlist to pep you up or soothe your soul. Crank it. Just listening to music has relaxation benefits, one study shows Linnemann A, et al. (2015). Music listening as a means of stress reduction in daily life. DOI: 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2015.06.008.And if you’re not going to bug anyone else, go ahead and sing along. You know you want to.
31. Bust a move
Losing yourself in the beat can help you shake stress off. Plus, dancing gets the blood flowing for a reenergizing rush of oxygen.
32. Do a crossword puzzle
Number 10 across: Anxious, overwhelmed, or freaked out (seven letters). If you guessed “stressed,” you’re in good shape to kill it at a crossword. Brain games that require concentration can take your mind off whatever’s eating you.
33. Smell the flowers
Really, stop and sniff ’em. Keep a fresh jar of your favorite variety near your workspace or in the living room, and take a whiff whenever stress strikes.
34. Try aromatherapy
It takes just a minute to drip some lavender, frankincense, or another essential oil into a diffuser. Or, mix a few drops into your favorite carrier oil (such as jojoba), rub into your hands, and inhale. The soothing scents may help send stress and anxiety packing by stimulating receptors in the nose that connect to the part of the brain that regulates emotions.
35. Sniff citrus
Head for the crisper. The odor of sweet orange can help decrease symptoms of anxiety and improve mood, research shows Dosoky NS, et al. (2018). Biological activities and safety of citrus spp. essential oils. DOI: 10.3390/ijms19071966. Take your time and peel a nice juicy one for a dose of calm.
36. Brew some beans
Wake up and smell the cortado or head to the break room to get your bean on. Just the odor of coffee can make you feel better — not to mention the caffeine. And the act of making it or standing in the latte line temporarily pulls you away from whatever’s causing you stress.
Don’t have too much of course, or you’ll go from jazzed to jitters.
37. Cuddle with a furry friend
Schedule some immediate hang time with your four-legged bestie. Pets can boost self-esteem and even ease the sting of social rejection.
38. Laugh
Cue up some YouTube videos. Nothing busts a bad mood quite as well as the giggles. Even science says laughter is the best medicine. But you can see for yourself. Get a load of these fitness-obsessed felines for a few chuckles.
39. Talk to a pal
Talking out your feelings with a ride-or-die friend can put your mind at ease and let you know someone genuinely cares. If you’re pressed for time, even a quick back-and-forth text session can be a lifeline.
40. Start planning some time off
Crashing waves, warm sand, a gentle breeze ruffling your hair. Well, at least the image is nice. Take a break from work and browse for vacation spots. Part of the fun is planning the trip, anyway. Plus, knowing you’ll get an escape soon can help you power through a tough time.
If that beach vacay — or even a staycay — isn’t on the hook right now or soon, you can still find stress relief in just five minutes whenever you need it.
But living in a perpetual state of stress isn’t sustainable. So be sure to schedule longer respites too when you can. Snag 30 minutes at the gym or a grab brunch with your BFFs, whatever gets you to the right level of chill.
How to relax your mind - find inner peace and tranquility
7 min read
Anahana April 20, 2022
Anxious thoughts, anxiety about the future, regrets about the past. Tension and stress have a unique way of penetrating our consciousness and overwhelming us. Dealing with the stress and stressors of modern life can be challenging.
Fortunately, there are relaxation techniques and practices that you can incorporate into your daily life to help calm your mind and find peace, even in difficult times.
How can I relax my mind?
Although we cannot completely eliminate stress from our lives, we can learn to manage it better. First of all, start by being aware of your stress response and the amount of stressors you expose yourself to on a daily basis. What makes you constantly on the lookout? What brings you the most anxiety?
Once problems are identified, treatments can be sought. The possibilities are endless: from physical movement to nutrition, sleep, meditation and breathing.
We have described four relaxation exercises that will help to relax the mind and are suitable for beginners.
Learn how to meditate
The benefits of meditation are manifold and are felt on both the physical and mental levels. Many studies have shown that meditation has fantastic effects on stress relief, mental health, and even blood pressure control.
There are many ways to use meditation to reduce stress and anxiety, soothe and even relieve symptoms of depression. But although meditation takes many forms, at its core it is a practice of mindfulness training and attention.
Visualization meditation is a great start for beginners. Just as famous athletes practice visualization before a big game to play their best, you can practice calming visualization meditation to help you relax or relieve anxiety.
Follow these steps to do basic visualization practice:
Begin by finding a quiet place to sit, either on a meditation cushion or right on the edge of a chair.
Set the timer to five to ten minutes.
Keep your back straight. One can imagine that from the base of the spine up through the back, neck and crown of the head there is a string.
Gently close your eyes.
Imagine a quiet place. Let's say you're sitting on a grassy bank of a gently flowing stream. The weather is fine. The sun warms your skin and the cool, soft breeze keeps you warm.
Hear the water flowing in the stream. Feel the breeze on your skin. Feel the fresh scent of flowers and nature.
Breathe slowly through the lower abdomen. Focus on how the breath enters and exits the lungs.
When a thought, feeling, or emotion enters your mind, imagine that thought, feeling, or emotion sitting on a maple leaf floating on a river.
Look at the sheet and what is on it. Accept that thought, feeling, or emotion. It is not bad and not good, not scary, not anxious and not restless. Just look at the leaf and let it float past you in the river. Return to focusing on the breath and visualizing on the bank of the stream.
Keep doing this every time you have an extraneous thought until the alarm goes off. Then slowly release the visualized picture. Before you get up, take a few minutes to come out of your meditative state.
With regular practice, entering the meditative state will become a quick and easy process for you. As you go deeper into the practice, you will feel less physical tension in your body.
Practice Mindfulness
Mindfulness is another wonderful practice that promotes peace and relaxation. It's pretty close to meditation, but it's unique in that you can practice mindfulness anywhere, anytime. The purpose of the practice is to stay in the present - that's easy.
Here is a basic mindfulness practice you can try while doing some work, such as washing dishes in the kitchen sink:
Stand at the sink, ready to do the dishes. Tell yourself that washing dishes is all you will be doing for at least the next ten minutes. Take this time for yourself.
Tighten every muscle in your body that you can. Hold on for a count of three. Let go. Repeat this three times.
How does your body feel now? Notice if you are concentrating on any particular part of the body. Shake your body lightly to release excess tension.
Take three deep breaths in and out. Are there other thoughts knocking on the door of your mind? Ask them to wait.
Turn on the tap. Take the time to get the exact temperature of the water - not too hot and not too cold. Focus on how the water looks as it slides over your fingers. Feel how it changes from cool to hot to warm. Hear it flowing from the faucet and down the drain.
Add some soap to the sponge. Look at its brilliant color and note its smell. Wiggle the sponge to create bubbles, watching them grow and feel their warmth on your hands.
Do you feel that an extraneous thought or feeling comes up? Notice this. Then release it. Return your attention to soap and sponge.
Take a washing dish. Examine the dish. Slowly begin to wash it, trying to wash away all the debris.
Rinse the dish to see all the dirty spots and soapy water run off. Set it aside to dry. Keep breathing deeply.
Take your time. Continue washing dishes in this way until you're done. Now take a clean cup and pour yourself some herbal tea. To learn more about mindfulness exercises, check out the mindfulness meditation here.
Do yoga
Yoga is another great way to find peace and tranquility when you feel like your mind is in a frenetic state.
The mind-body connection in yoga is phenomenal. The mind-body theory is that what happens in the mind - thoughts, emotions and feelings - influences what happens in your body, which in turn affects your physical well-being. At the same time, how you feel physically and how healthy and fit your body is affects your thoughts, feelings and emotions.
Yoga is a mind-body connection practice that aims to improve all aspects of your being. Although it may seem that asanas only affect the physical side, they have a significant effect on your mental state. Each posture can strengthen and improve the flexibility of your body by stimulating the organs and working on circulation. Each pose is also designed to stimulate the brain, inducing focus and peace.
Try taking a yoga class or working out at home to reap the many benefits of this practice. No doubt you will leave the mat with less muscle tension, less stress and more focus.
Learn to breathe better
Most of us take our breathing for granted and underestimate its importance in our lives. We believe that since our lungs are constantly working, without our instructions, they should do what they should and do not need improvement. However, this is not quite true. There are right and wrong ways to breathe.
Did you know that most people breathe too shallowly?
Many people breathe only the air that is in the upper part of the lungs. This causes short, weak breaths that tire you out and causes "stale" air to remain in the lower part of your lungs.
To test yourself, place one hand on your stomach and the other on your chest. Breathe normally. Do you feel the hand on your stomach rise as you inhale, or do you feel the hand on your chest rise? If you feel your hand drop on your chest as you exhale, you are breathing shallowly.
Ideally, you should inhale much deeper, drawing all the air into your lungs. As you inhale, you should feel the hand on your stomach rise, and the hand on your chest should barely move.
Breathing exercises are often one of the most valuable techniques for calming the mind and restoring correct breathing. Here is one to start with:
Find a quiet place to sit where your back will be supported.
Place one hand on the abdomen and the other on the chest.
Keep your back straight, imagining that you have a string running from the base of your spine up your back and neck and out through the top of your head.
Close your eyes slightly.
Take a few deep breaths without thinking about how you breathe.
Inhale deeply and as you inhale feel your belly rise and your hand on your belly. Breathe slowly and as you do this say to yourself, "I am breathing in peace and quiet."
When you can no longer inhale air, slowly release your breath and exhale. As you do this, say to yourself, "I'm breathing out tension and stress."
Repeat this exercise for five to ten minutes, or as long as you like.
Relaxation tips in no time!
Imagine that you are about to go on stage for a big performance, and your thoughts are running at the speed of kilometers per minute. Try this mental relaxation tip to regain your calm and calm your racing thoughts.
#1 - Find a quiet place
Start by going to a quiet place to focus - another room at home, a break room at work, outside, or even the bathroom.
#2 - Sit if possible
If possible, find a chair where you can sit with back support. Ideally, if you can put your feet on the floor. Now place one hand on your chest and the other on your stomach.
#3 - Perform short breathing exercise
This exercise is called square breathing. You may also hear it called "square breathing", "four-part breathing" or "4x4 breathing". To perform square breathing, do the following:
Exhale all the air from the lungs.
Slowly count to four, inhaling only through the nose. As you inhale, you should feel the hand on your stomach rise. The other hand must not move.
Hold your breath slightly in your lungs for another four counts.
Count to four one last time while slowly exhaling air from your mouth. In this case, the hand lying on the stomach should again fall.
Repeat this exercise at least four times to relax and relieve stress.
How to relax and unwind
Whether it's at work or at home, sometimes we just need to step aside and find a way to relax, to occupy our mind with pleasant activities. Relaxation is different for every person. We each have our own ways of relaxing. For some, this may mean going out for a few minutes and having a nice walk. For others, it might be playing a sport or instrument, meditation, yoga, or breathing. Some simply learn to relax by watching their favorite TV show or popping a bottle of wine.
The important thing is that we all find ways that work for us and allow us to calm down, relax and enjoy a moment of well-being and self-care. Engaging in relaxing activities will help us learn to relax.
Relaxing the Mind: Frequently Asked Questions
How can I stop thinking too much?
To stop thinking too much, meditate regularly. Ten minutes of meditation every day can change your focus and concentration, allowing you to shift your attention when you start thinking about things you don't want to think about.
In some cases, distractions can also be helpful. Just be sure to choose healthy distractions and don't rely on them to keep you from thinking about something serious. Distractions can be helpful in certain situations where you just can't bring yourself to stop obsessing over something.
If, for example, you find it hard to stop thinking about a recent breakup, try taking your mind off your thoughts by spending time with friends, volunteering, exercising, a favorite hobby, or developing new hobbies.
How can I calm my mind while I sleep?
Sleep disturbance is a common health problem affecting millions of people worldwide. The truth is that anxiety and stress often accompany insomnia. Whether poor sleep is due to anxiety and stress, or vice versa, is debatable and can vary from person to person.
However, one thing is for sure: Calming the mind can greatly improve your sleep if you usually have trouble sleeping. To prolong deeper sleep, try these tips to relax your mind:
Try a short meditation before bed.
Listen to white noise or nature sounds (such as waves or a stream) while you take a nap.
Do 5-10 minutes of yoga next to your bed before going to bed.
Try practicing mindfulness while falling asleep (concentrating on the breath and the present moment, watching your thoughts, feelings and emotions as they come and go).
Listen to a tape-recorded meditation before going to bed.
Establish a sleep routine in which you turn off all appliances, dim the lights, and change into pajamas about half an hour before going to sleep.
What relieves anxiety?
Unfortunately, there is no universal answer to this question. Everyone has different things that cause anxiety, and as a result, what relieves one person's anxiety may not help another.
The best solution is to use a combination of the above tips to cultivate a calmer mind. In addition, you can try the following to improve your overall health and well-being and reduce daily stress:
Eat healthy foods that include fruits, vegetables, lean meats, whole grains, and healthy fats.
Exercise regularly, including both cardio and strength training in your daily routine.
Improve your sleep by developing a sleep routine and giving it at least 6-8 hours every night.
Invest in better stress management and enjoy a more relaxed mood all the time
When the stress of life takes over and nothing seems to be going right, it can feel like a hurricane is raging in your mind. At times like these, it is helpful to have at least a few solid tips for relaxing the mind in your pocket.
Use the techniques, tips and tricks mentioned in this article to enjoy a more peaceful mind, especially in times of difficult stress and struggle, improve your mental health and reduce stress.
Anxious thoughts, worries about the future, regrets about the past... Tension and stress have a unique way of entering our consciousness and overwhelming us.
Although we cannot completely eliminate stress from our lives, we can learn to deal with it better. To do this, you need to have several stress relief techniques at the ready for the moment when you feel that your mind begins to overload with negative thoughts and emotions.
Here are four relaxation suggestions that are sure to help you relax.
Resources for awareness in Anaachana
Vicki on attentiveness
How to relax your mind
How to clear your mind
How to clear your mind 9Ol000 edu/blog/mindfulness-meditation-helps-fight-insomnia-improves-sleep-201502187726
How to calm the mind: simple techniques for meditation in trance: many practices are aimed at finding a balance between the material and the spiritual, they help relieve tension, train attention and develop the ability to visualize. T&Rs talk about basic meditation techniques that anyone can do.
How to prepare for meditation
Meditation is work with our mind and body. Meditation techniques allow you to listen to yourself and calm your thoughts, help train attention and renew energy.
Maina Miletich
Has been managing industrial projects for more than 15 years, practicing meditation as a way to deal with stress at work. Maina took a full Vipassana course at a Buddhist monastery, and teaches mindfulness meditation classes at the HSE Center for Psychological Counseling
Meditation practices are needed not for the sake of the result and staying in some kind of astral state - the process itself and what changes are taking place in us are important. There is no need to force yourself, you must have an inner need. However, if you decide to exercise, it is important to do it regularly. There are many techniques, but their main difference is in the object on which you need to concentrate. It can be an external object, breath, body, phrase.
Before meditation, choose a quiet, ventilated place. The duration of the practice depends on you: you can start with 10 minutes, gradually increasing this time. The main thing in meditative practices is comfort, for full immersion, you need to create a safe space in which you can feel relaxed.
If you have just returned home after a day's work, you must first switch, as you will not be able to start meditation right away. Do physical exercises, take a contrast shower or do a little cleaning, and only after that you can proceed to the meditation itself.
Maina Miletich
You can practice both on your own and with an instructor. He will explain what to focus on and guide with his voice. You can meditate with music, but you need to understand that this is another external object to which attention will be directed. In the practice of mindfulness, it is better to focus it completely on yourself. At least part of the time, you need to be in silence.
Remember that extraneous thoughts are completely normal. They do not need to be driven away, watch them and be aware of them. During practice, anxiety may appear - this is also natural.
Basic meditation techniques
Breathing meditations
During this meditation one concentrates on the breath. First you need to observe the natural inhalation and exhalation until you feel that the mind begins to calm down. The next step is to control the breath with a simple technique:
Inhale through the nose for 4 counts
Breath hold for 16 seconds
Exhale through the mouth for 8 seconds
You may feel slightly dizzy - in this case it is better to return to natural breathing and then resume the practice. Subsequently, you can increase the duration by counting by 8-32-16, respectively. The back must be kept straight so as not to restrict the movement of the respiratory organs. After this technique, stay in silence for some more time, observing how your breathing and emotional state have changed.
Mindfulness meditation
Mindfulness meditation is aimed at returning to the present moment, a person feels his presence here and now. This technique helps to distract from thoughts about the future and the past.
During mindfulness meditation, we focus not on the object, but on the subject - ourselves
Sit on a chair with both feet on the floor, or cross your legs on the floor. The back should remain straight.
Listen to external sounds, fix them, and return your attention to your body.
Focus on the process of breathing, feel the pace at which you inhale and exhale.
Watch the thoughts that arise without any evaluation: you must accept them and let them go.
Pay attention to smells: try to feel what objects surround you and how they might smell.
Return to the breath and take deep breaths in and out.
Put your hand on the energy center: it is located in the lower part of the abdomen, feel what changes occur in it during breathing. Imagine how this energy begins to circulate through your body.
Focus on the body and its sensations: what temperature it is in, whether it is cold or warm, whether it is tense or relaxed. If you feel tight, you need to pay attention to this part of the body.
Mindfulness meditation can also be practiced in everyday life. For example, you perform monotonous actions - washing dishes, arranging books on a shelf, being in the shower. The main thing is to direct all attention to a certain action.
Focus of meditation
During this meditation it is necessary to direct attention to an object. For example, in trataka practice, you focus on a flame or a dot on a plain wall. You can choose an object yourself - be it a flower, a painting or a figurine. This technique not only helps to relax, but also develops the skill of visualization.
At the very beginning, you need to consider the object - to see its shape, details, shades that you did not notice before.
Imagine touching this object first with one finger, then with the whole palm. Observe the sensations by changing the position of the imaginary hand. Experienced experts say that at this stage you feel the energy of the object.
Now you need to smell the object without approaching it. Describe this scent.
If you focus on the flame, focus on the sounds. For a more accurate perception, you can close your eyes. What do you think this sound is like? What is the rhythm, pace of the combustion process?
At the last stage, with your eyes closed, you need to imagine this object in empty space and mentally draw it, not forgetting about the details.
Remember what this object feels like, smells, mentally touch it and observe how the attitude towards this object has changed.
Body Relaxation Meditation
One of the most popular techniques to relieve tension in the whole body. It is necessary to gradually relax parts of the body, transferring attention to them. It is better to start from the toes and gradually rise to the crown. It is best to do it before bed. If some areas remain tense, analyze why these sensations arise, what is the cause of discomfort. For example, a clenched jaw is most often associated with innuendo, and tense shoulders are most often associated with the responsibility that lies with you.
Mantra meditations
During these meditations, you need to repeat the text of the mantra 108 times, but it is not necessary to memorize the texts in an unfamiliar language, you can say any word that is meaningful to you, for example, “love” or “peace”.
Express your intention - why are you saying these words?
Sing the phrase while feeling vibrations throughout your body.
Next, proceed to reciting the mantra.
Start whispering it.
The last step is to say the mantra to yourself. This step must be taken only in a state of complete calm.
After you have uttered the mantra, stay in this state for about 10 minutes more and observe the state, changes in mood, breathing. Do not be afraid to ask yourself out loud and answer: how do I feel, how has my condition changed, do I feel tension?
Walking meditation
The Chinese practice of kinhin is aimed at synchronizing thoughts and movements and helps to find a balance between the spiritual and the material.
Start walking around the room or any other space at your own pace, keeping one hand behind your back and clenching the other into a fist, creating tension at this point.
Take steps after each full breath, gradually slowing down.
Stop clenching your hand, but keep clenching your fist.