Some people are in your life for a season
People come into your life for a reason, for a season or for a lifetime | by Silvia S.
One of the sentences that comes most often to my mind (taken from a poem whose author is unknown) is the following: people come into your life for a reason, for a season or for a lifetime.
I decided to write about this topic because I have always had problems of accepting an unexpected or even a necessary detachment from people I’ve defined as friends.
I’ve always wanted to keep those who came into my life forever. As a result, I often felt exhausted and hurt from relationships with others.
Friendships are wonderful, they help us to express our minds better and to improve ourselves as individuals.
The problem starts when we prefer to maintain a friendship, even if there are no real reasons to keep it going.
Letting go of relationships, in my opinion, oftentimes might be healthier than maintaining relationships that do not benefit us anymore.
Surely, keeping the same people in our life offers us a certain level of comfort and mental tranquility, that being said, putting an end to some friendships allows us to make room in our life for people more suitable for us.
Life is made of changes, especially at a time like this we can understand that even better. It’s simply not always possible to change together- ‘’in tune’’ with each and every person in our life.
Now let’s briefly analyze the three key-words of the phrase people come into your life for a reason, for a season or for a lifetime.
The reasons for meeting people in our life could be the quite diverse: during a trip, during an event, at work, for a project…
If the connection with a person is linked to a specific reason, it is likely that when the reason will go away, we will have difficulties to redefine the nature of that relationship. Sometimes we meet people who (intentionally or not) will help us to close one chapter in our life and move to a new one.
At times it’s simply healthy to lose touch.
We should keep someone in our life because of the similarities and also because of that within the differences we see an opportunity to grow and to enrich ourselves as a human beings.
Sometimes we become friends with some people in our life because of an episode that brings us together: a certain sentiment, family or health situation, university, work, shared living, etc.
Perhaps when that period was or will be over, we’d have less topics to talk about and as a result, we’ll begin to realize that we have less in common than we thought with that person. We should accept that with positivity. Because some people are made to stay in our life just for a season.
The season with that person might have made us sow seeds of doubts about some aspects of our life (like in spring), mature as an individuals (like in summer), eliminate dry branches (like in autumn) or allow us the “luxury” of reflecting and to become more introspective (like in winter).
These are the rarest of the relationships. In this category there could be ups and downs or periods in which we are more or less in touch with that person.
The people who belong to this category are those who we know will always be there for us when we need them and that we’ll always be there for them as well.
So easy.
Attention though, this type of relationship must always be mutual: I am there for you as you are there for me and not “I only do it, if you do it”.
If we are not sure that the other person would be there for us, or that we would be there for the other person, we are placing ourselves in an unstable relationship and, as a result, someone might get hurt.
If that is the case, we should ask ourselves if the person in question actually belongs to the ‘forever ‘category and not to the two previous categories.
That being said, we don’t have to leave space in our mind to all the people we met.
Letting go, a term used so often in Buddhism and yoga, tends to be forgotten when it comes to human relationships.
3 Ways to Tell if They Are In Your Life For a Reason, a Season, or a Lifetime
in Life Lessons, Relationships
by The Praying Woman
As I think back on the relationships I’ve had in my life, I feel blessed. Blessed to have experienced them.
I’ve had work relationships that were for a reason.
I’ve had ex’s and friendships that were for a season.
…And I have people in my life now that I pray are there for a lifetime.
I had to learn to see each relationship as not so much a devastating loss, but this wonderful experience I was so fortunate to have in the first place.
No one likes to think of their relationship as temporary , but the truth is… people enter our lives for a reason, season, or a lifetime. When we try to force relationships beyond their purpose, we will only end up disappointed.
How do you figure out which one it is? We may never know, but hopefully this helps.
A Reason
You may be thinking, well everyone is in your life for a reason right?
Well this is true, but when someone is in your life just for a particular reason . . . It is usually to meet a need you or they have prayed for.
God has sent them or you to assist through a difficulty, to provide with guidance and support, to aid physically, emotionally, or spiritually. They are there only for the reason God need them to be or vice versa.
Then, without any wrong doing on your part, the relationship will come to an end. Sometimes you just drift apart. Sometimes God will remove them from your life completely. You may not understand it and it may even be hard to let go.
What we must realize is that the need has been met, the desire has been fulfilled, the work is done. The prayer has been answered and now it is time to move on.
A Season
Sometimes we find ourselves in difficult seasons, because of our own doing. Making poor decisions, not praying to God for direction before making important decisions.
Examples of this are bad money management, neglecting your health, and choosing to be in ungodly relationships that do not align with God’s word.
When people come into your life for a season . . . It’s usually to help you grow, or to teach you a lesson. They may teach you something you may have never learned had it not been for this particular season.
Many will say that seasons bring eye opening experiences. They usually give you a new perspective on life.
Whenever you find yourself going through a tough season, remember God is not punishing you. Sometimes He has to allow us to grow and learn through our poor decisions in order for us to grow closer to Him.
It may hurt or feel as though the pain will never stop. But remember, it’s only for a season.
A Lifetime
Lifetime relationships are a gift from God. Cherish them. These are the relationships you are blessed to have until one of you take your last breath. (Family , friends , your spouse. etc.)
Don’t get me wrong, just because they are God sent, does not mean they are always going to be easy breezy. All relationships take effort on both parts.
Somedays you will probably feel like the relationship is not worth it. Other times you will feel thankful that God has placed them in your life.
Think about the people in your life over the years. Whether they were there for a reason, a season or a lifetime, accept them and treasure them for however long they were meant to be part of your life.
…Or as Dr. Seuss once wrote: “Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened.” Perhaps one of my favorite quotes ever!
Some people come into our lives only for a while, and that's okay
If you lose someone, don't lose yourself...
Author Kluber For reading 3 min. Views 1. 8k. Posted by
There are no chance meetings in our life. There is always some kind of internal logic that makes another person come into our life, and someone else leaves it. And no matter how long certain people stay with us, some of them come only for a certain time. And this is really very, very difficult to comprehend.
People with whom fate brings us only for a short time often come to open new life horizons and ways of personal growth for us.
We are more reluctant to let these people go, because we are strongly attached to them. We don't want to understand that some of them are just "temporary passengers", as sad as it may be.
“Not everything in this life is wonderful and durable. Sometimes people come into your life to teach you that there are good and bad things, to show you your potential, to encourage you to love yourself, give you a good mood and just be someone with whom you can take night walks and talk about everything that excites you.
Not all of them will stay with you for the rest of your life, and no matter what happens, we should still continue to move our way, thanking them for everything they have given us, ”- Emery Allen.
I look back on my most memorable encounters and see how everyone I have encountered in my life has played a role in shaping me today. I talked about my deepest ideas, fears, secrets and dreams to those who are no longer part of my life. And I don’t regret it at all, because at that time I really needed someone who was able to listen to me.
It's so great when your life comes into contact with the fate of other people, and even if you get to know someone only for a short time, you can still influence his life story. This way of thinking makes life really interesting.
The sooner we come to terms with the fact that not all people are meant to be regular travel companions, the easier it will be to enjoy new relationships, cherish the time spent with others, and allow them to leave you when the time is right.
Make the most of the time we spend with each other and focus on the present.
“I notice a huge number of unpromising unions - and not only between men and women - when friendships turn into a real swamp. If we did not experience the fear of breaking up with other people, our life would become more interesting and rich. You meet the right person at the right time, and he plays a certain role in your life, and you, accordingly, in his. But everything has a finish line.” — Laura Marling
If you lose someone, don't lose yourself.
Do not forget that even if a person came into your life only for a while, communication with him can still teach you valuable lessons and leave wonderful memories.
Read also: 7 signs of a spiritual connection with another person
friendship relationship psychology
Some people come into our lives only for a while, and this is normal
Author Margarita For reading 4 min. Posted by
There are no chance meetings in our life. There is always some kind of internal logic that makes another person come into our life, and someone else leaves it. And no matter how long certain people stay with us, some of them come only for a certain time. And this is really very, very difficult to comprehend.
People with whom fate brings us only for a short time often come to open new life horizons and ways of personal growth for us.
We are more reluctant to let these people go, because we are strongly attached to them. We don't want to understand that some of them are just "temporary passengers", as sad as it may be.
“Not everything in this life is wonderful and durable. Sometimes people come into your life to teach you that there are good and bad things, to show you your potential, to encourage you to love yourself, give you a good mood and just be someone with whom you can take night walks and talk about everything that excites you.
Not all of them will stay with you for the rest of your life, and no matter what happens, we should still continue to move our way, thanking them for everything they have given us, ”- Emery Allen.
I look back in my mind on my most memorable encounters and see how everyone I have encountered in my life has played a role in shaping me today. I talked about my deepest ideas, fears, secrets and dreams to those who are no longer part of my life. And I don’t regret it at all, because at that time I really needed someone who was able to listen to me.
It's so great when your life comes into contact with the fate of other people, and even if you get to know someone only for a short time, you can still influence his life story. This way of thinking makes life really interesting.
The sooner we come to terms with the fact that not all people are meant to be regular travel companions, the easier it will be to enjoy new relationships, cherish the time spent with others, and allow them to leave you when the time is right.