The introvert entrepreneur pdf
The Introvert Entrepreneur PDF Summary - Beth Buelow
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Amplify Your Strengths and Create Success on Your Own TermsYou have the willpower to create something you deeply love and believe in – that’s why you become an entrepreneur.
Being an introvert doesn’t diminish your chances of success. It’s a fact that is explored in The Introvert Entrepreneur by Beth Buelow.
You’ll be amazed by the myriad of qualities that you possess, the ones which, in your head, are derailing your journey towards a successful business venture.
Introverts choose entrepreneurship so that they can live and work authentically, according to their rules.
Don’t be discouraged when you discover that:
There are introverts who love to network, go through a sales process, or make speeches with no preparation.
“The Introvert Entrepreneur PDF Summary”
Some parts of business development are draining and stress-inducing for the introverts, but absolutely necessary to get the project off the ground. Fortunately, there are ways to cope, as The Introvert Entrepreneur tells us.
Beth Buelow wrote this book to bring new data about introverts in the world of entrepreneurship. It’s a common belief that if you don’t display the characteristics of an extrovert, your dreams of creating a profitable solo venture will crash and burn.
But keeping up a façade is exhausting. And when customers sense deceit, they’re gone.
Beth Buelow, based in Tacoma, Washington, is an introvert. She embraced her personality, launching her own personal development company, the Introvert Entrepreneur, which offers coaching and training services to fellow introverts.
She is a writer, facilitator, and certified professional coach praised around the world for her exquisite skills in entrepreneur coaching for introverts. Interviewing up-and-coming and well-established entrepreneurs in her highly regarded podcast, Buelow sees her introvert nature as a gift.
As you’ll discover in The Introvert Entrepreneur, she isn’t the only one. Many others have decided to embrace their traits rather than stifle them.
The book is structured into 9 chapters that call for inner rediscovery. In the first chapter, you’ll learn of the false impressions about introverts, along with their strengths and qualities, and why they are more than capable of reaching success.
Moving on, in the next chapters you’ll find out:
- the things entrepreneurs refuse to speak of, such as fear and doubt;
- how to build a business foundation which represents who you are;
- learning to enjoy and excel at networking and sales;
- how to pick the right people to be around you;
- and finding out how to manage your future collaborations.
In the final chapter, you’ll discover additional techniques to help you thrive.
Throughout the book, you’ll encounter quotes and proverbs, short interviews with outstanding introvert entrepreneurs, and links to the resources section on the author’s website, for more in-depth information.
The Introvert Entrepreneur is constructed as a house, each chapter a room, and the ladder to the roof – achievement – must be your own creation, each step built on your terms. It’s your choice. The world outside those walls is scary but, if you’re willing to commit and believe in your contribution, go on and make magic happen.
Here are the key concepts of Beth Buelow’s book:
- “Finding your voice.” Your purpose, goals, values, and vision are tied to who you are. Misrepresenting your business happens by rejecting your true self, which is toxic for any introvert entrepreneur.
- “Networking.” The power of connecting resides in face-to-face interactions. People must trust you in order to buy or invest in your products or services.
It’s done by showing up.
- “Self-promotion.” The equilibrium between self-loathing and narcissism must be achieved. If any of these are present in an unhealthy dose, then you are unlikely to attain your objectives.
- “Energy management.” Plan your days carefully to allow yourself enough time to recover between meetings, events, and other reunions. Networking and self-promotion will quickly exhaust your energy supplies.
- “Isolation and collaboration.” As your venture grows, you’ll require the assistance of other people. Transparency and two-way communication equal trust for the duration of your relationship. Again, a balance must exist between working on your own and interacting with your employees, contractors, or project partners.
- “Personal and professional sustainability.” Bring your A-game, make thoughtful decisions in accordance with your principles, find new and innovative ways of growing, both personal and professional.
If you want to leave a legacy behind, raw talent is wasted without hard work and commitment to do better day after day.
Our introvert nature compels us to seek refuge in a world of Jaffa cakes and cups of tea, with an endless library at our disposal. But that will not change when we take it upon ourselves to become an entrepreneur.
We’ll still need a break from the noise. The initial stage of development can be completed by our office but at some point, we must face the music and get outside.
Here are five actionable things from The Introvert Entrepreneur to ease our anxieties:
- As introverts, even the satisfaction of an achievement is celebrated internally. After some time, our mind and body feel the negative consequences. Learn to express your joy externally, and take a breather before starting the next stage of the project.
- Social activities are naturally draining. Instead of playing the extrovert card, connect with your naturally extrovert side (Yes.
Introverts have an extrovert part). Also use your introvert traits: listen, observe, and internalize. Combined, they will expose your strengths, and your energy will last longer.
- If you need a break during an event, excuse yourself, take a minute, and breathe. Relax your body. Be there, in the present. Dress comfortably for the day to avoid feeling constrained by your clothing while trying to connect with the individual that’s in front of you.
- Articulate thoughts about your value proposition out loud. You may have the entire plan in your head but when you’re asked, silence takes hold of you. Maybe you mutter half-sentences or inaudible nonsense under your breath. It’s useful to know the answers to the why-how-what questions about your business and practice them out loud.
- Introverts adore preparing. So, if people ask us to speak freely, without a plan… we’ll most likely freeze on the spot. However, it seems that taking improvisation classes might help us express our thoughts in intelligible sentences.
Also, this activity has the structure to satisfy our appetite for order. Moreover, improv is about trust, acceptance, authenticity, and being present, all of which ground our sense of safety and generate personal energy.
Public speaking is in the Top 3 most-dreaded and draining activities for introverts. To reduce the stress of it, we have our own rituals of planning and rehearsing. I mentioned earlier how improv can be great for loosening up our fear of unexpected questions.
You can integrate these little suggestions below, all of which resulted from Beth Buelow’s experience with improvisation and public speaking, and decide which work for you:
- “Ditch perfection.” Trying to achieve perfection is a wild goose chase. Stop chasing the right answer. It’s just a mirage. Think about small children skating. They fall down quite often, don’t they? After that, they get up and have another go. So will you. Improv is about letting go and enjoying the moment.
- “Make the leap.” Observing other people doing stuff on the sidelines is quite reassuring. We like to know the risks, the processes, the implications, the consequences… the list goes on. Improv will give you the nudge to jump once in a while, without having to know what’s going to occur after.
- “Tell the truth.” Most people don’t. That’s why is so refreshing and creates funny moments, which carry an important dose of easiness and tranquility. We don’t need to file our lies in a drawer, take them out, and then invent something else to cover up our deceptions. Sounds exhausting. At an improvisation session, you don’t even have time to make something up.
- “Say yes.” Accept the challenge. Accept the unknown outcome. Instead of the terminal word “no”, respond with “yes, and” which will help you keep the conversation going. Maybe you’ll be pleasantly surprised at the end.
- “Don’t try to be funny.
” Isn’t improve the exact opposite of this? Well, yes, but it’s an indirect approach – you don’t try to be funny. You just are. Jerry Seinfeld himself is an introvert who takes chances, lets things fall down in whichever shape or form he fancies, doesn’t shy away from challenges, and tells the truth.
- “Accelerate failure.” Failure is inevitable in our quest to reach our goals. Certainly, you can’t dodge it forever, or throw in the towel at the first disappointment. Embrace the fact that it will happen, and learn from it. Try to see failure as a necessary “bad” in order to move forward.
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“The Introvert Entrepreneur Quotes”
Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway. Click To TweetOur Critical Review
As an introvert myself, I believe that Beth Buelow is a rockstar for writing The Introvert Entrepreneur. There are a million details that cement her dedication and drive to guide introverts through the waters of entrepreneurship, adjusting their sails on the great journey to becoming a successful entrepreneur.
12min Team
Learn more and more, in the speed that the world demands.
The Introvert Entrepreneur - The Introvert Entrepreneur
The Introvert Entrepreneur: Amplify Your Strengths and Create Success on Your Own Terms
by Beth Buelow
Now Available from Perigee Books/Penguin: The Introvert Entrepreneur: Amplify Your Strengths and Create Success on Your Own Terms
(PDF, opens in new tab)
“Regardless of your profession, aspirations or age, any introvert will find valuable counsel and guidance in this brainy, accessible book.” – SUCCESS Magazine
“[A] winning business manual…a thoughtful, kind and helpful guide for all those who are looking to strike out on their own, but are concerned that their need for alone time may get in the way. ”
– Publishers Weekly
There’s no official book tour, but there is a podcast tour! The complete list is here:
Looking for the Online Resources I mention in a few places in the book? Here you go!
A practical guide to help introverts harness their natural gifts and entrepreneurial spirit. Think you have to be loud and brash to be successful in business? Think again. The strengths and traits of the typical introvert lend themselves well to entrepreneurship, as well as “intrapreneurship” and a range of business roles. In The Introvert Entrepreneur, professional coach Beth Buelow shows readers how to utilize their natural gifts (including curiosity, independence, and a love of research) and counteract their challenges (such as an aversion to networking and self-promotion). She addresses a wide range of topics from managing fears and expectations and developing a growth mindset to mastering networking, marketing, leadership skills, and community building informed by interviews with introverts who have created successful businesses without compromising their core personality.
Filled with fresh insights and actionable advice, this essential guide will support anyone who’s striving to honor their introversion while making a difference in a loud and chaotic world.
Paperback: 272 pages
Publisher: Perigee Books/Penguin Random House (November 3, 2015)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0399174834
ISBN-13: 978-0399174834
Book Reviews
An essential resource for introverts who choose to follow their entrepreneurial vision and carve out their own unique path.”
—Susan Cain
Cofounder of Quiet Revolution LLC
New York Times bestselling Author of Quiet: The Power of Introverts in A World That Can’t Stop Talking
As a longtime introvert entrepreneur, I was thrilled to discover a toolkit of resources for others like me. This book shows how you can go your own way while still being true to yourself.
You can be successful in business without shouting—and you don’t have to attend those boring ‘networking’ events either.”
—Chris Guillebeau, New York Times bestselling Author
The $100 Startup and The Happiness of Pursuit
Finally, a book about entrepreneurship that celebrates the gifts, skills and strengths of introverted business owners. Beth does a beautiful job of helping introverts build a thriving business on their own terms without having to pretend to be extroverts. The stories, tools and frameworks will guide and support effective, sustainable business growth for introverts in every type of business.”
—Pamela Slim, Author
Body of Work and Escape from Cubicle Nation
Based on the size and type of my business, most people don’t know this but I am a massive introvert! In this book Beth takes you on a powerful journey of dismantling each of the destructive limiting beliefs that most of us introverts have about why we can’t be successful entrepreneurs.
This book is an empowering triumph for quiet leaders.”
—Rory Vaden, New York Times bestselling Author
Take the Stairs and Procrastinate on Purpose
What introverted dreamer wouldn’t want a smart, successful mentor available in the quiet of their living room? Beth Buelow is that mentor, and The Introvert Entrepreneur reaches introverts where they live: inside, with their hopes, fears and questions. An indispensable guide.”
—Laurie Helgoe, Ph.D., Author
Introvert Power: Why Your Inner Life is Your Hidden Strength
Having spent my life as an extrovert, in a family of extroverts, I didn’t fully understand that introverts saw the world a different way. Having followed Beth’s work and then reading her latest book, The Introvert Entrepreneur, I feel like I have insight that I hadn’t had before on how introverts do business. Upon finishing the book, I realized that many of my way of engaging with introverts was always based on my preferences rather than considering theirs.
Now armed with increased understanding, I’ve changed my style and am getting better results in my communications with them. This book now has a permanent home on my desk as a valuable reference.”
—Christopher Flett, Founder of Ghost CEO
Author of What Men Don’t Tell Women About Business and Market Shark
As an introvert, entrepreneur, and sales person, I have been waiting for a book like The Introvert Entrepreneur. I just didn’t know it. Beth Buelow provides the essential guidance and encouragement for those who have been labeled as introverts and have the passion to grow their businesses.”
—John E. Doerr, Co-President of RAIN Group
Author of Insight Selling: Surprising Research on What Sales Winners Do Differently
Beth Buelow’s gem of a book is a coach and mentor in your pocket that celebrates your strengths, facilitates your creative thinking, and cheers you along (quietly!), step by step, toward your entrepreneurial dreams.
Buelow asks smart questions and offers thoughtful advice that reflects her deep understanding of the experience of entrepreneurs who are building their own businesses, authentically and powerfully, as introverts. Her book is for you if you run (or want to start) your own business or even if you have a ‘job job’ and an entrepreneurial mindset. Buelow spurs you to unleash the best of what you have to offer—from reflection to action, from your FUD (fear, uncertainty, doubt) to your prosperity perspective.”
—Nancy Ancowitz, Author
Self-Promotion for Introverts®: The Quiet Guide to Getting Ahead
An introverted entrepreneur might sound like an oxymoron, but with an abundance of wisdom and compassion, Buelow teaches introverts not just how to survive the rigors of entrepreneurship, but how their particular gifts and quiet strength can help them thrive and prosper.”
—Sophia Dembling, Author
The Introvert’s Way and Introverts in Love
I have always loved listening to author Beth Buelow’s engaging podcasts on introverted entrepreneurship.
What a treat it is for all of us to learn from her in this well written and practical book. If you think only extroverts can sell or lead thriving businesses you will change your mind after reading The Introvert Entrepreneur. Interested in joining the growing ranks of entrepreneurs? This book is the definitive guide to have at your side.”
—Jennifer B. Kahnweiler, Ph.D., Author
Quiet Influence, The Introverted Leader and The Genius of Opposites
Read online “Leader-introvert. How to succeed in a society where extroverts dominate ”, Jennifer Kanviler - liters
Editor V. Simed
Project manager A. Vasilenko, O. Ravdanis
Corrector E. Aksyonova
Computer layout A. Abramov
Cover artist I. Raskin
Art director S. Timonov
First published by Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc., San Francisco, California, USA. All rights reserved
© 2013 by Jennifer B. Kahnweiler
© Russian edition, translation, layout. ALPINA PUBLISHER LLC, 2014
© Preface to the Russian edition by M. Makarushkin
All rights reserved. No part of the electronic version of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including posting on the Internet and corporate networks, for private and public use, without the written permission of the copyright owner.
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Reviews of the book
Many effective leaders are closed "internal processors", but that is precisely why they can produce amazing results. This book will teach you how to get the most out of yourself and others, even if their leadership style is different from yours.
Brian Tracy ,author of 100 Absolute Laws of Business Success and Quit Squeamishness, Eat the Frog
Kahnweiler encourages us to look for thoughtful, focused and quiet "diamonds" in our environment.
If you consider yourself an introvert - in whole or in part - this book is for you.
Liliana de Kerorgen ,President Merial Canada Inc.
Introverts often do a lot and draw little attention to themselves. The quality and volume of their work may go unnoticed and unrewarded. If you are an introverted manager, you are intimidated by public speaking and tired of communicating with people, then this book will teach you to accept and take control of these difficult situations for you. It will make you more efficient.
Ping Fu ,President and CEO of Geomagic, Inc. Entrepreneur of the Year. 2005
Jennifer Kahnweiler understands the challenges and opportunities that introverted leaders face every day in the global marketplace. If you are an introverted leader or an introverted leader—or both—read this book.
Kahnweiler offers a proven four-step process that she has tried "in combat." Yes, introverts can win!
Fabrice Egros ,president of UCB Pharma Inc.
You need to go out to people - are you ready to run away? It doesn't matter: to become a successful leader, you do not have to be the soul of the company. This book will instill in you communication skills, teach you confidence and empathy, help you gain authority, respect, loyalty - and you will get the desired and deserved result. Read - and consider!
Sam Horn ,author of POP! and Tongue Fu!
The Introvert Leader teaches you how to use your natural temperament and win your place in today's complex world as an absolutely confident introvert leader. Jennifer's years of work as a coach of the silent and introverted is clearly visible in this fascinating and highly practical book.
Dr. Tony Alessandro ,co-author of New Art of Managing People and The Platinum Rule
I've been an executive coach for over fifteen years and my only regret is that there wasn't a book like this for introverted clients before. Jennifer's four-step process—clear, specific, and result-oriented—helps quiet leaders overcome career obstacles and achieve success. If you are an introvert, if you teach, mentor or lead an introvert, this book is for you. Buy it, read it and use it.
Sharon Jordan-Evans ,Coach and co-author of Love Them or You Lose Them. How to Retain Valuable Employees”
Both introverts and extroverts need this book. Extroverts will benefit from looking deeper into the minds of introverts. Introverts will accept their introversion as a gift and recognize the value they bring to their organization.
Kahnweiler equips introverts with the tools to help them survive in the extroverted corporate world. Do you hear? What's this? It grows your self-confidence!
Bill Treasurer ,founder of Giant Leap Consulting and author of Courage Goes to Work
. Those who are afraid to step out of the shadows will now do so without committing violence to their inner being.
Tom Darrow ,founder and director of Talent Connections, LLC
Preface to the Russian edition
Once, as a business consultant and coach, I was approached by the head of a large manufacturing holding with a very unusual request. “I want,” he said enthusiastically, “to work on changing my management style.” "Perfect solution. What exactly would you like to develop or change? I asked, looking at a cheerful, energetic and very talkative man of about forty. “I want to become my antipode – to think more before rushing to do, to listen more than to speak, not to push ahead, to stop forever “slowing down” others. In general, it would be good to turn into a thoughtful, quiet and delicate manager. Agree: for the leader, the desire is unexpected. We began to understand.
It turned out that this leader received disappointing feedback based on the results of the 360-degree assessment [1] : those around him unanimously reproached him for his inability to listen to others, his tendency to constantly push forward, to put pressure on him with authority. On this basis, he decided from a pronounced extrovert to become, as he announced, a deep introvert. Of course, in such a formulation, the task is practically impossible, and most importantly, of little meaning. But what is really absolutely necessary in any managerial activity, regardless of our natural inclinations, is to be able to carefully and calmly listen to someone else's opinion, to demonstrate patience, to take time to think about an important decision, to give others the opportunity to take the initiative. It was over the harmonious combination of signs of extraversion and introversion that this manager and I began to work.
I do not undertake to objectively assess the results of our difficult work, but the manager himself was pleased: the following year, the 360 degrees assessment showed serious positive changes.
This story made me think about how different the position of introverts and extroverts is: although they are approximately equal in the world, introverts who are dissatisfied with their character traits are much more common.
Can an introvert turn into an extrovert? I have seen more than once how during the assessment centers (group assessment option), even the quietest and most silent participants sometimes showed amazing activity - they argued, quickly offered solutions, skillfully attracted the attention of others to their words, took responsibility for the overall results. They knew what was expected of them, and regardless of their natural characteristics, they gave their best. So, for a short time, situationally an introvert can try himself in an unusual way.
But can a born introvert achieve long-term success as a leader? After all, a leader is traditionally required to be ready to go ahead of everyone and lead, take the brunt, be in the thick of things and in the center of everyone's attention and, most importantly, tirelessly communicate - with his team, subordinates, colleagues, business partners, representatives of the outside world. . And this, you see, is not the strongest side of an introvert.
Over the years in business, I have seen many people who, being introverts, never dared to make a serious managerial career. At the same time, I also met deep introverts who successfully lead large teams and even large companies. How do they do it? There is only one answer: thanks to work on oneself and constant self-development. The book that you are about to read reveals some of the secrets of such work and seems to me extremely practical, clear and useful for those who want to improve, develop skills that are significant for a leader, and expand their psychological and managerial potential. I am sure that you will get not only pleasure, but also specific tools for self-development, regardless of your personality type.
Maria Makarushkina,Partner, Leader of the VIP-Confession practice of Ecopsi Consulting
Douglas Konanta
Each time, passing the Test Mayers-Briggs, I get a high score according introversion scale. Being an introvert, I draw energy from solitude. Sometimes I feel empty when I have to be in front of large groups of strangers for a long time. Communication burnout also takes its toll, as described in this book. After a long time in society - including after a long day at work - I need to be alone, in peace and quiet, alone with my thoughts, in order to reflect on the past day and recharge my batteries.
In my case, however, it's even more difficult, because when I was running the Campbell Soup Company, a company with about 12,000 employees, my job often required me to be "available," in front of other people. Moreover, I was faced with the task of stopping the rapid decline in the company's market value - and without delay. During my tenure, we have achieved impressive success with a radical transformation of the leadership team, repackaging of the asset portfolio, cutting costs, and making strategic investments in Campbell's products, marketing programs, innovation processes, and company infrastructure. As a result, the company has taken the world's leading position in the food industry sector in terms of total shareholder income.
As founder and head of Conant Leadership, I now engage in activities that seem even less suited to introverts. In my quest to promote the quality growth of 21st century leaders, I often find myself in front of a full house to educate people on how to effectively lead my organization forward. How does an introvert like me manage to cope with such a task? Good question!
I would be hypocritical if I were to say that there were no moments in my life when I struggled to become more sociable - but sociability is simply not in my nature. At the age of about 50, I began to realize that the best thing for me is to convey to everyone with whom I work, a simple truth: I am timid and shy. I realized that those around me were by no means telepathic and that I had to somehow let them know what I was thinking and feeling. In the end, I put together a short speech in which I tried to convey to other people the very essence of what I am and what I am trying to achieve. I made sure to say it to new employees right from the door, so that everyone I work with has a clear idea of \u200b\u200bwho I am and what I expect from everyone who wants to succeed here. It turned out that an open statement about one's introversion gives a powerful sense of freedom and is much better than painful attempts to impose someone else's behavior on oneself. I have followed this practice rigorously for more than ten years, and it has really helped me build strong relationships and quickly get through the “ritual dance” stage that usually begins with the joint work of previously unfamiliar people.
I have found that developing these skills requires conscious effort. There was a point in my career when the head of Nabisco offered me the position of president of sales. I replied, “You must be joking. Firstly, I'm an introvert, and secondly, I don't play golf." And yet, in the end, I accepted the offer. I had to push myself even further out of my comfort zone, a step that Jennifer in her 4R model calls "the jump." Emotionally, it was the hardest job of my life - but I had to take on the challenge. The stress I experienced allowed me to become a more effective leader and prepared me for the role of CEO of the company.
The Introvert Leader recognizes the strengths of introverts and provides a process to help introverts excel. At the core of Jennifer's 4Ps (prepare-presence-jump-practice) model are the lessons she has carefully learned from her work with thousands of successful introvert leaders. The 4P process gives introverts a practical tool for many difficult situations, from public speaking to networking and running a Fortune 500 company.
Reading this book will benefit both introverts and extroverts. Introverts, no doubt, are in any organization. This group of employees simply cannot be ignored. Most believe that leaders are sociable, visible, charismatic people. This way of looking at things seems to me very one-sided. Take a closer look and you will find introverts in your organization, and some of them are natural leaders. The key task of the modern leader is to look under the outer shell of his colleagues and unleash their full potential. Yes, extroverts sometimes reach leadership positions faster, but we introverts must move at our own pace in order to eventually be able to reach full speed. Introverts are certainly capable of being extremely effective leaders—the surrounding business landscape is littered with examples.
This book will show you how to be more effective and conscious in your workplace. If you are an extrovert, you will learn to better understand and more easily accept the traits that are inherent in your introvert colleagues. If you are an introvert, you will gain a new understanding of yourself and receive practical guidance on how to tap into your silent power. In the end, the most useful thing for all of us is to understand who we are and learn how to build on this knowledge in order to make the most meaningful contribution to the common cause. The book you are holding in your hands is about that.
Douglas Conant,Former President and CEO of Campbell Soup Company, current CEO of Conant Leadership
Read online “I am an introvert. Quiet Start and Win,” Jane Finkle – LitRes
To my parents, creative thinkers who encouraged me to go my own way.
And to all the quiet ones who declare themselves resolutely and boldly, despite the fact that their voice is not so loud
Copyright © 2019 by Jane Finkle I am an introvert. This became clear in childhood. Mom gave me a pot, spoons, ladles, put me on the tiled floor in the kitchen, and I played for hours by myself. But my older brother was not so self-absorbed. He could easily talk to a stranger and constantly tugged at his mother. Therefore, when I appeared, my mother was amazed at how different my brother and I were. She liked that I could entertain myself with the simplest objects and did not really need to communicate with other people. Of course, I was not the first introvert in our family - rather, I am the continuer of this long family tradition. My grandmother's entrepreneurial spirit was supported by my quiet immigrant grandfather, who was happy with second roles. And my shy father constantly complained about the need to attend various meetings, although, despite his reticence, he enjoyed them.
In my early childhood, while the tiles on the floor turned yellow little by little, and life went on as usual, measured activity calmed me down. Creativity and reading perfectly balanced the emotionally rich school and social events. My calm and reserved manner of communication did not prevent me from making friends. Not wanting to be flamboyant and bold only helped that. Their stories, which I enjoyed listening to, were like reading a good book to me, and I was glad to come up with ways to solve their problems. What I enjoyed most was helping my friends rewrite the chapters of their lives so that they lead to a happy ending. In retrospect, it's no surprise that my form of introversion helped me succeed in career counseling.
Extraversion or introversion
The nature of extraversion and introversion is still a lively debate: why people behave so differently. You may have already taken one of the online tests or the official Myers-Briggs Test (MBTI) to determine your type. The MBTI score is a psychometric questionnaire that helps determine how a person sees the world and on the basis of which he makes decisions. MBTI, developed by Katherine Briggs and her daughter Isabelle Myers, is based on Carl Jung's personality typology. According to CPP Inc., which owns and distributes the rights to the MBTI, it is "the most widely used personality assessment tool in the world."
It is natural to want to fall into a category that would give us an identity, especially if that identity provides a better understanding of ourselves and those around us, and also explains the nature of interactions. But be careful when trying to type yourself. Try to better think of extroversion and introversion as natural preferences, and not as hard, casual labels.
Where did all this noise about introversion and extraversion come from? Carl Jung developed a theory known as "Jungian typology" that characterizes people according to their personality patterns. According to Jung, extraversion and introversion are two patterns of how a person manifests his energy. Extroverts are more energetic when they have access to a wide variety of opportunities from the outside world. Their energy seethes when they are in the company of other people and are engaged in active activities. The energy of introverts, on the other hand, is deeply connected to their inner world. Less showy and outspoken, they enjoy a life of solitude and are therefore able to explore feelings and ideas from within and bring them into their lives unhindered.
The myth of introversion
The introvert is often portrayed as someone who lacks social skills, someone who prefers to be behind the scenes, content to be a spectator. But extroverts, by all accounts, are like social butterflies, sure to bask in the rays of glory, because they are destined for a place on the stage. And while the whirlpool of social life in which we are all involved may reflect our personality type, this general perception is not entirely accurate. The difference between introversion and extraversion is much more about how we express and channel our energy.
Contrary to popular belief, introverts are not necessarily always shy or asocial. They are often excellent observers and good at listening. Not prone to intervene at the start of a meeting or meeting, introverts are more likely to remain calm and slightly thoughtful while more energetic extroverts go out of their way to speak up. Initially possessing developed listening skills, introverts prefer to get all the information possible before expressing their point of view, and often surprise the audience with their adequate and thoughtful position.
Are you an introvert?
Answer yes or no to the following questions to determine if your personality type is truly introverted:
a. I love to chat with people.
b. I hate idle chatter and love to talk about business.
a. I'm more interested in what's happening around.
b. I am more interested in my own thoughts and feelings.
a. I am often described as energetic and active.
b. I am often described as calm and reserved.
a. I like to work in a group more than on my own.
b. I can work in a group, but I am very happy to be able to work alone.
a. I'm usually one of the first to answer an unexpected question.
b. I hope that someone else will react to a sudden question before me.
a. I say what I see.
b. I keep my thoughts to myself.
a. I tend to think out loud.
b. I think first, then I speak.
a. I easily start a conversation by attending various social events.
b. I like to listen to those people whom I meet for the first time at any event.
a. I like spending time with friends or family on weekends.
b. I prefer to stay at home with a good book or watch a movie on a Sunday evening.
a. I usually have only a general idea of what I will be talking about in a meeting.
b. I think in advance what exactly I am going to say at the meeting.
a. At a good party, I can stay to the bitter end.
b. In a few hours, I'm ready to leave the party.
If you basically agreed with option "b", it is likely that you are prone to introversion. However, if you're still not sure if you're an introvert or an extrovert, go through the list of characteristics below and tick the ones that best describe you. This will allow you to understand what is intuitively closer to you.
If you selected eight or more characteristics from the Introvert column, then this is most likely your personality type.
Are you an ambivert?
If you filled out the questionnaire and found yourself somewhere in between the two types, or found yourself identifying with both columns in the table above, you may be what I like to call an "introextrovert" or an ambivert. As I mentioned earlier, personality types are not set in stone and are therefore influenced by different factors. For example, the environment can enhance a personality type. Even if you consider yourself an introvert, you may find yourself in situations that require you to be extroverted. By developing these skills, you can reach a more comfortable level for you by shifting the scale of your individual personality type closer to extraversion.
When I worked at the University of Pennsylvania, it was important to involve students, faculty, and staff across departments in program development. Equally important was building relationships with decision makers. Despite the fact that I considered myself an absolute introvert, I had to use the rudiments of my extroversion. And while it didn't feel natural or comfortable at first, having to train new "muscles" boosted my confidence and ended up being a pleasant surprise. Over time, I have found that I enjoy interacting with people in person or online and building personal and professional networks. However, even today my personality combines these two types. Despite the fact that I feel uplifted in situations that are difficult for an ordinary introvert, I have to admit that I still get very excited on the eve of big events that require active interaction with other people.
Cultural differences
When determining your level of introversion, also consider that introversion itself may be specific to your culture. A recent study of thirty-six different cultures by psychologist Robert McCray found that Asian and some African cultures are more introverted. This is likely the result of their focus on tradition, conservatism, and adherence to rules. At the same time, the prevalence of introversion in no way prevents success. In contrast, a recent nationwide survey by the Pew Research Center found that Asian Americans are the most educated, earn the highest incomes, and are the fastest growing ethnic group in the US. American culture supports extraversion. The initiative is rewarded, the expression of one's opinion is welcome, as well as vigorous activity. Unfortunately, such a reality can leave an introvert in the shadow of an extrovert. To lead a happy and successful life in this culture, an introvert must first recognize and accept their personal worth, and then balance introversion with the addition of extraverted skills.
In my work with introverted clients, I have often found that no matter the circumstances—whether it's a highly successful work meeting, a job search, or a new opportunity—many of them question their worth and ability to compete in rapidly changing markets. conditions. By summing up the experience of my clients and my own, I knew that I had to explore and tell the world ways in which introverts can take advantage of strengths and confidently compete. These discoveries have helped me create the tools to help my clients of all backgrounds and skill levels succeed in their careers. And this, in turn, inspired me to write a book that would pass on this knowledge to other introverts, helping them to accept themselves and finally blossom.
A century of acceleration
You may have noticed the changes that have taken place in the labor market in recent years. A stable job that seemed to be going nowhere and in which you will constantly climb the career ladder until the very retirement - all this is a thing of the past. With all our mobile gadgets at our disposal, we spend hours at and outside of work chatting, replying to messages and emails. New York Times columnist Tom Friedman calls this phenomenon "the epoch of acceleration. " Trying to keep up with technological advances and cope with the unstoppable pressures of globalization, we turn into driven horses.
These tendencies make the sphere of work unstable and uncertain. Artificial intelligence and automation have replaced humans in many traditional professions. And while new jobs continue to be created, employers are trying to rationalize costs by hiring outsourcers or freelancers, rather than inflate their own staff. The new reality has given rise to the gig economy (when employees are hired for one project or task), which has made the labor market even more unpredictable. There are no exact statistics that would compare the current percentage of American workers employed in freelancing with the percentage of people working in permanent jobs. However, a 2015 study by labor economists Lawrence Katz of Harvard and Alan Krueger of Princeton found that labor economists already made up 15.8% of the entire U.S. workforce. By 2020, the number of workers employed in the gig economy is projected to increase significantly.
Developed entrepreneurial skills are becoming one of the most important survival tools in an age of acceleration. While you don't really need to become an entrepreneur, you do need to think like an entrepreneur. This is a new approach to building a career, "life like a startup" - the very concept was coined (and developed in the bestseller of the same name) by LinkedIn founder Reed Hoffman and entrepreneur Ben Kasnocha. From this point of view, your professional success depends on where exactly you will direct your efforts and how you will develop your professional capabilities. As an investor in your personal startup, you will achieve competitive advantage by developing problem-solving skills, exercising creative thinking, honing your written and verbal communication skills, and learning to build collaboration and networking. In addition, the endless flow of information and controlled chaos that logically follow from technological acceleration will also require you to be proactive, curious, resilient, resilient, and adaptable.
To stay competitive in a world of constant battle for jobs, you'll need to take a deep breath, take all the risks, and be willing to learn and network for a lifetime. So how does all this affect introverts in particular? How can they overcome the natural anxiety that comes with competing with extroverts and get the credit or promotion they deserve? Introverts in the workplace face two major challenges that are especially difficult for them. But these problems have solutions.
Problems for introverts
Competitive environment, rapid change and instability (especially in the gig economy and in the age of acceleration) are the norm of today's labor market. In this extrovert-nurturing environment, introverts often struggle to survive. In particular, two problems become a stumbling block for them.
A good employee does everything at the highest level, solves problems, achieves positive results, and also comes up with new ideas and implements innovations. Moreover, employees should be able to show not only their achievements, but also the talents and skills that made these achievements possible. For introverts, this is especially difficult, because it means that in order to be successful, you need to speak up, promote yourself and your ideas, take initiative that goes beyond the usual work responsibilities - the initiative in all difficult issues. And as a result, introverts stand on the sidelines, while other socially active characters who know how to take the initiative and do things their own way get a job, a promotion, and the favor of management.
This book will teach you techniques to help introverts use reflection skills to formulate thoughts and ideas that clearly and confidently reflect their position in business meetings, job interviews, and other work situations. You'll also find a variety of tools, such as the Personal Profile exercise, which includes a list of ten universal definitions that will add color and depth to your resume, as well as help you answer the standard interview question: "Please tell us about yourself. " Finally, we'll look at sample scenarios where you can imagine yourself performing great for the umpteenth time, which will help overcome the typical introvert anxiety about meeting strangers.
Work relationships are about mentoring and supporting important projects, learning about current trends in your field or industry, and increasing your chances for a successful career in the future. Introverts are fully capable of maintaining good relationships, but because they highly value personal space (in other words, they are loners), they often do not realize the important role that relationships play in the ability to succeed in work or career. They also do not understand how such relationships are established.
To hone your relationship building skills, this book provides seven steps to improve communication with a new employer or client. You will also learn about eight keys that will allow you to not only stay, but also move up the career ladder, and you will be able to outline the steps that will help you get noticed both in the office and remotely. These are just some of the tools that will allow you to confidently build relationships and communicate effectively with your leaders and colleagues.
My Story
I am an introvert and therefore approach this topic with understanding, compassion and hard-won wisdom. As a career counselor at the University of Pennsylvania, I have worked with undergraduate and graduate students in the liberal arts and business departments. I did manage to help students set their career goals, but my shyness made it impossible for me to speak up at meetings and draw attention to new ideas and programs, let alone talk about my accomplishments. As a result, my peers and supervisors were ignorant of my accomplishments or ongoing projects, and I was missing out on valuable opportunities and promotions.
Fortunately, my new leader saw my abilities. She urged me not to gloss over my success in counseling and to focus on the program's innovative ideas. She chose me to serve on various university committees and report to management. Over time, I was able to conquer fear by taking risks and thereby building confidence. When I finally spoke and acknowledged my successes, I was promoted to the position of Associate Principal of the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania, where I ran a career counseling center and oversaw staff and interns. I understood that if I wanted to move towards my ultimate goal - my own career counseling consulting business - I had to overcome the fear of self-promotion. I just needed to get over the “invisible woman” syndrome that I had brought into existence by my own tendency to introversion!
Once again, I achieved this by acknowledging my fears and taking it step by step. I sought advice from many professionals in the field and began to gain experience in public speaking by giving seminars at various organizations. I have designed and written content for my website, forced myself to significantly expand my professional network through LinkedIn, and have taken on leadership roles in a number of professional associations. I have also written and published career advice articles on my blog and social media.
In trying to overcome the tendency to introversion that was holding me back, I noticed that some of these qualities could be used to my advantage. For example, I have found that listening calmly and carefully to a client's story allows me to focus and understand his (or her) problem more deeply. This is the result of a developed listening skill. In addition, I have found that I always take time to collect my thoughts before speaking out and giving advice, and therefore my understanding of the obstacles that a client may encounter is always deeper and more detailed. As a result, this contemplative approach has helped me develop strong analytical skills that have made me an effective consultant, able to find the best solutions for clients.
Ultimately, I developed a set of tools to help introverts overcome their mental blocks and achieve high performance. I combined my observations about the problems and behaviors of my clients with knowledge from the psychological literature, specifically John Kramboltz's Happenstance Learning Theory , Martin Seligman's How to Learn Optimism, and Aaron's Cognitive Behavioral Theory Beck.