Personality development means
Personality and Personality Development - An Overview
Every individual has his own characteristic way of behaving, responding to emotions, perceiving things and looking at the world. No two individuals are similar.
You might like going out for parties but your friend might prefer staying back at home reading his/her favourite book. It is really not necessary that if you like partying around, your friend will also like the same. Here comes the role of personality.
What an individual sees in his childhood days and most importantly his/her growing days form his personality. How an individual is raised plays an important role in shaping his/her personality.
Personality is nothing but the aggregate conglomeration of memories and incidents in an individuals entire life span . Environmental factors, family background, financial conditions, genetic factors, situations and circumstances also contribute to an individuals personality.
In a laymans language, how we behave in our day to day lives reflects our personality. How an individual behaves depends on his family background, upbringing, social status and so on.
An individual with a troubled childhood would not open up easily. He/she would always hesitate to open his heart in front of others. Some kind of fear would always be there within him. An individual who never had any major problems in life would be an extrovert and would never have issues interacting and socializing with others.
You really cant blame an individual for not being an extrovert. It is essential to check his/her background or past life. It is quite possible that as a child, he was not allowed to go out of his home, play and freak out with friends. These individuals start believing that their home is their only world and they are not safe outside. Such a mindset soon becomes their personality.
Personality also influences what we think, our beliefs, values and expectations. What we think about others depends on our personality.
In a laymans language personality is defined as the personal qualities and characteristics of an individual. Personality is how we interact with others. Personality is a sum of characteristics of an individual which makes him different from the others. It is our personality which makes us unique and helps us stand apart from the crowd.
Determinants of Personality
Following are the factors which help in shaping ones personality:
- Heredity - Heredity refers to factors that are determined once an individual is born. An individuals physique, attractiveness, body type, complexion, body weight depend on his/her parents biological makeup.
- Environment - The environment to which an individual is subjected to during his growing years plays an important role in determining his/her personality. The varied cultures in which we are brought up and our family backgrounds have a crucial role in shaping our personalities.
- Situation - An individuals personality also changes with current circumstances and situations. An individual would behave in a different way when he has enough savings with him and his behavior would automatically change when he is bankrupt.
An individuals appearance, character, intelligence, attractiveness, efficiency, style determine his/her personality.
What is Personality Development ?
Personality development is defined as a process of developing and enhancing ones personality. Personality development helps an individual to gain confidence and high self esteem.
Personality development also is said to have a positive impact on ones communication skills and the way he sees the world. Individuals tend to develop a positive attitude as a result of personality development.
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Importance of Personality Development
An individuals personality refers to his/her appearance, characteristics, attitude, mindset and behavior with others.
Let us go through the importance of personality development.
Personality development grooms an individual and helps him make a mark of his/her own. Individuals need to have a style of their own for others to follow them. Do not blindly copy others. You need to set an example for people around. Personality development not only makes you look good and presentable but also helps you face the world with a smile.
Personality development goes a long way in reducing stress and conflicts. It encourages individuals to look at the brighter sides of life. Face even the worst situations with a smile. Trust me, flashing your trillion dollar smile will not only melt half of your problems but also evaporate your stress and worries. There is no point cribbing over minor issues and problems.
Personality development helps you develop a positive attitude in life. An individual with a negative attitude finds a problem in every situation. Rather than cribbing and criticizing people around, analyze the whole situation and try to find an appropriate solution for the same.
Remember, if there is a problem, there has to be a solution as well. Never lose your cool. It would make the situation worse.
It is essential for individuals to behave well with people around. Being polite with others will not only make you popular among other people but also earn you respect and pride. You cant demand respect by being rude with people around.
Personality development plays an important role in developing not only your outer but also inner self. Human being is a social animal. One needs people around. An individual needs to have that magnetic power which attracts people towards him. You need to have that charisma of yours. Personality development helps you gain recognition and acceptance from the society as well as people around.
Personality development plays an essential role not only in an individuals professional but also personal lives. It makes an individual disciplined, punctual and an asset for his/her organization. An in-disciplined individual finds it difficult to survive in the long run. Personality development teaches you to respect not only your Boss and fellow workers but also family members, friends, neighbours, relatives and so on. Never make fun of anyone at the workplace. Avoid criticizing and making fun of your fellow workers.
One should never carry his/her attitude or personal grudges to work. Office is not a place where you can be rude to others just because you had a fight with your friend last night. Personality development sessions help you differentiate between your personal as well as professional life. It is really essential to keep a balance between both the lives to lead a peaceful and stress free life.
Personality development helps an individual to inculcate positive qualities like punctuality, flexible attitude, willingness to learn, friendly nature, eagerness to help others and so on. Never hesitate to share information with others. Always reach office on time. Some people have a tendency to work till late. Late sittings not only increase your stress levels but also spoil your personal life. Sitting till late at the office indicates that an individual is extremely poor in time management skills.
Personality development helps you develop an impressive personality and makes you stand apart from the rest. Personality development also plays an essential role in improving ones communication skills. Individuals ought to master the art of expressing their thoughts and feelings in the most desired way. Personality development makes you a confident individual who is appreciated and respected wherever he goes.
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Ways of Personal Development: 8 Strategies for Growth
There comes a point in life when you feel ready to move to the next level and start looking for suitable ways to develop your personality. You feel that the lessons of the past have served you well, they have made you stronger and wiser.
And even if things are going well in life, you still want to take the next step. Whether it's your career or your personal growth, you'll eventually want to push yourself beyond your current limitations.
So, let's say you decide to move to the next level of development, the only question is: how to do it?
In this article, we will offer you eight amazing strategies to help you step forward and explore the conditions and ways of personal development.
But first, let's figure out why we need to develop at all, set goals and achieve them?
Why can't we do it?
Initiating progress in life can be quite difficult. This is especially true when we achieve some degree of success. In our quest for excellence, we often fall into this trap and feel like we can't go any further.
No matter what we do, it seems that we are stuck at this level for the rest of our lives. Moreover, it may seem that we have reached the highest level possible, even if at one time we intended to go much further.
Feeling stagnant can be dangerous. Due to the fact that it seems to us that there is no progress, we may completely lose the desire to develop. This is a vicious circle that gives rise to many restrictions and bad habits. They make us content with what we have. Ultimately, this complacency limits our progress, sometimes we don't even know what personal development is all about.
Ways of personal development
“Being in the world and not marking your existence with anything - it seems terrible to me.”
V. Gogol
Fortunately, nothing is lost. Even if you feel discouraged at the moment, small but effective adjustments can take you to new heights. All it takes is courage and a desire for more.
Let's tear down the walls of mediocrity. Here's what you can do.
Personal development strategies
So, here are 8 effective ways to reach a new level:
1. Go beyond fear
Fear hinders and limits us. It underlies stagnation in life. We are afraid of the unknown, afraid to face our limitations. So instead of having the courage to take risks, we are passively held captive by limitations. We may complain about them, but we do nothing to go beyond them.
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We let others make decisions for us and pass responsibility for our lives to questionable third parties.
Moreover, fear makes us avoid seeking new experiences. We give up on our dreams and no longer challenge ourselves to achieve perfection.
But what are we so afraid of? We are afraid of failure, so we try to avoid it at all costs. Because of the fear of failure, we are embarrassed to take risks, fearing to experience a painful defeat.
But you don't have to be afraid of failure. Every time we get back on our feet after a terrible fall, we become a little stronger. Failure helps you grow. And more often than not, unexpected opportunities can be a direct consequence of failure.
Working with your fears is the foundation of personal development.
1st Point Summary:
- Give yourself permission to fail;
- Feel free to try something new, only in this way can you move forward in life;
- Use your failures as a guarantee of success.
2. Taking risks
Overcoming the fear of failure is so important because it gives us the opportunity to take risks. After all, progress and growth can only be achieved when we are willing to step outside of our comfort zone. Everything else will keep us where we are.
The reason so many people get stuck in life is because they don't want to take risks. They are accustomed to the ordinary, so they no longer have a burning desire to achieve greatness.
Ways of personal development
“The right to be stupid is one of the guarantees for the free development of the individual.”
Mark Twain
Instead of solving problems, we get used to mediocrity. Once we reach a certain level of success, we hit pause in an attempt to keep things the way they are. So our development stops.
Result 2:
- Have the courage to take risks;
- Don't get attached to the result;
- Challenge yourself to go beyond your limits;
- Your willingness to take on new challenges will take you to the next level.
3. Do not depend on other people's opinions
Trying to please everyone will not lead to anything. It only hinders progress in life.
The fear of what other people think of us keeps us in a cage that is very difficult to get out of. We become so accustomed to the boundaries of this cage that we automatically behave in a way that does not upset anyone, even if it means limiting ourselves and our progress.
Nowadays too many people try to please everyone. But we cannot change how other people think of us. And we certainly can't please everyone. It's just not possible.
Our tendency to please others keeps us from reaching our full potential. Instead of pursuing our own goals, we try to cause as little inconvenience to others as possible.
Therefore, caring too much about what other people think of us, we will always remain a prisoner of their opinion.
3rd Point Summary:
- Don't let other people's opinions stop you from achieving your dreams;
- You will have to decide what is more important for you: moving to the next level or caring about other people's opinions;
- Trying to please everyone is the key to failure;
- The best thing you can do is believe in yourself and do what you think is right.
4. Do not stop there
Comfort is the enemy of progress. It makes us satisfied and full.
Don't get me wrong, stability, security and comfort can be very important in certain areas of life. However, when it comes to moving to the next level of development, these things are not always helpful.
If we become too comfortable, the unquenchable desire to continue to explore and learn something new will gradually fade. Instead of experimenting and taking risks, we will stop striving for new heights.
The reason why complacency is the enemy of progress is simple. If we do not constantly develop, we will degrade.
Stability is only an appearance, in fact we are constantly moving somewhere, and complacency and a sense of comfort is what makes us move back.
Total 4 points:
- Do not indulge in nostalgia;
- Remind yourself that there is always room for improvement and room for growth;
- Constantly strive to do something better than what you are doing now.
5. Identify your limiting beliefs
If we are stuck at some level in life, it is important to find out what is preventing us from progressing. Usually we are focused on our inability to move forward, and this makes it difficult to determine the cause of the problem.
Interestingly, many people progress until they reach a certain limit that they can't get over. In such cases, it is the person's belief system that serves as an obstacle to further progress.
Our beliefs shape the world we live in. They exist only in our minds, but they are real barriers that limit our progress.
5 points total:
- Ask yourself what is holding you back;
- Try to change these negative beliefs. It is important to understand that the problem is that we form unrealistic beliefs that are not based on reality. And once we accept them as reality, we automatically limit our progress.
6. To fight the demons of the past for personal development
The past significantly influences our present behavior.
Therefore, the negative experiences of the past can severely limit our current progress. Too often, we are haunted by inner demons who whisper sweet excuses to keep us from moving on to the next level of development.
These demons confront us with our own anxieties, insecurities, and weaknesses that we don't want to deal with. They convince us that it is better to stay where we are than to face the unknown.
6 points total:
- To influence change, you need to confront your inner demons;
- You will move forward only after you can confront your deepest fears.
7. Detach from the results of efforts
Many things keep us where we are. One is the burden we put on ourselves by trying to go too far.
Focusing on results puts a lot of pressure on us. Therefore, too much obsession with a particular outcome is counterproductive.
In an ever-changing world, we must remain flexible.
Events rarely turn out exactly the way we would like them to. Therefore, a productive life requires the ability not to become too attached to specific results. This will give us the opportunity to bypass dead ends on the path of life and choose the right course.
Detachment from results and flexible thinking are good skills for personal development.
Total 7 points:
- You should not be overly attached to the concept of going to the next level;
- Your focus should not be on reaching the next level, but on doing something meaningful that will help you grow. Development is a consequence, not a cause.
8. Stop looking for a big idea
What characterizes personality development? First of all, a smooth upward movement from your level.
Instead of trying to take even a step forward, many people want to immediately reach other planets and solar systems. They live in a world not based on reality.
Instead of progressing from one level to another, these people dream of going all the way in one step.
They are looking for a big idea that will help them progress. But in most cases, such an idea simply does not exist. As a result, people chase the specter of their success instead of acting for their progress.
Results of the 8th point:
- Move step by step;
- Feel free to do something small but useful.
Of course, the ways of personality formation and development are not limited to these 8 points, but they underlie all the others.
We give a visual table of all methods:
1. Overcome fear | 2. Riskit |
3. Do not depend on the opinions of others | 4. Do not dwell on | 6. Let go of the past |
7. Don't get attached to results | 8. Master the art of small steps |
To move to the next level of development, you must go beyond your limits. Development lies outside your comfort zone.
But he's worth the risk. Greatness can be achieved if you use a variety of methods to develop your creative personality and don't let limitations get in the way of your progress.
And always remember that everything you do should be done in the best possible way.
Self-education as a means of personal development
Author : Borzieva Zaira Magometovna
Rubric : Psychology
Posted by V young scientist №34 (324) August 2020
Publication date of : 23.08.2020 2020-08-23
Article viewed: 215 times
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Borzieva, Z. M. Self-education as a means of personal development / Z. M. Borzieva. - Text: direct // Young scientist. - 2020. - No. 34 (324). - S. 111-112. — URL: (date of access: 03/27/2023).
This article will reveal the essence and content of the process of self-education, consider the main types of self-education, components or methods of self-education.
Keywords: self-education, components or methods and types of self-education.
Every adult comes to the conclusion that he needs to improve his abilities, skills and abilities. To do this, you need to do a lot of work to educate your personality. Everyone knows that education is a process that lasts throughout a person’s life. That is, from birth, he is influenced by parents, educators, teachers, etc. At the same time, it is important that a person educates himself too. It turns out that education is a two-way process. On the one hand, there is an external influence on a person, on the other, a person’s influence on himself, that is, self-education.
The main goal of self-education is the desire of a person to accustom himself to something. It is believed that self-education is positive, because a person seeks to develop some positive qualities in himself instead of negative ones. For example, organization, discipline, restraint, etc. The formation of such personality traits through self-education begins in the family, then continues in the educational team, etc.
Let us consider more specifically what the process of self-education is.
Self-education is a purposeful conscious activity of a person aimed at the realization of oneself as a person, the formation and improvement of moral, aesthetic, physical and labor qualities.
Self-education is associated with a clear understanding of goals, critical thinking, the ability for self-expression, self-improvement.
As mentioned above, self-education and upbringing are in close and inextricable connection with each other, since both processes are aimed at the formation and development of the personality and require the same thing from a person:
- comprehensive knowledge of oneself;
– development and improvement of positive qualities;
– formation and development of knowledge, skills and abilities of a creative nature.
Self-education is always formed through self-consciousness. A person learns to objectively evaluate himself, see his positive qualities and weaknesses and work on them. The degree of self-consciousness depends on the goal that a person sets for himself. This may be a concentration of attention on any activity that he performs, or deep reflections on himself, his inner world.
In accordance with the qualities that a person develops in himself, the following types of self-education are distinguished:
- intellectual self-education, the main purpose of which is the desire to acquire new knowledge, improve professional skills, expand the worldview;
- ethical self-education - aimed at improving communication skills, developing the ability to conduct a dialogue;
- physical self-education - aimed at improving the physical condition of the body, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, playing sports;
- psychological self-education - its main goal is to balance the volitional qualities of the individual.
Self-education is one of the important factors in the formation of personality, the development of its abilities and character. It is thanks to self-education that a person seeks to adjust his own personal qualities to social requirements.
The components of self-education are:
- introspection of personal development, that is, a person’s reflection on some of his individual qualities, which contributes to more deliberate actions and actions in the future;
- self-report - helps a person to take responsibility for their actions and deeds;
- self-control - helps to identify the qualities of character and assess their capabilities;
- self-assessment - makes it possible to objectively evaluate oneself, look at oneself as if from the outside and evaluate individual traits and qualities of a person.
In order to form these qualities in oneself, it is necessary to use the methods of self-education. These include: self-persuasion, self-hypnosis and self-commitment.
These methods become some kind of motives when a person starts some business. By self-persuasion, he convinces himself that this business can be useful. Self-hypnosis - that everything will work out and thereby, his self-confidence increases. Self-commitment is that a person makes a promise to himself to complete the work he has begun.
Summing up, we can say that self-education is not difficult. The main thing is to have a strong will and persevere.
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- Pisareva T. A. General foundations of pedagogy: lecture notes - M .: Education, 2004
- Sharokhina E. V., Petrova O. O., Dolganova O. V. Pedagogy: Proc. for higher textbook institutions - M .: Education, 2008
Basic terms (automatically generated) : quality, self-education, type of self-education, main goal, personality quality, method of self-education.
self-education, components or methods and types of self-educationself-education, components or methods and types of self-education
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