Space in relationship quotes
24 Best Quotes About Having Space in Relationships for the Overly Clingy
I like to think of myself as free-spirited and independent, but I’m not opposed to being in a committed relationship. Still, I usually reconsider it all whenever I see couples walking around like they’re joined at the hip. That can’t be healthy, can it? If you’ve been wondering the same thing, you may learn something from these quotes about having space in relationships.
To me, wanting some space in a relationship seems like a pretty reasonable request. But for some people, the ideal relationship entails sharing absolutely everything with their partner. They might want to have complete access to their partner’s credit cards or social media account passwords for no other reason than to establish trust.
But if the only way your partner can trust you includes allowing them to monitor your communication and spending, can you really call that a trusting relationship? Personally, I don’t think so. And, as you’re about to find out, neither do most of the people who came up with these quotes.
When Your Partner Requests Some Alone Time: Sympathetic Quotes About Having Space in Relationships
#1. “If they need space, give it to them. If you don’t, you’ll get closer to them, and they’ll grow away from you.”
#2. “’What if he doesn’t even come back?’
’Then why would you want to be with someone that doesn’t want you?’”
#3. “Giving space and time is the best recipe for a long-term relationship to work.” — Abhishek Tiwari
#4. “The greatest gift you can give someone is the space to be his or herself, without the threat of you leaving.”
#5. “Loving someone never gives you the right to own them… they have their own life and thinking. Everybody needs space in whatever relationship they are in. Respect them and respect their friendships with others. Remember that you can’t stop them from doing what they want to do.” — Neena Gupta
#6. “Distance teaches us to appreciate the days that we are able to spend together, and distance teaches us the definition of patience. It is a reminder that every moment together is special, and every second together should be cherished.”
#7. “Sometimes, you have to love people from a distance and give them the space and time to get their minds right before you let them back into your life.”
#8. “And when you’re needing your space to do some navigation, I’ll be here patiently waiting to see what you find.”
#9. “We need to give each other the space to grow, to be ourselves, to exercise our diversity. We need to give each other space so that we may both give and receive such beautiful things as ideas, openness, dignity, joy, healing, and inclusion.” — Max De Pree
When You Need to Disengage for a While: Quotes About Having Space in Relationships
#10. “All that I ask for
Is one little corner
One private room at the back of my heart
Tell her I found one
She sends out battalions
To claim it and blow it apart” — Jamie, The Last Five Years
#11. “Being isolated at times doesn’t always mean that you want to distance yourself from others; it simply means that you need some space to see things clearly.”
#12. “Sometimes, I feel like I have literally nothing left to give; that’s when I retreat. I’m not ashamed or afraid to take the space I need.” — Alex Elle
#13. “I need some space away from you so I could love myself more, and so that I could love you even better.”
#14. “Maintaining some distance in a relationship does not mean you are losing out on the emotional connection.”
#15. “If we hold a space for our partners to express themselves without the fear of abandonment, we’ve taken a huge step towards cultivating love in our relationships.”
Wise Quotes About Having Space in Relationships and Growing Together
#16. “A bit of personal space and a little time apart is always healthy if you want a relationship to last.”
#17. “Sometimes, all we need is some personal space and time to release, reflect, and focus on all the amazing things that we have been blessed with in life. ”
#18. “Remember, 99% of the time, what people are going through has nothing to do with you. Take a step back and allow them their space.”
#19. “Sometimes, a little bit of space is all you need to realize what you truly want.”
#20. “It’s hard when you miss someone so much, and you can’t do anything about it. Because having that space between the two of you is the only way to make things right.”
#21. “A little space, time, and distance can often be just what a relationship needs to bloom at its best.” — Karen Salmansohn
#22. “Always give your lover the space they require… Don’t force them to do things the way you want… As much as you give them freedom, as much they will stay with you.”
#23. “A healthy relationship keeps the doors and windows wide open. Plenty of air is circulating, and no one feels trapped. Relationships thrive in this environment. Keep your doors and windows open. If the person is meant to be in your life, all the open doors and windows in the world will not make them leave.
That’s the truth.”
#24. “Spouses in healthy relationships cherish each other’s space and are champions of each other’s causes.” — Henry Cloud
To Conclude
I know from personal experience how easy it is to lose yourself in your relationship. If you have a particularly romantic disposition, your first instinct upon meeting a person you like is to dive in headfirst. But once that crush evolves into a relationship, it’s time to swim up and take a breath.
If you remain consumed by your partner, you may lose all connection to the real world. That’s how you start losing touch with friends and family until all that remains is your partner and the friends you share.
Luckily, these quotes about having space in relationships illustrate a better way to deal with the situation. You can also learn more from John Doe about relationships with your partner. Encourage your partner’s attempts to branch out and use the extra time you have to do the same. Who knows? You might find a new interest that could help you grow as a person.
24 Best Quotes About Needing Personal Space
Quotes That Show the Neccesity of Personal Space
We all like to be with the people full of fun and chatter, but there are certain times in life that you have wanted to be alone. That time you want to be just with yourself to ponder into several things that have affected you in one way or the other. We also need space in our life to decide our future, to ponder on the past and take some crucial decisions. Quotes about needing space gives a different perspective as to why and when you will love to have your own space and privacy to make life changing decisions or to spend some quality time with oneself.
You need your space to know your soul.
Only if you love yourself will you be able to love others.
It is essential to give your partner the space that she needs.
A loving partner lets the other person find his/her space and waits for the positive outcome.
You need space to come up with imaginative ideas.
Every person in the world needs to give space to others in their own lives.
Creativity comes from utilizing the private space.
You have no right to indulge or barge into others' life.
Spending time with oneself will help to know the blessings of life.
Patience and providing space to your love ones can bring them back in your life.
In a relationship, give space to your partner and reap the benefits of the bonding.
Families should give the space to their grown up children to enable them to realize their dreams.
When you need to retreat in life, take a break.
Even if other people enjoy being with you, allow yourself some space.
You can know your needs by spending some time to yourself.
The time and space you have in life can be utilized to your benefit.
People need time and space just like that, for no reason.
Every person needs some space in some point of time to delve into life.
In every relation clinging together is not the key to get a closer.
Even the strongest person will need some time to reorganize oneself.
The space in every life lets it get new inputs.
The space to oneself is the rejuvenating time.
The space in life is the creative outlet source.
The private time is food for the soul and that is the basic idea imparted by most of the quotes about needing space.
punctuation - When to put a dot after a quote with a sign inside quotes?
B. L. Pasternak emphasized: “The most clear, memorable and important in art is its origin, and the best works of the world, talking about the most different, they actually talk about their own births” (Pasternak 2000, 207).
b) put a full stop if the quotation is not an independent sentence, but acts as part of the subordinate clause (even if before the closing quotation marks are ellipsis, question mark or exclamation point):
B. L. Pasternak emphasized that “the most clear, memorable and important in art there is its emergence ... ".
Is this quote from above a part of a subordinate clause?
George Sand wrote: "The book has always been for me an adviser, a comforter, an eloquent and calm, and I did not want to exhaust her benefits, saving them for the most important cases"
And should I put a dot in my case from below?
Let us recall the quote by George Sand: “The book has always been my adviser, comforter..." nine0004
- punctuation
- quotation
- quotation
- quotation-formulation
Write correctly like this.
- The full quotation is formatted as direct speech, so a period is placed after the closing quotes .
George Sand wrote: "The book has always been for me an adviser, a comforter, eloquent and calm, and I did not want to exhaust its benefits, saving them for the most important occasions."
- The sentence is also formatted as direct speech, but there is an incomplete quotation inside the quotation marks. In this case, an ellipsis is placed after the closing quotes no point.
Let us recall the quote by George Sand: “The book has always been my adviser, comforter...”
V. G. Belinsky wrote: “In “Onegin” all parts are organically articulated…”
Ellipsis in quotations (Rosenthal)
Supplement (let's try it differently)
- Quotes are enclosed in quotation marks and punctuated in the same way as direct speech. [with colon; after capitalized opening quote]
M. Aliger has lines: “A person needs very little for happiness to grow to its full height. ”
- If the quotation is not an independent sentence (that is, it is included in the author's proposal as its component) and ends with an ellipsis, then after the closing quotation marks a dot is put, referring to the entire sentence as a whole. [no direct speech, no colon; after lowercase opening quote]
Iskander noticed, that "wisdom is the mind insisted on conscience...".
Punctuation marks for quotations (Lopatin)
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Manual_Fundamentals of Scientific Citation.

1.3.2 Punctuation when placing links in the text of the work
When making references, spacing and punctuation are subject to the general rules of punctuation. When including a link in the text of the work, a space is placed between the text and the opening square bracket "[", then the reference number follows without a space, then the closing square bracket "]" is placed without a space, followed by a space if the construction of the sentence does not require a punctuation mark. nine0004
Basic punctuation rules for linking.
1. Reference to the source number, enclosed in square brackets, is placed after the quoted fragment without punctuation marks.
Scheme: Text or quote [8] text. (Text or quote - space - link in square brackets - space - text of the work).
For example:
(correct) Thus, teenagers with a low level of self-esteem tend to find recognition in a group of hackers and improve their social status [2]. nine0113 (false) Thus, teenagers with low self-esteem tend to find recognition in a group of hackers and improve their social status: [2].
(false) Thus, teenagers with low self-esteem tend to find recognition in a group of hackers and improve their social status - [2].
2. If the construction of a sentence requires a punctuation mark, it is placed after the link without a space. This punctuation applies to all punctuation marks except dashes.
Scheme: Text or quote [8], text. (Text or quote - space - link in square brackets - punctuation mark - space - text). nine0113 For example:
(correct) One of the leading in modern studies of intergroup relations is the concept of social identity [41; 42], and in ethnic psychology - socio-cultural or national identity.
(incorrect) One of the leading ... is the concept of social identity [41; 42], and in ethnic psychology - socio-cultural or national identity.
(incorrect) One of the leading . .. is the concept of social identity, [41; 42] and in ethnic psychology - socio-cultural or national identity. nine0004
3. In all cases, the dash sign is set off with spaces on both sides, including if it comes after the link.
Scheme: Text or quote [8] – text. (Text or quote - space - link in square brackets - space - dash - space - text).
For example:
(correct) In this regard, H.F. Harlow [55] postulated, for example, the existence of "manipulative attraction", K.S. Montgomery [38] - "exploratory attraction", and R.A. Butler [13] - attraction to "visual inspection". nine0113 (incorrect) In this regard, H.F. Harlow [55] postulated, for example, the existence of "manipulative attraction", K.S. Montgomery [38] - "exploratory attraction", and R.A. Butler [13] - attraction to "visual inspection".
4. If a link is placed at the end of a sentence, a period is placed after the link without a space.
Scheme: Text or quote [8]. (Text or quote - space - link in square brackets - dot).
For example:
(correct) Watson believed that people act like machines and that their behavior as consumers can be controlled and predicted like the behavior of other machines [13]. nine0113 (incorrect) Watson believed that people act like machines and that their behavior as consumers can be controlled and predicted like the behavior of other machines. [13]
Please note! Such punctuation marks as ellipsis, question mark or exclamation mark are rarely used after references in scientific texts. Punctuation when using them is the same as when using other punctuation marks.
For example:
(correct) How is this not a description of "Stockholm Syndrome"? And why not the variant of "identification with the aggressor", described almost a century later by Anna Freud [6]? nine0113 (incorrect) How is this not a description of "Stockholm Syndrome"? And why not the option of "identification with the aggressor", described almost a century later by Anna Freud? [6].