How to leave a marriage
How To Plan To Leave Your SpouseIf you’re considering ending your marriage, the road ahead can seem overwhelming, paved with financial, emotional, logistical, and domestic challenges. Walking out abru...
Symptoms of effexor
Side effects of venlafaxine - NHS Like all medicines, venlafaxine can cause side effects in some people, but many people have no side effects, or only minor ones.Some of the common side effects of ven...
Yogi personality type
What Is A Yogi Personality? 7 Surprising Qualities To KnowThere comes a point in your yoga journey when you start asking: What is a yogi personality, anyway?Does being an authentic yogi mean sporting...
Feeling depressed about money
Coping with Financial Stress - HelpGuide.orgstressFeeling overwhelmed by money worries? Whatever your circumstances, there are ways to get through these tough economic times, ease stress and anxiety,...
Make long distance work
Therapists Share How to Make Long Distance Relationships WorkAfter endless searching, you finally found someone worth holding onto. And you’re really happy together. But through certain circumstances,...
Self righteous woman
The Self-Righteous WifeI’ve spoken to newly married girlfriends who have shared their frustrations with their new spouse. There is generally some area that the women wish their husbands would improve...
Mental bullying statistics
Bullying Statistics - National Bullying Prevention CenterA comprehensive overview of current bullying prevention research conducted by government and higher education agencies.Rates of IncidenceOne ou...
Types of abnormality in psychology
8 Examples of Abnormal PsychologyAbnormal Psychology DisordersAnxiety Disorders Dissociative Disorders Mood Disorders Schizophrenia Personality Disorders Depressive Disorders Bipolar Disorders Obsessi...
Career related personality types
6 Personality Types & How They Impact Career ChoicesPeople are happier and most productive when their career choice matches their personality, a theory developed from The Holland Codes. Researcher, Jo...