Songs for stress relief
Top 10 Songs That Relieve Stress
Everyone knows the importance of stress management. Although you can use as many tricks and strategies as you can to relax your nerves when things get tough at work, school, or in your personal life. But which one is the most effective? Well, listening to music has long been regarded as an effective way to relax the mind, as Hans Christian Andersen put it: "Where words fail, music speaks." Music is also the reason why lullabies have been used to sing children to sleep for years. Music has also been found to be more soothing than a massage, a stroll, or a cup of tea, and is thought to improve one's health too, as stress has been linked to heart disease, asthma, obesity, and even psychological problems like depression. We must deal with stress and anxiety in order to live a healthy lifestyle.
Then you might be wondering how to narrow down the most stress-relieving playlist? Don't worry, we've put together a playlist of the top 10 most relaxing songs so you don't have to. These songs would be a welcome addition to your repertoire, as well as a relaxing way to destress your mind or help you fall asleep faster. If you need a new set of speakers or headphones to listen to your stress relieving audio, make sure to check our deals page to get our latest deals.
If you are feeling extremely stressed or depressed one day, try to listen to this song and it will really help you relax and massage your nerves with its light-hearted tone, soft instrumentals, and whispered vocals.
Scientists believe that the eight-minute song 'Weightless' is particularly effective at reducing stress and anxiety. They claim that listening to this song will lower your blood pressure, heart rate, and great at helping you relax, but it is not recommended that you listen to it while driving.
All Saints, an English-Canadian girl group, released the song "Pure Shores." If you're looking for a dreamy vibe to make you forget about your worries and stress, "Pure Shores" might just be the song for you. It has a very smooth sound and perfect for you to relax.
"Electra" is a very soothing electronic chillout song with a tempo that corresponds to the optimal resting heart rate of 60 to 65 beats per minute.
It includes guitar, piano, relaxed rhythm, as well as other elements that have been scientifically proven to induce relaxation.
This is the song we recommend to you if you enjoy peaceful and calming music and also like Enya. It is gentle, soothing, relaxing, you can never go wrong with Enya.
This song from DJ Shah's Chill Out Mix is another of the world's most soothing songs. It's a song that can contribute to regulating our heart rate. Chillout mix indeed. Perfect for late-night relaxation.
This song is based on a piano melody and it will probably recall the style of Radiohead or Coldplay because of its soft and whispered masculine voice. Its steady, placid chords and the content of its lyrics, on the other hand, may evoke either tear of sadness or previously unknown depths of sleep. It's unquestionably another fantastic Barcelona hit.
Adele also made the list with “Someone Like You". Her voice is already incredible, and this song can help unwind your heart by weave the broken parts back together anew.
Close your eyes and imagine yourself on a beach while listening to "We Can Fly". Can you hear the waves crashing or feel the sand between your toes? This song will transport you to your happy spot.
Just listen to this song, relax, unwind and enjoy.
"Canzonetta Sull’aria" the only classical song on the list, is regarded as classical music's most relaxing composition. It is part of the well-known opera "The Marriage of Figaro", and a two-feminine voice duet, which has been shown to improve brain wave activity, which helps with memory and problem-solving.
More calming songs to help you to relax:
Christina Perry - A Thousand Years
Mumford & sons - Believe
Kings of Leon - Walls
Ben Howard - Oats in the Water
Foster the People - Pumped Up Kicks
Tycho - A Walk
Vance Joy - Riptide
Radiohead - Karma Police
Incubus - Drive
Birdy - Skinny Love
Tom Walker - Fly Away with Me
10 Most Effective Stress Relief Songs in The World
Here are 10 of the most relaxing songs in the world with the ability to reduce stress level by 65%, according to research conducted by British scientists.
10. “We Can Fly,” by Rue du Soleil (Café Del Mar)
9. “Canzonetta Sull’aria,” by Mozart
8. “Someone Like You,” by Adele
7. “Pure Shores,” by All Saints
6. “Please Don’t Go,” by Barcelona
5. “Strawberry Swing,” by Coldplay
4. “Watermark,” by Enya
3. “Mellomaniac (Chill Out Mix),” by DJ Shah
2. “Electra,” by Airstream
1. “Weightless,” by Marconi Union
Music has long been used as a means to relax and recover human health. For centuries, many cultures around the world have used music to uplift and even heal physical and psychological injuries.
Neuroscientists in the United Kingdom carried out research carefully to select the most effective melodies to reduce human stress.
In the research, scientists use sensors to constantly monitor volunteers who listen to music and solve puzzles. The puzzles will create a certain level of stress in the human brain and in that process, the volunteers hear through different songs. During the process, biological indicators such as heart rate, blood pressure, breathing rate, etc. are continuously recorded by scientists to evaluate the impact of music on stress levels.
According to Dr David Lewis-Hodgson, a member of the research team, below are the 10 most effective songs for mental relaxation ever tested. The study results show that just by hearing a Weightless song, the level of anxiety in volunteers is reduced by 65% while their normal biological indicators are in a relaxed condition of around 35%.
More notably, the researchers found that the relaxing effect of the songs originated from the fact that the songs were created to serve that purpose in the first place. Typically, the team collaborated with the music producer to create the song Weightless to be used as sound therapy. The melody, rhythm, … are carefully arranged to help slow down the heart rate, lower blood pressure and reduce the listener’s stress hormone levels.
Regarding stress and its negative impact on human health, stress will aggravate or increase the risk of heart disease, obesity, depression, digestive problems, asthma and more. Moreover, a recent study conducted by Harvard and Stanford University has shown that stress from work alone can cause a higher number of deaths than diabetes, Alzheimer’s or avian flu.
In order to have a healthy life, according to the researchers, the body and mind must have time to relax. Listening to music is a simple way to relieve stress in life and work. However, Dr David Lewis-Hodgson notes that although Weightless is effective at reducing stress, some women in the research said that they felt sleepy when listening to it. So we should avoid hearing while driving as it can be dangerous.
Music to relieve stress » The world of electronic music!
Stress and depression are unpleasant conditions that modern people are very susceptible to. Music can be one of the stress relievers. It has long been proven that a variety of sounds and melodies can both positively and negatively affect a person. And only recently, scientists were able to figure out how music can affect the brain and mental state of people.
A person perceives sounds with two hemispheres at once. You should only know that if the right hemisphere is responsible for the rhythm, then the left is responsible for the perception of the timbre and motive of the melody. It is the rhythm of a piece of music that has a special influence on a person's perception of music. Any music with its rhythm coincides with the heartbeat of a person, with his breathing. A person who listens to music willy-nilly adapts to it. Therefore, if you listen to a calm melody, it pacifies you, but fast, energetic music has an exciting effect. Scientists have come to the conclusion that rhythms also affect both plants and animals. nine0003
Psychologists and psychotherapists have been able to find the use of music in the healing of people's souls.
Thus, music therapy is used to relieve a person of stress.
How does music help relieve stress?
- Music improves the immune system, which means it increases the body's resistance to stress.
- Promotes the promotion of energy flows in the spine, and this leads to an improvement in mental abilities.
- Improves mood, increases emotional mood, calms the psyche. nine0013 - Normalizes the work of the heart.
- Regulates blood circulation.
- Increases sexual desire.
To improve their mood, people turn on pleasant and favorite music for themselves. But if you are prone to stress, you should contact a specialist who will select the right treatment and direct music therapy in the right direction. The melodies that the doctor selects should harmoniously affect the entire body as a whole. Music for stress relief relieves internal tension, relaxes muscles, makes thoughts positive. nine0003
What kind of music is most often used in the treatment of stress?
Most often, psychotherapists use classical music to improve the psycho-emotional state of their patient. Mozart's works are very popular. His music reduces headaches, improves brain function, and improves the general mood of a person. Also, experts recommend listening to "Pictures at an Exhibition" by Mussorgsky. The enchanting melodies of P.I. Tchaikovsky relieve irritability, calm the nervous system. The following well-known works will help get rid of insomnia: Rodrigo's Adagio, Grieg's Peer Gynt, Mendelssohn's Songs Without Words. nine0003
Choosing the right melodies for treatment is very important. Some pieces of music seem to be relaxing, but in fact their rhythm speeds up the heartbeat and does not calm the body, but, on the contrary, excites it. Therefore, it is very important to find a good specialist in this field.
Music therapy is an excellent non-drug remedy for stress relief. If your condition is not running and has not turned into a deep depression, then the doctor will easily cure you of this ailment with the help of pleasant melodies. nine0003
Stress Relief Music - Top 10 | Psychology
Music not only caresses the ear, but also heals?
Stress - so often our body reacts to situations that take us out of our comfort zone. And it happens all the time. A person is constantly faced with situations that cause stress at work, in educational institutions, and many of us can be upset by events in our personal lives. And each of us has our own life recipes - how to put our nerves in order. nine0003
Music is the most popular way to relieve stress and anxiety. Scientific researchers clearly say that a variety of musical genres can positively affect the state of the brain and our mood. It is not for nothing that modern psychology uses in treatment a technique that is called “music therapy”.
Modern man is surrounded by an increasingly thickening flow of information. It is so diverse that we are not yet physically able to assimilate it all, passing it through our consciousness. nine0003
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Music also carries an informational component due to wave vibrations. Basically, people enjoy listening to music without even fully realizing how strong it affects a person. In some cases, music can cause a surge of energy, while in others it has a relaxing, relaxing effect. But regardless of the reaction, there can be no doubt that it affects the mental state of a person. Even in ancient times, ancient philosophers were sure that music has the ability to harmoniously develop and fill a person with energy - negative or positive. They also believed that the sounds of music have the ability to create and destroy. nine0003
Regardless of time, music was considered a powerful property to influence the human psyche. A musical genre is chosen depending on the psychological, social and spiritual level of the individual, on what the needs are, what is the need to satisfy the internal emotional and mental state. Each of the musical styles is capable of awakening different emotional experiences in a person.
Our ancestors knew about the ability of music to heal
Even the ancient Greek philosopher Pythagoras called for the use of music in the education of young people. He was also the first to draw up the scientific principles of its study and sound. He was convinced that music can harmonize and heal a person's "mental illnesses". Already in those distant times, musical works were created that were specifically designed to heal mental trauma, or, as the ancient Greeks put it, written from "the passion of the Soul: against despondency and internal ulcers, against irritation, against anger ... and other lusts." nine0003
Music is the most inspired art form. Due to its rhythm, melody, harmony, dynamics, variety of combinations of sounds, which give an unimaginable wealth of possibilities for self-expression, it is able to convey an endless range of moods and feelings. And the main strength of music is that it is capable, bypassing the mind, to create and change the mood of a person.
Depending on the content, music can both cheer up and lower it, acting depressingly. Music is the universal language of mood, conveying emotion and passion without words. However, the effect that music has on us that enchants us is due to a number of neural systems. nine0003
Researchers at the University of Luxembourg have found that music can stimulate those parts of the brain that are responsible for memory, speech and motor functions of a person. It has a particularly strong effect on children's brains. The sooner children begin to study music, the more capable he is of communication and activity.
Doctors have been successfully using the positive influence of music on the mental state and development of a person for a long time. They are able to help even those who are not helped by standard methods of treatment. In addition, music therapy is used in the treatment of depression, the fight against increased excitability, anxiety, and insomnia. Music also helps develop communication skills, and even helps to relax while preparing pregnant women for childbirth. nine0003
The works of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart are considered the most beneficial for the treatment of diseases of the nervous system. His music is able to relieve stress, help learning languages, relieve headaches.
As shown by the findings of scientists published in the journal "Medical Hypotheses", music can prevent the development of Alzheimer's disease and senile dementia. It has already proven to be highly effective when used as a curative therapy in the treatment of neuropsychiatric disorders. nine0003
Neuroscientists have figured out exactly what kind of music calms the nerves
British neuroscientists from the Mindlab International brain laboratory have been able to go even further.
They set the task - to find out what kind of music has the ability to have the most beneficial and relaxing effect on the human nervous system, helps them get rid of the accumulated burden of problems and everyday stress.
How did they do it?
Participants in the experiment were instructed to quickly put together puzzle pictures of increased complexity - so much so that the solution of the problem caused them a state of stress.
At the same time, they included various pieces of music. At the same time, scientists continued to change the activity of the subjects' brains, as well as the heart rate, breathing rate, and blood pressure levels.
In the end, the scientists managed to make a rating of 10 musical compositions. The list includes well-known works by British artists - singer Adele and even Coldplay. nine0003
According to study leader Dr. David Lewis-Hodgson, the top-ranked calming track titled Weightless is so effective at calming the listener that it lowers a person's anxiety levels by as much as 65%.
The effect of listening to her was so strong that during the experiment, many of the female participants almost fell asleep. Dr. Lewis-Hodgson even had to issue a separate warning about this song. "I don't recommend listening to this song while you're driving, it's dangerous," he said. nine0003
It will be interesting to know that a group of performers, or rather, three Englishmen, performing under the name Marconi Union, aimed not just to write a song, but to create a work that could calm the listener's nervous system.