Not sure how much more i can take
988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline
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The resources and information on this page are designed to help states, territories, tribes, mental health and substance use disorder professionals, and others looking for information on understanding the background, history, funding opportunities, and implementation resources for strengthening suicide prevention and mental health crisis services.-
About 988
In 2020, Congress designated the new 988 dialing code to be operated through the existing National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. SAMHSA sees 988 as a first step towards a transformed crisis care system in America.
- FY 21 Appropriations Report to Congress
- May 24: FCC Forum on Geolocation for 988
988 Partner Toolkit
The 988 Partner Toolkit is intended to facilitate partner efforts for collaborative and aligned 988 communication planning.
- Key Messages
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Logo and Branding
- Social Media Shareables
- End Cards for Media
- More Resources
The Data
In 2020, the U.S. had one death by suicide every 11 minutes. Suicide is a leading cause of death for people aged 10-34 years.
- 988 Lifeline Network Performance Metrics
- SAMHSA's National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH)
- CDC's Suicide and Self-Harm Injury Data for the U.S. | National Center for Health Statistics
The Lifeline
There is hope.
Providing 24/7, free and confidential support to people in suicidal crisis or emotional distress works. The Lifeline helps thousands of people overcome crisis situations every day.
- The Lifeline's History
- 988 Lifeline Jobs
988 Newsroom
- Recent 988 News
- B-roll and soundbites are available for download
- 988 End Cards for Media
National Media Requests about 988
[email protected]
240-276-2130 (press 4) -
- Federal Communications Commission
- U.
S. Dept. of Veterans Affairs
- The U.S. Surgeon General
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Indian Health Service
- Department of Transportation
- 988 Partner Community
SAMHSA 988 Funding
- 988 Tribal Response Cooperative Agreements Notice of Funding Opportunity
- Cooperative Agreements for States and Territories to Build Local 988 Capacity Grant Awards
- Lifeline Workforce and Infrastructure Grant Awards
- Cooperative Agreement for National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Supplement
- Track state 988 state legislation on NAMI’s website.
Suicide Prevention Resources
- The U.
S. Surgeon General's Protecting Youth Mental Health Advisory (PDF | 1 MB)
- SAMHSA's Suicide Prevention Publications
- Substance Use Treatment Locator
- Advisory: Addressing Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors in Substance Use Treatment (Jan. 2021)
- The U.
Last Updated: 12/27/2022
988 Frequently Asked Questions | SAMHSA
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Full 988 implementation requires a bold vision for a crisis care system that provides direct, life-saving services to all in need. This leads to many questions about 988. We at SAMHSA welcome these questions.FAQs About 988 Basics
FAQs About Federal/State Roles and Funding
FAQs About Call Routing, Privacy, Network Functioning
The 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline (formerly known as the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline) offers 24/7 call, text and chat access to trained crisis counselors who can help people experiencing suicidal, substance use, and/or mental health crisis, or any other kind of emotional distress. People can also dial 988 if they are worried about a loved one who may need crisis support.
The Lifeline accepts calls, texts, and chats from anyone who needs support for a suicidal, mental health and/or substance use crisis.
Yes. 988 is built off of the 10-digit number. Using either number will get people to the same services. In the end, 988 is an easier-to-remember way to access a strengthened and expanded network of crisis call centers.
The Lifeline responds 24/7 to calls, chats or texts from anyone who needs support for suicidal, mental health, and/or substance use crisis, and connects those in need with trained crisis counselors.
When calling 988, callers first hear a greeting message while their call is routed to the local Lifeline network crisis center (based on the caller’s area code). A trained crisis counselor answers the phone, listens to the caller, understands how their problem is affecting them, provides support, and shares resources if needed. If the local crisis center is unable to take the call, the caller is automatically routed to a national backup crisis center.
The Lifeline provides live crisis center phone services in English and Spanish and uses Language Line Solutions to provide translation services in over 250 additional languages for people who call 988.
Chat (English only) is available through the Lifeline’s website at People seeking chat services are provided a pre-chat survey before connecting with a counselor, who identifies the main area of concern. If there is a wait to chat with a crisis counselor, a wait-time message will appear. If demand is high, people can access the Lifeline’s “helpful resources” while waiting. Once you are connected, a crisis counselor listens to you, works to understand how your problem is affecting you, provides support, and shares resources that may be helpful.
When someone texts to 988, they are responded to by a group of Lifeline crisis centers that answer both chats and texts. This service will expand over the next few years to increase local and state level response. Once you are connected, a crisis counselor listens to you, works to understand how your problem is affecting you, provides support, and shares resources that may be helpful. Currently, texting is available in English only.
Yes, the Lifeline works. Numerous studies have shown that most Lifeline callers are significantly more likely to feel less depressed, less suicidal, less overwhelmed, and more hopeful after speaking to a Lifeline crisis counselor.
Almost 98% of people who call, chat or text the 988 Lifeline get the crisis support they need and do not require additional services in that moment. The 988 Lifeline crisis counselors are trained to help reduce the intensity of a situation for the person seeking help, and connect them to additional local resources, as needed, to support their wellbeing.
988 was established to improve access to crisis services in a way that meets our country’s growing suicide and mental health-related crisis care needs. 988 provides easier access to the Lifeline network and related crisis resources, which are distinct from the public safety purposes of 911 (where the focus is on dispatching Emergency Medical Services, fire and police as needed).
The 988 and 911 systems will need to be closely coordinated to seamlessly allow referral of callers for appropriate care or response that addresses the unique circumstances present with each crisis encounter. SAMHSA is actively engaged with 911 counterparts at the federal, state, and local levels to plan for smooth coordination between the two services.
Currently, a small percentage of Lifeline calls require activation of the 911 system when there is imminent risk to someone’s life that cannot be reduced during the Lifeline call. In these cases, the crisis counselor shares information with 911 that is crucial to saving the caller’s life.
The primary goal of the Lifeline is to provide support for people in suicidal crisis or mental health-related distress in the moments they most need it and in a manner which is person-centered. The vast majority of those seeking help from the Lifeline do not require any additional interventions at that moment. Currently, fewer than 2% of Lifeline calls require connection to emergency services like 911. While some safety and health issues may warrant a response from law enforcement and/or Emergency Medical Services (namely when a suicide attempt is in progress), the 988 coordinated response is intended to promote stabilization and care in the least restrictive manner.
All Lifeline crisis centers adhere to the Lifeline’s Imminent Risk Policy, which means that crisis center staff work through active engagement to provide support and assistance for people at risk in the least restrictive setting possible. In fact, most contacts with the Lifeline are resolved by the Lifeline itself, by chat or phone, in a manner that does not require additional immediate intervention.
In most states, the 211 system provides health and social service assistance information and referrals. At the same time, 988 crisis counselors will provide support for people in suicidal crisis or mental health-related distress in the very moments they need it most. While generally being different in scope, these systems need to be aligned, and in many cases, local Lifeline centers also respond to 211 contacts. We envision that 988 crisis centers will need to continue to coordinate with 211 and other warmlines. This will help ensure an all-inclusive approach regardless of which number a person may use first.
There are ongoing efforts to improve cultural competency training for Lifeline crisis counselors. In 2021, there were several activities addressing this, including updating pages on the Lifeline website and creating specific tools for crisis counselors, such as Spanish-language clinical guidance resources, Deaf and Hard of Hearing best practices for callers/chat visitors, an LGBTQ+ guidance document, an American Indian/Alaska Native tip sheet and more.
The 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline (988Lifeline on social media and on the web) is the new name for the former National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. It’s important to understand that 988 connects people to more than just a “suicide” line; 988 is a service for anyone who is suicidal or experiencing a mental health- and/or substance use-related crisis. For partners talking about 988, it’s important that we don’t call this only a “suicide” lifeline, but instead refer to it as the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline.
Yes. 988 is the easy-to-remember number that reaches what is commonly referred to as the Lifeline—a network of more than 200 state and local call centers funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services through the Substance Abuse Administration and administered by Vibrant Emotional Health. Formerly known as the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, the full name has changed to the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline.
Anyone in a U.S. state, territory, or tribe who needs suicide or mental health-related crisis support, or who has a loved one in crisis, can connect with a trained counselor by calling (multiple languages), chatting, or texting (English only) 988 (as long as the caller has telephone, cellular or internet services available to them).
SAMHSA’s longer-term vision is that the transition to 988, which began in July 2022, will spur the growth of a robust crisis care system across our country that links callers to community-based providers who can deliver a full range of crisis care services (like mobile crisis teams or stabilization centers). Currently, these crisis care services do not exist in all areas of the country, and it will take time and sustained support to for this crisis care system to evolve.
Yes. Anyone who needs suicide or mental health-related crisis support, or who has a loved one in crisis, can connect with a trained counselor by calling, chatting, or texting 988 (as long as the caller has telephone, cellular or internet services available to them).
Yes, the Lifeline responds 24/7 to calls (multiple languages), chats, or texts (English only) from anyone who needs mental health-related or suicide crisis support and connects them with trained crisis counselors. The support and service received from the crisis counselors is provided at no charge to those who use the service; however, standard data rates from telecommunication mobile carriers may apply to those who text to the Lifeline. If monetary assistance is needed for communications needs, please see for more information.
The Lifeline currently provides live crisis center calling services in English and Spanish and uses Language Line Solutions to provide translation services in over 250 additional languages. Text and chat are currently available in English only.
The Lifeline currently serves TTY users either through their preferred relay service or by dialing 711 then 1-800-273-8255. Lifeline also offers services through chat and text. Lifeline is in the process of expanding to video phone service to better serve deaf or hard of hearing individuals seeking help through the Lifeline/988.
SAMHSA is working closely with the Lifeline administrator to ensure this critical functionality is enabled as quickly as possible. Right now, people who speak Spanish and other languages should call 988 to reach a crisis counselor who can speak with them in their native language.
When you reach out to 988, the Lifeline crisis counselor who responds to you will know your phone number if you call/text, or your IP address if you use chat. Beyond that, they will not know who you are or where you are located. And you are not required to provide any personal information to receive support from the 988 Lifeline.
If a 988 Lifeline crisis counselor makes an effort to gather information during a call, text or chat, it will be to: 1) save lives; 2) connect people to ongoing support; and 3) evaluate 988 Lifeline services.
Yes. In fall 2022, the 988 Lifeline began a pilot program to offer specialized call, text, and chat supports for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, and other sexual and gender minority (LGBTQI+) youth and young adults. The program aims to support people under the age of 25 who reach out to the 988 Lifeline and want the option of connecting with a counselor specifically focused on meeting the needs of LGBTQI+ youth and young adults. The specialized services are currently available by text and chat daily from 3 p.m. to 2 a.m. Eastern Time and 24/7 by calling, until capacity is built up to offer all services 24/7.
The Biden-Harris administration has increased federal investments 18-fold (from $24M to $432M) for this national priority. Congress has provided the Department of Health and Human Services workforce funding through the American Rescue Plan and the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act. Also, the President’s Fiscal Year 2022 budget request provides additional funding for the Lifeline itself and for other existing federal crisis funding sources. At the state and territory level, in addition to existing public/private sector funding streams, the National Suicide Hotline Designation Act of 2020 allows states to enact new telecommunication fees to help support 988 operations.
There are several existing federal resources that can be leveraged to support 988 implementation. Examples from SAMHSA include the crisis set-aside through the Mental Health Block Grant as well as funding through the Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC) program. States are also able to leverage Medicaid dollars and State Opioid Response grants. States can find descriptions of these funding sources in the 988 Convening Playbook for States, Territories, and Tribes.
Successful 988 implementation requires ongoing investment and engagement from states and territories. The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline has been available to all states since its launch in 2005. Regarding the transition to 988, states are at varying degrees of readiness for the volume increases expected from moving to the 3-digit code. The Biden-Harris administration has significantly increased the federal government’s contribution to supporting the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline. Most of these funds have gone to Lifeline crisis centers around the country, and to states and territories to build up their local crisis call center workforce. SAMHSA will continue to partner with states, providing a network infrastructure as well as state support through funding opportunities, coordination, and technical assistance.
We recognize the important and timely work of states/territories to prepare for the transition to 988, both now and in the months ahead. To assist, SAMHSA is funding and working with states/territories directly on critical efforts they will need to undertake in support of 988 at their local and community levels. For instance, the National Suicide Hotline Designation Act of 2020 gave states the ability to enact new telecommunications fees to financially support 988 operations, yet very few states have done this so far. Success of 988 will rest heavily upon state, territorial and local leadership in leveraging the resources already available, in addition to making new investments. We will continue to work in close partnership with them to meet the crisis care needs of people across our country.
SAMHSA provided all states and territories an opportunity to apply for funding to support 988 implementation designed to build local 988 capacity; only two states (AK and RI) did not apply, though SAMHSA is in close collaboration with them. In April 2022, SAMHSA awarded nearly $105 million in grant funding, provided by the American Rescue Plan, to 54 states and territories. Regardless of whether a state or territory received funds through that specific grant program, SAMHSA works with all states and territories to partner around enhanced crisis service capacity. HHS has several funding sources to support 988 and integrated crisis care. States, territories, and tribes are encouraged to explore which funding resources are helpful to them. States can find descriptions of these funding sources in the 988 Convening Playbook for States, Territories, and Tribes.
In future years, 988 funding needs will depend on contact volume to the crisis centers and resource needs for full implementation. This may include support to strengthen network operations, strengthening local crisis center capacity, improving public awareness of 988, and improving follow up and linkage to local, crisis care services. Any future federal funding needs will be put forth in subsequent Presidents’ budget requests.
Sources of federal funding for 988 are separate from those of the 911 system. Additionally, the 2020 Hotline Designation Act permits states to apply specific 988 telecommunication fees to support crisis services in a manner that is distinct from fees used to support 911 operations. State and local support of both 988 and 911 are necessary to advance the health and well-being of our communities.
As a component of SAMHSA’s funding, states/territories are required to address outreach and engagement strategies for populations at higher risk of suicide (many of whom are communities of color and historically marginalized groups), including plans for how they will measure effectiveness in improving outcomes and access to services across populations.
As Vibrant Emotional Health is the administrator of the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, it was essential to invest heavily in network infrastructure in order to strengthen and expand the network to meet the expected increase in demand when transitioning to 988. This includes strengthening national back-up capacity to address expected contact volume while states and territories continue to expand local services.
SAMHSA provided resources for 988 partners to use when communicating about 988 to their audiences, such as content and graphics for social/digital sharing. HHS is working with Congress to ensure federal resources for a national campaign to advertise or promote awareness of 988 to the public.
Anyone who needs suicide or mental health-related crisis support, or who has a loved one in crisis, can connect with a trained counselor by calling, chatting, or texting 988 (if the caller has telephone, cellular or internet service available to them). This is true for Tribal nations, as well. However, SAMHSA recognizes the unique implementation barriers and challenges facing Tribal nations and is committed to supporting coordination efforts with the existing Lifeline infrastructure. SAMHSA expects state and territories to coordinate with Tribal nations to ensure supportive response for tribal contacts to 988, while maintaining respect for Tribal nation sovereignty.
988 provides an easier-to-remember way for people who are struggling or in crisis to reach out for help. This is an opportunity to strengthen and expand the Lifeline network and to build a robust crisis response system that links people in crisis to community-based providers who can deliver a full range of crisis care services, if needed (like mobile crisis teams or stabilization centers). This more robust system will be essential to meeting crisis care needs across the nation.
Having enough capacity to meet the growing demand for suicide and crisis care needs across the country is the primary focus of SAMHSA’s 988 efforts. This includes strengthening and expanding crisis call center services. It also means improving follow up and linkage to local in-person crisis services and access to community prevention tools and resources, as well as residential and outpatient care.
People contacting 988 are not required to provide any personal data to receive services. SAMHSA recognizes the importance and the expectation of privacy when a person contacts 988. The network system has several safeguards to address concerns about privacy.
Any effort to obtain demographic information from those who use 988 will serve three primary purposes: 1) to save lives; 2) to connect people to ongoing supports; and 3) to evaluate system needs and performance, particularly ensuring that gaps and inequities are being addressed.
No. The Lifeline administrator, Vibrant Emotional Health, is a not-for-profit organization with a primary mission to support emotional wellbeing for all people, and it does not sell Lifeline data.
No, geolocation services are not enabled for 988. The Lifeline currently automatically routes calls by area code to the nearest crisis center based on the area code of the caller’s phone number. Call routing and geolocation are related location issues but involve different technical, legal, privacy, and cost considerations. As part of the 2020 Designation Act, the Federal Communications Commission submitted a report (PDF | 448 KB) examining the feasibility and cost of including an automatic dispatchable location that would be conveyed with a 988 call. Within that report, the FCC recommended that Congress require that a multi-stakeholder group be convened to further examine the key issues and collaborate on potential next steps. The FCC held a 988 Geolocation Forum in May 2022 and the agency is actively analyzing the information gathered during that forum, including whether potential routing improvements could help callers to 988 connect to the regional call centers where they are located without sharing specific geolocation information.
Currently, calls to 988 are automatically routed to the closest 988 Lifeline crisis center based on the area code of the phone being used. Because people commonly keep their same mobile phone numbers even when they’ve moved to other cities (or perhaps they call 988 when they are traveling), this means that a caller can be routed to a crisis center that is not in their same area. If the person wants to be connected to additional local services or requires emergency service, they may need to disclose their actual location to the 988 Lifeline crisis counselor. In some instances, when there is serious risk to life and a person poses an immediate danger to themselves or others, a crisis counselor is required to use 911 to help reach a caller even without their permission (this occurs in fewer than 1 % of calls to the 988 Lifeline).
In 2020, Congress designated the new 988 dialing code to operate through the existing National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, and the FCC ordered all 988 calls to be directed to the Lifeline telephone infrastructure. The Lifeline is made up of about 200 local crisis centers across the country, which are equipped to provide 24/7 call, chat, and text services. Across many evaluations, the Lifeline has demonstrated effectiveness in reducing suicidality, and provides a robust foundation upon which to build 988.
Although we have made significant progress in improving Lifeline response rates, scaling the size of the network and building the Lifeline workforce, there is more work to be done. For years, this network has been massively underfunded and under-resourced.
The federal government is responding to these resource challenges with unprecedented levels of funding – representing an 18-fold increase this year from the previous year – and has mounted an all-of-government approach to partner with state and local leaders to improve system capacity and performance and ultimately improve the health of our nation.
However, the federal government cannot do this work alone. Additional state and local investment is needed to further boost the response rates and staffing capacity of call centers facing the greatest demands.
The Lifeline currently requires that all network centers adhere to specific standards regarding Suicide Risk Assessment and Imminent Risk interventions —however, each crisis center also develops their own specific training to meet organizational needs. The Lifeline Core Clinical Training, currently under development, will be a self-paced online training that will cover essential skills for crisis counselors who answer calls/chats/texts within the Lifeline network. Additional training is being developed to address the specific needs of populations at higher risk of suicide.
The Lifeline greeting states that calls may be monitored or recorded for quality assurance purposes. Additionally, crisis centers in the Lifeline network may independently use call recordings for training purposes, dependent on the best practices of the center.
It’s also important to note that people contacting 988 are not required to provide any personal data to receive services. SAMHSA recognizes the importance and the expectation of privacy when a person contacts 988. The network system has several safeguards to address concerns about privacy.
No. Many states and localities operate a significant number of crisis centers separately from the Lifeline network.
Veterans, Service Members, and their families call 988 and press option 1. To learn more, please visit This process is the same as it has been in the past for Veterans; however it’s now simpler with the shortened 988 number.
Unfortunately, the Lifeline has been historically unfunded and under resourced since it was stood up in 2005. While we have come a long way in recent years and dedicated an unprecedented amount of resources to towards strengthening crisis care in the U.S., it will take time for 988 and the broader crisis response system being built to grow and evolve. One of the most urgent needs involves staffing at crisis centers, and we encourage anyone interested in serving in these critical positions to visit the 988 jobs web page.
July 16, 2022, is a date set by the FCC by which all phone service providers must direct all 988 calls and chats to the existing National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. July 16 is the start of a transition, not the end, and there is still a lot of work to be done. The Biden Harris Administration has made significant strides in strengthening and expanding the existing National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, and we expect the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline will continue to grow and evolve in the coming months and years. We must have our eye on sustainable, long-term change – let us remember, it has taken over 5 decades for 911 and emergency medical services to grow and expand in our country. With 988, we’re poised for a much faster transformation.
Last Updated: 12/01/2022
8 phrases that you should not say at the interview -
It's nice to get an invitation to an interview, but remember that the employer can invite many more candidates - your rivals. And it is very important not to make mistakes that will throw you at the end of the line. presents 8 phrases that will prevent you from getting a job if you say them at an interview.
1. What does your company do?
Oddly enough, HR managers hear this question very often. At the same time, the main advice for preparing for an interview: try to find out as much as possible about the company in advance, think about what exactly you can offer it as an employee. Don't neglect them. nine0005
2. My former boss was a real %$#*!
Complaining about your previous job will show you from a very bad side. Even if this is true, you will look like a person who is constantly dissatisfied and complains about everything. Nobody likes to work with such people.
It is better to talk about the problems that you encountered at work and successfully coped with.
3. I like your hairstyle
Don't compliment the interviewer about his appearance - it's inappropriate and will look weird. nine0005
Compliments are good, but they should be directed towards professional activities. For example, you can praise some recent success of the company.
4. Sciatica is killing me!
Never complain about your health during an interview. There was a case when a candidate complained of a headache because he had a very good rest with friends yesterday. Needless to say, he didn't get the job.
If now, during the interview, you are not so bad that you stop the meeting (it just hurts your back, but you don’t lose consciousness), it’s better not to bring up the subject of well-being. nine0005
But there is another side of the issue, more global: if, for example, you need to periodically undergo examinations and be absent for several days, you should tell your future employer about this. But explain that this will not affect the work in any way, tell me how it was at the previous place.
5. Oh, yes, I got fired
You should never lie in an interview, but if you have to say that you were fired from your last job, do it gently. Focus on the experience you have gained that will come in handy in your new position. nine0005
6. I just need a job, any job
This may actually be true, but no one is attracted to despair. The employer wants to know that you need this particular job and that you are suitable for it.
7. I don't know
Don't say this even if you really don't know the answer to the interviewer's question. Try saying, "I'll check and let you know later." If it's a complex hypothetical question like "How many soccer balls does it take to fill this room?" - the answer should show the course of your thoughts. Think out loud: “First you need to calculate the area of the room, then subtract the area of \u200b\u200bthe furniture ...”
8. My biggest flaw is that I work too hard
Any HR manager knows this phrase very well. And he knows it's a lie.
How do you answer the question about your biggest flaw? Choose something not directly related to the position you are applying for. You can say, “I feel awkward when I speak in front of an audience. But at my last job, I practiced often on purpose, and this problem is practically gone.”
See also
- 5 phrases that will kill your job interview
- 5 phrases not to say to unemployed acquaintances
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what employers really want to know
In answering this question, you need to avoid three mistakes: too formulaic answer, impudence and comparing yourself with other applicants. Natalya Valdaeva, a partner at the Marksman recruiting company, advises instead to focus the recruiter’s attention on your strengths: “Try to answer this way: “I can’t say why I’m better than others, but I’ll be happy to talk about my strengths and qualities that distinguish me from my colleagues” ". nine0005
The main thing is not to overdo it with arrogance, Olga Nikitina, head of the personnel department of the Biplan agency, warns: “Speaking about the problems of the company, we must offer solutions, and not criticize working specialists.”
There are at least 5 answers to this question.
It's trite, but it works, Natalya Valdaeva is sure: “Once we were looking for a specialist for the position of the head of the press service of a large bank, which receives more than a dozen journalistic requests every day. The employer chose a candidate who, in addition to the qualities required for this position (knowledge of banking, contacts in the media, ability to work with content), had experience in daily multitasking. Answering a similar question, he gave specific figures: how many commentaries and other texts he prepared daily. This has become its key advantage.” nine0005
“Tell me why you want to work in this particular company, why you are interested in this particular position. Study the company’s website, read its history, so that in a conversation you don’t get off with general phrases, but argue your interest with facts,” advises Tatyana Lamekina from the Step Consulting Center. You will be remembered by the recruiter if you show your sincere interest and awareness.
If you hear a catch in a recruiter's question, you may not be confident, warns Igor Korganov, senior trainer-consultant at CBSD/Thunderbird Russia. “The problem is that insecurity can make great candidates unaware that they are the perfect fit for the job,” Korganov says. - This happens because they do not know how to correctly evaluate their experience and knowledge. Take an inventory of your achievements using the STAR scheme, a technique used by HR managers in recruiting. The letters STAR stand for situation - task - action - result (situation - task - action - result). Believe yourself in your abilities, then you will not need to convince anyone: at the interview you will speak about yourself confidently and with evidence. nine0005
Use your sense of humor to make the recruiter stand out. “Once I interviewed a man who applied for the position of chief accountant,” says Tatyana Yanina, head of the personnel department of the Hermes federal network. “When asked why we should hire him, he replied: “I'm pretty sure that in this role, many employers see only women. I absolutely agree with them. The advantage of women in this position is obvious. But it so happened that I am a third-generation hereditary accountant, so this is fate.” nine0005
“You can start from the emotional component, focusing on the positive and the ability to energize the entire team,” recalls Olga Nikitina from Biplane. - Personally, I remember three answers to this question during the interviews. A young man offered to regularly sing songs with a guitar, a girl promised to arrange furniture according to Feng Shui so that the business would go well, and another candidate boasted of football skills, although we did not even ask him about it. By the way, the football fan showed not only his skills in handling the ball, but also his extensive knowledge in the field of Internet marketing and was a great asset for the sales department.” nine0005
This question is usually asked towards the end of the interview. So this is your chance to recap everything you and the recruiter talked about during the interview. “The answer to this question is a kind of summary of your conversation,” says Tatyana Yanina. - You have already received enough information to understand what the employer needs. Project this on your capabilities and the results you have achieved in previous jobs. And if the expectations of the employer are still not completely clear to you, do not hesitate to ask additional questions.