Pokemon type personality quiz
What Pokemon Type Are You
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Take this What Pokemon Type Are You quiz to find out. We update the quiz regularly and it’s the most accurate among the other quizzes.
The Pokémon series has relied on a delicate Rock-Paper-Scissors-style balance to its Pokémon bouts since its inception. Type effectiveness is a critical component in forming an effective team in Pokémon GO, Pokémon Sword, and Shield, or any of the other games. Once you understand the basic strengths and weaknesses of the various types, you’ll be able to simply defeat any Pokémon type you come against in battle.
Every Pokémon belongs to at least one Type and will be either strong (very powerful) or weak (ineffective) against other types. Some are self-evident – Water-type Pokémon will be powerful against Fire types – but newcomers to Pokémon Sword and Shield and the Galar Pokédex may struggle to remember the strengths and weaknesses of the 18 main types. As a result, we’ve created the Pokémon type chart below to assist you in quickly figure out what’s what when it comes to Pokémon combat.
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In Pokémon Go, there are hundreds of Pokémon to choose from, with hundreds more to come as the game progresses through the generations. When you consider that attacking and defending Gyms, tackling raids, and fighting in PvP all necessitate different strengths in different areas, it’s clear that there are no objectively ‘best’ Pokémon for every scenario.
It’s still useful to know which Pokémon are generally strong enough to be used for each, and the simplest way to do so is by Type. Here’s an overview of the strongest Pokémon by type right now, including the best move options at the time of writing.
It’s worth noting that we’ve chosen the best moves of that type when they’re available, which may not be the best damage output moves for that Pokémon overall. Rayquaza, for example, does more damage (and is generally more effective) as a Dragon-type attacker using Dragon-type moves. But, as we’ll see below, it’s also the most powerful Flying-type attacker in the game when equipped with Air Slash and Aerial Ace. So use this table if you’re looking for a good Pokémon of a specific type, though it’s also useful for getting a general sense of the best Pokémon in the game. Also, you must try to play this What Pokemon Type Are You quiz.
About the quiz
The same type of attack bonus is another advantage that you can win (STAB). This boosts the potency of the move, as its name suggests (for instance a Pokémon fire type utilizing a Fire-type movie) if the attacking Pokémon has the same kind as that utilized. The harm is 1.5 times normal in this situation. This is increased to any further advantages, so a Water-type Pokémon will bag you six times (2,022,01,5) normal damage performing a Water-type move against a Ground-/Rock-type Pokémon!
The kind of a Pokémon determines whether it is stronger or weaker than other Pokémon. If you have an advantage, you will deal very effective damage; if you are weaker, you will not deal very effective damage.
In some cases, your attack may have no impact at all, therefore it’s critical to understand the 18 Pokémon types to maximize your damage output. Knowing the type chart is one of the most important variables in winning or losing whether you are piloting one of the top Pokémon in Pokémon GO or a Pokémon Sword and Shield rated match.
The three starting types are the simplest way to get started. Scorbunny, Grookey, and Cobble are the starter Pokémon in Pokémon Sword and Shield; they are Fire, Grass, and Water-types, respectively. Fire is extremely effective on Grass, Grass is extremely effective on Water, and Water is extremely effective on Fire. Scorbunny triumphs over Grookey, Grookey triumphs over Cobble, and Cobble triumphs over Scorbunny. It’s simply the Pokémon equivalent of the circle of life.
For more personality quizzes check this: Difficult Person Test.
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Which Pokemon Type Are You? (Updated In 2022)
Which Pokemon Type are you? Answer the questions about yourself and we will give you the type that your personality matches. All 18 types are options, including fire, grass, water, dark, psychic, steel, and more.
Instructions: just answer the questions below about yourself and it will give you a result at the end. Try to answer them honestly and don’t just try and get your favorite type. There are also social sharing buttons at the very end so that you can share your result with your friends.
Choose the word that best describes you
- Playful
- Energetic
- Witty
- Analytical
- Dreamer
- Practical
- Athletic
- Unique
- Competitive
- Charismatic
- Shy
- Adventurous
- Polite
- Independent
- Smart
- Confident
- Nurturing
- Happy
What do you think is your biggest flaw?
- I can sometimes be a bit selfish
- I try to put a positive spin on everything and it sometimes annoys people
- I sometimes take things too seriously
- I am very self critical
- I am easily offended
- I have a short-temper
- I like to play Devil’s Advocate in arguments
- I can't help but point out people's flaws
- I am a bit weird
- I am usually the loudest person in the room
- I find it hard to connect with a lot of other people
- I like to do things at my own pace
- I sometimes care about facts instead of feelings
- I can sometimes be a bit sensitive
- I can sometimes be pessimistic
- I find it hard to open up to people
- I can be stubborn
- I feel like my life is boring
Choose the career that most interests you (they would all pay you the same):
- Celebrity or Politician
- Artist or Inventor
- Environmental Scientist or Gardener
- Anything where I can work with my hands
- Fisherman or Marine biologist
- Life coach or inspirational speaker
- Project Manager or Business Analyst
- Comedian or Comedy writer
- Professor
- Campaign manager
- Story-teller or museum curator
- Model or dancer
- Scientist or architect
- Neo-noir writer or director
- Retail Manager or saleperson
- Elementary school teacher
- Musician
Where would you most want to vacation?
- A beautiful rainforest
- The Grand Canyon
- Anywhere with a beach or pool
- Anywhere that is hot
- Somewhere with beautiful mountains
- Disneyland
- Tokyo, Japan
- A haunted house or somewhere else spooky
- Somewhere that I can ski
- Somewhere that looks beautiful at night
- A bee sanctuary
- Anywhere that I can take an airplane to
- The Empire State Building
- Las Vegas to go to a UFC event
- A museum with lots of cool snakes
- The Wizarding World of Harry Potter
- A concert with lots of bright lights
- A spiritual retreat
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- RELATED QUIZ: Which Original Gym Leader Are You?
Here are all of the possible results that you could have gotten on the quiz and also some more details about each of them.
Bug-types are insects that are usually great choices for the early stages of your playthrough. They have the reputation of being weak but there are strong bug types that are out there. They are very strong against Grass, Psychic, and Dark but are weak against Fire, Flying, and Rock.
Some of the best bug-types include Scizor, Heracross, Golisopod, Genesect, and also Volcarona. We also can’t forget about some of the classics like Weedle, Kakuna, Beedrill, Caterpie, Metapod, and Butterfree.
Dark TypeDark-types are considered to be evil and they are also known to use some sinister moves. They are really strong against Psychic and Ghost but they are weak against Fighting, Bug, and Fairy.
Some of the best dark-types include Umbreon, Tyranitar, Absol, Weavile, Bisharp, and Hydreigon. Some others include Darkrai, Houndoom, Zoroark, and Greninja.
Dragon TypeDragon-types are based on Dragons and represent some of the most powerful Pokemon in the entire series. They are strong against Dragon but are weak against Ice, Dragon, and Fairy.
Some of the best dragon-types include Dragonite, Salamance, Garchomp, Haxorus, and Goodra. We also can’t forget some of the classics, like Dratini, Dragonair, and Kingdra.
Electric TypeElectric-types have powers that are based on electricity and are known to paralyze their opponents. They are really strong against Flying and Water but weak to Ground.
Some of the best electric-types include Pikachu, Magnezone, Electivire, Luxray, and Dracozolt. We also have to include some classics like Magnemite, Magneton, Voltorb, Electrode, and Raichu.
Fairy TypeFairy-types are typically feminine looking Pokemon. They are very strong against Fighting, Dragon, and Dark but are weak against Poison and Steel.
Some of the best fairy-types include Clefable, Togekiss, Hatterene, Whimsicott, and Azumarill. We also can’t forgot some classics like Clefary, Togepi, Jigglypuff,and Wigglytuff.
Fighting-types are known for their melee attacks. They are very strong against Normal, Rock, Steel, Ice, and Dark but are weak against Flying, Psychic, and Fairy.
Some of the best fighting-types include Machamp, Hitmonchan, Hitmonlee, Conkeldurr, and Lucario. We also can’t forget about some classic names like Mankey, Primeape, Machop, and Machoke.
Fire TypeFire-types are Pokemon that are known for their heat. They are very strong against Bug, Steel, Grass, Ice but weak to Ground, Rock, and Water.
Some of the best fire-types include Arcanine, Charizard, Blaziken, Talonflame, and Pyroar. We also can’t forget some original names like Ponyta, Rapidash, Vulpix, Ninetales, Flareon, and Magmar.
Flying TypeFlying-types are mostly birds. They are very strong against Fighting, Bug, and Grass but weak to Rock, Electric, and Ice.
Some of the best flying-types include Fearow, Pidgeot, Aerodactyl, Braviary, and Corviknight. We also can’t forget original names like Pidgey, Pidgeotto, Spearow, Fearow, and Farfetch’d.
Ghost-types are also known as paranormal or dead Pokemon. They are very strong against Ghost and Psychic but weak to Ghost and Dark.
Some of the best ghost-types include Gengar, Chandelure, Decidueye, Mismagius, and Banette. We also can’t forget the originals like Gastley and Haunter.
Grass TypeGrass-types are typically plants or Pokemon that are based on nature.They are very strong against Ground, Rock, and Water but weak to Flying, Poison, Bug, Fire, and Ice.
Some of the best grass-types include Venasaur, Meganium, Tangrowth, Leafeon, and Exeggutor. We also can’t forget the classics like Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, Oddish, Gloom, and Vileplume.
Ground TypeGround-types are typically associated with dirt or soil. They are very strong against Poison, Rock, Steel, Fire, and Electric but weak against Water, Grass, and Ice.
Some of the best ground-types include Rhydon, Hippowdon, Krookodile, Excadrill, and Golurk.
Ice TypeIce-types are associated with things that are cold and snow. They are very strong against Flying, Ground, Grass, and Dragon but weak to Fighting, Rock, Steel, and Fire.
Some of the best ice-types include Lapras, Froslass, Jynx, Glaceon, and Aurorus.
Normal TypeNormal-types are seen as the Pokemon who don’t fit in with any of the other types. They are not strong against any specific type but they are weak to fighting.
Some of the best normal-types include Snorlax, Eevee, Slaking, Blissey, and Kangaskhan.
Poison TypePoison-types have some sort of toxic element to them. They are very strong against Grass and Fairy but weak to Ground and Psychic.
Some of the best poison-types include Muk, Arbok, Toxicroak, Salazzle, and Toxtricity.
Psychic TypePsychic-types are known for their mental abilities. They are very strong against Fighting and Poison but weak to Bug, Ghost, and Dark.
Some of the best psychic-types include Alakazam, Mr. Mime, Gardevoir, Gallade, and Delphox.
Rock TypeRock-types are associated with mountains or rocks. They are very strong against Flying, Bug, Fire, and Ice but weak to Fighting, Ground, Steel, Water, and Grass.
Some of the best rock-types include Onix, Golem, Tyranitar, Rhyperior, and Coalossal.
Steel TypeSteel-types are those Pokemon that are made with steel or iron. They are very strong against Rock, Ice, and Fairy but weak to Fighting, Ground, and Fire.
Some of the best steel-types include Steelix, Aegislash, Aggron, Metagross, and Duraludon
Water TypeWater-types are mostly based on aquatic animals and creatures. They are very strong against Ground, Rock, and Fire but weak against Grass and Electric.
Some of the best water-types include Blastoise, Milotic, Wailord, Samurott, and Primarina.
So, which Pokemon type are you? Let me know in the comments below. We would also love to know which type that you think Pokemon should eventually create. Or, do you think they have hit the right number?
- NEXT QUIZ: Which Original Starter Pokemon Should You Choose?
Which Pokémon suits you?
Pokémon (“Pocket Monster”) is a unique story about friendship and trust. Pokemon are not just weapons, they are your companions, your true friends. Humans and Pokémon teamed up to help each other. Have you ever experienced separation from loved ones? Experience loneliness? Pokémon are companions for life! Feel free to go with them towards new adventures!
Nintendo has been hard at work on this masterpiece for twenty years. She tried to support all the trainers and their Pokémon who needed each other. In the Pokémon world, everyone cares about each other! Trainers are proud of their Pokémon and their accomplishments!
Do you pay attention first to the muzzle or to the general appearance of the Pokémon?
Both on the face and overall appearance
I don't care what his face is
First of all, I look at the face
What you like most in the game is catching Pokémon.
If two Pokémon appear in front of you at once, you will catch the stronger one.
No, I'll catch the closest one
I'll catch the stronger one
It's hard to choose
In a duel, do you prefer Pokémon that are good at attacking, or those that last longer?
Those that attack well
Both those and those, but more - those that attack
Those that last longer
Both those and those, but more - those that are hardy
You like Pokémon like Magikarp: weak before evolution and strong after?
Which Pokémon do you like more: those that you have pumped yourself, or those that you have caught already strong?
Can't choose
Can you part with Pokémon you don't use in battle?
I never part with my Pokémon
I can give them to someone
Do you enjoy learning about the characteristics of the Pokémon you just caught?
I don't read much about them
What makes you most happy: when you manage to catch a Pokemon or when you manage to win a duel?
When I can catch a Pokémon
When I win a duel
When your Pokémon needs medicine, do you consider its preferences?
Not always
Any drug that heals will do
Do you hunt rare Pokémon?
Yes, it's fun
No, I don't like long walks
Yes, if I have time
Could you catch Ditto?
I think I can
If someone else catches it, I think
I think I can't
Can you part with a weak Pokémon?
Depends on how cute he is
What affects the effectiveness of a Pokémon's abilities the most?
The efforts of the trainer
The abilities of the Pokémon themselves
The experience of the trainer
Why should you train a Pokémon, taking into account the characteristics of its character?
Because a Pokémon's strengths are determined by its personality
Because it will be easier for Pokémon to become stronger
Because Pokémon are sensitive egoists
What is the personality of Bulbasaur?
Are you good at Pokémon?
A little
How do you choose a Pokémon to fight?
Choose wisely
Choose my favorite
Choose the one that suits the duel
If you're choosing between Pokémon of equal strength, would you choose the one that looks better to you?
No, I will choose any of them
What type of Pokémon do you like best?
- Pikachu 4242223123 Pikachu is Ash's constant companion.
His natural ability is to accumulate an electric charge in his cheeks. This electricity can be used for a variety of purposes: during training or battles, and even in cooking! Pikachu uses electricity to crack nuts. Pikachu is a one-of-a-kind Pokemon, so catching it is considered good luck.//www.arealme.com/which-pokemon-should-i-use/show/1.png
- Dratini4231032123 Dratini is extremely rare and leads a secretive life. Because of this, many believe that this Pokémon is just a myth. Dratini looks like a snake, has charming big eyes, and he is also very shy. At level 30, Dratini evolves into Dragonair.//www.arealme.com/which-pokemon-should-i-use/show/2.png
- Psyduck3211101100Psyduck is a nervous Pokémon that suffers from migraines. Because of the headache, he always holds his head. When the pain reaches its climax, he has unusually powerful psychic abilities. It is worth adding that he is not able to control them for a long time, as he loses consciousness almost immediately.
Would you catch Psyduck?//www.arealme.com/which-pokemon-should-i-use/show/3.png
- Mew1340013323Mewtwo is a Pokémon created artificially from Mew's DNA. It turns out that Mew's genes contain information about every Pokémon living in the world. A study was conducted that showed that Mew may be the common ancestor of all Pokémon. Mew was thought to be extinct for a long time, but in fact, he lived in hiding at the bottom of the ocean. Only those who have pure thoughts can see him on the shore.//www.arealme.com/which-pokemon-should-i-use/show/4.png
- Eevee2222202021Eevee is the kindest pokemon that looks like a fox, a cat and dog at the same time. It is a unique Pokémon that can adapt to its environment by changing its shape and abilities as it evolves. Eevee has eight evolutions so far. Since Eevee has a gentle nature, it is very easy to train him.//www.arealme.com/which-pokemon-should-i-use/show/5.png
- Magikarp0031100002 Magikarp is a Pokémon that can only splash around.
He is usually overlooked by coaches due to his obvious weakness. However, he has an interesting ability: to survive in any water, no matter how dirty it may be. Magikarp is considered to be one of the weakest Pokémon, although its abilities greatly increase when it evolves into Gyarados.//www.arealme.com/which-pokemon-should-i-use/show/6.png
- Bulbasaur4102221101 Bulbasaur has an easygoing nature, making it a good choice for beginner trainers. It is a dual Grass/Poison type Pokémon. Bulbasaur is extremely loyal to its owner, so you better take care of it!//www.arealme.com/which-pokemon-should-i-use/show/7.png
- Gastly 1110000010 Gastly: outside - a ghost, inside - gas, inside - a scoundrel. Scaring people is fun for him. Gastly can win fights against higher level Pokémon. He knows how to hide anywhere. Gastly's Vulnerability: The wind that can dispel it.//www.arealme.com/which-pokemon-should-i-use/show/8.png
- Munchlax3230131202Munchlax is a Normal-type Pokémon with a good appetite.
This Pokémon has dark blue fur. In one meal, he eats about the same amount as you eat in a whole day. Sometimes he hides food in his fur. Even after transforming into Snorlax, it remains a docile and extremely loving Pokémon.//www.arealme.com/which-pokemon-should-i-use/show/9.png
- Lapras2322232312Lapras is a Pokémon that does not evolve itself and cannot be obtained by evolving another Pokémon. He understands human language. This Pokémon enjoys helping people and will often let other Pokémon and people ride on its back. Lapras is a rare and endangered Pokémon.//www.arealme.com/which-pokemon-should-i-use/show/10.png
- Ditto0020030023 Ditto has only one ability. He knows how to rebuild his structure at the cellular level and turn into an exact copy of his opponent. After transformation, it can also use the opponent's abilities.//www.arealme.com/which-pokemon-should-i-use/show/11.png
- Abra1031101102Abra is a unique Pokémon. He sleeps eighteen hours a day. It can also quickly run away if an outsider detects it.
After evolution, his abilities become much more useful: he begins to use them to attack and defend.//www.arealme.com/which-pokemon-should-i-use/show/12.png
- Meowth2111110010Meowth is the most common Pokemon of all existing. Unlike other Pokémon, Meowth can speak human language, and is the only Pokémon able to develop this skill. He is weak but charming. He will always support your every decision and strive to protect you like a true friend. A valuable quality of Meowth is that he will never turn his back on you, no matter what.//www.arealme.com/which-pokemon-should-i-use/show/13.png
- Charmander2222222101 Charmander is an extremely cute and calm Pokémon. It has a flame on the tip of its tail. It is said that if the fire goes out, Charmander will die. Catching a Charmander in the wild is difficult, but if you succeed, he will never leave you. Charmander is a faithful companion in any adventure.//www.arealme.com/which-pokemon-should-i-use/show/14.png
- Clefairy3011102221Clefairy is a Fairy-type Pokémon that moves on two legs.
He can fly. He is often seen flying in the sky by the light of the moon. Clefairy is shy and rarely shows himself to people. He is also extremely smart, kind, and loves the outdoors.//www.arealme.com/which-pokemon-should-i-use/show/15.png
[ Игры ]
你應該擁有哪個神奇寶貝你应该拥有哪个神奇宝贝あなただけのポケモンは!?나와 가장 어울리는 포켓몬은?Your Pokémon would be...?Que Pokémon seria o seu?Dein Pokémon wäre ...? Apa Pokémon Yang Cocok Buat Kamu? ¿Tu Pokémon Sería ...? Il tuo pokémon ideale è ...? โปเกมอน คุณ เป็น ไหน ไหน hangi pokemon benmalı? Ton pokémon serit ...? Twoim pokémonem byłby...?بوكيمون الخاص بك سيكون ...؟Din Pokémon ville vært...?
Your Pokémon:
Try AgainHow many Pokémon do you know? Let's check
Whom does this silhouette remind you of?
Raichu is an Electric-type Pokémon number 26 in the Pokédex. It evolves from Pikachu. This rodent is covered in dark orange fur and has a white belly. Its forked ears are colored brown on the outside and yellow on the inside. They end in a characteristic curl.
Who does this silhouette look like?
Zubat (Japanese: ズバット) is a dual, poison, and flying type Pokémon introduced in the first generation of Pokémon. Evolves into Golbat at level 22. The golbat then evolves into a crobat in a state of happiness.
What kind of Pokemon is this?
Bulbasaur is a dual Grass/Poison type starter Pokémon introduced in Generation I and the Kanto region. Evolves into Ivysaur at level 16.
Who is hiding in this photo?
Squirtle is a Water-type Pokémon introduced in the first generation of Pokémon. One of the three starter Pokémon in the Kanto region.
Do you recognize this Pokémon?
Wigglytuff is a Dual Normal/Fairy type Pokémon introduced in Generation 1. Evolves from Jigglypuff with a Moonstone.
Who do you think is pictured here?
Lickitung (ベロリンガ Beroringa) is a Normal-type Pokémon introduced in Generation 1 and number 108 in the National Pokédex. Evolves into Likiliki. Likitunga can be attributed to reptiles. He has a pink body color, but there are yellow stripes on his stomach, and circles on his knees. He is very fat, which makes him seem awkward.
Whose silhouette is this?
Ditto (メタモン Metamon) is a Normal-type Pokémon introduced in Generation 1, number 132 in the National Pokédex. The appearance of Ditto is very simple. It is a simple pinkish-purple amorphous blob with two small eye-shaped dots and a long, curved mouth. Although its appearance can be changed using Transformation.
Try to guess this Pokémon:
Charmander (ヒトカゲ Hitokage) is a Fire-type starter Pokémon from the first generation of Pokémon. One of the three starter Pokémon in the Kanto region. Evolves into Charmillion at level 16.
What do you think about this picture?
Beedrill is a double (insect / poisonous) type Pokemon wasp. Lives in the forests. She attacks with her stingers, of which she has two on her paws and one on her abdomen. The most powerful and most dangerous poison is contained in the sting on the abdomen.
Can you remember this one?
Pidgeotto (ピジョン) is a dual Normal and Flying type Pokémon. Lives on a vast territory in the center of which the nest is located. It has sharp claws and sharp eyesight. It constantly patrols its territory and ruthlessly punishes all uninvited guests with sharp claws.
Who is pictured here?
The Sidra Pokémon is number 117 in the Pokedex and is of the Water type. It evolves from Horsey. Sidra often rests wrapped in coral branches. When capturing this Pokémon, beware of poisonous tendrils.
What is the name of this Pokémon?
Nidorina (ニドリーナ, Nidorina) is a Poison-type Pokémon introduced in the first generation of Pokémon. She is a female nidorino. Nidorina is a rodent Pokémon with large ears that looks like a rabbit. She has blue skin with dark spots all over her body, as well as horns on her back.
Who is hiding in this photo?
Jigglypuff is a rather simple, pink Pokémon that looks like a balloon. A ball with ears, bangs, big blue eyes and very small arms and legs.
Do you remember this baby?
Chansey is number 113 in the Pokedex and is a Normal type. It evolves from Happy. Chansey hatches nutritious eggs daily in her pocket. Pokémon knows how to cook incredibly tasty, forcing a person who has lost his appetite with pleasure and a desire to eat one of the eggs.
Only one Pokémon left. And this:
Oddish looks like a small animated root crop. Its body is blue in color, with two small legs and red eyes. On the top of the head grows a large bunch of five long green leaves. Oddish is a nocturnal Pokémon that uses moonlight rather than sunlight for photosynthesis.
The world's first encyclopedia of Pokémon can be entrusted to you. No one understands these creatures better than you. Years of practice and hours of watching anime are immediately visible. We tried to confuse you, but to no avail. Such knowledge is really impressive! Tell your friends about this result, because you can be proud of it!
Novice Pokémonologist
Of course, you have basic knowledge in this science, but you cannot be called a professional yet.