Rorschach test prints
Rorschach Art Prints to Match Any Home's Decor
Test de Rorschach Art Print
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Rorschach test 2 Art Print
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$15. 00$12.75
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$15. 00$12.75
Rorschach No.1 Art Print
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Rorschach test: examples.
Let's scroll through the five protocols together. You will get a first impression of the test and the scope of the recording. All protocols are genuine, client names have been replaced with pseudonyms.
1. Mrs. Walevska, 32 years old, married, mother of one child, works as a doctor.
2. Murzik, 30 years old, married, father of two children, serves in the police.
3. Napoleon, aged 20, single, has a twin brother, conscript soldier.
4. Mila, 41, unmarried, no children, works as a theater season ticket agent.
5. Snow White, 30, single, no children, office manager.
Brief description
1. Norm protocol. Short protocol. Questions-resistance at the beginning of the protocol. Refusal attempt in table IX.
2. Norm protocol. Protective retention of answers (pauses).
3. Pathology protocol. Short protocol. Emotional type of experience. Amorphous thinking and perseveration are noted - the images seen wander from one table to another.
4. Pathology protocol. I am broken by trauma. Dissociative “forgetting” of answers and perseveration are noted - the images seen wander from one table to another. The psychologist is disorganized by massive psychopathology and wrong in numbering the answers.
5. Pathology protocol. Long protocol. The answers come from several subpersonalities of the dissociated client. Diversity of thinking (violation of purposefulness) and acceleration of thinking (violation of the pace of thinking) are noted.
Protocol No. 1
Mrs. Walevska, 32 years old, married, mother of one child, works as a doctor
Psychologist: (gives a chart into his hand) Look at this chart, please. What does it look like, what could it be?
Mrs. Walewska:
I. Look, I see a few here. First, I see a butterfly. And there are two dogs and a bat.
II. Oh, I saw a cat right away. I don't know why, cat. And two puppies, just a puppy, that stand with their noses to each other. How many of these are there? (ten) Very good.
III. 5'' Two friends met outside the store with bags. The wind blows, skirts flutter, high heels. Everything.
IV. (clears throat) 8'' Two boots. 5'' ∨ 10'' ∧ Everything. And what is the name of Rorschach, how to say Rorschach? (Hermann Rorschach)
V. Butterfly.
VI. Uh ... the skin of a silver fox, which was worn by women in the Soviet Union. Who could afford to buy it (clears throat).
VII. 16'' Looks like two girls, with ponytails. Dancing, right? On the move, shall we say.
VIII. Mmm... What's it called... 21'' Exceptional cut of the skull. This is exactly the bones of the skull (puts the table on the table. Picks it up, looks at it and puts it down again). Some kind of animal. Raccoon. No. I don't understand animals very well. The raccoon has a big wide tail.
IX. 10’’ I don’t have any associations with this. I'm telling you, I can't tell you. (Take another look, we have plenty of time). - Some kind of picture, abstraction, a modernist artist painted.
X. Oh, how beautiful. It looks like a flowering meadow from a height of... well, not a bird's eye view, but a few meters. Dandelions, flowers, even poppies. The blue ones are irises.
The psychologist numbers the answers through the whole protocol and makes notes on the form of the Localizer.
Psychologist: Now we'll go through all the charts again. It does not take a lot of time. I want to see the same thing that you saw and be sure that I see exactly like you. We will go through all the answers one by one. I will read the answer and you will show me exactly where you saw it and tell me what created the impression so that I can understand and see it like you.
I. 1. (reads the first answer) Butterfly. It's the whole stain. These are antennae, these are eyes, two wings, this body, these are white spots on her.
2. Dog. Here's the dog, three-quarters. She seems to be looking at you. Two dogs. Sits and looks (demonstrates a pose while sitting on a chair). Look, here are the paws, the ear, here is the second ear, the body, the tail. Here are the front legs.
3. Bat. Very large and such in the form of a sail two wings.
II. 4. Cat. Cat, if you look from above. Here are the ears pressed to the head, the nose, these are the eyes. (I don’t see) - Well, look, if the cat sits like this (gets up from the chair and squats on the floor!) And we see the cat’s head from above (slaps itself on the top of the head). (Stands behind the psychologist) Red here is the eyes (sits down on a chair).
(So the answer is not "cat", but "cat's head") Well, yes, a cat's head.
5. Two puppies sit symmetrically. Here is
III. 6. Two girlfriends. Here is the arm, leg, head, nose, neck, bust, here are the skirts, here are the heels, bags.
IV. 7. Boots. Shaft, toe, heel.
V. 8. Butterfly, which, as it were, lands and tries to fold its wings. Here are the antennae, here is the head, wings.
VI. 9. The fox dries up, they leave her mustache for show off, this is a mustache, this is a nose, paws. Crucified skin, dried, tanned (tanned?) - It is completely flat, having lost all volume.
VII. 10. Tail, neck, forelock, nose, chin, handle, blouse, skirt.
VIII. 11. White is the excipital fossa, here are two parietal bones.
12. Here is the head, these are the paws, the tail.
IX. 13. An inexplicable combination of colors and everything indefinite.
X. 14. It reminded me of a meadow. These are all flowers. Here are irises, here are tulips.
After the Questioning stage, you should code the answers, calculate the amounts and balances of the indicators, fill in the psychogram and proceed to interpretation.
Protocol No. 2
Murzik, 30 years old, married, father of two children, serves in the police
Psychologist: (gives a table in his hand) Please look at this table. What does it look like, what could it be?
I. 3'' Mask 5'' Give more associations? (as you wish)
Some buffalo skull.
20’’ (holds up) Everything, I guess.
5’’ Two monks dancing. Come on.
II. 3'' Clowns
10'' ∨ ∧ 16'' Yes, clowns, perhaps, everything.
III. 10'' Two monkeys and a butterfly.
6’’ They are doing something together here.
Oh, well, let there be a crab. Or a beetle.
IV. 10 '' A large man of some kind, shot from below. In big big boots. In tailcoat. Severe.
V. 2’’ Night butterfly.
10’’ Only she has a hare face.
VI. 4 '' The skin of the animal.
16’’ A cut of a plant. The trunk, perhaps.
VII. 2’’ Two flirtatious ladies. They are very flirtatious with each other. Basically friendly.
VIII. U... 9'' Two marmots. Very similar to the coat of arms.
IX. 5'' Alien. In the crown
(returns table)
X. 5'' oh
20'' Some sea shells, seahorses, crustaceans, crabs. Very festive. They mark something. Seaweed. Everything.
The psychologist numbers the answers through numbering through the entire protocol and makes notes on the form of the Localizer.
Psychologist: Now we will go through all the tables again. It does not take a lot of time. I want to see the same thing that you saw and be sure that I see exactly like you. We will go through all the answers one by one. I will read the answer and you will show me exactly where you saw it and tell me what created the impression so that I can understand and see it like you.
I. 1. Here is the general shape as the shape of the face more or less, here are the eye sockets, here it is difficult, but you can see the mouth, here there is a hole in the middle for the nose.
2. Again, the eye sockets, the shape of the width of a bull, here is the bridge of the nose, horns. (width form?) width, general silhouette of the muzzle.
3. Here are wide garments, including wide sleeves as hems, a hood. Here is the face, here is the nose sticking out, eye level. This is the second hand in this position (shows) plus the clothes are fluttering, so the movement. (Did you say two monks?) yeah.
II. 4. Legs, clothes, low crotch, everything is like a clown, the sleeves are wide almost to the waist. So they put a pen to the pen, in some kind of caps. They put hand to hand, like playing patties.
III. 5. Here are their thin long legs, arms again. Long, elongated, monkey. Heads, again with typical noses like that. Long necks, slightly elongated.
6. Butterfly, here it is fluttering in the middle (fluttering?) Waving its wings.
7. Here are the claws. Those big eyes are so bulging. And here is the mouth of an arthropod. The torso goes here, it is not drawn. (crab or beetle?) Rather, probably a beetle.
IV. 8. But friendly. I added it seems. Shot in perspective from below, narrows towards the top. He is wide, in such a pose, serious. This is half a tailcoat. These are huge shoes. Here is the sock, here is the heel. (what gives the impression that he is stern?) posture. A man in every sense. The image of some forester, cowboy, hunter. He is stern but friendly. It's all just based on posture.
V. 9. (Is it all a stain?) Yes, entirely. First of all, these are the wings. Night precisely because of the shape of the wings, they are elongated. Paws are here. Head and antennae.
10. Here is the muzzle of a hare. Eyes, mouth, nose, teeth and ears, large long ears.
VI. 11. The skin of the animal. It is laid out as it is laid out to dry or stretched (layed out or stretched?) it is laid out. Limbs front, rear, spinal line and tail.
12. It's here. Some fibers that I see in the section. The fibers are different, they are compacted towards the middle (what creates such an impression?) Here it is darker, and here it is lighter.
VII. 13. Yes, so they have such ball gowns, a sleeve with an extension. They stand with their backs to each other, but their faces are turned. (what gives the impression that these are faces?) Nose, mouth, in profile, I see them. The tail of the hair is up for some reason, I don't know. Friendly, because in a playful pose, something cute. It's like they're setting a scene for someone else.
VIII. 14. Two marmots. These are these two red spots, one and the second. I called them groundhogs conditionally, but I can’t say what kind of animal it is. < If he was standing on the ground, then the ground is like this (turns the table 90 degrees). Here is the head. The dark spot here is the mouth. This ear is like a bear's.
15. Coat of arms. (what gives that impression?) The overall shape, the overall outline, plus the things that are depicted on it. Forest, mountain and two animals. Green is a symbolic image of the forest.
IX. 16. Arms, shoulders. Jacket, shirt, buttoned to the castle under the very shoulders. Those. he is wearing something red. Egg-shaped head. Strongly elongated. Grayish-greenish. Eyes set vertically. Lilac proboscis instead of nose. (what gives the impression that this is an alien?) This is white and dark, these are the eyes. And orange is the crown, pulled down almost to the very eyes.
X. 17. Sea shells. Here. (what creates such an impression?) form.
18. Seahorses. Here are their heads, here is their torso.
19. Here they are gray crabs. I kind of see them from the side.
20. The crustaceans are also blue, something like a crustacean. Crustaceans, crabs, write with a hyphen.
Add Here are some gray ones, something arthropod, marine, tasty.
(Then you said “Very festive. They celebrate something there”) Yes.
21. Algae. Everything that is green. Hang down. (What gives the impression that it is algae?) Rather, the rest of the plot. I wanted to find a use for them.
After the Questioning stage, you should code the answers, calculate the amounts and balances of the indicators, fill in the psychogram and proceed to interpretation.
Protocol No. 3
Napoleon, 20 years old, single, has a twin brother, conscript soldier
Psychologist: (gives a table in his hand) Please look at this table. What does it look like, what could it be?
I. 10'' Damn. This is generally the same thing, only divided twice (closes part of the table with the right hand). Butterfly. It looks like an explosion. And it reminds me of an animal. Butterfly.
II. 30’’ It’s like… it reminds me of some kind of mountain. This is the center of the mountain, a volcanic eruption. Can you look upside down too? (As you wish) - Just a drop of red ink. Again, I see that this is one thing, but it was divided (closes the right side of the table with his left hand). An attempt to paint over, cover up red with black.
III. Well, why is everything bifurcated here? Why is everything here twice? 20’’ Something outside and inside. This is a mouth, and inside the mouth is a butterfly. ∨ It's like a spider, and this is a butterfly in his stomach. X-ray him. These are the eyes, this is his mouth so terrible, and these are the tentacles. And what's that? I don't know what, it's nothing.
IV. ∨ > ∧ < ∨ 10’’ Somehow it’s all the same. They are trying to portray some animals. It's hatching... some bug is hatching from somewhere. It opens and now it hatches. ∧ It also looks like a bat.
V. Here she is! Bat. There she hatched, here she appeared. ∨ ∧
VI. (laughs) These are all some kind of hidden animals. It looks like a stingray. Water slope. Yes, the tail is enlarged, but he usually has such things on his tail.
VII. There was some kind of picture, well, as if something had crawled out of here. Released. Released from here. It's like... like... like... a lair. Maybe a lair, well, like an egg.
VIII. (puts the table on the table) It's all a reflection. This is some kind of animal escaped from hell. As if the evil that escaped. Everything.
IX. (puts chart on table) ∨ 16'' Well... it's like... it's like a fight going on here. This one wants to go there, but the yellow one does not want, he wants from him. This hand wants to go there.
X. (puts table on table) < 20’’ It’s like… people’s emotions. Emotions, my emotions, let's say so. Ambition, emotions. Everything.
The psychologist numbers the answers through numbering through the entire protocol and makes notes on the form of the Localizer.
Psychologist: Now we'll go through all the charts again. It does not take a lot of time. I want to see the same thing that you saw and be sure that I see exactly like you. We will go through all the answers one by one. I will read the answer and you will show me exactly where you saw it and tell me what created the impression so that I can understand and see it like you. Is the task clear?
I. 1. Damn. Here are the ears, here are the horns. Those eyes are so mean. This is a mouth, this is a nose. But this is only one head.
2. Butterfly. It's like a mustache, it's wings.
(explosion) No, I don't think it looks like an explosion right now.
(some kind of animal) I already said butterfly.
II. 3. This is the mouth of a volcano. Red is lava, these are drips. Lava actually erupts, but then it starts to flow.
4. Drop of ink. Just a cap, that's all. These are such traces, splashes. Just like a drop was lifted into the air and dripped. But I don't understand how he /Rorschach/ got them so identical. Probably on a computer. He probably did this for two eyes, for two hemispheres.
5. Wrong, trying to paint over black with red. There are dark stripes here, these are brush marks. It can be seen, water, black paint. Stripes, all this, a brush. All this is a brush (strokes the table). It's just that, ignore that part. This and that are the same, why waste time in vain, I want to specifically consider the left one. - (water?) - Water, as it were, diluted the color.
III. 6. This mouth is open. These are teeth. And this is a butterfly, the usual form of a butterfly. It's a throat, and he swallows it. Crocodile or snake.
7. ∨ Here is a spider. These are eyes, these are tentacles, this is a mouth like that of piranhas. As if he ate a butterfly and it sits in his stomach, an x-ray. Or is it the color. Coloring. They are spiders, they have crosses drawn. This butterfly, it is painted on his back. (what gives this impression?) - Spiders have patterns in the central part of the back.
IV. ∨ 8. These are ears, these are two small proboscis. These are tentacles, legs. It's like a mink or an egg (mink or egg?) - Well, let it be a mink. Expands and hatches. If it hatches, it's an egg. But it's not an egg, it doesn't look like an egg. Let there be earth, it will come out from under the earth.
9. It's a bat, it's just suspended. This is the head. They cover their heads with their wings, and this one has wings slightly ajar.
V. 10. Bat. Wings. These are her ears, enlarged, really. These are paws. She is in flight now. We see, track it from above.
VI. ∨ 11. Water slope (water?) - Lives in water. The stingray has a spiked tail. It beats with current, right there, in the tail, there is electricity in it. Only enlarged (what creates such an impression?) - He has such a form. As a child, we killed such people on the Sea of Azov. Dive in, and so BOOM!
VII. 12. (den or egg?) This is a cocoon from which an insect has just crawled out. (what gives that impression?) This is the closed part, this is the open part. Like a gate, here it closes like this.
VIII. 13. This is the evil that broke out of hell. (what gives that impression?) This is red and this is red. And it back to him, bang, escaped. Stop. Where is the logic. Evil has no reason to break out of hell. This is a child of evil.
IX. 14. Red is like a flame, this is hell. These are spots that move. This one reaches with his hands as if diving. This orange here is connected with green, they are connected together. Orange pulls his tentacles in the opposite direction, confronts him.
X. 15. < Red is passion. It's all about excellence here. It's such a red color. Again, this picture I draw attention to this half. And only on the left. in all tables. Yellow is a kind of negligence. Green is the desire to create. Blue is a kind of light in the head, something good.
(Patient gave only two Popular Answers. This forced the psychologist to do Limits Testing).
Boundary check:
Psychologist: We are almost done, the last task remains. Look at this table again (holds up table III). Some people see human figures here. Do you see anything that looks like this?
III. Here are two people. Head, arms, legs.
(holds up table VII). Something that looks like a head?
VII. No, I don't.
(holds up table VIII). Something that looks like an animal?
VIII. Here. Bear, here is the head, paws. Tiger, Rottweiler.
(holds up table X). Something that looks like a crab? Sea Horse?
X. Here, blue is a crab, and green is a seahorse.
The patient saw three popular responses. Thus, the total number of P=5.
After the Questioning stage, you should code the answers, calculate the amounts and balances of the indicators, fill out the psychogram and proceed to interpretation.
Protocol No. 4
Mila, 41 years old, unmarried, no children, works as a theater subscription agent
Psychologist: (gives a table in his hand) Please look at this table. What does it look like, what could it be?
I. 12'' I see a woman's breasts here.
10'' You have to look at these pictures well to tell you.
Can I turn it over? (As you wish)
I see two very similar people here, one opposite the other.
Two wolves roar.
Two swans.
And one big eagle, the whole picture in principle.
II. 8'' I see a lot of blood here first of all.
Male penis.
Two sculptures, but very very scary, similar too. With a scary person, I don't know.
And I again see the two genitals of the male, at the top. Everything, I think.
III. 18’’ I see those two here again that I saw before.
Maybe an animal, I don't know what it is.
I see a part of the pelvis here, back. I don't know if it's male or female.
And more blood.
8'' Everything, I know.
10'' I don't see anything else.
IV. ∨ 12’’ Hands. Men's hands, not women's.
Skeleton of the human body. It's hard to see, only the skeleton is visible.
20'' And again I see images of two men. They have something in their mouth, I don't know what.
V. 12’’ I see (speaking in masculine) a woman is lying. Yes, this is a natural image of a lying woman.
∨ 10’’ This is a vulture, quite predatory. (pretty predatory?) pretty dangerous, sort of.
4’’ Two kites stand one opposite the other.
VI. 10'' I see genitals all the time, I don't know why. It is essentially masculine.
There is an image of a man here, he is reflected here.
6'' And hands as if outstretched for help, that's what I see. Everything.
VII. 10'' I see here.... a bear. Two bears.
Someone's backside... male. I naturally see it here, clearly.
And I can see his body too. Big enough.
10'' That's it, I can't find anything here but this. The entire middle is missing.
VIII. 8'' There are two animals here, I can't identify which ones. Terribly disgusting.
Skeleton of some body.
This is how I see people, but they are very far away. Very far away.
This picture disgusts me, I can't even look at it.
IX. 2’’ I see the skeleton of the face of someone very bad. Here are his nostrils. Er... I also see a skeleton of teeth. However, it is not clear why I see horns on his head. If in the end I see that he has horns, then something is not normal with him. Everything.
X. ∨ 10'' Here I immediately see eyes, mouth. (sighs)
7'' Skeleton of his body.
I see these animals too, there are all kinds of animals here.
And in the center here, I see like someone is hanging and people are holding him. Can't run anywhere. Everything.
The psychologist numbers the answers through numbering through the entire protocol and makes notes on the form of the Localizer.
Psychologist: Now we will go through all the tables again. It does not take a lot of time. I want to see the same thing that you saw and be sure that I see exactly like you. We will go through all the answers one by one. I will read the answer and you will show me exactly where you saw it and tell me what created the impression so that I can understand and see it like you. Is the task clear?
I. 1. These are breasts, this is such a body (what gives such an impression?) two points and I see two bulges here. There are just two such bulges as the chest. I take this part as a body.
2. As if one is in a mirror, one looks at the other in the mirror. This is the head, this is the body and these are the legs.
3. These, these two. No. Walla. I don't remember. Yes Yes i remember. Yes, these two. They lift their heads up. It's not this, it's these two, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. (roar?) Yes, they roar, the mouth is open.
4. I said two ducks. (The swan is written down. Where did you see them?) Here, in the picture. Do you see this part lighter than this? Here, as it were, the part is more vague, but there are two of them. Only heads, here.
5. This is the whole picture. (what creates such an impression?) Wings, shape. This is the whole body. This whole part.
I saw something else. Did I tell you about the penis? (no) No, not in this picture.
II. 6. All these prints are blood for me. (what gives that impression?) Looks like spilled blood.
7. This whole part is here, this one. These are the testicles, as if transparent (transparent?) Yes, this is a transparent sexual organ. 8. Here are these, here is the partition. Not a partition, but I see what is divided. (what gives the impression that this is a man?) here his face is very scary. As if it looks so evil, I don’t know. (did you say two?) I don't know what separates them, they're back to back.
9. It looks like a completely male penis. Here and here. (what gives that impression?) It's a member, without this part.
III. 10. (have seen them before, what do you mean?) In the previous picture they were here. And here I see, as it were, in magnification. This is his nose, mouth, there is a little bit of white here, and the same thing here. I only see heads here. This body I don't know if it belongs to them at all, I have no idea. It looks like a male body, a reflection of a male body.
Add I can see the testicles here, the reflection of the testicles. (what makes it look like a reflection?) like an x-ray, the inside of the body.
11. This whole part. (what gives that impression?) This is the buttocks, and this is the anus.
12. Yes, it is. (What creates such an impression?) Color. spattered. When blood is shed, it splatters.
My stomach hurts.
IV. ∨ 13. Like this. It's pretty blurry here. I see part of it. Here are the forearms (what creates such an impression?) Such a movement. Such a threatening move. Someone is threatening. Normal movement is like this, not like this (demonstrates). ∨ 14. All this is the spinal column, naturally. It's like a neck. And this is naturally an anus.
I need to go to the toilet.
(We leave the room, I escort her to the nurse, as patients with bulimia visit the toilet only under the supervision of staff).
< ∨ 15. This is the nose, this is the mouth, this is the chin. I see the head and something that is in the mouth. (What?) I have no idea.
V. 16. (What creates such an impression?) It's her legs, it's like her body, quite delicate. And this shading is her profile. Everything. This is the forehead, profile. (what gives the impression of being delicate?) There is not a single threatening movement here, everything is calm. There is nothing strong or masculine.
∨ 17. It looks like a natural vulture. These are the wings, this is the back, this is the front. Floating in the air. Everything.
18. These two. This is the head, and from here the actual snake begins. Everything.
VI. 19. It looks like this from behind, it's not entirely clear here. This is the buttocks, here are the testicles (what gives that impression?) Shape.
20. Again this picture of hands reminds me of a man... not completely, there are parts missing from the picture. There is not enough, let's say, the head, the continuation of the legs.
21. Here, these two. (what gives this impression?) The movement of this hand, as if crying out for help.
VII. It wears me down.
22. It's here. (what creates such an impression?) In this position, the wolf roars. Here.
Phew, my head hurts.
It's all a head, it's a triangular nose here, like a bear's. It's blurry here, but there's probably an eye here. Here is such a speaker, this is the mouth.
23. This is the ass, this is the anus, this is the back, these are the legs.
VIII. 24. Two animals. (what gives that impression?) Two disgusting animals. I feel bad for them. Legs, head, shape.
25. This is the spinal column. This body, this could be the front. I don't know if it's back or front. The whole part, without the head. This part is shaped like ribs. The spinal column to the bottom, resembles the shape of a male body, as if the shoulders.
26. (what gives that impression?) I see heads. Three heads on each side. (what gives that impression?) I see such long hair. And I see a man and a woman here. It's vague.
IX. 27 (error numbered 24 in the protocol). (facial skeleton?) Yes, like a skull, that's what I meant. This is the nose. Here. These are the eyes. natural skull. It's like part of the mouth here, including the white, and including these stripes, these are teeth. If it's a man with horns, he's not normal. However, this is what I see, I can not see something else. I can't figure out what the bottom part is. Doesn't fit in anything.
X. ∨ 28 (numbered as 25 in the protocol). These are the eyes, here is the nose, here the mouth is at a very very slight angle. And for some reason the skeleton became so small. However, I still see it. (do you see the face and the skeleton?) Yes, the skeleton of the body and the face. Beginning of the skeleton.
∨ 29 (numbered 26 in the protocol). Like a web here. (what creates such an impression?) All these thin stripes, as in a painted web.
∨ 30 (numbered 27 in the protocol). And this is also a web that has not been touched for many years, not swept away. (didn't sweep it?) Usually the cobwebs are removed with a brush or vacuum cleaner. And here it got bigger and bigger.
∨ 31 (numbered 28 in the protocol). I see two forearms here, here and here. that hold someone. And I see ... an image that it is not known who it is in essence. The image of someone unfamiliar. Human image. (hold him?) Very hard. By all appearances, it is impossible to escape from these two hands. (what gives such an impression?) Head, stomach, legs, arms in this shape.
(Mila gave only one Popular answer. This instructs the psychologist to conduct Limits Testing, as in the case of Napoleon). The psychologist forgot to check the boundaries.
After the Questioning stage, you should code the answers, calculate the amounts and balances of the indicators, fill in the psychogram and proceed to interpretation.
INTERPRETATION of Mila's test published in the book: O.V. Bermant-Polyakova. Post-trauma: diagnosis and therapy // Chapter 6. Illustration of traumatic experience on the material of a standard battery of tests. - St. Petersburg: Rech, 2006.
Protocol No. 5
Snow White, 30 years old, unmarried, no children, works as an office manager.
Psychologist: (gives a table to his hand) Please look at this table. What does it look like, what could it be?
Snow White:
I. Wow! I see a moth man. More to speak? (as you wish)
I don't know, just remembered the movie Thumbelina, where she danced with a beetle. Interesting.
10'' Don't know. Nothing more interesting. Insect and all. The more you look... (returns table)
II. (smiles) 15’’ Hmm! You know, a tavern, a wooden bench and behind it two large men... I don't know whether they are playing patty or...
Can you turn it over? (as you wish)
∨ < Again, some insect climbed.
∧ Hmm. No, it doesn't fit. I'm trying to see an analogy with bears, but something doesn't work. Not finished. 10’’
Is red here on purpose? Thoughtfully? (this is how it's done)
10'' don't know. You know, it feels like there was a normal drawing in dark colors and they took red. How they messed up the picture. It's like blood or something. By association. Probably everything.
20’’ I’ve already seen the tunnel here, and that’s it. Water is poured, a reservoir that goes to the walls of the castle.
12’’ Can I give it away? (as you wish) (gives the table)
III. 7'' It's something... You know, something like... something African. Monkey games.
Monkeys hanging by their tails.
Hanging butterfly. From a tuxedo. From a person. There is no man, the butterfly remains.
But this part is like in cartoons... A skeleton, they do a fluorogram.
Something is not getting a coherent picture. These hang by themselves, this one hangs in the center by itself.
These tails... Tails on one side, umbilical cord on the other. Already unpleasant. It looks like an umbilical cord.
10’’ I don’t know, some strange drawing.
But these two dark monkeys seem to me ladies, women. Breasts are so drawn. 15''
These pieces confuse me. Painfully, they look like penises. Legs not legs, arms not arms, skirt. Something strange. Hermaphrodites.
I don't know, I think that's it.
IV. 6'' Something gloomy. Unlike these funny monkeys, something gloomy. Do you know what that reminds me of? Lots of movies at once. In short, here a person begins to be reborn into a monster. It looks like something alien, but it seems like a person, it hurts with a contented look.
That part here... No, it's not a person. The queen is something. Monster queen. Their underworld. Here it is, on the right and on the left, the legs are incomprehensible.
10'' And these boots. And although not, it is an Italian corrugated boot on the right and left. I do not know what is this. Some kind of robe, cloak hems. Somehow one does not fit with the other. In the center is a queen, on the sides some paws hang down, claws, and below these boots. I don't have enough imagination.
V. Well, it's a bat. You could say classic. You can say female and kind. Good-natured. Just a mouse.
7'' If, of course, you start digging here... But let it be a mouse.
Although, you know. I look at her touching paws, they remind me of rabbit paws. And rabbit ears, and this is no longer a mouse!
(returns table) Who's there. I didn't see everyone anymore.
VI. The first thing that came to mind was that, as they show in films, such skins hang in houses ... like tiger ones. But this top, it's not from the skin of a tiger, but like wigwams show ... or like a cartoon carousel ... or like with a weather vane ... how they ... flutter in the wind.
Something feline at first glance.
4'' I don't like those hooks at the bottom. These are not tiger claws, these are literally some kind of hooks.
I also see the eye... several times.
And again, reminds, sorry, the penis. Some strange a little.
18’’ Can you tell me about the color? (as you wish)
If there was a color picture here, this wigwam would have to be the sun. Bright, orange.
I can't, straight eye, horror. It's creepy. One single human eye. Scary.
6'' Probably everything.
VII. 5’’ It immediately seemed to me that I saw some ancient female jewelry... You know, copper. And now I look, I began to disassemble in parts. Women's profiles with faces. Girlish. Girls, teenagers.
7'' But for some reason, the girl's heads turn into angry pig muzzles. Hari is so furious.
And at the bottom, these two pieces seemed to me like two blades at first, but now they are somehow like pieces of cardboard, something soft, something papery.
5’’ And also these pieces on the Lord of the Rings-type heads. The abyss separates. Something has come up here. < ∧
6'' Hmm, interesting. I have these heads turned into fish from the Little Mermaid. And pig muzzles remained so muzzles. They don't want to leave.
Probably everything.
VIII. 7’’ It’s not clear whether it’s some kind of anatomical atlas, or salamanders are walking on the sides. No, tailless. No, not salamanders, but chameleons. Chameleons are crawling.
3’’ And this is something like a shell from cancer. Nothing else comes to my mind.
Doesn't work for me.
Like what minerals. Especially in color. Like stones. Don't know.
Something again, like two boots, two legs. There is no person, legs hang. Like someone stuck.
Here, it looks like fragments of bones, something sharp, unpleasant is hanging, but here it seems soft is suspended, below.
This part looks like a shell to the touch. Dry, rough, and prickly. Looks like raw cancer. The bottom half is normal. Either a butterfly, or a stone. It does not cause such...
It turns out these chameleons... they are unfinished without tails... connect these halves. They stuck their suckers to the bottom and to the top.
As if in theory they should be separate.
IX. 8 '' What drew me to science fiction? Or is it ok?
What are the names of these flowers that lure insects? Sundew?
This part is orange... like these plants have sticky hairs. The insect sits down, once it was swallowed.
In general, the central part is a bit unpleasant. Either it resembles an octopus, or a nuclear explosion, the mushroom itself.
This part here is how the eyes stretch to the surface when they pop up.
These are...
I'm talking nonsense! (unexpectedly, in a high voice)
We had toys on the Christmas tree, you know, a mixture of Cipollino and Santa Claus. Such a vicious look, a red nose and like a beard. And the age is so old... Señor Bulb. Hybrid ... And they are like pregnant women. No, they cannot be pregnant. And this part is like pot-bellied.
At first it seemed that they aimed a type of weapon at each other, but now I see that they are not at each other, but at each other.
Some kind of underwater kingdom, but this part is like a crab. Another such color is pink...
7'' But this is generally green. For some reason it is drawn. Some cartoon faces.
In short, these orange grandfathers are pregnant with bellies, here they are vicious, bad, in the center there is an evil octopus, and at the bottom there are good-natured green faces on the sides, and at the very bottom, I don’t even know whether it’s like a curtain, or like Cinderella’s dress such a gorgeous dress. Not the dress itself, the skirt.
And these two red spots again turned into fish. They either accompany her or protect her.
5'' I don't like this part, pinkish brown. Something like insides. You know how dirty things get on that dress.
Reminds me of guts when you open a fish. Color and shape. Something like that, bad.
(Smiling) Probably everything.
And what is the principle? Immediately to speak, or peer? You can still find, sit.
5'' No, that's it. < ∧
X. Oh.
This is just like a painting to me, called "Under the microscope". Fleas are dancing, ticks, maybe some fleas here are carrying something small. No, there are no microbes. Or maybe there is. Again, crabs.
This is generally some kind of fried egg. In painted.
These bedbugs... They carry, they dragged somewhere a metal feather, a feather, or some kind of sword, they dragged something from our world. Something interesting.
Below, there is some kind of magical muzzle, incomprehensible. Deer has eyes like a dragonfly. Some kind of mix.
I don't know, I'm confused. So many bright spots, but I can't say anything.
This is how autumn leaves fall, pieces are orange.
But these two blue figures, like two baby elephants, this is illogical, they are upside down, and they are holding something between their trunks, something like a faceted glass, a glass. Like a glass.
I don't even know.
6’’ But these two large red figures, I don’t know who they resemble, but something non-existent. Whether like snails, like two fantastic animals. These eyes are antennas. Two alien creatures and they lead the whole horde.
It turns out that they keep these elephants, and these two arachnids or like a snowflake, something incomprehensible.
Now I can't understand what these two bedbugs are doing in front of their eyes. Maybe they have a type of circus. Something like an attraction, probably.
These must hold the glass, and these must throw the sword into it. This is incomprehensible.
And the fried eggs are no longer fried eggs. And, as it were, two children's faces, two suits. As the head moves, plush suits and all.
Interesting. With black and white it was easier with spots.
Crabs, they have claws. Like beckoning crabs. Males, how they lure females.
Probably everything.
I didn't come up with anything. With this little drawing. Nothing comes to mind.
Probably everything.
Although, you know, wait. I was frightened that everything, and then I saw it. Do you know what I saw? Male face (laughs) framed by hair. The scrambled eggs became eyes, and this face became a nose with a mustache.
And the baby elephants turned into a bra. Just a bra hanging on the forehead of this creature. Not old, not young. There is a bra on the forehead. It is interesting.
These bits are like hippies. They stick out of his head.
Klopiki, they don't seem to fit into this head. I don't like this detail, it confuses me. I can't find a use for it.
The psychologist numbers the answers through numbering through the entire protocol and makes notes on the form of the Localizer.
Psychologist: Now we will go through all the tables again. It does not take a lot of time. I want to see the same thing that you saw and be sure that I see exactly like you. We will go through all the answers one by one. I will read the answer and you will show me exactly where you saw it and tell me what created the impression so that I can understand and see it like you.
I. 1. This whole figure. Legs, figure, wings. (did you say in the movie?) From the movie The Mothman Prophecy. There is no such person. It's literally a scene from a movie. First impression is a movie. When you watch the film, you will immediately see.
2. These sprouts reminded me... of a rhinoceros beetle. (I want to see it the same way you see it) I saw him right away by these horns. I immediately remembered the cartoon. Cartoon beetle horns. The stag beetle must have been there.
II. 3. Head, body, palms. There is no bench, I thought of a bench. Judging by their postures, they must be sitting on something.
4. This is the part that confused me. It's not a butterfly, it's something that looks like a butterfly. (what created such an impression?) The form and these processes here.
5. If you do not look at the red heads and hands, then two figures. Two bears look at each other, approached. As if the bears are unfinished. Paws. First, the paws. Color. Here gouache is like skin. Bear fur (refers to the table). (What makes it look like fur?) Those strokes. The figure is healthy, large. Bear.
6. I don't understand these spots and this below. More like blood. (to the psychologist, who writes for the second hour without a break) Wouldn't a voice recorder help?
7. Lake, reservoir, castle walls, ripples of water, flowing and coming to the gate. (what gives the impression that it is a ripple?) These are the pieces. Somehow with water. Let's just say, not lit by the sun. Somewhere in the basement. Water like glare. Something for the night, not for the day.
III. 8. Monkeys hanging by their tails. Long tail, body, neat head. (did you say games?) It creates a feeling of pampering and a monkey holiday. The monkeys are having fun. (What gives the impression that they are having fun?) Probably a tuxedo butterfly.
9. Here in the center. (?) The form.
10. This part is dark, incomprehensible. How a person is translucent, shown. The shape is a little bit like a chest.
11. Umbilical cord. Length, thickness.
12. (Who are they, monkeys or ladies?) Ladies. Because it's not about the breasts, they stand so coquettishly, bent. The pose, the head, the way the hairstyles are arranged. They don't look like men at all. And the lower jaw is a monkey. (who is it, ladies or monkeys?) Female monkeys, females. This is a female female.
IV. 13. One large dark figure. She's kind of huge. (Who is it?) Monster. Here are the coiling tentacles. It's like someone is being formed from something.
14. A royal figure, here it is. Here are the eyes half-closed dark gray, regal posture. She stands proudly. Women's is like a long dress, tight-fitting to the toes. Tall figure, straight. Long dress to toe. This, of course, is not human.
15. Here is the boot. (which gives the impression that this is an Italian boot?) Reminds me of Italy on the map. Corrugated because this part is uneven.
V. 16. Wings, shape, paws, horns. (Did you say horns?) Yes, here they are. Head with horns. Why female, because graceful. Just a mouse. Not terrible. If you start to disassemble it, it is not a perfect mouse.
17. Bunny's feet are right here. (What creates such an impression?) Length.
18. Bunny ears are here. (?) Length.
VI. 19. (What creates such an impression?) Form. It feels like it's flattened, hanging on the wall. Another shade of this, dark gray spots resemble tiger stripes.
20. (What is it?) With a wigwam, of course, more. Indian pieces, ethnic. This part is like cloth or leather dressed (?) These hanging pieces.
21. These are the two hooks. It was just a soft skin, suddenly, two hooks appeared.
22. Eye. Here is the eyelid, here is the dark pupil.
23. Here is the head of the penis. (What gives the impression that he is strange?) Bifurcated a little.
In my mind, the roof of the wigwam is bright orange. It cannot be black and white, shades from light brown to orange. Sunny, light colors. Golden. I can see straight. (Do you see the golden hues in the table?) Yes, I see it right here.
VII. 24. Like a necklace. Women's decoration. Why archaeological, because ancient, as dug out of the earth and eaten by time. (What gives that impression?) Maybe the lack of color. (Did you say, eaten by time?) The edges are uneven, holes, dark interspersed with light. association with copper. It should have been silver. Yes, it's something from a history textbook.
25. Two girls. Chub, eye, nose, ponytails stick out. Profile.
26. The nose is literally a pig's snout, a mouth with teeth, an eye, a pupil, like a speck. Everywhere is white, and the pupil is dark. Evil. It basically does not interfere.
27. Cartoon fish. Body, tail.
28. (What is it?) Something metallic after all. Two pieces of metal that are fastened together. (what gives the impression that it is metal?) Shades, shadows. But thin metal.
29. (What is this?) These are figures of people. It is an abyss, a white space. They are like in some kind of robes, in overalls, in even clothes. Why did you get the feeling that the Lord of the Rings, I must say? (let's go next)
VIII. 30. (psychologist reads out the answer) Still, not an atlas. Here come the chameleons. (what gives the impression that these are chameleons?) The structure of the body. The eyes are bulging.
31. This whole part is light green. The color also gives a sensation to the touch like a crustacean shell, not smooth.
32. The whole central part is minerals. The shape is not strictly geometric, streaks. (veins?) Light, dark. Some stones.
33. Someone hung. Inside. Because it's not visible. Hanging inside the shell. He does not stand, does not sit, hangs. Because the legs are dangling. (and where is the man? I want to see the same as you) Was drawn, and he was sketched with a shell.
34. Here they are blue, the feeling of fragments. Like the bones of a skeleton, like ribs.
35. This whole part is pink and soft. (did you say suspended?) See how the connection goes, sort of like a hook. (what is it?) I don't know. Dark green is solid. The underside is smooth and soft, it is pink-yellow. (what gives the impression that it is smooth?) There are no these prickly contours. Let's just say the soft is suspended from the hard.
36. It's all together. Chameleons connect the bottom and top. I dont know. I see that they are connected. Both the bottom and the top differ in color, consistency, and composition.
IX. 37. Sundew. These parts are the sticky hairs of the sundew. Plus the color, of course... Orange-yellow.
38. (What is this?) Let there be an octopus. But not an animal, but as depicted in science fiction films. So pale blue and bluish green. He stretched out, oval.
39. We had standing toys on clothespins. Here is the whole figure without sundew details. (Who is this?) I would say, evil Santas. Here are the pistols, aimed at themselves, at the beard, at the mouth.
40. This is a crab, dark pink is crab eyes.
41. Fish, eye, nose.
42. Fluffy skirt (?) Shape, bell-shaped.
43. I thought that Cinderella was accompanied by two fish. Eye dark, head, tail, lower fins.
44. Here are the intestines. It literally flows. Something dirty is leaking.
X. 45. I overplayed. There are no microbes here, and there is nothing small here that can be seen under a microscope. Fried egg here it is. (?) Color, form.
46. Bed bugs, feather. Feather metal (?) Color and shape. The transition is dark gray on top and the tip is light.
47. Here is a light green muzzle of a deer, these are big eyes, here, dark green, it resembles dragonflies. It looks like some kind of gas is leaking out like the FBI. Gas flows, swirls. Drawn straight from the eyes. (magical?) Feeling magical because of this gas.
48. Autumn leaves are falling. Color and they are drawn as planned in wood.
49. Elephant, elephant, glass. Upside down and the lower part does not look like an elephant, like a person.
50. Here is an animal, here are antennae eyes. They lead the whole horde. These pink ones, they move.
51. This is an attraction. The point is not that the sword hits the glass. It doesn't matter the size of the glass. It's not a glass. Neat, small, this is a glass. The point is not to get into a glass, but to knock a glass out of the trunk. In the attraction, the bugs stand right in front of your eyes.
52. Children's human figurines, in suits (plush?) Color is soft, yellow.
53. Crabs, here are the claws. I just saw the program, there is a crab, luring females. Beckoning crab.
54. Eyes, nose, mustache. The bra is on his forehead, you can't get anywhere. The monsters turned into hair. It sticks out like a hippie.
After the Questioning stage, you should code the answers, calculate the amounts and balances of the indicators, fill in the psychogram and proceed to interpretation.
Tags : Rorschach test protocol examples
The dataset is just a Rorschach test (you see what you want to see) / Sudo Null IT News
The danger of apothenia in analytics and ways to prevent it. There is a very thin line between lies and stories that feature data.
Psychological trap in data analytics
The human brain has an amazing ability to find patterns in everything ... but these patterns usually have little to do with reality. We can see the image of a rabbit in a cloud or Elvis' face in potato chips.
See the rabbit and Elvis' profile?
Think of the Rorschach test - people are shown various blots and asked what they see. You won't believe how readily our minds find false interpretations of random datasets.
Bat? Butterfly? The usual blot? This is one of 10 Rorschach test cards created in 1921.
Psychologists have a beautiful name for this phenomenon: apothenia. Give people some incentive and they will not only find you faces and butterflies, but also a reason to budget for your favorite project or start an artificial intelligence system.
About the author: Cassie Kozyrkov is a South African data and statistician.She founded the Decision Intelligence division at Google, where she is a chief scientist.
Most datasets have a lot of random information. What is the probability that your analytics is not subject to apothenia? Can you trust your interpretation of the data?
Our mind does the same with data as it does with blots
The more ways these data sets are fragmented, and the more complex they are, the more vague incentives they are. They practically beg you to recognize the false images in them.
Complex datasets almost beg to be seen in them that which is not really there
Are you sure your latest data set is not a latent apophenia?
There is another wonderful word - pareidolia, a kind of apothenia too (finding familiar things in vague sensory stimuli). In Japan, there is even a museum of stones that look like faces. We live in an amazing time.
Lies, blatant lies and analytics
I know it sounds dark, but I'm not done yet. If you're taking a course in data analytics, this can add fuel to the fire. Students have become accustomed to expecting real value from every data exploration. Each quest for exploratory research implies a hidden treasure. Only a few professors dare to send you in pursuit of the unattainable (for your own good!). It is more difficult to evaluate tasks without an exact answer, so students usually do not pay much attention to them.
Students are used to the truth behind every data set.
Data storytelling is simply a step away from lying directly using data. Let's leave aside the question of whether patterns are real. Let's talk about multiple interpretations. If you see the image of a bat in a blot, this does not mean that there is no butterfly, pelvis bones or a pair of foxes. If I didn't mention foxes, would you see them? Probably not. The psychological mechanisms responsible for motivation and attention are working against you. It takes a special skill to stop seeing the bat and start seeing only a superposition of values.
Once people cling to their favorite image, it becomes difficult for them to unsee it
The problem is that once people cling to their favorite image, it becomes difficult for them to unsee it and see other images. People tend to believe the most in the interpretation that first caught their attention. Each new found value reduces the motivation to continue the search. Juggling multiple potential stories without re-evaluating your favorite story is a lot of mental work. Alas, not every analyst is disciplined enough to do this. In fact, many analysts are only interested in "proving" one side of the story through data mining. Why develop skills that prevent your wallet from replenishing?
What color is your lightsaber?
There are several ways to prove a story using data - honest and thorough. My article on data fragmentation will tell you more about it. Exploratory data analysis is not one of these methods. Exploring data that isn't meant to get real value is like catching fish. The color of your lightsaber depends on the bait you use.
If you go to the dark side, you will hook the evidence to support your theory. You already “know” that it is true (so you can sell it to some naive victim). You may not even realize that your lightsaber is red if you sincerely believe in the objectivity of the data and your open-mindedness.
Exploring data without the intention of getting a real value is like fishing.
If you have a fairly complex (fuzzy) data set, you will find a pattern that you can fit into the proof of your favorite story. That's the beauty of the Rorschach test. Unfortunately, the situation is worse with data than with blots. The more mathematical your method, the more convincing it sounds to those who do not understand anything about it.
A satellite image of the "face on Mars" that many people take as proof of the existence of aliens.
Those who refuse to accept the dark side also go fishing. But they catch something else: inspiration. They look for patterns that might be interesting and compelling, but don't take them as evidence because they're smart. Instead, they engage in unbiased analytics and try to note as many different interpretations in their heads as possible.
The best analysts try to find as many interpretations as possible.
This requires a keen eye and a humble, unbiased mind. Good analysts don't try to force stakeholders to see only one side of the story. Instead, they think creatively to turn the same data into multiple stories. They present their findings in a way that inspires everyone to follow up without making their leadership move mountains of overconfidence.
Being open-minded gives data analysis a chance to make sense.![]()
The discipline developed to seek multiple interpretations is the analyst's secret weapon. It allows you to keep in view the real treasures hidden in the data. If you are distracted by false information that you believe because of bias, it is difficult to pay attention to evidence pointing in the other direction. Why analyze anything at all if the conclusions are predetermined? Impartiality gives a chance to make sure that all efforts are not in vain.
This grilled cheese sandwich sold for $28,000 at auction because it featured the Virgin Mary. What do you see here?
Hire a great analyst
The traits you probably want to look for in good analysts:
- They don't draw conclusions that go beyond the data they examine.
- They easily manage data processing tools and can quickly view huge amounts of data.
- They have the necessary domain knowledge, so they are less likely to waste stakeholder time on trifles.
- They understand that their job is to seek inspiration.
- They visualize data in a way that is easy for the brain to understand, so inspiration comes quickly.
- They know what they need to closely track any potential information they find (and who to contact for help).
In addition to all of the above, this article invites you to pay attention to these features:
- They know that the mind finds meaning where there is none, so they try not to succumb to false interpretations and do not rush to conclusions.
- They don't try to sell you a story with a ready-made solution, found through a lot of fiddling with the data. Instead, they shy away from direct answers and soften the facts when talking about data.
- They are disciplined enough to come up with multiple interpretations of everything. The faster they can provide multiple explanations and the more alternatives they generate, the better they are as analysts.