Mental health kits

Mental health kits
18 Things to Put in Your Mental Health Crisis KitWhen you live with a mental illness, you often can’t predict when you’ll find yourself struggling next. Sometimes, you’ll be sitting at your desk worki...

Bipolar biological causes

Bipolar biological causes
Bipolar Disorder Causes & Risk FactorsWritten by WebMD Editorial Contributors In this Article The Brain and Bipolar Disorder Is Bipolar Disorder Genetic? What Role Does Environment and Lifestyle Pl...

What causes irritability and mood swings

What causes irritability and mood swings
What causes irritability? Symptoms, severity, and treatmentsWhen a person feels irritable, small things that would not usually bother them can make them feel annoyed or agitated. The resulting tension...

It careers for introverts

It careers for introverts
10 tech jobs for introverts Getty Images/JLco - Julia AmaralIntroverts tend to be more reserved, deliberate, and retiring than their extroverted friends and may prefer to work independently. The Ameri...

Is talking to myself a sign of mental illness

Is talking to myself a sign of mental illness
Why Do People Talk to Themselves? The Impacts of Self-TalkWritten by WebMD Editorial Contributors In this Article Why People Talk to Themselves Self-Talk and Mental Health Mental Health Conditions...

What does reinforcement mean in psychology

What does reinforcement mean in psychology
What Is Reinforcement? Psychology, Definition, And ApplicationsReinforcement psychology is the study of the effect of reinforcement techniques on behavior. Much of reinforcement psychology is based on...

Fear of thunderstorms and lightning

Fear of thunderstorms and lightning
Overcoming the Fear of Thunder and LightningAnxiety DisordersPhobiasIf you or someone you know has a fear of lightning that causes you to hide in your closet or avoid attending events, you may have as...

Does my girlfriend have bpd

Does my girlfriend have bpd
Signs You Might Be Dating Someone with BPDDating can be a complex and tricky endeavor. Relationships require work, compromise, communication, empathy, and understanding. Things become even more compli...

Dependent personality disorder treatment self help

Dependent personality disorder treatment self help
Dependent personality disorder treatment self help : tips and advice.Interesting independent personality facts. For someone with dependent personality disorder (DPD) life can be full of challenges and...

What is most important in a relationship

What is most important in a relationship
Making It Work- 7 Things That Are More Important Than Love in RelationshipsMarch 11, 2019 Our relationships are some of the most challenging and rewarding aspects of life. Finding someone you want to...