Pokemon mystery dungeon personality types

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX - All personality test natures, questions, and answers

(Image credit: iMore)

If you've ever wondered what Pokémon you'd be based on your personality, you're in luck. Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX starts by having you take a quiz to match up your personality with one of 16 possible Pokémon.

Of course, you can always earnestly take the test and see which Pokémon the game directs you to. Or, if you really really want to land on your favorite Pokémon from the start, you can use these answers to get paired with the Pokémon you want. Here are all of the questions from the personality test and what the answers lead to.

How the quiz works

(Image credit: Source: iMore)

Upon starting Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX, you'll be asked nine questions. The first eight of them are asked at random, but the final question always asks if you want to play as a boy or girl.

Natures have existed in previous Pokémon games, but the one you're assigned here is determined by your answers. Each answer has at least one personality or nature assigned to it. There are 13 natures total. By the end of the test, whichever nature you have the most of combined with whether you chose to play as a boy or a girl will determine the Pokémon that matches your personality. It should be noted that some of the Pokémon can only be assigned to one gender or the other.

To see which Pokémon are assigned to which nature and gender continue to the next section. 

Each Pokémon's nature

(Image credit: Source: iMore)

Every starter Pokémon is assigned a different nature that's specific to its gender. Here are all the Pokémon and their natures.

Swipe to scroll horizontally

PokémonTypeBoy NatureGirl Nature

Nature descriptions

You'll be assigned a nature after taking the personality test. This is the description that the game gives for each nature.

Swipe to scroll horizontally

BraveYou have a strong sense of justice. You hate evil. You will take on any opponent. You are truly a hero! Go forth! For justice… For peace on earth… Fight the forces of evil! If I'm wrong, work at becoming a true hero! A brave person like you should be…
CalmYou're capable of giving advice to friends with worries. You don't like to fight. You're a warm kindhearted person who cares. You must have many friends who look up to you. However… you may also be somewhat gullible as well as a little careless and even a little meddlesome. You might want to keep those points in mind. A calm person like you should be…
DocileYou're very kindhearted. Very helpful. You can make friends with anyone. You're a very wonderful person... Is that going overboard? I don't think so. You yourself should be the best judge of that. A docile person like you should be...
HardyYou do your homework diligently, and you know how to eat properly. You have strong willpower that lets you complete tasks, however tough. But you can also be stubborn to the point of even feuding with friends. Nothing will go right for you when you're irritated, so learn to laugh it off. A hardy person like you should be…
HastyYou like to take charge and get things done. You're a real go-getter. But are you also stressed out? You get irritated when your friends don't show up on time. You get frustrated when things don't turn out the way you expect. Maybe you jab the elevator button if the elevator is slow to arrive. Maybe you're already jabbing the A Button repeatedly now. Beware - getting too easily irritated may waste your energy. A hasty person like you should be…
ImpishYou're playful, cheerful, and you love pranks. You're also kindhearted. That's why the people around you find you so irresistible. You must be the most popular person around! Oh? You're not that popular? You're either being modest... or you just don't notice it. I bet people are just too shy to let their feelings be known. There's someone out there who's afraid to declare their love for you! An impish person like you should be...
JollyAlways laughing and smiling, you uplift everyone around you. You love jokes! You have lots of friends, and you're popular wherever you go. But sometimes you get carried away and say things that get you in trouble. You should learn to think before saying or doing anything. A jolly person like you should be…
LonelyYou always act cheerful and jocular around other people. But that's only because you are with other people. However, when you're alone… Do you find yourself feeling oddly depressed? That's why you always want to be with others. It's not good to go around feeling depressed too much. Why don't you call up a friend instead? Just remember, it's not a bad thing to be lonely. You know what it's like when you aren't alone, so that's why you feel lonesome. And that's why you aren't really alone. A lonely person like you should be…
NaiveYou are highly curious and you love rare things. You have a cheerful and carefree attitude which should make thins fun for the people around you. But you have one flaw. You can be childish. You can never sit still. You're always on the move. You can also be selfish, so you should watch yourself. A Naive person like you should be…
QuirkyPeople consider you an eccentric, doing things at your own pace. You never break tempo. Your carefree nature makes you attractive. But you also happen to be somewhat childish. You are fickle and cause problems for the people who have to go along with you. Maybe people are even upset with you for being so fickle? If you realize how selfishly you're behaving, try to think before you don anything rash. A quirky person like you should be…
RelaxedDo you occasionally zone out and miss a bus? Or do you find yourself dozing off? Or is your reaction time a little slower than others? But that's not necessarily a bad thing. You can do things at your own tempo without feeling pressured. You can live in a relaxed and unhurried manner without worries. I think that's a happy lifestyle to be envied, even. You're also surprisingly popular. The way you vacantly stare off into the distance… It should make that some special's pulse race. A relaxed person like you should be…
SassyYou tend to be somewhat cynical. Despite that, there is something appealing and lovable about you. But do you occasionally say something arrogant that angers others? Do you make that mistake or have people called you conceited, vain, or selfish? Have people said that about you? Huh? You're telling me to get lost? Why, you… Come here and say that! gasp I'm sorry. I let my feelings fun away. I truly regret this, really. Anyway, your cool and aloof attitude is what defines you. It makes you exasperating and appealing at the same time. A sassy person like you should be…
TimidYou may find it hard to go to the washroom at night. You may also find it too frightening to go back to school to get something you left behind in class. If you're ever walking on a dark street at night you probably turn around often to check behind you. But your timid nature is also your good point! Because those who know fear are those who know true courage. A timid person like you should be…

Personality test answers

(Image credit: Source: iMore)
  • A delinquent is hassling someone on a busy city street! What will you do?
    • Help without hesitation. (Brave)
    • Help, even if scared. (Brave, Hardy)
    • Call the police. (Docile, Relaxed, Timid)
    • Do nothing out of fear. (Timid)
  • A friend brought over something you'd forgotten. How do you thank your friend?
    • Say thank you regularly. (Docile)
    • Say thanks with a joke. (Lonely, Naive)
    • Say thanks, but be cool. (Sassy)
  • A human hand extends out of a toilet! What do you do?
    • Scream and run. (Timid)
    • Close the lid without a word. (Calm, Hardy)
    • Shake hands with it. (Brave, Impish, Naive)
  • A foreign person has started up a conversation with you. To be honest, you don't have a clue what this fellow is saying. How do you reply?
    • "Haha! Yes. Very funny!" (Jolly)
    • "Um… Could you say that again?" (Hardy)
    • "Right… Well, I gotta go." (Timid)
  • There is a scream from behind a door! How will you react?
    • Yank open the door. (Hardy, Brave)
    • Scream in unison. (Naive)
  • It is a pleasant day at the beach. How do you feel?
    • This feels great! (Jolly)
    • Snore (Relaxed)
    • I want to go home soon! (Hasty)
  • A test is coming up. How do you study for it?
    • Study hard. (Hardy)
    • At the last second. (Relaxed)
    • Ignore it and play. (Impish)
  • It's a weekend, but no one will play with you. . . What do you do?
    • Go on a trip. (Jolly, Lonely)
    • Hang around vacantly. (Calm, Relaxed)
    • Huddle in a corner. (Lonely, Timid)
  • It's the summer holidays! Where would you like to go?
    • The beach! (Jolly)
    • Spas. (Calm)
    • Anywhere. (Quirky)
  • It's the summer festival! Do you like carnivals?
    • Love them! (Jolly)
    • Don't care. (Quirky, Sassy)
  • On vacation outings, you want to...
    • Go alone. (Hasty, Quirky)
    • Go with others. (Jolly, Lonely)
  • Grab any digit on your left hand with your right hand. Which digit did you grab?
    • Thumb. (Timid)
    • Index finger. (Hasty)
    • Middle finger. (Jolly)
    • Ring finger. (Sassy)
    • Little finger. (Lonely)
  • There is a bucket. If you put water in it, how much will you fill it?
    • Full. (Hardy)
    • Half. (Calm)
    • A little. (Quirky)
  • There is a person you like, but there's no opportunity to get close. What do you do?
    • Bravely declare my love. (Brave, Hardy)
    • Might say hello… (Quirky)
    • Pull a prank to get attention. (Impish)
    • Look from afar. (Timid)
  • Are you often late for school or meetings?
    • Yes. (Relaxed, Sassy)
    • No. (Hardy, Hasty)
  • Are you a cheerful personality?
    • Yes. (Jolly, Naive)
    • No. (Quirky, Sassy)
  • Can you sincerely thank someone when you feel grateful?
    • Yes. (Calm, Docile)
    • No. (Quirky, Sassy)
  • Can you go into a haunted house?
    • No problem! (Brave)
    • Uh. ..N-no... (Timid)
    • With someone I like. (Sassy)
  • Do you get the feeling that you've slowed down lately?
    • Yes. (Relaxed)
    • No. (Hasty, Impish)
  • Do others tell you to watch what you say?
    • Yes. (Impish, Sassy)
    • No. (Calm)
  • Do you dream of lounging around idly without much excitement?
    • Yes. (Calm, Lonely)
    • No. (Hardy)
  • Do you like to fight?
    • Yes. (Impish, Timid)
    • No. (Calm, Lonely)
  • Do you hate to be the last person to leave class at the end of a school day?
    • Yes. (Lonely, Timid)
    • No. (Brave, Relaxed)
  • Do you tend to laugh a lot?
    • Yes. (Docile, Naive)
    • No. (Quirky)
  • Do you think you are cool? Be honest.
    • Yes. (Sassy)
    • No. (Relaxed)
  • Do you like to imagine things for your amusement?
    • Yes. (Naive)
    • No. (Hasty)
  • Do you sometimes run out of things to do all of a sudden?
    • Yes. (Quirky)
    • No. (Hardy)
  • Do you like to noisily enjoy yourself with others?
    • Yes. (Jolly, Lonely)
    • No. (Timid)
  • Do others often call you childish?
    • Yes. (Jolly, Naive)
    • No. (Calm)
  • Do you occasionally consider yourself dull and overly cautious?
    • Yes. (Calm, Docile)
    • No. (Hardy)
  • Do you like groan-inducing puns?
    • Love them! (Impish, Naive)
    • A little. (Jolly)
    • Spare me. (Sassy)
  • Do you fall asleep without noticing?
    • Yes. (Calm, Relaxed)
    • No. (Hardy)
  • Do you feel lonesome when you are alone?
    • Yes. (Lonely, Timid)
    • No. (Sassy)
  • Do you often yawn?
    • Yes. (Calm, Relaxed)
    • No. (Hardy, Hasty)
  • Have you ever made a pitfall trap?
    • Yes. (Impish, Lonely)
    • No. (Calm)
  • How quickly do you respond to a text?
    • Reply right away. (Hardy, Hasty)
    • May reply, may not. (Quirky)
    • Too much trouble. (Sassy)
  • What do you do with your room's light when you're going to bed at night?
    • Leave it on. (Lonely, Timid)
    • Turn it off. (Calm)
  • When the going gets tough, do you get going?
    • Yes. (Hardy, Brave)
    • No. (Quirky, Sassy)
  • You are suddenly locked inside a pitch-black room! What do you do?
    • Kick the door. (Timid)
    • Cry. (Lonely)
    • Clean it. (Impish, Quirky)
  • You come across a treasure chest! How do you react?
    • Open it right away! (Hasty)
    • No… Could be a trap… (Timid)
    • It's going to be empty… (Sassy)
  • You broke a rotten egg in your room! What will you do?
    • Open a window right away. (Docile, Hasty)
    • Take a sniff first. (Naive, Relaxed)
  • You receive a gift! But you don't know what's in it. You're curious, so what do you do?
    • Open it now. (Hasty)
    • Open it later. (Calm)
    • Get someone to open it. (Timid)
  • You notice a wallet on the side of the road.
    • Turn it in to the police! (Docile)
    • Yay! Yay! (Naive)
    • Is anyone watching? (Impish)
  • You win a lottery! What do you do with the money?
    • Spend it now. (Hasty, Jolly)
    • Save it. (Hardy, Quirky)
    • Give it away. (Quirky, Brave)
  • You're going bungee jumping for the first time. Since it's scary, you decide to test the jump with a doll...The bungee cord snaps! Will you still try to make a jump anyway?
    • Yes. (Brave, Impish)
    • No. (Timid, Docile)
  • Your friend is being bullied! What do you do?
    • Face up to the bully. (Brave)
    • Caution the bully from afar. (Timid)
    • Heckle the bully from behind. (Brave, Impish)
  • Your friend fails to show up for a meeting at the promised time. What do you do?
    • Become irritated. (Docile, Hasty)
    • Wait patiently. (Relaxed)
    • Get angry and bail. (Hasty)
  • Your country's leader is in front of you. How do you speak to him or her?
    • Speak calmly. (Hardy)
    • Speak nervously. (Docile)
    • WHATEVER!! (Sassy)
  • The road forks to the right and left. You are told there is a treasure on the right side. What do you do?
    • Instantly go right. (Docile)
    • It's a trap! Go left. (Sassy)
    • Whichever! Choose on a whim. (Quirky)
  • Someone calls you "weird but funny." How does that make you feel?
    • Happy! (Lonely, Naive)
    • Not happy. (Hasty, Sassy)
  • There is an alien invasion! What will you do?
    • Fight. (Go to the question below)
    • Run. (Timid)
    • Ignore it. (Relaxed)
  • You valiantly fight the aliens but you are defeated. An alien says to you, "YOU HAVE IMPRESSED US. IT WAS A PLEASURE TO SEE. JOIN US, AND TOGETHER WE SHALL RULE THE WORLD." What will you do?
    • Rule with the aliens. (Relaxed, Sassy)
    • Refuse. (Brave)

Now you know how everything works in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX's personality quiz. Remember that you aren't stuck with the Pokémon the game assigns you. You can choose your main characters from any of the 16 starters. Good luck on your journey! I hope you can recruit several Pokémon to your team.

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Gaming aficionado Rebecca Spear is iMore's dedicated gaming editor with a focus on Nintendo Switch and iOS gaming. You’ll never catch her without her Switch or her iPad Air handy. If you’ve got a question about Pokémon, The Legend of Zelda, or just about any other Nintendo series check out her guides to help you out. Rebecca has written thousands of articles in the last six years including hundreds of extensive gaming guides, previews, and reviews for both Switch and Apple Arcade. She also loves checking out new gaming accessories like iPhone controllers and has her ear to the ground when it comes to covering the next big trend.  

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Rescue Team DX: starter Pokemon, personality quiz answers and buddy Pokemon

If you're going to get turned into a Pokemon, you might as well make it a good one.

There's a lot of Pokemon games out there, but the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon subseries differs in one major way: instead of being about the player catching and battling with Pokemon, the player is actually cast as a Pokemon. That's how the critters talk in an understandable language in these games: as a Pokemon, you can understand them.

Latest entry Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Rescue Team DX (try saying that a bunch of times fast) is a sort of enhanced remake of the very first games in the series, and that means you're able to choose between one of sixteen different Pokemon, all from earlier generations, as your potential playable character. But it's not as simple as just picking one... the game sort of chooses one for you.

First thing's first - here's a complete list of the Pokemon you can actually play as in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Rescue Team DX on Nintendo Switch. The different elements of this table will be explained in detail below the table, where we detail how you can game the personality quiz.

PokemonTypeMale PersonalityFemale Personality
Bulbasaur GrassHardyBrave
Charmander FireDocileCalm
Squirtle WaterJollyRelaxed
Pikachu ElectricImpishHardy
Meowth NormalQuirkyLonely
Psyduck WaterRelaxed
Machop FightingBrave
Cubone GroundLonelyImpish
Eevee NormalHastyNaive
Chikorita GrassDocile
Cyndaquil FireTimid
Totodile WaterNaiveJolly
Treecko GrassSassyQuirky
Torchic FireSassy
Mudkip WaterCalmTimid
Skitty NormalHasty

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Rescue Team DX Personality Quiz Answers: how to game the quiz for a Pokemon of your choice

Okay, so, this is all simpler than it sounds: at the very start of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, you're given a personality quiz. If you just answer this question naturally, the game will match you up with a Pokemon that it feels is a good match for your personality type. That, let me tell you, can be a humbling experience. What's it like to get burned by a remake of a Game Boy Advance game? Do the test naturally to probably find out!

Anyway. We're not bitter at all - in part because you can totally cheat the test if you want. The personality quiz has 57 possible questions, and the answers to those questions will push you to one of 14 different categories. As listed on the table above, those categories are then assigned to Pokemon. If you're a boy or a girl also plays into this.

So, for instance, if you choose to be male and you primarily answer the questions in a 'Jolly' manner, you will receive Squirtle as your starter, player Pokemon. A female who answers 'Jolly' will get Totodile instead. That pans out for all of the Pokemon above - and a few of the Pokemon can only be reached as one gender. If you want to be Machop, you'll have to pick male.

Anyway - here's all the questions and their answers, with the resulting

A delinquent is hassling someone on a busy city street! What will you do?

  • Brave: Help without hesitation.
  • Hardy, Brave: Help, even if scared.
  • Docile, Timid, Relaxed: Call the police.
  • Timid: Do nothing out of fear.

Are there many things that you like to do?

  • Hardy, Impish: Yes.
  • Sassy, Quirky: No.

Do you dream of lounging around idly without much excitement?

  • Calm: Yes.
  • Impish: No.

Do you like groan-inducing puns?

  • Impish, Naive: Love them!
  • Jolly: A Litle.
  • Sassy: Spare me.

A foreign person has started up a conversation with you. To be honest, you don't have a clue what this fellow is saying. How do you reply?

  • Jolly: "Haha! Yes. Very funny!" (Jolly)
  • Hardy: "Um. .. Could you say that again?" (Hardy)
  • Timid: "Right... Well, I gotta go." (Timid)

It's the summer festival! Do you like carnivals?

  • Jolly: Love them!
  • Sassy, Quirky: Don't care.

Are you a cheerful personality?

  • Jolly, Naive: Yes.
  • Sassy, Quirky: No.

Do you like to noisily enjoy yourself with others?

  • Jolly, Lonely: Yes.
  • Timid: No.

Do you feel lonesome when you are alone?

  • Timid, Lonely: Yes.
  • Sassy: No.

Do you hate to be the last person to leave class at the end of a school day?

  • Timid, Lonely: Yes.
  • Brave, Relaxed: No.

There is a person you like... But there's no opportunity to get close. What do you do?

  • Hardy, Brave: Bravely declare my love.
  • Quirky: Might say hello...
  • Impish: Pull a prank to get attention.
  • Timid: Look from afar.

What do you do with your room's light when you're going to bed at night?

  • Timid, Lonely: Leave it on.
  • Calm: Turn it off.

Do others often call you childish?

  • Jolly, Naive: Yes.
  • Calm: No.

Do you like to imagine things for your amusement?

  • Naive: Yes.
  • Hasty: No.

Do you sometimes run out of things to do all of a sudden?

  • Quirky: Yes.
  • Hardy: No.

It's a weekend, but no one will play with you... What do you do?

  • Jolly, Lonely: Go on a trip.
  • Calm, Relaxed: Hang around vacantly.
  • Timid, Lonely: Huddle in a corner.

How quickly do you respond to a text?

  • Hardy, Hasty: Reply right away.
  • Quirky: May reply, may not.
  • Sassy: Too much trouble.

Your country's leader is in front of you. How do you speak to him or her?

  • Hardy: Speak calmly.
  • Docile: Speak nervously.
  • Sassy: WHATEVER!!

The road forks to the right and left. You are told there is a treasure on the right side. What do you do?

  • Docile: Instantly go right.
  • Sassy: It's a trap! Go left.
  • Quirky: Whichever! Choose on a whim.

It's the summer holidays! Where would you like to go?

  • Jolly: The beach!
  • Calm: Spas.
  • Quirky: Anywhere.

Do you get the feeling that you've slowed down lately?

  • Relaxed: Yes.
  • Impish, Hasty: No.

Do you fall asleep without noticing?

  • Calm, Relaxed: Yes.
  • Hardy: No.

It is a pleasant day at the beach. How do you feel?

  • Jolly: This feels great!
  • Relaxed: *snore*
  • Hasty: I want to go home soon!

Can you sincerely thank someone when you feel grateful?

  • Docile, Calm: Yes.
  • Sassy, Quirky: No

Do you think you are cool? Be honest.

  • Sassy: Yes.
  • Relaxed: No.

A human hand extends out of a toilet! What would you do?

  • Timid: Scream and run.
  • Hardy, Calm: Close the lid without a word.
  • Brave, Impish, Naive: Shake hands with it.

Can you go into a haunted house?

  • Brave: No problem!
  • Timid: Uh.. N-no...
  • Sassy: With someone I like.

Grab any digit on your left hand with your right hand. Which digit did you grab?

  • Timid: Thumb.
  • Hasty: Index finger.
  • Jolly: Middle Finger.
  • Sassy: Ring finger.
  • Lonely: Little finger.

Do you tend to laugh a lot?

  • Docile, Naive: Yes.
  • Quirky: No.

You are suddenly locked inside a pitch-black room! What do you do?

  • Timid: Kick the door.
  • Lonely: Cry.
  • Impish, Quirky: Clean it.

On vacation outings, you want to...

  • Hasty, Quirky: Go alone.
  • Jolly, Lonely: Go with others.

Do others tell you to watch what you say?

  • Impish, Sassy: Yes.
  • Calm: No.

Somebody calls you "weird but funny." How does this make you feel?

  • Naive, Lonely: Happy.
  • Hasty, Sassy: Not happy.

There is a scream from behind a door! How will you react?

  • Hardy, Brave: Yank open the door.
  • Naive: Scream in unison.

Do you often yawn?

  • Calm, Relaxed: Yes.
  • Hardy, Hasty: No.

A friend brought over something you'd forgotten. How do you thank your friend?

  • Docile: Say thank you regularly.
  • Naive, Lonely: Say thanks with a joke.
  • Sassy: Say thanks, but cool.

You are offered a choice of two gifts. Which one will you take?

  • Docile, Naive: Big box.
  • Timid, Calm: Small box.

You come across a treasure chest! How do you react?

  • Hasty: Open it right away!
  • Timid: No... Could be a trap...
  • Sassy: It's going to be empty...

Your friend fails to show up for a meeting at the promised time. What do you do?

  • Docile, Hasty: Become irritated.
  • Relaxed: Wait patiently.
  • Hasty: Get angry and bail.

You receive a gift! But you don't know what's in it. You're curious, so what do you do?

  • Hasty: Open it now.
  • Calm: Open it later.
  • Timid: Get someone to open it.

You win a lottery! What do you do with the money?

  • Jolly, Hasty: Spend it now.
  • Hardy, Calm: Save it
  • Brave, Quirky: Give it away.

Have you ever made a pitfall trap?

  • Impish, Lonely: Yes.
  • Calm: No.

Your friend is being bullied. What do you do?

  • Brave: Face up to the bully.
  • Timid: Caution the bully from afar.
  • Impish: Heckle the bully from behind.

A test is coming up. How do you study for it?

  • Hardy: Study hard.
  • Relaxed: At the last second.
  • Impish: Ignore it and play.

Can you focus on something you like?

  • Hardy, Docile: Yes.
  • Quirky: No.

There is a bucket. If you put water in it, how much will you fill it?

  • Hardy: Full.
  • Calm: Half
  • Quirky: A little.

When the going gets tough, do you get going?

  • Hardy, Brave: Yes.
  • Sassy, Quirky: No.

You broke a rotten egg in your room! What will you do?

  • Docile, Hasty: Open a window right away.
  • Naive, Relaxed: Take a sniff first.

You notice a wallet on the side of the road.

  • Docile: Turn it in to the police!
  • Naive: Yay!
  • Impish: Is anyone watching?

You're going bungee jumping for the first time. Since it's scary, you decide to test the jump with a doll... The bungee cord snaps! Will you still try to make a jump anyway?

  • Brave, Impish: Yes.
  • Docile, Timid: No.

Do you like to fight?

  • Impish, Timid: Yes
  • Calm, Lonely: No.

Do you like pranks?

  • Impish: Yes.
  • Docile, Relaxed: No.

Do you occasionally consider yourself dull or overly cautious?

  • Calm, Lonely: Yes
  • Hardy: No.

Are you often late for school or meetings?

  • Sassy, Relaxed: Yes.
  • Hardy, Hasty: No.

There is an alien invasion! What will you do?

  • See Next Question: Fight.
  • Timid: Run.
  • Relaxed: Ignore it.

You valiantly fight the aliens... But you are defeated... An alien says to you... "YOU HAVE IMPRESSED US. IT WAS A PLEASURE TO SEE. JOIN US, AND TOGETHER WE SHALL RULE THE WORLD." What will you do?

  • Sassy, Relaxed: Rule with the aliens.
  • Brave: Refuse.

The best Pokémon for you based on your personality type Myers-Briggs®


Someone's Myers-Briggs® personality type can tell you a lot about them, as well as how much stock they have invested in Myers-Briggs®! This type of personality set isn't the only thing that can tell us a lot about people, and Pokemon fans can attest that the Pokemon someone chooses to train is extremely revealing...

RELATED: The Best Pokemon for You Based on Your Personality Type Myers-Briggs® - Extroverts

Of course, the original Pokemon choice for a starter is particularly interesting, but with very limited options, it won't reveal too much. That said, looking at all the Pokémon available, we're betting we can tell you a lot about yourself, depending on which one you choose. We've already covered Extroverts, but this is the perfect Pokemon for all of you Introverts. nine0003

8 ISTJ - Alolan Ninetails

On the Myers-Briggs® personality test, ISTJ Types are responsible and hardworking, but they are also sincere. Although they are able to think through and judge situations accurately, they are more reserved. They are a sentient type in need of a sentient Pokémon.

Therefore, we've decided that the best Pokémon for you, according to your Myers-Briggs® personality type, is Ninetails. Ninetails is a quiet, mysterious Pokémon known for its wisdom and intelligence. Incredibly powerful, majestic creatures, they can keep others at arm's length, using their wisdom to properly assess a situation. nine0003

Is this right here? This is your perfect Pokemon.

PREVIOUS: Myers-Briggs® Avatar Personality Types: The Latest Airbender Characters

7 ISFJ - Blissey

Those with the Myers-Briggs® ISFJ Personality are sympathetic people who know and how to comfort a person take care of him. They are able to sense when others are in need of comfort and, accordingly, treat them the way they need to.

When considering which is the best Pokémon for you based on your individual Myers-Briggs® type, there are few better than Blissey. Blissy is a natural caregiver known for working alongside nurses at Pokémon centers. They are able to heal and incredibly empathize with others. They're perfect for those who care for you - something you can relate to and need when you expend your social powers. nine0003

6 INFJ - Espeon

INFJ personality types are by nature perceptive and dependable. Idealistic and compassionate, they are ideal partners for those who want to have long and intellectual discussions. They seek human companionship and mental stimulation.

For this reason, what Pokemon companion could be better than Espeon? This Pokémon evolves from Eevee only after the trainer makes it truly happy. Once he ascends, he becomes a bulwark of psychic energy, with a brilliant mind and a true need to reorder the universe. He also loves to cuddle. nine0003

I mean, can you think of a Pokemon better suited to you? Yes, I don't think so.

PREV: 9 Myers-Briggs Personality Types of Batman Villains

5 INTJ - Delphox

Personality Types INTJs are the intuitive thinkers of the Myers-Briggs® Personality Test. Able to offer insight and creative solutions to any problem, they can think outside the box while remaining reserved. They speak softly but know how to get the job done when it comes down to it. nine0003

For this reason, we recommend that you take the Delphox Kalos region fire starter. Delphox is a fire type, yes, but uses insight and psychic energies to find solutions to any problem. Astute as a wizard of legend, this top Pokémon should be paired with anyone identified as an INTJ in the Myers-Briggs® Personality Test.

4 ISTP - Lucario

Myers-Briggs® individual ISTP types are both logical and action-oriented. They analyze the situation before embarking on a risky adventure to resolve any issues. They tend to make very good mechanics. nine0003

So we've found that the best Pokémon for this Myers-Briggs® personality type is Lucario, a steel-fighting type known for his reserved nature, the ability to cut down on excess in solving a problem, and just be like, “You know what? Is it an insurmountable problem? I will beat him until he stops bothering me. "

PREVIOUS: Pokemon: Strongest Gym Leaders in Games vs. Anime

3 ISFP - Togetic

ISFP types are, by nature, sensitive and gentle. They follow their feelings and sensations to perceive the world around them. realistic, they are gentle souls who seek comfort and joy in their lives.0003

Of all the Pokémon with the ISFP Myers-Briggs® personality, Togetic remains the best. While Togepi and Togekiss are also great, Togetic embodies that realistic balance between dreams, feelings and comfort. As a fairy/normal type, Togetic is both adorable and grounded. They are known for their ability to perceive dreams and emotions. This is the best Pokémon for those who have dreams as big as their hearts.

2 INFP - Bulbasaur

INFPs are more intuitive than ISFPs, preferring to use the seeds of their imagination to stimulate the world around them. Although they are sensitive and creative, they are also focused on inner growth and creativity.

For this reason, we believe Bulbasaur is the best Pokémon for this Myers-Briggs personality type. Bulbasaur is a Pokémon seed that, with proper training, will grow into one of the strongest starters around. But before that, he's just a little green jerk, devoted to those who love him. Few will choose Bulbasaur, but his potential in combat requires careful strategy. Poison powder? Sleep powder? When is the right time to use Solar Beam? It takes creativity, but Bulbasaur has the potential to wipe the floor with Squirtle AND Charmander with the right strategy. nine0003

And since so few people choose Bulbasaur, you'd better believe that the little jerks will be very happy if you keep them.

PREVIOUS: Pokemon: All Easter Egg Fans of All Games (Probably) Missed

1 INTP - Alakazam

In the Myers-Briggs personality test, INTPs are among the most intellectually driven people. Driven by the desire to perceive the world through an intelligent and intuitive lens, they are logical souls who seek to understand. Flexible but restrained, they seek to understand. nine0003

So it's only natural that INTPs deserve the same intelligent Pokémon. In this case Alakazam. This psychic type is designed to perceive reality, able to look into the world in order to understand it. Ilakazams have an IQ of over 5000, so people with an INTP personality type will be in good company with this shiny Pokémon.

NEXT: 25 Hilarious Pokémon Merges That Make No Sense

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team and Red Rescue Team Pikachu Pokémon Adventure, Pokemon, marine Mammal, vertebrate, cartoon png

Dungeon Pokémon Mystery: Blue Rescue Team and Red Rescue Team Pikachu Pokémon Adventures, Pokemon, marine Mammal, vertebrate, cartoon png


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