Percentage of occurrence aba

Taking Effective Data: Percentage and Rating Scales

Circling back to our look at the RBT™ Task List, let’s continue to look at A-02 Continuous Measurement procedures which is probably the most used method in school if you’re taking any direct observation data. These include ABC data collection, frequency or count, rate, latency, and a few more. Let’s look at PERCENTAGE and RATING SCALE recording. These are probably the most used in a school setting. Here we go!

Looking for student data tracking sheets to record daily incidents of challenging or problem behavior to help with classroom behavior management

Contains a variety of forms for behavior data measurement systems in digital and print. 

CLICK HERE to see them in my TpT store. 

Read more about Behavior Management and the Crisis Cycle HERE.

Percentage Recording

Probably the most commonly used measurement in a school setting, in particular, but maybe even in a clinical setting.  

A percentage measurement expresses a proportional quantity, correct-to-incorrect responses. For example, Joe follows routine one-step directions 80% of the time.

Percentage recording, while useful for measuring progress, has some considerations because if not done thoughtfully, it can be used incorrectly:

  • Can be misleading. Think about it. If the goal is set for 80%, and the student was given 1 opportunity and got it right, that’s 100%, and if they got it wrong, that’s 0%. So the best way to use it is with the most opportunities possible to really see an accurate measurement.
  • Has limited use because it has no time dimension. Doing 5 things in 5 minutes is quick different than doing 5 things in a month. Yet, the percentage would be the same if the numbers of correct was the same.

With that said, there’s an easy way to make percentage fairly practical: provide a minimum opportunity standard and a time frame. 

For example, “will follow routine one-step directions 80% of the time of at least 5 consecutive opportunities within a 2-hour interval” or “will  complete toileting routine independently in 8 out of 10 opportunities across three consecutive data days.

How do you take Percentage Recordings

  • Have a clearly defined behavior. Can someone who doesn’t know the student identify the start and stop of the behavior if they read the description and see it in action?
  • Make sure staff are trained and a good way to measure it (e.g., clipboard with behavior definition and data sheet).
  • Mark whether the student’s response (the defined behavior) was Correct (+) or Incorrect (-) at the bare minimum. Additional insight may be useful with prompt levels required for correct responses.
  • At the end of each identified set of opportunities, calculate the percentage by dividing the correct responses by the total number of opportunities. Express that in a percentage format.


Goal: When given a field of three pictures of common nouns and a direction to, “Find the…”, TimmyTuTu will point to the correct noun within 3 seconds improving receptive nouns from 25 nouns to 50 nouns (across 4 different classes) in 8 out of 10 opportunities (80%) on three consecutive data days.
Raw data (10 new words, materials in student’s binder): Day 1: + + – – – + + – –   =  4 / 10 = 40%
Day 2: + + + – – – + – + – = 5 / 10 = 50%
And so on

Example of Percentage Recording