Spanking kids blog
Spank Your Kid - Revival Today Blog
— Proverbs 13:24 AMP“He who withholds the rod [of discipline] hates his son,
But he who loves him disciplines and trains him diligently and appropriately [with wisdom and love].
We’ve all witnessed the little brat in the grocery store slapping his mother because he wants to eat the ice-cream right then and there. We’ve all had some sort of experience with a kid who’s outright rebellious and likes it. If you are a parent of a child who’s under 12 years of age, this one’s for you!
The most crucial time of development is within the ages between 0-5. It’s at that time where these little brains can be trained to be GREAT. They can learn multiple languages, acquire different artistic skills, they can even be trained to play an instrument. The difference between a child that’s highly advance and one that isn’t is simply the training they receive. This training doesn’t end with things intellectual, it taps into their character traits.
There are too many children and teenagers in America with identity issues. These identity issues come from insecurities and the natural youthful desire to rebel. This is why it’s so IMPERATIVE, for every Christian parent to raise good, Godly children. When you teach a child the way he or she should go (Proverbs 22:6), doubt is relieved. Insecurity issues will quickly dissipate when you train them on what the Word of God has to say. Well behaved kids don’t just happen folks! A parent must be diligent.
Diligence is an ugly word. I can attest to what I’m saying because there are certain things my daughter had done that were wrong but I was too lazy to correct at the time. When the issue rose up again, (which will most certainly happen) I had to give her a warning. When it happened a third time, I had to spank her bottom (Yes, I said spank). I could have corrected the issue immediately, but because I wasn’t diligent the issue continued for longer than it should have.
The Bible says in Proverbs 23:13-14, “Do not withhold discipline from a child; if you strike him with a rod, he will not die. If you strike him with the rod, you will save his soul from Sheol (Hell).” Spanking your child will not only NOT kill them, it saves them from hell. Why? Because you train them to understand that there are physical consequences for rebellion.
When it’s time to sit, make them sit. When it’s time to be quiet, make them be quiet. When it’s time to brush their teeth, make them do it! I know these things may sound menial but they aren’t! It takes a lot and I mean A LOT of effort to train them in the way they should go BUT it will most definitely be worth it.
Camila was a year old when I first saw the look of defiance in her sweet little face. I told her to not touch a picture frame and she grabbed it, looked back at me and threw it on the floor. After turning my face to chuckle, I gave her the first “pow pow” on her diapered butt. Hebrews 12:11 says, “For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.
’’ Remember that the next time you see your child doing something they shouldn’t or behaving badly.
Peaceful fruit of righteousness belongs to those who will discipline and train their children “diligently and appropriately [with wisdom and love]”. It’s not too late! Resist the urge to look away. Train your kids to love God’s Word and His house! If you do it now, you can rest easy later.
spanking | Family Friendly Daddy Blog
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I am of the 20% of the American population, the minority, who does not believe in spanking in order to discipline my child.
With that being said, I always give a disclaimer when I write about this: I have no interest in judging other parents for their decisions. If anything, today’s post has more to do with defending my own unusual parenting style.
My theory is that it’s easy and natural as a parent, especially a new parent (which I no longer am), to assume your child is “misbehaving” when really they are needing your attention as a parent, but are incapable of explicitly communicating that to you.
I simplify the symptoms into 5 simple categories. When my child “misbehaves,” he is really just tired, hungry, bored, lonely, or sick.
As his dad, it’s my responsibility to recognize these as symptoms of a greater issue, instead of problems themselves.
Otherwise, I could allow myself to believe my child is misbehaving simply because he is “being a brat right now”.
It comes down to emotional intelligence. I’m a 34 and a half year-old man. I am good at communicating how I feel and at understanding emotions.
However, my son is a month away from being 5 years old, so he’s got about 3 decades less of communication experience and emotional control than I do.
I feel it would be unfair to my child to physically strike him simply because he is tired, or hungry, or bored, or lonely, or sick; blaming him for “misbehaving” when really, he’s in need of my parental provision.
So instead, whenever he is “acting up”, I ask myself this simple question:
“Is my child tired, hungry, bored, lonely, or sick?”
There has yet to be an instance where at least one of those symptoms was not the answer.
I remind myself, that again, my son typically is not going to simply state what the problem is:
“Daddy, the reason I am crying and refusing to sit still is because I didn’t take a long enough nap today at Pre-K. Therefore, the best solution is to put me to bed tonight sooner than usual.”
If I myself am tired, I recognize that fact and make plans to try to sleep; like yesterday, I used my lunch break at work to sleep in my car.
If I’m hungry, I eat. If I’m bored, I find a way to entertain myself. If I’m lonely, I engage someone in conversation. And if I’m not feeling well, I do something about it.
But imagine babies and young children, not being able to necessarily recognize those issues about themselves. They need their parents to recognize these issues and proactively handle, and even prevent, these from even happening.
With my 2nd child due to be born in April, I feel I will be better equipped with this knowledge than I was with my 1st child.
I feel I will be less frustrated because I will clearly understand that a newborn has no way, other than screaming and crying, that he or she is tired, hungry, bored, lonely, or sick; and is depending on me to be proactive enough to do something about it.
So instead of spanking my 4 year-old son, I follow these simple guidelines I learned from back when I was’s official daddy blogger for those 3 years:
1. Ignore attention-seeking behavior.
2. Pay attention to good behavior.
3. Redirect your child.
4. Teach consequences that make sense.
5. Use time-outs for serious offenses.
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baby bored daddy discipline dog hungry lonely Louis CK parenting sick spanking tiredLeave a comment Posted on Health, parenting
I’m used to being in the minority. I’ve typically always questioned what society’s acceptance and endorsement of what is deemed as normal and/or popular.
So it should be no surprise that I represent the minority percentage of American parents who does not spank my child.
Instead of spanking my 4 year-old son, I follow these simple guidelines I learned from back when I was‘s official daddy blogger for those 3 years:
1. Ignore attention-seeking behavior.
2. Pay attention to good behavior.
3. Redirect your child.
4. Teach consequences that make sense.
5. Use time-outs for serious offenses.
I have no interest in trying to convert the majority, but I do believe it is relevant as a daddy blogger to show the other side of the story to those who are open-minded and/or curious.
Before I myself converted to the minority who doesn’t spank, I used to believe that “disciplining your child” and “spanking” had to be one in the same.
I feel that up until recently, there hasn’t been enough easily attainable, professional research on the subject.
So up until now, American tradition has overruled the possibility that not only is spanking less effective than “non-spanking child discipline”, but that spanking is indeed more likely to produce negative effects on the child. This is something I’ve covered before in “Is Spanking Actually More Effective Than The Alternative?“.
This point is also mentioned here below in this video featuring Robert Brooks, PhD Psychologist, featured on KidsInTheHouse. com (The World’s Largest Parenting Video Library)…
With that being said, at what point can I admit my 4 year-old son turned out fine, having never been spanked?
As his dad, I am regularly told how well-behaved yet creative and full of joy my little boy is, by adults who teach him and watch him while I am not around.
He never gets in trouble at school. He’s a good kid. He’s intelligent. He’s not a brat.
That’s not to brag; instead, I’m saying that to demonstrate that my method of disciplining my son has been successful, and my method has never included spanking.
What age must he be before my method of discipline is accepted by mainstream America as effective? Do I have to wait until he’s a preteen or a teenager? Or should I wait until he’s lived a long life without a criminal record?
Is my son an exception to the rule? Or he is “just a good kid”? Or perhaps does my method of child discipline have something to do with him “just being a good kid”?
Must I proof that not spanking is effective by having more kids who all turn out to be good kids too? How many kids? At what point is my point legitimate?
As a parent, I am interested in using the most effective method out there; not necessarily the one that is most popular by tradition. For me, the evidence is right there in front of me every day when I see my son.
I would like to close with comedian Louis C.K.’s words on the matter.
Originally, I featured this in “I Find Louis C.K.’s Bit On Child Discipline Hard To Argue With“. Here’s a selection from his special, Hilarious:
“And stop hitting me, you’re huge. How could you hit me?! That’s crazy. You’re a giant, and I can’t defend myself.”I really think it’s crazy that we hit our kids. It really is–here’s the crazy part about it. Kids are the only people in the world that you’re allowed to hit. Do you realize that? They’re the most vulnerable, and they’re the most destroyed by being hit. But it’s totally okay to hit them. And they’re the only ones! If you hit a dog they… will put you in jail for that… You can’t hit a person unless you can prove that they were trying to kill you. But a little tiny person with a head this big who trusts you implicitly, f(orget) ‘em.
Who (cares)? Just… hit–let’s all hit them! People want you to hit your kid. If your kid’s making noise in public, “Hit him, hit him! Hit him! Grrr, hit him!” We’re proud of it! “I hit my kids. You’re… right I hit my kids.” Why did you hit them? “‘Cause they were doing a thing I didn’t like at the moment. And so I hit them, and guess what? They didn’t do it after that.” Well, that wouldn’t be taking the… easy way out, would it?”
No matter what other parents choose for their own children, I can feel fully confident in my personal decision on not spanking. Thank you for your open-mindedness in reading my (unpopular) opinion on this much controversial topic.
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child behavior controversial daddy blogger disciplaine good kid kids Louis C.K. open-minded parenting spankingLeave a comment Posted on infographic, parenting, Uncategorized
I have to again immediately point out that I recognize I am of the small majority of American parents who does not spank my child; nor have I ever.
This is something I’ve addressed before in both I Find Louis C.K.’s Bit On Child Discipline Hard To Argue With, as well as, Is Spanking Actually More Effective Than The Alternative?
Whether or not other parents spank their children is none of my interest, but I do believe it’s important to help explain some of my reasoning; if nothing else, for those who are curious.
Typically, pro-spanking parents are quick to say, “Well, I was spanked as a child and I turned out just fine!”
The term “just fine” is difficult to qualify, but typically the person will follow up by saying they’ve never been to prison or killed anyone.
Following this logic, that means most prisoners, former prisoners, and ex-cons were not spanked as children. Conversely, that also implies that most children who are spanked stay out of prison.
Ultimately, since most, 80%, of American children are spanked, that means in theory that at least 80% of current prisoners and ex-cons were spanked.
In other words, I’m having difficulty seeing the validity in that spanking children keeps them from growing up to be adults who end up in prison.
During the 3 year span I was the official daddy blogger of, I learned a lot from Richard Rende, PhD, who is an associate professor of psychiatry and human behavior at Brown Medical School. He had this to say in his article, Spanking Doesn’t Work:
”Let’s keep in mind here the argument for spanking – it’s purported to improve children’s behavior. Studies continue to demonstrate that it does not do this, and in fact often predicts worse behavior. So despite the personal stories and folklore about how a good spanking can change a kid, each empirical study that comes out suggests that it changes a kid for the worse, not better.
If these stories ring true, why don’t we see huge positive effects of spanking when we study kids over time?”
I think it’s easy for non-spanking parents to assume that children who are not spanked (like mine) are brats; especially if they are an only child… again, like mine.
Of course, if you personally knew my son, you would know he’s never been in any trouble at school. Actually, in public, he’s a fairly reserved little boy. So is my son just the exception?
Or would have spanking my son this whole time made him a better behaved child? I wonder what that would look like?
So instead of spanking him, I follow these simple guidelines:
1. Ignore attention-seeking behavior.
2. Pay attention to good behavior.
3. Redirect your child.
4. Teach consequences that make sense.
5. Use time-outs for serious offenses.
The one of these I find most effective is to redirect his attention. And I’ve learned not to punish him for being tired or hungry, because I have more control over his food and sleep than he does. He’s not himself when he’s tired or hungry.
I still can’t get over how Louis CK put it in his special, Hilarious:
“And stop hitting me, you’re huge. How could you hit me?! That’s crazy. You’re a giant, and I can’t defend myself.”I really think it’s crazy that we hit our kids. It really is–here’s the crazy part about it. Kids are the only people in the world that you’re allowed to hit. Do you realize that? They’re the most vulnerable, and they’re the most destroyed by being hit. But it’s totally okay to hit them. And they’re the only ones! If you hit a dog they… will put you in jail for that… You can’t hit a person unless you can prove that they were trying to kill you. But a little tiny person with a head this big who trusts you implicitly, f(orget) ‘em. Who (cares)? Just… hit–let’s all hit them! People want you to hit your kid. If your kid’s making noise in public, “Hit him, hit him! Hit him! Grrr, hit him!” We’re proud of it! “I hit my kids. You’re… right I hit my kids.” Why did you hit them? “‘Cause they were doing a thing I didn’t like at the moment.
And so I hit them, and guess what? They didn’t do it after that.” Well, that wouldn’t be taking the… easy way out, would it?”
Ultimately, actual research has shown that spanking has been shown to not only be less effective, but also more detrimental to the child, as seen in the infographic below.
So while I don’t at all look down on parents who spank their children, because let’s be honest, that would mean I look down on most parents if I did, with me being the minority…
I instead can be confident in knowing the reasoning behind why I am so strange to believe that for my child, spanking is not an option.
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controversial corporal punishment infographic Louis CK parenting spanking2 Comments Posted on Health, parenting, Storytelling, Uncategorized
With the Adrian Peterson story making unignorable headlines right now…
I’m noticing that readership of my “spanking children” posts is rising:
Is Spanking Actually More Effective Than The Alternative?
I Never Saw Myself As A Non-Spanking Parent, But…
4 Out Of 5 Parents Spank Their Kids
A Slap In The Face: Child Abuse Or Discipline?
Parents And Politics: Delaware’s New “Spanking Ban”
Advice For “Granny,” Whose Grandchild Is Slapped In The Face
I realize that I’m in the minority on this one. I represent the 20% of the population who doesn’t spank (or physically discipline in any way) my child.
Simply put, the overwhelmingly majority of the American population (and likely the faithful people who read my blog) disagree with my view on spanking. Which is no problem. “To spank or not to spank” is up to the individual parent for their own child; I don’t make that decision for anyone but my own child.
So I promise I’m not trying to convert anyone here. But I do think Louis C.K., who is currently my favorite comedian, makes some very valid points. Personally, I think his statements are hard to argue with.:
“And stop hitting me, you’re huge. How could you hit me?! That’s crazy. You’re a giant, and I can’t defend myself.”I really think it’s crazy that we hit our kids. It really is–here’s the crazy part about it. Kids are the only people in the world that you’re allowed to hit. Do you realize that? They’re the most vulnerable, and they’re the most destroyed by being hit.
But it’s totally okay to hit them. And they’re the only ones! If you hit a dog they… will put you in jail for that… You can’t hit a person unless you can prove that they were trying to kill you. But a little tiny person with a head this big who trusts you implicitly, f(orget) ’em. Who (cares)? Just… hit–let’s all hit them! People want you to hit your kid. If your kid’s making noise in public, “Hit him, hit him! Hit him! Grrr, hit him!” We’re proud of it! “I hit my kids. You’re… right I hit my kids.” Why did you hit them? “‘Cause they were doing a thing I didn’t like at the moment. And so I hit them, and guess what? They didn’t do it after that.” Well, that wouldn’t be taking the… easy way out would it? “
For the full, uncensored, un-family friendly version of this bit, check out Louis C.K.’s special available on Netflix, Hilarious.
Again, a warning: It’s not at all family friendly; but for me, it reinforced and summarized my beliefs on child discipline better than I’ve heard anyone else ever do it.
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Adrian Peterson child discipline controversial Louis C.K. parenting spanking1 Comment Posted on parenting, Storytelling
April 9, 2014 at 9:15 pm , by Nick Shell
3 years, 4 months.
Dear Jack,
I try not to make a big deal about it, but we don’t spank you. However, I’ve mentioned before that until you were born, I was “pro-spanking”.
That changed when you were born, but not because “I didn’t have it in me” to spank you.
Instead, it was because as I’ve been comparing you to other kids your age, I clearly see that you are no worse behaved than those who are spanked.
I just don’t see the benefit of spanking a child, as compared to a child who is disciplined the way I try (!) to discipline you:
Setting clear expectations to begin with, consistently following through with time-outs, calmly (yet assertively) explain why the punishment occurred, as well as how it can be prevented next time.
I realize now that it’s the lack of discipline that concerns me. That’s why I am very serious about making sure you are effectively and consistently disciplined.
However, I don’t have a problem with other parents spanking their kids, because that’s none of my business. I’m a Libertarian, after all. (Though I would become the Incredible Hulk if I ever found out any other adult, like a teacher, ever spanked you!)
But for me personally, I don’t see how spanking is any more effective than the way I have always tried to discipline you.
In fact, Richard Rende, PhD, who is an associate professor of psychiatry and human behavior at Brown Medical School and Buter Hospital and a blogger at Red Hot Parenting, cleverly put it this way in his article, Spanking Doesn’t Work:
”Let’s keep in mind here the argument for spanking – it’s purported to improve children’s behavior. Studies continue to demonstrate that it does not do this, and in fact often predicts worse behavior.
So despite the personal stories and folklore about how a good spanking can change a kid, each empirical study that comes out suggests that it changes a kid for the worse, not better.
If these stories ring true, why don’t we see huge positive effects of spanking when we study kids over time?”
I’m not saying that I’m the best example of a parent… and I really don’t know who is. With that being said, I have to admit, you’re not a kid who gets into trouble.
You’re a 3 year-old. A lot of your issues are based on me not getting you home in time for your afternoon nap.
I have never spanked you and I never plan to. (Plus, Mommy wouldn’t let me even if I wanted to.)
More than anything, I believe in doing what is most effective. Therefore, I discipline you without spanking you… because that’s what’s right for our family’s culture and communication style.
Discipline without spanking is not right or effective for all families, but it is for us.
Love, Daddy
P.S. This video explains 5 alternatives to spanking that Mommy and I try to apply:
1. Ignore attention-seeking behavior.
2. Pay attention to good behavior.
3. Redirect your child.
4. Teach consequences that make sense.
5. Use time-outs for serious offenses.
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spankingIs it necessary to spank children? | Blogs
I confess: I do not like ill-bred children. When they fight in hysterics in the store, extorting a new toy from their parents, pounding with all their might on the back of your seat, chewing chips and throwing crumbs on you in public transport, “poking” adults, making disgusting faces, yelling ... I found in Bratsk of a man who knows what to do with such bastards.
The preparation of this material was, perhaps, the most shocking and exciting for all the time of my work on the blog. I would never have thought that we live in such a brutal and cruel country ... And in general - in the world. Flogging and bullying of people in Russia flourished for many centuries, one might say, on the basis of violence, and our statehood was glorified. But, to the credit of our monarchs, physical punishment for students was abolished back in 1864, the decision was fixed by the Bolsheviks in 1917. And in the UK, for example, corporal punishment of children was possible until 1999 (in northern Ireland - until 2003), but in 2011 the Conservatives of the United Kingdom again raised the issue of returning such punishments. By the way, the tradition of betting on peas originated in Britain. And what is surprising is that British upbringing is still considered exemplary, and in Moscow the services of a governess from England are estimated on average 3 times more expensive than all the others.
Just 6 years ago, most EU countries legally banned any physical punishment of children. The Latvians were especially “unlucky” in this case, in 85% of whose families, up to the 21st century, flogging and other punishments of minors were confessed. There is no such law in Russia, although its adoption is being actively discussed by the public. nine0003
Of course, it would be absurd to say these days that spanking children is an effective and acceptable method. However, there are plenty of blogs on the web that talk about vice methods. But for me, the real surprise was to meet in real life a man who flogs his children. We met on a rather interesting occasion: his family, which has 6 children, once again became the winner of the city competition "Family of the Year". The head of the family called himself a Christian and said that he flogged children according to the traditions of his religion. By the way, according to the Internet, nothing was said about spanking children in the Bible. But that's not the point. The man spoke about the methods of his upbringing: he has a special room for punishment and a special object for this .... Spanking is carried out in accordance with strict rules and behind closed doors - without witnesses, and is always accompanied by a preventive conversation. nine0003
- You see, we don't beat children, we don't humiliate them. We are educating them. Baby, he's like a blank slate. Even if it gets dirty, it is easy to clean it from dark spots, - says the father.
The matter is not limited to spanking: parents strictly observe the observance of the laws of God, carefully check the friends with whom the children play, as well as the TV shows and cartoons that they watch. Also, children from childhood help their parents in the household - they wash dishes, floors, cook, wash ... Nobody here professes the principles: "Do not deprive children of their childhood" and "They will still have time to work out." And what do you think? Children are excellent students, all musicians with outstanding inclinations, creative personalities, calm, not loud, meek, but not intimidated. Really educated children - I saw it myself, I was convinced. Who knows, maybe the dog is buried in something else and in reality monster parents raise maniacs ... But this family fascinated me. And for some reason it is believed that here they just know how to deal with children. nine0003
What can not be said about hundreds and thousands of other parents who do not seem to flog their children, but only spoil them. With his inattention, excessive love, lisping and such an interesting method as equalizing a child with himself in both rights and status. It's amazing how often I see such a picture when mothers use their children as girlfriends or even husbands... man. I turn around, and she is talking with a 5-year-old child ... At the same time, although today non-violent methods of education are being promoted and the idea is being imposed that a child is a person with all constitutional rights, as adults, many parents continue to naturally beat their children . And with people. Quite often I see how they beat not only on the priest, but on the head and even in the face. My parents never beat me, but once a teacher at school hit me in the face. It was done publicly. And you know, I remember not the burning pain from the slap, but the humiliation. When such acts are committed in public, it is the humiliation that hurts the most. In Rus', even adults took to drink and laid hands on themselves quite often precisely because of the publicity of the punishment. nine0003
Being physically assaulted in public, many mothers do not even think about what they are doing with the psyche of their children. And try to tell them something! Immediately such a rebuke will be read to you that it will not seem enough. “Give birth to your own for a start, then we'll see how you sing,” mothers usually snap back at comments. I have not said anything to such women for a long time, but I still feel sorry for the children. But what can you do? As long as spanking and other methods of using physical force against children are not officially, clearly and understandably prohibited in Russia, parents will let their hands go. nine0003
By the way, a third of Russians, according to polls, support the return of flogging to the state penitentiary system. Among those who are "for" - well-known public figures, actors, publicists. Even the Commissioner for Children's Rights of the Irkutsk Region, Svetlana Semenova, once mentioned (if, of course, I understood her correctly) that there is nothing shameful in spanking a child for a serious offense. Maybe she's right. Probably, it all depends on what sense to invest in it, under what circumstances to do it and what rehabilitation measures to take after that. Beating a child in front of everyone, and then plugging his mouth with chips and chewing gum, while drinking beer on the bench at the same time, is probably not the best method of education. And yet, as a person who has never experienced the methods of physical punishment, it seems to me that even the most exemplary flogging, no matter how justified it may be, is not needed. Although, maybe if I had been flogged as a child, you would not have seen my sometimes shameless and hooligan blog today))
Interesting related links:
http://wap.porka.forum24. ru/?1-16-0-00000012-000-0-0-1267479170 site blog - Kirov's blogs
Several the last days I only thought that about the school with all the ensuing problems and methods of education. So, you see, the blog about childish lies. I made my husband read everything along with the comments and began conduct constructive conversations in order to prevent excessive demands and excessive praise. But my husband is smart! With a sweet smile, as soon as he knows how, turned the conversation into a nostalgic channel. And away we go…
Despite boundless love and a sense of filial duty, I still can’t sweep away the remnants of childhood resentment from the soul. And after all, for the third year on the other side of the barricades ... And all the reasons and reasons for my mother's behavior are clear to me and known ... But it settled somewhere in the soul, in the farthest corner it hid and sore…
School - yes… School is a song. This is the period from call to call.
confess Who was flogged for the first time at school? Me for the flagpole. In the first class we They took me on an excursion to the Palace of Pioneers. We walked around the park and met plants. We went up to the palace itself, where this ill-fated flagpole stands, and there, too, trees-bushes examined. At the end of the tour, the teacher says:
- All right, guys, ask questions...
All they ask about how many trees are in the park, are small apples and yellow berries on thorny bushes, why you can walk dogs here ... And I'm standing near this flagpole and staring at it ... The wind is strong ... And in my head there is only one the soap is spinning: will I have time to escape and in which direction ...
- Lerochka, why are you silent? Do you really have there are no questions and you are not interested in anything? the teacher asked. nine0003
- Interesting… - I say and look at her with apprehension.
- Well, ask, do not be shy!
How many meters tall is this thing?
- It's a flagpole. Well, I don't know... Maybe 20... Is there anything else you want to ask?
- I want ... And how many pioneers will this thing crush, if it falls?...
There was a spanking grandiose! Not that my mother was very much for pioneering in general, but for supposedly crushed pioneers, she took revenge on me. nine0003
Second spanking also stuck in my memory. Then I didn’t listen to my grandmother and it’s unforgivable had a long lunch before school. Jumped out of the house 15 minutes before the call, so I had to run as fast as I could and jump over puddles on the fly. Last the puddle in front of the school was the most insidious. Not only was she always deep, So and spilled over the entire width pavement. But where did ours go? Well, if I jump from the veranda in the garden, then a puddle will certainly fly over! nine0003
It is clear that the second grader is not a sparrow, and not even a bird at all . .. I crashed into the very middle And yes, she twisted her leg. I can’t get up, I sit and roar from pain. And the first lesson physical Culture! And the evil goggle-eyed fizruk Kazenin with great pleasure give me a couple of deuces ... And then my mother's belt will explain to me for a long time that October should be sporty and not sit through physical education classes in the middle puddles, and proudly go storming the rope with the rest of the class.
From everything this I roared even louder...
Passed by some uncle in military uniform, who, seeing a girl in a white apron and with a knapsack, sitting in a puddle, could not resist asking a stupid question...
Why are you crying girl? - he asked.
I then For the first time in my life, I wondered why I was crying so hard. (After all, my legs and used to tuck ...) What makes me cry the whole block more: ankle pain or an impending spanking for an argument with your grandmother, for a puddle, for physical education and for past misdeeds, which I will surely remember? nine0003
- I twisted my leg-ah . .. - I roar.
Kind uncle, as in a cartoon, boldly steps into a puddle and takes me (dirty and wet) on your hands. Takes out of the puddle and tries to put me on the ground. But it was not there! I already understood that the uncle is a real hero who, in an obscure way, reason got lost in our area! Such a chance cannot be missed! Once in my the hero turned out to be at my disposal, who saved me from a puddle, then from an inevitable spanking He me, too, simply must save! nine0003
- I can't walk... Take me home, please! I howl in his ear. – I am afraid…
- Well ... Tell me, where to carry? And what are you are you afraid?
he carried me less than a block. But I had enough time to list all my offense and describe the method of punishment.
Military and really turned out to be a hero! He not only brought me and my satchel home, but also acted as my lawyer...
If the meaning the first spanking was not completely clear to me, then the meaning of the second was hammered into me thoroughly. The moral was simple and clear - Pavlik Morozovs do not live long! Nothing tell strangers about the hard everyday life of schoolchildren! And even more so about the fact that these schoolchildren are beaten with a belt! nine0003
By the way, this was the last time I was flogged with a belt. Mom kept her promise to that unfamiliar uncle, do not beat me with a belt anymore. next time me flogged already with a skipping rope…
Since then I had a hope that the heroes still live somewhere nearby. And I I kept waiting for him to come back. Especially on dictionary days dictations!
This time for vocabulary dictation in the class there were only two triples: mine and Yanina. Before the lesson Russian language teacher handed out leaflets to us. I looked into the neighbor's leaflet on the desk and started laughing out loud:
- Roma, what were you thinking about when you wrote? ... Well wow - “bublioteka”!... You probably wanted bagels?...
- And herself something! Roma was offended. - Threesome! "Kovta"! A shame! You don't know what you were thinking! "Plaster"! There is no such word!
My heart fell! No, not on the heels ... It treacherously fell right under the desk ... And loudly pounded throughout the lesson, interfering with the rest...
For some reason in my head, the appearance of the hero was firmly associated with skipping classes. And next was my favorite music. It's not that I really liked music... It was the only lesson (except for physical education in the gym), when we were built in pairs and led to the first floor to the music class! Along the quiet, not yet fully explored huge school! It was a real little adventure for me. And dear teacher music - a fabulous fairy. But the hero was also vital to me! And urgently! nine0003
I'm at recess convinced Yanka to skip music in exchange for the miraculous appearance of a hero who is sure to will save us from being whipped for our triples.
After the call we got into the last pair. Near the music room stood leaning against the wall stand with images of green men in gas masks. Here we are under it sat down in anticipation of the hero. Quietly, barely breathing from the fear that we can find, we sat under this stand the whole lesson. Very painful cramped legs ... Cheerful laughter and songs of classmates could be heard from the music room. And the hero ... He never came!... And it was a shame that it was triple: skipping your favorite lesson, sitting in the dust and cramped, now you can definitely earn money for a spanking and never see hero! nine0003
About the first truancy, my mom doesn't know until now. But I received such a punishment, by compared to which the spanking was just a slap on the pope! First, I lived in fear that mom finds out about absenteeism until the end of school. Of course I skipped times 3 school in high school, but that first absenteeism, for some reason, seemed to me the most my great crime!
Second: Yanka, never having seen the promised hero, turned the whole class against me and declared me a liar! I was hounded and beaten by everyone who is not lazy! And I'm gone a lot of time and effort to turn the tide. And restore authority oh how sweet! This was clear even to a second grader twenty-six years ago! nine0003
Third: I I realized that no one will ever stand up for me! Then I have a lot more for what flogged... And to the bloody scars, and beyond grades (although I was almost an excellent student), and for handwriting, and for misdemeanors not related to school, and for that I was beaten in the yard or in the classroom, and for my attempts to hide my troubles, and for lying (including), and this became a habit with my mother ... and a lot for what else... But no one ever came save me!!! Do you hear?! No matter how I beg, no matter how I call for help, how don't cry! Nobody ever! The heroes in the world are over! And no one else ask for protection! And that hurt me doubly! nine0003
From this From the moment I started to come from school and hide under the table. I sat there for hours and wrote in her diary only one phrase: “God, so many beloved children dies all over the world, but I live! Please make me die because no one loves me! Nobody but Grandpa. But he is not for me intercedes. I will die, but the baby, whom the parents love, will survive! With this phrase 8 common notebooks were written over for 4 years of hide and seek under the table ... But sooner or later I found anyway! nine0003
Understand my mother I could only when I grew up, got married and became a mother myself. She divorced my alcoholic father when I was a few months old. Grandma didn't let her out married a second time ... I was about 3 years old, but I remember well how bitter my mother was crying in the kitchen, and my grandmother was yelling at her and banging her fist on the table, saying: “And who will look after me ?!” And she obeyed ... Then, when I was 8, grandmother was paralyzed for the second time and none of her other 2 children I didn't take care of her like my mom did. They just came to visit, and we are there lived ... Grandmother lay in bed for almost 10 years, but not once, NEVER during all this time she I didn't hear a single reproach from my mother! (If you say that the sick who lie for years, capricious - to say nothing!) It was then that my daily spankings and became a habit with mom . ..
It's me now - an adult woman - I understand that otherwise my mother would not have survived ... But then ... Yes, she loved me and wished me nothing but the best...
10 years later after graduation, I dared to ask her why she beat me?
- I developed perseverance in you! was the answer.
cute girls, mothers, parents! Are beautiful calligraphic handwriting so important? and the best, but knocked-out marks? Is it really necessary to look for a chance in a child to correct his mistakes made at his age? How can you cut your anger, resentment, pain on the most loving being in the world? Is it really necessary complicate the already difficult life of our children? After all, they have so much without us problems: fears, age crises, socialization, finally. Might be better to keep cherished key is the heart of a beloved child? And if he is irretrievably lost, try to pick up a master key? nine0003
Parents for child - it's a whole universe filled with love only for him! This is a citadel, behind the walls of which you can to wait out any, even the most terrible storm! These are the most powerful strongmen and the greatest wizards! These are the cornerstones of their souls.