Personality test with answers key
Personality Test Practice Questions & Answers
Questions, Analysis and Explanations to find your personality traits and suitable job roles.
“Very nice and detailed book teaches how to get the best answers.” – How2Become customer
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Get instant access to the material right now which includes hundreds of personality style questions, to help you learn about your traits.
WHAT ARE PERSONALITY TESTS?Personality tests (sometimes referred to as personality questionnaires) are becoming more and more popular during the job selection process. Personality tests help to establish a deeper understanding in regards to your personal characteristics. It allows employers to gain an insight into the type of person they might be employing and whether or not that candidate would be suitable for the role.
Different jobs require different traits! Therefore it is important to establish what traits you have and be able to apply them to the job role of your choice.
Although it is often acknowledged that there are no wrong or right answers for personality tests, this guide aims to provide you with the resources to gain an understanding of what you’ll have to face if ever asked to take a personality test. When you undertake a real test it is important to remember that the test you are taking is being used as a screening to determine the BEST candidate for the job. Therefore by understanding the specific characteristics that are important for your position, you will be able to fully prepare yourself. This is why it is important to go through this book carefully and gain a strong understanding of each characteristic and the meaning behind them.
Before taking a personality test you will need to know in terms of your personality, what traits you possess, the traits you lack and most importantly, how these traits are perceived in different job roles.
These questions are designed to measure 5 key personality traits.
These traits are analysed in order to provide an overview of a person’s personality. The higher the score, the more chance of that person having that trait; the lower the score, the less likely a person will have that trait.
This is subcategorised as follows:
- Anxiety
- Vulnerability
- Hostility
- Depression
- Self-consciousness
- Impulsiveness
This is subcategorised as follows:
- Trust
- Straightforwardness
- Modesty
- Compliance
- Altruism
- Tender-mindedness
This is subcategorised as follows:
- Fantasy
- Aesthetics
- Feelings
- Actions
- Ideas
- Values
This is subcategorised as follows:
- Warmth
- Gregariousness
- Assertiveness
- Excitement Seeking
- Positive Emotions
- Activity
This is subcategorised as follows:
- Competence
- Order
- Dutifulness
- Self-Discipline
- Deliberation
- Achievement Striving
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PASS YOUR PERSONALITY TEST- Hundreds of personality test questions for you to work through!
- Detailed explanations of each trait!
- Master how to answer personality test questions effectively and get the job you want!
- Discover your personality traits!
- Find out which jobs you are best suited for
- Learn how to tailor your answers to achieve the job you want
- Increase your chances of success in your job selection process!
- Packed full of insider tips and advice!
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Sample Personality Test Questions
To help you get a better understanding of what a personality test involves, let’s take a quick look at a few sample questions.
FREE | 8 Questions
Personality Test Practice Questions
1. I am easily irritated
2. I am afraid of what awaits me in the future
3. I get nervous talking to people I don’t know
4. I find it hard to trust people
1. I usually believe what people tell me.
2. I am always honest.
3. Trusting someone comes easily to me.
4. I have no reason to doubt people who tell me something.
If you answer mostly true to these questions, it means that your score is going to be high. If your score is high, you would then read the detailed explanation of what this means in terms of personality.
(It is difficult to produce a result based on only a few questions, which is why this comprehensive book contains lots of questions! Personality tests only work if there are lots of questions to answer. This way you will be able to make a better judgement of your personality and analyse your results more accurately).
If you answer mostly false to these questions, it means that your score is going to be low. If your score is low, you would then read the detailed explanation of what this means in terms of personality.
(It is difficult to produce a result based on only a few questions, which is why this comprehensive book contains lots of questions! Personality tests only work if there are lots of questions to answer. This way you will be able to make a better judgement of your personality and analyse your results more accurately).
PASS YOUR PERSONALITY TEST- Hundreds of personality test questions for you to work through!
- Detailed explanations of each trait!
- Master how to answer personality test questions effectively and get the job you want!
- Discover your personality traits!
- Find out which jobs you are best suited for
- Learn how to tailor your answers to achieve the job you want
- Increase your chances of success in your job selection process!
- Packed full of insider tips and advice!
Start Preparing Now 👉
Pass Your Personality Test.

Crafted for everyone, no matter your skill level or background, this download was made to help you achieve one goal: pass your personality test.
Scoring Criteria
Essential information about how you will be assessed during a personality test assessment.
All exercises have been verified by our assessment panel experts for the 2023 tests.
Step-by-step information on how to tackle any style of personality test.
Explanations for all questions so you can be confident in learning and understanding your score.
Insider tips on how to answer the questions and a breakdown on how you will be scored.
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Crafted for everyone, no matter your skill level or background, this download was made to help you achieve one goal: pass your personality test.
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Having helped 1,000s of people pass their assessment tests for over 16 years, it is no wonder our customers love us…
Well I like doing these sort of tests to pass the time and this was a very good book.
Very nice and detailed book teaches how to get the best answers even though they say there are no right or wrong answers.
Complete guidance to ensure you pass the selection tests.
- Hundreds of personality test questions.
- Detailed explanations of personality traits.
- How to answer personality test questions effectively and get the job you want.
- A guide to discovering how your personality matches up with different job types.
- Tips for increasing your chances of success in your job selection process.
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“Great variety of question types, exposes areas of weakness and gives you the means to improve. Clear and concise. Confidence builder. Great practice!”
Practice Free Psychometric Personality Test Questions (2023)
- 3 tests
Personality tests are becoming more and more common in the recruitment process, as they help employers to get a better sense of the people they’re hiring. They’re also proven to be good indicators of aptitude and performance.
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What is a personality test?
A personality test is used to assess various aspects of an individual’s personality. The results of these tests can provide valuable insights into an individual’s strengths and weaknesses, as well as their potential for success in various fields.
Your ability to build relationships, your ethics, how you take instruction and how you deal with customers are just some of the things personality tests seek to understand through a series of multiple-choice questions.
The test will normally always be tailored to the job or industry you’re applying for, and the questions will be designed to evaluate competencies that are important for your employer to see in you.
Unlike more traditional aptitude tests, personality tests don’t tend to have a time limit. This allows you to answer in your own time and not feel rushed to put down an answer.
While it’s important to think about the values, competencies and skills that an employer is likely to be looking for and apply that in the test, it’s also important to be honest. If you’re not true to your own values, then you could end up in a job that’s totally unsuitable for you.
Don’t be surprised if you notice that many of the questions feel repetitive. In order to score candidates as accurately as possible, each trait being tested is assessed by asking multiple questions relating to it. This helps make the test more reliable, as it captures the breadth of the trait being measured.
How are personality tests used by employers?
Recruitment personality questionnaires typically assess a number of traits or competencies in their broadest sense, before breaking these down into more specific means of analysing your personality.
Hiring employers want to get to know as much as possible about the pool of candidates in front of them, which is why a personality test is never used in isolation. It’s designed to bring your values and traits to light, but it doesn’t touch so much on your skills and past experience.
They are, however, occasionally used as a means of shortlisting a large pool of candidates.
If, for example, an employer wants to see how well you’re likely to work in a team, they can evaluate how you performed at your assessment centre to form an educated opinion. A personality test would have brought some of this information to light, but when combined with your role play, interview and group exercises and plotted on an assessment matrix, the employer now has a robust and accurate picture of your ability to work with others.
Often, an employer will ask you to take a personality test online, prior to an interview or assessment centre. Your results can then shape the questions they ask you or the things they challenge you on when they meet you in person.
Another reason why it’s good to prepare, but remember to be true to yourself in your answers too.
While there aren’t technically any right or wrong answers in a personality test, there are traits that are more desirable to some employers than others. For example, in a sales role you’d be expected to score highly in your ability to communicate with others and be sociable, but this won’t be as important in roles that are more analytical, such as data analysis.
We all know that our competencies will be scrutinised throughout the recruitment process, and a personality test is just another means of doing so.
How are personality tests scored?
When your test is completed, your score will be compared with a normative group. This comparison group is made up of hundreds or even thousands of people who have taken the test before, and it helps an employer to benchmark you against others across the different traits being assessed.
But it’s not quite as simple as that. Scoring the personality test involves a machine reading your ‘raw score’ for each trait you’re being tested on.
More often than not sten scoring is used. Sten scores lie on a scale of 1 to 10, with the mean at 5.5. So if you score a 5 or a 6 that’s likely to be indicative of the normative group, but a 1 or 10 would be a more extreme score.
The traits you are tested on may vary slightly from test to test, but will normally be variations of:
- Openness
- Conscientiousness
- Extraversion
- Agreeableness
- Neuroticism
These are the broad traits that are then broken down further to help employers explore specific competencies.
The role you’re applying for will require you to possess certain characteristics. So as we’ve said, technically there are no right or wrong answers – but there are certainly things employers are looking for.
For example, if you’re applying for a customer-facing role and you answer questions indicating you don’t like working with people, that could be a problem.
Free example personality test questions
Trying out some different personality test questions is a really good way to prepare for an upcoming personality test.
The more familiar you are with the different question formats and the wording of the questions themselves, the easier you’ll find it to answer in a way that best reflects you as a person and a valuable employee.
Try a free personality test here.
Can (and should) you prepare for personality tests?
When taking any test, preparation is always recommended — and a personality test is no different.
First, try to get as much information as you can on the type of test you’ll be taking. As you’ll be aware from reading this article, there are a huge variety of test providers, and many ways in which the questions can be asked.
Familiarising yourself with the type of test you’ll be taking is a good idea as it will help to remove any nervousness you may be feeling, and ensure you can concentrate on answering the questions honestly and well. We’ve got an article on how to answer personality test questions if you’re unsure, as well as lots of tips for personality tests.
It’s also important to research and use educated guesswork when thinking about the skills, strengths and traits the role and the company you’re applying for are likely to value. This information can help you shape your answers, and is important to keep in mind when you work through the questions.
Just like with aptitude tests, the best way to prepare for a personality test is to work through mock tests and familiarise yourself with the way the questions read and what you understand each one to mean.
Looking at your results is also a good idea, since it gives you an indication of your personality traits, and how your results are likely to be regarded by an employer.
Prepare yourself for leading employers
Different personality test types and formats
If you’ve been asked to take a personality test as part of a recruitment process, researching the type of test you’ll be taking is important, as well as the values and ethos of the company you’re applying to, and the requirements of the specific role. All of this information will help you to prepare yourself.
Below we cover some of the most common personality tests and question types used by businesses across the UK.
Normative questions
Normative questions require you to answer questions based on how strongly you agree or disagree. The full range of options is normally: strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, strongly disagree.
You’ll select an answer for each statement you read, within which you will of course expect to find the various traits and competencies an employer is assessing you for.
To make the test as fair as possible, the traits will be mixed up within the questions and across the test — making it hard to remember how you’ve answered something similar previously. Another reason why it’s good to be as honest as you can.
Ipsative questions
Designed to be slightly more probing than a normative question, ipsative questions require you to look at a few statements and then rank which ones you most agree or disagree with.
They’re occasionally known as ‘forced choice’ questions, as they require you to dig deep and think about your personal strengths and weaknesses.
Ipsative questions are lauded by those that believe this method of questioning makes people less prone to exaggeration, while critics say they make employers jobs harder as it’s not as easy to compare candidates’ results.
‘Trick’ questions
Trick questions sound daunting, but they’re a good way for employers to keep a check on a candidate’s answers, and get a better understanding of whether they answered questions openly and honestly.
There are many ways to phrase trick questions. It could be through nuanced use of language e.g. “I have never been late in my life” (a very unlikely statement for even the most punctual of people).
Other ‘trick questions’ might include statements related to how positively or negatively you see yourself and your performance at work. For example: “Everyone I meet always likes me instantly”. Here, use of words such as ‘always’ or ‘never’ are indicators of ‘trick questions’ and if you answer strongly either way, it might well be something that an employer follows up in an interview.
SHL Occupational Personality Questionnaire
The SHL OPQ is designed by SHL and is regarded as the most widely used personality test in the recruitment world.
Sometimes scored normatively and sometimes ipsatively, but always using multiple-choice questions, the test is designed to assess a candidate’s competencies. It produces a report on their personality traits and the behaviours they may be expected to show in the workplace.
Predictive Index
The Predictive Index behavioural assessment is designed to probe what you need, personally, to feel motivated and driven in your career. It helps employers to get to know the people they may hire and learn more about what would make them work to the best of their ability.
The test is untimed, and when you’ve finished you’ll be assigned one of 17 different personality categories. While perhaps not a perfect summation of your character, it’s a good indication of what makes you tick.
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
Often known as the MBTI, this test aims to assess how people make decisions. So questions are usually direct, and will ask things such as ‘how do you prefer to make decisions?’ or what your preference is towards several different personality traits.
Saville Wave
The Saville Wave test combines both normative and ipsative multiple-choice questions, via either the professional 40-minute test, or the 14-minute focused version. Unlike many of the other tests, the Saville Wave can only be taken online.
McQuaig Word Survey
The McQuaig Word Survey assesses both your core personality traits and your temperament. Although you’re not timed, the survey takes most people around 10–20 minutes to complete.
Candidates taking the test are urged to trust their instincts and go with their first answer, in order to provide employers with useful information that can be used to tailor the on-boarding process and even the job role itself. In this way, it aims to ensure both employee and employer satisfaction.
Talent Q Dimensions
This test is designed to measure the fit between a candidate and an employer, to ensure the people that best gel with the company are highlighted in the selection process.
The test isn’t timed, but it tends to take people around 25 minutes to complete. Because it focuses on the relationship between employee and employer, it’s also used regularly in team-building exercises and for personal development.
Other personality test types you might encounter include NEO Personality Inventory, DiSC tests, Birkman method tests and DSI tests.
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Personality Tests FAQs
Can you fail a personality assessment?
While your answers are subjective and therefore can’t be marked as right or wrong, it’s important to remember your employer will be looking to see certain traits or competencies in order to hire someone. So making sure you understand what skills and strengths are likely to be valued is important.
What are personality tests used for?
Personality tests are used to assess the character traits of candidates applying for a job role. They can help employers to make a hiring decision, and are used in conjunction with an interview, aptitude test or assessment centre.
Are personality tests timed?
No, personality tests aren’t timed – as it’s important to employers that candidates don’t feel rushed or pressured to answer in a certain way. Take your time when answering; ensure you’ve read the question through properly and understand what it means before answering.
What do personality tests measure?
Personality tests measure everything from your attitude and behaviour, to your strengths, skills, and character traits. This information helps your employer to predict your suitability for both the role and the team you’re applying to work in.
Where can I practice personality tests?
At Practice Aptitude Tests we have numerous practice personality test questions you can try your hand at. It’s a great idea to practice before taking the test for real, as it will help you to get used to the different questions you could be asked.
Which employers use personality tests?
More and more employers are using personality tests to get better insight into the candidates applying to work for them. From HR to sales, there are personality tests for every role imaginable and it’s highly likely you’ll take one at some point in your career.
Personality Tests Tips
1Practice past tests before the one that counts
It will make you familiar with how the tests work.
2Make sure you understand what’s being asked of you
Ask for clarification if not.
3Answer honestly
Going with your gut feeling is always the best way to approach personality tests. If you’re true to yourself, that should mean your answers are consistent and the employer gets a true picture of who you are and where your strengths lie.
4Read the questions thoroughly
Sometimes things are phrased negatively or a trick question may be used. Don’t let yourself come unstuck by rushing, especially as the test isn’t timed. Also don’t skip the introduction: it’s really important to read everything thoroughly and ensure you understand what’s required of you.
5Be confident in your position
Answering neutrally too often isn’t something many employers will be looking for.
6Be honest
Remember that if you’re honest, your answers are likely to be consistent — and employers like consistency
7Check through the test before submitting it
So you don’t miss any questions. By all means come back to any you struggle with, but it’s important to answer everything.
8Ask for feedback
Whether you get the job or not. It’s always good to learn more about yourself and how you come across to an employer.
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Personality test of 20 questions that will tell you about your personality type Ustaliy.

in Psychological tests, Personality and character tests
published Psychologist
Some take psychological tests to find out something new about themselves. Others want to amuse their vanity, hoping to hear something good about themselves. Finally, others conduct testing just like that, having nothing to do and to have fun. Whichever category you belong to, you will surely like this test. Your personality type will be determined by your behavior when communicating with other people.
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How to create a personality test
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Sample Personality Test
Sample Quiz Test
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First, a simple interface that editors quickly picked up on.
Secondly, with this simplicity, there are several different test scenarios that meet our needs.
Thirdly, the ability to "attach" analytics to each test, which allows you to analyze the effectiveness in the usual GA and Yandex.Metrica. Since we use game mechanics to generate leads, this is a very important point.
Plus, prompt support on all issues, which is very pleasant and convenient.
Irina Boldyreva
Editor in Kanobu
In Kanobu we often do tests as part of editorial and partner materials. We were looking for a test constructor that would seamlessly integrate into our articles.
I really like the possibilities:
- to add partner blocks, while there is a wide choice of them: from color customization and branding to product cards at the end of the test;
- view detailed statistics on passing the test: from the type of device and geo to the funnel of passing the test.
Madtest also has amazing support that responds to questions in minutes and helps in case of problems.
Thanks to the Madtest team for such a service and product 💙
Anna Kumitskaya
Media Rights Protection Center*,
reliable, and on the other - not very expensive. The previous resource, on which we did tests for the audience of our site, suddenly began to cost like an airplane wing, paying a lot of money for functions that we don’t really need, we didn’t really want to. Therefore, I am very glad that my colleagues advised Madtest.
Very well thought out tool. It has everything we needed: from the ability to change the design, adjust the colors you need, and ending with the ability to collect and analyze statistics. I would like to emphasize that you can insert a call to action in the service, and not just one, but different ones, depending on the result shown by the user. I find it very convenient that the call to action can contain both a link and a contact collection form (we have chosen this option so far).
The interface of the service is intuitive, even a person who has never worked with such tools will be able to figure it out the first time. You can create a test from scratch (it's not difficult at all), or you can use a ready-made template. You can set the time for passing the test, the way it is displayed on the site, add comments to the correct and incorrect answers. All in all, there is everything you need if you are creating fun or educational quizzes.
We chose the "Basic" tariff, it has restrictions on the number of domains on which you can embed the test. Despite this, technical support agreed and removed this restriction, allowing the use of tests on some of our other sites. By the way, about technical support - you can get advice if something is not clear, you can literally within a few minutes, you do not have to wait for hours, which is super convenient.
I can definitely recommend the Madtest test builder to those who create tests for their audience, are looking for a stylish but simple solution for this, do not want to spend a lot of time analyzing the site and want to get the necessary statistics.
*recognized as an NPO acting as a foreign agent.
Nikolai Korneev
Internet marketer at Vostok-Service LLC
We used Madtest to conduct a competition for clients. I liked the ease of use of the service, support, which quickly answers and helps with the setup.
The service has a part of the unrealized functionality that is being completed, it's good that the team listens to the wishes and gradually adds features.
Definitely recommend.
- We were looking for an interface where you can insert extended text for each of the answer options. This is important for us: we are a medical portal - in the answers we want to give an explanation of the correct option or support it with facts, research.
- We needed a Russian-language website and test interface: not all 103 journalists who work with tests speak English. And although most often everything is simple, English-language sites caused a slight panic and required time to “figure it out”.
- It is possible to make a personalized test and a regular test quiz. We actively use both of these formats: if we want to help understand the symptoms of the disease, then the first one, if we want to test the knowledge of users or share interesting facts, the second one.
- We also appreciated communication with support: they answered without delay and helped to resolve all issues related to paying for the package.
Definitely recommended! If you are a large portal and you need a clear and simple service, you will not go wrong with the choice.
Nikita Pokazannikov
Managing Editor of
Thank you for developing Madtest!
The service is very convenient and visually beautiful, we use it with pleasure. We are pleased with the ease of creating tests and surveys: from our own experience, we can say that everything is much easier here than in the same Typeform, where you need to manually build logical connections.
But still, some things in the functionality are a little lacking. The most important is the ability to create questionnaires with "open" answers, but we are sure that the team will soon add this functionality.
Sasha Baranova
Internet Marketing Specialist at Teddy Food
When we thought about creating a test game, Madtest was a real find for us! We wanted a sales test, so the ability to embed a CTA came in handy. The builder itself is easy to use, besides, the guys instantly helped in the chat with any questions.
I really liked the ability to customize the design for branded colors. The builders we've looked at so far have offered rather sparse and old-fashioned designs.
Users really liked the finished test, we received a lot of feedback! We will definitely repeat the experience with test games based on Madtest.
Ekaterina Pavlova
Content Manager at Wikium
First of all, I want to note a simple and understandable interface - it saves time. Another plus is variability, you can run not only quizzes, but also do personality tests, in which the result depends on the selected answer options. This makes it possible to revive the audience and further engage users.
The design can be customized: upload photos, change the color of buttons, etc. there is an opportunity to adjust the quiz to the brand book. Special thanks to the support service for prompt resolution of issues and quick feedback!
Tanya Gumenyuk
PR-manager at Poster
I'm used to Poster's clients saying that we have the best technical support, that we are about favor, care and 24/7. But now I ran into our competitor) The guys from Madtest - you are cool! Thank you for responding quickly, answering with participation, if some function is not yet available, suggest how you can solve the problem in another way.
Our task was to quickly launch tests for an audience of 3000 restaurateurs in Telegram. We considered quiz-bots in Telegram, looked at a couple of other projects, but madtest bribed me with its technical support and rapidly developing features. I hope we are with you for a long time)
Ruslan Shekurov
Founder of DonorSearch
Association "Non-profit partnership for the development of donation" Donor-Search "thanks Madtest for the support in the implementation of a special project for the National Blood Donor Day in Russia - . Thanks to the convenience of the platform for creating a quiz about the history of donation, we managed to reach 10,000 people who completed this quest with a conversion of over 25%.
This is an excellent indicator, especially positive feedback from donors, members of the DonorSearch community. The development of a volunteer movement to promote blood donation in higher educational institutions has a high social significance.
Possibilities of quizzes for any tasks
Possibilities of quizzes for any tasks
Simple and convenient editor0003
customized design
Tune the topic, color, rounding and work of the Quiz as a whole - to accurately comply with your brand
Issue personalized certificates depending on the typed result. You can customize the design and fields of the certificate
Completion timer
Set the time that the user is given to complete the entire quiz or each question
Limit attempts
Make the passage more difficult and interesting - limit the number of incorrect answers
Show logical results and branching 9002 depending on the user's answers, leading through the desired funnel
Annotations to the answers
Add comments that the user will see after answering the question - increases interest and motivates to pass
Quiz as a landing page
Design your quiz as a full-fledged promo site — add a logo, slogan, contact details and links to social networks
Quiz branding
all quizzes — analogue of WhiteLabel
Integration with services
Set up the transfer of applications and statistical data to third-party analytics, mailing and CRM services
Unique blocks
Add unique blocks to your quiz such as promo codes, product selections, cards, buttons, images and videos
Create a quiz
Create your first quiz now
7 days free
Credit card not required
Our test formats
Our test formats
Quiz test
A format that has right and wrong answers.