Sad mothers day

A Message For The Ones Who Are Sad On Mother’s Day

The other night my son announced that he had made me a really awesome card for Valentine’s Day.

“At school,” he clarified. “I made a really awesome Valentine’s Day card for you at school.”

“You did?” I said. “That’s great. Way to plan ahead.”

“Oh wait,” he said, beaming. “Mudder’s Day. I made you a card for Mudder’s Day.” He was proud, excited, and eager.

Nothing—absolutely nothing—could tarnish Mudder’s Day, or Valentine’s Day, or whatever holiday for which the card is intended.

As a child, I felt the same exuberance and twinkly visions of holidays too. Mother’s Day had a shimmery aura that seemed to make everything about motherhood glow. Mother’s Day was like unicorns and lollipops and daisies all rolled into one. It was dandelion bouquets and handmade cards and gifts made out of macaroni, yarn, and copious amounts of glitter. I was fortunate to have an idyllic, if not ordinary, childhood. Mother’s Day was about loveliness, parental devotion, and maternal goodness.

Back then, the sheer possibility that Mother’s Day—or motherhood in general, for that matter—might have a darker, or messier, side was inconceivable. It would have been like learning that the Easter Bunny was the love child of Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy. Impossible. Absolutely impossible.

But now as I’ve grown up, as I’ve lived and learned, I have become acutely aware of just how fraught with complexity Mother’s Day is for many women. For some people, Mother’s Day is just as peaceful and lovely and enchanting as the commercials make it seem. But for others, Mother’s Day is fraught with loss, grief, longing, and bitterness. And for many people, Mother’s Day is a messy mixture of joy, gratitude, sorrow, and regret.

Mother’s Day, for some, is an aching and muddy walk in the trenches.

Despite everything that I thought as a little girl and everything that the advertisers would still like us to believe, there is a darker underbelly to Mother’s Day for many people. There are friends who are grieving the loss of their mother, whether this is their first Mother’s Day without her or they have spent decades as a motherless child because, let’s be honest, the hole made from that loss never really closes entirely.

There are the women whose dreams of becoming a mother have been put on hold or vanished altogether due to infertility, miscarriage, or some other unwelcome twist of fate. There are the women who do not have a spouse or partner to shower her with love and ease the burdens of motherhood just a little. There are the people who may have awkward, strained, or estranged relationships with their mother. And there are the mothers who, god forbid, lost one of their precious babies way too soon, and whenever a mother loses a child it is always too soon and that child will always be her baby.

I won’t pretend to understand what it is like to spend Mother’s Day with such deep heaviness. Sure, I’ve had my fair share of Mother’s Day disappointments and holidays that didn’t go as planned. Because, really, aren’t all birthdays, anniversaries, and major holidays a hotbed for unrealistic expectations and potential disappointments?

But the disappointments and detours I have experienced were minor and inconsequential, and Mother’s Day is a fairly uncomplicated holiday for me. I am fortunate to have a mother whom I respect, admire, and enjoy, as well as a husband who goes out of his way to make me feel appreciated not just on Mother’s Day but every day.

I do not know what it is like to lose a parent or a child, and while I do know the ache that can come from infertility and miscarriage, those struggles are behind me now. I do not know what it is like to feel the deep pain, disappointment, or heartache that you might be feeling this time of year, pain that quite possibly is sitting right next to an inexplicable gratitude and unconditional love as well.

So I will not offer some good-intentioned but hollow words of encouragement, advice, or support. I will not write about remembering the time together, nor will I tell you that everything happens for a reason. I will not say things like “at least …” nor will I offer some kind of spiritual rationale. I will not write about the ever-expanding mama heart and the pain of letting go.

You don’t need to read another blog post about a mother’s love. You’ve read them all before. Heck, I’ve written them before. Nor do you need advice or suggestions or reminders about remembrance, understanding, acceptance, or redemption. You know what you need to do to grieve, forgive, or heal, as the case may be.

The only thing that I want to say is, I see you and I hear you.

I see the murkiness in your eyes, and I hear the regret that lingers in your voice. I see your mom’s smile, gone from this world way too soon, in her grandbabies’ smiles. I see the fierce way you love the child you do have because of the child that you don’t. I hear the way you linger on the phone a little longer than usual, and I hear the way you talk with such pride about the mother and woman who she was. I see the way you shower your nieces and nephews with a focused attention and energy that, as parents, we are sometimes unable to give our own children because bath time and homework get in the way. I hear your silence when the topic of conversation turns toward mothers and motherhood and anything maternal in nature.

So while I might not know your specific pain or your unique web of emotions, while I might not have walked this muddy terrain that you are on, please know that I see you and I hear you.

Happy Mudder’s Day. Happy Muddy Day.

Heck, Happy Valentine’s Day.

Whichever. Just know that you are seen, you are heard, and you are loved.

This article was originally published on

Five Ways to Avoid Mother's Day Disappointment


5 Tips for avoiding Mother’s Day Disappointment

— A post from the archives (2017 perhaps?…)


So…it’s safe to assume that we’re all focused on taking care of our own Moms this week, right? We’re reminiscing about special times with our moms, and sending them sweet notes or gifts, and maybe planning to do something nice for them on Mother’s day.

Because that’s what grown-up, thoughtful women like us do, right?

I mean, it would be totally selfish of me to be thinking about myself right now…dropping heavy hints to my husband and children, and hoping that maybe my family will remember to spoil the living daylights out of ME on Mother’s Day.
(Wouldn’t it?)

But here’s how it typically goes: And this is just me, because I know that you’re waaaaaay more mature than I am.

Each year, I start the pre-Mother’s Day week well: I send cards, order flowers, or whatever Dave and I are going to do for our moms…And it never fails, that sometime during the week one of the kids in my family asks: “What do you want for Mother’s Day?” To which I say something like, “Oh nothing. I just want to spend some time with you guys.” Which is really a dumb thing to say because that’s pretty much what I do every day of the week, and well…you know.

What I really meant to say was “I want to sleep in, go running, and be taken out for breakfast lunch and dinner. I also want a clean house, a few gifts, and a massage. Oh, and some chocolate.”

But of course I don’t say any of that. In fact, I try not to consciously think any of that, because that is soooo selfish and greedy. And that just isn’t me at all. (no comments please.)

So Sunday-Mother’s Day comes around and I’m mentally prepared to not think about myself. I give myself some pep-talks about being unselfish and content, and I almost believe it.

But somewhere deep down in me there is that thing. What do they call it? Hidden expectations? And as hard as I try to stuff them, they begin to bubble up. By Sunday afternoon, I might just find them seeping out into full exposure and suddenly I’m in a sad state of self-pity. And in a really weak moment, I might have once or twice voiced my dark heart with, “Well, of course I said I didn’t want anything–Don’t you know that means I want everything?”

And suddenly the truth is out there: I really did want to be spoiled on Mother’s Day. I wanted me-time. I wanted food that I didn’t cook, and dishes that I didn’t do. I might have even wanted…presents.

But now I have no one to blame but my self for saying those words: “I just want time with you guys.” (Big liar.)

What I’ve learned: Well, I’ve got four kids now, and this is my 19th Mother’s Day, so fortunately I have learned a few things along the way. The good news is, my Mother’s Days are no longer a cause for anxiety, or disappointment. No matter what. And not that you need these, but just in case could use some tips, I thought this might be the perfect time to share a few things I’ve learned with you.

1. Plan ahead.

Don’t wait for Mother’s Day to decide that you really DO want breakfast in bed. Or to be taken out for brunch. Or maybe you want a day all to yourself on Mother’s Day (I’ve done it. It was super great.) PLAN AHEAD. Let your family know what you want and make your own arrangements if you need to.

2. Take the pressure off your family.

If there is something that you’d really love to have for Mother’s Day, why not do the shopping for your family? A restaurant you’d like to go to? Make a reservation! Know your family well, and be a realist.

Last weekend, while Dave and I were on a little date and we happened to go into the mall, I walked him straight to the perfume counter and grabbed the gift box of my favorite perfume and said, “Let’s get this for my Mother’s Day gift.” He hesitated for about a millisecond, and then with a very contented expression, pulled out his debit card and handed it to the sales clerk. I won’t open it until Sunday, but guaranteed I’ll love what I get!

3. Adjust expectations.

Seriously, expectations might be our worst enemy when it comes to holidays. Do we really imagine that we’ll have a carefree day on Mother’s Day when we still have a houseful of kids, laundry that completely disregards holidays, and (at least for me,) a husband that still has to go to work. We only hurt ourselves when we imagine that our day will be anything other than another Sunday, with a few little perks if we’re so lucky.

4. Make a rain check?

Some holidays are just inconvenient. This Sunday, my son has a surf contest, and my husband works. He still plans to take me out to dinner (he’s really good like that,) but the reality is, I’m not going to be walking around on flower petals all day. SO… I have already made arrangements to spoil myself a little after Mother’s Day: I made an appointment to get a massage next week (the first in two years–so YES! I’ll appreciate it,) and I’ll extend that time to include a few hours to myself.

The reality is that sometimes the restaurants are booked, or your kid is sick, or your husband completely drops the ball overlooks the day and you just need to say “No worries! I’ll take a rain check.” As far as I see it, any day can be Mother’s Day.

5. Keep perspective.

On a more heart-felt note: This past year I have spent time with moms who have lost children to cancer, or are themselves fighting a disease. I am praying for moms who are battling for their lives. Hello perspective: These things make me slow WAY down and realize that when it all comes down…I really do want to just HOLD and LOVE those kids that have made me a mom. I want to remember the man who teams with me to raise them. And I want to ENJOY them all.

If I can keep a healthy perspective at the front of my mind, then my Mother’s Day ought to be quite complete just hugging my boys every ten minutes until they can’t take it any more. No breakfast in bed, gift wrapped perfume, or day at the spa can compare to the incredible gift that my family is to me. Flaws and all.

So what do you say, Moms? Let’s face Mother’s Day with a plan, and some healthy perspective.

Now: Go have yourself a wonderful Mother’s Day weekend!

With Aloha,

PS –The Today Show Site also published this post on their Parenting page, in case you want to click over and LIKE or SHARE it from there as well. 😉 


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    Order it here:   Boy Mom: What Your Son Needs Most from You

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Watch out, Mother's Day: a column about an ambivalent holiday

© Photo: unsplash. com

Column by Cj editor Katya Statkus

Today is Mother's Day, which in Russia is celebrated on the last Sunday of November.

This day was established on the territory of our state in 1998, back in the days of Boris Yeltsin. The purpose of the holiday, as Wikipedia says, is “to support the traditions of caring for a woman, to consolidate family foundations, to emphasize the importance of the main person in our life - mother.” Thank you, of course, but this is all official. But for real people, this holiday can cause a wide range of emotions, far from the most pleasant ones. Why is this day needed anyway?

If Mother's Day is to remind the world of how often mothers face discrimination in the workplace, how much mothers lack banal psychological monitoring after childbirth, and many, many other things, then I'm all for it.

If this holiday is needed for adult children to give their mothers a bouquet of flowers and a postcard on duty, and for small children to make crafts in the form of a crooked heart for their mothers, then I am more against it. We already have such holidays.

Ann Jarvis, an activist who founded it in America in the early twentieth century, opposed the commercialization of Mother's Day. She wanted the children to write real big letters of gratitude to their mothers on this day, and not get off with congratulatory semi-finished products.

Jarvis suggested celebrating Mother's Day in memory of her own deceased mother, and then for several years she tried to get this holiday canceled altogether - it was so absorbed in her eyes by capitalism and lost all meaning.

It is interesting to follow how the discourse around Mother's Day in the West is changing today. This year, even some brands asked their subscribers: "Do you want to receive Mother's Day announcements and gift collections from us, or is it painful for you to read messages related to this holiday?"

In the press, one can increasingly hear the opinion that this is a very difficult and sad day for many people - for those who lost their mothers during the pandemic; for those who have been diagnosed with infertility; for those who have experienced the death of their child; for those who have decided to stop communicating with their own mother; for those who have been severely traumatized by their own children; for those who regret having a child; for those whose mothers left in a shelter (remember how last year the compassionate employees of an orphanage in Nizhny Novgorod decided to force pupils to celebrate Mother's Day in order to "develop family values ​​in children"?).

None of these people will have any other special commemoration - there is neither "Mother's Day who stopped communicating with her children" nor "Day of the woman who really wanted to become a mother, but who never got it do".

There's just one rather blurry Mother's Day that somehow gets people with very different experiences. Or they just don't fit.

Therefore, on the one hand, I can quite share the opinion of those who say that we should stop celebrating this holiday and allow everyone to calmly decide how to communicate with their mother (sometimes not without the help of many years of therapy) and whether to do it at all. And finally lag behind women with reproductive pressure, the degree of which also rises with each on-duty congratulation: “Happy Mother's Day! You are doing the most important job in the world!”

On the other hand, precisely because I understand how difficult this job is to bear and raise children, I would not want to miss the chance that I think Mother's Day gives us after all.

This is an opportunity to loudly voice the answer to the question: what do each of us miss the most as a woman raising children? What could really make our lives easier? Is it a bouquet of flowers and a bath bomb or something else? What could our environment and our state give us?

The first position on my list will probably be the humanization of medicine. And what do you lack?

Therefore, I invite mothers on Mother's Day to declare their needs: you can already demand with a calm soul, and not complain. We are super cool, we come out of the shadows with or without wheelchairs, we are here. And we want to be seen and treated with respect 365 days a year. And not only on the last Sunday of November.

Read more on the topic:

I don't want to congratulate my mother on Mother's Day.

This is fine?

"Every mother has any day - Mother's Day": reflections on the right way to celebrate this holiday

Mothers of all countries, unite!

  • rights
  • parents
  • column
  • mother

congratulations on Mother's Day in verses

Contents of the article

  • Beautiful verses on Mother's Day
  • Touching verses on Mother's Day
  • Congratulations in verses to mother on Mother's Day to school
  • Short verses on Mother's Day to kindergarten 9064

    Read also - Poems about mother, poems for beloved mother

    Pravmir has collected for you a selection of wonderful poems about the holiday of the main person in the life of every child - these are poems for mother's day. How many wonderful works have been written about motherhood, mother plays a huge role in the life of every person. To congratulate her on mother's day in 2019year or just to express your love, you can learn one of these mother's day poems for her. These works will touch your dear person even if you are already an “adult child”, because for her we always remain children. Let your closest person know that her strong hugs will also forever remain your home.

    Poems for Mother's Day cannot be written without a soul. And even if you don’t like all the works from our selection, you can find exactly the poem that will express your feelings. We have selected both sad and funny and touching lyrical poems for this holiday for all occasions.
    You can show care, love and attention just for no reason. Let your parents know how much you love them every day. Our mothers gave us life and a happy childhood. Even growing up, the supply of love from our parents helps to cope with any difficulties. So many wonderful songs and poems have been written for Mother's Day, because the family is always on our side!

    Read in our selection:

    • Beautiful poems for Mother's Day
    • Touching Poems for Mother's Day
    • Congratulations in verses to mom on Mother's Day to school
    • Short poems for Mother's Day in kindergarten

    Read also - Poems about dad, poems for dad, congratulations to dad

    Beautiful poems for Mother's Day

    Mommy, beloved, dear!
    What do you want on your holiday?
    I tirelessly implore the sky
    Never lose you.
    I kiss your gentle hands,
    In a hurry to say everything important.
    So that you don't know tears or torment,
    Don't get sick, don't cry, don't suffer.
    I hug you with love.
    Without you, I am a bird without a wing.
    You are the only one, you are a saint.
    I want you to live forever!

    There is so much to say,
    What can not be described in a few words.
    Thank you, my mommy,
    Because you love me.
    For all those sleepless nights
    I want to say thank you very much.
    For the fact that you were waiting for me,
    That you were worried, did not sleep.
    For all the dreams that you gave.
    For taking away fears.
    For the fact that we are a family,
    I will thank you.

    Mommy, Mommy, Mommy!
    You are the best in the world.
    I admire and love
    Your tender features.
    How can I express my love for you beautifully
    Mom, dear, thank you
    For the gift - my life.
    I say these words,
    Respecting and loving,
    And flowers all over the planet
    Bloom for you!

    Mommy, sweet, bright,
    Caring and beautiful,
    You are my best,
    You are my clear sun!
    I'm so sad without you,
    It happens sometimes in life,
    It's good to be back,
    When you're waiting, go home!
    All joys and worries,
    You always share with me,
    You are my favorite angel,
    Dearest forever!

    Our dear mother,
    These tender lines are for you.
    The cutest and most beautiful,
    The kindest on this earth.
    May sorrows not enter your house,
    May diseases pass by.
    We would put the whole world in the palms of our hands
    And they gave you one.
    But even that would not be enough,
    To repay your kindness.
    All our life, our dear mother,
    We are indebted to you.
    Thank you, dear, for raising me,
    For not asking for anything in return.
    That grief and joy dividing in half,
    In everything you wished us a better life.
    Beautiful, caring, gently tender,
    We need you daily and forever!

    This holiday, mom, is for you,
    I give you the whole world and, you know,
    I always wanted to say, loving,
    You are the only one in this world.

    Mommy, beloved, dear,
    I congratulate you today,
    On earth you seem to be a saint,
    And I don’t recognize another like that.


    Congratulations, dear mother!
    With the best day in the world!
    You are the most beautiful lady,
    You won't find one with fire!

    There is no dearer person to me,
    than my beloved mother!
    I wish, mommy, you are always
    Be beautiful despite the years!

    Today I'm in a hurry to the most affectionate,
    To the gentle, beautiful, kind mother!
    I hasten to congratulate her from the bottom of my heart.
    I ask God for health and happiness!
    I promise to take care of my mother myself,
    Remove all troubles from these fragile shoulders!
    Let the joy of a bright red thread
    Pass through her beautiful fate!


    Forgive me dear mother
    Because I am very stubborn!
    Because I quarrel with you,
    Because I cling to you!
    Know that you are not dearer,
    May God help you in everything!
    Know that there is no more tender you,
    Know that there is no more important you!


    Mommy-mommy, the sun is clear,
    You are the lightest and most beautiful!
    I'm ready to dry your tears,
    I'm ready to drag out all your problems.
    If only you could be happy,
    If only you could please with laughter!


    I will take all my mother's problems
    And with my light hand I will take them away!
    Let the sea be happy, mommy you have
    You are the best in the world, I say loving!
    You know, you can and create,
    You often speak good words to us!
    I adore you with all my heart,
    I dream of your happiness!

    Touching poems for Mother's Day

    Give children life and raise people,
    Having given love, all your thoughts,
    Put health, strength, soul into them!
    To be a mother is not only to give birth.
    This work is holy and noble.
    But mothers don't expect gratitude,
    Mutual understanding is dear to them,
    They are touched by any attention to them.
    At least once a year, on Mother's Day,
    Tell them about your love,
    Spare no words, no tears from your eyes,
    As long as they are able to hear you ...


    Who is with us from the very cradle,
    Protects our health,
    Feeds us on time, dresses us
    And sings a song affectionately?
    Who carefully prepares for school,
    Hastening to develop abilities,
    Who strengthens willpower,
    Helps to be stubborn?
    Who teaches all the lessons with us
    And will explain what he missed,
    Reports, essays on time
    Prepares, sparing no effort?
    Whose house is open to all girlfriends,
    For classmates, friends?
    And whose advice do we really need
    In the midst of hard, difficult days?
    Who loves us with all his heart, tenderly,
    And who is our best friend,
    Whose concern for us is boundless,
    Who catches every beat of the heart?
    Of course, mother. And today is
    All congratulations to mothers,
    Both future and present!
    Low bow, thank you!

    "Happy Mother's Day poems"

    This is the day of your smile
    Like sunlight.
    This is a day of fun, laughter
    And of course love of color.
    I'm on Mother's Day from the heart
    For my beloved mother
    I wish the stars
    Breathe happiness into you again.
    So that every new morning
    You become happier
    And from joyful emotions
    Like a light bulb sparkling
    To always want to live,
    Inhaling everything with full breasts,
    Coming from work to our loved ones
    Never getting tired.
    To rejoice at home,
    The guests did not run out,
    You can’t even imagine -
    You are so beautiful!


    Women are more beautiful in the world
    Do not find, no matter how hard you try!
    I wish you this Mother's Day
    Great love, great happiness!


    "Congratulations on Mother's Day"

    Happy Mother's Day to women!
    Autumn day is not sad at all.
    There are immutable things in the world.
    Families will save us from problems.
    We want to wish you more happiness,
    May the dawn always illuminate
    That dream that should come true -
    And the years will not be in vain!


    "Congratulations on Mother's Day in verse"

    Mom ... This word is dear
    The first for each of us
    This word is close, dear
    On the day of fun, testing hour.
    Mom ... There is so much light in this word,
    Tenderness, care and love!
    We come to mother for advice,
    We share our joys with mother.
    On this holiday we wish mothers
    Happiness and health for years to come.
    We only dream of one thing -
    So that you will always be with us!

    Mom... what a beautiful word,
    Mom... the basis of our life!
    Mom… the first person on earth,
    Who you met in the world!
    Mom... hope, support, stronghold,
    Mom... protection from troubles and worries!
    I congratulate you on your day,
    May there be much joy in him!


    Dear mother,
    I owe you,
    Words of the heart, I know,
    There are many good deeds!
    How can I return
    All the work is great?
    Cheerful nights with moonlight,
    Days not at all simple?
    I will not be able to repay
    According to your merits,
    I can only give hugs
    And become a reliable friend!


    The sweetest, most tender sun,
    What is affectionately called - mother!
    I love you very much, my happiness,
    And I give my congratulations:
    Let everything be fulfilled at once, dear,
    I wish you peace from the bottom of my heart!
    A lot of love and laughter is not enough,
    I beg you, so that trouble does not catch!

    You are always with me, dear mother,
    When there is joy or sorrow,
    I have never told you before,
    Today I sincerely apologize!
    For everything, for all insults and your gray hairs,
    For my childish and stupid pride!
    For the fact that I did not recognize the middle,
    For the fact that everyone now says in a postcard . ..
    I'm sorry dear, I can't confess
    How I love you, I cherish you!
    Probably courage will be able to knock,
    When I give birth to my daughter!

    "Mother's Day 2019"

    Give children life and raise people,
    Having given love, all your thoughts,
    Put health, strength, soul into them!
    To be a mother is not only to give birth.
    This work is holy and noble.
    But mothers don't expect gratitude,
    Mutual understanding is dear to them,
    They are touched by any attention to them.
    At least once a year, on Mother's Day,
    Tell them about your love,
    Spare no words, no tears from your eyes,
    As long as they are able to hear you ...


    Who is with us from the very cradle
    Protects our health,
    Feeds us on time, dresses us
    And sings a song affectionately?
    Who carefully prepares for school,
    Rushing to develop abilities,
    Who strengthens willpower,
    Helps to be persistent?
    Who teaches all the lessons with us
    And will explain what he missed,
    Reports, abstracts in terms of
    Cooking, sparing no effort?
    Whose house is open to all girlfriends,
    For classmates, friends?
    And whose advice do we really need
    In the midst of hard, difficult days?
    Who loves us with all his heart, tenderly,
    And who is our best friend,
    Whose concern for us is boundless,
    Who catches every beat of the heart?
    Of course, mother. And today
    All congratulations to mothers,
    Both future and present!
    Low bow, thank you!


    This is the day of your smile
    Like sunlight.
    This is a day of fun, laughter
    And of course love of color.
    I'm on Mother's Day from the heart
    For my beloved mother
    I wish the stars
    Breathe happiness into you again.
    So that every new morning
    You become happier
    And from joyful emotions
    Like a light bulb sparkling
    To always want to live
    Inhaling everything with full breasts
    Coming home from work to our loved ones
    Never tired.
    To be happy at home,
    The guests did not run out,
    You can’t even imagine -
    You are beautiful!


    Women are more beautiful in the world
    Do not find, no matter how hard you try!
    I wish you this Mother's Day
    Great love, great happiness!


    "Congratulations on Mother's Day"

    Happy Mother's Day to women!
    Autumn day is not sad at all.
    There are immutable things in the world.
    Families will save us from problems.
    We want to wish you more happiness,
    May the dawn always illuminate
    That dream that should come true -
    And the years will not be in vain!


    Mom ... This word is expensive
    The first for each of us
    This word is close, dear
    On the day of fun, testing hour.
    Mom ... There is so much light in this word,
    Tenderness, care and love!
    We come to mother for advice,
    We share our joys with mother.
    On this holiday we wish mothers
    Happiness and health for years to come.
    We only dream of one thing -
    So that you will always be with us!


    Divinely gifted goddesses
    The ability to breathe life into a baby
    Between heaven and earth in the middle
    Your bright and imperishable path lies.
    We are ready to pray for you all our lives,
    Love and tenderness, gratitude - to you.
    And to the ground to the very bow
    We owe all great mothers.


    "Congratulations on Mother's Day"

    The only, dear, unique
    We say "thank you" on this day.
    For kindness and a golden heart,
    We, dear mother, thank you!
    May the years never make you old,
    We, children and grandchildren, all love you!
    We wish you health, we wish you well,
    Live long, long, We all need you.

    Simply, without further ado
    Congratulations on this holiday.
    You gave light and love,
    For me you are the only one in the world.

    * * *

    Today is your holiday, which means —
    Kind eyes will sparkle.
    You helped me solve problems,
    You didn't let me back down.
    Thank you mom. You are my luck.

    * * *

    The main woman in my heart,
    Mom, today I declare to everyone -
    Only you kept the whole house,
    Happy holiday, mom, congratulations to you.

    From the bottom of my heart

    From the bottom of my heart,
    In simple words
    Come on, friends,
    Let's talk about mom.
    We love her,
    As a good friend,
    For the fact that we have
    Everything is together with her,
    For the fact that when
    We have a hard time,
    We can cry
    At my native shoulder.
    We love her also because
    That sometimes
    Become stricter
    Eyes wrinkled
    But standing with a confession
    Come with your head -
    Wrinkles will disappear,
    Storm will rush away.
    For always being
    Without concealment and directly
    We can entrust our heart
    to her.
    And just for the fact,
    That she is our mother,
    We firmly and tenderly
    We love her.

    Dear Mommy Mommy

    Dear Mommy Mommy
    It's good that there is a mother's holiday.
    I love you, my dear,
    All your virtues cannot be counted.
    In life you are protection and support,
    You protect me from bad weather,
    You love without looking back and reproaches
    And your whole family is warmed.
    I want to wish you good health,
    So that no one gives you trouble.
    You are the only one in the whole world,
    My beloved mother!

    There is no person more related than mother
    To anyone who lives in this world,
    To love who can think and breathe,
    On our sinful blue planet
    There is no word dearer and closer than mother.
    We are our mothers, dear mothers
    Hearts and lives will be given without words.
    For us they are truly saints,
    It doesn't matter that there are no haloes on their heads.
    We remember our mother like God,
    If something bad happens to us.
    Bumpy, sometimes the road of fate,
    However, mothers will always understand children.
    They will understand children both in joy and in sorrow,
    They will save their own children from troubles.
    With only mother knee-deep sea,
    Only mother's advice is needed in a difficult moment.
    We walked different paths in life
    No matter how many winters and how many years,
    But this truth has long been known:
    There is no person more related than mother.

    Tender lines to mother

    Our dear mother,
    These tender lines are for you.
    The cutest and most beautiful,
    The kindest on this earth.
    May sorrows not enter your house,
    May diseases pass by.
    We would put the whole world in the palm of our hand
    And they gave you one.
    But even that would not be enough,
    To repay your kindness.
    All our life, our dear mother,
    We are indebted to you.
    Thank you, dear, for raising me,
    For not asking for anything in return.
    That grief and joy dividing in half,
    In everything you wished us a better life.
    Beautiful, caring, gently tender,
    We need you daily and forever!

    Hare and hare

    Little hare smiled at his mother:
    - I love you like this! - and spread his hands.
    - That's how much I love you! - his mother told him,
    She spread her hands and also showed.
    - This is a lot, - the hare whispered,
    - This is very, very much, a lot, but not too much.
    He crouched down and jumped high like a ball.
    - I love you like this! the bunny laughed.
    And then in response to him, running away, dashingly,
    — That's how much I love you! - jumped the hare.
    - This is a lot, - the hare whispered,
    - This is very, very much, a lot, but not too much.
    - I love you like this! - the bunny smiled
    And turned somersaults on the grass-ant.
    - That's how much I love you! - Mommy said,
    Tumbled, hugged and kissed.
    - This is a lot, - the hare whispered,
    - This is very, very much, a lot, but not too much.
    - Do you see the tree growing right next to the river?
    I love you like this! You understand, mother.
    And mom can see the whole valley in her arms.
    - That's how much I love you! mother told her son.
    So a fun day passed, at the hour when it was getting dark,
    A yellow-white moon appeared in the sky.
    At night, children need to sleep even in our fairy tale.
    The bunny whispered to his mother, closing his eyes:
    - From the earth to the moon, and then back -
    That's how I love you! Isn't it clear?..
    Tucking a blanket around the bunny on all sides,
    Quietly before going to bed, mother whispered:
    — It's very, very much, it's so nice,
    When they love to the moon, and then back!

    Congratulations in verses to mother on Mother's Day to school

    My dear mother
    My dear mother,
    I love you immensely!
    And I wish you happiness
    And health by all means!
    And I also wish you
    Many good warm days,
    May you please us children as long as possible.

    Moms love us not for something, but simply
    Only moms love us not for something, but simply,
    Just because we exist, we live,
    We only go to moms on important issues,
    We only bring our troubles and problems to them.
    We dedicate successes, victories to mothers,
    And on Mother's Day, on the holiday of love,
    We wish them to pass all troubles,
    So that their children only bring them happiness.
    You, mother, are my best friend!
    You, mother, are my best friend!
    And there are simply no secrets from you,
    We know so much about each other,
    After all, we have been together for many years.

    Today, mom, your holiday,
    Thank you for all the good things,
    Let peace reign in your soul,
    Health, happiness, I love you!
    I so want my mother to smile
    I so want my mother to smile,
    So that you never feel sad in life,
    So that you always succeed,
    So that you do not know that there is trouble.
    On Mother's Day, my love, I wish you
    May you stay like this forever!
    I dedicate these lines to you -
    To a beautiful mother, tender and dear!

    The sun

    Today the sun washed up,
    It rose to the sky early,
    Nature has changed,
    It's time for the holiday!
    Mother's Day around the planet,
    For their only relatives,
    Children bring flowers to their feet,
    For their affection and care!
    Beloved mother
    Beloved mother, I congratulate you,
    I wish you happiness and health on Mother's Day.
    You are in my heart, even if apart,
    I always remember your gentle hands.
    May your every day be filled with light,
    Be warmed by the love of your relatives, like the sun.
    I'm sorry, sometimes I upset you,
    Believe me, that involuntarily... I reproach myself.

    Short poems for Mother's Day in kindergarten

    MA — MA

    There is an eternal word in our world,
    Short, but most cordial.
    It is beautiful and kind,
    It is simple and convenient,
    It is sincere, beloved,
    It is incomparable with anything in the world:
    MA — MA!

    The sun

    In the house near the Sun
    And it's warm in the cold,
    Even at dark night
    It's always light there.
    When I see the Sun,
    I always sing like that.
    I probably love him
    Most of all!
    I will give flowers,
    Because the Sun is
    , MOM, you!

    My mother

    There are many mothers in the world,
    Children love them with all their heart,
    There is only one mother,
    She is dearest to me.

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